HomeMy WebLinkAbout043024 Special Session EAR Advisory Board Meeting PacketEnjoy o rt A
i r nsen
Equity, Access, and Rights Advisory Board
Special Meeting
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
11:30 to 1:00 p.m.
City Hall, 540 Water Street
City Council Chambers and Virtually
• Join virtually at.h't ip: Qa�u.uJ.webb.nar..com enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 661-037-403
• Join by phone in listen -only mode (415) 655-0052 access code: 903-736-126#
• Submit public comment to be included in the meeting record to:
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I. Call to Order
II. Introductions
III. Public Comment- On Agenda Items (3 minute per person)
IV. Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act Training
a. Training by Alexandra L. Kenyon, City Attorney
b. Questions and Answers
V. Set Regular Meeting Schedule
VI. Committee Member Updates
VII. Staff Updates
Vill. Set agenda for next meeting: To Be Determined
IX. Adjourn
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The City of Port Townsend is committed to and accountable for advancing diversity,
equity, and inclusion in all its forms. We embrace individual uniqueness and foster
a culture of inclusion that supports both broad and specific diversity initiatives.
We value inclusion as a core strength and an essential element of our public
service mission.
The City of Port Townsend commits to:
Attracting and welcoming residents and visitors from diverse backgrounds.
Seeking out and eliminating institutional and unconscious bias in our municipal
code and City plans while supporting state and federal nondiscrimination
laws regarding daily life in our community.
Fostering and maintaining a safe environment of respect and inclusion for
all residents, employees, and visitors to our community.
Providing creative programs and environments that reflect the diversity
of our community and elevate cultural awareness.
Ensuring fair and inclusive access to our facilities, programs, resources, and services.
Ensuring that all our plans, policies, and practices are inclusive and equitable
for all our residents and visitors in our delivery of services.
Attracting, retaining, and developing talented employees and staff from
diverse backgrounds and underrepresented communities, and fostering a culture
that allows employees to bring their best, unique selves to the City.
Ensuring equal access to justice and fair treatment for all residents and visitors.
Partnering with tribal, local, state, and federal governments and nongovernmental
organizations to ensure equitable access to programs, resources, and services.
250 Madison Street - Suite 2. Port Townsend - WA 98368N www.,ci'tyofpt.uu
Resolution 23-035
WHEREAS, as part of the final report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Public Safety and
Law Enforcement, the City Council tasked the City with creating a policy, to be added to the
City ethics policy, that "white supremacy or white nationalism and membership in those
organizations is not tolerated by all of us (City Council and staff)"; and
WHEREAS, the City Council tasked the City Council Culture and Society Committee
with implementing the Ad Hoc Committee on Public Safety and Law Enforcement
recommendations; and
WHEREAS, the Culture and Society Committee considered how best to implement the
recommendations and as part of their remit, drafted an equity, diversity, and inclusion statement;
WHEREAS, the Culture and Society Committee, in drafting the equity, diversity, and
inclusion statement, researched other municipalities' similar statements and incorporated suggestions
from advisory boards, staff, and community members; and
WHEREAS, the full City Council considered the statement during the April 2023
workshop meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Culture and Society Committee recommended adoption to the full City
Council; and
WHEREAS, the statement should be prominently displayed on the City's website, in the
City Personnel Policy Manual, and other appropriate locations;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Townsend adopts the following Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement and directs the City
Manager to include it on the City's website, the City's Personnel Policy Manual, and other
appropriate locations:
The City of Port Townsend is committed to and accountable for advancing diversity, equity,
and inclusion in all its forms. We embrace individual uniqueness and foster a culture of inclusion
that supports both broad and specific diversity initiatives. We value inclusion as a core strength and
an essential element of our public service mission. The City of Port Townsend commits to:
• Attracting and welcoming residents and visitors from diverse backgrounds.
• Seeking out and eliminating institutional and unconscious bias in our municipal code and
City plans while supporting state and federal nondiscrimination laws regarding daily life in
our community.
• Fostering and maintaining a safe environment of respect and inclusion for all residents,
employees, and visitors to our community.
• Providing creative programs and environments that reflect the diversity of our community
and elevate cultural awareness.
