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090324 HPC Meeting Packet
Agenda Historic Preservation Committee Regular Meeting 3:00 PM, Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2024 City Council Chambers, 540 Water Street • Join in person; via computer or tablet at http://moinwebinar.com enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 430-090-891# • Local Dial In — (360) 390-5064 access code: 491-363-921# • Submit public comment to be included in the meeting record to: https://Publiccomment.fillout.com/citvofpt Roll Call: Craig Britton (Chair), Walter Galitzki (Vice Chair), Kathleen Knoblock, Monica Mader and Michael D'Alessandro. Monica MickHager (Council Liaison) 2. Approval of Minutes: A. July. 2, 2024 Draft Regular Meeting Minutes (deferred to next meeting) B. Aug. 6, 2024 Draft Regular Meeting Minutes (deferred to next meeting) C. Aug. 27, 2024 Draft Special Meeting Minutes (deferred to next meeting) 3. Correspondence/Attachments: None 4. Public Comment (for Items not on the Agenda): 5. New Business: A. HPC23-017, Pt. Hudson - Cupola House and Annex alterations ADA ramp (Cupola House); Cupola Annex alteration (siding, non-ADA ramp for hand truck use). Applicable Guidelines: • Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Rehabilitation (PTMC 17.30.160A(1)), particularly Guideline No. 9: New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction will not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and will be compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment. Exhibits: A.1 - Application and submitted Materials Applicant and Staff Presentation Public Comment (3-minute limit per person) HPC Questions and, if appropriate, Deliberation and Recommendation B. HPC24-007, 929 Water St. Kellogg Building window replacement Owner/Agent: Duncan and Mary Kellogg, DMK Trust Applicable Guidelines: Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Rehabilitation, particularly Guideline No. 9. Exhibits: B.1- Application and submitted Materials Staff recap and Applicant presentation Public Comment (3-minute limit per person) HPC Questions, Deliberation and Recommendation 6. New Business: A. HPC24-026, 929 Water St. — Facade repair/alteration Owner: Duncan and Mary Kellogg, DMK Trust Agent: StudioSTL Applicable Guidelines: • Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Rehabilitation, particularly Guideline No. 9: Exhibits: A.1- Application and submitted Materials Applicant and Staff Presentation Public Comment (3-minute limit per person) HPC Questions, Deliberation and Recommendation B. HPC24-027, City Skatepark lighting Owner/Agent: COPT, Michael Todd, Parks and Facilities Manager Applicable Guidelines: • Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Rehabilitation (PTMC 17.30.160A(1)), particularly Guideline No. 9: • Locally adopted Streetscape Guidelines Exhibits: B.1- Application and submitted Materials Applicant and Staff Presentation Public Comment (3-minute limit per person) 7. Other Business: None Upcoming Meeting(s): A. Next Regular Meeting is Oct 1 Adjournment: I@ rt &)o matt son" tr+ et, un ruf't iuwnseflu Y Pd?k :°r w+ SOU 3/7 �U� www �i u� Townsend 'PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT `� HISTORIC DESIGN REVIEW � Of Proposal(s) of PORTf0WNSFND Within the National Historic Landmark Distnett DSD All applicants and property owners must sign the application below to signify agreement with the proposed application. The Applicants) hereby certifies that all of the above statements and information contained in any exhibits, plot plans, or other transmittals made herewith are true and provide an accurate presentation of the proposed project. The applicant(s) acknowledges that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend based in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if it develops that any such statement or other information contained herein is false. The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands; or from any liability of any nature arising from any noncompliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend. 0. co04s, July 25, 2023 David K. Nakagawara WYhp, lkdYk,S W�"ANtpY9"pN Applicant Date Property Owner (if different