HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 July_2023_newsletterNewsletterNewsletter MAY CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street (360)385-3000 www.cityofpt.us 07/03/23: Business Mee�ng07/04/23: City Offices Closed07/10/23: Council Workshop07/17/23: Business Mee�ngMee�ngs are subject to change. Please view our website calendar for an up-to-date mee�ng schedule:www.cityofpt.us/calendar Consider applying to be on a City Advisory Board or Commission. Visit our website for descrip-�ons, applica�ons, and mee�ng schedules: www.cityofpt.us For more informa�on, contact the City Clerk’s Office at: (360) 379-5083. The following Boards and Commissions have current and upcoming vacancies: Fort Worden PDA Library Advisory Board Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee Every member of your city council has been affected by the housing crisis in some way, from being unable to find housing for loved ones, to being unable to find employees, even for well-paying jobs, to being housing insecure themselves. I work in the field of affordable housing and am immersed daily in seeking solu�ons for a systemic problem. As noted on the City’s website, the lack of local affordable housing supply has devasta�ng ripple effects on families, cri�cal services, our educa�on system, and our local economy. We need more housing of all varie�es: suppor�ve housing, affordable housing, workforce housing, middle-income housing, and yes, even the dreaded market-rate housing. These units need to be built in balance—just building a bunch of one kind won’t do. As I said in a council mee�ng, the only way out of this crisis is with a hammer. The City does have a direct role in housing by providing infrastructure, incen�ves, and grant support. We also have a responsibility to remove barriers and work alongside those who are doing the day-to-day work of building housing. This is why housing remains at the forefront of the City’s strategic and work plans and will be a topic of much discussion at our July Council planning retreat. We are advoca�ng at the state and federal levels, which has resulted in fulfilled funding requests for land acquisi�on and u�lity infrastructure to support workforce housing at the Evans Vista property. We have changed zoning codes to hopefully unlock and inspire affordable, dense, quality infill development and allow �ny homes on wheels. We are looking at other targeted code changes, such as parking requirements, that affect the price of developing affordable housing. The City also partners with the agencies doing the on-the-ground work. We have offered reduc�ons in and deferrals of fees and provided educa�onal materials and opportuni�es. We collaborate with Jefferson County through the Housing Fund Board to distribute funding to local agencies for housing support to end homeless-ness and both affordable and workforce housing. I know it can’t be done fast enough or soon enough for those who are suffering from the lack of housing, and it will take all of us to solve this problem. I encourage you, if you are able and not overwhelmed by housing insecurity yourself, to find a place to par�cipate. You are invited to par�cipate in city and county mee�ngs addressing housing, and I can promise you that local agencies would love to have your contribu-�ons of �me and money. Addi�onally, opportuni�es to address higher-level elected officials are o�en available. And if you've been par�cipa�ng—thank you! I know that we won’t always get it exactly right (we’re frustrated about Cherry Street too!), but we have to keep trying. The best part of my day job is when we get to hand over a set of keys, and that only happens because so many people have come together in different ways to make it happen. h�ps://�nyurl.com/citysupportshousing JULY 2023 A Note From Deputy Mayor Amy Howard City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Last month, I invited you to watch a few short videos we’ve produced, featuring community priori�es like streets, parks, and housing. Each video aims to summarize what we have, what we might want, and what it might take to get there. Watch and share the videos on our YouTube channel at: h�ps://www.youtube.com/@CityofPortTownsend or on our website at: www.cityofpt.us/videos The videos coincide with the launch of a special report by the Financial Sustainability Task Force, which outlines how our community