Resolution 23-035
• Ensuring fair and inclusive access to our facilities, programs, resources, and services.
• Ensuring that all our plans, policies, and practices are inclusive and equitable for all our
residents and visitors in our delivery of services.
• Attracting, retaining, and developing talented employees and staff from diverse backgrounds
and underrepresented communities, and fostering a culture that allows employees to bring
their best, unique selves to the City.
• Ensuring equal access to justice and fair treatment for all residents and visitors.
• Partnering with tribal, local, state, and federal governments and nongovernmental
organizations to ensure equitable access to programs, resources, and services.
ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend at a special business
meeting thereof, held this 12th day of June 2023.
Alyssa Rodrigues
City Clerk
David J. Faber
Approved as to form:
Heidi Greenwood
City Attorney
Resolution 17-014
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WHEREAS, the government of the City of Port Townsend is committed to supporting
the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Washington and, where it is within the
City's power, to protecting the constitutional rights of its residents and visitors; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has repeatedly demonstrated its commitment to human
and civil rights, most recently enacting Resolution 16-054 on December 5, 2016, reaffirming its
commitment to Human and Civil Rights and recommitting to its policy that City staff will
continue to serve all residents; and,
WHEREAS, Port Townsend strives to be a vibrant city and community that welcomes
and serves residents and visitors regardless of age, citizenship status, color, familial status,
gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, physical and intellectual
abilities, race, religion, religious observance, sex, sexual orientation, military service status, and
source or level of income; and,
WHEREAS, Washington State welcomes thousands of refugees each year and the City
is proud of our state's commitment to human rights and human dignity; and,
WHEREAS, the recent increase in anti -immigrant and anti -refugee rhetoric and racist
hate speech toward immigrant and refugee communities is alarming; and,
WHEREAS, a study published by the Center for American Progress concluded that
"communities are safer when law enforcement agencies do not become entangled in federal
immigration enforcement efforts," and that "35.5 fewer crimes are committed per 1,000 people,"
and that when those communities "protect all their residents, they see significant economic
gains'; and,
WHEREAS, the City is committed to continue building a welcoming, safe, and hate -free
community where all immigrants and refugees are welcomed, accepted, and integrated; and to
encourage business leaders, civic groups, community institutions, and residents to join in a
community -wide effort to adopt policies and practices that promote integration, inclusion, and
equity; and,
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Resolution 17-014
Page 2 of 4
WHEREAS, The City has a long history of being a port of entry for immigrants and
refugees seeking a better life and fleeing discrimination, violence, and strife; and,
WHEREAS, the City is committed to recognizing the dignity and human rights of all its
residents and visitors, including the right of all residents and visitors to be in a City where they
are not subject to prejudicial treatment or discrimination; and,
WHEREAS, the City recommits to its policy to continue building a city of inclusion and
participation by all;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Townsend as follows:
The City Council reaffirms its commitment to human and civil rights and equality for all
of its residents and visitors, regardless of age, citizenship status, color, familial status, gender
identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, physical and intellectual abilities,
race, religion, religious observance, sex, sexual orientation, military service status, and source or
level of income. Within available resources, City staff will take the following actions.
A. The Port Townsend Police Department (PTPD) will not detain or arrest a person based on
their immigration or citizenship status unless pursuant to a federal criminal warrant
issued by a federal judge or magistrate. Consistent with Port Townsend Resolution 09-
025, PTPD Policy Manual Section 409.7, and PTPD Policy Manual Section 412, the
Police Department will not comply with, or assist in the execution of, administrative
warrants issued by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or Customs and
Border Protection (CBP) agencies of the Department of Homeland Security regardless of
whether they are specifically delivered to the Police Department or entered into the
National Crime Information Database.
B. The City requests that the Jefferson County Sheriff s Office adopt written policies and
procedures consistent with Section A above. The City further requests that the Jefferson
County Sheriffs Office adopt a policy that it will not provide ICE or CBP agents with
information regarding release dates of individuals detained in the Jefferson County jail,
that informs all detainees of their right to refuse interviews with ICE and CBP agents, and
honors this right for detainees who decline such interviews.
