Date: Oct. 3, 2023 Time: 3:00 pm Location: City Hall Council Chambers, and
virtually via GoToMeeting webinar
Members Present: Richard Berg (Chair), Craig Britton (Vice -Chair), Kathleen Knoblock; Walter Galitzki, Michael D'Alessandro, City Council
member/HPC liaison Monica MickHager
Members Absent (excused): Kathleen Croston.
Staff Present: John McDonagh, Senior Planner
Applicants: Norm Tonino, Eric Wennberg & Jessica Jennings, Eron Berg
Guests: One member of the public, Josh Kout.
Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
Call to Order
Chair Berg called the meeting to order at
3:05 p.m.
Approval of Sept. 5, 2023 Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes as amended
by Knoblock, 2nd by D'Alessandro. All in
Chair Berg asked that on pg. 3, the 1st full paragraph under the "...Recommendations..."
favor 5-0.
column be incorporated into the paragraph above. Members agreed.
Approval of the Agenda
D'Alessandro moved for adoption. 2nd by
Knoblock. Approved 5-0.
City Attorney email with link to info on new
City Advisory Board on Equity, Access and
Appearance of Fairness:
Public Comment (for any non -Agenda items)
Public comment spoke to the electronic
signage HPC reviewed at the Sept. meeting.
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Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
Comment noted its use at the Rose Theater
for the Film Festival was appropriate in
illumination (i.e., not too bright) but that
nearby electronic signage in another
business was too bright and detracted from
outdoor film experience. D'Alessandro,
Rose Theater owner, thanked the speaker
but noted the signage reviewed by HPC had
not been installed but had another form of
electronic signage was. The new electronic
sign intent is to be similar in brightness to
what is in place.
Public comment also spoke to the design
benefits of partially open (i.e., inset)
vestibules in historic buildings, expressing
the recent hotel design HPC reviewed may
have benefitted from one.
Old Business
A. HPC23-004, 334 Lawrence St. Special Property Tax Valuation — Final Review
Moved for approval by Britton, including a
nomination of the home to the Pt.
Staff Report/Recommendation: McDonagh recapped introduction of the Special Valuation
Townsend Register of Historic Places. 2nd
request for 334 Lawrence St. presented at HPC's Mar. 7, 2023, meeting. That Information
by Galitzki. Motion passed 4 to 0 with 1
included estimates for the home's rehabilitation which comprised (but was not limited to): a
replacement foundation; windows, exterior siding and deck improvements; interior
improvements (doors, cabinets, countertops); and, electrical, plumbing and mechanical
improvements. Excluded from the estimated rehabilitation costs was a planned west fagade
laundry/mud room addition. At that time, the total in estimated rehab costs was roughly
Over the next 2 -year period, the project proceeded to issuance of a final building occupancy.
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Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
The work was done consistent with the approved building plans and prior Historic Design
Review approval(s). Final rehabilitation costs being requested ($1.3 million) were also
consistent, albeit slightly more, than the original estimates presented. Staff noted that as the
home lies outside of the Historic Commercial zoning district, it must be included on the Local
Register of Historic Places in order to qualify for Special Valuation (see PTMC 2.72.070).
Applicant Presentation: Owner Norm Tonina did not have anything substantive to add but
he was fine with home being placed on the Local Register & that he'd be glad to answer
Public Comment: None.
New Business
A. HPC23-019 — Bishop Block Bottle Shop backlit signage
Moved by Croston to approve as presented.
No formal 2nd was made.
Staff Introduction: Staff introduced the project, which HPC had seen previously with
different text colors. Staff pointed out other signs the new application included photos of
Motion to approve signage by D'Alessandro
other signs in town which had been approved using brighter red.
with new Heritage Red color, 2nd by
Knoblock. 2 in favor (D'Alessandro and
Applicant Presentation: Jessica and Eric with the Bishop Bottle Shop returned with a
Berg), 2 opposed (Britton and Galitzki), 1
Benjamin Moore historic palette red which was a lower chroma (i.e., less bright) than
abstention (Knoblock).
originally proposed. They believed this revised color meets the intent of the city's adopted
color palette.
