HomeMy WebLinkAbout041524 Special Session City Council Business Meeting PacketPORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 540 WATER STREET Special Session Business Meeting 5:30 p.m. April 15, 2024 • Attend in person or virtually via computer or tablet at Ipsalzoon�.ush198187633367 enter the Webinar ID 98187633367 • Phone only (muted - listen -only mode) United States: Local Dial In — 1(253)215- 8782„98187633367# • Submit public comment to be included in the meeting record to: httn!�.,//p blbliccomnie tt.fillout.com/cit�ofpt • If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please attempt all methods listed above before reporting any issues to: c e su)ort i)ciO��LLS . I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Executive Session — pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (1)(g)) Performance of a Public Employee. (approximately 45 minutes) IV. Executive Session- pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(b)) To Consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price and RCW 42.30.110(l)(i)) Discussion with legal counsel about current or potential litigation (approximately 15 minutes) V. Special Presentations A. Volunteer Appreciation Month B. Congressman Kilmer Virtual Presentation/Update VI. City Manager's Report VII. Comments from the Public (re consent agenda items and items not on the agenda) (Each person has 3 min. to comment- City Clerk 1-vill signal at 2 min. 30 sec.) A. Public comment B. City Staff Response VIII. Consent Agenda Action: Move to adopt the consent agenda or request to remove any individual item from the consent agenda. A. Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants B. Approval of Minutes: February 12, 2024, February 22, 2024, March 4, 2024 C. Appointments/Reappointments: Parks, Recreation, Trees and Trails Advisory Board, Historic Preservation Committee, Arts Commission, Civil Service Commission, Fort Worden PDA D. Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract and Any Related Agreements with Kenyon Disend, PLLC, Municipal Law Firm, for City Attorney Services and Acknowledging Alexandra Kenyon as Port Townsend City Attorney (per PTMC 2.08.020) E. Authorizing the City Manager to Execute all Agreements Necessary to Complete the Condition Assessment of the 1928 sections of the OGWS Pipeline F. Resolution 24-014 Declaring an Emergency, Waiving Public Bidding Requirements, and Ratifying the City Manager's Approval of all Applicable Documents to Allow for the Immediate Repair of Erosion Damage to Affected Stormwater Infrastructure G. Tribal Invitation Letter: Comprehensive Plan Coordination IX. Unfinished Business A. Resolution 24-013 Authorizing Angled Parking on Tyler Street Action: Move to approve Resolution 24-013 Authorizing Angled Parking on Tyler Street i. ii. X. New Business Staff Presentation Public Comment Council Deliberation and Action A. Final Approval: Comprehensive Plan Public Participation Plan Action: Move to approve the Public Participation Plan i. Staff Presentation ii. Public Comment iii. Council Deliberation and Action B. Resolution 24-015 Updating and Establishing New Fees for Building and Planning and Community Development Fees Action: Move to approve Resolution 24-015 Updating and Establishing New Fees for Building and Planning and Community Development Fees i. Staff Presentation ii. Public Comment iii. Council Deliberation and Action C. Ordinance 3336 Vacating a 30x60 -Foot Portion of the Reed Street Right -of -Way Abutting Lot 2, Block 25, Mountain View 2nd Addition; Authorizing Exchange of 30x50 Foot Portion of Reed Street for 10x266 Feet of Private Property and Establishing an Effective Date Action: Move to waive Council Rules and approve Ordnance 3336 Vacating a 30x60 -Foot Portion of the Reed Street Right -of --Way Abutting Lot 2, Block 25, Mountain View 2nd Addition; Authorizing Exchange of 30x50 Foot Portion of Reed Street for 10x266 Feet of Private Property and Establishing an Effective Date i. Staff Presentation ii. Public Comment iii. Council Deliberation and Action XI. Presiding Officer's Report XII. Suggestions for next or future agenda, regular meeting and/or study session XIII. Comments from Council XIV. Adjourn x i �p4 Yf rtPh Townsen PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the City of Port Townsend joins other cities and organizations across our state and nation to honor community volunteers during National Volunteer Week and National Volunteer Month; and WHEREAS, we celebrate and pay tribute to the efforts that volunteers put forth each and every day as they make a difference in our neighborhoods, schools, churches, faith -based organizations, community and civic groups and government agencies; and WHEREAS, the Mayo Clinic reports that volunteering improves health and leads to lower rates of depression and anxiety; and WHEREAS, volunteers create positive changes in our community by bringing their compassion, time, ideas, talents, technical skills, and professional expertise to strengthen and help our city thrive; and WHEREAS, the City recognizes the support of and dedication of library, parks, trails, police, and advisory body volunteers to the City of Port Townsend; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Townsend honors the hard work and selfless dedication of the numerous volunteers who make the City of Port Townsend a vibrant and integral cornerstone of the community. WHEREAS, by recognizing those who serve, we turn outward and celebrate their collective accomplishments and unwavering efforts and also encourage others to be inspired by their examples to consider volunteerism. NOW, THEREFORE, I, David J. Faber, Mayor of the City of Port Townsend, do hereby proclaim the month of April 2024 as City Volunteer Appreciation Month in the City of Port Townsend. On behalf of the City, I thank all our dedicated volunteers for the City. David J. Faber, Mayor -g QCl. k#�f _(Do } / E 0 ��0 0 2EuC= J r z- 0 LL10 _ })( )o °° (Co �Eco/ \] 2G_ 7E %( C m®( E a)�m {7 7` }0{?2J {a \{\ mQ \\\) �\ =3 E!&« ®k k/ a A; [/\{ (\ \\\� 2� /3E IL \/% E c\ �//§ }a o �< \3| 2 2 /)\ /k§I {(E) ■oIn /§ 0 ® E _ a _§ /q \ \ Lu / \ |2 zf ) Cl \(af f�§tƒ/ R ± C11 PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AGENDA April 15, 2024 A. Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants: • Vouchers 174260 through 174332 in the amount of $696,906.83 • April 7, 2024 Payroll Electronic Voucher in the amount of $229,707.48 B. Approval of Minutes: February 12, 2024, February 22, 2024, March 4, 2024 C. Appointments/Reappointments: Parks, Recreation, Trees and Trails Advisory Board, Historic Preservation Committee, Arts Commission, Civil Service Commission, Fort Worden PDA D. Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract and Any Related Agreements with Kenyon Disend, PLLC, Municipal Law Firm, for City Attorney Services and Acknowledging Alexandra Kenyon as Port Townsend City Attorney (per PTMC 2.08.020) E. Authorizing the City Manager to Execute all Agreements Necessary to Complete the Condition Assessment of the 1928 Sections of the OGWS Pipeline F. Resolution 24-014 Declaring an Emergency, Waiving Public Bidding Requirements, and Ratifying the City Manager's Approval of all Applicable Documents to Allow for the Immediate Repair of Erosion Damage to Affected Stormwater Infrastructure G. Tribal Invitation Letter: Comprehensive Plan Coordination Action: Move to adopt the consent agenda or request to remove any individual item from the consent agenda. (Short statements or easily resolved questions are appropriate without removing item from the consent agenda). DRAFT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING OF FEBRUARY 12, 2024 CALL TO ORDER/ ROLL CALL The Port Townsend City Council met in a Regular Session on the 12th day of February 2024 in Council Chambers at 540 Water Street. Mayor David Faber called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Councilmembers present at roll call were David Faber, Amy Howard, Monica MickHager, Aislinn Palmer, Owen Rowe, and Libby Wennstrom with Ben Thomas excused. Staff members present were City Manager John Mauro , Public Works Director Steve King , Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations Manager Bliss Morris , Marketing and Communications Director Shelly Leavens , Chief of Police Tom Olson , Deputy Chief Jeff Thaxton , and City Clerk Alyssa Rodrigues . GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA) Public Comment: There was no public comment. Mayor Faber suggested moving Item "B" to Item "A" due to Chief of Police being on a call. DISCUSSION ITEMS Sewer Rate Ordinance: Low -Income Discount and System Development Charges Public Works Director Steve King, Communications, Marketing Director Shelly Leavens, and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations Manager Bliss Morris provided the Utility Rate Adjustments Low Income Discount System Development Charges- Supplemental Presentation which included Presentation Outline, Utility Tax Recommended Tax Disclosure, Utility Tax Calculation Verification, Rates Yard Waste Fees, Rates Mill Road Lift Station, Rates: Capital Program 2024-2028, Rates: Capital Program 2028+, Rates Average Residential Bill- Comparing Cities, Low Income Discount Helping People Connect, and System Development Charge Stormwater. In response to Council's clarifying questions staff explained usage@dollars/cents on City bills, when amount rounds, rounding in final bill, fixed charge per dwelling, information for online bills, stormwater and streets, April 1 rate increase and when utility tax change will occur, blurb on Doxo email, possible change in online bill pay system, Yard Waste revenue coming to City, location of Lift Station, Mill septic system, grants, camera field trip, other city tax rates, stormwater rates, and ADU's it relation to SDC's. Discussion ensued around online vs in person statement, Yard Waste collections, title of discount program, and garden irrigation. February 12, 20240 City Council Workshop Meeting Page 1 of 2 DRAFT Public Comment: Public Comment was made. Discussion ensued around virtual meeting issues and sewer plan timeline. Public Safety: Annual Update and State of Police Department Chief of Police Tom Olsen and Deputy Chief Jeff Thaxton presented the Port Townsend Police Department Annual Report which included 2023 Annual Crime Data, 2022/2023 Annual Crime Data Comparison, 2022/2023 Annual Collision Data Comparison, Crime Comparison Data, Crime Comparison Data (Continued), Introduction, Mission Statement, Vision, Values, Staffing, Our New Team Members 2023, Training, Equipment, Community Policing Efforts, Community Services, Use of Force, Ad Hoc Committee On Law Enforcement on Public Safety Overview, Operational Goals for 2024, and Summary. In response to Council's clarifying questions staff explained 2023 number is all traffic stops, traffic stops with tickets, ticket revenue, 19th and Sheridan data, graffiti, roundabout vs. traffic light collision data, Sheriff/EJFR navigators, lateral police officer, ETA on vehicles to be complete, K9 services, a "strike", and School Resource Officer. Public Comment: No public comment was made. Council discussed their appreciation for the work being done. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:50pm Attest: Alyssa Rodrigues City Clerk February 12, 20240 City Council Workshop Meeting Page 2 of 2 DRAFT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20, 2024 CALL TO ORDER The Port Townsend City Council met in a Regular Session on the 20th day of February 2024 in Council Chambers at 540 Water Street. Deputy Mayor Howard called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Amy Howard, Monica MickHager, Aislinn Palmer, Owen Rowe, and Libby Wennstrom with David Faber, and Ben Thomas absent. Staff members present were Public Works Director Steve King , City Attorney Heidi Greenwood , City Manager John Mauro, Planning and Community Development Director Emma Bolin , Code Compliance Officer KT LaBadie , People and Performance Director Cynthia Shaffer, Communications and Marketing Director Shelly Leavens, and City Clerk Alyssa Rodrigues . CHANGES TO THE AGENDA There were no changes to the agenda. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS (NONE) There were no Special Presentations. CITY MANAGER?S REPORT City Manager John Mauro provided his City Manager's report which included PT Leader Insert, State of the City, Staffing Update, Legislative Happenings, Kah Tai Caretaker Host Site, Community Wildfire Protection Program, Jefferson Transit Authority Training, Banked Capacity Work, and State Parks meeting. Council member Thomas arrived at 6:06pm. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Public comment City Staff Response There was no public comment. February 20, 2024 City Council Business Meeting Page 1 of 6 Council agreed to move New Business Item "D" to Item "A". DRAFT CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants Approval of Minutes: December 4, 2023 revised, January 2, 2024, January 8, 2024 Appointments/Reappointments: Civil Service Commission Resolution 24-009 Related to Personnel, Adopting Classification Schedules for Represented and Non -Represented Employees Approval to Sign all Documents Necessary to Effectuate Membership and Participating in the ZEV Co-op. Motion: Owen Rowe moved to approve the consent agenda. Monica MickHager seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution 23-037 Renaming the Port Townsend Skate Park as Seamus Sims Memorial Skate Park Public Works Director Steve King presented Resolution 23-037 which included history, code requirements, support from Parks Board and Council, need for Resolution finalizing, signing options, and staff recommendation. In response to Council's clarifying questions staff explained funding and having the word "memorial" removed. Public Comment: Public comment was made. Motion: Libby Wennstrom moved to approve Resolution 23-037 Renaming the Port Townsend Skate Park as Seamus Sims Skate Park. Aislinn Palmer seconded. Discussion ensued around the importance of passing the Resolution. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote. Ordinance 3329 Related to Public Utility Taxes and Amending Port Townsend Municipal Code Section 5.84.030 Steve King presented Ordinance 3329 which included no substantial changes, previous discussions, verified math, and general fund revenue. February 20, 2024 City Council Business Meeting Page 2 of 6 DRAFT Public Comment: There was no public comment. Motion: Owen Rowe moved to approve Ordinance 3329 Related to Public Utility Taxes and Amending Port Townsend Municipal Code Section 5.84.030 Monica MickHager seconded. Discussion ensued around there being previous discussion and no increases. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote. Ordinance 3330 Revising Port Townsend Municipal Code Chapter 13.03, System Development Charges for Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Connections and Amending the Rates--- Ordinance 3331 Amending Port Townsend Municipal Code Chapter 13.01 Procedures for Utility Development, Chapter 13.02 Low -Income, Low -Income Disabled, and Low -Income Senior Citizen Utility Rate Program and Establishing an Effective Date.--- Ordinance 3332 Related to Utility Rates; Amending the Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Rates, Amending Chapter 13.05 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, and Establishing an Effective Date. Steve King presented on Ordinance 3330, Ordinance 3331, and Ordinance 3332 which included previous discussions, System Development Charges, graduated scales, stormwater update, and ADU exemptions from SDC's. In response to Council's clarifying questions staff explained System Development Charge code reviser mark and typo. Public Comment: There was no public comment. Motion: Monica MickHager moved to approve Ordinance 3330 Revising Port Townsend Municipal Code Chapter 13.03, System Development Charges for Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Connections and Amending the Rates. Owen Rowe seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote. Motion: Aislinn Palmer moved to approve Ordinance 3331 Amending Port Townsend Municipal Code Chapter 13.01 Procedures for Utility Development, Chapter 13.02 Low -Income, Low -Income Disabled, and Low- Income Senior Citizen Utility Rate Program and Establishing an Effective Date as well as approve Ordinance 3332 Related to Utility Rates. Monica MickHager seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote. NEW BUSINESS On -Call Contract for Environmental Public Health Services February 20, 2024 City Council Business Meeting Page 3 of 6 Planning and Community Development Director Emma Bolin provided the On -Call DRAFT Contract for Environmental Public Health Services presentation which included two sites in need of clean up (Evans Vista site and Kah Tai Lagoon), ongoing expense, enforcement and nuisance issue, public health and sanitation problem, additional property in public right of way, work done internally on policies and procedures for public right of way clean ups, public comment, local government needing more tools, inequitable single family zoning practices, and attempt to stay on top of issue. Mayor Faber arrived at 6:31 pm. In response to Council's clarifying questions staff explained funding. Public Comment: Public comment was made. Discussion ensued around individuals experiencing homelessness are people, funds coming before Council, helping indirectly with adjoining properties, camp abandonment, compassionate landowners, Evans Vista clean up, moving the unhoused, significant environmental public health component, placing a dumpster in Right of Way, not being sure how to solve the problem, assisting in cleaning up at adjoining properties, OlyCAP guidelines for Caswell Brown being looked at, not a "sweep" at Evans Vista, and help alleviating public health issue. Motion: Aislinn Palmer moved to authorize the City Manager to execute an on-call contract for environmental public health services for City property and rights of way Libby Wennstrom seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. Resolution 24-010 Setting a Public Hearing Concerning the Assumption of the Port Townsend Transportation Benefit District?s Rights, Powers, Functions, and Obligations City Attorney Heidi Greenwood presented on Resolution 24-010 which included setting a public hearing, timeline, public hearing publishing requirements, March 18 public hearing, and City Council becoming the Transportation Benefit District Board. In response to Council's clarifying questions staff explained sales tax timeline and actions. Public Comment: There was no public comment. Motion: Aislinn Palmer moved to approve Resolution 24-010 Setting a Public Hearing Concerning the Assumption of the Port Townsend Transportation Benefit District's Rights, Powers, Functions, and Obligations Owen Rowe seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. Confirmation of Non -Motorized Plan Update Stakeholder Committee February 20, 2024 City Council Business Meeting Page 4 of 6 DRAFT Steve King presented on the Confirmation of Non -Motorized Plan Update Stakeholder Committee which included work with Comprehensive Plan, confirm diverse stakeholder group, purpose of stakeholder group, presentation in packet material, roles and responsibilities, items to be looked at, issues, and current trends. In response to Council's clarifying questions staff explained Advisory Group vs. Board, outreach, and PCD Professional Services budget. Public Comment: Public comment was made. Discussion ensued around scriveners edit. Motion: David Faber moved to approve membership of volunteers interested in serving on the Stakeholder Group to support the 2024 Update of the Non -Motorized Transportation Plan (NMTP). Ben Thomas seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. Complete Streets Grant Priority Steve King provided the Complete Streets Priority presentation which included grant opportunities, purpose of Complete Streets, projects due March 1, project completed in 2024, applying on March 1, option to still apply in August, Tyler Street paving project, ADA bulb outs, Lawrence St paving work, DASH priority, not a complicated application, staff recommends doing now, feedback, not a street closure project, and Tyler St having temporary closures. In response to Council's clarifying questions staff explained doing bulb outs now, Lawrence St re -paving being less costly, consultation with Jefferson Transit and Rhody Festival, sidewalk repair around trees, replanting trees on Tyler St, trees on Lawrence St, arborist evaluation, work must be done in 2024, anything bumped on workplan for 2024, hired out work, local construction companies, money needed from 2024 budget, amount in Transportation Benefit District fund from taxes, back up funding plan, and discussion with staff regarding option to not apply. Public Comment: There was no public comment. Discussion ensued around tree on Lawrence and Polk St, support for Option #2, appreciation for work with DASH and Jefferson Transit, Lawrence St needs help, and section between Polk and Tyler St being in bad shape for a long time. Motion: Aislinn Palmer moved to authorize the City Manager to apply for a Complete Streets Grant for Lawrence Street American with Disabilities Act and pedestrian safety improvements. Owen Rowe seconded. February 20, 2024 City Council Business Meeting Page 5 of 6 Discussion ensued around importance of ADA accessibility. DRAFT Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. PRESIDING OFFICER?S REPORT Mayor Faber provided the Presiding Officers Report which included State of the City, City Manager Evaluations, Washington State Ferry letter, and Olympic Community Health Group report. SUGGESTIONS FOR NEXT OR FUTURE AGENDA, REGULAR MEETING AND/OR STUDY SESSION There were no suggestions. COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL Council member Plamer stated there will be an upcoming Community Conversations Committee of the Housing Fund Board meeting regarding future of local shelters. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:38pm. Attest: Alyssa Rodrigues City Clerk February 20, 2024 City Council Business Meeting Page 6 of 6 DRAFT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS MEETING OF MARCH 4, 2024 CALL TO ORDER The Port Townsend City Council met in a Regular Session on the 4th day of March 2024 in Council Chambers at 540 Water Street. Mayor David Faber called the meeting to order at 6:11 pm. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were David Faber, Aislinn Palmer, Owen Rowe, and Ben Thomas with Amy Howard, and Monica MickHager excused and Libby Wennstrom absent. Staff members present were City Manager John Mauro , City Attorney Heidi Greenwood , Public Works Director Steve King , Planning and Community Development Director Emma Bolin , Long Range Planner Adrian Smith , Marketing and Communications Director Shelly Leavens , Assistant City Engineer Jeff Kostechka , City Building Official Matt Logue, and City Clerk Alyssa Rodrigues . CHANGES TO THE AGENDA There were no changes to the agenda. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Annual Community Read Proclamation Mayor Faber presented the Annual Community Read Proclamation to Library Director Melody Sky -Weaver. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager John Mauro provided the City Manager's Report which included Pool, Recruitment Video, Employee Engagement, Golf Park, Recompete Federal Grant Application, and Housing. Council member Wennstrom arrived at 6:19pm. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Public comment City Staff Response March 4, 2024 City Council Business Meeting Page 1 of 6 DRAFT Public Comment was made. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants Approval of Minutes: January 16, 2024 Update to the Salary Classification Schedule for Non -Represented Positions Tasking the Culture and Society Committee with Specific Council Rules Revisions Authorize the City Manager to Execute all Agreements Necessary to Complete the Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review Motion: Owen Rowe moved to approve the consent agenda. Ben Thomas seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 5-0 by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Interim Zoning Measure to Alter Current Requirements for Off -Street Parking Mayor Faber reviewed the Public Hearing Rules of Procedures. Planning and Community Development Director Emma Bolin, Long Range Planner Adrian Smith, and Assistant City Engineer Jeff Kostechka provided the Two Alternatives for Off -Street Parking Minimums presentation which included On -Street vs. Off -Street (On -Site), "Pushing for People Over Parking", Removal of On -Site Parking Minimums City Wide, Removal of On -Site Parking Minimums City Wide, Cities 1,000-25,000 Population, Public Feedback on Parking Minimums, PTMC 17.72, Current Issues, Proposed Interim Engineering Design Standards (EDS), Better Looking Streets (Cheaper Too), Current Code vs. Proposed Change, Similarities Between Eliminating Off -Street Parking Minimums and Right -of -Way Development, Conflicts Between Eliminating Off -Street Parking Minimums and Right -of -Way Development, Proposing Alternatives, Alternative 1: "Recommended" Instead of "Required" Minimum Parking, Alternative 1 Recommended Parking Flow Chart, Alternative 1 Benefits and Consequences, Alternative 2: Total Parking and Allowing Reductions to Minimum Parking, Alternative 2: Multi -Family and Commercial Alternative Minimum Parking Flow Chart, and Alternative 2 Benefits and Consequences. Public Comment: There were no written materials submitted. March 4, 2024 City Council Business Meeting Page 2 of 6 Public comment was made. DRAFT In response to Public Comment staff explained having parking maximums and Bollards. In response to Council's clarifying questions staff explained electric vehicle credits, how ordinance would affect large projects, difference between T9 and Edge Lane Road, cost difference metric, breakage on edge of road, possibly less costly, ADU requirements, and stormwater benefits. Mayor Faber closed the public testimony portion of the Hearing. Discussion ensued around cost vs. effect, parking on gravel, oil leaks, contaminates in stormwater, wedged curve, parking on asphalt, 24th st, looking forward, two different ways to approach standards with new development, interim ordinance, Alternative 1, review as part of Comprehensive Plan, discussion at Infrastructure and Development, interim ordinance needing to be extended every 6 months, adding costs, and letting infrastructure follow development. Discussion continued around impact fees vs increasing density, simplicity in Engineering Design Standards, decrease in costs from current standards, ways to further simplify, Alternative 1 limited data, unintended consequences, driveways, applying Engineering Design Standards, not having to widen road, limitations, which has less pavement and less cost, deeper dive on Engineering Design Standards during Comprehensive Plan, Alternative 1 increasing flexibility and decreasing cost, options to reduce requirements, limiting projects for some, ADU's, doing away with minimums, more opportunities for discussion, and Council Infrastructure and Development purview. Motion: Owen Rowe moved waive Council Rules and adopt Ordinance 3333 an Interim Ordinance of the City of Port Townsend Amending Port Townsend Municipal Code Chapter 17.72 Relating to Interim Parking Regulations and Providing that the Interim Regulations, Unless Extended, Will Sunset on the Earlier of Six (6) Months from the Date of Adoption of this Ordinance or the Adoption of Regulations that Supersede This Ordinance and to be clear that is Alternate 1. Libby Wennstrom seconded. Discussion ensued around clarification of Alternative 1. Mayor Faber closed the Public Hearing and record. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 5-0 by voice vote. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinance 3315 Related to Building Codes, Adopting by Reference the 2021 Version of the International Building Code, International Residential Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fire Code, International Wildland- Urban Interface Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Washington State Energy Code (Commercial), Washington State Energy Code (Residential), and Washington State Existing Building Code and Amending Chapter 16.04 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code March 4, 2024 City Council Business Meeting Page 3 of 6 Emma Bolin and City Building Official Matt Logue presented Ordinance 3315 which DRAFT included first reading, State Building Code Council delay, March 15 State Building Code being adopted by state, Amendments to 16.04, Wildland-Urban Interface Code, Senate Bill 6120, changed language to help save staff time, building permit expiration, 2021 Building Codes, Administrative Provisions, and deferred submittals. In response to Council's clarifying questions staff explained process of when to adopt, how much of a decision Council has, projects that will be affected by requirements, energy standards on smaller dwellings, effect of not adopting, and credits. Public Comment: There was no public comment. Discussion ensued around what happens if codes are not adopted and matching code to town needs. Motion: Owen Rowe moved to approve Ordinance 3315 Related to Building Codes, Adopting by Reference the 2021 Version of the International Building Code, International Residential Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Fire Code, International Wildland-Urban Interface Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Washington State Energy Code (Commercial), Washington State Energy Code (Residential), and Washington State Existing Building Code and Amending Chapter 16.04 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Libby Wennstrom seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 5-0 by voice vote. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Faber suggested moving New Business Item "B" to New Business Item "A". Resolution 24-011 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Donation Agreement with Libby Atkins for the Emily Carr Bronze Sculpture to be Added to the Port Townsend Public Library Collection Library Director Melody Sky Weaver and Donor Libby Atkins provided the Emily Carr Bronze Sculpture Donation presentation which included Emily Carr, The Forest Lover 2011 Community Read, Emily Carr Commemorative Statue Brochure, Barbara Paterson, For reference full sized original bronze sculpture in Victoria B.C., The actual sculpture intended for the Library, and Meet Libby Atkins, Donor. Public Comment: Public comment was made. Discussion ensued around the process through Arts Commission. Motion: Ben Thomas moved to approve Resolution 24-011 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Donation Agreement with Libby Atkins for the Emily Carr Bronze Sculpture to be Added to the Port Townsend Public Library Collection. Owen Rowe seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 5-0 by voice vote. March 4, 2024 City Council Business Meeting Page 4 of 6 DRAFT Resolution 24-005 Adopting a Collection Development Policy for the City of Port Townsend Public Library Melody Sky Weaver presented the Port Townsend Public Library Collection Development Policy presentation which included Purpose, The Library's Mission is:, Public Library Collections, Intellectual Freedom, Upholding the Following Principles, Library Bill of Rights, Changes Made from the 2018 version, and Library Advisory Board (LAB). In response to Council's clarifying questions staff explained process when materials are challenged. Public Comment: There was no public comment. Discussion ensued around appreciation for work done on revising and strengthening the policy. Motion: Owen Rowe moved to approve Resolution 24-005 Adopting a Collection Development Policy for the City of Port Townsend Public Library Libby Wennstrom seconded. Discussion ensued around the library being a third place and thoughtful approach to the library and commitment to intellectual curiosity. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 5-0 by voice vote. Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Professional Services Contract with Chickadee Forestry for the Evaluation and Assistance in Management and Selective Harvesting of Water Utility Owned Property (Item was removed) Mayor Faber stated this item needs to be removed because the presenter needed to leave. PRESIDING OFFICER'S REPORT Mayor Faber provided the Presiding Officer's Report which included State of the City, Jumping Mouse Fundraiser, Joint Growth Management Steering Committee Meeting, and City Manager Evaluation. SUGGESTIONS FOR NEXT OR FUTURE AGENDA, REGULAR MEETING AND/OR STUDY SESSION There were no suggestions. March 4, 2024 City Council Business Meeting Page 5 of 6 COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL Council member Palmer stated there will be a Special Meeting of the Housing Fund Board focused on shelter. Mayor Faber stated they will cancel the March Council Infrastructure and Development Committee meeting. Council member Thomas provided comments on the Golf Park public opening. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:07pm. Attest: Alyssa Rodrigues City Clerk DRAFT March 4, 2024 City Council Business Meeting Page 6 of 6 n� (�' 1 �, ityof port ���fi11N@INO�llo�4 '10wn e n Submitted By: Mayor Faber Department: Mayor Agenda Bill AB24-069 Meeting Date: April 15, 2024 Agenda Item: Consent VIII.0 ❑ Regular Business Meeting ❑ Workshop/Study Session ❑x Special Business Meeting Date Submitted: April 11, 2024 Contact Phone: 379-2980 SUBJECT: 1) Reappointment of Debbie Jahnke (Position 7, Term Expires May 1, 2027) to Parks, Recreation, Trees and Trails Advisory Board 2) Reappointment of Russell Hill (Position 6, Term Expires May 1, 2027) to Parks, Recreation, Trees and Trails Advisory Board 3) Appointment of Richard Hefley (Position 3, Term Expires May 1, 2027 ) to Parks, Recreation, Trees, and Trails Advisory Board 4) Reappointment of Walt Galitzki to (Position 4, Term Expires May 1, 2027) to Historic Preservation Committee 5) Reappointment of Joe Gillard to (Position 7, Term Expires May 1, 2027) to Arts Commission 6) Appointment of Richard Sussman to (Position 3, Term Expires December 31, 2029) to Civil Service Commission 7) Appointment of Tracy Garrett to (Position 2, Term Expires October 24, 2025) to Fort Worden PDA CATEGORY: BUDGET IMPACT: n/a x❑ Consent ❑ Resolution Expenditure Amount: $ ❑ Staff Report ❑ Ordinance ❑ Contract Approval ❑ Other: ❑ Public Hearing (Legislative, unless otherwise noted) ❑ 3 -Year Strategic Plan: N/A Cost Allocation Fund: 010-011 GF - Mayor & Council Included in Budget? Yes ❑ No ❑ SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Mayor is recommending the following appointments: 1) Reappointment of Debbie Jahnke (Position 7, Term Expires May 1, 2027) to Parks, Recreation, Trees and Trails Advisory Board 2) Reappointment of Russell Hill (Position 6, Term Expires May 1, 2027) to Parks, Recreation, Trees and Trails Advisory Board 3) Appointment of Richard Hefley (Position 3, Term Expires May 1, 2027 ) to Parks, Recreation, Trees, and Trails Advisory Board 4) Reappointment of Walt Galitzki to (Position 4, Term Expires May 1, 2027) to Historic Preservation Committee 5) Reappointment of Joe Gillard to (Position 7, Term Expires May 1, 2027) to Arts Commission 6) Appointment of Richard Sussman to (Position 3, Term Expires December 31, 2029) to Civil Service Commission 7) Appointment of Tracy Garrett to (Position 2, Term Expires October 24, 2025) to Fort Worden PDA ATTACHMENTS: Citizen Advisory Boards, Commissions, Task Forces, Committees & Subcommittees Current Rosters CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: If adopted as part of the Consent Agenda, no further action is needed; this effectively represents unanimous approval of the appointments. ALTERNATIVES: ❑ Take No Action ❑ Refer to Committee ❑ Refer to Staff ❑ Postpone Action ® Remove from Consent Agenda ❑ Waive Council Rules and approve Ordinance ❑ Other: LC�UrN,'i`A1�A15I��R C��MITTEE (11 uc�frrg� PARKSf R�O,'TF�E� & TR�IL,AL�1�(�RY Bt;1Af�13 (��f7� Meets 3:OOpm quarterly 2nd Tuesday at City Hall r council "'"'Iriia°MickHaer ..... Name & Role Exp. Meets Bi -monthly 4:30pm 4th Tuesday at City Hall Owen Rowe, Chair (Elected Official) Pos. Name & Experience Exp. 1 Matt Miner 5/1/25 2 Jim Todd 5/1/26 3 Jennifer Rotermund 5/1/24 4 Pamela Adams 5/1/25 5 Rebecca Kimball 5/1/25 6 Russell Hill 5/1/24 7 Deborah Jahnke, Chair 5/1/24 LC�UrN,'i`A1�A15I��R C��MITTEE (11 uc�frrg� Ooun.[f Li i en. Owen` Rows,:;,,, Meets 3:OOpm quarterly 2nd Tuesday at City Hall Pos. Name & Role Exp. 1 Owen Rowe, Chair (Elected Official) N/A 2 VACANT 5/1/23 3 Cindy Finnie (At Large Position) 5/1/25 4 Katy Goodman (Recipient) 5/1/25 5 VACANT (Recipient) 5/1/24 6 Danielle McClelland (Recipient) 5/1/25 7 Denise Winter (Recipient) 5/1/25 8 VACANT 5/1/22 9 Kate Philbrick (Collector) 5/1/25 10 Natalie Maitland, Fort Worden PDA Designee (Collector) 5/1/26 11 Nathan Barnett (Collector) 5/1/24 12 Main Street Designee (Nonvoting) 5/1/24 13 Dana Petrick Chamber Designee (Nonvoting) 5/1/26 14 VACANT(Nonvoting) 5/1/20 HISTt'�RI� PI��SERI/iQl'I�H C�?IVfMITI'�E (5.7) Ooun.[f Li i en. Owen` Rows,:;,,, Courtci( Liaiort ""Manica;IiokHage„ FOS. Meets 3:OOpm 1 st Tuesday at City Hall Pos. Name Exp. TBD Kathleen Knoblock 5/1/26 Pos. Name Exp. 1 Catharine Robinson N/A 2 Earll Murman N/A 3 John Nowak N/A 4 Richard Jahnke N/A 5 VACANT N/A 6 VACANT N/A 7 VACANT N/A 8 VACANT N/A HISTt'�RI� PI��SERI/iQl'I�H C�?IVfMITI'�E (5.7) Ooun.[f Li i en. Owen` Rows,:;,,, Courtci( Liaiort ""Manica;IiokHage„ FOS. Meets 3:OOpm 1 st Tuesday at City Hall Pos. Name Exp. 1 Kathleen Knoblock 5/1/26 2 Michael D'Alessandro 5/1/26 3 Monica Mader 5/1/26 4 Walt Galitzki 5/1/24 5 Richard Berg 5/1/24 6 Craig Britton, Chair 5/1/25 7 Kathleen Croston 5/1/25 L14K kIf`AC?1✓I 1 RY 64ARt3 6= ., Ooun.[f Li i en. Owen` Rows,:;,,, Meets Bi -monthly 1:OOpm 2nd Tuesday at the LLC FOS. auncl Lia,rg :ri. Seri'T omas" txp. Meets 3:OOpm 1 st Wednesday at City Hall Pos. Name Exp. 1 Kathie Meyer 5/1/26 2 Alexis Arrabito 5/1/26 3 Sheila Long 5/1/26 4 Cosmo Rapaport 5/1/24 5 Lindsey Wayland, Chair 5/1/25 6 Anna Quinn 5/1/25 7 Joe Gillard 5/1/24 8 Dan Groussman 5/1/25 9 VACANT 5/1/24 L14K kIf`AC?1✓I 1 RY 64ARt3 6= ., Ooun.[f Li i en. Owen` Rows,:;,,, Meets Bi -monthly 1:OOpm 2nd Tuesday at the LLC FOS. Name txp. 1 William C. "Chuck" Henry 5/1/25 2 Ellie Mathews 5/1/24 3 Jacqueline Mention, Chair 5/1/24 4 Diane Walker 5/1/26 5 Alyssa Fuehrer 5/1/26 6 Diana Grunow 5/1/26 7 David Tolmie 5/1/25 Meets 3:30pm 2nd Tuesday at the Gael Stuart Building Name City Council (Chair) Joanna Sanders, City Clerk Melody Eisler, Library Director John Polm, School District Superintendent , School District Video Instructor Richard Durr, School District Representative , Citizen Representative PLK N ............. Meets bi-monthly 3:00 p.m. on 2nd Tuesday Pos. Pos. Name Exp. 1 Jefferson County BoCC ( Kate Dean) N/A 2 City Council (Owen Rowe) N/A 3 JeffPUD (Jeff Randall - Vice Chair) N/A 4 Jefferson County Public Health (Laura Tucker) N/A 5 Jefferson Healthcare (Kees Kolff)- Chair N/A 6 Jeff. Transit (Nicole Gauthier/Sara Peck) N/A 7 Port of PT ( Carol Hasse/Eric Toews) N/A 8 PT Paper Corp. (Michael Clea) N/A 9 Cindy Jayne - Vice Chair 12/31/26 10 Crystie Kisler - At Large 12/31/25 11 David Wilkinson 12/31/25 12 Jaime Duyck 12/31/24 13 Krista Meyers - At Large 12/31/24 14 Kate Chadwick (Policy) 12/31/23 15 Dave Seabrook 12/31/24 EGIUITY, dESS ANl? RICH 1 S Alf OR,"SAFtD I is�rt fl Li n Arny,Houua//r"& TBD Pos. Name Exp. 1 Stephanie Burns 5/1/25 2 Stephen Chase 5/1/26 3 Julia Cochrane 5/1/27 4 Cameron Jones 5/1/25 5 Aimee Krouskop 5/1/26 6 Alyson McWilliams 5/1/27 7 Richard Rogers 5/1/25 8 Laurie Riley 5/1/26 9 Francisca Ramirez Aquino 5/1/27 PLK N ............. Meets 6:30pm 2nd & 4th Thursday at City Hall Pos. Name Exp. 1 Samantha Bair Jones, Vice Chair 12/31/24 2 Neil Nelson 12/31/26 3 Rick Jahnke, Chair 12/31/24 4 Viki Sonntag 12/31/26 5 Lois Stanford 12/31/25 6 Robert Doyle 12/31125 7 Andreas Andreadis 12/31124 t l %IL 5t"J0;MMI 14N ). Meets as needed Pos. Name Exp. 1 Darryl Elmore 12/31/25 2 Troy Surber 12/31/24 3 VACANT 12/31/29 FORT VI(O968N ICDA (9 1.1) Council Liaison: Libby Wennstrom Meets at Fort Worden Commons B Pos. Name Exp. 1 Brad Mace 10/24/25 2 VACANT 10/24125 3 David King 10/24126 4 Andrew Cashin 10/24126 5 John Begley 10124/24 6 Steve Dowdell 10124/24 7 Robert Davis 10124/24 8 VACANT 10/24/22 9 10/24/25 10 10/24/25 11 10/24/25 n� (�' 1 �, ityof port ���fi11N@INO�llo�4 '10wn e n Submitted By: John Mauro Department: Administration Agenda Bill AB24-070 Meeting Date: April 15, 2024 Agenda Item: Consent VIII.D ❑ Regular Business Meeting ❑ Workshop/Study Session ❑x Special Business Meeting Date Submitted: 4/8/2024 Contact Phone: 360-531-2916 SUBJECT: Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract and Any Related Agreements with Kenyon Disend, PLLC, Municipal Law Firm, for City Attorney Services and Acknowledging Alexandra Kenyon as Port Townsend City Attorney (per PTMC 2.08.020). CATEGORY: BUDGETIMPACT: x❑ Consent ❑ Resolution Expenditure Amount: $ ❑ Staff Report ❑ Ordinance Included in Budget? Yes ❑x No ❑ ❑ Contract Approval ❑ Other: Discussion Item ❑ Public Hearing (Legislative, unless otherwise noted) ❑ 3 -Year Strategic Plan: N/A Cost Allocation Fund: 010-013 GF - City Attorney SUMMARY STATEMENT: Port Townsend's City Attorney resigned, effective March 2024, after over 5 years of dedicated service to the City of Port Townsend and our community. Prior to resignation, she took family medical leave which provided the City an opportunity to develop a relationship with a firm, Kenyon Disend, PLLC, for on-call City Attorney services. As with all City staff, and as per PTMC 2.08.020, the City Manager appoints the City Attorney. Many cities in the USA and in Washington State, particularly those of similar size to Port Townsend, successfully use contract City Attorney services. Given the challenges with the recruitment climate, a number of high -importance recruitments underway (and lack of capacity for another high-profile recruitment), the high performance of Kenyon Disend during a temporary services provision in December 2023, the likelihood of coordinated service provision from the firm to be of similar cost to a fully -loaded staff City Attorney, and the immediate needs to ensure we meet statutory requirements and workflow and operations continue as smoothly as possible, the City Manager seeks to move forward with appointment of a Kenyon Disend attorney, Alexandra Kenyon, as City Attorney and signature authority on a contract for services with Kenyon Disend, PLLC. ATTACHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: If adopted as part of the Consent Agenda, no further action is needed; this effectively represents approval to authorize agreements and a contract for municipal attorney services with Kenyon Disend, PLLC, Municipal Law Firm, and acknowledging Alexandra Kenyon as Port Townsend City Attorney (per PTMC 2.08.020). ALTERNATIVES: x❑ Take No Action ❑ Refer to Committee ❑x Refer to Staff x❑ Postpone Action ® Remove from Consent Agenda ❑ Waive Council Rules and approve Ordinance ❑ Other: AGREEMENT FOR CITY ATTORNEY SERVICES I. PARTIES This Agreement for Legal Services ("Agreement") is made on this 15t' day of April, 2024, between the City of Port Townsend ("City") and Kenyon Disend, PLLC ("Attorneys") for city attorney services. II. SERVICES OF THE ATTORNEYS Attorneys shall provide the legal services set forth in this Agreement and shall work for City at the pleasure of and under the direction of City Manager, John Mauro, or their successor. III. QUALITY OF SERVICES Attorneys shall perform all legal services covered by this Agreement in a capable and efficient manner, and in accordance with the professional standards of the Washington State Bar Association. IV. SERVICES PROVIDED Attorneys shall be principally responsible for performing all legal work for the City, except prosecution of criminal cases, matters where defense is provided exclusively through insurance coverage, matters in which a conflict of interest exists, or as may otherwise be assigned by the City Manager. The following list of duties is illustrative, but is not necessarily inclusive, of the services to be performed by the Attorneys: (1) Review or draft City ordinances, agreements, resolutions, interlocal agreements, and other legal documents as requested by the City; (2) Represent the City in all lawsuits and other contested administrative proceedings commenced by or against the City, except where defense is provided through insurance coverage; (3) Consult with and advise the City Manager, City Councilmembers and staff members in person, by telephone, e-mail, or by written memo on City business; and (4) Attend regular City Council meetings and other meetings as requested by the City Manager. V. FEES AND COSTS City shall be billed for legal services at Attorneys' hourly rates. Attorneys' hourly rates for services through December 31, 2024, including necessary travel time, are attached hereto as Exhibit A. Attorneys' hourly rates for subsequent calendar years shall be provided to City on or before November 1 of the immediately preceding calendar year. Attorneys will also charge City fifteen cents per page for black and white photocopying and facsimile transmissions, twenty-one cents per page for color photocopying, and shall be reimbursed for legal messenger services, postage, computerized legal research charges, filing fees advanced on behalf of City, and other direct expenses without markup. Attorneys shall not charge City for mileage reimbursement costs, nor for long-distance telephone charges. Attorneys' current rates expressly account for any taxes or related charges ("charges") imposed on professional service providers by City and the State of Washington. In the event that any such additional charges are imposed during the term of this Agreement, Attorneys shall be entitled to recover any such additional charges as a reimbursable cost item on Attorneys' monthly billing statements. VI. PAYMENT TERMS Fees and costs are due in full from City upon billing by Attorneys. A service charge shall accrue at the rate of 12% per annum, but shall only be added to any balance remaining unpaid sixty (60) days after the statement date. VII. TIME RECORDS Attorneys will maintain accurate time records describing the services performed and the dates upon which said services were performed, and shall provide a monthly statement to City setting forth the time expended for such services. VIII. AGREEMENT PERIOD This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated. Each party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon thirty days written notice. IX. INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS Attorneys shall defend, indemnify and hold City and its officers and employees harmless from any suits brought against City, and damages awarded as a result of such suits, arising out of or resulting from the fault of Attorneys in performance of this Agreement, except to the extent of any fault of City or its officers or employees. W X. INSURANCE Attorneys shall maintain for the protection of City a professional errors and omissions insurance policy with minimum coverage of one million dollars per claim and three million dollars annual aggregate. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND John Mauro, City Manager KENYON DISEND, PLLC am Alexandra L. Kenyon EXHIBIT A 2024 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE FOR CITY ATTORNEY SERVICES ATTORNEYS: Michael R. Kenyon $420.00 Lisa M. Marshall $350.00 Hillary J. Evans $280.00 David A. Galazin $270.00 Robert D. Zeinemann $265.00 Kendra S. Rosenberg $265.00 Alexandra L. Kenyon $220.00 PARALEGALS: Margaret C. Starkey $175.00 Terry T. Curran $150.00 Antoinette M. Mattox $150.00 4 n� (�' 1 �, ityof port ���fi11N@INO�llo�4 '10wn e n Submitted By: Tyler Johnson Department: Public Works Agenda Bill AB24-071 Meeting Date: April 15, 2024 Agenda Item: Consent VIII.E ❑ Regular Business Meeting ❑ Workshop/Study Session ❑x Special Business Meeting Date Submitted: April 10, 2024 Contact Phone: 360-390-4062 SUBJECT: Authorizing the City Manager to Execute all Agreements Necessary to Complete the Condition Assessment of the 1928 sections of the OGWS Pipeline. CATEGORY: BUDGET IMPACT: ❑ Consent ❑ Resolution Expenditure Amount: $550,000 ❑ Staff Report ❑ Ordinance Included in Budget? Yes ❑x No ❑ ❑ Contract Approval ® Other: Motion ❑ Public Hearing (Legislative, unless otherwise noted) x❑ 3 -Year Strategic Plan: 4 - Ensure sustainable future for public services and facilities Cost Allocation Fund: 415 Water Sewer CIP SUMMARY STATEMENT: Project Purpose As part of the 2021 Water Supply Agreement (See Engage PT Webpage Water Supply - Mill Agreement I City of Port Townsend Washington (cityfpt.us) ) with the Port Townsend Paper Corporation, a capital spending plan was developed to address long term system reliability. Evaluation of the 1928 sections of the pipeline is included in the plan to accurately assess the remaining useful life and guide replacement strategies to ensure continuous water delivery. City and Port Townsend Paper staff are coordinating and agree to hire Jacobs Engineering Group, LLC. (Jacobs). Jacobs will be tasked with developing a three -tiered approach: Tier I: Complete and finalize the assembly and evaluation of all available documentation to include reports, white papers, easements, and record drawings (Much of this work has already been completed by Jacobs in their support of the 2021 Water Supply Agreement). Field work will include the evaluation of soils for chlorides and resistivity. Tier II: Informed by Tier I, Tier II will target field efforts for testing and measurements of: • Pipe wall thickness • Weld integrity • Expansion/contraction joint frequency and condition • Cathodic protection condition • Any additional concerns discovered through Tier I Also, the following research will be provided: • Permitting Requirements • Critical Areas • Cultural Resources • Easements Tier III: Provides a condition assessment report with recommendations and a schedule for the replacement and/or targeted improvements. Additional professional services may be required and could include but not limited to: • Surveying • Cultural Resources /Archeology • Geotechnical Engineering • Ultrasonic Weld Inspection • Wetland Specialist II. Project Budget The project budget was approved in the 2024 City Budget. Project revenue is provided by the Olympic Gravity Water System Fund (417). III. Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending the City Council authorize the City Manager to Execute all Agreements Necessary to Complete the Condition Assessment of the 1928 sections of the OGWS Pipeline. Staff cites the following reasons for this recommendation. a. The project is in the approved 2024 City Budget b. The project is identified in the 2021 Water Supply Agreement with the Port Townsend Paper Corporation in the Capital Improvement Plan for years 2022 & 2023. ATTACHMENTS: • Budget Sheet Page 94: Pipeline Condition Assessment — 1928 OGWS Pipeline • Water Supply Agreement Page 23 of 26: Capital Improvement Plan CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: If adopted as part of the Consent Agenda, no further action is needed; this effectively represents unanimous approval to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute all agreements necessary to complete the Condition Assessment of the 1928 sections of the OGWS pipeline. ALTERNATIVES: x❑ Take No Action N Refer to Committee N Refer to Staff N Postpone Action ❑ Remove from Consent Agenda ❑ Waive Council Rules and approve Ordinance ❑ Other: n� (�' 1 �, ityof port ���fi11N@INO�llo�4 '10wn e n Submitted By: Steve King Department: Public Works Agenda Bill AB24-072 Meeting Date: April 15, 2024 Agenda Item: Consent VIII.F ❑ Regular Business Meeting ❑ Workshop/Study Session ❑x Special Business Meeting Date Submitted: April 10, 2024 Contact Phone: SUBJECT: Resolution 24-014 Declaring an Emergency, Waiving Public Bidding Requirements, and Ratifying the City Manager's Approval of all Applicable Documents to Allow for the Immediate Repair of Erosion Damage to Affected Stormwater Infrastructure CATEGORY: BUDGETIMPACT: x❑ Consent ❑x Resolution Expenditure Amount: $ 200,000 ® Staff Report ❑ Ordinance Included in Budget? Yes ❑ No ❑ Contract Approval ❑ Other: ❑ Public Hearing (Legislative, unless otherwise noted) ❑ 3 -Year Strategic Plan: N/A Cost Allocation Fund: 412 Storm Fund SUMMARY STATEMENT: On April 3, 2024, a large rain event preceded by a wet spring caused or contributed to 3 locations suffering damage necessitating expeditious repair. The attached maps and illustrations provide visuals of the following three locations. 1. Bluff above the Larry Scott Trail where the Kanu Dr. stormwater outfall traverses the bluff and Larry Scott Trail. 2. The Logan Street stormwater outfall where pipes discharge to Bishop Canyon 3. The shoulder along SR20, where stormwater has undercut the pavement. All three location failures have culminated over the years to the point of failure needing expeditious resolution. The attached memo, maps, and pictures provide illustration. In 2022, an emergency declaration was made for Walnut Street and Logan Street. Staff was unable to fix the Logan Street issue due safety challenges. Bringing on RI -12 Engineering to work with a local contractor will help address safety concerns. The 2024 budget includes $100,000 for the Logan Street repair and $50,000 for general stormwater repairs and improvements. Given this project will likely exceed these budget figures, a supplemental budget request will be necessary. Staff estimates $200,000, however, pricing will be obtained as part of the project solution process. Staff recommends passing this resolution to allow resolution of these problems. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 24-014 2. Memo 3. Photos and Maps CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: If adopted as part of the Consent Agenda, no further action is needed; this effectively represents unanimous approval of Resolution 24- 014 declaring an emergency, waiving public bidding requirements, and ratifying the City Manager's Approval of all applicable documents to allow for the immediate repair of erosion damage to affected stormwater infrastructure. ALTERNATIVES: ❑ Take No Action ❑ Refer to Committee ❑ Refer to Staff ❑ Postpone Action x❑ Remove from Consent Agenda ❑ Waive Council Rules and approve Ordinance x❑ Other: This is a retroactive approval by the City Council for an emergency situation. Commitments for repair will have been made prior to the Council Meeting. Thus, this action is an opportunity to ask clarifying questions and dedicate resources to the emergency repair. Resolution 24-014 RESOLUTION NO. 24-014 A RESOLUTION DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, WAIVING PUBLIC BIDDING REQUIREMENTS, AND RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S APPROVAL OF ALL APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS TO ALLOW FOR THE IMMEDIATE REPAIR OF EROSION DAMAGE TO AFFECTED STORMWATER INFRASTRUCTURE WHEREAS, Section 3.46.090(E) of the City of Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) and Section 39.04.280(1)(C) of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) allow exemptions to competitive bidding requirements under emergency conditions; and WHEREAS, RCW 39.04.280(3) defines "emergency" as unforeseen circumstances beyond the city's control, that either presents a real, immediate threat to the proper performance of essential functions, or will likely result in material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life if immediate action is not taken; and WHEREAS, on April 2, 2024, due to heavy rainfall, a landslide occurred on the bluff above the Larry Scott Trail and below the Kanu Drive Stormwater Outfall pipe; and WHEREAS, on April 3, 2024, City staff inspected and found additional damage at the Logan Street outfall to Bishop Canyon and along SR20 at Bishop Canyon, caused by the heavy rainfall; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has determined that the erosion damage described herein constitutes an emergency, as defined in RCW 39.04.280(3), based on the need to immediately repair the stormwater infrastructure and mitigate the effects of erosion on public facilities, to ensure the proper performance of essential functions, prevent further damage to property, and further public safety goals; and WHEREAS, PTMC Section 3.46.090(E)(3) requires the City Council to concur with the City Manager's declaration of emergency by passage of a resolution declaring the emergency, reciting the facts constituting the emergency, and waiving the public bidding requirements; and WHEREAS, for the reasons stated herein, the City Council find that it is the best interest of the City to declare an emergency, waive public bidding requirements for the public work to be undertaken, and authorize the execution of all necessary documents required in order to initiate repairs to the stormwater infrastructure, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The recitals above are hereby adopted by reference as the City's findings in support of the emergency declaration, as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. The City Council hereby declares an emergency justifying the waiver of certain contracting processes, including public bidding requirements. Section 3. All prior actions taken in conformance with this resolution, including the actions of the City Manager and the Public Works Director, as described in their Memorandum dated April 8, 2024, are hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 4. The City Manager may take any additional administrative actions consistent with this resolution. ADOPTED by the City Council ofPort Townsend, Washington, at a special meeting thereof, held this 15th day ofApril 2024. David Faber Mayor Attest: Alyssa Rodrigues City Clerk cityof Port ,,,""5> 250 Madison Street, Suite 21st I IPonrt: To nsend A, 98368 1360.379.5096 � www c tyofpt us Townsen PUBLIC WORKS Memo To: City Manager Mauro From: Steve King, Public Works Director and Andre Harper, Project Manager CC.: City Attorney, Alexandra Kenyon Date:4/8/24 Subject: Storm Damage — Erosion at 3 locations on 4/2/24 The purpose of this memo is to provide background information for the City Manager and City Council in support of an emergency declaration. This declaration allows for expedient contracting to facilitate restoration of the failed infrastructure. The storm damage caused by the intense heavy rainfall on April 2nd, combined with already very wet soils resulted in a number of soil failures. Some of these failures were already in the making and this storm pushed over the damage to a point of needing expedited repair. Expedient repair of the three locations is warranted to prevent further damage and possible safety concerns. Both engineering and construction work is necessary to remedy the issues as described as follows and depicted in the attached maps with photographs. Descriptions: Location 1— Larry Scott Trail/Kanu Drive Stormwater outfall During the morning of 4/3/24, Shawn Wiles reported from the Port of Port Townsend that a significant slide occurred across the Larry Scott Trail just southwest of the Port. The slide also resulted in separation of a PVC stormwater pipe. Crews discovered stormwater flowing out of the Kanu Dr. outfall pipe high on the bluff just below the scarp at a joint separation. The pipe had started moving down the steep slope toward the Larry Scott Trial. On 4/5/24, staff was able to make a temporary repair with a rubber tire inner tube and clamps to prevent water from damaging the bluff. This temporary repair is precarious in nature and could give way at any point. Given extremely difficult access, machinery and proper repair is necessary along with geotechnical engineered solutions. This damage prompted staff to investigate 2 other locations. Location 2 — Logan Street Outfall This stormwater outfall into Bishop Canyon has been getting worse over time. Inspection of this outfall provided staff information with a 10 ft under cut vertical drop. Given the close proximity apartment buildings and the geological challenges, this repair is also recommended at the same time to prevent further risk of failure. Location 3 — SR20 undercut E�f 0 VV'I"'111, eaN i �'.` r V� "��A 0 Su.,u I CT �, ii �abr�?) Stormwater erosion has undercut the pavement along SR20 at Bishop Canyon. Staff has put up a barricade to mark the location, however pavement failure is imminent. Stormwater flow has been restored to the upstream ditches to prevent further erosion. This location also requires geotechnical solutions. Remedy: Staff has reached out to one of our on-call consulting firms. RH2 Engineering sent out a licensed engineering geologist to assess the problems on 4/5/24 and began work immediately. Staff also reached out to Shold Excavation concerning repairs. The contractor has requested engineered solutions be developed. Given the complexity and imminent failure, staff is recommending that RH2 Engineering and a local contractor work as a team to resolve this problem expediently and develop a long-term solution. After -the -fact permits will be required to satisfy the critical areas ordinance including notification of surrounding property owners. n — ]..L u ^1 rn O nroo r� U i O J Q �j) > O W 4--). i O n C� O Q O s }' m o +- w 0 O p O w Ln : 4—j E L U OLO }' > CL c� o Q)to� aA N VJ �� � O O O *.P w ra ro cz O O O J J J F Ie°°^......oz.s.. , F �2 m 7 WS 1 1 • • pL ■ • m 4- 4--J D • L LL a) Cl ri7 4-j N �J v I N 4-j Le -I v I N c C w lV c CC u C O N rC n� (�' 1 �, ityof port ���fi11N@INO�llo�4 '10wn e n Submitted By: Adrian Smith Department: PCD SUBJECT: Tribal Engagement CATEGORY: 0 Consent ❑ Resolution Agenda Bill AB24-073 Meeting Date: April 15, 2024 Agenda Item: Consent VIII.G ❑ Regular Business Meeting ❑ Workshop/Study Session 0 Special Business Meeting Date Submitted: 04/12/2024 Contact Phone: 360-390-4042 BUDGET IMPACT: Expenditure Amount: $ ❑ Staff Report ❑ Ordinance Included in Budget? Yes ❑ No ❑ ❑ Contract Approval 0 Other: Discussion Item ❑ Public Hearing (Legislative, unless otherwise noted) ❑ 3 -Year Strategic Plan: N/A Cost Allocation Fund: q ase an � ara. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Per House Bill 1717 (2021) and the City of Port Townsend's goal of ongoing collaboration with Tribal partners, the City shall invite federally -recognized tribes whose reservation or ceded lands lie within the city, to participate in the 2025 periodic review. The periodic review is an opportunity to work with Tribal partners on planning the future of Port Townsend's land use, climate resilience, economic development, and other topics impacting our mutual jurisdictions. To include Tribes throughout the periodic review, the City must establish government to government communication. The first step of this communication is sending invitation letters to Tribal partners, sharing details of upcoming outreach and other opportunities for input on shaping the periodic review. An example letter from our neighboring jurisdiction Jefferson County is attached. Staff recommends approving the Mayor and City Manager to finalize invitation letters, so that the invitations may be sent well in advance of upcoming engagement opportunities. ATTACHMENTS: a. Example of Jefferson County's Invitation Letter CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: If remains on consent, no further action needed. Consent agenda approval provides authority for City Manager John Mauro and Mayor David Faber to draft and send invitation letters to federally -recognized Tribes whose ceded lands lie within Port Townsend. ALTERNATIVES: x❑ Take No Action ❑ Refer to Committee ❑x Refer to Staff ❑ Postpone Action ❑ Remove from Consent Agenda ❑ Waive Council Rules and approve Ordinance ❑ Other: Consent Agenda JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA REQUEST TO: Board of County Commissioners (B()CC) Mark McCauley, Count), Administrator Fll(,)M: Josh D. Peters, AICD, Community Development Director DATE: February 26, 2024 RE: Board Letter to 'Tribal Council Chairs re: 2025 Periodic Update S'FATEMENT OF ISSUE: Per the Growth Management Act (GMA), Jefferson County must complete a Periodic Update of its comprehensive plan and development regulations by June 30, 2025. house Bill (1113) 1717 (2022) amended the GMA with respect to tribal participation in local government planning, including proposed amendments to (]ountywide Planning Policies (CPPs). See the attached State Department of Commerce factsheet on the effect of 1113 1717. I'he Department ofCommunity Development (I)CF)) recommends that the Board sign a letter to be sent to Tribal Council Chairs around the Olympic Peninsula to provide information about our 2025 Periodic Update process and to invite participation. A proposed letter for Board approval and signature is attached, Board Resolution 09-24 (reconvening the (jMSC) will be attached to the letter. DCl) staff' would also distribute the Board's letter to counterpart tribal staff in order to enhance awareness and foster cooperation. ANALYSIS: DCD's position is that this Board-to-'I'ribal Council communication is important to foster effective, meaningful tribal participation in the 2025 Periodic Update process. DCD is hoping to distribute the Board's letter to tribal partners well in advance ofthe first meeting ofthe (irowill Management Steering Committee ((.;MSC), which is scheduled for March 5. FISCAL IMPACT: Minor cost for postage. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the letter and return a signed version to DCD for distribution. REVIEWED BY: XP Mark McCaulegCoumy Administrator Date I� N " 0 February 26, 2024 Board ()[County C",onanissi , oners IS2() c ffC rsot 1, strect R.) Box 1220 Flort 1-mvilsend, \V'A 98368 1 a I c I )c a� I � I ) ist r i c t I I I e i d i I �' n 41 c j i l�i o i i , I ) t st r i (: 1 2 ('Pag Brot eIcrt on, I )kt'ricl 3 Honorable Guy Capoeman Jr Quinault Indian Nation PO Box 189 Taholah, WA 98587 honorable Timothy J. Greene, Sr Makah"I'ribe PO Box H 5 Neah Bay, WA 98357 I lonorable Amber Caldera Port Gamble S'KlallamTribe 31912 Little Boston Rd NE Kingston, WA 98346 98584 honorable Darlene Hollurn Iloo 'fribe 110 Box 2196 2464 I..,ower Hoh Rd Forks, WA 98331 Honorable Douglas Woodruff Quileute Nation P0 Box 279 LaPush, WA 98350 Honorable Frances G. Charles Honorable W. Ron Allen Lower Elwha KlallarnTribe Jamestown S'KIallarn'Tribe 2851 Lower ldwha Rd Port Angeles, WA 98363 Honorable Leonard Forsman Sucluamish Tribe 18490 SuqUarnish Way PO Box 498 Suquarnish, WA 98392 Greetings E'steen'ied Tribal Council Chairs: 1033 Old Blyn Hwy Sequim, WA 98382 Honorable Charles "Guy" Miller Skokornish Indian Tribe North 80'fribal Center Rd Skokornish Nation, WA Jefferson County is embarking on another periodic review of our comprehensive plan, considering the 20 -year view from 2025 to 2045. We acknowledge our'Fribal partners and invite your participation in community planning issues, including land use, environmental protection, and economic development. We welcome and value Your input. The fiollowing information will explain more about our upcoming planning process and how you can be involved. In compliance with House Bill 1.717 (2022) and in the spirit of meaningful communication and coordination with tederally-recognized tribes, we wish to inform you of the following: Jefferson County is required by the Growth Management Act (GMA) to complete Periodic Review of our comprehensive plan and development regulations, by June 30, 2025. The Washington State Department of` Commerce provides information related to the full spectrum of` Periodic Update requirements on this webpage: WWW .c()r11r11erce.wa,gQy�,S ryjug-con'un LID it i e s/g��,wtjj- Ilia 11 qg�zqjg yt�p�griodic-jg)date - - ------ - ------- . . . ........ . ....... . ... . ..... . . ..... ....... Our Department ofCommunity Development (DCD) manages a 2025 Periodic 1,Jpdate project website, which is simplest way to find updated information about our process: AAA.Kj.jgf(qrson.wa.us/1.."08/202 5-Ve iodic-Ul�i.j4te ........... ................. . . . T . .. . ...... Phone ( 160) 185 9100 1 dig; ( ,' 0 0 ) )8u 5 () 18 2 a.us F'or the purpose of recommending population allocation and for amending Our ( I 'ountywide Planning Policies (CPPs), as needed, we have reconvened a Growth Management Steering Committee (GMSC). See Board Resolution No. 09-24, attached. The first meeting of the GMS( ' " is scheduled for March 5, 6-00-8:00 PM. It will be a hybrid in-person/virtual meeting. The physical location is the Operations ("'enter Conference Room of Jefferson County Public Utility District No. 1, 310 Four (.,,orners Rd, Chirriacurn, W. The Zoom remote meeting information is as follows: t,il,s,O,.6.�-veb.,zo,(,)i.l.l....ti�fj-/-g-,�2,1,.5Q24; Phone: 1-253-215-8782; Webinar ID: 889 1858 0984 At its first meeting, the GMSC is expected to establish a meeting schedule for a series of meetings from March to early autumn 2024 in order to accomplish the tasks set before the committee per Board Resolution No. 09-24. The first objective For the GMS(. is recommending adoption of population allocation and growth targets for planning purposes. 'Fhe GMSC is expected to address potential amendments to the CPPs beginning in the late spring of 2024. Per RCW 36.70A.210, we invite tribes to participate in the process by which we will consider amendments to the Cpps The 2025 Periodic Update webpage linked above will contain information related to future meetings ofthe GMSC, Intergovernmental Coll aborati ve Group, Planning ( I ,ommission, and Board of County Commissioners, as related to this planning process. In addition to this letter from the Jefferson County Board of Commissioner to Tribal Council Chairs, we intend to continue building upon our staff -to -staff relationships by having our planning team connect directly with counterparts in Your planning and natural resource management departments during this planning process. We welcorne your input at whichever organizational level You prefer. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us through our Commissioners' Office and/or our DCD planning team via email jgffi r qq,.Aq-!� or phone (360-379-4450). Thank You for your attention and consideration. We wish you well in all your endeavors and we welcome your participation in our community planning process. Sincerely, Kate ]..)can, Chair I leidi Eisenhour (.'Jr(, -g Brotherton District I Commissioner District 2 Commissioner District 3 Conniiissioner Bridget Ray,,'Fribal Coordination Manager, Washington State Department of Corinnerce Attachment GwROWTH MANAGEMEENI SERMES FAC �- S�, H E k'MBAL ANID k ()CA[ (llC)VF],',�ljNlF P\�] S (I"MA I'llesk"I"I I'li 1,10"' 16111d 36,70A,040) -AHows tnbes t(a vok�ntar'Hy pai'tQ6pate in the locah goven,iments'compehens�ve p6annng p:arcaocaccs. p"(W Oernetl (pRCW 36,70A 085) - CtQes Mth a Pmt elernent irnust coHaboiate deveopment Mh the cty, port, ai! rd tr l be(s), CornprehensN'e plan re0ew (FR M 36 700 P06) - Requkes Cornrnerce to share subilr'Ottas Mth trOes. TO)es MH Incflcate to Cor'nrnerce wNch punsdction's SUbrnttaps wHk be trral"IS Qittavack IFaar access to ParlVievv data systern (,,contad the ("onim& ce 1"� Hm� 3aarra L4son. UGAs (RCIM 36,70k 10) - FRequi�'es kxc al jars s6ctaons to wo� k Mh tiibEaS to coordinate w)an gmwth. 'Fr€t)es rnust opt -in to with the hwls6ctk)n TechnQca� Assstance, p:woc,Q�di.arah ute6a, (Parls and Q..nedk:rfion servk��es (R(,, -VV 36 70A.190) -- Requires Conimerce to pjroV€de fac!Ratlmr services, FederaHy recognlZed tribes iiTray reClUest assisU-Ince frorn Cornmerr,,(? lO R?SO�Ve f;,3SUes related ter prc'aposed (4ianges to Iocal coml!)iehem:;€ve pally and devek)pment mgulati(-,'ms CountyMde pan wing pokies (RCM 36,7 OA 2 P 0) - I'°tequk-es count�es to irMte tribes to pwfi(;!hpate An deveoping counlywide pkanning jpak€es, (,'OL)Irjp€es rnust aJevelop k:mhc€es for the pir�tect€on of ti€bal cukural Iesou,,es in cohat)oratlon vvt Urlbes IT they choose to p a Ii c i p a t e. ANN lk ve o t r) ng S 1 Saytu.� bedtoCori,urr-,re�,�.,e'swebpagefogs ,�jp)c,b rriGiigworkstiopscl'uedLes,r'eSOLirce guides t a bmd pair cc) ur6es an cifies, a nd to risk clocbdin at k,)rI Updates, State resOUrces 'fortribal plaInnfing 0 Washin(;tc)n Slate Department of Commerce k: iMew h UP a. r Y of 0 Govern(,Ws Office of hidoan Affah's tt psj,�/ c ov T� eat�es� ht s pia,,� �a( �2yl n(m�� ,5/vQ ties, --- T r i l�D e s hj.tp.s � -d ire t ry e jjy-r�, -trib s washin to Ulgp�..,wa.( a C 0 -jQ)t/Wb I /f jj� _tp gpgTjized- rr6an 0 Washington State Departinent of Ard-meobgy and F-fisto6c F`Wreservabc)n Washngton State Dq)artrnent of Fish & WOdffe littps://yv(lfw,wa,gov/k'i,L4rit,irig/;,,i"iariagsN,b'nerit/tt�iba,[/Ilisto�y 0 MisNngtori State Depaillment of Transrx)rlatbn p.rbal Contact l ACt S� RIET FOR LOCAl GDVEIFtNMENT S 01',TRIBAL C,'OMRDHI,A, 1 (A 2 n� (�' 1 �, ityof port ���fi11N@INO�llo�4 '10wn e n Agenda Bill AB24-075 Meeting Date: April 15, 2024 Agenda Item: IX.A ❑ Regular Business Meeting ❑ Workshop/Study Session ❑x Special Business Meeting Submitted By: Steve King, PW Director & Laura Parsons, Civil Engineer III Department: Public Works Date Submitted: April 10, 2024 Contact Phone: 360-379-5090 SUBJECT: Resolution 24-013 Authorizing Angled Parking on Tyler Street CATEGORY: BUDGET IMPACT: Potential ❑ Consent ❑x Resolution Expenditure Amount: N/A x❑ Staff Report ❑ Ordinance Included in Budget? Yes ❑x No ❑ ❑ Contract Approval ❑ Other: Motion ❑ Public Hearing (Legislative, unless otherwise noted) ❑ 3 -Year Strategic Plan: 4 - Ensure sustainable future for public services and facilities Cost Allocation Fund: 305 CIP Street This agenda item addresses whether or not angled parking should remain on Tyler Street between Lawrence Street and Clay Street. A first reading of this resolution was provided at the April 1, 2024 City Council Business meeting. A City Council workshop on April 8, 2024 was held to discuss the options and receive additional public comment. Attached is a presentation provided by staff at the workshop and the discussion is available for review on the City's website at: I ;LL1 s://ciit of t,.us/ciit counciill/ a e/a endasirniinutesviideos Normally, resolutions do not have a first and second reading; however, in this case staff would like to provide ample time for public input if there is a proposed change from the existing angled parking to parallel or back in angled parking. SUMMARY STATEMENT: On January 3, 2023, the Port Townsend City Council reviewed and approved Resolution 23-005, authorizing the City Manager to execute a grant agreement with the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) and all other agreements necessary to complete the Tyler Street Overlay Project. This project is also called the Tyler Street Pavement Restoration Project. The original project scope included a street overlay, addressing drainage needs and adding twenty-four curb ramps that are fully compliant with the American Disabilities Act (ADA). Since Resolution 23-005, City staff has been working to determine a scope of work that addresses the level of deterioration of the street. On January 16, 2024, City Council approved a motion recommending using full depth pavement reclamation as a strategy for pavement rehabilitation. This motion also acknowledged and recommended that the street form stay the same in terms of width. In other words, this project will not be a complete street reconstruction similar to Discovery Road currently under construction or Water Street in the past. The City Council did ask for staff to consider a different approach to parking on the block of Tyler Street between Lawrence and Clay Street where there is currently 60 degree angled parking as shown in this photo. Currently, 17 angled parking stalls exist on the south west side of the street. Not all of these angled parking stalls are regulation length for full size vehicles and a couple stalls are too close to the intersection. Head in angled parking is also known to be dangerous for cyclists and motor cycles given people backing out of an angled parking stall often have limited visibility. Aerial Photo 111ustrating; 17 f:xistingtnglcd Parking Parking Options Given the existing parking configuration is substandard, staff and SCJ Alliance developed schematic level drawings of three parking options to consider. The pros and cons of each option are as follows: Option 1.A — Keep parking as is with 60 degree angled parking, but make some safety improvements in the striping to address visibility at corners and stall size. This configuration results in 11 compact stalls and 6 regular stalls. Option, I.A Option 1.13 — Keep the parking as head in parking, but change to 45 degree angled parking for greater visibility. Thirty degree angled parking is very inefficient and only slightly better than parallel parking in terms of parking stall count. The following photo illustrates 30 degree angled parking. The number of parking spots decreases to from 17 to approximately 10 with 30 degree parking or 12 to 13 with 45 degree parking In both cases, a steeper angle helps with visibility. Generic photo illy trating 30 degree angled par king.. Illustration o1'45 degree angledpark-ing. Option 2 — Change to 60 degree head -out angled parking, also known as reverse or back in angle parking. Head -out angled parking provides improved vision for motorist to see bicycles and motorcycles when pulling out of the stall. Head -out angled parking is also safe during the process of backing into a stall given the bicycle stops behind the car similar to a parallel parking situation. Most agree that head -out parking is much easier than parallel parking. Head -out angled parking is becoming more popular in communities to promote on -street parking density and bicycle safety. This option results in 11 compact stalls and 7 regular stalls as shown below. S'chernul c illustrates 60 degree buck in angledpar king °4,,. [lackin4.5 degree ungledpar^kr'n g> in Boise, 1D. Other points brought forward about head -out angled parking include: 1. It maximizes street use while maintaining safety for both bikes and motorists. 2. Head -out is best where sidewalk width is wider given bumper overhang 3. Parking is easier that parallel parking 4. Bicyclists and motorists can make eye contact. 5. Head -out parking safety studies have shown that significant reduction in vehicle - bicycle accidents result from head -out parking 6. Parked vehicle loading from the rear into trunks, vans, or pickups is easier for shoppers. A short video produced by Lewiston ID concerning the addition of head -out parking in downtown. outulk�e,.coirn/watclYn°v::::.IIK�UV�OV��cIKuOc Option 3 — Change to parallel parking. Parallel parking is the safest configuration for on - street parking, but yields the least amount of on -street parking stalls. This configuration reduces the parking count to 9 parallel stalls. It also results in additional pavement which allows for some creative options for street painting. Associated with the Farmers Market. In this option buffered bike lanes on both sides of the street include a door buffer and a traffic buffer. Schematic illustrating parallel parking Public Feedback to date: Staff has received feedback as follows: • 607 Tyler Property Owner: Keep angled parking • Historic Preservation Commission: Keep angled parking. • Parks Recreation Trees and Trails Advisory Board: Replace trees with right tree right location. Option 1 or 2 provides more space for trees. • PT Main Street: Sent out in newsletter to solicit feedback • T -Lab: Option 2 — Head -out angled parking. T -Lab provided great thorough information related to head -out parking as described above. • Jeff Co. Community Center: Ok with proposal and recommend not striping bike lane if head in angled parking. • Jefferson County Farmers Market: Maintain street width, but ok with extending sidewalk to match existing planters in front of angled parking. Leaning toward parallel parking. The market also uses the angled parking stall markings to help with tent layout. A good summary of the pros and cons are included in a FHWA publication available on line. This analysis looks at parking and bicycle safety. 