C. The Port Townsend Police Department is focused on the safety and security of all our
residents and visitors regardless of immigration status. The City will not enter into any
agreement with the federal government that would allow or require employees, including
the Police Department, to act as de facto immigration officers pursuant to 8 U.S.C. §
1101, Sec. 287(g) or to enforce any civil provisions of the Immigration and
Naturalization Act.
D. Because the City wants to encourage witnesses and victims of crime to report and assist
in solving crimes, it will focus its limited law enforcement resources on criminal
investigations rather than civil immigration law violations. Except as required by law,
Resolution 17-014
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City employees, including employees of the Police Department, will not request
information pertaining to immigration status or any protected class from any person
seeking City services, or seeking to use City facilities, or during any other interaction
with the City. No employee of the City will make any record of any person's immigration
or any other protected class status except as expressly required by federal law. City
Departments will review their procedures to ensure that they only collect information that
is necessary to perform City functions or to provide services, and that this information is
not used for any other purpose unless required by law.
E. The City supports comprehensive federal immigration reform that creates a pathway to
citizenship for undocumented persons, including students who arrived in the U.S. as
children under the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors ("DREAM")
F. City staff will continue to not tolerate harassment or intimidation of users of its facilities
or services by other users or by City staff. Where appropriate, staff will refer such matters
to the Police Department for investigation. The Police Department shall work with the
community to ensure that City residents and visitors are protected under state and local
malicious harassment laws and understand these protections. It shall proactively identify
persons and groups who are likely targets for hate crimes to help them form prevention
and response networks. It shall provide victim assistance where possible. It will
investigate and refer hate crimes for prosecution to the City or County prosecutor where
appropriate or will assist the victim in reporting the incident to the State Human Rights
Commission. (City Personnel Policies 2.2 (Equal Opportunity); 2.5 (Anti -Harassment);
Port Townsend Police Department Policy Manual Section 318, (Training, prevention,
investigation, and reporting of hate crimes)).
G. City staff will continue to assist residents and visitors who believe they have been
discriminated against in the sale, rental, or financing of land to be used for housing in
reporting instances of violations of state and federal laws related to housing to the
Washington Human Rights Commission, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, or other appropriate agency. (Resolutions 94-111A and 08-044). When
considering entering into or renewing interlocal or mutual aid agreements, City staff will
request that the agreement contain language consistent with this Resolution.
H. When appropriate, City staff will revise City documents and websites that refer to
"citizens" to instead refer to "residents".
Resolution 17-014
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I. The City Manager will ensure City staff are trained on these policies.
ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend at a special meeting
thereof, held this 27th day of March, 2017.
Joanna 5.... .�..........-- ........ .
anders, CMC
City Clerk
orah S. Stin o
Approved as t form:
m. .
Steven L. GI'Os
City Attorney
Resolution 21-015
WHEREAS, the City Council formed the Ad Hoc Committee on Law Enforcement and
Public Safety in July 2020; and
WHEREAS, the Committee finished its work and forwarded its final report to the full City
Council on January 25, 2021; and
WHEREAS, the report includes five findings and eleven recommendations; and
WHEREAS, the recommendations include scheduling joint meetings with other
governmental agencies, forming a Race and Social Justice Advisory Board, working with US
Congressional and State Legislative delegations for changes to state and federal law, and
considering law enforcement priorities;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Townsend, Washington that:
1. The City Council approves and adopts the Final Report of the Ad Hoc
Committee on Law Enforcement and Public Safety.
2. The City Manager is directed to implement the recommendations of the report.
3. The Ad Hoc Committee on Law Enforcement and Public Safety has competed
its work and will cease meeting.
ADOPTED by the City Council of Port Townsend, Washington, at a regular meeting
thereof, held this 161h day of February 2021.
Joanna Sanders, MMC
City Clerk
Michelle Sandoval
Approved as to form:
Heidi Greenwood
City Attorney
Attachment 2
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Findings and Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Law Enforcement
and Public Safety
The Port Townsend City Council formed the Ad Hoc Committee on Public Safety and Law
Enforcement in response to nationwide calls for greater police accountability and social justice. The City
Council charged the Committee with evaluating the Port Townsend Police Department's ability to adapt
to the Port Townsend's community values and making recommendations for the future of public safety
in Port Townsend.
