HomeMy WebLinkAbout031124 City Council Workshop Meeting PacketPORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 540 WATER STREET Workshop Meeting 6:00 p.m. March 11, 2024 • Attend in person or virtually via computer or tablet at„zt;t;p;;//„c,i�v,%�r,.,c enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 850855531 • Phone only (muted - listen -only mode) United States: Local Dial In — (360) 390-5064 access code: 951-731-3384 Live stream (listen only): https:Hcityofpt.us/citycouncil/page/agendasminutesvideos. Submit public comment to be included in the meeting record to: fill ouconi/�c �;t t If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please attempt all methods listed above before reporting any issues to: c „ r,1 „sL pp 1„( >, it:yc l t. L Call to Order/ Roll Call IL General Public Comment (regarding items not on the agenda) III. Discussion Items A. Draft Comprehensive Plan Public Participation Plan Briefing a. Staff Presentation b. Public Comment c. Council Discussion IV. Adjourn Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring accommodation for this meeting should note the City Clerk's Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at (360) 379-5083. Do youIs your written work, live, public If so, whet is Type of If Agenda item, ant fore th..ubj.ct Lest Nem. Email business in public please stet. Public comment Written public comment is limited to 2350 cha..—.(with space.),IfV..-,..d this amount, you will b. unable to submit this form until your comment is 2350 Public of the Public updated (optional) (optional) City Limits? c ant which one. ch erecters or less. Hearing? Hearing? Sun Mar 102024 1455:00 GMT- Workshop on 0700 Comprehensive (""ic debomhgp Live in Port Agenda Plan Public lam surprised to..,that the list of non-governmental organi-ionsomitsthe housing providers, service clubs like Rotary, and I ... I politiczl org-i-ions. Habitat and aHthe providers Daylight Deboah edersen@y Townsend item Participation end newslenersto extensive lirn of supporters,as dotheservice clubsand the muntyand 24th LD political partiesand Indivisible PortTownsend. This kind ofoutreach should help Ti—) Pedersen h...,.. City Limits spec'dic Plan me the ba rHi,cited for"printed ma—Ws." All ofth,s, groupsc .about the di—i......ommunity is going. No March 2024 S J AL The intent of this document is to provide a plan for public participation in the City of Port Townsend's Comprehensive Plan update process. This outreach plan provides a breakdown of each engagement activity, a schedule for outreach efforts, roles and responsibilities, and key/milestone dates. Public Participation Plan I City of Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update The City of Port Townsend is updating its Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Washington's Growth Management Act (GMA). The Comprehensive Plan is the long-range policy document guiding the City's growth and development over the next 20 years. Under the GMA, cities and counties in Washington mus periodically review and, if needed, update their comprehensive plans to ensure consistency with state la and other regional planning documents. Port Townsend's Comprehensive Plan is required to be consiste with GMA, and Jefferson County's Countywide Planning Policies. The deadline for completion of this periodic update is currently June 30, 2025. 1 Public outreach is a key component of this periodic update effort. Among other things, GMA requires early and continuous public participation in the Comprehensive Plan update (RCW 36.70A.140). This Public Participation Plan (PPP) is intended to guide public outreach efforts throughout the process to ensure early and continuous involvement in decision making. Efforts to encourage participation will continue over the course of the Comprehensive Plan update. Objectives 0 Inform residents ofthe Comprehensive Plan update and their opportunities tohelp shape the plan, the planning process, and outcomes. - Give participants more ownership in the outcome ofplanning processes through collaborative events that engage inconversation and the exchange ofideas and information, leading tohigh quality planning documents, resident buy -in, and a sense of ownership. 0 Include arange ofperspectives, engaging residents in unique ways to reach a broader audience and understand their goals, needs, and desires. This will include a look attrade- offs and how different goals can work together orconflict with each other. 0 Provide access toengagement opportunities, events, and participation for all Port Townsend residents, including disadvantaged groups and individuals and those who have historically been left out ofcommunity planning processes. 0 Build support for the Comprehensive Plan and work with the Port Townsend community, elected officials, and other agencies toward success in implementing its goals, policies, and actions. City of Port Townsend The City of Port Townsend is responsible for the update of the Comprehensive Plan in compliance with the Growth Management Act. This responsibility includes actively inviting public comment and coordinating with state, regional, and county planning policies as outlined in the GMA. The City has hired a consultant, SCJ Allianc-e, to work alongside City staff in facilitating the Comprehensive Plan update process. Planning Commission Port Townsend's Planning Commission, a volunteer advisory body appointed by the Ci_1 Council, is required to review amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and provide a recommendation to the City Council for consideration and potential adoption. Once the Comprehensive Plan update iscomplete, the Port Townsend City Council isresponsible for adopting it. Public Participation Plan I City of PortTownsend Comprehensive Plan Update Background I I Audiences There are several audiences — individuals and agencies — that will participate in the Port iW66 11111111661111 , i6l iw� ® General Public: Port Townsend residents, workers, students, property owners, and business owners. 