HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 December_2023_newsletterNewsletterNewsletter DECEMBER CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: DECEMBER 2023 A Note from Deputy Mayor Amy Howard I had the honor of represen�ng both Port Townsend and the Associa�on of Washington Ci�es at the Project for Civic Health Summit this past October, at the invita�on of Lieutenant Governor Denny Heck. It was a truly remarkable experience, and I am immensely proud to have been part of this important event. The Project for Civic Health Summit was a significant gathering of leaders from various municipali�es, Tribes, and civic organiza�ons across Washington State. The summit focused on sharing ideas and strategies to enhance civic par�cipa�on, improve governance, and strengthen the vital connec�on between local government and the residents it serves. During my �me at the summit, I had the privilege of exchanging insights and experiences with dedicated individuals from diverse backgrounds and different parts of the poli�cal spectrum. We discussed innova�ve ways to promote civic engagement, foster a sense of unity, and encourage the ac�ve involvement of our residents in local decision-making processes. This experience reinforced my belief in the strength of our �ght-knit and forward-thinking community. Port Townsend has always been a place where people care deeply about their neighbors and the future of our town; we have a very engaged populace. By a�ending this summit, I was able to showcase our community's spirit and commitment to making Port Townsend an even be�er place to live. I'm excited to con�nue working alongside our community to build a brighter future for Port Townsend, guided by the valuable insights gained from the Project for Civic Health Summit. I encourage you to engage in civic discourse with openness, curiosity, and a steadfast commitment to posi�ve change. Together, we can overcome challenges, foster collabora�on, and create a thriving and harmonious community that we can all be proud of. Your involvement is key to the success of our shared vision, and your unique perspec�ves and ideas are invaluable. Learn more about the Civic Health Summit here: h�ps://hmjackson.org/project-for-civic-health/ City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street (360) 385 - 3000 www.cityofpt.us Follow us on Facebook 12/04/23: Regular Business Mee�ng including update to the Golf Course Lease 12/11/23: Special Session: City Council Business Mee�ng 12/18/23: (Tenta�vely Canceled) City Council Regular Business Mee�ng Mee�ngs are subject to change. Please view our website calendar for an up-to-date mee�ng schedule: www.cityofpt.us/calendar Job Openings Love where you live and looking for a great career? The City is hiring in several departments including Finance, Public Works, and the Police Department. For a full list of posi�ons, visit: www.cityofpt.applicant-pool.com/jobs/ City Hall Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00AM - 4:00PM City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us END OF YEAR MESSAGE FROM CITY MANAGER JOHN MAURO Daylight alone (or lack thereof) suggests 2024 is nearly here. There are other signs too, including a vote by City Council on the 2024 budget about when this newsle�er drops. Before we cross into another year, now’s a good �me to look back at a few of this year’s accomplishments and what the 2024 budget means for next year. A year ago in this column, I was wri�ng about launching the Financial Sustainability Ini�a�ve. That work is now complete (read the report on our website or watch our video series at: www.youtube.com/@cityofpor�ownsend) and we’re taking ac�on to deliver across housing, streets, parks, and core services. Housing. From adop�ng zoning changes like two ADUs per lot, permi�ng Tiny Houses on Wheels, and allowing increased units and heights in certain zones, to bringing the Cherry Street saga nearly to a close and focusing on bringing the Evans Vista Neighborhood to life, we pushed harder than ever on enabling workforce housing now and in the long-term. Progress requires partnerships and �me, but the 2024 workplan and budget show commitment to doubling down on our efforts, including successful state and federal funding awards that support our work. Streets. The Discovery Road project construc�on has begun as WSDOT wraps up the Kearney Street roundabout, making tangible improvements to the driving, biking, and walking environments on two major thoroughfares. We’re grateful that the data-proven traffic calming, safety, and low-cost benefits of Edge Lane Road treatments are star�ng to make sense for more in our community. Local transporta�on projects like paving and stormwater work on 10th, 11th, Hendricks, and 24th show what’s possible with local road funding. That bodes well, as the two-year effort on the Comprehensive Streets Program led to a Transporta�on Benefit District, passing with over 80% of the vote, that will bring approximately $800,000 in direct annual investments in our local street network. Parks. Beloved Kah Tai is ge�ng an RV camp host to improve access and safety at the park, our volunteer program has taken a major step up, and we con�nue to maintain our great trails, parks, and open spaces. Based on engagement numbers, it’s more likely than not that those reading this newsle�er par�cipated in the Envision the Golf Course and Healthier Together/Pool processes. Both are substan�ally complete, now looking at implemen�ng the hard work we’ve all done this past year in 2024. Core Services. From the Mill water meter installa�on to bringing back Police staff, and from Library programming to major improvements in Council Chambers and mee�ng access, we have con�nued to deliver on core services alongside our 2023 ini�a�ves. This carries on in 2024, including inves�ng seed funding to plan for facili�es and fleets challenges and replacements before we’re in emergency mode. Overall, it’s amazing what we can do in a year when we work together. I’m grateful to the staff, community members, and partners who helped us achieve all of this and more. Consider joining us by staying engaged – coffee & conversa�on first Fridays, our newsle�er, Facebook, KPTZ’s Brewocracy Now, City Council, YouTube, our website, and more – or by joining our team: h�ps://cityofpt.applicantpool.com/jobs. Happy Holidays to you and yours and hopefully I’ll see you out at some of the many events planned during this merry and celebratory season. Warmest wishes, John City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Author Talk with Tim McNulty at the PT Public Library CITY DEPARTMENT FEATURE 25 Years of Outstanding Performance Award at the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant Each