HomeMy WebLinkAbout121824 Special Session PRTTAB Meeting Packetlilyof TownseM. SPECIAL SESSION PARKS, RECREATION, TREES, & TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD Agenda - Council Chambers December 18, 2024 1 4:30 p.m. I Virtual or In Person Meeting • Join via computer or tablet at Join the Webinar I GoTo Webinar enter 9 digit Webinar ID 787-102-091 • Join by phone in listen -only mode: (213) 929-4212 access code: 746-093-130 • Submit public comment to be included in the meeting record to: https://Publiccomment.fillout.com/citvofpt • If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please attempt all methods listed above before reporting any issues to: clerksupport@cityofpt.us Welcome, Introduction & Call to Order - Chair Debbie Jahnke Good afternoon and welcome to this meeting of the Port Townsend Parks, Recreation, Trees & Trails Advisory Board. The role of this Board is to assist City staff and to advise the City Council on legislative matters concerning parks, recreation, trees and trails. This meeting is open to the public at the City Council Chambers, virtually via this web format, and is also being video recorded for those who could not attend the meeting today and for future reference. Given that this meeting is in virtual format, we ask that the board members raise their hands to be called on by the Chair. The public can do the some to comment during the public comment periods. We take public comment at the beginning and end of the meeting. i. Roll Call: ii. Approval of Minutes: November 26, 2024 iii. Public Comment (3 minutes per person/agenda items only): iv. New Business a. Dudek Presentation - Urban Forestry Plan & Tree Conservation Code - presentation to update PRTTAB on progress of USDA urban forestry grant effort (Robin Hill) V. Old Business a. Lawrence Street Project — tree selection update (Robin, Michael, and Steve) vi. Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: 28 January 2025 vii. Advisory Board/Committee/Commission end of the year celebration. A quorum may be present, but no action will be taken. Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring accommodation for this meeting should notify the City Clerk's Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at (360) 379-5083. viii. Adjourn: Future agenda items: • Master plan for future westside park • Tree subcommittee update — final drafts of POS trees, understory lists Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring accommodation for this meeting should notify the City Clerk's Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at (360) 379-5083. lilyof TownseM. PARKS, RECREATION, TREES, & TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD Agenda - Council Chambers November 26, 2024 1 4:30 p.m. I Virtual or In Person Meeting • Join via computer or tablet at.http://moinwebinar.com enter 9 digit Webinar ID 752-525-115 • Join by phone in listen -only mode: (360)390-5064 Ext. 3 access code: 699-128-175# • Submit public comment to be included in the meeting record to: https://Publiccomment.fillout.com/citvofpt • If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please attempt all methods listed above before reporting any issues to: clerksupport@cityofpt.us Welcome, Introduction & Call to Order - Chair Debbie Jahnke Good afternoon and welcome to this meeting of the Port Townsend Parks, Recreation, Trees & Trails Advisory Board. The role of this Board is to assist City staff and to advise the City Council on legislative matters concerning parks, recreation, trees and trails. This meeting is open to the public at the City Council Chambers, virtually via this web format, and is also being video recorded for those who could not attend the meeting today and for future reference. Given that this meeting is in virtual format, we ask that the board members raise their hands to be called on by the Chair. The public can do the some to comment during the public comment periods. We take public comment at the beginning and end of the meeting. I. Roll Call: Russell Hill, Becci Kimball, Pam Adams, Richard Hefley, Matt Miner, Jim Todd, Debbie Jahnke present. Staff present (for relevant topics) included Steve King, Michael Todd, Robin Hill, Adrian Smith, Melody Sky Weaver, John Mauro, Alyssa Rodrigues (zoom). II. Approval of Agenda/Changes to Agenda: approved by consensus III. Approval of Minutes: approved by consensus IV. Public Comment (3 minutes per person/agenda items only): written comment about removal of the Golden Age Club and the house at Chetzemoka. Steve responded with the idea of a 'mini - master' plan to add it to Chetzemoka proper, possibly expanding the existing dog park there or other uses. Concerns about the eroding bluff were noted. V. Old Business (30 minutes) A. Community Services Department - plan, information and discussion (John Mauro, staff) - City Manager Mauro described the plan for