111 ocs/IFIHWA SA 21 X69 On Strreet I otoir Vehicle Pairlkiinmindf Recommendation RCW 46.61.575 requires that the City pass an ordinance whenever angled parking is allowed on a federally classified arterial street. Tyler Street is federally classified which is why the street was eligible to receive funding from the Transportation Improvement Board. Most cities do not know about this state law requirement and thus do not have ordinances. As a matter of due diligence, staff will ensure that any street undergoing a change in parking configuration be brought up to date with an angled parking ordinance. Angled parking is generally discouraged from the standpoint of safety. In the times past, angled parking disrupted traffic flow. Now days, angled parking helps slow traffic by creating congestion purposefully. However, head -in angled parking is still considered dangerous for bicycles. Staff is unaware of any accident history concerning angled parking, but at a minimum angled parking is unwelcoming to cyclists. In both angled parking scenarios, the addition of a van accessible ADA stall is recommended which would reduce the count by one stall. Staff recommends Option 3 (parallel parking). If Council desires more on -street parking stalls, then Option 2 (back -in, 60 -degree, angled parking) is recommended by staff. Finally, if not change is proposed and option 1 is recommended, the City staff will make sure the design has ample space between the intersections for visibility. The bulbouts will help with pedestrian safety no matter what option is chosen. Staff also recommends installing and ADA van accessible stall if angled parking option is chosen. No Council Action Required for the following Parking Discussion While not related to this resolution concerning angled parking, staff wishes to bring to the attention of the City Council that the existing parallel parking on both sides of the Street between Clay and Jefferson Streets could be changed. This project will repair the shoulders as part of pavement preservation as shown below. With the should repair, there is enough room for a climbing bike lane in addition to preserving the existing angled parking. However, if there is a desire to stripe the road with a downhill bike land as well, then parallel parking would have to be removed on the SW side of the street. The following schematic illustrates the addition of a climbing bike lane and preserving parallel parking on both sides of the street. Bikes traveling down the hill will ride within the travel lane under this configuration. The City's Complete Street ordinance requires the City to consider a balance of making streets welcoming to all modes of transportation and other street uses such as parking and public gathering spaces. This project seeks to implement the balance within the grant funding and eligibility requirements. With recent Council direction to provide opportunities for on -street parking to encourage infill, the above figure illustrates how parking may be important for infill opportunities on adjoining parcels. By observation, these areas are most heavily used associated with events and the residents. The schedule for the project is to be under construction by August of this year in order to meet grant timelines. At the City Council workshop, Council provided the direction both sides of the street along with a climbing bike lane and the downhill cyclists. Staff would like to confirm this direction ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Brief 2. April 8, 2024 workshop presentation 3. Resolution 24-013 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: to keep parallel parking on an in -lane bike marking for Move to approve Resolution 24-013 Authorizing Angled Parking on Tyler Street ALTERNATIVES: x❑ Take No Action ❑x Refer to Committee ❑x Refer to Staff ❑ Postpone Action ❑ Remove from Consent Agenda ❑ Waive Council Rules and approve Ordinance ❑ Other: 00 is Ln L- • ® aj Ul 4j 4-j aj Ln CL Ln Qj CL 4-J aha mti�� �� aha mit on o �� �' 0 Fa ra CIL U ® o V) Ln 41 d 4-J ® Ln d" m 41 w Ln Mi ® a b' (tu) k ����II yy 14, CL uW iu ° n ® (.0 i� =V SII (DII ull W 0 r4 du' 1�' u ro ® 4-1 0 aj I'' 4-J �� 0 o Ile CL LL CL Q) blo bio LE 0 I [� I a a [� I a w w N I +- - C 0 q— O o V (p N N TO ®� �� �s V— c6 Ln -Se ®-0_0 N OLn f6 O ® V V L N I 4-' _> +-j (, ® ate--+ > V V Ln O N = 0-2 V) t Q— al N N ® N O c� N V O O vU NN M.� QN N >,� O V V N O L— U V ® O v �N a O O m ®Ln E ` O V (6 � W OV V Ln m N i . +�-+ M W Q � I F; i RA w Resolution 24-013 RESOLUTION NO. 24-013 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING ANGLED PARKING ON TYLER STREET WHEREAS, RCW 46.61.575 states that the City may by ordinance or resolution permit angled parking on any roadway, except that angled parking shall not be permitted on any federal - aid or state highway unless the secretary of transportation has determined by order that the roadway is of sufficient width to permit angle parking without interfering with the free movement of traffic; and WHEREAS, the City is considering authorizing angled parking on Tyler Street; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to allow angled parking when the public safety is so served by such parking configuration; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend that angled parking shall be authorized on Tyler Street pursuant to RCW 46.61.575. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend at a special meeting thereof, held this 15th day of April 2024. David J. Faber Mayor Attest. Alyssa Rodrigues City Clerk \\\ \\\\ kk� fL \ ML ƒ »)/ \ \ \ \ \ \1. \ \\u 0 \\\§ cu } \� (\ { E ®6 : J $e _ =:f=� §k /\ - )\ - )( _\ \\ \\ /\ !/ )( \J\([\ \2 \ �\ §) \\ k_ ( C( >Zi \\ 0 ) \ j ( (§/ °44 E E §% \\\\(\}} n� (�' 1 �, ityof port ���fi11N@INO�llo�4 '10wn e n Submitted By: Adrian Smith Department: PCD Agenda Bill AB24-076 Meeting Date: April 15, 2024 Agenda Item: X.A ❑ Regular Business Meeting ❑ Workshop/Study Session 0 Special Business Meeting Date Submitted: 04/11/2024 Contact Phone: 360-390-4042 SUBJECT: Periodic Review Public Participation Plan CATEGORY: BUDGET IMPACT: ❑ Consent ❑ Resolution Expenditure Amount: $ ❑ Staff Report ❑ Ordinance Included in Budget? Yes ❑ No ❑ ❑ Contract Approval 0 Other: Discussion Item ❑ Public Hearing (Legislative, unless otherwise noted) ❑ 3 -Year Strategic Plan: N/A Cost Allocation Fund: h� �� an � ara. SUMMARY STATEMENT: On March 11, 2024, City Council held a workshop on the Public Participation Plan. The Public Participation Plan (PPP) describes the City's goals for engagement on the 2025 Comprehensive Plan periodic review. The PPP also describes tools to achieve these goals on schedule. During the workshop, Council reflected on past projects, identifying the ingredients for successful outreach, barriers to engagement, and how to remove those barriers. Following the Council meeting, PCD staff worked with consultants at SCJ Alliance ("SCJ") to improve the Public Participation Plan based on Council's vision. Drafts of the PPP were also presented to advisory groups, including the Port Townsend Parks Recreation Trails and Trees Advisory Board, the joint City -County Housing Fund Board, and the Port Townsend Planning Commission. These groups shared useful information on reaching diverse populations within our community. The Council workshop and advisory groups highlighted several areas of the Public Participation Plan, including: - Building trust with community members. - Our goals and principles of public engagement. - Clarifying Council's role as a conduit linking the comprehensive plan to more people, including people who cannot regularly attend City meetings. - Designing outreach that is relevant to people's lives. - Focusing on longer-term strategies for Port Townsend's continued vitality. Staff and SCJ extensively revised the Public Participation Plan based on these meetings. SCJ wrote a new section of the plan, PT Public Engagement Tips, incorporated suggestions on how to reach as many people as possible for meaningful input into the comprehensive plan. ATTACHMENTS: a. Public Participation Plan CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to approve the Public Participation Plan. ALTERNATIVES: x❑ Take No Action ❑ Refer to Committee ❑x Refer to Staff ❑ Postpone Action ❑ Remove from Consent Agenda ❑ Waive Council Rules and approve Ordinance ❑ Other: Consent Agenda JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA REQUEST TO: Board of County Commissioners (B()CC) Mark McCauley, Count), Administrator Fll(,)M: Josh D. Peters, AICD, Community Development Director DATE: February 26, 2024 RE: Board Letter to 'Tribal Council Chairs re: 2025 Periodic Update S'FATEMENT OF ISSUE: Per the Growth Management Act (GMA), Jefferson County must complete a Periodic Update of its comprehensive plan and development regulations by June 30, 2025. house Bill (1113) 1717 (2022) amended the GMA with respect to tribal participation in local government planning, including proposed amendments to (]ountywide Planning Policies (CPPs). See the attached State Department of Commerce factsheet on the effect of 1113 1717. I'he Department ofCommunity Development (I)CF)) recommends that the Board sign a letter to be sent to Tribal Council Chairs around the Olympic Peninsula to provide information about our 2025 Periodic Update process and to invite participation. A proposed letter for Board approval and signature is attached, Board Resolution 09-24 (reconvening the (jMSC) will be attached to the letter. DCl) staff' would also distribute the Board's letter to counterpart tribal staff in order to enhance awareness and foster cooperation. ANALYSIS: DCD's position is that this Board-to-'I'ribal Council communication is important to foster effective, meaningful tribal participation in the 2025 Periodic Update process. DCD is hoping to distribute the Board's letter to tribal partners well in advance ofthe first meeting ofthe (irowill Management Steering Committee ((.;MSC), which is scheduled for March 5. FISCAL IMPACT: Minor cost for postage. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the letter and return a signed version to DCD for distribution. REVIEWED BY: XP Mark McCaulegCoumy Administrator Date I� N " 0 February 26, 2024 Board ()[County C",onanissi , oners IS2() c ffC rsot 1, strect R.) Box 1220 Flort 1-mvilsend, \V'A 98368 1 a I c I )c a� I � I ) ist r i c t I I I e i d i I �' n 41 c j i l�i o i i , I ) t st r i (: 1 2 ('Pag Brot eIcrt on, I )kt'ricl 3 Honorable Guy Capoeman Jr Quinault Indian Nation PO Box 189 Taholah, WA 98587 honorable Timothy J. Greene, Sr Makah"I'ribe PO Box H 5 Neah Bay, WA 98357 I lonorable Amber Caldera Port Gamble S'KlallamTribe 31912 Little Boston Rd NE Kingston, WA 98346 98584 honorable Darlene Hollurn Iloo 'fribe 110 Box 2196 2464 I..,ower Hoh Rd Forks, WA 98331 Honorable Douglas Woodruff Quileute Nation P0 Box 279 LaPush, WA 98350 Honorable Frances G. Charles Honorable W. Ron Allen Lower Elwha KlallarnTribe Jamestown S'KIallarn'Tribe 2851 Lower ldwha Rd Port Angeles, WA 98363 Honorable Leonard Forsman Sucluamish Tribe 18490 SuqUarnish Way PO Box 498 Suquarnish, WA 98392 Greetings E'steen'ied Tribal Council Chairs: 1033 Old Blyn Hwy Sequim, WA 98382 Honorable Charles "Guy" Miller Skokornish Indian Tribe North 80'fribal Center Rd Skokornish Nation, WA Jefferson County is embarking on another periodic review of our comprehensive plan, considering the 20 -year view from 2025 to 2045. We acknowledge our'Fribal partners and invite your participation in community planning issues, including land use, environmental protection, and economic development. We welcome and value Your input. The fiollowing information will explain more about our upcoming planning process and how you can be involved. In compliance with House Bill 1.717 (2022) and in the spirit of meaningful communication and coordination with tederally-recognized tribes, we wish to inform you of the following: Jefferson County is required by the Growth Management Act (GMA) to complete Periodic Review of our comprehensive plan and development regulations, by June 30, 2025. The Washington State Department of` Commerce provides information related to the full spectrum of` Periodic Update requirements on this webpage: WWW .c()r11r11erce.wa,gQy�,S ryjug-con'un LID it i e s/g��,wtjj- Ilia 11 qg�zqjg yt�p�griodic-jg)date - - ------ - ------- . . . ........ . ....... . ... . ..... . . ..... ....... Our Department ofCommunity Development (DCD) manages a 2025 Periodic 1,Jpdate project website, which is simplest way to find updated information about our process: AAA.Kj.jgf(qrson.wa.us/1.."08/202 5-Ve iodic-Ul�i.j4te ........... ................. . . . T . .. . ...... Phone ( 160) 185 9100 1 dig; ( ,' 0 0 ) )8u 5 () 18 2 a.us F'or the purpose of recommending population allocation and for amending Our ( I 'ountywide Planning Policies (CPPs), as needed, we have reconvened a Growth Management Steering Committee (GMSC). See Board Resolution No. 09-24, attached. The first meeting of the GMS( ' " is scheduled for March 5, 6-00-8:00 PM. It will be a hybrid in-person/virtual meeting. The physical location is the Operations ("'enter Conference Room of Jefferson County Public Utility District No. 1, 310 Four (.,,orners Rd, Chirriacurn, W. The Zoom remote meeting information is as follows: t,il,s,O,.6.�-veb.,zo,(,)i.l.l....ti�fj-/-g-,�2,1,.5Q24; Phone: 1-253-215-8782; Webinar ID: 889 1858 0984 At its first meeting, the GMSC is expected to establish a meeting schedule for a series of meetings from March to early autumn 2024 in order to accomplish the tasks set before the committee per Board Resolution No. 09-24. The first objective For the GMS(. is recommending adoption of population allocation and growth targets for planning purposes. 'Fhe GMSC is expected to address potential amendments to the CPPs beginning in the late spring of 2024. Per RCW 36.70A.210, we invite tribes to participate in the process by which we will consider amendments to the Cpps The 2025 Periodic Update webpage linked above will contain information related to future meetings ofthe GMSC, Intergovernmental Coll aborati ve Group, Planning ( I ,ommission, and Board of County Commissioners, as related to this planning process. In addition to this letter from the Jefferson County Board of Commissioner to Tribal Council Chairs, we intend to continue building upon our staff -to -staff relationships by having our planning team connect directly with counterparts in Your planning and natural resource management departments during this planning process. We welcorne your input at whichever organizational level You prefer. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us through our Commissioners' Office and/or our DCD planning team via email jgffi r qq,.Aq-!� or phone (360-379-4450). Thank You for your attention and consideration. We wish you well in all your endeavors and we welcome your participation in our community planning process. Sincerely, Kate ]..)can, Chair I leidi Eisenhour (.'Jr(, -g Brotherton District I Commissioner District 2 Commissioner District 3 Conniiissioner Bridget Ray,,'Fribal Coordination Manager, Washington State Department of Corinnerce Attachment GwROWTH MANAGEMEENI SERMES FAC �- S�, H E k'MBAL ANID k ()CA[ (llC)VF],',�ljNlF P\�] S (I"MA I'llesk"I"I I'li 1,10"' 16111d 36,70A,040) -AHows tnbes t(a vok�ntar'Hy pai'tQ6pate in the locah goven,iments'compehens�ve p6annng p:arcaocaccs. p"(W Oernetl (pRCW 36,70A 085) - CtQes Mth a Pmt elernent irnust coHaboiate deveopment Mh the cty, port, ai! rd tr l be(s), CornprehensN'e plan re0ew (FR M 36 700 P06) - Requkes Cornrnerce to share subilr'Ottas Mth trOes. TO)es MH Incflcate to Cor'nrnerce wNch punsdction's SUbrnttaps wHk be trral"IS Qittavack IFaar access to ParlVievv data systern (,,contad the ("onim& ce 1"� Hm� 3aarra L4son. UGAs (RCIM 36,70k 10) - FRequi�'es kxc al jars s6ctaons to wo� k Mh tiibEaS to coordinate w)an gmwth. 'Fr€t)es rnust opt -in to with the hwls6ctk)n TechnQca� Assstance, p:woc,Q�di.arah ute6a, (Parls and Q..nedk:rfion servk��es (R(,, -VV 36 70A.190) -- Requires Conimerce to pjroV€de fac!Ratlmr services, FederaHy recognlZed tribes iiTray reClUest assisU-Ince frorn Cornmerr,,(? lO R?SO�Ve f;,3SUes related ter prc'aposed (4ianges to Iocal coml!)iehem:;€ve pally and devek)pment mgulati(-,'ms CountyMde pan wing pokies (RCM 36,7 OA 2 P 0) - I'°tequk-es count�es to irMte tribes to pwfi(;!hpate An deveoping counlywide pkanning jpak€es, (,'OL)Irjp€es rnust aJevelop k:mhc€es for the pir�tect€on of ti€bal cukural Iesou,,es in cohat)oratlon vvt Urlbes IT they choose to p a Ii c i p a t e. ANN lk ve o t r) ng S 1 Saytu.� bedtoCori,urr-,re�,�.,e'swebpagefogs ,�jp)c,b rriGiigworkstiopscl'uedLes,r'eSOLirce guides t a bmd pair cc) ur6es an cifies, a nd to risk clocbdin at k,)rI Updates, State resOUrces 'fortribal plaInnfing 0 Washin(;tc)n Slate Department of Commerce k: iMew h UP a. r Y of 0 Govern(,Ws Office of hidoan Affah's tt psj,�/ c ov T� eat�es� ht s pia,,� �a( �2yl n(m�� ,5/vQ ties, --- T r i l�D e s hj.tp.s � -d ire t ry e jjy-r�, -trib s washin to Ulgp�..,wa.( a C 0 -jQ)t/Wb I /f jj� _tp gpgTjized- rr6an 0 Washington State Departinent of Ard-meobgy and F-fisto6c F`Wreservabc)n Washngton State Dq)artrnent of Fish & WOdffe littps://yv(lfw,wa,gov/k'i,L4rit,irig/;,,i"iariagsN,b'nerit/tt�iba,[/Ilisto�y 0 MisNngtori State Depaillment of Transrx)rlatbn p.rbal Contact l ACt S� RIET FOR LOCAl GDVEIFtNMENT S 01',TRIBAL C,'OMRDHI,A, 1 (A 2 f V'OF 7 The intent of this document is to provide a plan for public participation in the City of Port Townsend's Comprehensi Plan update process. This outreach plan provides a breakdown of each engagement activity, a schedule for outreach efforts, roles and responsibilities, and key/ milestone dates. I Public Participation Plan I City of Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update BACKGROUND There are several audiences — individuals and agencies — that will participate in the Port Townse the process in different ways: • General Public: Port Townsend residents, workers, students, property owners, business owners, and other people who are engaged in Port Townsend. • Officials & Service Providers: City Councilmembers, Planning Commissioners, and others such as PUD, Port, Library, and Hospital District staff. Special districts such as the School District, Fire District, and others. • Non -Governmental Organizations: Non - Governmental Organizations including service clubs, local environmental groups, Housing Solutions Network, Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, Port Townsend Main Street, Fort Worden Public Development Authority, EDC Team Jefferson, and • State, Regional, Tribal, and Other Local Governments: Jefferson County, Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 17, Jamestown S'Klallam, Lower Elwha Klallam, Port Gamble S'Klallam, and Skokomish Tribes. and participate. Throughout the Comprehensive Plan update process, the City will maintain participants of relevant meetings and events. Regular opportunities for engagement and ° City website, project website, and social media channels ~ Public events, including meetings hosted bythe City ° City Manager's outreach + Port Townsend Leader (alocal weekly newspaper) * %PTZLocal Radio + Peninsula Daily News * Mailers and other City communications ~ Email The City will also advertise Planning Commission and City Council public meetings according to the standard procedures for those bodies, as well as on the City's website. All outreach efforts and ism Public Participation Plan | City ouPort Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update Public Participation 1 2 The channels by which we communicate and the events we hold should incorporate an inclusive engagement approach. The table below identifies the engagement options for this plan, including the potential barriers of each as well as how the method achieves incl usivity. A central location for status updates, draft documents, meeting schedules and related information, official notices, and feedbackl comment Public Meetings, Civic Events, and I'Ve Am Am Am Presentations • Getting visitors to the * Ensure ease of access through virtual outreach on website. social media and email correspondence directing public to websile. • Uploading materials in a * Make materials available in advance for timely manner. distribution to the public. • Reaching residents without * Partner with the library to connect those without internet access. internet to resources. ^ Posting and noticing in a timely manner. * Provide surveys and social media posts inEnglish • Creating postings that and Spanish amneeded. appeal to awide audience. + Provide links tosurveys and other web -based * Reaching ESL residents. platforms. ° Moderating responses. � ~ Provide printed materials inEnglish and Spanish ao needed. + Reaching ESL residents. * Identify avariety ofoutlets with relevant contact ° Potential for low information for notification and distribution uf materials (newopmpem'neighborhoods, ohumhee' participation.and other community -oriented organizations/ groups). • Include website link and QR code for access. • Identifying appropriate events for community. • Childcare availability. WI&W4641416 "i Ofta�� + Accessibility of the event. Community * Childcare availability. Workshops * Potential for low • Work with City departments to identify appropriate events to reach a diverse audience. • Designate 1-2 point people for coordination/ communication to ensure clarity and efficiency. • Incentivize participation with food and/or childcare. • Host virtual public meetings with a 1-2 week open + Ensure ADA accessibility. + Incentivize participation with food and/or childcare. Public Participation Plan | City ouPort Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update Public Participation 1 3 iOft Commission g + Potential for low and City Council participation. Meeting s/Hearings + May be intimidating. • Work with City departments to identify appropriate events to reach a diverse audience. • Designate 1-2 point people for coordination/ communication to ensure clarity and efficiency. • Incentivize participation with food and/or childcare. • Host virtual public meetings with a 1-2 week open + Ensure ADA accessibility. + Incentivize participation with food and/or childcare. Public Participation Plan | City ouPort Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update Public Participation 1 3 strategies will ensure we follow these principles throughout the process. ~ Meet people where they are. Make itconvenient. + Bethoughtful about how much weare asking ofpeople ateach event. |~ Provide options aapeople can engage aolittle orommuch aathey want. * Provide activities with clear purpose and language tureduce confusion. Make hintuitive. + Provide contextual information uanecessary. �+ Minimize the use mfplanning jargon. ° Encourage critical thinking and curiosity. ° Aim to spark conversation outside of the engagement space, making people think about Make itmeaningful. and discuss the future of1heircommunity. • Encourage and emphasize dialogue at outreach events and reduce presentation times. • Follow up with the public after each engagement activity to provide results and next steps. *Provide opportunities for members ofthe public toparticipate, including: ^ Hybrid meeting options. Make itaccessible. ^ Providing childcare agevents when possible. ^ Providing food and beverages atevents. ! ' Making printed outreach material available inboth English and Spanish aa � needed. Make hfun. + Tdkwhhpeo�ewhUplaying creative. . * Provide incentives for participation. +Of#s opportunities to participateinsmall groups, such ambreakout groups or neighborhood meetings. Make itapproachable. + Provide information and request feedback inbite-size pieces. Asking too much ofpeople � akonce can beoverwhelming. ° Aim togather feedback from aproportional number ofpeople from each age bracket and other demographics mafeasible. * Invite everyone from the community to participate, regardless of how long they have lived Make itinclusive. hem. � ° Maintain flexibility for future public engagement events. The ability to pivot is vital to � ensuring asmany people umpossible are reached inthis process. Public Participation Plan | City ouPort Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update Public Participation 1 4 program implementing this participation plan. Interviewees and board and commission members all emphasize the need to reach as many folks as possible, seeking out those who do not already participate in community conversations. This includes Audience the marine trades and professions, the community's youth, people experiencing housing instability, and representation from all economic and social groups. Interviewees and commission members mentionedthe Recovery Caf6, the Recyclery, the school district and PTA, and the Nest as likely outlets to reach audience members not usually participating in processes like these. The website and the City's social media posts will beimportant resources \opush information out 1othe community, keeping the public current mnthis process and its relevance. The City imalso considering Instrument o lobby display at City Hall, with changing displays with new information and quick public interaction opportunities. The City will also set up appearances at community events, staffing a table or booth with � materials provided bythe consultant. The process must make its choices relevant and intuitive, presenting the variety of topics in terms clearly understood by those participating in the process. The community's advisory boards can help this, Topics understanding the issues underlying the topics, internalizing them, and then speaking about them with their colleagues, family members, friends, and others. This will nest the conversation in an acceptance of change and empowerment, where conversation about today's topics may influence the strategies the community adopts to manage and shape the community's future. The engagement process and conversations must helpthe public understand howto engage at a policy 'e s] most effectively, focusing on the longer-term strategy rather than on complaints about current condition 0 tio Meaning past decisions. This ties into the focus on relevance and transparency, indicating how public conversatio relate to the community's planning issues and influence recommended initiatives in response. Bu Id relationships and community trust is an important first step here, creating an environment of safety allow participants to communicate without fear or retribution or being pushed to the margins. The City is also updating its shoreline master program during this period, and there are other community Related groups (like HSN and T -lab) who are conducting outreach on topics related to this planning process. The Activities public engagement effort must be aware of these other activities, reference or promotethem as appropriate, and clarify for the public how they interrelate. Public Participation Plan | City ouPort Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update Public Participation 1 5 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Public engagement will be coordinated with other materials pertaining to the Comprehensive Plan update and related planning efforts. SCJ will refine the public engagement and outreach events once an overall strategy is agreed upon including paring down the engagement effort, as necessary. updating it periodically. ® City Staff (lead): Coordinate and help lead outreach events; publish materials on websites and social media page(s); assist with running the events. ® SCJ Alliance (support): Design and production of materials; publish materials on the project website, attending/leading outreach events. rimefra.me::.March A pril 2024 2nd context for the plan update and the public -ngagement process. A selection of local residents and business people will be interviewed to discuss the public for more inclusive engagement in Port Townsend. ".11F.i.-Mefra.-Me: Spring 2024 At least one online community survey will be developed to explore community preferences and planning alternatives. The survey will be rolled out to coincide with public outreach events. The survey on mobile devices, as well as printed out versions that can be filled out at public outreach events or distributed around the community for those that LC464T—Qr iPad can be available at public outreach events for those that wish to take the survey at the outreach events. public on various elements of the Comprehensive Plan. The survey may also • SCJ Alliance (lead): Develop survey questions; digitize in Alchemer, Maptionnaire, or other onlint survey platform; monitor and analyze results. • City Staff (support).