DATE: September 16, 2024, START TIME: 2:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall (In person and virtual)
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Owen Rowe (Chair), Kate Philbrick, Natalie Maitland, Katy Goodman, Denise Winter, Sarah Copley,
Cindy Finnie
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Marketing and Communications Director Shelly Leavens and City Clerk Alyssa Rodrigues
Call to Order:
Chair Rowe called the special meeting to order at 2:06 pm
Public Comment- Non -Agenda Items:
There was no public comment.
Fall Grant Round- Review and Funding Decisions
City Clerk Alyssa Rodrigues and Communications and Marketing Director
Shelly Leavens explained the recusal process for voting on grants procedurally
and philosophically.
Denis Winter arrived at 2:16pm.
Discussion ensued around restrictions around what LTAC is allowed to fund
and grant criteria.
The Committee discussed applications.
The Committee reviewed and adjusted scores/amounts based on discussion.
Motion: Sara Copley moved for $4,000 to
Motion: Sara Copley moved for $4,000 to go to Centrum Red Hot Strings
go to Centrum Red Hot Strings event.
event. Natalie Maitland seconded.
Natalie Maitland seconded.
Vote: Motion passed 6 to 0 with Katy Goodman recusing.
Vote: Motion passed 6 to 0 with Katy
Goodman recusing.
Motion: Cindy Finnie moved to approve $4,000 for the Swan and Key City
event. Natalie Maitland seconded.
Motion: Cindy Finnie moved to approve
Vote: Motion passed 5 to 0 with Kate Philbrick and Denise Winter recusing.
$4,000 for the Swan and Key City event.
Natalie Maitland seconded.
Motion: Natalie Maitland moved to approve $2,000 for Salt Fire Theater. Sarah
Vote: Motion passed 5 to 0 with Kate
Copley seconded.
Philbrick and Denise Winter recusing.
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
Motion: Natalie Maitland moved to
Motion: Katy Goodman moved to approve a grant for $1,000 for the Kinetic
approve $2,000 for Salt Fire Theater.
Sculpture Race. Kate Philbrick seconded.
Sarah Copley seconded.
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
Motion: Denise Winter moved for $1,000 to go to the Haunted Bordello. Natalie
Motion: Katy Goodman moved to approve
Maitland seconded.
a grant for $1,000 for the Kinetic Sculpture
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
Race. Kate Philbrick seconded.
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
Motion: Sarah Copley moved for $4,000 to go to the Quimper Events
Collective. Denise Winter seconded.
Motion: Denise Winter moved for $1,000
Vote: Motion passed 6 to 0 with Natalie Maitland recusing.
to go to the Haunted Bordello. Natalie
Maitland seconded.
Motion: Katy Goodman moved to grant $4,000 to Production Alliance and First
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
Night. Cindy Finnie seconded.
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
Motion: Sarah Copley moved for $4,000 to
go to the Quimper Events Collective.
Denise Winter seconded.
Vote: Motion passed 6 to 0 with Natalie
Maitland recusing.
Motion: Katy Goodman moved to grant
$4,000 to Production Alliance and First
Night. Cindy Finnie seconded.
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
Budget Discussion
Chair Rowe introduced the Budget Discussion.
Shelly Leavens presented the Budget Discussion which included other staff
members being present, budget overview letter, LTAC priorities, Budget
Summary 2025 Draft, and 2025 Marketing Budget Allocation.
Discussion ensued around exceeding room nights/revenue, Visitor Information
services budget, reader board repair, one-time expenses, restrooms, digital
reader board, sign code, capacity, break out budgets, winter marketing
campaign, assets, marketing agency, and annual review of marketing.
Sarah Copley left at 3:30pm.
City Manager John Mauro, Library Director Melody Sky -Weaver and Shelly
Leavens presented on the Creative District Support which included Arts and
Culture Plan, Creative District held within the City, portion of funding from
LTAC, transition with Creative District subcommittee, transition committee,
examples from other cities, and art segment.
Discussion ensued around designation, support for growth, the vision of having
District come to the City, investing in community we want, plan being scalable,
needing a plan with a budget, stable resource, community/government
concerns, resource group, ensuring marketing aspect of LTAC continues to
move forward, duplication of funds concerns, work more cohesively, what
$80,000 is for, premature for too much detail, funding for arts and culture in
Washington State, Creative District model, budget priorities, transition
committee, anchor arts organization, government response, Library
involvement, affordable housing, and art walk.
Discussion continued around Guard Shack not being open year-round, winter
lighting, Big Belly contract, capacity for projects, restrooms estimated cost,
process for Creative District, updates, sign code, reserve balance, winter
Motion: Cindy Finnie moved to approve
lighting increase, offer help if needed for Big Belly contract, and plastic cups in
the 2025 budget as presented with the
garbage cans.
addition of $12,000 for increase to winter
lighting. Kate Philbrick seconded.
Motion: Cindy Finnie moved to approve the 2025 budget as presented with the
Vote: Motion passed 6 to 1 with Natalie
addition of $12,000 for increase to winter lighting. Kate Philbrick seconded.
Maitland opposing.
Vote: Motion passed 6 to 1 with Natalie Maitland opposing.
Next LTAC Regular Meeting: November 12, 2024 from 3 to 5pm.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 4:36pm