might meet ongoing and evolving community needs over the long-term. It’s a challenging balance and a daun�ng task, and it impacts every one of us and even future genera�ons. My sincere apprecia�on to the Task Force for their excellent work. The City Council receives their report this month, just prior to our annual all-day workplan retreat. I expect the Task Force report to form the founda�on of that 2024 workplan. The financial sustainability journey requires many steps over mul�ple years. This step is cri�cally important, as it’ll line up our yearly priori�es with that long-term journey in ways we have not managed to do before. You can read the report here: h�ps://cityofpt.us/engagept/page/financial-sustainability-ini�a�ve Warning, it’s not a light read! You can also join us at our workplan retreat on Monday, July 10 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the Port Pavilion Building, 355 Hudson Street. Like all City Council mee�ngs, it is open to the public. For those unable to a�end, you can provide public comments, review materials online, or hear more about how things go by stopping by for coffee with me at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, July 7 at Velocity, 431 Water Street or by listening to my radio show on 91.9 KPTZ each Thursday from 12:30 – 1:00 p.m. A Note From City Manager John Mauro Coffee with the City Manager First Friday of each month July 7, 9 - 10:30 a.m. Velocity, 431 Water Street City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Zoning and Building News The Department of Planning and Community Development has two important updates rela�ng to both zoning, and building regula�ons: 1.Effec�ve July 1, 2023, applica�ons for Tiny Houses on Wheels will be accepted. Tiny Houses on Wheels are autho-rized by permit only as an Accessory Dwelling Unit or in a Tiny House on Wheel Community. Learn more about the types of units that are allowed, unit pad, u�lity and �e-down requirements, permit fees, and applica�on process here:h�ps://cityofpt.us/planning-community-development/page/forms-documentsAll applica�ons must be submi�ed through the inspec�on and applica�on portal:h�ps://cityofpt.us/planning-community-development/page/inspec�on-and-permi�ng-portal2.The State Building Code Council has delayed the effec�ve date of the 2021 State building code amendments that include the Energy Code, Interna�onal Residen�al Code, and Wildland Urban Interface and other codes to October 29, 2023. Read more about the delay from the State Building Code Council here:h�ps://www.sbcc.wa.gov Planning & Community Development Public Works PUBLIC WORKS Parks Help with Trail Maintenance and Use City Equipment! The City’s Parks and Trails team has now been electrified! We are offering (ba�ery-powered) landscaping equipment available to lend out (with a signed waiver) to anyone interested in volunteering out there in the right-of-way taking care of the publicly-owned trails near your house or a favorite sec�on. Dozens of folks have signed up as city trail volunteers to trim and clear vegeta�on along our public trail sec�ons and we’d love to see more folks out support-ing the community trail system and helping our our team with over 31 miles of trails. Contact Bre Ganne via email at: bganne@cityofpt.us or 360.385-3000 ext 5008. Borrowing the tools is as easy as signing up, scheduling a brief appointment for safety training, taking home the tools with you for three days and returning them to Mountain View when you’re finished. Safety and Personal Protec�on Equipment will be provided. Also: Be on the lookout for our new trail signs going up around town this year. The City has created a new brochure, Right-of-Way Maintenance Requirements, to provide addi�onal informa�on regarding property owner vegeta�on maintenance. There are clear delinea�ons between property owner and city responsibili�es. Please see the new Right-of-Way Maintenance Requirements brochure located on the following web page for more informa�on:h�ps://cityofpt.us/publicworks/page/row-maintenance-requirements All documents associated with the Comprehensive Street Program are available onthe City’s website at: h�ps://cityofpt.us/engagept/page/comprehensive-streets-program City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Port Townsend Library Port Townsend Farmers Market Story�me: Saturday, July 1 from 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. Join