Date: April 2, 2024 Time: 3:00 pm Location: City Hall Council Chambers, and
virtually via GoToMeeting webinar
Members Present: Craig Britton (Chair - Virtually), Walter Galitzki (Vice Chair), Richard Berg, Kathleen Knoblock; Michael D'Alessandro; Monica
Mader; Kathleen Croston— arrived late; City Council member/HPC liaison Monica MickHager
Staff Present: John McDonagh, Senior Planner
Applicants: Betsy Carlson, Applicant & homeowner
Steve King, Applicant & Public Works Director
Guests/Members of the Public: Joyce (did not provide last name)
Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
Call to Order
As Chair Britton was attending virtually with
occasional technology issues, Vice Chair
Galitzki called the meeting to order at 3:03
p.m. Members present as noted above.
Approval of Minutes:
March 5 draft Regular Meeting Minutes
approved as presented 6-0 (Croston not yet
March 26, 2024 Draft Special Meeting
Minutes approved as presented 6-0
(Croston not yet present)
Appearance of Fairness:
New Business:
Old Business
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Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
A. HPC23-010, 761 Chestnut Street — Betsy Carlson
Berg moved to recommend approval of the
Re -roofing project using standing metal seam as replacement for wood shingles
replacement roofing as proposed. 2nd was
made by D'Alessandro. Vote was to
Staff and Applicant Introduction: The application seeks replacement of wood shake roofing
recommend approval with 6 in favor and 1
with standing metal seam material. The proposed roofing is Charcoal grey in color with a
opposed (Britton).
ribbed, 12" wide profile. Applicant Carlson noted the home has some areas of metal roofing
already in place. An existing detached accessory building also has a standing metal seam
roof. Carlson's preferred roofing choice matches these existing metal roofed areas .
Committee: Berg offered several project -specific circumstances that made strict adherence
to the residential roofing palette unnecessary. The factors Berg suggested include: a)
Limited visibility of the home from public views; b) The home's location outside the NHLD; c)
The number and extent of prior alterations done to the home; d) The fact that portions of
the home already had standing metal seam roofing; and, e) The potential recyclability of
metal roofing vs. an asphalt composition product. Some, but not all, members echoed Berg's
Public Comment: None
B. HPC24-012, Uptown Complete Streets sidewalk project
Galitzki moved to approve the sidewalk
City of Pt. Townsend Public Works Dept.
improvement project with an emphasis on
minimizing parking impacts, protecting
Staff and Applicant Introduction: Steve King, city Public Works Director, presented their
existing trees and allowing for placement of
application involving municipal improvements to commercial streets in Uptown.
benches, bicycle racks, art, etc. in support
Committee: Members expressed support for the project's overall goal to improve
of the overall project goal to improve
accessibility. Upon questioning, applicant indicated new sidewalk design at intersections
accessibility. Britton 2nd. Discussion.
would resemble those installed downtown with inlay street names and cast iron tactile
warning plates. Minimizing impacts to parking was emphasized; applicant notes 1 space may
During discussion, Berg offered an
be lost to conversion into a bus pull out.
amendment to the motion which directs
the project to follow concrete scoring
Public Comment: None; Joyce attended to simply to listen to the Applicant about the
pattern of the existing modules.
The amended motion was approved
unanimously (6-0). HPC then voted
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Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
unanimously to approve the full motion as
amended (6-0).
Other Business
Further review postponed due to time left in
A. Review of available draft Guidelines
the meeting and the absence of members
who worked on the available draft(s).
Next Scheduled Special Meeting
April 23, 2024, 3 pm, Council Chambers.
Nex Scheduled Regular Meeting:
May 7, 2024, 3 pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
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