from applicant) Date 12.22 Page 1 of 2 Intensive Level Survey Documentation and Illustrated Historic Context Statement ARTIFACTS CONSULTING, INC. SEPTEMBER 2020 PREPARED FOR THE PORT OF PORT TOWNSEND [DAHP PROJECT 2020-XX-XXXXI RECEIVED CITY OF PODTTOV Cupola Building Historic names: Building 5 Address: 380 Jefferson Street This Colonial Revival style building is a single -story, wood platform framed structure built in 1934-35 for the Point Hudson Quarantine Station. It is set on a foundation of driven piles and dimensional timbers. The original footprint is rectangular. The side gable roof form has an octagonal, central cupola that provides daylight to the attic. The roofing is asbestos -cement shingles with copper flashing. The main entrance is centered in the front (south) facade, empha- sized with a front gable roofed, partially enclosed portico. The front doorway features siddites, a fan shaped element above, and Classical ornament such as swags and reeding; the assembly gives the impression of a Palladian window. Most windows are original wood framed, 6-over-6 hung sashes; the cupola has original 3-over-3 hung sashes. The exterior underlayment sheathing was laid out in a diagonal pattern rather than the conven- tional horizontal manner. From historic photos, this appears to be tongue and groove. Wood lap siding completes the exterior wall envelope. The roof is built of 2x8 about 16 inches on center covered with tongue and grove sheathing. The structure and sheathing appear to be in very good condition, as is the cupola itself. Interior: the main entry accesses a vestibule that opens to a meeting room on the west, offices on the east, and a corridor to the north. Restrooms and storage spaces are also located on the first floor. A narrow flight of wooden steps rises to the cupola and attic. Current condition and needs: The building appears to be in good condition. There are no evi- dent settlement problems. With a limited survey of the crawl space, it appears that the pilings and floor structure are in good condition. The creosote smell was noticeable but mitigated by a portable air purifier in the east office. The interior is in good condition and much of the original millwork, hardware and even some fixtures are still present. The exterior siding of the main building is in relatively good condition. The roof shingles are most likely at the end of their life cycle and should be replaced. Most of the windows are origi- nal with the exception of the fixed, single tall liter in the south facade. A detailed window survey was not part of the scope but no major damage was noted from the exterior. The shutters and hardware present in 1953 pictures have been removed. A north addition is attached via a hyphen. The addition is in poor condition. It appears to have been built in the early 1940s during the Coast Guard/Navy occupancy. It is of typical wartime, temporary construction. Concrete pier footings support the light wood frame structure. The siding is presently plywood with "tarpaper" over portions of it. It has wood windows with single pane glass. There are no downspouts. The roofing is three -tab asphalt shingles. 33 w r ijl �h '' I � ,, + RJR , , I', ! , , %',� � 6 u 4, o '', , , � Google Maps https: //www. google. com/maps/g48.1182428,-122.752269,101 m/data=... 1� ; : 9 Ile [Nda�s CIul;ad a and h , II":,iiinrl: I Iu.arl olin Imagery ©2024 Airbus, Map data 9)2024 Google 20 ft 1 of 1 7/16/2024, 8:41 AM 3 Z I..JL _ - z 33?e C _ W 'wJ _ �Q a n > w ¢ O (� r ¢�aE�w J� y 2 2 m rvF Q O ' U O ; U 6F O Q X U E§ 2 2 W w - _ / w § \-\\\\\\ aa»oe: \ w Cl) U 2 mc ° \ \ } � \ \ r,« °KJ\ 3 m5°Oa - a�u w 3aq-sa€GzA N LL 0 H '2 V ) (Dcl U)(nH(oz Z �r WaLu (n oOzOf2z J W W cnv0 �z2izz�- m Q W o 0� w J > C� 0 p �JOLLZ)C W L_LL � OU�Wo 000 U — c) a a z Y r) } 0] � Z N Q o r 0 V 0- 0 0 o L co J 0 LU m z Z N = Z Q D 0 W 5 0 W � O U L o D Q m O a Fn O Q Q CM coi m U'W o m N W 0 UQ2 W 0 W U) L LU U) D � Q0< ~ J Of Q o z zzz Qom= z W X J a o W (n W Q > MQLLJ W W z co W � O W J m d W' 0 W m Q W r) 0 cn 0 z v ooUa Lq U)ULLJ U U U) c� Q of 2E 2E = D D U) Q cl) J Ozo�zJXX2— L_ >Q W W Y (N cy") 't LO (0 M rn d o� V Z J m J L 7 N LL 0 N '2 V ) Z Y m � Z N N Q LO r w Unr rr► w. ri p � " Madison �S "ie'ei suit x I Port t C Townsend,68 J�360 379 5095 .I . www.citVof.Pt.us „11'q -OPMF_NT REVIEW RVICES 'op Wititiac ational Historic Landmark istr l+cr--111�1 ►PPLiCA'i'YON #: HPC �" ��,. �� ..