HomeMy WebLinkAbout072324 Special Session City Council Business Meeting Packet PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 540 WATER STREET Special Session Meeting 3:00 p.m. July 23, 2024 Attend in person or virtually via computer or tablet at https://zoom.us/j/98187633367enter the Webinar ID 98187633367 Phone only (muted -listen-only mode) United States: Local Dial In –1(253)215- 8782,,98187633367# Submit public comment to be included in the meeting record to: https://publiccomment.fillout.com/cityofpt If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please attempt all methods listed above before reporting any issues to: clerksupport@cityofpt.us I.Call to Order II.Roll Call III.City Council Appointment Process Overview Proposed Action: No Action Requested. Discussion Only. i. Staff presentation and Council questions ii. Council discussion IV. New Business A. City Council AppointmentApplicant Interview: Fred Obee Proposed Action: No action requested. Discussion Only i. Council questions of applicant ii. Public Comment B. City Council Appointment Applicant Interview: Heidi Haney Proposed Action:No action requested. Discussion only. i.Council questions of applicant ii.Public Comment C.City Council Appointment Applicant Interview: Neil Nelson Proposed Action:No action requested. Discussion only. i.Council questions of applicant ii.Public Comment D.City Council Appointment Applicant Interview: Theodore Howard Proposed Action:No action requested. Discussion only. i.Council questions of applicant ii.Public Comment V.Adjourn Application for Appointment to Port Townsend City Council Applicant Information PcffGsfefsjdlS Applicant Name _________________________________________________________________________ LastFirstMI 2112VTu/QpsuUpxotfoe-XB:9479 Residence Address_______________________________________________________________________ 471.412.7564!gsfepcffAhnbjm/dpn Contact Phone_____________________________ Email________________________________________ Zft Do you reside in the Port Townsend City limits and have you done so for at least 1 year ? 5 yes no 5 Are you a registered voter in Jefferson County? yes no The information is true and I affirm that I will support the Constitution and Laws of the United States and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Washington. 7.:.35 ___________________________________________________________________ SignatureDate Please submit answers to the supplemental questions below, not to exceed 5pages: 1.Why are you interested in serving as an appointed City Councilmember? 2. opportunities? 3.What experience and skills would you bring to the role of a City Councilmember? How might you focus those skills and experience during your term? 4.Describe your leadership style. How do you most effectively work with others? 5.Describe your philosophy with public engagement. What matters most and what would you bring/add to the current way the City engages the community? How might you ensure that diverse perspectives are heard and measured in decision-making? 6.What is your understanding of our form of government (Council-Manager) and a City staff, and our community work most effectively together? 7.Describe what success looks like for you in this role and what it looks like for our Council and community. 8.What do you think your biggest challenge will be as an appointed City Councilmember? How do you intend to work through that challenge? 9.Is there anything else you want to tell us? (Optional) Please feel free to attach a resume of no longer than 2 pages. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Port Townsend City Council Appointment Application Page 3of 3 Btbmjgfmpohkpvsobmjtu-Jibwfbmxbztibebojoufsftujohpwfsonfoubggbjst-boeJsfdfoumzsfujsfeboeopx ibwfuifujnfupefwpufupdjuzdpvodjmcvtjoftt/JbmtpkvtuxbouupcfpgtfswjdfuifdpnnvojuzJdbmmipnf/ J(wfcffobQpsuUpxotfoesftjefougps32zfbst/ UifdjuzgbdftnboztpdjbmboegjobodjbmdibmmfohftboexijmfJdbobmxbztmfbsonpsf-JcfmjfwfJibwfbhppe voefstuboejohpguifjttvftxfgbdf/Bggpsebcmfipvtjohboeipnfmfttofttbsfuxppguifcjhtpdjbm dibmmfohft/Nbljohbefoujouiptfqspcmfntxjmmsfrvjsfxjefdpmmbcpsbujpoxjuinbozpuifshspvqtboe hpwfsonfoufoujujft/Uifdjuzbmtpoffetupdpogspouuifqspcmfnpgefgfssfenbjoufobodfjotfxfst-xbufs tztufntboetusffut/Sftpmwjohuifjttvfpguifdpnnvojuztxjnnjohqppmjtbuuifupqpguifmjtugpsbdujpo ftqfdjbmmzgpmmpxjohjutsfdfoutztufngbjmvsfboedmptvsf/Bgfbtjcjmjuztuvezboeuifdpodmvtjpotpgb 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tfmfdufe-JxpvmecfvobwbjmbcmfgpsuifBvh/23nffujohpozpvstdifevmf/ Nzsftvnfjtbuubdife/Qmfbtfmfunflopxjgzpvoffetpnfuijohfmtfupdpnqmfufnzbqqmjdbujpo/ Sftvnç GsfePcff QPCpy7:1 QpsuUpxotfoe-XB:9479 gsfepcffAhnbjm/dpn€471.412.7564 Dpnnvojuzjowpmwfnfou TfswfepouifKfggfstpoDpvouzDibncfspgDpnnfsdfCpbsegps21zfbstboexbtqsftjefoujo3123/Nfncfspg uifFbtuKfggfstpoDpvouzSpubszDmvcgps23zfbstboetfswfepojutcpbse/CpbsenfncfspguifXbtijohupo