year, the Washington Department of Ecology (DOE) honors a few of the 300 statewide wastewater treatment plants with the agency’s Outstanding Performance Award for achieving excellent compliance with their water quality permits. This month the DOE will award its first-ever 25th Year of Outstanding Performance Award to the City of Port Townsend’s Wastewater Treatment Plant. A representa�ve from the DOE will visit City Council on Monday, December 4, to present the award to Bliss Morris, who leads the Wastewater Treatment and Compost Facility teams. Bliss and his team are proud to serve residents and visitors to Port Townsend with this essen�al service. “We are very excited about earning this award. It is a testament to our forefathers for the design and construc�on of the plant, but more so to the operators that work here every day to make sure the facility is operated and maintained in a manner that keeps the facility running smoothly day-in and day-out. 25 consecu�ve years is an outrageous accomplishment in that two of our operators, Dave Rodia and Mike Bartkus, have been here the en�re �me, making sure that every test gets done and making the correct adjustments year a�er year, season a�er season. Without their hard work and dedica�on accomplishments like this don’t happen, so this award is given to the City, but it is certainly the award of the operators and all credit and thanks is theirs.” Stay tuned for more opportuni�es to learn more about our sewer, wastewater treatment, and compost system investments over the coming months. CITY STAFF FEATURE Welcome! Richard Gould, Finance Manager Richard is the newest member of the City’s Finance team, already playing an integral role in the 2024 City Budget a�er just a few weeks on the job. He has worked in finance for local governments since 1997. As a Finance Director for 16 years, Richard served three small ci�es in the Sea�le-Tacoma area and has also worked for larger municipali�es like Shoreline and Federal Way. He noted, “I prefer to work in smaller ci�es as I think you can have a bigger impact. I have always loved numbers. I excelled in math in elementary school which paired with my love of baseball and what the num-bers, sta�s�cally speaking, told me about the game and players. I really got into accoun�ng when I a�ended the UW.” For everyone on our Finance Team, numbers are a way of life! The Finance Department currently has three openings: Director of Finance & Technology Services, Payroll Administrator, and U�lity Billing/Collec�ons Specialist. Learn about these posi�ons and more on our website: h�ps://cityofpt.applicantpool.com/jobs. Bliss shows the clean water at the end of the treatment system. City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us New Public Comment Form Star�ng December 1. Public comment is an important aspect of civic engagement! We invite you to par�cipate in civic discourse by providing public comment in-person or online. Effec�ve December 1, the public comment email address will no longer be ac�ve. Public comment can be submi�ed one of three ways: using a new online form, speaking in-person at a public mee�ng, or raising your hand during public comment when a�ending a public mee�ng virtually. In-person and webinar par�cipants are welcome to provide up to three minutes of public comment during a mee�ng, and the word count of the new comment form aligns with the three minute limita�on. A�achments are not allowed with public comment. Find the form and more informa�on on the City’s website: www.cityofpt.us/citycouncil. For ques�ons about how to provide public comment, please contact City Clerk Alyssa Rodrigues at 360-379-5083 or arodrigues@cityofpt.us. Water U�lity Rates to Increase January 1. Water use fees increase annually as required by an ordinance adopted in 2021. According to City Code, rates increase by 8% on average to cover the costs of the Water U�lity. At this �me, only water rates will be adjusted; sewer and stormwater rates will not increase un�l April 1, 2024. The City is currently evalua�ng the cost of service for the Sewer and Stormwater U�li�es and rate adjustments are planned to be presented to City Council for considera�on in the first quarter of 2024. Rates vary according to water usage and customer type. You can find a full schedule of current water, stormwater, and wastewater fees on the city’s website: h�ps://cityofpt.us/finance/page/u�lity-informa�on. CITY NOTICES Help Build New Steps for Access to Mountain View Dog Park The City’s Mountain View Dog Park is an important space for dogs who need vigorous exercise and has become a community gathering place where dogs and their people make connec�ons and friends. Mountain View Tail Waggers is the adopt-a-park group formed in 2023 for helping with rou�ne tasks and improvements at Mountain View Dog Park. They have been logging 70+ hours per month tackling many tasks to keep the dog park looking sharp. In the works are new steps down the steep entrance slope to facilitate ease of use and safety for all who use the park. Mountain View Tail Waggers are accep�ng dona�ons for this project. If you would like to donate, the City can accept park dona�ons via check sent to or dropped off at City Hall. Join your friends and neighbors for holiday fes�vi�es in a vibrant, tree-lit Port Townsend this month! Port Townsend Main Street, City of Port Townsend Public Library, and the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, along with many volunteers and businesses will host this year’s Enchanted Holidays in Port Townsend, funded in part by City of Port Townsend Lodging Tax. Jump on the Kiwanis holiday choo-choo train, take a photo with Santa, and don’t miss the annual tree ligh�ng ceremony at the Haller Fountain on December 2. See the full calendar at www.ptmainstreet.org. At the Library you can par�cipate in the 29th Annual Uptown Gingerbread Contest. Drop off submissions from December 1 to December 10 and view these incredible, edible crea�ons while enjoying a gingerbread-scented Library. Don’t forget to cast your vote before December 18. The winners will be announced on December 22. Learn About the Art of An�que Book Restora�on at the Public Library Sunday, December 3, 1:00 p.m. Don’t miss this presenta�on on the art of an�que book restora�on with Dave Myhre of Port Ludlow. Join him in the Charles Pink House to hear how he gives treasured heirlooms new life and beauty. See his projects, photos of his work-shop, and an�que tools. This event, along with many of the Library’s public programs are generously sponsored by the Friends of the Port Townsend Library. Learn more about them and their recent merger with the Port Townsend Public Library Founda�on at www.friendsofptlibrary.org. PUBLIC PROGRAMS & WAYS TO ENGAGE