Though recent events spotlighted law enforcement transparency and accountability, the work of
evolving policing into a form relevant to today's values and principles is not new. On December 18,
2014, President Barack Obama, in response to serious incidents between law enforcement and
communities, formed a task force to "identify best practices and otherwise make recommendations ...
on how policing practices can promote effective crime reduction while building public trust." The task
force identified six pillars of 215t century policing:
1. Building Trust and Legitimacy;
2. Policy and Oversight;
3. Technology and Social Media;
4. Community Policing and Crime Reduction;
5. Training and Education; and
6. Officer Wellness and Safety.
In their May 2015 Final Report of the President's Task Force on 215f Century Policing, the task
force made 59 recommendations and 92 action items focused on the six pillars. The task force also
published the Implementation Guide for Moving from Recommendations to Action. This guide contains
concrete steps on how communities can implement the task force recommendations.
Based on the many learning sessions and discussions with community members that have
occurred over the last several months, the Port Townsend City Council on Public Safety and Law
Enforcement makes the following findings and recommendations:
1. The Port Townsend Police Department has already implemented many of the best practices
for 215t century policing, including a focus on de-escalation, a requirement that officers intervene if they
see a fellow officer using illegal force, and a use of force decision model. However, in line with the
Police Department's commitment to continuous improvement, there are always opportunities for
2. The Port Townsend Police Department budget includes funding for a full-time community
services officer and a full-time navigator. These two positions show the Department's and the City's
commitment to community policing and crime reduction through alternate means to the traditional
criminal justice system. The Police Department also includes a School Resource Officer who works in
conjunction with the Port Townsend School District and works to reduce crime through early
Attachment 2
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intervention, to provide safety training and resources in line with the needs of the School District, and to
establish positive contacts with community members, particularly youth.
3. The Port Townsend Police Department, as advocated by President Obama's task force, is
dedicated to community policing and sees themselves as guardians rather than warriors. In addition to
extensive training in de-escalation techniques, the Police Department pioneered the R.A.D. (Rage,
Aggression, and Delirium) protocol with East Jefferson Fire and Rescue. The R.A.D. protocol uses
interdepartmental resources to ensure safe and healthy interactions between public safety personnel
and those in mental health or chemical dependency crisis.
4. Lexipol is a good choice for Police Department policy based on the cost and the service
5. Many of the issues presented to the Committee require action by other partners. For
example, changes to qualified immunity will require US Supreme Court or US Congressional action.
Change to the police department collective bargaining agreement will require cooperation with the
police union.
1. The Ad Hoc Committee strongly recommends the City Manager and the new Chief of Police
form a public safety citizens board that represents a broad cross-section of Port Townsend residents,
including different ages, races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, and religious affiliations. This
board should operate under the supervision of the Chief of Police and assist the police department in
reviewing and implementing the local recommendations and action items from President Obama's Task
Force on 21't Century Policing. Additionally, the board should also assist the Chief of Police in ensuring
that Lexipol policy changes are consistent with the values of Port Townsend. Finally, the body should
research other creative solutions for law enforcement, including diversion programs, and should reach
out to neighboring jurisdictions to ensure consistency in law enforcement policy and procedures across
jurisdictional lines.
2. The Port Townsend Chief of Police should work with the Port Townsend School Board and the
Jefferson County Prosecutor's Office to ensure that the position of the School Resource Officer remains
relevant to and meets the needs and policies of the Port Townsend School District, including the use of a
uniform and equipment while on School District property, and whether and to what extent the School
Resource Officer will have the power to refer criminal charges to the Prosecutor's Office.
3. The City Manager and the City Council should engage with Port Townsend's US Congressional
delegation and State Legislative delegation to on state and national law enforcement policy. This can
include recommended changes to qualified immunity to limit its abuse or a parallel state cause of action
that limits qualified immunity. The City Manager and the City Council should also engage with state
and national leaders to advocate for and implement a national and state-wide system of police
accountability so that officers who violate policy or are subject to discipline in one jurisdiction are not
able to conceal their bad actions and obtain law enforcement employment in another jurisdiction.
