HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 March_2023_newsletterNewsletterNewsletter MARCH CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: March 2023 PT Main Street Loan Programs City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street (360)385-3000 www.cityofpt.us 03/06/23: Business Mee�ng 03/13/23: Workshop Mee�ng 03/20/23: Business Mee�ng Mee�ngs are subject to change. Please view our website calendar for an up-to-date mee�ng schedule:www.cityofpt.us/calendar Spring Deadline March 15, 2023 The Port Townsend Main Street Program offers two loan op�ons for Commercial Historic Districts: HUD Low-Interest Loans are available to rehabilitate commercial buildings in Port Townsend’s Commercial Historic Districts; and LENT Low-Interest Loan Program is available for Port Townsend Commercial Historic Districts’ businesses to offset some financial impacts businesses endure from emergency situa�ons, though business development proposals will be considered. Learn more at: ptmainstreet.org/business-resources/loan-programs/ Earth Day is April 22, 2023 Volunteers Needed! Earth Day is celebrated around the world on April 22nd each year. A Note from Councilmember Ben Thomas It’s �me to start baking cookies. Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. The �de of migra�on in our country has always flowed westward, but with climate concerns, we find it surging to the north. In fact, the arrow of this flow is poin�ng right toward us. And as the only municipality in our county in a state that sought to focus growth on density over sprawl with the Growth Management Act, we find ourselves standing in the “You are here” spot on the map of popula�on growth. It's natural to want to stem the �de of growth, to hang out a closed sign and roll up the welcome mat, to cut the mooring lines on the floa�ng bridge and let the sucker float on out to sea. But the world isn't going to pass us by. The pressure will con�nue to build un�l it overwhelms our best defenses. We've used a Byzan�ne development code – as patchwork as a beaver's dam – to stop the flow and frustrate builders and home-owners alike. But it's helped lead us to the brink of unviability as a community. The good news is that we’ve le� room for controlled growth in our empty lots and even in our own backyards. Our challenge now is to master the difficult art of growth with affordability, by building homes that are a�ainable for rent and ownership by people who actually earn their living in our town. By embracing this organic, fleshing out of our neighborhoods, we can encourage smaller dwellings that are efficient in design and tread lightly on the land rather than forest-clearing suburban developments of "Victorian-themed" mini mcmansions do�ng a sea of summer-browned lawns. Gentle density infill won't ruin your neighborhood. Crime goes up when we push people to the edges, not when we welcome them into a strong neighborhood of people who know each other's names and aren’t afraid to borrow a cup of sugar. Don't peek warily through the blinds, bake a trayful of welcome-to-our-neighbor-hood cookies. You may be welcoming someone who was nearly forced to leave, but instead found a way to stay. Your City Council is currently working on changes to the development codes to streamline smart growth. We’re trying to be as though�ul as we can, but we welcome your input. This is your town. Please share with us your ideas for growing without losing what’s special about living here. Opportunities for project engagement are listed in the PCD Housing Update on page three of this newsletter. Locally, the Port Townsend Main Street Program staff and dedicat- ed volunteers go out and spruce up downtown in prepara�on for spring. Projects can included extensive weeding at Adams Street Park, plan�ng new shrubs, adding to the planters at Tyler Street Plaza and cleaning street furniture. If you are interested in volunteering to help beau�fy Port Townsend, please email us at: admin@ptmainstreet.org. City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Welcome New City Staff I’ve wri�en this before, and it’s even more true today: our people are the City organiza�on. Whether you count on reliable water quality, streets maintenance, 24/7 police services, circula�on of library materials, or a wide-range of other services, they get done because of our City staff. Our team works hard, works together, and is commi�ed to public service. They’ve contribut-ed to building this community and con�nue to maintain and improve it for the future. It’s been a challenging few years for recrui�ng and retaining staff, not just at the City but in almost all ci�es and industries. I’d like to celebrate the arrival of new staff and staff promo-�ons the first quarter of this year and introduce them to you: •Alexis Gray and Rachel Leonard have joined us with rela�vely new, Gretchen Harmon as Public ExperienceLiaisons, present at the City Hall front desk;•Anthony Boruch-Comstock started last month as a Library Assistant,;•Robin Hill has been promoted to Permit Coordinator;•Jeff Kostechka started in January as our Assistant City Engineer;•Amber Long has been promoted to Interim HR Manager while we recruit our next People & PerformanceDirector;•Michael Spears has been promoted to Public Works Water Resources Opera�ons Manager;•Naomi Stern has been promoted to U�lity Billing/Collec�ons Specialist; and•Officer Hunter Welch was sworn in to the PT Police team in January, and joins a team rebuilding