0 Elected and Appointed Officials: City Councilmembers, Planning Commissioners, and others such as PUD, Port, and Hospital District staff. ® Non -Ci The channels by which we communicate and the events we hold should incorporate an inclusive engagement approach. The table below identifies the engagement options for this plan, including the potential barriers of each as well as how the method achieves inclusivity. Public Participation Plan I City of PortTownsend Comprehensive Plan Update Public Participation 1 3 P«�e't��bske ° Ensure ease odaccess thmugh virtual outreach on ° Getting visitors tothe social media and email correspondence directing l locotion for website. public towebsite s«»uo uPo«tes, m»« documents, meeting ° Reaching 2SL ° Provide materials for avariety oflanguages and schedules nnd d residents. visual abilities (text size, color, voice readers) ------- informndou officio/ ° Uploading materials in ° Make materials available inadvance for notices, nndfeedbnck/ timely manner. distribution tothe public. commentportnL ° Reaching residents ° Partner with the library toconnect without intemetaccess. those without intemetto resources ° Posting and noticing in Social Media timely manner. ° Provide materials inavariety oflanguages asneeded Shoring ofpublic events, surveys, nnd ° Creating postings that appeal to a wide audience. ° Provide links to surveys and other web -based �N other opportunities to ° Reaching E�Lnesiden� platforms pnroopncc ° Moderating responses. Printed Materials ° Provide materials in avariety oflanguages as needed printcdm«teriols ° Reaching ESL ° Identify avariety ofoutlets with relevant contact describing the updnte residents. information for notification and distribution of process, including: materials (newspapeo.ne�hborhoods'churches, and � ° Potential a ti |fo' ow | other community -oriented organizations/groups) ° Port Townsend Lender participation. ° Include website link and QRcode for access °Penbnsu/nDoily NewsMnders ° d`'~i''�~rr~riate ° Work with City departments to identify appropriate events for community events toreach adiverse audience Public Meetings, ° Engaging 2SLresidents ° Designate 1-2 point people for coordination/ communication toensure clarity and efficiency Civic Events, and ° Childcare availability ° Provide materials inavariety oflanguages asneeded ALALAL ° High level ofcoo»di»ado»/ ° Incentivize participation with food and/or childcare communication required ° Proper safety measures to ° Hostvirtua|public meetingswitha1-2weekopen reduce the risk of[OV|D timeframe ex ° EngagingESL Community residents. ° Provide options for non-Eng|ish-speaking ° Childcare avai|abi|ity. participants and ensure ADA accessibility Workshops ° Potential for low ° Incentivize participation with food and/or childcare participation. ° Engaging ESLnesidents speak and/or ° Provide ample time for the public tos -r-- 0 Advisory Board, ° Childcare availability. provide written comments and questions Oft Planning ° Potential for low ° Provide options for non-Eng|ish-speaking Commission, participation. participants and ensure ADA accessibility and City Council ° May be intimidating. ° Incentivize participation with food and/or childcare Meetings/Hearings Public Participation Plan I City of PortTownsend Comprehensive Plan Update Public Participation 1 3 Project Web s~te T�rriefrarrie: Durat�on of project The project website will be a central location for all interested parties to access the latest information related to the Comprehensive Plan update. The website will be linked through the City's website and will allow all interested parties to: ° Review background information concerning the Comprehensive Plan update; - Access and review the project statusand timeline; 0 Review draft and final documents, Comprehensive Plan deliverables, and community workshop materials; 0 Provide comments and feedback via a comment portal throughout the update process; - Attend public open houses virtually, via a link on the project website; and ° See the Planning Commission and City Council's schedules related specifically tothe update process. �Roles and Responsibilities 0 City Staff (leud):Distribution, and translation (as needed) ofmaterials. ° SCJ A�UDance (support): Production of materials as needed, website creation and maintenance. I MW T�rriefrarrie: Durat�on of project leading up to events, and each post should include a clickable image that redirects people to the website or event link. Comments posted on social media posts should be compiled and delivered to City Staff and consultants regularly. Social media postings will correspond with the event dates listed under Public Outreach Events, Community Survey, and Planning Commission and City Council meetings listed below. �Roles and Responsibilities ° City Staff (lead): Publishing and production of materials. 0 SCJ AUUDance(support): Assisting the City in the production of social media content (e.g, text images, and information). Public Oth Events T�0OeFra0Oe: March 2024—April 2025 (exact dates TBD) to inform residents of the update process and collect feedback on the plan. The Planning and Community Development Department will coordinate with other City departments as necessary to plan the outreach events. Avision workshop will beheld inspring 2Q24to present the Comprehensive Plan update process tothe public and collect public feedback. The remaining outreach events are intended to be community workshops for collecting public Public Participation Plan I City of PortTownsend Comprehensive Plan Update Public Engagement Activities 1 4 feedback, and will be held through the summer and fall of 2024 and the first half of 2025 (dates TBD). Public engagement will be coordinated with other City events and processes when possible, presenting materials pertaining to the Comprehensive Plan update and related planning efforts. SO will refine the public engagement and upon including paring down the engagement effort, as necessary. �Roles and Responsibilities 0 City Staff (lead): Coordinate and help lead outreach events; publish materials on the project website and social media page(s); assist with running the events. 