Finally, the City Manager and the City Council should engage with state and national leaders to work on
decriminalizing possession of small amounts of entheogens and other controlled substances and driving
with a suspended license in the third degree.
Attachment 2
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4. The City Manager and the Chief of Police should engage with the union representing the
officers of the Port Townsend Police Department to ensure that officers have and use all required safety
equipment and receive all the appropriate training and support. The City Manager and the Chief of
Police should also ensure that City police officers have the appropriate mental and physical health
support to ensure they can do their jobs with fairness and equity. The City Manager and the Chief of
Police should engage with the Police Department union to draft and implement a policy of inclusion and
diversity. This policy should discourage membership and sympathy with white nationalist or white
supremacist organizations.
5. The City Council and the City Manager should continue to support community policing efforts
by ensuring that all officers receive ongoing training and skill development in de-escalation techniques,
the R.A.D. protocol, and other evidence -supported best practices. The Police Department should
regularly consult with local service providers, such as Dove House, Discovery Behavioral Healthcare and
others, to ensure that officers receive the best training in domestic violence, de-escalation, and
assistance for individuals in crisis.
6. The City Manager and Chief of Police should support communication and transparency by the
Port Townsend Police Department. Police officers should engage with the greater community in more
than just crime prevention efforts; directing their energies in only crime prevention fails to leverage the
skills and abilities of officers in other areas of public safety. Police officers should be visible in the
community and get to know community members as individuals by finding creative ways to engage with
community members in more social settings.
7. The City Council shall schedule joint meetings with the Jefferson County leadership, including
the Sheriff, the Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney, and Board of County Commissioners. These
meetings should include discussions on law enforcement policy, including consistent policy, use of
equipment, such as body cameras, and training for Sheriff's deputies and City police officers.
8. The City Council shall form an advisory board to discuss social and racial justice and possible
9. The City Council shall work with the City Manager and Chief of Police to expand the
Community Services Officer and Navigator programs in the 2022 and future budgets.
10. The City Council shall consider a resolution regarding the priority for the enforcement of
laws criminalizing the possession of entheogens.
11. The Police Department should continue to review Lexipol suggested policy changes prior to
implementation to ensure that policies reflect the values, standards, and expectations of the people of
Port Townsend and incorporate locally adopted policies.
The Committee came to these findings after several months on the Committee's approved work
plan, which included study sessions on the following topics:
- the Police Department budget;
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the roles of the school resource officer, police navigator, and community service officer;
- Police Department policy and policy options;
- police collective bargaining; and
- effects of qualified immunity.
During the meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee, the Committee and the public learned about many
aspects of the Port Townsend Police Department.
The Committee first focused on the Police Department budget and the Committee learned that
the Port Townsend Police Department budget and full-time employee counts are consistent with or
smaller than other cities of similar size:
- The Police Department budget is 37% of the City's general fund and 11% of the total City
- This budget includes two large contracts with Jefferson County and Jeffcom for jail and dispatch
- The City has 15 sworn police officers, while Gig Harbor and Poulsbo, two local cities with
comparable populations to Port Townsend, have 20 sworn officers and 28 sworn officers,
The Committee also learned about the various alternatives used by the Police Department,
including the Department's Community Services Officer and the Department's Navigator as well as many
of the programs for mental health and addiction recovery available in the area. The Port Townsend
Police Department's full-time Community Services Officer works on parking, special events, animal
control, and other non -criminal matters. The Police Department Navigator focuses on de-escalation and
referring individuals in crisis to needed services, including behavior services and addiction treatment.
The Committee heard a briefing on Lexipol, the company the City uses to formulate the City's
extensive Police Department Policy Manual. Lexipol is a nationwide company that provides
comprehensive police policy manuals and training. Each Lexipol policy is reviewed by a Port Townsend
Police Department staff member who ensures the policy is consistent with Port Townsend policy, values,
and culture. Each change is then approved by the Chief of Police, and all members of the Department
must review and acknowledge the policy change. During the policy briefing, the Committee also
reviewed the Police Department's use of force policy. The policy uses a use of force decision model that
trains officers to assess a situation and determine the appropriate level of force using threat factors,
with an emphasis in de-escalation after threat factors have been resolved.