��� trchite YDesijzner/l3epresentative: tlaalin� Address�._���..._.,...�.� ��.�_.................�_. �._.._...__,_._....�_._._.......,., Phone: "t a ce' Street Address: ` ael tp�tar��.w .. 'arcel Number: _ ° p (if differeni from t rv. ltcan : rr,a _ert Owner Name ..�_ .,....__.�_... ,_.w_ �..mm.�...,_.......�w_..,,,,,,.._. _ ......._........._.... .�....,._ ��..... ...... w......� �� Phone ! Cho [.v Ul applicants and property owners must sign the application below to signify agreement with the ioposed application. he Applicants) hereby certifies that all of the above statements and information contained in any xhibits, plot plans, or other transmittals made herewith are true and provide an accurate presentation of he proposed project. The applicant(s) acknowledges that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend lased in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if it develops that any such statement or ether information contained herein is false. he undersigned hereby saves and holds the City oj'Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of !ction, judgments, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any !oncornpliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions Mich may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend. \ppl 'roperty Owner (if different from applicant) .2.21 Date dSa aN3SNMOi IUod d0 A-L10 03AI303H Page 1 of 2 0 L4 ( C2 N 4/10/24, 2:32 PM Glass Performance Data I Cardinal Glass Industries , a 2� wGlass Performance Data I Cardinal Gjass w,� �...w-w...-.�. �.�.._.).�� (IP) Product Visible Light Fade Trans LSG Ratio Solar U-Factor IP U-Summer Panes I Config Airspace (mm) Vis Light Trans Ext Ref 7 int Refs UV Tdw-ISO' LSG Ratio SHGC Air i Argon R Air Argon .,�..�,..._.._,..-ww-..w �.w.�.,.�.,...,. 2 le CI • Trans � � u i� C ad ear i 11.5 80k 14/o 114% 47% 70% j 1.10 ; 0.73 0.48 OAS � 0.50 �E 0,48 • Values are center of glass calculated using LBNL Window 7 per NFRC100 conditions • Argon fill is 90% and air fill is 100%. • Actual values may vary due to production tolerances, • This performance data is not a commitment for Cardinal to produce, about:blank 1/1 7 9 4-C 1.i's_ 26285 12 Trees Lane Suite 107 P'ouls)30 WA 98370 ( E3 m ()') I �.;1)2, 6 n 7 `). , comriieIC iai@dahi i� s.com cu�tOMSR . Kellogg Building Duncan Kellogg 929' Water St Port Townsend, Washington, 98368.5767 (206) 817.1394 duncan1138@gmail.com Port Townsend, Washington, 98368-5767 (206) 817-1394 ,tCIiiIIPTION e 2) storefront windows changing from single to double pane Estimate Proposal Dahl Glass proposes to furnish and install . Price includes labor, material, and disposal of Job site debris. Please review the following; (12) clear/clear tempered 1" insulated units, wood stops with black aluminum cladding, brake shapes where needed duncan1138@gmail.com U 1.00 $27,985.00 9.10% $30,53 Revised pricing after field measurements for glass and brake shapes. Price increase reflects change to black finish and out of q u are Insulted glass units Port Townsend Sales Tax / CUSTOMER MESSAGE -LEAD T E DEPENDENT ON MATERIAL ORDERED PRICE I SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO MANUFACTURER PRICE INCREASES -PROMO 'AL GOOD FOR 30 DAYS -A NON- EFUNDABLE 50% DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED BEFORE MATERIALS WILL BE 9.10% $2,54 -CARD ILL BE RUN FOR THE BALANCE WHEN JOB 15 100% COMPLETE ' r1AU1 rn ACC IC Ain-r DCCDr1MCIDl G MD AM%/ DAWTImr: 41d7 Pam; - I' =7— c:;2022 =M knr��= � Standard wood screws have deep, coarse threads to grab and hold wood securely. They help clamp and strengthen wood joints or to attach hinges, hardware, or locks into wood framing. Plain 18-8 Stainless Steel Flat Head Phillips Drive I'Scmw Size Fastener Length Head VAdth NO" Height Drive Size 7hrwda per irmh #10 2 In 0.385 In We' 4/2512023 To; MILLER SHEE"iIYVA&.rfpWC SO#d 575222'9 LaO, I POO 1100 Part: 040SHOL~ Ot 27 t*aW 000020 To . AW5 01 Lorin Industries Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 1960 Roberts Street Muskegon, MI 49442 United States Customer, Coast Aluminum & Architectural 18805 80th Place S Kent, WA 98032 Country of Origin; USA Order No: 47578 / 1 Product: 0900426-006 Metal: Gauge .0400 AI Alloy 5005 Temper Fi34 Attw Phone, Fax: Cust PO No: AW569 — '-- Cust Part No: 1037-040CLBL Descrlption: Cotorin-BlackMatt ,040 Interleave: None Page 1 of 1 SILICON IRON COPPER MANGANESE CHROMIUM ZINC 0.00 - 0.30 0,00 - 0.70 0.00 - 0.20 0,00 - 0.20 0.00 - 0.10 0.00 - 0.25 OTHER ELEMENTS MAGNESIUM 0.00 - 0.05 0, 60. 