Date: Sept. 5, 2023 Time: 3:00 pm Location: City Hall Council Chambers, and
virtually via GoToMeeting webinar
Members Present: Richard Berg (Chair), Craig Britton (Vice -Chair), Kathleen Knoblock; Kathleen Croston. Walter Galitzki, Michael D'Alessandro,
City Council member/HPC liaison Monica MickHager
Members Absent (excused): None.
Staff Present: John McDonagh, Senior Planner
Guests: Sean Hegstead representing Haven Design Workshop; Michael D'Alessandro (while recused) representing The Rose Theater; one
member of the public, Josh Kout.
Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
Call to Order
Chair Berg called the meeting to order at
3:05 p.m. He began by acknowledging the
recent passing of HPC member George
Randels. Chair Berg noted Randels long
service to the city including time on the
Planning Commission, the City Council and
HPC as well as other community
Other HPC members echoed Chair Berg's
comments, expressing gratitude for Randels'
experience, his keen observations and wry
sense of humor. All members commented
that Randels' presence will be missed.
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Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
Approval of Aug. 1, 2023 Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes as amended
by Britton, 2nd by Galitzki. Amendments
were minor but include clarity that SDL
windows be part of the Port's pre -approved
window types. All in favor 5-0.
Council Liaison MickHager asked about
filling of Randels vacancy. Members agreed
that it should be done, either by existing
person who's expressed interest or by
opening the invitation to the community.
Monica will discuss with Clerk on how best
to proceed.
Approval of the Agenda
Britton asked about Guidelines letter he
drafted & why it was not part of
Correspondence. McDonagh noted that
given the formal applications on the Agenda
and the tight timeline.
The Alliance Review magazine of the NAPC.
Appearance of Fairness:
Michael D'Alessandro said he would recuse
himself in acting as applicant for HPC23-018.
Public Comment (for any non -Agenda items)
None at the time.
No virtual hands up per McDonagh.
Old Business
A. HPC23-014, 1136 Water Street Hotel — Demo Sanderling Building and construct new
Moved for conditional approval of the
4 -story hotel with on-site surface parking; Review of revised window and siding treatment.
revised elevations by Britton, 2nd by
Galitzki. Motion is for Applicant to work
Applicant Presentation: Agents Sean Hegstead, Architect and Douglas Green with Haven
with staff on revisions to the ground floor
Design Workshop presented further building revisions based on HPC's 8-1-23 meeting
windows to bring more symmetry to them.
comments on windows and exterior siding. As revised, building elevations now show paired
Ground floor window changes can be
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Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
upper floor single -hung windows. Siding changes include a combination of narrow (4")
approved by staff, along with final light
horizontal lap siding alternating with wider (10") horizontal lap siding. This treatment is in
fixtures and other exterior design details
lieu of wider siding alternating with board -and -batten. The proposed first floor exterior and
including, but not limited to, materials and
overall color scheme remain unchanged (i.e., brick veneer first floor; light blue and pale
design for the rear retaining wall; the
yellow upper floors). Sample exterior light fixtures were also offered for discussion and
recycling/refuse enclosure; exterior
awnings were slightly raised to meet code required separation from sidewalk.
lighting. other exterior design details
including, but not limited to, materials and
Committee: Members agreed the window and siding revisions are more appropriate and
design for the rear retaining wall and
compatible with existing nearby buildings. Some, but not all, members suggested the ground
recycling/refuse enclosure; exterior
floor windows be more similar in their light pattern. Members advised light fixtures be fully
lighting. Staff is authorized, if needed, to
shielded and downward pointing.
bring back these details to HPC for further
review and recommendation.
Applicant Response: Sean explained revisions as summarized above. Answered member
questions about transom windows being covered by awnings. Sean noted that some light
A separate motion by Britton with 2nd by
will still enter first floor even with awnings (which are fixed).
