HomeMy WebLinkAbout080124 Art Commission Packet Port Townsend Art Commission Meeting Agenda August 1, | 3:00 p.m. | In-person and Remote Meeting nd The meeting will be held in Council Chambers on the 2 floor of the Historic City Hall. The entrance is the first door on Madison Street, which opens to the elevator. Join virtually via computer or tablet at http://joinwebinar.com enter the 9-digit Webinar ID 360-657-571 Join by phone in listen-only mode: (360) 390-5064 ext. 6 access code: 496-365-513# Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to: https://publiccomment.fillout.com/cityofpt A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Approval of Agenda D. Approval of Minutes July 2, 2024 E. Public Comment (3 minutes per person) F. Committee Business A. Chair Update B. Treasurer Update C. Staff Update D. 2025 Workplan and Budget Discussion E. Angel of the Arts and Patron of the Arts Event G. Correspondence H. Set Agenda for Next Meeting I. Next Scheduled Meeting September 5, 2024 J. Adjourn Qpsu!Upxotfoe!Bsut!Dpnnjttjpo Mjoetfz!Xbzmboe-!Dibjs Djuz!pg!Qpsu!Upxotfoe 21!Kvmz!3135 Efbs!Nbzps!Gbcfs- Uibol!zpv!gps!zpvs!mfuufs!boe!jowjubujpo!up!dpoofdu!sfhbsejoh!uif!zfbs!tp!gbs!gps!uif!Bsut! 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Tjodfsfmz!zpvst- Mjoetfz!Xbzmboe-!Dibjs Qpsu!Upxotfoe!Bsut!Dpnnjttjpo ifmmpAmjoetfzxbzmboe/dpn 2025 Priorities for Workplan Port Townsend Arts Commission ! Uif!Bsut!Dpnnjttjpo!gbdjmjubuft!qvcmjd!bsut!qsphsbnt!uibu!foibodf!uif!dvmuvsbm!mjgf! pg!dpnnvojuz!sftjefout/! PTAC's 2024 Workplan Summary Carefully evaluate grant applications of artists and art organizations and make recommendations to the City of Port Townsend. PTAC has awarded nearly $15,000 in community arts grants ranging from $500 to o $2,800. Grants are currently awarded in an open application process six times a year to artists and arts organizations for all arts disciplines. Review and refine our grant requirements as needed. This is an active conversation on the commission as we look at how to make a bigger o impact with our General Fund budget. Steward the Port Townsend Poet Laureate program with the City Council. This program, in its inaugural year, has provided numerous public poetry readings, o poems in City publications, and planning with other agencies for siting poetry across the city. Public Art: this work is facilitated by the Public Art Committee a sub-committee of PTAC, and each of these initiatives are in process with continuing discussion with City staff. Facilitate the repair and cleaning of Public Artworks. o Document our role in public art. o Create a plain-language Public Art Guide that articulates Port Townsend's public art o process. Work with the City to maintain the public art site locations on our website. o Continue to collaborate with City staff to educate residents about our functions and goals. o programs in City communications channels. Plan and execute the Angel of the Arts/Patron of the Arts ceremony. The program is the only one of its kind in the city and was put on pause due to the o COVID-19 pandemic. This year the event will be held in the fall. Remain open to new possibilities and modify our work plan as necessary. PTAC priorities for 2025 (that require policy decision and/or significant budget impact). Analyze the efficacy of our 1% for Art program and City code, so that this mechanism can be truly - effective in funding public art projects year over year, establishing PT as a city where public art thrives and can be enjoyed by all. Protect Port Townsend-enriching public art now and into the future. - This requires close communication and cooperation with City staff who have the tools and practices. Transform our granting program so that it: - o and has access to that work; Enables underrepresented artists and disciplines to thrive in our city; o Is seen as an investment o the social and cultural infrastructure of the city, equally as important to the future of our community as built infrastructure; Connects strategically with other arts organizations initiatives and strategies, so that o artists can leverage funding across multiple opportunities, giving our dollars greater impact. Utilize strategy, data, and partnerships, especially the Creative District and the Arts & Culture - Plan, to set a baseline for our impact and make measurable progress toward our goals that are bigger than what PTAC can do alone. DRAFTCityPTACBudget2025 31Jul24 ItemBudgetActualNOTES REVENUE Allocation36,500.00$$Request Grants$$ EXPENSES Programs $3percapita=$7,500forfourrounds:Emerging, GrantstoArtists$30,000.00 Institutional,Youth,Events Stipendforyear2,wouldreceivesupportfrom PoetLaureate$1,200.00 otheragenciesforspecialprojects $200ppjuryforyears34PLprogram $600.00 Maintenanceforexistingcollection(Alexistoask PublicArt$ Michaelforballpark) TBD 1%forPublicArt$ Food,artistmadeawards,addesign Mayor'sArtsAwards$1,500.00 One1/2pageadinLeaderforAwards $1,200.00 Marketing PublicArtbrochureandinfusingPublicArtintothe $1,000.00 Print/WebPublication newCityMapfundedbyLTAC CreativeAssets Buildingassetsforprogramrepresentationfor2025 Photo/Video$1,000.00websiterefresh TOTAL36,500.00$$ REMAIINING$$ From:reply-to+bc54b6c6-67ef-41e7-8ecc-f5ac206c4281@email.submittable.com on behalf of ArtsWA Community Investments To:Shelly Leavens Subject:ArtsWA – Art Project Grant Notification Date:Wednesday, July 17, 2024 3:32:36 PM CAUTION: External Email Dear Shelly / \[\], The Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA) has completed panel review of all applications for the FY25 Art Project Grant. Unfortunately, the grant panel did not recommend your organization’s application for funding. The Grants to Organizations program is supported by limited funding from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Typically, we receive 80 applications for this program and ArtsWA received over 140 eligible applications. With our limited funding, we were only able to fund 18% of applications. After ArtsWA staff screened applications for eligibility, a panel of four, composed of artists and arts leaders from across Washington State, reviewed and scored all Emerging applications using the criteria published on our website and in the grant guidelines. Panelists were impressed with the overall quality of the applications and wished they could approve more than our funding allowed. The applications represented the tenacity, community care, and creative brilliance of people across Washington state. As the creative economy navigates its way through pandemic recovery, funding for the arts has dropped significantly. ArtsWA will continue to work tirelessly to secure more resources for the sector and the communities it supports. You may request feedback on your application. Please send an email to Ashley Marshall at ashley.marshall@arts.wa.gov with the subject line: “Feedback: \[Organization Name\] Art Project Grant FY25.” Feedback will be provided via email between September – November but depending on volume, we may be able to respond to requests sooner. In your request for feedback, please indicate any specific questions you’d like us to address, if any. Additionally, you may request a formal review of this decision under the Appeal Procedure, per our rules (WAC 30-12-036). Note that the Appeal Procedure does not allow for the introduction of information outside of the submitted grant application. Our next regular Grants to Organizations application season opens in January 2025 and you can always look at ongoing opportunities through ArtsWA’s Grants page. We sincerely hope that this notification letter finds you well as we continue to work in service of community health and creative resilience through these times. We believe that the arts are a key part of that effort. Thank you for your work. With care, Miguel Guillén, Program Manager Grants to Organizations REPLYVIEW SUBMISSION Submission ID: 46317033 Sent by Submittable. 101 E Front St Suite 501, Missoula, MT 59802 Help Center | Terms and Conditions | Contact Us