1.10 - Lot No: 900020 Alloy: 5006 Temper: H34 Finish: MF- MEOkANiCAIL Pf ll "i iE>Fm Tensile Strength (ksi) Elongation Standards Ultimate Yield (Min %) 23.2-23.7 20.7-21.2, 6.0-6,0 1011E'(C1f AND TEST RESUL.TS Characteristic Measurement Specification Range UOM Test Method Reference Film Thickness 0.000438 0.000400 - 0.000450 inches Calculated FILM THICKNESS Film Weight 16,644 15,200 - 17.100 mg/sq inch ASTM B137 FILM WEIGHT Gauge 0.0396 0.0365 - 0.0415 Inches Micrometer GAUGE TOLERANCE NEAR CUS1"OMEN: The following material was tested and found to meet specification. Testing for chemicai anc mechanical properties have been performed by Lorin's aluminum supplier. IGNATUREt Brian Holt DATE: 02/24/2023 Test Property Unit Result As Cured After 21 Days at 25°C (171) and 50% RH ASTM D 2240 Durometer Hardness, Shore A points 35 ASTM C 794 Peel Strength Ibfln (kg lcm) 32 11 (5.7) ASTM C 1135 Tension Adhesion Strength At 25% Extension psi (MPa) 45 (0.310) At 50% Extension psi (MPa) 60 (0.414) ASTM C 719 Joint Movement Capabitity t50 ASTM C 1240 ,,,percent Staining (Grantle, Marine, Limestone, Brick and .. e,.m. Concrete) None As Cured After 21 Days at 25 C 77 F) and 50% RH Followed by 10,000 Hours in a QW Weatherometer, ASTM G 53 ASTM C 1135 Tension Adhesion Strength At 25% Extension psi (MPa) 35 (0.241) At 50%Extension psi (Mpg) 50 (0.345 Description D WSIL' " 795 Silicone Building Sealant is a one -part, neutral -dire, architectural -grade Sealant that easily extrudes In any weather and cures quickly at room temperature, This cold -applied, non -sagging silicone material cures to a medium modulus silicone rubber upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. The cured sealant is durable and flexible enough to accommodate 50 percent movement of original joint dimension when installed in a properly designed weather seat joint, to a property designed structurally glazed joint, the sealant is strong enough to support glass and other panel materials under high wind load. Approvals/ Specillflications DOWSILTm 795 Silicone Building Sealant meets the requirements of: Federal Specification TT-S 001543A (COM-NBS) Class A for silicone building sealants Federal Specification TT-S-00230C (COM-NBS) Class A for one -part building sealants e ASTM Specification C 920 Type S, Grade NS, Class 50, Use NT, G, A and 0 ASTM Specification C 1184 for structural silicone sealants o Canadian Specification CAN2-19.13- M82 Issued to; Dow Silicones Product: DOWSILT"795 C719s Pass _/ Ext:+50% Comp:-500/o Substrate: Unprinled Glass, Unprimed Anodized Aluminum and Kynar (primed with DOWSILTm C-OS) Validation Date: 05/13/22 - 05/12/27 No. DOW522-527 O'opyfi ht©2022 •a'Tmdemark of The Dow Chemical Company (TW) or an affiliated company of Dow D4wSILT1" 795 Silicone Building Sealant Page 2 of 4 0 2017-2022 The Dow Chemical Company. All rights reserved. Form No. 81-885.01-1022 82D �.� � � r,' �� .. �� � .. y .Y,,,� �:(' � ('_r a ,.,�µa � \ ^ yaa , . ,. � / \ \ � � � � z� r� �{>� i� «Z� � ; � � �z �ZZ y � . ��w .. � . I 1 -1 1 1'1� �) 2 ) JT -,�) 7 " ( � BLD 24-033 BUILDING FACE 9 2 9 W, "'ATER, SREET RSN 11 B VOWAA0 /A.