us at the Port Townsend Farmers Market for an outdoor Story�me designed to build early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Story-�mes will be created with toddlers and preschool age children in mind, but all ages are welcome. Please dress for the weather, and bring a blanket or cushions to sit on. Collage Art Extravaganza: Wednesday, July 5 from 1 -2:00 p.m., Library Pink House Mee�ng Room. Ages 13-18. Make a one-of-a-kind collage, create a vision board, experiment, have fun! We'll supply the tools, you bring your crea�vity. Cookie Decora�ng Workshop: Thursday, July 6 from 1 - 2:00 p.m., Library Pink House Mee�ng Room. Ages 7-12.Join us for an a�ernoon of cookie decora�ng with Sarah Harrington from Cookie Daughters. Ages 7-12. Registra�on required. Call (360) 344-3059. D&D Camp: Wednesdays, July 12, July 19, and July 26 from 1 - 3:00 p.m., Library Pink House Mee�ng Room. Ages 13-18. Our skillful Dungeon Master, Charles, will help build characters and introduce players to D&D game-play. You can drop by any or all three sessions and have fun with an original quest. Dice, character sheets, maps, and pencils will be provided. Find Your Sound: Thursday, July 13 from 1 - 2:00 p.m., Library Pink House Lawn. Ages 7-16. Get up, move your body, and find your voice through soul music! Join in, use your imagina�on, and help Global Heat create a unique and one-of-a-kind song. This performance only! Voice Your Story: Thursday, July 20 from 1 - 2:00 p.m., Library Pink House Lawn. Ages 7-12. Join a local actor, voiceover ar�st and parent for a fun workshop for ages 7-12 exploring simple ways to find your own unique voice and share it with the world. Moana Sing-Along: Thursday, July 27 from 1 - 3:30 p.m., Library Pink House Mee�ng Room. Ages 3-12. Warm up your voices! Join us for a special movie screening where you are welcome to sing along with us. Snacks and cra�s will be provided. (Moana, 2016, PG) Teen Game Night: Monday, July 31 from 5 - 7:00 p.m., Library Carnegie Room. Ages 13-18. Teens are invited to enjoy the library a�er hours! We will set up our Nintendo Switch, pull out all our board games and have some fun. Pizza and snacks will be provided. Story�me in the Park: Tuesdays, June 6 - August 29 from 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Chetzemoka Park. Join us at Chetzemoka Park Gazebo for an outdoor story�me designed to build early literacy skills through stories, rhymes, songs, and full-body movement. Story�mes will be created with toddlers and preschool age children in mind, but all ages are welcome. Please dress for the weather, and bring a blanket or cushions to sit on. Wilderness at Your Doorstep: Wild Plants of the Fort Townsend State Park: Thursday, July 6, 7:00 p.m., Port Townsend Library. Join author Fred Weinmann for an evening talk in the Carnegie Reading Room. He is the author of the recent publica�on, Wilderness at Your Doorstep: Wild Plants of the Fort Townsend State Park. We'll learn about the na�ve plants that flourish in and around Fort Townsend State Park. Fred is a re�red botanist who worked with the University of Washington and the EPA. He is ac�ve with the Washington Na�ve Plants Society. The Life Story of a Mandolin that Toured the Klondike: Tuesday, July 18, 5:30 p.m., Library Pink House Mee�ng Room. For many years, art historian David Levine has been conduc�ng research on a nineteenth century Neapolitan mandolin long in his possession. This instrument, he has learned, enjoyed a privileged and exci�ng "life" in its heyday, taking part in numerous adventures and witnessing important social phenomena on several con�nents. Please join us for an evening talk to learn the story of this amazing instrument. PT Main Street Get Ready to Rock at Concerts on the Dock! Port Townsend Main Street’s Concerts on the Dock bring free music to downtown Port Townsend every Thursday, July 13 through August 31 at Pope Marine Park Plaza. Doors open at 4:30 p.m., music starts at 5:00 p.m. Come dance, see your friends, enjoy a drink and hear great music in a scenic se�ng. A beer, wine & cider garden for ages 21+ adds to the fes�ve atmosphere. This music on the waterfront is presented by The Port Townsend Main Street Program and Homer Smith Insurance. Concerts on the Dock is made possible by generous business sponsors. Check out our full line up at: h�ps://ptmainstreet.org/concerts-on-the-dock/