Finally, the Committee learned about police department collective bargaining and qualified
immunity. A police department's collective bargaining process is governed by interest arbitration.
Interest arbitration means that if the parties cannot agree on wages, hours, and working conditions,
then an arbitrator will determine the provisions of the contract. During this same meeting, the
Committee discussed qualified immunity as a defense to claims against the City and individual officers.
Qualified immunity is a defense available only to individuals, not the City, and only for claims of
violations of 42 U.S.C. § 1983.
Even before the creation of the Ad Hoc Committee, the Port Townsend Police Department had
implemented many of the reforms called for nationwide; both Chief Michael Evans and Interim Chief
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Troy Surber had committed the Police Department to adopting and implementing the evidence -based
best practices identified by President Obama's task force. The Port Townsend Police Department was
the first agency on the Olympic Peninsula to deploy body cameras. The Police Department requires that
officers report every use of force, and every use of force is reviewed by a member of command staff for
compliance with policy and law. Officers are required to intervene if they observe another officer using
illegal force. Furthermore, in excess of Washington State standards, the Port Townsend Police
Department developed a crisis intervention training that focuses on verbal and physical de-escalation
and provides an additional 40 hours of training beyond the state standard. Additionally, the Police
Department developed and deployed the R.A.D. protocol. This follows many of the recommendations
of President Obama's Task Force on 215t Century Policing and helps to ensure that the Police
Department safely responds to community members in crisis with the most appropriate services.
In short, the Port Townsend Police Department's commitment to continuous improvement and
the adoption of best evidence -based industry practices allows the Department to stay ahead of the
community -oriented and progressive policing policies national curve. In the spirit of continuous quality
improvement, this Committee hopes that the Port Townsend Police Department maintains that culture
and continues to evolve to meet the needs and reflect the values of Port Townsend residents.
Attachment 3
The Council Ad Hoc Committee on Pubic Safety and Law Enforcement met in regular
session on January 25, 2021 in Council Chambers at 540 Water Street. Mayor
Michelle Sandoval called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m.
Councilmembers present at roll call were Pamela Adams, David Faber, Amy Howard,
Monica MickHager, Owen Rowe, and Michelle Sandoval with Ariel Speser excused.
Staff members present were City Manager John Mauro, City Attorney Heidi
Greenwood, Interim Police Chief Troy Surber, and City Clerk Joanna Sanders.
There were none.
There was unanimous approval of the minutes.
There were none.
Review Final Report
City Attorney Heidi Greenwood reviewed the changes made to the report since the
last meeting. Mayor Sandoval led the discussion of desired language modifications
to each recommendation, including additions for who had responsibility for carrying
out each of the recommendations. Following a discussion regarding the different
functioning of a Police Department administrative committee versus a Council
advisory body, it was recorded that the City Manager and Police Chief would
work to better define the reporting relationship and operational versus policy
decisions. In addition, the word "advisory" was removed in some instances.
There was a desire to work with the Port Townsend School District Board when
considering the policy changes. It was also suggested that Council and the City
Manager be involved in engaging legislators. When discussing how to address the
Council Ad Hoc Committee on Public Safety and Law Enforcement January 25, 2021 Page 1 of 2
Attachment 3
language on decriminalizing possession of small amounts of controlled substances
and addressing entheogens, Ms. Greenwood reported that other jurisdictions have
it made a lower enforcement priority versus decriminalization. There were interests
in addressing this in policy as well as concerns of employee alliances with white
supremacy and white nationalist organizations similar to the oath taken by Council
and police officers. It was noted that the City would not be able to ensure that
behavior is not happening.
There were questions about the process for amending Lexipol policies. Specifically
mentioned were the relationship with ICE as documented in Lexipol Policy 4.2 and
further documenting in the policy placing a low priority on enforcement of
possession of entheogens.
Motion: Ariel Speser moved to approve recommending to City Council the Final
Report and Action Items for review and approval. Pamela Adams seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote.