Community Services with input from Melody Sky Weaver and Steve King. The fiscal cliff' was addressed for library funding as well as the lack of funding for parks. Directorship will be built for the library, parks and creative district with managers in place for each entity to redistribute the workload and offer blending of roles. Steve noted that his previous employer did something similarly and quite successfully and wants this effort to improve our RCO attempts. Melody spoke about the successes of integrated approaches in other jurisdictions and the importance of 'taking down silos'. Pam inquired about where the golf park fits in the new plan. Michael indicated that he meets monthly with the golf park folks. In the 2023 Washington State Libraries report, our library ranks very high per capita out of the 60 public libraries in the state, for funding, staffing and services (in the top 10, often in the top 5). In a 2024 National Recreation and Parks Association agency performance review, parks departments averaged 8.9 FTEs per 10,000 residents for parks nationwide while PT has three. Council Liaison Monica MickHager expressed her respect for the people and the process going forward with the consolidation. Russell inquired about what we should worry about, eliminating silos is very difficult but we need to build change on a stable structure. B. Open space subcommittee (Adrian Smith) - Subcommittee is working to delineate open space areas that are not currently designated as open space. Becci indicated that they are developing a wish list for Cappy's parcels and ROWS. A 2009 resolution (Resolution 09-034) added a boundary around Cappy's Trails. Subcommittee is addressing the '10-minute walk' of the PROS Plan. Steve estimated that about 30-40% of Cappy's is currently designated open space. Jim asked about the confluence of 'open space' vs 'wildlife corridor'. Discussion about wetlands protection was included specific to what government entities protect wetlands. VI. New Business (40 min) A. Review of relevant code for park use re: October meeting public comments and concerns (Steve, Michael) - Staff met with the residents who had concerns, park rules are set by the City Manager, hours of operation for the lights can be set in the administrative rules. The skate park is P/OS(B). Memorial Park is County and follows County guidance. Fixtures are darkskies compliant. Light poles are 28 ft; we need to be careful about shadows in the bowls. Public comment suggested that Memorial Field was different due to numbers of users. B. Update on Quimper Parks & Trees Foundation (Becci) - QP&TF is slated to have its first steering committee meeting. People are more likely to donate when there is a visible project. Donations can be made at jcfgives.org. 'Trees + benches + little free libraries with books relevant to locations' was suggested by Matt as one possible plan, with board enthusiasm for street ends and view points. C. Consider date change for December meeting (currently Christmas Eve) - Availability of meeting space was discussed and board voted to have the December meeting in chambers on December 18 at 4:30pm. D. Discuss City offer of end -of -year gathering post December meeting -in the interest of meeting time constraints, specifics will be determined offline for gathering plans. No food or drink in the chamber, so gathering will be in the hall; nonalcoholic beverages and snacks, and the public is welcome. VII. Staff update — (20 min) A. Update from Robin Hill about working with Dudek (https://dudek.com/) on USDA grant (Urban Forestry Plan, Tree Conservation Ordinance update) - Robin met with WSU as our community -based organization for the project, their goal will be to advise Dudek about outreach to the community, Cameron Stecki will be our Dudek staff lead/project manager, technical advisory committee of about ten people will be formed, canopy cover analysis is planned. Cameron will present to us at our December meeting. B. Update from Michael Todd about DNR grant for Bishop and Sather work and general staff report - Grant effort has been a slow process; Michael submitted work plan for review, work will start next year. Michael expressed appreciation for our seasonal workers, who have been outstanding. The Chetzemoka kitchen shelter has been demolished, noting that it had water service but was not connected to the sewer. Do we want water? It may be very expensive to get to the sewer and there are large and mature trees with many roots between the shelter location and access to the sewer. Staff will explore the options. VII. Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: see item W.B. - selected December 18 for December meeting. Vill. Public Comment: no public comment IX. Adjourn: approx. 6:26pm Future agenda items: • Master plan for future westside park • Tree subcommittee update — final drafts of POS trees, understory lists 3