0 SO Afliance (support): Design and production of materials; attending/leading outre-�ch events. Community Survey Tirrieframe: Spring 2024 At least one online community survey will be developed to explore community preferences and planning alternatives. The survey will be rolled out to coincide with public outreach events. The survey will be made available online, including accessibility on mobile devices, as well as printed out versions that can be filled out at public outreach events or distributed around the community for those that would prefer to fill out the paper copy. In addition, an iPad can be available at public outreach events for those that wish to take the survey at the outreach events. This survey will collect topical information from the public on various elements of the Comprehensive Plan. The survey may also include Yisual preferencing and the-e&,llecti&,n &,1 comments and ideas on planning scenarios. �Roles and Responsibilities: ® SO Afliance (lead): Develop survey questions; digitize in Alchemer, Maptionnaire, or other online survey platform; monitor and analyze results. ® City Staff (support): Distribute survey via City outlets. Public Participation Plan I City of Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update Public Engagement Activities 1 5 Planning Commission and City Councill Meetings Timeframe: December 2024 —,Dune 2025 (exact dates TBD) While the Planning Commission and City Council will continue to hold regular meetings throughout the update, there will be several meetings specifically associated with the adoption of Port Townsend's Comprehensive Plan update. These meetings will be advertised to the general public and will encourage members of the public to review materials, provide written comments, and/or attend and provide in-person comment on the plan updates. These meetings will include: 0 Draft Nan Presentation (tentatively December 2024): City staff and consultant (SCJ Alliance) will present a draft Comprehensive Plan to the Planning Commission. 0 Fina! Nan Presentation (tentatively March 202-5): A combined Planning Commission/ City Council workshop will be held to roll out the final draft of Port Townsend's updated Comprehensive Plan. City staff and consultant (SCJ Alliance) will provide an overview of the planning process, public feedback, and final draft of the plan. Final feedback will also be collected from the two public bodies and substantive comments will be incorporated into the final draft. Nanning Commission recommendation (tentatively May 2025): The City of Port Townsend Planning Commission is required to review amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and provide a recommendation to the City Council for consideration and potential adoption. Comprehensive Nan Adoption (tentatively June 2025): City Council will hold a hearing to adopt the updated Comprehensive Plan. �Roles and (Responsibilities: 0 City Staff (lead): Coordinate, schedule, ancr— lead workshops and hearings. 0 SO Afliance (support): Technical resource as needed; production of materials as needed. Public Participation Plan I City of Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update Cory) prehe nsive Plan Rollout and Adoption 1 6 Website and Social Media (ongoing for project duration) CornmUnity Open HOUses and Workshops Draft Plan Presentation (Planning Commission Meetirrq) Final Plan Presentation (Combined PCICC Rollout Workshop) Planning Commission Recommendation Comprehensive Plan Adoption Conclusion The update of Port Townsend's Comprehensive Plan is a collaborative effort in which the City will engage the public, businesses, governmental agencies, tribes, and other interested groups. As detailed in this Public Participation Plan, the City's website, public postings, community events, public meetings, and workshops will be used to reach out to interested parties and get them involved in the process. Throughout this effort, the City will strive to involve "a broad cross-section of the community" (WAC 365- 196-600) so the Comprehensive Plan truly reflects the community's vision and goals. Public Participation Plan I City of Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan Update Surnmary 1 7 Draft Public Participation Plan Briefing March 11, 2024 City Council Workshop Engagement is a Living System (cycles, renewal, innovation) The Comprehensive Plan is ALSO a renewal cyc 1. Reflect independently about a time when the City nailed our engagement strategy where it was fun and exciting! (3 minutes) 2. What were the ingredients when we were successful? (3 minutes) 3. Share out (5 minutes) 1. 3 minutes to reflect NOTES: independently on stories. What were the ingredients when we were successful (3 minutes 3. Share out (5 minutes) TRIZ Prompts • Independently list everything we could do that limits public engagement (3 minutes) • Independently circle any of these we are doing right now (3 minutes) • Share a few of your circled items. What are their opposites? Are any of those in our success stories? Discuss how we can prioritize our engagement for the best, not worst, outcome (5 minutes) How can we avoid failure? How can we ensure success? Ideation notes How can we avoid failure? How can we ensure success? Ideation notes How to add value to Community Open Houses, surveys, and board presentations to be: • informative? • fun? • inclusive? . Metrics of success for engagement? E.g. numbers of participants, percentage of population, etc. ? . Most important activity and questions as part of the kick- off event? What is the learning objective? Overview of the Anything else to help you successfully en the community? Stay engaged • Project website: :..' ...n . ..........................................' 29.45 ' n irm u Upcoming dates: Final Council PPP Approval April 1st GMSC April 9th Comprehensive Plan Kick-off T -Lab April 19th Connectivity Fair