22, 2021 AT 5 P.M.
Motion: Monica MickHager moved to approve recommending sunsetting the
Committee. David Faber seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Joanna Sanders, MMC
City Clerk
Council Ad Hoc Committee on Public Safety and Law Enforcement January 25, 2021 Page 2 of 2
Resolution 23-027
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WHEREAS, on February 16, 2021, the City Council approved the Ad Hoc Committee
on Law Enforcement and Public Safety report that recommended the City create a Race and
Social Justice Advisory Board; and
WHEREAS, the City Council referred the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee
on Law Enforcement and Public Safety to the Council Culture and Society Committee for
consideration; and
WHEREAS, the Culture and Society Committee has researched other municipalities'
diversity and equity initiatives; and
WHEREAS, the Culture and Society Committee recommended the following provisions
for an Equity, Access, and Rights Advisory Board.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Townsend as follows:
An Equity, Access, and Rights Advisory Board is hereby established, subject to the general
provisions in Article 4 of City Council Rules of Procedure pertaining to Committees, Boards,
Work Groups, & Commissions, including any amendments thereto.
As directed by the City Council, the Equity, Access, and Rights Advisory Board is authorized to
advise on the following matters:
1. Adopt rules of operation and schedule meetings.
2. Serve as the resident advisory board regarding the following:
a. Access to staff and the City Council for community members to raise concerns about
equity and rights;
b. Outreach and collaboration with the community, community organizations, and other
jurisdictions, including maintaining a list of outside resources to assist community
c. Issue resolution and informed feedback on proposed policies for staff and City Council;
d. Standing task force to assist the City Council Culture and Society Committee in
furthering equity, access, and rights in the City of Port Townsend;
Resolution 23-027
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e. Review and update assistance of the City's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement;
f. Barriers identification and possible solutions for participation in City government and
Formulate recommendations on select proposed ordinances, resolutions, proclamations,
plans, and procedures.
4. Formulate recommendations to City Council, staff, other advisory boards regarding equity,
access, and rights education, training, and resources.
5. Propose to City Council, and when directed, convene public listening sessions on difficult
community issues and recommend equitable and effective actions.
6. Provide a forum for discussing equity, access, and human rights issues.
7. Identify issues and provide City Council with feedback regarding equity, access, and rights.
8. Provide such other functions as directed by City Council.
This committee shall constitute a standing advisory board, subject to further City Council
resolution. No sunset provision is established.
The Equity, Access, and Rights Advisory Board shall consist of no less than five and no more
than nine members to be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council, from
residents, business owners, or others with a demonstrable tie to Port Townsend who are
recognized as having fitness for such positions, with the following additional provisions:
1. The members of the Equity, Access, and Rights Advisory Board should be at least fourteen
years old and should represent a broad spectrum of backgrounds and points of view.
Members should be collaborative active listeners who embrace diversity and understanding„
2. All members of the Advisory Board must have demonstrated interest in or knowledge of the
community's equity, access, and rights.
The term of office shall be three years, except that the initial appointments shall be staggered
from one to three years, so that no more than three members shall have their terms expire in any
one year.
Resolution 23-027
Page 3 of 3
The Advisory Board will begin meeting when five members have been appointed, but no sooner
than sixty days from the adoption of this resolution.
ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend at a special meeting
thereof, held this 12 day of June 2023. 1�11�., —
A lyssa Igues Ko�kl'
City Clerk
David J.
Approved as to form:
I'lei(i ,rec...
City Attorney
Cityaf port,@�,�:> David Faber d Mayor 360.32 .2 80 Q dfaber@dtyofpt.us
April 25, 2024
To: City of Port Townsend Advisory Board Chairs
From: Mayor David Faber
CC: City Council, City Manager John Mauro
RE: Invitation for Advisory Board Input on High -Level 2025 Workplan Priorities
Dear City of Port Townsend Advisory Board Chairs:
Thank you for the work you do to add lasting value to our community. As we keep delivering on
our 2024 strategic workplan and the services our community depends on, we are beginning to
consider the City's priorities for 2025. The City Council, City Manager and City Department
Directors will be holding a workplan retreat on July 22, 2024, to begin our conversation about
those priorities, and, later in the year, to craft and decide on an accompanying 2025 budget.