Croston was made to: a) Approve
demolition of the existing building as soing
Staff: McDonagh recommended approval of the revisions as presented with a couple of
so is not detrimental to the character of the
possible revisions to ground floor windows (i.e., making them more similar in light pattern),
historic district; b) That changes that allow
using fully shielded exterior lights and the possible use of hardi-panel alternating with the
improvements such as elevators to exceed
wider horizontal siding. McDonagh noted that HPC still needed to make a formal
height limits be explored, and, c) that
recommendation on demolition of the existing building and on how to approach remaining
remaining design details (e.g., door
design details (e.g., the north property line retaining wall, mechanical equipment screening,
hardware, exterior lighting, etc.) be
exterior light fixtures, recycling/refuse enclosure materials/design, signage, etc.). Staff also
delegated to staff for review and approval.
noted to Applicant that final refuse/recycling enclosure will need some form of arbor to deter
Staff is authorized, if needed, to bring back
wildlife from getting into the enclosure.
these details to HPC for further review and
Public Comment: Josh Kout — Admittedly not well versed in historic preservation matters,
the speaker discussed his experience and appreciation for 2 buildings in other communities
All in favor, 5-0.
(Fairhaven & Ruston). He also asked about authenticity requirements and general historic
preservation regulations in effect for Pt. Townsend. Staff and the Chair briefly described the
HPC's use of adopted Guidelines in their review of proposals.
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Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
New Business
A. HPC23-018 — New backlit LED movie poster signs for the Rose Theater
Moved by Croston to approve as presented.
No formal 2nd was made.
Applicant Presentation: Michael D'Alessandro, owner of The Rose Theater, presented their
proposal for installing backlit LED movie poster signs in the theater. Michael explained that
Motion by Knoblock was that HPC
more and more of the film studios are moving away from paper posters in favor of
recommend approval of the sign code
changeable LED signs. The image on each would remain static while movie was part of the
departure for the proposal as presented.
theater schedule. .......
2nd by Croston. All in favor, 4-0 with 1
Committee: One member asked clarifying questions (e.g., confirm the new signs are backlit
and produce no sound) and suggested some possible conditions which could include a limit
on brightness (i.e., lumen output) and specify the sign image will remain statics (or least
remain so for a period of time). Another member countered that efforts to assign a lumen
maximum without additional research would be difficult to quantify as part of the current
application and doing so may be overly subjective. HPC's Council liaison suggested
Guidelines for these types of signs be sought for development in the 2024 or 2025 Workplan.
Two members felt this type of signage would become more prevalent and the City and HPC
needed to accept it as more of the norm. One member also stated the sign code departure
process was useful for dealing with this case as well as others in the near term until more
specific Guidelines can be developed.
Staff: No further comment.
Public Comment: The speaker felt that an appropriate lumen level can be determined and to
consider future requests for similar signage. The existing integrity of the Rose Theater needs
to be maintained.
Other Business/Announcements:
B. HPC Recommendations for 2024 Workplan
Galitzki asked if the 2nd letter be sent to
Britton described initial Workplan letter presented to Council at their July retreat, which
Council and that an ad hoc committee to
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Public Comment with Motions,
Recommendations and/or Action
repeated Workplan requests from years past. Britton had prep'd a supplemental letter
review approved items and/or finish draft
outlining 4 additional Workplan items (at least 2 of which that are not currently within HPC's
Guidelines. Britton suggests that all existing
purview, specifically better coordination on Public Art installations and better coordination
Guidelines undergo ad hoc committee
with Main Street on grant opportunities they pursue, even considering a survey of residents
review in addition to the new 4 draft
and owners on possible projects). Another proposed Workplan addition was development of
Guidelines. All members in favor, 5-0. Chair
a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with State Parks regarding projects that occur at Ft.
Berg asked that this topic be put on the next
Worden. State Parks would continue having final decision-making authority on proposed
Agenda to further clarify Workplan items
projects but HPC would be consulted. Lastly of the 4 additional items is to work on the
and transmission to Counci.
Historic Housing Inventory, perhaps revisit the 2010 work done within the NHLD but perhaps
more importantly is continuing inventory work for areas outside the NHLD.
Members clarified for Council liaison Mich -Hagar that Britton's supplement letter had not be
shared with Council yet; however, McDonagh indicated the 4 new items were inserted into
the matrix done for Council's consideration. One member noted that HPC's role in Public Art
was not in the staff prepared Council matrix.
Chair Berg suggested he sign the supplement letter & send to Council. If not incorporated
into the 2024 Workplan, it may be sought again in the 2025 Workplan. Another member
suggested that there may not be time to complete the approved Workplan. Mick -Hager
stated that staffing levels are being increased which will hopefully make more time available
to focus on Workplans.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
Tuesday, October 3.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
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