DpbmjujpogpsPqfoHpwfsonfougps21zfbst/NpefsbufedboejebufgpsvntgpsuifMfbhvfpgXpnfoWpufstpwfsb efdbef/ XpslFyqfsjfodf 3127upBqsjm3135 FyfdvujwfEjsfdupspguifXbtijohupoOfxtqbqfsQvcmjtifstBttpdjbujpo-sftqpotjcmfgps nbobhjohfwfszbtqfdupgbtnbmmopo.qspgjupshboj{bujpo-gspntfswjohnfncfst-upgvoesbjtjoh-dpnnvojdbujpot- boeqmboojohboenbobhjohboboovbmdpogfsfodf/ 3126 NbslfujohEjsfdupsgpsDfousvn-bopo.qspgjubsutpshboj{bujpo/Nbobhfedsfbujpopgqvcmjdbujpotboeuif tdifevmjohboeqmbdfnfoupgbewfsujtjoh/ 3114up3126 HfofsbmNbobhfs-QpsuUpxotfoe'KfggfstpoDpvouzMfbefs/Sftqpotjcmfgpsdsfbujohboe 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nfncfsofxtqbqfst/ €BtbsfqpsufsbuuifMfbefs-nz2::9sfqpsujohpouifdpowjdujpoboejnqsjtponfoupgbuffobhfDijnbdvncpz jowpmwfejobtdippmzbsecsbxmtipxfeuifcpzxbtbwjdujnpgcvmmzjohboeqppsmzsfqsftfoufeczijtbuupsofz/Uif tupszqspnqufeXbtijohupoHpw/HbszMpdlfuppsefsuifcpztsfmfbtfgspnqsjtpo/Uiftupszqmbdfe35uijouif obujpogpsuifQvmju{fsQsj{fjojowftujhbujwfsfqpsujoh/ €MfesfqpsujohufbngpmmpxjohuifqmbdfnfoupguifXijecfzJtmboeObwbmBjsTubujpopouifgfefsbmcbtfdmptvsf mjtu/DpwfsbhftipxfeuifObwzgbjmfeupbqqmzjutpxodsjufsjbjomjtujohuifcbtfgpsdmptvsfboeuif sfdpnnfoebujpogpsdmptvsfxbtpwfsuvsofeczuifCbtfDmptvsfDpnnjttjpo/ Fevdbujpo CbdifmpstefhsffjokpvsobmjtngspnXftufsoXbtijohupoVojwfstjuz/ 5509 Wilson St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 eidiHaney (346) 444-0975hhaney1207@gmail.com H ExperiencedinLeadership Top-notch Manager/Directorwith 20+yearsof experiencemanaging, recruiting, and training sales force along with managing/directing business relations and cost controlunder company budgeted guidelines. Excellent organizational and follow through skillswith a high attention to detail. Experienced in managing/directing business relations/operations and special projects under National Directors, Senior Vice President, and CEO. Maintains excellent written and oral communication skills, problem resolution abilities, and a high level of confidentiality. Professional, mature, high-spirited,and energetic forward thinking leader with ability to multi-task in high stress environments. Proficient in fostering company cultures. ProfessionalExperience TIPSY GYPSY S.P.C. –Port Townsend, WA 2018 –Present OWNER Mobile bartending services for WA State, specializing in weddings, events, and guided wine education tastings and excursions. Party rentals. Approximately 75 events per year. PORT TOWNSEND VINEYARDS –Port Townsend, WA 2017 –Present SOMMELIER Manages tasting room and all aspects of wine education and training. EAGLEMOUNT CIDER & WINERY –Port Townsend, WA 2016 –2019 TASTING ROOM ASSOCIATE Managed Tasting Room. SEAPORT LANDING by BONAVENTURE SENIORLIVING –Port Townsend, WA 2016 –2017 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Licensed Assisted Living Administrator for 120-unitcomplex with 55 AL units. Responsible for overall operations and sales of the communityand reporting directly to COO. HOLIDAY RETIREMENT –Vancouver, WA & Houston, TX 2011–2016 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Responsible for leading and directing the overall operation of the community in accordance with resident needs, government regulations, and our internal policies and procedures. Other tasks include maintaining excellent service quality, high occupancy, and meeting corporate financial goals within established budgetary guidelines. Regional Mentor for West District –training all new management teams and community sales leaders. Took two “lower 48” buildings to 95%+ occupancy and maintained high level of performance during tenure. Resumeof: HeidiHaney-Page2 CREDIT MONEY & LIFE–Dallas, TX 07/26/10 –12/01/2011 PROJECT MANAGER/DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Manage clients and their unsecured debts. Responsible for educating and enrolling consumers in our debt management program that utilizes forensic mitigation. Process all applications that go to the underwriter and attorney, handle clients in 42 states, keepingaccurate records, and responsible for all follow through with the client.Writing and editingfor our website content; also perform all live chat driven through the website. Write and manage social networking and blogging. Authored published blog articles. Project Manager over theresearch and developmental team for a new financial and life plan/coaching program to be launched in late springof 2011. Fully responsible for the prototype production and release.Key member of marketing team. LOGAN’S ROADHOUSE, INC. –Abilene, Burleson,Lewisville, and Lake Worth, TX 8/20/06–11/07/2009 GNEREAL MANAGER Managed a casual diningrestaurant of 100+ employees.Motivated staff to perform on a high level within a positive environment. Maintained an eye for detail in every dish, every day. Created an atmosphere where guest satisfaction and happiness was a priority. Managed budgeted labor and food cost. Drew action plans from understanding P&L documents. Trained cohesive teams of highly skilledmanagers.Trained