a�er manyyears of understaffing. We are also adver�sing for posi�ons in planning, communica�ons/marke�ng, streets, parks, and other areas – you can see current lis�ngs at: h�ps://cityofpt.applicantpool.com/jobs I’ve really enjoyed mee�ng and ge�ng to know each of our new team members and I know you will too. If you see or talk to them, please welcome them to their new roles – and remember to thank them for the hard work that they do for us all. A Note from City Manager John Mauro City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Vegetation Control PCD Housing Update The recently rebranded Department of Planning and Community Development (PCD) is working to simplify the permit process and encourage more housing into the development pipeline. Our Tac�cal Infill Housing project approaches its final stage in March. Staff will present dra� code amendments and hold public hearings with both, the Planning Com- mission and City Council. They will review zoning code changes to unlock barriers to inspire affordable, dense, quality infill development in the community such as; apartments, townhomes, and co�ages, which are typically smaller scaled and can cost less to construct than tradi�onal detached single-family homes. The project’s goal is to increase predictability and decrease risk for local small builders by removing barriers that currently exist in City Code. These changes are meant to ease the path to ownership model, building permit, and design process. Techniques will be reviewed, such as; simplifying co�age housing design standards, revising setback standards to allow a�ached units, allowing both - a�ached and detached Accessory Dwelling Units in one lot, and a new unit lot subdivision tool that provides an alterna�ve to a condominium model for co�age housing and townhome lot subdivision. The following dates are future opportuni�es for project engagement: • March 9, 6:30 p.m.: Planning Commission Hearing of proposed amendments • March 20, 6:00 p.m.: City Council Hearing of proposed amendments and poten�al ac�on • March 27, 6:00 p.m.: City Council Special Mee�ng of proposed amendments and poten�al ac�on Learn more about this project by visi�ng the project website, or scanning the QR code above: h�ps://cityofpt.us/planning-community-development/page/residen�al-building-capacity PCD is kicking off the Evans Vista Neighborhood Master Plan with Thomas Architecture Studios leading the project team. The team presented to City Council February 21, 2023, to provide project vision and goals, property loca�on, scope, economics and diversity, and exptected public par�cipa�on. This project is a rare opportunity for the communi- ty to shape exactly what is needed. Funding from the state, federal and county government for planning, property purchase, and sewer development has been secured. Learn about the project by visi�ng the project website, or by scanning the QR code to the right: h�ps://cityofpt.us/engagept/page/evans-vista-housing-development-master-plan The February newsle�er introduced the changes to our streets maintenance program in an effort to priori�ze pave- ment repair. There is no doubt that our streets need quite a lot of TLC. As spring is just around the corner and the grass and bushes are ready to sprout their spring growth, the City is reminding all property owners to stay ahead of the vegeta�on along all abu�ng rights -of -way. The majority of adjoining property owners maintain vegeta�on along their property frontage already. This year, the City will not mow right-of-ways between the street and the property line for all areas fron�ng private property. Mowing will only occur in front of city proper�es and along the bluffs on Washington Street and Water Street. Please visit our website for more informa�on and a link to an online map illustra�ng where the City will mow: h�ps://cityofpt.us/publicworks/page/streets-maintenance-and-collec�ons Please keep grass mowed and brush cut back from the street and sidewalks for the safety of all and stewardship of the right-of-way. Thank you for doing your part! City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Library Activities PT Public Library FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY SALE Saturday, March 18, 2023 NEW TIME! 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Early entry for members of the Friends at 9 a.m.) Port Townsend Community Center 620 Tyler Street Please join us for a wonderful selec�on of books and media for all ages. Shop and help support Library programs. Teen Pizza Party - Wednesday, March 8, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.Join us for an a�ernoon hangout with friends! Eat free pizza, play Nintendo Switch games, and learn aboutupcoming library programs for teens. Event will be held in the Pink House from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Open to grades 7-12. Generously supported by the Friends of the Port Townsend Library. Website: h�ps://ptpubliclibrary.org/library/page/teen-pizza-party-0 Teen Space - Wednesdays, March 15 - May 31, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.The space is yours on early release Wednesdays! Play games, make cra�s, and hang out with friends. Snacks provided. Open to grades 7-12. Teen Space will be held in the Pink House from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday a�ernoons, March 15 - May 31. Generously supported by the Friends of the Port Townsend Library. Website: h�ps://ptpubliclibrary.org/library/page/teen-space