- Distribute survey via City outlets. Public Participation Plan I City of Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update Public Engagement Activities 1 7 ccontinue to hold regular meetings throughout the update, there will be several meetings specifically associated with the adoption of Port Townsend's a u 0 p s n d s t a 0 i n c e u i a e t t h ed 0 e r w h e0 w it i' h r t h e b e g e u a a r eve m r e a e m t i n g ee s i n h gr s 0 u d 0 pt i 0 n of P ort Tow g p h e 0 c u i' t 'c t a he s nd ly e Comprehensive Plan update. These meetings will advertised to the general public and will encourag members of the public to review materials, provide w I ritten comments, and/or attend and provide in-person comment on the plan updates. These j meetings will include: • Draft Plan Presentation (tentatively December 2024): City staff and consultant (SCj Alliance) will present a draft Comprehensive Plan to the Planning Commission. • Final Plan Presentation (tentatively March 2025): A combined Planning Commission/ City Council 710IM-11 I staff and consultant (SCJ Alliance) will provide an overview of the planning process, public feedback, and final draft of the plan. Final feedback will also be collected from the two public bodies and final draft. Planning Commission recommendation (tentatively May 2025): The City of Port Townsend Planning Commission is required to review amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and provide a recommendation to the City Council for consideration and potential adoption. Comprehensive Plan Adoption (tentatively June 2025): City Council will hold a hearing to adopt the updated Comprehensive Plan. • City Staff (lead): Coordinate, schedule, and lead workshops and hearings. • SCJ Alliance (support): Technical resource as needed; production of materials as needed.. Public Participation Plan I City of Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update Comprehensive Plan Rollout and Adoption 1 8 Public Participation Plan I City of Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update Summary 1 9 n� (�' 1 �, ityof port ���fi11N@INO�llo�4 '10wn e n Agenda Bill AB24-074 Meeting Date: April 15, 2024 Agenda Item: XC ❑ Regular Business Meeting ❑ Workshop/Study Session ❑x Special Business Meeting Submitted By: Emma Bolin Date Submitted: April 10, 2024 Director of Planning and Community Development And Steve King, Public Works Director Departments: Planning and Community Development and Public Works Contact Phone: 360-379-5090 (Steve King) SUBJECT: Move to waive Council Rules and approve Ordinance 3336 Vacating a 30x60 -Foot Portion of the Reed Street Right -of -Way Abutting Lot 2, Block 25, Mountain View 2nd Addition; Authorizing Exchange of 30x50 Foot Portion of Reed Street for 10x266 Feet of Private Property; Providing for Severability; Providing for Corrections; and Establishing an Effective Date CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Resolution ❑ Staff Report ❑x Ordinance ❑ Contract Approval ❑ Other: Motion BUDGET IMPACT: Expenditure Amount (2024): N/A Included in Budget? Yes ❑ No ❑ ❑ Public Hearing (Legislative, unless otherwise noted) ❑ 3 -Year Strategic Plan: 3 - Establish systems to support diverse housing options Cost Allocation Fund: SUMMARY STATEMENT: Staff recommends adoption of the attached Ordinance (Ex. A), vacating 30' x 60' (1,800 square feet) at the west end of Reed Street at the top of Morgan Hill across from the City reservoir. On November 22, 2021, after considering public testimony at a duly noticed open record public hearing, Council approved Resolution 21-075 (Ex. B), Setting the Conditions to Vacate a 30 x 60 Portion of Reed Street and Directing the City Manager to Prepare the Vacation Ordinance when the Conditions are met. Council adopted Findings of Fact and Conclusions presented in the Development Services Department recommendation which set forth the conditions. Status of the conditions is further described below. Under separate action, Council approved Resolution 21-076 Declaring the Portion of Reed Street vacated by Resolution 21-075 Surplus to the Needs of the City, Determining the Property is not Suitable for Affordable Housing, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute all Associated Documents for a Land Exchange (Ex. C). Specifically, the resolution described the north 30' x 50' (1,500 square feet) of Reed would be transferred to adjacent property owner Larry Johnson in exchange for a 7 foot wide x 266' long (1,855 square feet) strip of Johnson's private property along the Chestnut Street right-of-way for the purpose of the City securing portions of the Chestnut Street trail currently on Johnson's property. The remaining south 10- feet of vacated Reed will be retained by the City to preserve the option for trail use and to accommodate the existing Reed Street to Chestnut Trail connector. Update: via a subsequent survey it was determined that a 10 foot wide x 265' long strip (2,650 square feet) was necessary to encompass the existing Chestnut Street Trail. Mr. Johnson has agreed that the additional 3 feet of width does not affect the "even exchange" (Ex. D). The land exchange is reflected in the Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) Survey (Ex F) that will be recorded concurrent with the adopted Ordinance vacating a portion of Reed Street. Status of Conditions Stipulated in Resolution 21-075 a) Johnson has submitted for, and received the DSD Director's approval of, a Type II Lot Line Adjustment reorientation (LLA) which would also formally merge the surplused portion of the vacated right-of-way into petitioner's adjoining lands . Status: Complete (Ex. E) b) Johnson has prepared a LLA survey and Statement of Intent (SOI) in a form suitable forrecording. In conjunction with the survey and SOI, Johnson shall have a licensed surveyor prepare the legal descriptions of the properties to be exchanged; Status: Complete (Ex. F and H). c) Johnson has executed and returned a Right -of -Way deed (or other instrument acceptable to the City Attorney) for the additional Chestnut Street right-of-way being conveyed to the City. The City Attorney has agreed to prepare the conveyance document; Status: The document is complete (drafted and reviewed by former City Attorney Heidi Greenwood) and ready for recording but needs to be signed by Johnson, the City Attorney and the City Manager (Ex. G). d) The non -motorized trail in Reed Street has been relocated out of the vacation area. Trail relocation will be accomplished through City efforts, which may include volunteer assistance. Status: Pending -The trail has not yet been relocated; however, Public Works Director Steve King has directed parks staff to schedule this relocation for April -May 2024. e) A written determination provided by City Public Works staff that documents the values of land being exchanged. Status: Complete. Public Works Director Steve King confirmed in a 6/5/23 email (Ex. 1) that "the value exchange calculations have been done and approved by City Council. There is no $$ exchange, simply a net value wash." Upon adoption, the Ordinance together with the fully executed Lot Line Adjustment Statement of Intent, and all other required filings shall be recorded concurrently with the County Auditor's Office. All fees and costs related to the preparation, review and recording of all documents associated with the vacation are the responsibility of the petitioner. ATTACHMENTS: A. Draft Ordinance B: Resolution 21-075 C: Resolution 21-076 D. Statement of Land Exchange signed by Johnson E. LUP22-044 Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) relevant exhibits F. LUP22-044 Lot Line Adjustment Statement of Intent G. Right of Way Dedication Deed to be Signed by City Attorney, John Mauro and Larry Johnson H. LUP22-044 Preliminary Survey I. Steve King's 6/5/23 Email Confirming Value of Exchange J. Aerial Map -Johnson property and vicinity CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to waive Council Rules and approve Ordinance 3336 Vacating a 30x60 -Foot Portion of the Reed Street Right -of -Way Abutting Lot 2, Block 25, Mountain View 2nd Addition; Authorizing Exchange of 30x50 Foot Portion of Reed Street for 10x266 Feet of Private Property; Providing for Severability; Providing for Corrections; and Establishing an Effective Date ALTERNATIVES: x❑ Take No Action ❑x Refer to Committee ❑x Refer to Staff ❑x Postpone Action ❑ Remove from Consent Agenda ❑ Waive Council Rules and approve Ordinance ❑ Other: City Clerk City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 2 Port Townsend, WA 98368 ORDINANCE NO. 3336 AN ORDINANCE VACATING A 30 X 60 -FOOT PORTION OF THE REED STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY ABUTTING LOT 2, BLOCK 25, MOUNTAIN VIEW 2ND ADDITION; AUTHORIZING EXCHANGE OF 30 X 50 FOOT PORTION OF REED STREET FOR 10 X 266 FEET OF PRIVATE PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CORRECTIONS; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Reference Documents: Right -of -Way Deed, AFN Lot Line Adjustment Statement of Intent, AFN Record of Survey, AFN Grantor: City of Port Townsend, a municipal corporation Grantee: Lawrence P. Johnson Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 974-402-501 and 974-402-502 Abbreviated Legal Description: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 25 of Mountain View 2nd Addition with portions of previously vacated adjacent Reed Street and adjacent Adams Street. WHEREAS, Port Townsend Municipal Code ("PTMC") Chapter 12.20 governs street and right- of-way vacation procedures; and WHEREAS, the Port Townsend City Council considered a city -initiated request to vacate a portion of Reed Street (LUP21-088) and, following due notice, held a public hearing on the application on November 22, 2021; and WHEREAS, the vacation involves a portion of unopened Reed Street right-of-way abutting Lot 2, Block 25 within the Plat of Mountain View 2nd Addition. The partial vacation area is 30 feet in width and 60 feet long for a total land area of 1,800 square feet; and WHEREAS, Council adopted Findings of Fact and Conclusions at the end of their November Ordinance 3336 22, 2021 public hearing (Resolution 21-075), which conditionally approved the partial street vacation subject to conditions (the "Reed Street Vacation"); and WHEREAS, Larry Johnson, the abutting property owner to the north, has offered to dedicate to the City a ten -foot wide 10' x 266' strip (2,660 square feet) strip of his property along the west property line boundary of subject Lots 1, 3 and 4 Block 25 within the Plat of Mountain View 2nd Addition that includes portions of the existing Chestnut Street trail in exchange for a 30 x 50' foot portion of Reed Street; and WHEREAS, Resolution 21-076 documents Council support of the proposed land exchange with Johnson. The north 30' x 50' (1,500 square feet) of Reed would be transferred to Larry Johnson in exchange for a 7' wide x 265' long strip (1,855 square feet) of Mr. Johnson's private property along the Chestnut Street right-of-way for the purpose of the City securing portions of the Chestnut Street trail currently on Mr. Johnson's property. The remaining ten feet of vacated Reed will be retained by the City to preserve the option for trail use and to accommodate the existing Reed Street to Chestnut Trail connector. A subsequent survey determined that a 10' wide x 266' strip (2,660 square feet) was necessary to encompass the existing Chestnut Street Trail. Mr. Johnson has agreed that the additional 3' of width does not affect the "even exchange"; and WHEREAS, Council finds conditions of the Reed Street Vacation have been substantially completed, as required by PTMC 12.20.070: a) Mr. Johnson has submitted for, and received the DSD Director's approval of, a Type II Lot Line Adjustment that reflects the vacation and land exchange. b) Mr. Johnson has prepared a LLA survey and statement of intent ("SOI") in a form suitable for recording. In conjunction with the survey and SOI, Mr. Johnson shall have a licensed surveyor prepare the legal descriptions of the properties to be exchanged. c) Mr. Johnson has executed and returned a Right -of -Way deed (or other instrument acceptable to the City Attorney) for the additional Chestnut Street right-of-way being conveyed to the City. The document is complete and ready for recording. d) Parks staff have been directed to relocate the non -motorized trail in Reed Street out of the vacation area. Trail relocation will be accomplished in April -May 2024. e) City Public Works staff have provided written determination documenting the equal values of lands being exchanged; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the City has no future need for the public right-of-way to be used as a street for vehicle travel and there is no need to retain any easements over said right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the public interest can, subject to conditions, be best served by the Reed Street Vacation; and Ordinance 3336 WHEREAS, the City Council finds the Reed Street Vacation, as conditioned, is in the public interest and consistent with the criteria for a street vacation contained in PTMC 12.20.060; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the right-of-way, as described herein and subject to conditions, should be vacated. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Townsend ordains as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are hereby adopted and incorporated as Findings of Fact and/or Conclusion of Law of the City Council. The City Council bases its findings and conclusions on the entire record of testimony and exhibits, including all written and oral testimony before the City Council. Section 2. Public Right -of -Way Vacated. The following right-of-way is hereby vacated subject to Conditions in Section 4: That 30 x 60 -foot portion of Reed Street abutting Mountain View 2nd Addition Block 25 Lots 1, 2(All), 3 (E'LY10') W/N'LY 50' Vacated Reed Street & Portion of Vacated Adams Street adjacent to Lot 2, generally lying west of Quincy Street and immediately north of the City's Morgan Hill Reservoir in the Mountain View Addition, Situate in Jefferson County, Washington. Section 3. Land Exchange. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute, record, and file necessary agreements and documents on behalf of the City to effect and implement the land exchange granting Larry Johnson the northerly 30'x 50' foot portion of Reed Street in exchange for a 10'x 266' strip of Johnson's property along the west property line boundary of subject Lots 1-4 Block 25 Mt. View 2nd Addition & portions of adjacent vacated streets APN 974-402-502 (Parcel A) & 974-402-501 (Parcel B). This land exchange constitutes fair value compensation to the City; the value of property received will be equal to or greater than the value of the right-of-way vacated. Section 4. Conditions of Recording. This Ordinance shall be recorded in conjunction with: a. Mr. Johnson's Lot Line Adjustment ("LLA") survey and Statement of Intent ("SOI") as approved by the PCD Director (LUP22-064) reflecting the land exchange as described in Section 3 above. b. The Right -of -Way Deed offered in exchange for the vacation area. This vacation and the transfer of title shall be effective at such time as this Ordinance is properly published and recorded in the office of the County Auditor. Mr. Johnson is responsible for all costs associated with recording of documents related to the Lot Line Adjustment, Street Vacation and the Right -of -Way Deed. Section 5. Expiration upon Failure to Record. This Ordinance and above documents shall be recorded within 90 days of adoption, or this Ordinance shall be null and void. Ordinance 3336 Section 6. Corrections. The City Clerk and codifiers of the ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this Ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, Ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law, and after it has been recorded with the Jefferson County Auditor pursuant to Section 3 of this Ordinance. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, at a special meeting thereof, held this 15`x' of April, 2024. David Faber, Mayor Attest.• Alyssa Rodrigues, City Clerk Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Published: Recorded: Effective Date: Ordinance 3336 Resolution 21-075 RESOLUTION NO. 21-075 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, SETTING THE CONDITIONS TO VACATE A PORTION OF REED STREET AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE THE VACATION ORDINANCE WHEN THE CONDITIONS ARE MET WHEREAS, the City of Port Townsend initiated a proposal to vacate a portion of Reed Street; and WHEREAS, the City proposes to exchange the vacated portion of Reed Street for additional right-of-way on Chestnut Street that contains an existing public trail; and WHEREAS, Port Townsend Municipal Code 12.20,040 governs the administration of street vacations; and WHEREAS, the City published notice of the proposed vacation in the City's official newspaper; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on November 15, 2021 (adjourned to November 22, 2021); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, that the City Council adopts the findings, conclusions, and conditions presented in the Development Services Department Recommendation (Exhibit A). Upon completion of the conditions listed in Exhibit A, the Council directs the City Manager to prepare and present the vacation ordinance to the City Council for final passage and recording. ADOPTED by the City Council of Port Townsend, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof, held this 22nd day of November 2021. Attest: Michelle SandoOwl Mayor Approved as to form: Joanna Sanders, MMC ...__...��......w..._ ............�......�._.. .-°� .m _......._,.......___. ..�.... ..,,w...��. �� I-le)(i Greenw and City Clerk City Attorney Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page l of 24 _. city Dort 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 E Part Townsend, WA 98368 N 360,379.5095 www.cltyotpt.us Townsend, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION Date: November 15, 2021 Subject: Vacation of Portion of Reed Street - City Initiated - (LUP21-088) Consistent with PTMC 12.20.050, Development Services Department has reviewed the above reference request and recommends the proposed street vacation and associated land exchange be APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS. Following is a summary of staff's findings: Proposal 1. The City Public Works Director initiated a request to vacate a 30 x 60 -foot portion of Reed Street generally lying west of Quincy Street and immediately north of the City's Morgan Hill Reservoir in the Mountain View Addition (Exhibit 1A, Application) (Exhibit 16, Site Plan - Areas A and D depict Reed Street Vacation). 2. If the vacation is approved, under separate action the City intends to surplus a*30 x 50- foot (1,500 square feet) portion of Reed Street (Exhibit 1B, Area A) to the abutting property owner to the north, Mr. Larry Johnson ("Johnson"), in exchange for a 7 -foot -wide x 444 - foot -long strip of Johnson's property along the east side of unopened Chestnut Street (Exhibit 1B, Area C). The land exchange benefits the public by securing the existing Chestnut Street trail corridor which currently meanders onto Johnson's private property. The exchange would provide Johnson a flatter buildable area to construct a single-family residence outside of geologically hazardous slopes. Background 3. The request was initially submitted by Johnson, owner of the abutting property to the north (Exhibit 2A, October 15, 2020 Street Vacation application by Larry Johnson — LUP20-068) (Exhibit 2B — Staff Map of Johnson Property Outlined in Green). An abbreviated legal description of Johnson's current property is Lots 1 through 4, Block 25 in the Mountain View 2nd Addition together with portions of two (2) previously vacated rights of way: the west half of vacated Adams Street abutting Johnson's Lots 1 and 2, and the North 50 feet of vacated Reed Street abutting Johnson's Lot 2 (Exhibit 4A, Aerial). 4. Neighboring property owner Kris Nelson of 736 Reed Street, signed in support of Johnson's application to vacate this portion of Reed Street (Exhibit 2A, Page 2 of Street Vacation application LUP20-068). 5. According to the City's Critical Areas Maps, Johnson's property contains steep slopes classified as geologically hazardous areas under the City's Critical Areas Ordinance (Exhibit 2C, Mapped Geologically Hazardous Areas). As stated on the application, Johnson sought Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 2 of 24 DSU Recommendation Reed Street Vacation Page 2 of 7 the vacation in order "to augment existing level area on the southern portion of the adjacent property with additional level property in order to better accommodate setback and parking requirements for a proposed single-family residence". 6. A file number was assigned to the Johnson application (LUP20-068) and routed for staff review. The application was placed on hold pending a PreApplication conference. During the Pre -Application Meeting (PRE20-009), Johnson discussed the possibility of a land exchange. Johnson would dedicate to the City a 7 -foot -wide x 444 -foot -long strip of his property along unopened Chestnut Street (Exhibit 3, Area of Proposed Dedication- Shown as Area C - 3,163 sq. ft.). The dedication would benefit the public by securing the existing Chestnut Street trail corridor which currently meanders onto Johnson's private property. Staff review of the Street Vacation request found that the city owned fee title to Reed Street, in that the street was wholly contained within the abutting Mountain View Plat and the City owned the abutting property. 9. As authorized per RCW 35.790.010, the Public Works Director agreed to initiate vacation of this 30 x 60 portion of Reed Street (Exhibit 1A, Application). Reed Street would accrue to the City as fee owners of the adjacent land immediately north of the Morgan Hill Reservoir unless determined surplus to the city's needs as requested by Johnson. 10. If the vacation and surplus are approved, Johnson will complete a lot line adjustment to reflect the street vacation of Reed Street and dedication for the Chestnut trail. No exchange of funds is anticipated as part of this action. ExistingConditions 11. Adams Street and Reed Street were originally platted at 60 feet in width. Reed Street to the east is developed as City maintained gravel road. Abutting Adams Street to the north and Reed Street to the west were previously vacated by Council in 1974 (Adams St. Ord. 1718) and 1996 (Reed St. Ord 2513) (Exhibit 4A). The area of Reed Street proposed for vacation is undeveloped (Exhibit 4, Aerial Map). According to City GIS records, there are no water or sewer lines in this portion of Reed Street. 12. Land to the north of Reed Street is zoned R -II single-family residential. Single-family residences exist along the north side of Reed Street to the east. Johnson's property to the northwest (Block 25) is vacant. City owned Morgan Hill Reservoir lies to the south of Reed Street. 13. Existing trails in the vicinity include the following single-track dirt pathways (Exhibit 5, Trails and Topography): From the western terminus of Reed Street roughly following the City's Morgan Hill Reservoir fence line to Taylor Street. Portions of the trail meander on to Johnson's private property. This trail is not maintained by city staff and is not listed in the City of Port Townsend Non -Motorized Transportation Plan. Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 3 of 24 DSD Recommendation Reed Street Vacation Page 3 of 7 Taylor Street right-of-way from Root Street to Chestnut Street. This trail is listed as a secondary neighborhood connector in the City of Port Townsend Non -Motorized Transportation Plan. Chestnut Street from Taylor to N Street. This trail is listed as a secondary neighborhood connector in the City of Port Townsend Non -Motorized Transportation Plan. The existing trail along Chestnut right-of-way encroach on Johnson's private property (Exhibit 5). 6TMC 12.20.040 - Street Vacation Administration 14. The review criteria for street vacations are found in Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) 12.20. PTMC 12.20.040 and Chapter 35.79 RCW set out the procedural requirements for processing of a street vacation request. The application was routed to all pertinent offices for input, including Public Works, Police, Emergency Service Providers, and other franchise utility operators. No issues were raised. 15. On October 18, 2021, Council approved Resolution 21-063 setting the public hearing for November 15, 2021. 16. Notice of the November 15 public hearing before the City Council was provided as required by 35.79.020 RCW. DSD staff responded to questions and concerns raised by neighbors. No formal written testimony has been received. 17. While partial street vacations are generally discouraged, staff considers the unique circumstances of this vacation and exchange as providing several public benefits that merit approval. The associated land exchange benefits the public by securing the existing Chestnut Street trail corridor which currently meanders onto private property. The exchange would provide Johnson with a flatter buildable area to construct a single-family residence outside of geologically hazardous slopes. 18. If the vacation and associated surplus are approved, standard Council conditions for the vacation would require Johnson to complete a Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) incorporating the Reed Street surplus into his adjoining lots prior to finalizing the vacation by Ordinance. 19. Consistent with PTMC 12.20.090, the preparation of a fair market property appraisal can be waived by Council whenever a vacation request involves a property exchange so long as qualified Public Works staff provide a written determination that the property value being received is equal to or greater than the value of the right-of-way vacated. Public Works has prepared a preliminary determination documenting greater value of the area to be dedicated (Exhibit 6A — Memo Pages 1-2) including a map of nearby property values (Exhibit 6B — Property Value Map) and property value table (Exhibit 6C — Property Value Table). Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 4 of 24 USD Recommendation Reed Street Vacation Page 4 of 7 20. If approved, the land exchange should be conditioned on Johnson executing a Right -of - Way deed to the City for the 7 x 444 -foot strip of Johnson's land to be dedicated to the City. The Right -of -Way deed (or other instrument acceptable to the City) must be prepared in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Finally, approval of the vacation must adequately address the relocation of any portion of the non -motorized path that lies within the vacation area. P*rmc 12,20.060 — Street Vacation Review Criteria 21. PTMC 12.20.060 sets out eight (8) review criteria that are used to evaluate each street vacation request. These review criteria include a consistency analysis with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and other adopted City plans. The review criteria and goals/policies applicable to the subject application have been summarized below in italics, followed by a staff analysis of project conformance. I, Transpartation Goals and Policies A. Use the following criteria to consider if public rights-of-way should be vacated or left unimproved. a. street continuity and property access, b. future utility needs, including storm water facilities, and capital facilities plans; c, consistency with Land Use and Transportation Elements, as well as the overall Comprehensive Plan; and d, preservation of open space and environmentally sensitive areas, (Policy 9.4, Transportation Element of the Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan). Public Works staff have determined this portion of Reed Street is not necessary for street continuity, property access or utilities. Abutting Adams Street to the north and Reed Street to the west were previously vacated by Council in 1974 (Adams St. — Ordinance 1718) and 1996 (Reed St. — Ordinance 2513) (Exhibit 4A). The area of Reed Street proposed for vacation is undeveloped and contains no utilities. If vacated and under separate action determined surplus to the city's needs, 30 x 50 feet of vacated Reed would be exchanged with Johnson, allowing Johnson to minimize impacts to environmentally sensitive areas (i.e., avoid development on steep slopes), B. Allow street closures (or do not allow some streets to be opened) in certain areas so the street grid is broken in on effort to promote more pedestrian friendly neighborhoods. Streets designated to be closed or to remain unopened should be identified within the Nonmotorized Plan (Policy 4.7, Transportation Element of the Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan). Chestnut Street is identified as a street to remain unopened. While Reed Street is not designated as a street to remain unopened, this portion of Reed Street abuts two previously vacated streets: abutting Adams Street to the north and Resolution 2/-075 Exhibit A Page 5 of 24 DSD Recommendation Reed Street Vacation Page S of 7 Reed Street to the west were previously vacated by Council in 1974 (Adams St. — Ordinance 1718) and 1996 (Reed St. — Ordinance 2513) (Exhibit 4A). C. Provide pedestrians and bicyclists with a system of facilities, incentives, and services that fully support trip -making connections between residential areas, employment centers, shopping, recreational facilities, schools, public transit and other public services within the City. The City should develop a safe and convenient environment for walking and bicycling by developing a city-wide sidewalk/pathway plan including on and off-road trails to establish safe integration of bicycle and pedestrian circulation. (Policy 5.3(f), Transportation Element of the Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan). As described in Finding 13 and depicted in Exhibit 5A, trails exist within the Reed Street and Chestnut Street rights-of-way and Johnson's abutting private property. The south ten feet of the property vacated will be retained by the City to preserve the option for trail use and to accommodate the existing Reed Street to Chestnut Trail connector (Exhibit 1B, Area D). The land exchange benefits the public by securing the existing Chestnut Street trail corridor which currently meanders onto private property. DSD concludes: 1. The proposal complies with the applicable goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, as discussed in the Finding 21 above. 2. The effectiveness of fire, law enforcement, medical and other emergency services will not be impaired by the proposed vacation. As described in Finding 11, this portion of Reed Street is at a dead end, as abutting Adams, and Reed streets to the north and west were previously vacated. 3. Current and anticipated future needs for public transportation service (transit), mail delivery, private utility service delivery, solid waste collection service and other public service delivery will not be unduly impaired by the vacation of the street right-of-way. As described in Finding 11, this portion of Reed Street is at a dead end, as abutting Adams, and Reed streets to the north and west were previously vacated. 4. Public Works staff has confirmed the rights-of-way sought for vacation are not required as a current or anticipated utility corridor. No utilities currently exist within this portion of Read Street. As described in Finding 11, this portion of Reed Street is at a dead end, as abutting Adams, and Reed streets to the north and west were previously vacated. 5. Public Works has confirmed that the proposed street vacation would not negatively impact current or anticipated bicycle, pedestrian or equestrian pathway, trail, or sidewalk corridor. The south ten feet of the property vacated will be retained by the City to preserve the option for trail use and to accommodate the existing Reed Street to Chestnut Trail Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 6 of 24 DSD Recommendation Reed Street Vacation Page 6 of 7 connector (Exhibit 113, Area D). The land exchange benefits the public by securing the existing Chestnut Street trail corridor which currently meanders onto private property. 6. The proposed vacation will not increase the potential for disturbance of an environmentally sensitive area (ESA), as defined by Chapter 19.05 PTMC, including ESAs situated within and outside of the street, right-of-way or alley proposed for vacation. The land exchange would allow Johnson to minimize impacts to environmentally sensitive areas (i.e., avoid development on steep slopes). 7. The portion of the street proposed for vacation does not abut a body of salt or fresh water. Because the proposed street vacation and associated land exchange conform with the goals and policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan and it satisfies the review criteria for street vacations set forth in Chapter 12.20.060 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, the Development Services Department RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of the above referenced application, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Council, under separate action, finds the Northwesterly 30 x 50 feet (Exhibit 113, Area A) of the proposed Reed Street vacation to be surplus to the City's needs and not suitable for affordable housing. 2. An Ordinance vacating a 30 x 60 -foot portion of Reed Street (Exhibit 1B, Areas A and D)shall be presented for Council approval only after: a) Johnson has submitted for, and received the DSD Director's approval of, a Type II Lot Line Adjustment to formally merge the surplused portion of the vacated right-of-way into petitioner's adjoining lands; b) Johnson has prepared a LLA survey and statement of intent in a form suitable for recording. In conjunction with the survey and SOI, Johnson shall have a licensed surveyor prepare the legal descriptions of the properties to be exchanged; c) Johnson has executed and returned a Right -of -Way deed (or other instrument acceptable to the City Attorney) for the additional Chestnut Street right-of-way being conveyed to the City. The City Attorney has agreed to prepare the conveyance document; d) The non -motorized trail in Reed Street has been relocated out of the vacation area. Trail relocation will be accomplished through City efforts, which may include volunteer assistance. e) A written determination consistent with the provisions of PTMC 12.20.090 & 12.20.100 is provided by City Public Works staff that documents the values of land being exchanged. Resolution Z/-075Exhibit A Page 7 of 24 DSD Recommendation Reed Street Vacation Page 7 of 7 The final vacation Ordinance, together with the fully executed Lot Line Adjustment Statement ofIntent, and all other required filings shall berecorded concurrently with the County Auditor's office. All fees and costs related tothe preparation, review and recording of all documents associated with the vacation are the responsibility of the petitioner. List of Exllilbits IA. Application toVacate Reed Street (UJP2l-O8B) 1B,Site Plan proposed vacation ofReed Street (Area A) 2A. Application by Larry Johnson to Vacate portion of Adams Street (LUP20-068) 28.Johnson Property Vicinity Map (Johnson property outlined inGreen) 2C. Geo|ogicaUyHazardousAreas—smurce:ArcReader 3A.Area ofProposed Dedication (Area C-3,1G3sq, ft.) 4A.Aerial Map SA. Existing Trails 6A. Memorandum Written Determination for Land Exchange 68.Property Value Map 6C.Property Value Table Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 8 of 24 Cly ort4p Z50 Maadlr tr'oet, Suite 3 V part Townsend, WA 98368 1 079.5095 ( www.cltyofpt.us Toignsend, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STREET VACATION APPLICATION Legal Description Jor Tax #)� Parcel Number(s) of adja�cent Prorypa: Upfit P w. Addltlon: to Block(s):_ Associated Dorn its 1�t �4 a Lot(s): 30 x 80 Portion of Reed Street lying west of Quincy Street and immediately north of the City's Moraan HIII Reservoir. Thence alsdesc description vacation the s street portion or alley Street for v cato sr � Str ons for the request: e� G p y petitioned _ rva on and res wequest: City p t Ing west of Quincy street and Immediately north of the City's Morgan HIII Reservoir In the Mountain view Addition and proposes a land exchange for a 7' x 4 trip of property owned by Larry Johnson along the west side of the Chestnut Street trail that Includes portions of the trail {Exhibit 1, Area C), The southerly 1V would be retained by the City to preserve the option for the Reed Street trail connection to Chestnut St, trail, An application is being flied to facilitate records tracking. Current uses of all adjacent properties: Land its vacant, There are existing trails In Reed and Chestnut Street, Is this property on the edge of an existing plat? ❑ No MYes It yes„ what is the name of the plat? Mountain View I g t Vi Ww aoond Addition Is the plat to the north abutting the Mountain View Plantain Property Owner: Contact/Representative (If different): Name: Name: S"levonf},,"tcfcrrls Dlydcfc� Address: p 1 Address: g„5 rlgJ;, i �J!gJ ,, at I LR City/Sf/Zip:P_,.Co t, "9M)LIeal—M 04-9 City/St/zip: Phone: Phone:_OQ .gQ Email: tJ r Email gL ter J,p r tt In addltlon to other conditions that may be imposed by, the City Council„ (lie applicant hereby acknowledges (hat a twenty-five (25) foot utllltyJac ss easement, running twelve and one-half (12%) feet on each side of the centerline of tate street proposed for vacation, or along existing utilities, rnay be retained by the City of Port Townsend. The applicant hereby certifies that all of the above statert)orits and Information contained in any exhrbils, plot plans, or Whet transmittals made herewith are true. The applicant acknowledges (hat any action taken by the City of Port Townsend, teased in whole or to part on this application, may be reversed if it develops that any such staterx nt or other information contained herein Is false, The undersigned hereby saves and holds harmless the City of Por( Townsend horn any, and all causes of action, judgments, claims, restrictions, or other restrictions which may have beat) establlshed by parties other than the City of fort Townsend, Print Name: Signature:�_ ` Date' Please be aware that, should the street vacation be granted, the applicant will need to pay the final appraised value of the property. gEC (VED See Page 2 for further required signatures, plan submittal requirements a cost. CIT`( OF PORT TO�NSEND Revised DSD 10.22.20' Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 9 of 24 Submittal Requirements CHECKLIST ❑ Completed Street Vacation application form (Page 1 & 2), ❑ Street Vacation Fees: $729,08 (Includes $30.00 Signboard deposit). ❑ Property Appraisal Fee: $750.00 (actual fee will be used, with money charged or refunded). Must be two separate checks, one for $729.08 and one for $750.00 ❑ A site plan, to scale, on 8-1/2" by 11" sheet of paper, showing: ❑ The street, alley, or portion thereof proposed to be vacated. ❑ The name, address, and Assessor's parcel number of each adjacent property owner, including the applicant, and the location of each respective property. O The nearest constructed street to the area proposed for vacation. ❑ The locations of aU utilities existing within the right-of-way proposed to be vacated. ❑ North Arrow. ❑ The location of any critical areas and/or buffers as described in PTMC 19.05, including all floodplalns, lying within or adjacent to the proposed vacation. ❑ The location of any significant trees, as defined in PTMC 12,04.030. For more Street Vacation information, see Port Townsend Municipal Code Chapter 12.20, accessible on the website; w clt of s/ Page 2 of 2 -kl IN u bi WJIYVA 1"Is I S W p c---- X,, I 1® Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 11 orf 24 Townsend, WA 98368 19"rc)95 I www.C1ty0fPt.US City Roo z5o m' at, Suite 3 1 Pork Townsend DEVELOPMENTPOUtATION SERVICES STREET VACX I N Legal Description (or Tax #), Parcel Numbrr er(s) of adjacent property: 9 Mae ks-0 —0 d Y Permit Lul, 2:pLkLo�' soe atiacned legal descriplioll _, Block(s)�,,, A ociatc(i Permits: Lot(s): •Ov) alloy petitioned vacation, and i reasons 'for tile roquest'. General descriptlorl of 018 street andle'r " Mt tl)Oqcr4kom lAkW04 tafflum"'Won 0 fWlod slfvkA, WU010m tomimattrinfor 0 AdMOS SlIOCReOs(�" Or WVM rnea On Ho t�,oldhom poWon of 0*3 adjar"ont pr000ly Wah WV0 pfoperly in td�p�o"r_faa lobu-13co IjOWX10 J10 P6fvli"O "Iqukonom$ lor rl J>rov�O�atd rrt "WIre of �he 1(�owo�U� CAINAW,016, WRh UK� 03� 17 7, - t C. Current uses of all adjacent properties: Vacant Undeveloped land .:1Ytti Is this property on the edge of an existing plat? EM No O,yes if yes, what is the name of the plat? A 01 -Li Property owner, Name:_.Lawrei 540 Van Buren St, Pori ToWnS811d VVA, 983613 Phonw 3$tCi.13AI.AIA0 Email: contact/Representative (if different),. Address:-._ ......... . ...... In addillon 10 ottler conditions that may t) a imposed by the City COUnell, file applicant heret)y acknowl8d,90s that a lyewity4lve (25) fool (Itility/accoss easenlorit, running twelve and ono-I'loW 02%) foot On e0c" aide of lho centerline of the street proposed for vocation, Of along existing utqjtios, may be retained by the UY Of Poll of the above statements and information contained In any, Townsend, The applicant hereby certifies that all with are true, T 110 applicant acI(,nowI9(Jgos that any action exhibits, plot plans, or other trains made here or In part on till's application, may be reversed it it develop$ taken by the City of Port J*ownseml, based in whole (,"rat Orly such statement or oltier information contained herein Is false, 'the undersigned hereby saves and holds harmless the City of port Townsend from any and all causes of action, Judgments, ctstnfrs, f6sttIctiOns, Of other rostriot(ons which nlay have been established by parties other than the (1,Jty of Port Townsond� Print Name' V, J 111,18011 "n4o" eveTotut- Date, signature: Please be arra that, should the street vacation be granted, the applicant will need to pay the final appraised value of the property. See Page 2 for further requited signatures, plan submittal requirements and cost,.,,. X 06.15 Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 12 of 24 Washington State Law requires that a petition for vacation of any street or alley be . signed by the owners of 1770ty then Iwo -thirds of the proporty 0butting upon the part of srich sheet or alley sought to be vacated (l 'C +" Chapter 35.79), The undersigned petitioners, each owners of real estate abutting the described area on Page 1, hereby join in support of this application and approve of the vacation of said area: Submittal Requirements CHECKLIST ® Completed Street Vacation application form (Page 1 & 2). ® Street Vacation Fees: $722.96 (includes $30.00 Signboard deposit). ® Property Appraisal Fee: $750.00 (actual fee will be used, with money charged or refunded). Must be two separate checks, one for $680.12 and one for $750.00 ECJ A site plan, to scale, on 871/2" by 11" sheet of paper, showing: ?J The street, alley, or portion thereof proposed to be vacated. The name, address, and Assessor's parcel number of each adjacent property owner, including the applicant, and the location of each respective property, V1 The nearest constructed street to the area proposed for vacation. CVS The locations of all utilities existing within the right-of-way proposed to be vacated. lei North Arrow,. 9 The location of any critical areas and/or buffers as described in PTMC 19.05, including all floodplains, lying within or adjacent to the proposed vacation. 63 The location of any significant trees, as defined in PTMC For more Street Vacation information, see Port Townsend Municipal Code Ghaptpr 12,20, accessible on the website: http://www.cityofpt.us/ F dug �y• Ie lipp„k+''Tp llapc2kt Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 13 of 24 593768 PGS:5 QCD 001211206 02�XQ ftft $70 00 LOWNI&E, 0 10MTAON .101fo,tan COUMV WA owadhw Is offlov - "*�'o (�w0l' Audkw 010 WXNAAW ViAl WORYA 44)10u 11 V I WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Name: STEPHEN W. GILLARD Address: P.O. BOX 1007. cjty,State,7Ap. PO1ZTTOWNSEND, WA 98368 QUIT CLAIM DEED HALEY, Martina C. JOHNSON, Lawrence R Abbreviated: N40UNTAIN V11 -.W( 1 24 1) Al)lplflON BLK 25 LOTS 1, ' r N VAC 2 (ALL), 3 (ITLY 10') W/NLY 50`V�, 1'<r- J) ST & PT ADAMS ST ADJ LOT �,and MOI, , INTA IN VIEW 2ND ADDITION BLK 25 LOTS 3 (LS "t0% 4 (ALL) WIN'Ly 50' VAC REED ST ADJ situate in Jefferson of Washington property Tax parcel/Account #: 97,11. 402 5011974 4M'5(7 THE GRANTOR, MAKTI NHAIXY, pursuant to Pfopc'rty Settlement Agreement dated May 1 18 2015'"�iCV4,',C(`)NV8Y,, XNI) Qurix"LAIMS to THE 0, of herinterest in the following described real GRANTEE, L,ANVREN("� . property, situated in Jeffi-r, 0�1f Washington, to wit A Second Addition to the City of Lots 1, 2, 3, acid Mjq' View tojlwe Plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 4; together with tiajjt iOjjioj of vacatud'Adams Street that would attach to said Lot 2 upon v111(;aIi00 4Y,01)0'Mi" Of law; also together with that portion of the Northerly et `oft v;jented Reed Street, as dedicated in the plat of Mountain " Wre View to r 11,c)Ci(y of Port Townsend, which abuts said Lots 2, 3, and 4. County, State of Washington I"Ip day of 'D 11. �A .20 0, Y MARTINA(. HA ]',, Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 14 of 24 693761 )e 2 of 5 0812712015 02:28 PM STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) ss: On the date below, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public to anikor ll�c•��V to of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared MART' 4 ,,C 1tAl�)°" , to me known to be the individual who executed the within and ire aae "ai 0 n1inica and acknowledged the said instrument to be her free and voluntary act arroal tl r ci Capp the uses and purposes therein mentioned GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 1 ���V4411111r�PB6tp � — — :1 J, u,rltye, !akar; �rit)la� ra a� d &+rthe State of r,r, �r° t . q aa^,)t gstm�^rc ia9wrag at: 6` r�r w y .� ;SEPT 16 2017 s " ._....._....,_.. d � q �� std 11 4 rkr1i764atiriion cxpire.,, b r ' �y , yy � Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 15 of 24 Suzanne Wassmer From: Brandon Burmeister <brandon@richardhinerarchitects.com> Sent: Thursday, June 3, 20216:19 PM To: Brandon Maxwell; Suzanne Wassmer Cc: Richard Hiner; Jan Hopfenbeck Subject: RE: 20210416JohnsonSVarea.pdf Attachments: 20210603JohnsonSVareaOptions.pdf I N I'll 1140 HI Brandon and Suzanne, hope you both had a great holiday weekend, My apologies for our team not all being on the same page; I was under the Impression we were all looking at the latest Iteration. At any rate, our Client's goals rernain: r to acquire the 1,5000 of Reed 5t. In distancing the future residence from the ESA steep slope to pull back the property lines of both parcels as much as possible in removing potential liability should someone become Injured on the pedestrian trail (Chestnut St) Continue forward progress (if the above goals can be met with option 'A' as discussed In the PreApp and option 'B' requires another PreApp, then please dismiss option 'B') Whether these best be accomplished via option 'A' (Reed St & Chestnut St, as discussed during the PreApp) or'B' (Reed, Adams, & Chestnut) of the attached Is where we would heed any advice or recommendation from you (City), Both are acceptable to Larry and I certainly didn't Intend to confuse matters by Introducing option V. If any potential swap needs to be a 1:1 exchange of area(?) or value(?), perhaps option'B' or some variation thereof Is the only means to pull the property line sufficiently away from the existing trail, such that no portion of the trail remains on Larry's revised property delineation. Thank you all very much for your time and consideration I Please let me know If there's anything more we can do, Brandon Brandon 0. Burmeister i RA, NCARB, LEER AP. CPHC k¢W�wwdq"",pioraleroud6wa�ssoaer;i�1&r^I WYIl (1C,7V").1 wortr8rg0 (rorii Mwr)nfa M -F 1-6pin PST (,'ontnct: (206) 7'112408 cell i � Richard Hiner A,, i,iii., '� 5337 Ballard Ave NW Seattle, WA 98107 •208-793-8222 360-302-0097 c worwtent w^ won this eiWYowwwc and altachrnont(s) is the property of Richard Hiner Architects, PLLC and is intended for tha rocip�wq% w,wr+iy, ntwt for 406W 10" to- or lisww by. ;any ofher parties .-Ple.ose cofmuwwa the wrarew ouflinuot & PWcKMS wuSQWces used betore printing From: Brandon Maxwell <BMaxwell@cityofpt.us> Sent: Friday, May 28, 20211:42 PM To: Suzanne Wassmer <swassmer@cityofpt,us>; Brandon Burmeister <brandon@richardhinerarchitects.com> 'IS 9/depV •«"^ «,... GAP p p N04 I Resolution 21-075 ahibit A Page 17 of 24 Exhibit 2C. Geologically Hazardous Areas — source; ArcReader 31:GY t91'nrt1JWY91X s "ov, IN, NosrMor It W. . . . . . . . . . . 4 is C) 0 og# GD �A , Z, 11 �] 09 Glm 'IS SlAkvuv svivuv UasI' vov Xl� 2, , (Dol Nr E l 6 2, , Nr E l 6 -2, t�\ E Y. -� , , Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 19 of 24 Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 20 of 24 EXHIBIT 5A - EXISTING TRAILS Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 21 of 24 Ulu Fort Q> 250 Madison Street, Suite 2R ( Port Townsend, WA 98366 1360,379.5096 i www.cltyofpt.us Townsend Pc,aoa,ao WORK MEMORANDUM DATE: July 28, 2021 TO: Port Townsend City Council FROM: David Peterson, City Engineer/Deputy Public Works Director Nora Mitchell, Finance Director RE: City File No: LUP20-068, Larry Johnson Written Determination as required by PTMC 12.20.090 This Written Determination is provided consistent with PTMC 12.20 for the above referenced Street Vacation request, which received conditional approval by Council on September 4, 2018. iia ` gr Where a Street Vacation seeks to exchange land in lieu of payment for a right-of-way being vacated, city code authorizes "quaked public works personae!" to reach conclusions ora tfae equity of the exchange without a formal property appraisal.' Code defines qualified personnel as: ""ernpli�fee(s) or contractors ql"the public works department who have work experience as professional appraisers or adequate experience In real estate transactions in the local real estate markel to enalite the publico works employee(s) to make a reliable, independent and well-informed determination of comparable market values of real properly. " Code goes on to specify the City's 11ounce Director is to provide a written approval of the work completed by the qualified public works staaff.2. The purpose of this Memorandum is to: • Document the experience of Public Works personnel to determine land values associated with the proposed exchange; • Describe the lands proposed for exchange and their relative values; and, • Document the Finance Director's concurrence with that determination. f„)a al h_( L'iib 'i grbc i, i'ea t tL�igl City Engineer David Peterson has adequate experience in local real estate market transactions to incet the code specified criterion tis "equal %ied public works personnel.” David Peterson was closely involved with the significant right-of-way acquisitioaas completed by the City (under forinal contract with a licensed appraiser) for the Rainier Street arterial project ire 201& He was similarly involved in the recent (2018) fee -simple acquisition of raw land by the City for a Regional Stormwater Facility. 1 PTMC 12.20.0908 : PTMC 12.20.1008 Resolution 21-075 Exhibit A Page 22 of 24 cit%fPort Townsend Page 2 of 2 I,atp �4y_ rl' gl � I to j 'acllata,a tl14!l IiAgh a u For purposes of this determination, the "vacation area" is the portions of Adams Street and Reed Street that would be released by the City while "dedication area " means the new right-of-way being established, The subject areas proposed for exchange are shown on the attached Exhibit A. The dedication area along Chestnut Street spans both pieces of property owned by Mr, Johnson, the area for Parcel # 974-402-502 is 1,823 SF, and the area for Parcel # 974-402-501 is 1,340 SF, for a total of 3,163 SF. The vacation area at Reed Street is 1,500 SF, and the vacation area at Adams Street is 1,635 SF, for a total of 3,135 SF. The dedication along Chestnut Street currently contains a heavily used non -motorized trail that meanders in and out of Mr. Johnsons property, dedicating this area as right-of-way would mean the public trail would no longer cross onto private property, The vacation area at the West end of Reed Street currently contains a dead-end road that serves no adjacent properties, there is no public interest in keeping this portion of right-of- way. The vacation area at Adams Street is at the intersection of N and Adams at the top of a very steep hill, this right -of way does not currently nor could it ever be used to serve utilities or access to any adjacent properties, there is no public interest in keeping this portion of right-of- way. Property values were analyzed based on the taxable value of the land from the Jefferson County Assessor data. There was a slight difference in price per square foot between the two different parcels, parcel 974-402-502 is $5.50/SF and parcel 974-402-501 is $5,57/SF. The value of the dedication area was calculated based on the price per square foot of the private property it was adjacent to, so the dedication area is a mixture of the price per square foot of both parcels based on how many square feet is being dedicated. The vacation areas are both adjacent to parcel 974- 402-501 so they were calculated using $5,57/SF, Using this method of calculation, the value of the vacation area and the dedication area are essentially equal in value, Finance Director's Concurrence The Finance Director has reviewed the experience of the referenced Public Works personnel fpr determining comparable market values. Based on those experiences, together with the small- scale nature of the exchange and the proximity of the subject lands to one another, the Finance Director concurs with the conclusion that the exchanged lands are of equal value. 