As a valued community leader and volunteer, and as per the previous few years, I invite you
and your advisory board to help us understand what you believe our most important priorities
should be for 2025. Ultimately, we will all be working together to deliver on that workplan —
including through your advisory body's workplan. We are eager to include your perspectives
and to find common alignment in our work for maximum benefit to our community. For
instance, brief input (e.g., less than a page) on the following questions would be useful:
• What is the status of your work in 2024 to date (i.e., highlights, accomplishments, future
milestones)? What work from this year is likely to continue into 2025?
• What 2-3 priorities do you and your board believe are most important to consider as
part of the overall City workplan and related to your purpose and role as an advisory
• What has gone well this year that we should learn from or consider more broadly?
• Are there things we should stop doing or do differently, both at strategic and
operational levels?
• What else should we be considering?
250 Madison on trr.et « Suite 2 �� Port "t winsend - WA 98368 1 wNwwXmtyofpt.US r
...... .............. .
. ....... . .......
David Faber d Mayor 1 360.379.2 80 Q dfaber@dty fpt.us
Councilmember and City staff liaisons will work with you to place this item on an upcoming next
board agenda as a starting point. Please feel free to reach out to them with any questions
between now and then.
Prior to the July 22nd retreat, I, my fellow Councilmembers, and City staff will read and consider
your thoughts. It is not a promise that we will advance each suggestion, but given the important
and valued role you play, we will weigh your ideas very seriously and with sincere appreciation.
For a current overview and status update on the 2024 workplan, please see the most recent
City Council workshop meeting (April 8, 2024), including the presentation here:
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In particular, note the seven strategic priorities on slide 3 of the presentation:
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These are likely to continue into 2025. Further, you may wish to review our 2023 annual report
for what we collectively accomplished in 2023. That document is available here:
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Finally, I'd like to thank you and your committees for your continued service to our City Council,
the City and our broader community. It has been an exciting yet challenging last few years.
thank you for your service, dedication, and care for our community and for the essential role
you play in helping to steward productive, civil public engagement and dialogue. I and my
Council colleagues appreciate you and look forward to our continued work together.
David J. Faber, Mayor
250 Madison n treet « Suite 2 „„ Port "t wrasend - WA 983681 wwwXmty fpt.US r
Adrian Smith Long Range PU nnr a rn_ut _ u .Y :�1 360-379...4423
Fo: I::::quity,, Access, and Right-s Advisory I: oard
Frorn: A(Jrian >irnith, Port Townsend I....ong Range Planner
To the Port Townsend Equity, Access, and Rights Advisory Board,
The City of Port Townsend is beginning a periodic review of our Comprehensive Plan, which guides
policy and regulations in our city. The periodic review is an opportunity to review our plan (available
h_erf) and development codes to continue building a strong future for Port Townsend. Based on your
work furthering equity for everyone in Port Townsend, we hope you can join us in planning the next
twenty years of Port Townsend.
On Thursday, May 9th, from 6 to 8 PM we will be hosting a Vision Workshop at the American Legion.
We hope you can attend and spread the word to others! Full event details are attached.
The City welcomes your input in developing the vision, goals, and policies for the update. We are
especially interested in your perspective on implementing the City's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Statement, and in conducting outreach so that all community members can shape the
Comprehensive Plan. We value your committee's experience, perspective, and strong community
ties. Planning and Community Development staff are gathering input on the website
hatp_:Zwnrw:pa?pinning!2rg, and we would be happy to correspond with your committee and
staff liason.
The Periodic Review will update these elements of the Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan:
- Introduction - Transportation
- Community Direction Statement - Utilities
- Land Use - Capital Facilities
- Housing - Economic Development.
We will also be creating a Climate Change Element. In addition to these sections, we will review and
update our development regulations and critical areas regulations.
Please let me know the best way to stay in contact with you. Thank you for your time. Staff are
excited to continue moving forward together with common goals for our community and region.
To: Ec:juity, Access, and 1=�iglhts Advisory Board