HomeMy WebLinkAbout020124 Art Commisson Packet Port Townsend Art Commission Meeting Agenda February 1, 2024, | 3:00 p.m. | In-person and Remote Meeting nd The meeting will be held in 2Floor Conference Room. The entrance is at250 Madison Street Suite 2, Port Townsend WA 98368, Port Townsend. Join virtually via computer or tablet at http://joinwebinar.com enter the 9-digit Webinar ID 360-657-571 Join by phone in listen-only mode: (360) 390-5064 ext. 6 access code: 496-365-513# Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to: https://publiccomment.fillout.com/cityofpt A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Approval of Agenda D. Approval of Minutes January 4, 2024 E. Public Comment (3 minutes per person) F. Committee Business A. Arts for PT Public Library B. Chair Update C. Treasurer Update D. PAC Update E. Poet Laureate F. Angel of the Arts G. Correspondence H. Set Agenda for Next Meeting I. Next Scheduled Meeting March 7, 2024 J. Adjourn Melody Sky Eisler, Library Director City of Port Townsend Public Library 1220 Lawrence St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-340-3054 meisler@cityofpt.us Date: January 29, 2024 To: Port Townsend Arts Commission (PTAC) Fr: Melody Sky Weaver, Library Director Subject of Memorandum: Emily Carr StatueDonation Libby Atkins, a long time Port Townsend resident purchased the bronze Emily Carr Commemorative Statue, by Barbara Paterson, a revered Canadian sculptormany years ago in anticipation of donating the sculpture to the Port Townsend Public Library for generations of children to enjoy. The Library has a deep connection to Emily Carr and her artistic and literary legacy. For any donation of this value, the consideration of the PTAC and Library Advisory Board recommendations are important steps, prior to City Council consideration. Emily Carr (December 13, 1871 – March 2, 1945) was a Canadian artist and writer who was inspired by the monumental art and villages of the First Nations and the landscapes of British Columbia and was said to capture the “aliveness” of the Pacific Northwest forests. Carr has been referred to as the Georgia O’Keeffe of the Pacific Northwest. In 2011, The Forest Lover, a historical fiction novel about Emily Carr by Susan Vreeland was the Library’s annual Community Read. Emily loved animals and had a pet monkey named Woo and a dog named Billy, and both animals are in this sculpture. The Library’s collection has many books by and about Emily Carr. The Library maintains its own art collection focused on art that has local and regional literary ties and judiciously accepts donations of art within the Library director’s donation signing authority. Any donations of a monetary value of $5,000 or more must go to the City Council for approval. The purchased value of the Emily Carr Statue is over $11,000.The Library recommendation would be supportive of this donation and display the Emily Carr statue inside the Library for all to enjoy. The Library Advisory Board will discuss this donation at their February meeting as well. The Library is requesting PTAC’s recommendation and support for City Council consideration. This donation is consistent with both the City’s Art in Public Places policy and, more importantly, the City’s Library Collection Development Policy. The piece is aestheticallypleasingand of a scale appropriatefor display in the Library. The donation is unrestricted. The piece is part of a limited smaller-scale casting of a larger work displayed in Victoria, BC. It is a durable piece that can easily be displayed of many years in the Library. The donor is prepared to install the piece upon the City Council’s approval. As the piece will installed inside the Library, the piece will be protected from vandalism and can be safely secured to a base. This piece will need little maintenance as it will be installed inside the Library. While the piece is not subject to the Art in Public Places Policy, it is consistent with the policy. Images of the statue are on the next pages. The library thanks PTAC for their consideration of this donation. Brochure about the Emily Carr CommemorativeStatueby sculptor Barbara Paterson The Emily Carr bronze statueby Barbara Patersonbeing offered for donation to the Library For reference full sized original bronze sculpture in Victoria B.C. by Barbara Paterson City of Port Townsend Arts Commission (PTAC) 2024 Meeting Schedule DRAFT This document is a summary of the annual approach to PTAC meetings in 2024 and the development of st the PTAC budget. PTAC meets on 1Thursdays, from 3:00-5:00PM, with meetings in the odd months devoted to grant funding. Public Art Committee meetings are not reflected in this document. The development of the PTAC budget is part of the development of the City of Port Townsend budget. This begins nearly 6 months before the start of the subsequent year and includes state-mandated statutory milestones and deadlines. 1.February – (underway) 2.April – Communications and Connections. PTAC engages in a discussion of City communications and how to participate in covering events, updating the website, and promoting the work of PTAC (#8). Discussion of agency partners and arts connections, including Creative District and Arts & Culture Plan. Begin plan for Angel of Arts with roles and deadlines (#9). 3.June – Budget and Workplan Strategic Session. PTAC receives a call from Mayor/City Manager to PTAC (and all City advisory boards) for workplan items and budget request. PTAC reviews progress on the 2024 workplan, strategizes on multi-year initiatives and the 2025 workplan, and considers priorities for next fiscal year in order to suggest a preliminary PTAC budget (#10). Poet Laureate provides a mid-year report (#3). 4.August – Budget, Partners, and Angel of the Arts. PTAC votes on a workplan and budget and submits a recommendation to City Council in advance of a decision on the final City budget. City Council may choose to approve/incorporate or may send the recommendation back to PTAC for further discussion. PTAC hears from the Port of Port Townsend and/or other agencies engaged in art activation in the City. Final full committee planning session for Angel of the Arts event (#9). 5.October – Programmatic Review. PTAC reviews the year of programmatic offerings: public art program, grant funding program, Poet Laureate Program (in its inaugural year), and Angel / Patron of the Arts re-boot (#1, #3, #9, #10). 6.December – Annual Review. PTAC reviews progress on the 2024 workplan, reviews 2024 granting data and refines if needed (#1), plans annual meeting schedule, plans 2025 grant deadlines, and ties up loose ends in discussion. Attachment A: PTAC Mission and Workplan City of Port Townsend Arts Commission Mission Statement The Arts Commission's mission as an appointed City Commission is to facilitate public arts programs that enhance the cultural life of community residents. 2024 Workplan 1.Carefully evaluate grant applications of artists and art organizations and make recommendations to the City of Port Townsend. 2.Review and refine our grant requirements as needed. 3.Steward the Port Townsend Poet Laureate program with the City Council. 4.Facilitate the repair and cleaning of Public Artworks. 5.Document our role in public art. 6.Create a plain-language Public Art Guide that articulates Port Townsend's public art process. 7.Work with the City to maintain the public art site locations on our website. 8.Continue to collaborate with City staff to educate residents about our functions and goals. 9.Plan and execute the Angel of the Arts/Patron of the Arts ceremony. 10.Remain open to new possibilities and modify our work plan as necessary. - QPSU!UPXOTFOE!BSUT!DPNNJTTJPO ! 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