�l IA IIJ ?1 �- (J � .2JS'a✓ / ( ,I N T --l- - tft ILI UA ILA lij fy- Historic Preservation Committee Re: Kellogg Building, Window Repair H PC24-007 On June 7th, I participated in a site visit meeting with the property owner, Duncan Kellogg; City staff members John McDonagh and Matt Logue; and fellow HPC member Walter Galitzki as part of a subcommittee to review a proposed storefront replacement at 929 Water St. While reviewing the window sample provided on -site and assessing the various states of disrepair and conditions, there was a holistic recommendation to explore alternative window stop profiles with the glazier (such as beveled or rounded profiles). In a follow-up with John McDonagh, it was relayed that the size of the square stops is dimensionally smaller than previously communicated. After thorough conversations with the owner and the City, all options appear to have been thoroughly explored, with the originally proposed profile being the most minimal in size. It is my recommendation, as part of the subcommittee that has explored this issue, to approve the window profile Duncan Kellogg has proposed. Sincerely, Monica Mader r F f 06/20/2024 i � i, 0 Mast€, -,",xi, i, Street', uRe � t° o t ownsend, tt �t0 ?'") 1 60 0 0 tt�� 5 a www (€t ofp't,os " ,,, r rr r /iJ. / r 1'. F7Ir�r, �.,..,,�,. r ✓AFtid7;, 'a''r a MINIMS + �I "^«�,� PO ..///;;r.l,l,, fr,n.. i,fr,,,,,r�i//// r,%J��r✓rl �l N P /or /rsi /,, N r x rG/ I//�//�,,/e/J,r �.i rrJr�r✓ �% F, v i,q �// h,�iie/r,! r n, , ��, / a /// F� / r� .. r �ti rr �1 � � � .)�Town se ,,; ///i�f y r1,'a,. ✓G.,,9i i,n� rf��r%(�f9/�ar PLANNING & GOMMUNITY D7 VELOPM:ENT HISTORIC DESIGN REVIEW Of Proposal(s) Within the National Historic Landmark District All applicants and property owners must sign the application below to signify agreement with the proposed application. The Applicant(s) hereby certifies that all of the above statements and information contained in any exhibits, plot plans, or other transmittals made herewith are true and provide an accurate presentation of the proposed project. The applicant(s) acknowledges that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend based in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if it develops that any such statement or other information contained herein is false. The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any noncompliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend. 08/01 /2024 Date Date RECEIVED U G 15 2024 CITYOF PORTTOWNSEND 1.24 DSD Page 1 of 2 citya polrtotf> 250 M ' T d 11INS, ownsen PLANNING B(C MMUN" Y Dr:-V�LOPMCNT Street, Suite 3 1 Port'T w nsend,. A 9 ' " " 1360.379.5095 [ Www.City0fpLUS Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) Design Review Basic Submittal Requirements 1. Three L.31 copies of the following: • Completed and signed Design Review application form. • Site plan showing proposed project location. • Design plan on paper no larger than 1.1 x 17: ➢ dimensioned floor plans showing addition or proposed change ➢ colors, with actual color chips ➢ exterior elevation(s) showing addition or proposed change • $109.00 (cash or check made out to the City of Port Townsend) RECEIVED (Please provide PDF copies to John McDonagh if available, 2. At the meeting: CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND • You or someone acting in your place must attend or your applicatiofi)ll be continued to the next meeting. You will be asked to give a brief, informal presentation. • You will know at the meeting if your project is approved or not. • If approved, you will receive written confirmation in a few days following the meeting. • If not approved, the Committee will let you know what further information would be needed to obtain approval for the project. • Please do not begin your project until other City permits that may be applicable to your project, such as building permits and sign permits, are issued. Meetings are held monthly on Tuesdays, as needed (unless it falls on a holiday). They begin at 3:00 p.m. in the 3rd floor conference room of City Hall, 250 Madison Street, Port Townsend. Applications shall be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the next meeting to be considered. This will allow staff the time to distribute the materials to the HPC committee members for review prior to the meeting. * If your project is a major remodel or restoration, significant addition, new building, or partial or full demolition, additional submittal information and/or fees may be required. Please speak with a PCD planner with questions before submittal. 