HomeMy WebLinkAbout080824 EAR Advisory Board Meeting PacketN d > CD N -W U) C OO L M .i., Q d N 3 CDm Q 0 O =U 2 L r � � UV U 0 rn m � O Ln r, v N O ' W lZ0 N Ln u i O v i v co M E N QJ v O -C +: N bA QJ U C: U Q1 � 41 �N M aj i Ln r11 i 4-1 O U c rn c v 0, Ln v U N O -0 +, O _ai E N a E E o p...a N c aj f6 2 C O4.1 Q Q > C 0 o N m M as 'a 0 0 0 0 0 Q. m Q U Q El _ 0 i a� Q L. O Q N c� G 0 U a N a aD N x d Z _ d U 0 d 0 J N = cc R o L N N�N o LL 0 W 0 = 0 y 3 � 3 N 0 d R O 3 x (i W .5 .0 Li (� 0- CD M N N O N U) d 0 E x d L Q L O CD � /� , �// VA Q EQUITY, ACCESS, AND RIGHTS ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES DATE: July 11, 2024, START TIME: 12:30p.m. LOCATION: City Hall (In person and virtual) VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Alyson McWilliams, Cameron Jones, Julia Cochrane, Laurie Riley, Richard Rogers, Stephanie Burns, Francisca Ramirez Aquino NON -VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Mayor Howard (Council Liaison) MEMBERS EXCUSED: (None) MEMBERS ABSENT: (None) CITY STAFF PRESENT: Marketing and Communications Director Shelly Leavens and Deputy City Clerk Lonnie Mickle Topic Action Call to Order: Co -Chair Cameron Jones called the meeting to order at 12:38pm. Approval of Minutes: June 13, 2024 Discussion ensued around adding Approval of Agenda. Motion: Cameron Jones made a motion to switch Item 6 and Item 7. Stephanie Burns Cameron Jones suggested switching Items 6 and Item 7 on the agenda. seconded. Vote: Motion passed unanimously. Motion: Cameron Jones made a motion to switch Item 6 and Item 7. Stephanie Burns seconded. Vote: Motion passed unanimously. Motion: Julia Cochrane made a motion to Motion: Julia Cochrane made a motion to approve the June 13, 2024, minutes. approve the June 13, 2024, minutes. Laurie Riley seconded. Laurie Riley seconded. Vote: Motion passed unanimously. Vote: Motion passed unanimously. General Public Comment: There was no public comment. Community Agreements Co -Chair Stephanie Burns presented on Community Agreements which included importance of Community Agreements, driven by values, identifying shared values, what and how we accomplish work as an Advisory Board, why Topic Action identifying values is important, idea of rules, and being aware of potential bias. The Board participated in an identifying values, expectations, and practices exercise. Co -Chairs Stephanie Burns and Cameron Jones will take Community Agreement Discussion ensued around co-chairs receiving feedback and creating a final feedback and create a final draft to bring draft to bring to the next meeting for final review and approval. back to the next meeting for final review and approval. Workplan and Budget Letter Discussion and Scope of Work Co -Chair Cameron Jones introduced the Workplan and Budget Letter/Scope of Work Discussion which included giving the Council a few focused items, brainstorming ideas regarding Scope of Work, requirements of body from charter, Equity, Access, and Rights Education training and resources, organizational DEI assessment, Council Workshop purpose, City Council train ing/onboard ing, access/engagement, personal connections, July 22 Council Retreat details, policy decision, physical access to City Hall barrier, sensory deprivation, closed captioning, housing financial requirements, list of resources, accessibility, barriers to participation, inflation, lack of middle class housing, city minimum wage, mortgage/social security numbers, ease to city water hookup, middle income housing, and permitting. Discussion continued around rental cap, rental increase notification cap, state