and operated two new locations during tenure. DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC. (Darden Restaurants, Inc. Olive Garden) -TX, OK, KS 4/20/00–6/19/06 GENERAL MANAGER Managed a casual dining restaurant with 125 employees. Titles held were Culinary Manager, Service Manager, SalesManager, and BeverageNetwork Leader for my regionprior to becoming GM. My six-yeartenure includedtraining and opening fivenew restaurantlocationsin addition to working atfourseparate locations;beingtransferredeach timefor superior job performance. Education Argosy University, Dallas, TX BA Psychologypursued (3 credits shy!) GPA 3.89 Bradford School, Portland, OR CertifiedMedical Assistant Certificate GPA 4.0 Battle Ground High School, Battle Ground, WA Diploma GPA 3.0 References Available upon request 1. Why are you interested in serving as an appointed city council member? Over the last several years I have come to realize that I have great interest in being of maximum service to my fellow man and to my community. As a small business owner and long-term resident of Port feel I can be part of the forward momentum this community needs. As . Serving on the planning commission has helped me become more involved in being of service to port Townsend. It seems to me that being a member of the city council is the next step forward. The opportunity to serve on such as Infrastructure and Development, and behavioral health . At the level, we just don’t have that much opportunity for a broader range of purposes within the city. 2. Housing seems to be the single most pressing challenge we are up against. I am super familiar with these challenges on a personal level. As a general contractor I not only pay because it is my livelihood, but also because my employees struggle with living arrangements. I own some rental property and can discuss these issues . I have a great interest in expanding my work to include developments. All of this is for the purpose of doing my part in helping ease our housing 3. focus on those skills and experience during your term? I listen extremely well. I clear on how to proceed. I have learned during commission that each issue is always far more involved and that all related viewpoints are very the necessary facts before weighing in on any given subject. This promotes by not unnecessarily resolve themselves if we simply before rushing to decisions 4. Describe your My leadership style is easygoing and relaxed. I listen carefully. I have empathy and try to rash judgement calls. Virtually every person has a reason that makes sense to them for whatever they do or say… My goal is to . So, I have learned over many years of management that it is 5. Describe your philosophy with public engagement bring/add to the current way the city engages the community? How might you ensure that are heard and measured in decision making? also describes my philosophy related to public engagement. Heck, it is my philosophy for talking than I ever do by listening. And If I listen, and I hear, and I am decisions are made for me. At the very least I then know my personal feelings on a given issue at answers based on my personal understanding Just listen. And hear. 6. What is your understanding of our form of government (ouncil-Manager) and members ? What’s important to you in making sure the city council and our ? Google tells me that our form of government of elected and appointed city manager/ mayor. (Thanks, Google) I believe that members of the city council through listening to the needs of the community, combined with educs, ordinance, and vision for the community. Our manager/ and or mayor is appointed to oversee the process. 7. Describe what success looks like for you in this role and what it looks like for our council and community. Success looks like ever increasing knowledge of how to work within our system so that I can be . the amazing place it already is and growing into the future. 8. What do you think your biggest challenge will be as an appointed you into to work through that challenge? improvement industry ton of knowledge in the home building industry but in several years of serving on the planning commission I at even the local level is much slower and more cumbersome than in private business. about how to work within the parameters of to help promote and that helps serve all of us in our community. 9. Is there anything else you want to tell us? I have included a very short resume to help show just how extensive my background in I believe this has helped provide much insight at the planning commission level. Recent discussion at the planning commission related to ADU My resume also helps show that spent sources and I think dealing with the public in is a natural next step for me. Neil Nelson 425 218 8429 Piecewurx@aol.com Resume summary Currently, I am the owner 2000 su 2015 – 2017 low-income 2013-2015 Peninsula 2000 – 2007 st . 1 1983 -1998 – 1993. -