1.24 Page 2 of 2 2024-06-30 TO: Duncan Kellogg RE: Kellogg Building Facade I performed a visual inspection of the facade of the Kellogg Building, Water Street, Port Townsend at your request. The primary concern was the repair of the fa4ade, which exhibits spalling of the concrete in an area above the 2"' story windows approximately 8-10 feet long by approximately 1 foot high. Embedded steel reinforcement is visible. A secondary concern is the pressure treated wood that was installed above a horizontal raised concrete architectural band. Given the depth and height of the concrete wall above the window openings, I believe that the concrete is sufficient for the applied loading. My objective is to outline a repair procedure for the spalled concrete and a solution regarding the previously installed pressure treated members. The repair process for the spalled concrete is as follows: 1. Remove all loose concrete and aggregate until only sound material remains. 2. Sawcut the edges of the repair area perpendicular to the surface approximately '/4" deep to avoid a feather edge condition at the repair to sound material interface. 3. Clean the repair area and mechanically roughen all smooth concrete that may interfere with proper bonding of the repair material. , 4. Clean all loose and scaling rust from the exposed steel reinforcement, then apply a commercially available rust conversion chemical. I have no particular recommendation on the specific product to use and will leave the exact product choice to you and your contractor. Clean the concrete around the reinforcement to remove any of the rust conversion chemical that may have been applied to the concrete or aggregate. 5. Install the concrete repair material, per the manufacturer's instructions. Several cementitious or epoxy modified products are commercially available. I have no particular recommendation on the specific product to use and will leave the exact product choice to you and your contractor. 6. After the product is cured, it should be coated with a suitable primer and paint to protect the patch from water intrusion. From my inspection, it appears the horizontal pressure treated wood was installed above the existing horizontal band with powder actuated fasteners. I have some concern that trying to remove this will create spalling or damage to the existing concrete. Attempting to install additional pressure treated lumber through the patched area also may create a problem in the newly patched area. It seems to me the best approach to take is: 1. Attempt to remove a short piece of the pressure treated lumber to see how much damage if any is created. 2. If no significant spalling is observed, then remove the pressure treated material and patch the holes and cracks from the fasteners. Warren Engineers, PLLC........... _w.....86 S Rhododendron Drive „ N..._...,...__ ........„µPort Townsend, -WAMM98368mW T (206) 818-2710 warrenengineerspllc@gmail.com 3. If it appears that removal creates excessive damage, then the only option available is to add additional pressure treated material in the patched area. This material should be installed using some other type of fastener, not the powder actuated fasteners. I suggest using either 1/4" x 4" expansion anchors or 1/4" x 3" ' Titen SS screws at 24" o-c, both of which require drilled holes. I expect this will create less damage to the patched area. 4. The combined pressure treated and existing band can then be covered with a suitable cementitious or epoxy modified product to create a wider horizontal band. It may be necessary to install a 1/4" cement board or other suitable base material over the pressure treated material for proper adhesion and long term performance. 5. After the product is cured, it should be coated with a suitable primer and paint to protect the installation from water intrusion. I hope this meets your needs. If you have any questions, let me know. ONM 06/30/2024 Warren Engineers, PLLC 86 S Rhododendron Drive Port Townsend, WA 98368 T (206) 818-2710 wdrrenengineerspllc@gmail.com 99C26VM ONASNM0I-120d i3AHIS 8:UVAA 6Z6 i1vOild UlVdMl 3(]VOV-A E)Wriinfa oo0-r37i L L tl C L f 'r IIl Lij W Lill Lill Cyor 0 < z r) F, co 12 13 6 ui u z z Ln LU u 0 u Q 0 V) Lu Z R m 0 T 0- > -j 0 U Lu 020 c z LI) T ,I- M u citya owns n PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 99 Madison Street, Suite 3 