Staff noted, with concurrence of the City
Committee: One member asked to have the city's board showing the approved color palette
Clerk, that in the event of a tie a motion
available for comparison. Another member asked about door and door glass signage colors
fails. No other motions were offered. The
at the Belmont Hotel. Staff noted that lettering less than 6" height are exempt from a sign
application, with HPC's deliberations and
permit and the color palette; also, the actual door paint at the Belmont did undergo HPC
vote, would goes to PCD Director for final
review and was recommended for approval. A 3rd member noted the backlit sign is quite
large and that given that factor, the palette should be adhered to. A 4th member felt strongly
the sign was appropriate & should be approved. A 5th member noted that signage color is
often the most flexible component of HPC's use of the guidelines and that red(s) are found all
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Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
throughout downtown and in various shades given the large number of brick buildings.
Staff: No further comment.
Public Comment: The speaker asked about how the review of colors was processed. Chair
Berg explained it. Speaker felt the color proposed represents the business and should be
B. HPC23-020 — Port of Pt. Townsend, removal of former Navy anti-submarine/anti-
Motion by Galitzki to approve the request as
torpedo dolphin
presented, 2nd by D'Alessandro. Motion
approved 4-1.
Staff Introduction & Applicant Presentation: City staff, with clarifying comments by Port
staff, described the former Navy dolphin located just south of the southern breakwater at Pt.
Hudson. Highlighted were its original WW II -era purpose in defense of Pt. Townsend Bay
using nets to stop enemy submarines and torpedoes and Port's current request to demolish
it in place, remove creosote pilings and use it as an underwater habitat/diving feature.
As a structure eligible for National Register listing, its removal is subject to Historic Design
Review under city code using the demolition standards of Article III, PTMC 17.30. In the case
of an unsafe structure, local standards allow granting the Applicant a waiver from providing a
structural and economic analysis to support a demolition. A waiver in this case is warranted
via a letter received from City Building Official Matt Logue which states the structure is
"unsafe and not structurally sound."
Key to the dolphin's removal is the review done by the State Department of Archeology and
Historic Preservation (DAHP) under a Section 106 consultation. DAHP indicates that the
dolphin's removal will require the Port and DAHP to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA). The MOA will stipulate the Port complete the following: 1) a Level II documentation
done by a qualified architectural historian, preferably one with a background in navy history;
2) an interpretive panel for public viewing on the dolphin and net history; 3) inclusion of the
dolphin and net history in an updated version of the JCHS Port Townsend history book; and,
4) an in-person presentation on the dolphin and net history at a DAHP-approved location by
the Level II consultant.
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Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
Committee: One member asked if repairing the dolphin with new pilings or at least retaining
the concrete portion was considered so it could be viewed by upland users. Port staff said
that it had not been considered but doing so would require added permitting steps and
would cost more than the proposal. Equipment currently mobilized for the breakwater
repair work is not suited to lift the dolphin's concrete portion, so a larger crane would be
needed in addition to new steel pilings (if kept in place).
Other Business/Announcements:
A. HPC Recommendations for 2024 Workplan
Britton suggested that he & Berg meet to
Britton initial Workplan letter to Council (with Chair Berg's concurrence) largely repeated
revise paragraph on Main Street interaction
Workplan requests from years past. Britton had also prep'd a supplemental letter with
before sending supplemental letter to
additional Workplan items (at least 2 of which that are not currently within HPC's purview,
Council for Workplan consideration.
specifically better coordination on Public Art installations and better coordination with Main
Members agreed.
Street on grant opportunities they pursue). Other proposed Workplan addition were to: 1)
Develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with State Parks on HPC being consulted
in Ft. Worden projects; and, 2) To continue work on the Historic Housing Inventory including
inventory of areas outside the NHLD.
Members clarified for Council liaison Mick -Hagar that Britton's supplement letter had not
been shared with Council yet; however, staff indicated the 4 new items were inserted into
the matrix done for Council's consideration. One member noted that HPC's role in Public Art
was not in the staff prepared Council matrix. Staff noted Council could be requested to
approve other Workplan items (such as revisiting signage guidelines).
Chair Berg suggested he sign the supplement letter & send to Council after some refinements
to the Main Street paragraph were made. If not incorporated into the 2024 Workplan, items
may be proposed again in the 2025 Workplan.
On separate matter, some members asked about the role of code enforcement in signage.
Staff noted this was a cyclic matter but that signage was, at present, fairly low on the priority
list for code enforcement.
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Topic Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
Next Scheduled Meeting: Tuesday, November 7.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:22 p.m.
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