9 Resolution 21-076 RESOLUTION NO. 21-076 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DECLARING THE PORTION OF REED STREET VACATED BY RESOLUTION 21-075 SURPLUS TO THE NEEDS OF THE CITY, DETERMINING THE PROPERTY IS NOT SUITABLE FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS FOR A LAND EXCHANGE WHEREAS, the City of Port Townsend vacated a portion of Reed Street in Resolution 21- 075; and WHEREAS, when a municipality vacates a street, the property reverts to the adjacent property owner; and WHEREAS, the City is the adjacent property owner, specifically the water utility; and WHEREAS, the City water utility has no use for the property; and WHEREAS, the property's size makes it unsuitable for affordable housing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, that the portion of Reed Street vacated by Resolution 21-075 is surplus to the needs of the City and the property is not suitable for affordable housing and the City Manager is authorized to execute all associated documents for a land exchange. ADOPTED by the City Council of Port Townsend, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof, held this 22nd day of November 2021. Attest: Michelle Sandov, Mayor Approved as to farm: Joanna Sanders... .._..._ ........ _ Green ....w.w.......................w._... MMC Heidi m�ct��'c�l City Clerk City ttonne- STATEMENT OF LAND EXCHANGE 1, L aNwence P, Johnson, sole owner of Parcel(s) 974-402-501 and 974-402-502 legally described below as: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 25, Motmtain View Second Addition to the City of'bort 'rownsend, together with that portion of vacated Adams Street that would attach to said of 2 upon vacation by operation oflaw, and also together with that portion of the northerly 50 feet of vacated Reed Street, as dedicated in the plat of Mountain View Addition to the City of Port Townsend, which abuts said Lot 2, 3 and 4 in Jefferson County Washington, more commonly known as Parcels A and B in Block 25 of Mountain View Second Addition, Port Townsend, WA. (As described by legal descriptions submitted on May 20, 2022 for LUP22-044) Do hereby agree to an exchange ofland with the City of.Port Townsend as follows. - Exchanging the westerly 10 feet of the afore described ]Parcels A and B to be granted to the City of Port Townsend for the purposes of usage and maintenance of a public foot trail, The City of Port Townsend further agrees to assurne all liability related to the use of the trail by the public. A 30 -foot by 50 -foot portion of vacated Reed Street as described in Resolution 21-075 Exhibit F -I Page 4. And hereby t" then agrees that the land exchange is an equal trade, and no further compensation from the City of Port Townsend is due. Signed Date '3 0 - 2,4+ City , � 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 360 379.5095 1 www.cityofpt.us a r 1 Townsen' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Re: Lot Line Adjustment } File No. LUP22-044 Application of: Larry Johnson } FINDINGS, } CONCLUSIONS Representative: Brandon Burmeister, } FINAL DECISION Richard Hiner Architects SUMMARY OF APPLICATION AND DECISION DATE: February 15, 2023 Application: Lot Line Adjustment Reorientation Between Two Existing Parcels Resulting in Two Reoriented Parcels. The applicant proposes a lot line adjustment reorientation to result in two parcels: southerly Parcel A with proposed access from Reed Street and northerly Parcel B with proposed access from N Street. The properties are currently legally described as Assessor Parcel Numbers 974-402-501 (Existing Parcel A, New Parcel B) and 974-402-502 (Existing Parcel B, New Parcel A). Parcels consist of portions of Lots 1 through 4 in Block 25 of the Mountain View Second Addition with adjacent portions of vacated Adams and Reed Streets in Uptown Port Townsend. This lot line adjustment includes the property exchange process described in PTMC 12.20.090 and approved by City Council through Resolutions 21-075 and 21-076 in which the applicant gains an adjacent portion of City -owned Reed Street in exchange for a strip of his property along Chestnut Street where the existing public trail is located. Except for a small abandoned communications building, the subject properties are currently vacant. Staff Contact: Suzanne Wassmer, Land Use Specialist Planning and Community Development Department 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 385-0644assm r@ i t.L►, Decision: The application is CONDITIONALLY APPROVED. Page 1 of 14 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment After respectful consideration of the above referenced application, the City of Port Townsend Director of Planning and Community Development (PCD) hereby adopts the following Findings, Conclusions and Decision. FINDINGS OF FACT Procedural: 1. Application and Submittals. On May 20, 2022, Planning and Community Development (PCD) received a Type 11 lot line adjustment application, number LUP22-044 (Exhibit A-1- Application) and the required land use fees (Exhibit A-2 — Receipt). LUP22-044 proposes to reorient the lot lines between two parcels to result in two reconfigured parcels that would better serve future residential construction. The following documents were also submitted on the same day: Surveyor's descriptions of Parcel A and B before adjustment (Exhibit A-3 — Existing Legal Descriptions) and after adjustment (Exhibit A-4 — Proposed Legal Descriptions), a preliminary Record of Survey Map by surveyor American Land Science (Exhibit B — Preliminary Survey), and a Geology Hazard Assessment by Stratum Group dated May 10, 2022 (Exhibit C-1— May 10, 2022 Geology Hazard Assessment) which was revised and resubmitted as stated in Finding 2 below. Several Deeds (AFN 490841 and 593768) and a Property Settlement Agreement (AFN 593768) were submitted as evidence that the applicant Lawrence P. Johnson is the owner of the subject properties (Exhibit C-2). On the same day, the applicants submitted a separate Minor Critical Area Permit application LUP44-043, a Type I permit with a separate decision by the Director of PCD. On May 24, 2022, PCD received mailing labels of adjacent property owners (Exhibit C-3 — Mailing List), and a May 23, 2022 cover sheet, vicinity map and ownership documentation prepared by Jefferson Title Company (Exhibit C-4 — Title Company Information). The multiple page ownership documentation has not been attached as an Exhibit, but is available in the file for LUP22-044. 2. Incomplete Letter and Additional Information Received. Staff sent the applicant and representative a letter of incompleteness on June 17, 2022 (Exhibit D-1— Letter). On August 1, 2022, PCD received a revised Geology Hazard Assessment from LEG Dan McShane of Stratum Group dated July 12, 2022 (Exhibit D-2 —July 12, 2022 Geology Hazard Assessment), Revised Conceptual Stormwater Plan Sheet C.1 dated June 17, 2022 and stamped by Professional Engineer Everett Sorensen (Exhibit D-3 — Conceptual Stormwater Plan), revised Construction Site Plan Sheet G.1 dated June 17, 2022 (Exhibit D-4 — Construction Site Plan) and cover sheet from Richard Hiner Architects (RHA) dated July 31, 2022 (Exhibit D-5 — RHA Cover Letter). The application was determined to be complete on August 12, 2022. Page 2 of 14 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment 3. Lot Lime Adjustment Scope. Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) Section 18.08.020, Scope, states the lot lines separating two or more lots of record may only be adjusted under the provisions of this chapter, except as provided under RCW 58.17.040, as now adopted or hereafter amended. Actions which change or impair conditions or requirements imposed by previous platting decisions must be accomplished pursuant to the subdivision requirements set forth in this title, provided, that all requirements set forth in this chapter are met, lot line adjustments proposing lot reorientations shall be deemed to be minor in nature. 4. TVpe II Land Use and Public Notice. In accordance with Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) Chapter 18.08.050(C) Lot Line Adjustments, as the proposal is to reorient the lot lines the Lot Line Adjustment was processed according to the procedures for a Type II land use decision. • On August 26, 2022, the public notice (Exhibit E-1) was mailed to those property owners on the Jefferson Title Company mailing label list (Exhibit C-3) as stated on the Statement of Mailing (Exhibit E-2). • On August 26, 2022, the applicant posted two public notice boards on the subject property, one on the side of Reed Street and one on the side of N Street (Exhibit E-3 — Certificate of Posting). • On August 29, 2022, a comment letter was received (Exhibit L-1— Public Comment From Neighbor Bob Steele) during the 20 -day comment period that ended on September 15, 2022; see Finding 19 below. Substantive: 5. Purpose and Property Location. The purpose of the application is to reorient the common internal property line lying between two odd -shaped parcels as shown on Exhibit B (preliminary survey), Exhibit D-3 (preliminary conceptual stormwater plan) and Exhibit D-4 (preliminary construction site plan). The property is located at the top of Morgan Hill within the Uptown area of the City of Port Townsend. New Parcel A is the southerly parcel which proposes access from Reed Street; New Parcel B to the north proposes access from N Street. Both parcels share a westerly property line with Chestnut Street which runs at an angle and contains an existing public trail which meanders onto the applicant's property. As shown on Exhibit B, after the proposed lot line adjustment reorientation, proposed parcel A would be 20,126 square feet and proposed Parcel B would be 10,493 square feet. 6. Resolutions 21-075 and 21-076. This lot line adjustment includes an agreed -to property exchange which benefits both the applicant and the City. As per Resolution 21-075 (Exhibit F-1) the City and applicant have agreed to exchange a portion of Reed Street in exchange for a portion of the applicant's property along Chestnut Street as depicted on Exhibit B (also in Exhibit F-1 between Pages 7 and 8). Vacation of a portion of Reed Street provides the applicant with more "flat" property on which to build a future residence and provide on-site parking, and City Council determined that this portion Page 3 of 14 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment of Reed Street is "not suitable for affordable housing" and could therefore be surplused. The City gained land under and around the existing meandering public trail (shown on Exhibit B) so that the trail can be located completely on City -owned public property. As per Resolution 21-075, Exhibit F-1, Exhibit A Page 2 #9 "the Public Works Director agreed to initiate vacation of this 30 x 60 portion of Reed Street." Per Page 4, #21 first paragraph, "30 x 50 feet of vacated Reed Street would be exchanged with Johnson..." Per Page 5 under C: "the south ten feet of the property vacated will be retained by the City to preserve the option for trail use and to accommodate the existing Reed Street to Chestnut Trail connector." An Ordinance vacating a 30 x 60 portion of Reed Street shall be presented for Council approval only after Johnson has met several conditions, which include but are not limited to: Approval of this Type II lot line adjustment "to formally merge the surplused portion of the vacated right-of-way into petitioner's adjoining lands." • Preparation of a LLA survey (Exhibit B) and legal descriptions (Exhibits A-3 and A-4) which staff have provided to the Jefferson County Assessor's office for their comments (Exhibits K-1, K-2 and K-3) regarding the Statement of Intent (Exhibit J), and A Right -of -Way Deed (or other instrument acceptable by the City Attorney) for the additional Chestnut Street right-of-way being conveyed to the City. Resolution 21-076 (Exhibit F-2) authorizes the City Manager to execute all associated documents for a property exchange. 7. Existing Conditions. As shown on Exhibit G-1—Zoning & Aerial Map, the existing lot lines run in a "north -south" direction with Existing Parcel A on the east side and Existing Parcel B on the west side. As described in the revised geotechnical report (Exhibit D-2) which refers to RHA G.1 Construction Site Plan (Exhibit D-4) and Conceptual Stormwater Site Plan (Exhibit D-3), there is a critical landslide and erosion area slope on proposed Parcel A. Steep slopes are also evident on the city generated contour map (Exhibit G-2 — Contour Map) The revised Geology Hazard Assessment report (Exhibit D-2 Page 4) describes the slope on the property as "covered with thick brush including some English Ivy as well as trees." Reed Street to the east of New Parcel A is currently developed as a City -maintained gravel road and is "flat" at the intersection with Adams. Future access to the reconfigured New Parcel A would be easier from Reed Street than attempting access via steep slopes to M Street. N Street, while also steep, is a chip -seal road from Fir Street to Maple Street, but becomes a substandard non -City maintained gravel road from Maple going east up Page 4 of 14 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment the hill which is currently used by neighbors for access to their properties. Reconfigured New Parcel B proposes using this public road for future access. 8. Existing "Hit" on Proposed Parcel A. The subject properties are vacant with the exception of a small building described on the Construction Site Plan (Exhibit D-4) as an "abandoned communications pole and dilapidated but to be retained (approximately 54 square feet impervious area)". The revised Geology Hazard Assessment report (Exhibit D-2) Page 4 describes the building as "a small concrete block shed ... not been in use for many years. A power pole is located adjacent to the shed." Staff and the applicant's representatives exchanged emails in July 2022 regarding keeping this structure in place. The Director of Planning and Community Development determined that a Restrictive Covenant is not needed to retain the abandoned building where it is because there is no primary structure on the subject property to tie it to (Exhibit G-3 —July 26, 2022 Email). 9. Zoning, According to the City zoning map (Exhibit G-1), the subject property is located within the R -II residential zoning district which accommodates medium - density single-family dwellings. Surrounding residentially zoned properties developed with single-family residences are similarly zoned R -II. Morgan Hill includes property zoned P-1 south of Reed Street (the City's Morgan Hill Reservoir), and property zoned P/OS one block further south (Sather Park). 10. Critical Area Review. Per the City's critical area map (Exhibits H-1 and H-2), the subject properties and surrounding areas are mapped as containing a critical area — landslide and erosion hazard area (shown in pink on Exhibit H-1) and critical slopes (shown as orange on Exhibit H-2). Pursuant to PTMC 19.05.030.E.2, "maps and inventory lists are not complete and are to be considered only as guides..." The revised Geology Hazard Assessment Report (Exhibit D-2), concludes no slopes on Parcel 974-402-501 (new Parcel B) meet the critical areas definition, but portions of the slope on Parcel 974-402-502 (new Parcel A as shown on Exhibit B) do meet the critical slope definition in PTMC Section 19.05.020: "Critical slope" means any area with slopes of 40 percent or steeper that exceed a vertical height of 10 feet. A critical slope is determined by measuring the vertical rise over any 25 foot horizontal run for a specific area that results in a percentage of 40 or more. As one of the two subject parcels contains a critical slope, provisions of PTMC 19.05 apply. Critical Areas are reviewed under separate Critical Area Permit LUP22-043. 11. R -II Setbacks. Per PTMC Table 17.16.030, the minimum setbacks in the R-11 zone are as follows: front yard 10 -feet, but 20 -feet for a garage that faces a street right-of- way; rear yard 10 -feet; side yards 5 -feet on one side and 10 -feet on the other, and 10 -feet for any side abutting a street right-of-way whether opened or unopened. Per Exhibit D-4 (Construction Site Plan) R-11 setbacks, locations of potential driveways and building pads, and the critical slope and its 15 -foot building setback are shown. While the building setbacks are correctly shown to meet current zoning, Page 5 of 14 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment future residential structures would need to comply with whatever setbacks are in effect at the time of a complete building permit application. 12. On -Site Parking. Per PTMC Chapter 17.72, Off -Street Parking and Loading, two on- site parking spaces are required per single-family residence (Table 17.72.080). However, recent Ordinance 3300 which came into effect on November 28, 2022 reduced the parking for a residence with 1,200 square feet gross floor area or less to one on-site parking space as detailed in revised PTMC 17.72. Each on-site parking space must be a minimum of nine feet wide by nineteen feet long and may be located inside or outside of a garage or carport. Future residential development would need to comply with the on-site and/or off-site parking requirement in effect at the time of a complete building permit application. 13. Minimum Lot Size and Width. The minimum R -II lot width is 50 feet and minimum lot size is 5,000 square feet. Per the underlying Mountain View Second Addition, Lots 2 and 3 in Block 25 were originally platted in 1889 as 50 feet wide by 100 feet long, while Lots 1 and 4 were platted as triangular lots. Adjacent streets Adams Street and Reed Street were platted as 60 feet wide. As shown on the preliminary survey (Exhibit B), the applicant owns portions of vacated Adams Street and Reed Street, which are described in the existing legal descriptions (Exhibit A-3). As described in the proposed legal descriptions (Exhibit A-4) and shown on the preliminary survey (Exhibit B), as a result of the reorientation and the property exchange with the City (Resolutions 21-075 and 21-076 Exhibits F-1 and F-2): New Parcel A would include portions of Lots 2, 3 and 4 and a portion of the west half of Adams Street and the northerly 50 feet of vacated Reed Street (50 x 30), but the southerly and westerly 10 -feet would be "granted to the City of Port Townsend for the purposes of usage and maintenance of a public foot trail'. New Parcel A would be odd -shaped with 104 feet at the widest easterly side tapering down to 50 feet wide on the west side, by 230 feet long (20,126 square feet); • New Parcel B would include portions of Lots 1 through 4 and a portion of the west half of Adams Street but not the westerly 10 -feet described as above for Parcel A for "usage and maintenance of a public foot trail'. New Parcel B would be triangular in shape with approximately 188.5 feet on the west side, 172 feet on the south side and 124 feet on the east side (10,493 square feet). As proposed, each parcel meets the R-11 minimum lot size and width. 14. Lot Coverage and Impervious Surface. The maximum lot coverage (i.e. building footprint) allowed in the R -II zone for residential structures is 35% or 40% if an Accessory Dwelling Unit is on-site. Per the submitted construction site plan (Exhibit D-4), the proposed footprints do not exceed 30% lot coverage. Further limitations on impervious surface areas on the parcel with the confirmed critical area (new Parcel A) are discussed in the Critical Area permit decision LUP22-043. Future residential Page 6 of 14 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment development would need to comply with the lot coverage and impervious surface requirement in effect at the time of a complete building permit application. 15. Prior Applications. As referenced on Page 1 of the revised Geology Hazard Assessment report (Exhibit D-2), Licensed Engineering Geologist (LEG) Dan McShane has "written and updated the geology hazard assessment many times since my initial site visit". Since 2016, staff have met with the applicant multiple times regarding this property and lot line adjustment, starting with Customer Assistance Meeting CAM16-076, followed by Pre -Application Meetings PRE17-007 and PRE20- 009 and Technical Conference TEC19-002. In 2018, the applicant applied for Lot Line Adjustment (LUP18-014) and Critical Area Permits (LUP18-080). The lot line adjustment went through the Public Notice process; however, as the City did not receive requested information in a timely manner, both permit applications expired. In 2019, the applicant submitted for Technical Conference TEC19-002 (Exhibit I — Technical Conference Report TEC19-002). The Technical Report, issued on June 15, 2019, was valid for a period of one year and has thus expired. In 2020, the applicant applied for a Street Vacation (LUP20-068) which was cancelled after a property exchange with the City was discussed and agreed to by the City. Through Resolution 21-075, the Port Townsend City Council agreed to the proposed property exchange of a portion of the westerly dead-end of Reed Street for a portion of the applicant's property on Chestnut Street to preserve the existing public trial on public property (Exhibit F-1). Through Resolution 21-076, the City Council declared the portion of Reed Street is not suitable for affordable housing, and authorizes the City Manager to execute all associated documents for a land exchange (Exhibit F-2). 16. Public Works Requirements. While the 2019 technical conference report has expired, the report provides documentation that future development on Proposed Parcels A and B may be accessed and served with utilities without impairing the city's infrastructure. To summarize a few of the comments: Street Access: Reed Street is a City -maintained gravel road. N Street is a substandard non -city maintained gravel road. The City was going to grant a reduction in the total travel lane width "because N Street is not able to be extended past Chestnut Street, and has limited access potential ... a turnaround area shall be constructed in the right-of-way at the top of N Street so that cars and delivery vehicles may turn around without using nearby private property" (Page 4). Sewer: The existing sewer main in Reed Street and the existing sewer main in N Street may be connected for service (Page 7). Water: The existing water main in Reed Street and the existing water main in N Street may be connected for service (Pages 7 and 8). Page 7 of 14 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment Fire Hydrant: There is an existing fire hydrant within 250 feet of both properties; however inadequate flow at N and Chestnut is noted (Page 8). Stormwater: future development must provide an engineered drainage plan that includes stormwater treatment (Pages 8, 9 and 10). Public Works will review future street development permit applications for compliance with the EDS and PTMC in effect at the time of a completed application. 17. Existing and Proposed Parcel Descriptions, As stated in Findings 1 and 2 above, a licensed surveyor has provided a preliminary survey (Exhibit B) and the proposed new legal descriptions for each parcel before and after adjustment (Exhibits A-3 and A-4). These legal descriptions have been copied onto a Statement of Intent document (Exhibit J) that will be recorded with the final survey document. 18. Jefferson County Assessor's Office Comments. The City provided copies of the preliminary survey drawing (Exhibit B) and Statement of Intent to the Jefferson County Assessor's Office staff who provided comments on August 23, 2022, September 12, 2022 and December 19, 2022 (Exhibits K-1, K-2 and K-3). Their concerns have been resolved by staff correcting the Statement of Intent (Exhibit J). 19. Public Comment Regarding the Public Notice. During the Public Comment period that ended on September 15, 2022, one public comment letter was received from northerly neighbor Bob Steele. Mr. Steele expressed concern that Larry Johnson was asking to vacate a portion of Adams Street adjacent to his property; staff responded that vacation of a portion of Adams Street in that location was not included in LUP22- 044 (Exhibit L-1— Public Comment Letter and Staff Response). Mr. Steele responded that they would like to discuss with staff how the northerly parcel (new Parcel B) would access the property as "we want access to the lot to be below the fire hydrants rather than from the top as the top would severely impact the privacy of both houses, particularly 1400 (Chestnut)". On September 28, 2022 Mr. Steele emailed that he would like staff to "include all of our past emails relevant to this matter for comment." Staff has included Mr. Steele's prior public comment received on March 9, 2018 for Johnson's prior lot line adjustment LUP18-014 (Exhibit L-2 — LUP18-014 Steele Public Comment Letter). In the prior letter, Mr. Steel and Ms. Mary Swift express concerns about the access point from N Street to the future residential structure, that they hope "first rate geological surveys have been done," and that they have maintained their driveway since 1998. LUP18-014 was considered by the Director to be abandoned and therefore withdrawn when the applicant did not provide requested information within the 120 -day period per PTMC 20.01.110.C.2. Staff response: as stated in Finding 10 above, a revised geotechnical report was received (Exhibit D-2) which includes review and approval of the architect's construction site plan (Exhibit D-4) and conceptual stormwater plan stamped by a Professional Engineer (Exhibit D-3). The report did not find new Parcel B near Mr. Page 8 of 14 `1 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment Steele and Ms. Swift's property to contain critical areas as defined in the PTMC Critical Area code section 19.05. New Parcel A to the south was found to contain a critical slope, and the geotechnical report concludes on Page 8 that "it is my opinion that no buffer is required from the slope, but that a 15 -foot setback from the slope will provide the adequate protection of a home and protection of the slope such that there will be no increased risk of landslides on the site and will not result in an increased risk to people or property or impacts to environmental processes." Regarding future access to new Parcel B, as stated in Finding 12 above, the 2019 Technical Report TEC19-002 is no longer valid. When a Street Development Permit is submitted in the future, Public Works staff would use the Engineering Design Standards (EDS) and the related Port Townsend Municipal Code sections to review the requirements for a future residential development proposal including the location of driveway access. Future development is subject to the Code in effect at the time of a complete Building and Street Development Permit submittal. CONCLUSIONS The lot line adjustment approval criteria set forth in PTMC 18.08.040 are summarized below in italics. Each criterion is then followed by a staff conclusion regarding the proposal's consistency with it. The proposed lot line adjustment does not create any additional building site, lot, tract, parcel or division. As described in Findings 5 and 6 above, the purpose of the lot line adjustment is twofold. The applicant proposes to reorient property boundaries of two parcels resulting in two (2) reconfigured parcels that meet the R -II zone requirements and to document the property exchange with the City (i.e., a portion of Reed Street in exchange for a portion of the applicant's property along Chestnut Street as depicted on Exhibit B. 2. The proposed lot line adjustment does not result in a lot, tract, parcel, site or division that contains increased density or insufficient area or dimension to meet the minimum requirements for area and dimension as set forth in the city's zoning and land use and state and local health codes and regulations. As described in Findings 11, 13 and 14 above, the reconfigured Parcels A and B meet the applicable bulk and dimensional standards of the underlying R -II zone. 3. The proposed lot line adjustment does not diminish or impair drainage, water supply, existing sanitary sewage disposal, and access or easement for vehicles or pedestrians, utilities, and fire protection for any lot, tract, parcel, site, or division. As described in Finding 16 above and as described in Exhibit I Technical Conference Report TEC19-002, subject to the Public Works development conditions in place at the Page 9 of 14 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment time of the vesting of a Street Development Permit application, the proposal will not diminish or impair utilities, fire protection or access. A water main, fire hydrant, sewer main and adjacent streets (albeit City -maintained gravel or privately maintained driveway) are nearby; however as TEC19-002 has expired any future development on either of the two parcels will be required to conform to the City's Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) and Engineering Design Standards (EDS) in effect at the time development application(s) are sought. 