III Portt 'fbw nsend, WA 98368 III 360.379.S095 J ww°w dtt;y fpt,uus HISTORIC DESIGN REVIEW Of Proposal(s) Within the National Historic Landmark District APPLICATION #: HPC24-027 Applicant Name: City of Pt. Townsend Parks and Facilities c/o Michael Todd, Facilities Director Mailing Address: 1925 Blaine Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Day Phone: (360) 379-5081 Email Address: mtodd@cityofpt.us Architect/Designer/Representative: SOL Email Address: Same as applicant above Day Phone: Same as applicant above Project Street Address: unaddressed property at SE corner of Madison and Jefferson Sts. Legal Description: PORT TOWNSEND O.T. BLK 52 LOTS 4 TO 8 Parcel Number: 989705203 Property Owner Name if different from Applicant): Day Phone: Project Description: Pole mounted lighting ro'ect for Seamus Sims Skate Park All applicants and property owners must sign the application below to signify agreement with the proposed application. The Applicant(s) hereby certifies that all of the above statements and information contained in any exhibits, plot plans, or other transmittals made herewith are true and provide an accurate presentation of the proposed project. The applicants) acknowledges that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend based in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if it develops that any such statement or other information contained herein is false. The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any noncompliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend. Applicant Property Owner (if different from applicant) Date Date 1.24 Page 1 of 3 cityi 5 Madiso � Stre , �.ufte ; III rtt fbwnse d, W 368 III 360. 79.S �� � w wry tyofpt pus (b� lownsen PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) Design Review Basic Submittal Requirements 1. Three (3) copies of the following: • Completed and signed Design Review application form. • Site plan showing proposed project location. • Design plan on paper no larger than I lxl7: ➢ dimensioned floor plans showing addition or proposed change ➢ colors, with actual color chips ➢ exterior elevation(s) showing addition or proposed change • $109.00 (cash or check made out to the City of Port Townsend) (Please provide PDF copies to John McDonagh if available, nmcdonaghftityofpt.us) 2. At the meeting: • You or someone acting in your place inust attend or your application will be continued to the next meeting. You will be asked to give a brief, informal presentation. • You will know at the meeting if your project is approved or not. • If approved, you will receive written confirmation in a few days following the meeting. • If not approved, the Committee will let you know what further information would be needed to obtain approval for the project. • Please do not begin your project until other City permits that may be applicable to your project, such as building permits and sign permits, are issued. Meetings are held monthly on Tuesdays, as needed (unless it falls on a holiday). They begin at 3:00 p.m. in the 3rd floor conference room of City Hall, 250 Madison Street, Port Townsend. Applications shall be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the next meeting to be considered. This will allow staff the time to distribute the materials to the HPC committee members for review prior to the meeting. * If your project is a major remodel or restoration, significant addition, new building, or partial or full demolition, additional submittal information and/or 1.24 Page 2 of 3 cityi 5 Madiso � Street, �.ufte ; III rtt f w send, W 368 III 36 . 79,,S �� � w wwr� itfpt pus (b� lownsen PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT fees may be required. Please speak with a PCD planner with questions before submittal. ormation Michael Todd Parks & Facilities Manager Parks, Recreation Department General Phone: (360) 344-3064 Address: Mountain View Commons (next to the Police Station) 1.24 Page 3 of 3 a� r 0. co wit Ah r �. ca H O ""� CD /r O co N � J j �m J � co o i co f✓1f%! R c� w m m /l G co �r��� �1 f �/ fi � c a o o � o �• �X i� �i/% O r o , MLO / E O f c \J/ 12 T re u 14 n, f// r . 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