DATE: July 9, 2024, START TIME: 3:01 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall (In person and virtual)
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Owen Rowe (Chair), Kate Philbrick, Natalie Maitland, Cindy Finnie, Katy Goodman, Denise Winter,
Sarah Copley, Daniell McClelland
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Marketing and Communications Director Shelly Leavens and City Clerk Alyssa Rodrigues
Call to Order:
Chair Rowe called the meeting to order at 3:01 pm
Approval of Agenda:
Motion: Daniell McClelland moved to
approve the agenda. Kate Philbrick
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes: May 14, 2024
Motion: Kate Philbrick moved to approve
the May 14, 2024, minutes with edit. Katy
Marketing and Communications Director Shelly Leavens stated the word in the
Goodman seconded.
minutes should be "OPTC" not "Optic."
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
City Clerk Alyssa Rodrigues will update the minutes with the edit.
Public Comment- On Agenda Items:
There was no public comment.
Welcome new at -large committee member: Sarah Copley, Puget Sound
The Committee welcomed Sarah Copley (At -large member) from Puget Sound
Sarah Copley provided an introduction.
Shelly Leavens stated she has been out the entire month of June and is trying
to get caught up.
Old Business:
a) Update on LTAC Establishing Resolution
Chair Rowe and Alyssa Rodrigues provided an update on the LTAC
Establishing Resolution which included term length corrections.
b) Fort Worden PDA Economic Impact Study
Fort Worden Executive Director Celeste Tell provided the Fort Worden PDA
Economic Impact Study -DRAFT presentation which included Summary Impact,
Visitor Spending, Additional Market Benefits, Additional Nonmarket Benefits,
Total Economic Impact, Full Draft Available, and Next Steps.
In response to LTAC's questions Celeste Tell explained considering locals, how
the count is happening, unique vs. repeat visitors, other state parks who have
participated, and definition of when spending supports a job.
Discussion ensued around LTAC's use of data, economic value, most visited
parks, timing of study, value of Fort Worden, raising funds, benchmarking
numbers to other budgets, economic impact of the marine trades, Lodging Tax
Collective, and questions/data points by Friday.
c) Visitor Information Services Update
a. Fort Worden Hospitality: VIS Hub
Natalie Maitland provided the Visitor Services LTAC Update which included
Visitor Services at Fort Worden, June Visitor Tracking, Zip Codes, Thinking
About Our Market, Destination Development Opportunities, Other Recreation,
and To Read the Full Draft Report.
Discussion ensued around developing destination, visitor services inquiry form,
one on one engagement, leverage data from guard shack, and meaningful data.
b. Port Townsend Main Street Program: Mobile Greeter
Mari Mullen provided an update on the Port Townsend Main Street Program:
Mobile Greeter which included a good start, interviewed two applicants, hire,
bike arrival, stations, number of visits with people, list of questions for people,
data, questions received, rotating to different locations, attire, and visitor maps.
Discussion ensued around visitor guide, rotating recommendations, schedule,
and Hastings building location upcoming closure.
c. Key City Public Theater: Jeffco Promo
Shelly Leavens presented the Key City Public Theater: Jeffco Promo which
included link, how to book calendar, and FAQ.
Discussion ensued around visitors going into other establishments asking for
information, sending surveys out to all hotels regarding data points, passenger
count, widening survey, and day only vs. overnight for whale watching tourism.
Denise Winter arrived at 3:50pm.
d) Marketing Work Group Update
a. Enjoy PT
b. RFP for creative agency
Shelly Leavens presented on Enjoy PT and RFP for creative agency which
included budget rolled up into Marketing Workgroup Budget, Victoria Kellogg
being the rep for EnjoyPT website/social media, updated info, dedicated phone
number, email address, ads, investing in images, Draft RFP, marketing rebrand
for your destination, rebrand for Enjoy PT, campaign launch, get RFP out in
July, make selection in August, local photographer, proposals, shoulder season,
marketing workgroup impressed with work, and sharing assets.
Discussion ensued around photo sharing, servers, transition phase, something
Danielle McClelland will share PTFF video
to build on, and PTFF advertising video branding the place.
with Owen and Shelly to share with the rest
of the Committee.
Financial Report
Shelly Leavens presented the Financial Report which included not having a full
report and May showing revenue generated in March.
Shelly discussed grant and meeting schedule, September grant meeting,
today's discussion not being the final discussion for workplan and budget,
January grant webinar, emphasis on shoulder season, discussion on grants to
November agenda, and new webinar in January.
Shelly Leavens shared and reviewed the Lodging Tax Fund Budget Summary
2024 Final report.
Discussion ensued around invoicing the city for Creative District, brochures, and
the need for up-to-date revenue report.
New Business:
a) Discuss Draft Workplan and 2025 Draft Budget Request
b) 2025 Draft Strategies & Budget Discussion
Chair Rowe explained there will be a Council workplan retreat on July 22 and
will get LTAC priorities in front of larger group.
Shelly Leavens explained the mayor's request letter, focusing on what are
priority projects specifically if reserved fund needs to be used, restroom
project/sewer plan, and policy decisions needed from Council.
Discussion ensued around support for visitor program, restroom project
encompassing a kiosk, importance of doing it sooner than later, digital display,
sign code, indoor kiosk, preferred location for restroom, placing a restroom in a
building that already exists, identify as visitor need, lobby space with restroom,
parking available with restroom, future projects, options for restrooms, working
with Public Works.
Cindy Finnie left the meeting at 4:30pm.
Discussion continued around creating a list, digital reader board, variance vs.
changing sign code, sign code, electric vehicle program expansion, bike Port
Townsend map, participate in non -motorized support, Active Transportation
Plan survey, Comprehensive Plan studios, water transportation, and ferry
Additional workplan list items:
• Restroom infrastructure in 2025 that includes lobby space for visitor
• Modernizing Reader Board
• Interest in supporting and participating in any city infrastructure that is
around non -gas -powered single occupancy vehicles.
Shelly reviewed the answers to the questions and new priorities.
Discussion ensued around Council support around economic impact study.
Motion: Danielle McClelland made a
motion to approve the priorities as listed in
Motion: Danielle McClelland made a motion to approve the priorities as listed in
the draft response. Sarah Copley
the draft response. Sarah Copley seconded.
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment- Not on Agenda Items:
Public comment was made.
Discussion ensued around the Chamber closing in Port Townsend.
Set Agenda for Next Meeting
The committee discussed putting the following items on the next agenda:
• Grant Applications
• Workplan meeting follow up.
• Budget
Topic Action
Next LTAC Meeting: September 10, 2024, from 3 to 5pm
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 5:00pm