constitution changes, increasing home ownership, property taxes, survey, advisory board to the city, thinking globally acting locally, permitting process and requirements for receiving housing, zoning, Comprehensive Plan process, networking, community engagement, Housing Fund Board, Data Needs and Assessment Committee, Community Engagement grant, support entities that already exist, knowing what we can do, outreach to organizations, resource list, community engagement events, physical/digital/translation access, transportation element, Jefferson Transit Board, Active Transportation, needing people to show up, Comprehensive Plan Studio Workshop, Farmers Market, reading through city policies, identifying barriers to engagement/budgetary impact, citizen paperwork, EAR assessment piece, landscape analysis, engagement education piece, tasking requests, PT2045PIanning.org, co-chairs Topic Action will work on wordsmithing, letter comes from board chairs, and vacancy with representative from homeless community. Julia Cochrane left at 2:16pm Network Identification and Building Motion: Cameron Jones made a motion to move Network Identification and Building to Motion: Cameron Jones made a motion to move Network Identification and the August meeting. Stephanie Burns Building to the August meeting. Stephanie Burns seconded. seconded. Vote: Motion passed unanimously Vote: Motion passed unanimously Public Comment on Agenda Items (3 minutes per person) There was no public comment. Committee Member Updates Discussion ensued around how homeless community would be aware if there is a vacancy on the board and advisory board vacancy process. Staff Updates: Staff updates were provided. Set Agenda for Next Meeting The board set the agenda for the next meeting. Next Meeting: August 8, 2024, at 12:30pm Adjourn: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:34pm U a CD N C Q) a) cn cn cB U O c}o 06 E aa)i o co c a' _� 0 c � a) a L O a) N Q ° ° ° cn cB O N u°i = > p W — C L m O 06 CUQ Q O E aN) JCl)•° co WU O Q cnW cn a)t4 O cE -0 U p = n ° c uui c6 > O o a) (o co a) E N c a) O U COM o ) O° La) cn Q W cn > a)co oo o°U) T_ E o m co Q E OO 6 vNo O o E oE a) o _ o aOov)o),o Q cE"EEci mo U) E Cc,,) o cn co o 0 U) coo o � ° o � a) o o Uo C o o > U o 0 0)>mc 0°w o co ° o c° aS ° Y E a o a m co n E o a) >, U) v �- E c) c cn L c N— Jo O o)-o c v) sz } w O a p E �� co v C E a) m o E N co cn o O o o c) in o Q cO N U) ) � 9 c .— U n �) � a) o�o m W s o o o c ,2 o U U E t� ° U) 2 �. L E m O QOO O O .c vi ° " - U oU N Eai � X co a- > a) a) M -� m O co o m .� ca 3 0 4 ai o Y o i C (II cn a) m L co W o U co U c E o c >1 u) o to C 0) co Q E � _a �, cn .. 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If not, cleaning it up. Curiosity Listening from a place of curiosity Community Building bridges takes open & honest communication If someone has valuable insights, they may take more airspace in the conversation Liberation is possible No quick fix W C 0 C: -u •3 v = O .� _0 0O� •v W •v -0 V 3 V >> c N a V `' Q� — N m U in V N Q O a) fLG i p to 4-1 cn Ul � Q70 � x � � � � *'' N ♦♦ U N O E a- E L Z3 a) O C E O W o v E o°o o --s W o- Q4-N o -0 a) u U-0 V W � > 3 `� � ) Q w o E ��Q_(� O o co�pO Q o_v-0�� of o?f o 3 V z - 4.0 W o a N a V p N� U o .N Q( •� ++ LL O O 3 O c cn z o �; c O •, O o m r- M LL 3 '� Q O_ v Q Q ) c u m cG O c a) U •L � N c 3 +. 3 0 a W a, a E o m a) a) a), W LO� of °i W c J � .a O >— o i U> ojf -0 QE o •o w� = Jm P am n C W W o W co}' V UU 4- � �> a�O >� EO O o s ca J z a, O o t W tc(o L aD -���•� O u 'ox Oz a) Ul)D cQ mW OO > °a' OU aO > C LL -0 co a 70 70 Wo -0- V c) o z L n pVo