4. The proposed lot line adjustment does not diminish or impair any public or private utility easement or deprive any parcel of access or utilities. As described in Finding 16 above, the proposed lot line adjustment does not deprive any parcel of access or utilities. Each parcel would be able to access an adjacent platted right-of-way (N Street and Reed Street) and connect to utilities, either existing or proposed for the future. Any future development on either of the parcels will be required to conform to the City's PTMC and EDS in effect at the time development application(s) are sought. 5. The proposed lot line adjustment does not create unreasonably restrictive or hazardous access to the property. As described in Finding 16 above, access to proposed Parcels A and B resulting from the proposed lot line adjustment reorientation would not be unreasonably restrictive or hazardous. The adjacent portion of Reed Street is fairly flat; access from the sloped area of N Street may require more communication with Public Works staff for details on development. Any future development will be required to conform to the access requirements in the City's PTMC and EDS that are in effect at the time a development application is sought. 6. The proposed lot line adjustment does not increase the nonconforming aspects of an existing nonconforming lot relative to the city's zoning and land use regulations. As described in Findings 11, 13, and 14 above, the existing property conforms to the City's zoning and land use regulations for the R-11 zone. Parcels A and B resulting from the lot line adjustment reorientation would meet the minimum lot size and width required in the R -II zone. 7. The proposed lot line adjustment does not replat or vacate a plat or short subdivision, or revise or amend the conditions of approval of any full or short subdivision. As described in Finding 13 above, the underlying Mountain View Second Addition Plat was filed in 1889. The proposed lot line adjustment is not a replat, or short subdivision that seeks to revise or amend any previous conditions of approval. B. The proposed lot line adjustment does not amend the conditions of approval for previously platted property. Page 10 of 14 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment As described in Finding 13 above, the underlying Mountain View Second Addition Plat was filed in 1889 and has no conditions of approval that would be amended by the proposed lot line adjustment. 9. The proposed lot line adjustment does not involve an adjustment of lot lines that the Planning and Community Development director judges to be solely for the purpose of avoiding frontage improvements or an obligation to pay latecomer fees. As described in Findings 5 and 16 above, access to proposed new Parcel B would be from N Street, and access to proposed new Parcel A would be from Reed Street. The director has determined that the purpose of the lot line adjustment reorientation is not to avoid frontage improvements. 10. The resulting lot shapes from the lot line adjustment shall be designed generally to be at right angles to the abutting street and shall avoid awkward configurations or appendages, except where the express purpose of the adjustment is to correct a legitimate boundary line encroachment. As described in Finding 13 above, the resulting Parcels A and B are odd -shaped parcels that meet the bulk and dimensional requirements of the R -II zone. Originally, Lots 1 and 4 were platted as triangular shaped lots. The approved property exchange of the 10 -foot strip of the applicant's property adjacent to Chestnut Street for the rectangular portion of adjacent Reed Street makes proposed new Parcel A more of a rectangular shape. Based on the foregoing Findings and Conclusions, the application for Lot Line Adjustment LUP22-044 is hereby PRELIMINARILY APPROVED subject to compliance with the following CONDITIONS: 1. The applicants shall sign and record a Restrictive Covenant as described in the decision for Minor Critical Area permit LUP22-043 which acknowledges the presence of a critical slope on new Parcel A. The applicant shall provide PCD with a signed original copy of the Restrictive Covenant with a check payable to the Jefferson County Auditor so that it may be recorded concurrently with the Lot Line Adjustment. 2. The applicant or representative shall submit the following documents for the PCD Director's review and approval: • A signed, original copy of the Statement of Intent; ► A signed, original copy of the Right -of -Way Deed conveyance document prepared by the City Attorney. The City Attorney has agreed to prepare the conveyance document. • Revised Survey: Page 11 of 14 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment a) The survey shall include the lot line adjustment permit number LUP22-044 in the upper right corner. b) Reference to the Ordinance (following Resolutions 21-075 and 21- 076) whereby City Council approves the property exchange of the Chestnut Street strip of land for the 30' x 50' Reed Street right-of- way. c) Revise under Approvals the City Director title to "City of Port Townsend Planning and Community Development Director." • Two paper copies (or more if the applicant would like more than one recorded paper copy) of the revised survey suitable for recording with the Jefferson County Auditor's office; • The revised Record of Survey shall be submitted to be recorded concurrently with the Lot Line Adjustment Statement of Intent, Right of Way Deed and the Critical Area Restrictive Covenant with the original acknowledged signatures of the owner and where indicated, the PCD Director. The Record of Survey, Statement of Intent, Right of Way Deed and Critical Area Restrictive Covenant must provide a means of cross referencing to each other. These documents work together to redefine the new legal descriptions for Parcels A and B. w�rwr « • w w « « «w w • A $48.00 check payable to the City of Port Townsend for one half-hour of City staff time to complete the recording of the survey and ROS documents. • A completed Jefferson County Treasurers Office Real Estate Excise Tax form. If you have any questions regarding the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) form, please contact staff at the Jefferson County Treasurer's office (see their website for contact information). • A $10.00 check payable to the Jefferson County Treasurer's office, • A check payable to the Jefferson County Auditor's office for the recording fees for the Statement of Intent, Restrictive Covenant and Record of Survey. It is the responsibility of the applicant to confirm the recording fee amounts with the Jefferson County Auditor's office. 3. The approved Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) shall not become effective until the following documents have been recorded with the Jefferson County Auditor: • Statement of Intent • Restrictive Covenant • Right of Way Deed Page 12 of 14 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment Record of Survey and the Ordinance by City Council approving the property exchange. Any other conditions of approval as set forth in this decision must also be fulfilled before the Lot Line Adjustment becomes effective. Once all documents have been received by City staff, staff will deliver the documents to the Jefferson County Courthouse to coordinate County staff sign off, and will go to the Auditor's office when they are ready to record the documents. 4. Following recording of the Lot Line Adjustment final documents, the applicant is responsible for separately recording any conveyance documents that reflect lands being transferred. 5. Any future development on Parcels A and B shall be in full conformance with the City Engineering Design Standards and Port Townsend Municipal Code in effect at the time an application is submitted. 6. xpirticrn The applicant shall submit all final documents (listed in Condition 1 above) for review and approval by the director within 90 days of this LLA decision. Once the director has approved the final documents, they must be recorded within 90 days; otherwise, the LLA decision shall automatically become null and void. Emma Bolin, AICP February 15, 2023 Date Director of Planning and Community Development Development Services Department Page 13 of 14 LUP22-044 Johnson Lot Line Adjustment Exhibits: Exhibit A: Lot Line Adjustment Application Received on May 20, 2022 (A-1) and Receipt for Fees Paid (A-2); Surveyor Legal Descriptions Before Adjustment (A-3) and After Adjustment (A-4); Exhibit B: Preliminary Survey Prepared by American Land Science; Exhibit C: Geology Hazard Assessment by Stratum Group Dated May 10, 2022 (C-1), Deeds and Property Settlement Agreement (C-2), Mailing List (C-3), Cover Letter and Map from Jefferson Title Company (C-4); Proposed Site Plan (C-2) and Applicant Response (C-3); Exhibit D: Letter of Incomplete Application (D-1), Revised Geology Hazard Assessment by Stratum Group Dated July 12, 2022 (D-2), Conceptual Storm water Plan (D-3) and Construction Site Plan (D-4) and Cover Letter by Richard Hiner Architects Received on August 1, 2022; Exhibit E: Notice of Land Use Application (E-1), Statement of Mailing (E-2) and Certificate of Posting (E-3); Exhibit F: Resolution 21-075 Exhibit Conditions of Reed Street Vacation (F-1) and Resolution 21-076 (Declaring Portion of Reed Street Surplus (F-2); Exhibit G: City Arc -Reader Aerial Map With Zoning (G-1), and Topography Map (G-2), July 2022 Staff and Applicant Email Correspondence Regarding Existing Communications Building on New Parcel A (G-3); Exhibit H: Critical Areas Maps with Potential Landslide and Erosion Hazard Areas (H-1), and Critical Slopes (H-2); Exhibit I: Technical Conference TEC19-002 Signed lune 5, 2019; Exhibit J: Statement of Intent; Exhibit K„ Assessor Comments (K-1, K-2 and K-3); Exhibit L: Public Comments from Neighbor Bob Steele (L-1 and L-2); Appeal- Appeal real:A eal to the Hearing Examiner Pursuant to Subsection 20.01.210 PTMC, a Type II decision may be appealed to the City Hearing Examiner; provided, that a written appeal in conformance with Chapter 1.14 PTMC is filed within 14 calendar days after the notice of the decision. The date on which a decision is deemed issued is three (3) days after a written decision is mailed by the City, excluding weekends and holidays. Page 14 of 14 � . I "I'llIGN; hol IS �JVGI� i J i� I lfl vjuv Ivo HO tNIniSnf'OV INF! iOl NOSNHOP r�vi�, i�is fii.vmnuf,,-sivnw uw)o . ....................... ---------------- LLJ z Y'n? LU Lu CL Y'n? MOGNMOIS �o lip d:ill II: ? Pit hi, , Iq nk 9p, I Hy When recorded return to: City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT STATEMENT OF INTENT This recording is for the purpose of assisting with a Lot Line Adjustment pursuant to RCW 58.17.040(6). Lot Line Adjustment LUP22-044 does not create any additional lots, tracts, parcels, or a division as the land described herein shall merge or be integrated into abutting property presently owned by the proponent. Nor does the Lot Line Adjustment result in any new lots, tracts, parcels or division which contain insufficient area and dimension to meet minimum city and sanitation requirements for width and area for a building site. This Lot Line Adjustment does not correct or purport to correct any existing non -conforming aspects of the subject properties involved beyond those corrected by this recording. The purpose of the Lot Line Adjustment is to adjust property boundaries as described below and to incorporate the property exchange between Johnson and the City of Port Townsend approved by City Council through Resolutions 21-075 and 21-076. The applicant gains a 30' x 50' area in Reed Street fee title in exchange for dedicating a ten - foot wide strip of his property as right-of-way parallel to Chestnut Street where a public trail is located. Grantor and Grantee: Lawrence P. Johnson References: City of Port Townsend File No. LUP22-044, Record of Survey under AFN ,Records of Jefferson County. Current Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 974-402-502 (Parcel A) & 974-402-501 (Parcel B). Abbreviated Legal: Lots 1-4 Block 25 Mt. View 2nd Addition & portions of adjacent vacated Reed and Adams streets. Lawrence Johnson LLA Page 1 of 5 EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: The parcels involved in the adjustment are currently legally described as follows: APN 974-402-501 (As referenced in AFN 593768) Lots 1, 2, and the Easterly 10 feet of Lot 3, in Block 25 of Mountain View Second Addition to the City of Port Townsend, As per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, on page 4, records of Jefferson County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Adams Street which through Ordinance 1718 attached to said Lot 2; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH that portion of the northerly fifty feet of vacated Reed Street, as per Ordinance 2513 and dedicated in the plat of Mountain View Second Addition to the City of Port Townsend, which abuts said Lot 2 and the Easterly 10 feet of said Lot 3; Situate in the County of Jefferson, State of Washington. More commonly known as Parcel A in Block 25 of Mountain View Second Addition, Port Townsend, WA 98368. APN 974-402-502 (As referenced in AFN 593768) Lots 3 and 4, less the Easterly 10 feet of Lot 3, in Block 25 of Mountain View Second Addition to the City of Port Townsend, As per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, on page 4, records of Jefferson County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH the northerly fifty feet of vacated Reed Street, as per Ordinance 2513 and dedicated in the plat of Mountain View Second Addition to the City of Port Townsend, which abuts said Lot 3 and said Lot 4; Situate in the County of Jefferson, State of Washington. Lawrence Johnson LLA Page 2 of 5 More commonly known as Parcel B in Block 25 of Mountain View Second Addition, Port Townsend, WA 98368. PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: The new legal description of the parcels after the lot line adjustment are as follows: PARCEL A: The southerly forty-four feet of Lots 2, 3, and 4 of Block 25 of Mountain View Second Addition to the City of Port Townsend as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, on page 4, records of Jefferson County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH the northerly fifty feet of vacated Reed Street, as per Ordinance 2513 and dedicated in the plat of Mountain View Second Addition to the City of Port Townsend, which abuts said Lot 2,Lot 3, and Lot 4. ALSO TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Adams Street which through Ordinance 1718 is attached to the Southern 44 feet of said Lot 2 upon vacation by operation of law; ALSO TOGETHER WITH the 30 feet by 50 feet portion of the vacated and surplused Reed Street (Ordinance and Resolution ) right-of-way at the northwest intersection of Adams and Reed Streets; EXCEPT; the westerly ten feet (10') of the afore described Parcel A abutting Chestnut Street, said westerly 10 feet (10') to be granted to the City of Port Townsend for the purposes of usage and maintenance of a public foot trail. Containing 20,126 square feet or 0.462 acres. Situate in the County of Jefferson, State of Washington. Lawrence Johnson LLA Page 3 of 5 PARCEL B: Lot 1 of Block 25 of the Mountain View Second Addition to the City of Port Townsend, as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, on page 4, records of Jefferson County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH Lots 2, 3, and 4 of said Block 25, except the southerly forty four feet (44.00') thereof; ALSO TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Adams Street which through Ordinance 1718 is attached to said Lot 2 (less the South 44 feet) upon vacation by operation of law; EXCEPT; the westerly 10 feet (10') of the afore described Parcel B abutting Chestnut Street, said westerly ten (10') feet to be granted to the City of Port Townsend as public right-of-way for the purposes of usage and maintenance of a public foot trail. Containing 10,493 square feet or 0.241 acres. Situate in the County of Jefferson, State of Washington. THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT. BY: DATE Emma Bolin, AICP Director of Planning and Community Development Development Services Department City of Port Townsend Lawrence Johnson LLA Page 4 of 5 SIGNATURE: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party named below has executed this instrument as of the date written herein below. Lawrence P. Johnson ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) Date I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Lawrence P. Johnson is the person who appeared before me, and he acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: [Print name:] Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at: My commission expires: Lawrence Johnson LLA Page 5 of 5 After recording return document to: City of Port Townsend, WA Attention: City Clerk 250 Madison Street Suite 2 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Document Title: RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION DEED Grantor(s): Lawrence P. Johnson Grantee(s): City of Port Townsend, Washington Legal Description: The West 10 Feet of Block 25 of the Plat orMountain View 2nd Addition to the City of Port Townsend, Washington, Per Book 2 of Plats, Page 4. Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 974-402-501 and 974-402-502 RIGHT-OF-W'AY DEDICATION DEED The Grantor, Lawrence R Johnson, and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00), and other valuable consideration, hereby grants unto the CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, a municipal corporation, and its assigns, a public highway right-of-way easement, to be used for all lawful right of way purposes, surface and subsurface, including but not limited to right-of-way uses as well as sidewalks, plantings, right of way beautification improvements where deemed appropriate by the City, installation, operation and maintenance of utilities, stormwater and such other uses that municipalities may make of rights-of-way from thne to time, now or in the future, for the use and benefit of the public, over, under, upon and across the hereinafter described lands. All such uses are Unrestricted in location within the right-of-way and shall not be limited in any way whatsoever by the state of being, condition or location of the street, The City of Port Townsend shall have the right to utilize such additional width as may be necessary temporarily for the placing of excavated materials thereon and for initial construction and maintenance operations. The City shall restore the disturbed property to equal or better condition. RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION DEED Page] of Said lands being situated in the City of Port Townsend, County of Jefferson, State of Washington, legally described as follows: The West Ten Feet of Block 25 of the Plat of Mountain View 2nd Addition to the City of Port Townsend, Washington, Per Book 2 of Plats, Page 4. Also, the undersigned hereby requests the Assessor and Treasurer of said County to set - over to the remainder the lien of all unpaid taxes, if any, affecting the property hereby conveyed, as provided by RCW 84.60.070. It is understood and agreed that delivery of this Deed is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the City of Port Townsend unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing for the City of Port Townsend, by the Public Works Director. Approved as to form: Heidi Greenwood, City Attorney RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION DEED Page 2 of 3 C.l"1"Y OF PORT TOWNSE3' D By: John Mauro, City Manager Em DATED this day of 20_. Lawrence P. Johnson STATE OF WASHINGTON ss County of On this _ day of --- — --- . ........ 20 before me personally appeared to me known to be the that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said Lawrence P. Johnson, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,, and on oath stated that are authorized to execute said instrument. (SEAL) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at . . . ........... My commission expires .. . .. .... ___ RIGHT-O&WAY DEDICATION DEED Page 3 of 3 w I 30 l :133HS a J w a to } c Z. wm wa SIP Q a z o gyp�% � 1 ¢ � I w • w � 9 C! Fw..� ills W o gog jEw �J V�yN ��qi y 3 0 V -I 8-01. • pig •- q Cx/A q d © is �� q � G g� 1 5 s E�� � y 38 a Q ",P0cn a K h N "^ un � c •"'" ti of ��A ��W yin � e v ,'r t� �m 7;a w� — a a. �I R oaY �a n pu ma " W cn ar ' a lFow. rmRI~ I oz 11 11 dww a ° o cn 18 a �OFz h3 N3Ng a 00� W o'�z � ttpC� 7 K N.ro ow N� i s U �$ owc'-io q�d��"��� �.o$�¢ Q LL4< a �Q^a <oz w �u � F Sc z� � m Z� o I � ',, Y a a J _ �o� w��`G� �s��� ��N� UOQ �w N IY-JO ON Suzanne Wassmer From: Steve King Sent: Monday, June 5, 2023 8:12 AM To: Judy Surber; Suzanne Wassmer; Heidi Greenwood Subject: RE: Right of way deed I can confirm that the value exchange calculations have been done and approved by the City Council. There is no $$ exchange... simply a net value wash. From: Judy Surber <jsurber@cityofpt.us> Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2023 9:24 AM To: Suzanne Wassmer <swassmer@cityofpt.us>; Heidi Greenwood <HGreenwood@cityofpt.us>; Steve King <sking@cityofpt.us> Subject: RE: Right of way deed Hello, In some places the language on the exchanges is pretty vague (is it fee title or right-of-way) and in other places it is clear — they get Reed in fee title and the City gets dedicated ROW in Chestnut. Per Reso. 21-075 WHEREAS, the City proposes to exchange the vacated portion of Reed Street for additional right-of-way on Chestnut Street that contains an existing public trail; and Steve has confirmed that the in-house appraisal was calculated as per the above — but I would suggest the S01 be a bit more clear. See revisions indicated in red below. And of course, the survey will need to clearly reflect the ROW being dedicated. Thanks for your patience and perseverance on this Suzanne — it is almost over the finish line O Judy From: Suzanne Wassmer <swassmeL cit of .Ljs> Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 9:57 AM To: Judy Surber <jsuriaerw@ it a >; Heidi Greenwood <FJGreer wood a cit. >; Steve King <sk— �r� Licit of u > Subject: RE: Right of way deed Judy, to answer your May 16 questions: LUP22-044 Lot Line Adiustment The addition of the Reed Street property and the subtraction of the strip of Chestnut Street are described in the Statement of Intent: New Parcel A includes: ALSO TOGETHER WITH StFeet-, the vacated 30feet by 50 feet portions of Adams and Reed Streets ( Suzanne — please confirm that it is 30x50 for both Adams and Reed - otherwise I'm happy to reword) . �� . .y. 7 : �� �� � �; : :\� �� � �� �� � � � �� � .� � � � � � � � � : . y�� y § , � . . � . . �� � > � / °� } �� , .: : � /� � � � 2 0 � $ ■ m k U) 0 k U) � 2 U) « E ' E E 0( E E" E E E R2 m 2 o E m° o 2� o 2? e m 2 o 2? m \ E G 0 2 2 2\= 2 0 2 2 2 2/ E co C % ® M cu % ƒ 2 2 _ k ° s a k > E® y a 2 & 2 k / � \ £_ 2 / 2 D _ / 2 0 2 _ 3 y ƒ / / \ k £ . 2 o E 2f 4ƒ 0 ;=- o § m=�.2) ƒ d = ¢ 0 E b G � 0 _0 _ � 2•- 0 0 « e a 0- U » o m 0 Co y > E\ D k a ±^ E a f ± o== m] E « y G Co U n c@ 3 o 5 e n o .�.. w=�» 6§ 0= (D/\ 2\ � - e - / y § n � -0 2 k / / G 5--.2 ± 5 ' / a G y y ® � / 1 2= 3 7-0 § 2 7/$$/ k E E E 2±#£- m o a) 6./ ƒ\ z o E) w 3 0 U)// 7 2 � 7 0 3 CO w E 0 0 © E o -0 m .E U k / / k . g F 2 o . ± E m E > y 2 7 0 2k -0 7 5 � / G 5 E _ ®c L 0 2 -0 U m 3 2 G .� U / = 0 Q) ƒ e g = _c co a 2 3E ®=/co Q 2 § j ƒ 3 ® 3 n / _ \ 0 0 .ƒ k F / 2 0 / 2 ƒ <U DC) / / ƒ5 ®"� 2: %C) CL e = § 06 2 2 ƒ � G® C)ƒ b� 0- m 2 U k R R R R\ CD CD R E E% w co CO CO a a#& e to CO s ~ g q Cl) 3 q� G a v « « « « « « « « « « � �\ G G G § 0 G $ v � / ƒ / � / / / U 'O N (d � 'O > f° (D z U) 0).i (D o � Zf5 o0 U)< a)U) a E m J In ca O a) (6 W a) of Q) -2 O U (6 O O Q O p m U e z o m fn T d 7 a) CL L Q o c �a ca (OD Q > D Q - U =) 3 Q O_ a) >+ O a) O 12 > t o — E > a m C- O Lo QLL_U cu 9 p ( M CL 00 ._ W� U O a) U a.� ca t a O U_ _ E U) E u)3 E � S,6 o !n Q a`) o c U U Q m o 0) O C s= L Q7 L Q) L Q7 L Q7 L a7 L 0 L 0 L 0 '> ai L a7 L a7 L 0 L 0 L 0 E E E E E E E E E LL E E E E E E E [II (B [II (II Ca R CB C6 CB i R U [B Ca R C6 CB C6 U U C) C) C) U U U U 0— U m U U U U U U .M.r Ln O _ U) L i_7 0 C6 U` c O a> L to Qi L L co Q 0 C6 O L cn C6 L a> to O c > E c W 0 ca cB -2 p O O O O Q QCL o o ai ai U) � U w M N• L� L _ >•, O LL -O c V 0 CD Q) •U) Q O Q 0- m -E O v, = _0 U _ L0-0 •� 07.E Q N C 1 r •(D O LL> co •O O i 22 U) W d 00 •� 0- CB LO 07 Q U) C C C CO m O-0cn J N .O Q) v7Fn � Ncl U) O O .O to Q Q CB _ L O I N 0 V U) C6 Cn U N N CL6 L C -O Q to 2i Q) R U - 7 w OL J - w w N Q J Q W U` c . � Z U) tq a- • • • • • • • • • • m a uw O U -2 Q0 _(D o U' n tm w E U cm m M tm 0 U y >, as to m E D y U_ _0 c y D m E .2 C E 0) a7 M E 0 o m U m Qyi O a7 0 U ai � O O H Qyi = Q> L i O-0 E '� U) � O� 0 C Q) S '� 0 O 7 0 _ E cB O ca m N L O U E -0 Q Q) c Q) m t= E m L O _ V O N O _� V X (�6 O E= O p N • V U)i M U) U U c ca c U E s= U U c �' E 0- U EQ7 7 0E ~ Q> 6, � E U L 0 U) ' U 0)U U U O U) .� V% U •V L U U C _0 L 0 C fn U fn S U > 010- CQ yam+ U J 0 U :3U 0- _N ate+ d d yam'. U S U Q O O O LO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M O O O O O O M Cl) M O O O O CD M M CD to co co co LO is N CD -;I- CG M M M CD r__co O O M u3 co to O" N N co N 1` N M N M t Lo co c c c co (6 C6 C6 Ca R �2 C6 C6 C6 CB R �2 (6 C6 C6 Q Q cQ O -0i i O i ii Q) O i O Q) 0 O 0 O O 0 O m U 'O N (d � 'O > f° (D z U) 0).i (D o � Zf5 o0 U)< a)U) a E m J In ca O a) (6 W a) of Q) -2 O U (6 O O Q O p m U e z o m fn T d 7 a) CL L Q o c �a ca (OD Q > D Q - U =) 3 Q O_ a) >+ O a) O 12 > t o — E > a m C- O Lo QLL_U cu 9 p ( M CL 00 ._ W� U O a) U a.� ca t a O U_ _ E U) E u)3 E � S,6 o !n Q a`) o c U U Q m o 0) O C