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091123 City Council Workshop Meeting Packet
PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 540 WATER STREET Workshop Meeting 6:00 p.m. September 11, 2023 • Attend in person or virtually via computer or tablet at„zt;t;p;;//„c,i�v,%�r,.,c enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 242-937-955 • Phone only (muted - listen -only mode) United States: Local Dial In — (360) 390-5064 access code: 706-376-5054 Live stream (listen only): https:Hcityofpt.us/citycouncil/page/agendasminutesvideos. Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to: RL-11Acc 1-y1mcf�t:(�>c If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please attempt all methods listed above before reporting any issues to: c „ r,1 „sL pp 1„( >, ityc l t. L Call to Order/ Roll Call IL General Public Comment (regarding items not on the agenda) III. Discussion Items A. Facilitated Workshop and Discussion about our Community's Assets a. Staff Presentation b. Public Comment c. Council Discussion IV. Adjourn Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring accommodation for this meeting should note the City Clerk's Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at (360) 379-5083. Port Townsend's Need for Affordable Housing and Evans Vista: Comments to Port Townsend City Council Concerning the Evans Vista Project Viki Sonntag, September 11, 2023 Evans Vista presents a significant opportunity to address the critical need of housing for all in our rural community. The project may well be a once -in -a -generation chance to build housing on the scale of a neighborhood here in Port Townsend. It then stands to reason that the planning and design for Evans Vista should be based on a detailed, factual understanding of Port Townsend's housing needs. The Mandate In 2021, the Washington Legislature changed the way communities are required to plan for housing. RCW ww mandates that the city plan for and accommodate housing affordable to all income levels. This means developing policies and regulations to support and enable housing production affordable at each income level, (specified in terms of percentage of Area Median Income or % AMI), as well as demonstrating there is adequate land capacity at appropriate levels of density. Specifically, the next periodic comprehensive plan update due June 30, 2025 must consider strategies that "[make] adequate provisions for existing and projected needs of all economic segments of the community" as provided by Washington State Department of Commerce's HAPT tool by adopting "local housing goals, policies and implementation strategies that provide solutions to existing problems and guidance to future housing development" (RCW 36.70A.070; Guidance for Updating Your Local Housing Element). Additionally, the updated Comprehensive Plan must identify "policies and regulations to address and begin to undo racially disparate impacts, displacement, and exclusion in housing caused by local policies, plans, and actions." (Displacement refers to when housing or neighborhood conditions force moves.) While the city is not compelled to follow these requirements in planning and designing Evans Vista as the project precedes next year's comprehensive plan update, it would seem more than sensible to do so now, especially as the city is not likely to undertake such a large-scale site specific greenfield project for years to come. At the very least, the city should establish a needs basis for their stated goals for the Evans Vista project. If the project doesn't serve the longer term needs of the community, then it would be a tremendous waste of resources, including the $500,000 paid to the architectural consultant. The Need The Evans Vista project goals call for 100 to 150 workforce units and 30 to 50 affordable units or roughly 2 workforce units to every affordable housing unit (Aug 7, 2023 Briefing on Evans Vista Site Plan Alternatives, Outreach and Financial Discussion). These goals are not in alignment with the Washington Department of Commerce's projected needs for housing by income bracket in Port Townsend/Jefferson County, issued in March of this year. The HAPT data for Port Townsend show that the number of units needed by 2044 for incomes 80% AMI and below (affordable units) is 1,026, where 143 units are needed for workforce units, the 80-120% AMI brackets (see Table 1). That is, the projected need for affordable units is seven times greater than for the need for Page 1 of 8 From: , k T. 11" n ,,A Subject: Public Comment for 9.11.23 City Ca ,di Meeting Date: Sunday, September 10, 2023 11:52:46 AM Attachments: T 1 T1bl1A, F ton VlrNrel.onc ert v2 rn,r= shaft 4.on Evans Vita and the Need fof Affordable Housha fdf Evans Vista presents a significant opportunity to address the critical need of housing for all in our rural community. As such, the planning and design for Evans Vista should be based on a detailed, factual understanding of Port Townsend's housing needs. State law mandates that the city plan for and accommodate housing affordable to all income levels. This means developing policies and regulations to support and enable housing production affordable at each income level. RCW 36.70A.070 also requires the city to identify "policies and regulations to address and begin to undo racially disparate impacts, displacement, and exclusion in housing caused by local policies, plans, and actions." While the city is not compelled to follow these requirements in planning and designing Evans Vista as the project precedes next year's comprehensive plan update, it would seem more than sensible to do so now. At the very least, the city should establish a needs basis for their stated goals for the Evans Vista project. There also needs to be an evidence -based discussion of where Evans Vista's subsidies should go for the greater good. The current Evans Vista project goals call for 100 to 150 workforce units and 30 to 50 affordable units or roughly 2 workforce units to every affordable housing unit. However, according to Washington Department of Commerce data, the projected need for affordable units in Jefferson County is seven times greater than the need for workforce units. Moreover, of the 3,985 units needed to meet growth by 2044 in Jefferson County, including Port Townsend, more than half are needed to address current unmet affordable housing needs. Clearly, the project goals are not in alignment with housing needs. We know that Port Townsend's growing number of displaced families and individuals results from the lack of affordable housing. This scarcity not only puts people at greater risk for homelessness, it keeps people homeless for longer periods of time. Longer times mean an increased need for shelter beds. The operational costs of supplying emergency housing at the scale projected by Commerce to meet our needs in 20 years is over $7 million annually. It is evident that the better option would be to build low-income affordable housing now. Further, the lack of an affordable housing strategy is effectively highly discriminatory in its impact, if not its intent. It is extremely -low to low- income households that bear the brunt of Port Townsend's housing crisis. Currently, over 90% of Port Townsend renters in the 30-50% AMI bracket are housing cost -burdened compared to 22% in the 80-120% AMI income bracket. Assessing the equity trade-offs associated with different subsidies and financing options relative to the city's housing goals should be the job of the consultants. The city has yet to identify a strategy to provide affordable housing to low-income households or address displacement. Over time, an imbalance in the supply of affordable units versus the need replicates the market dynamics that led to the housing crisis in the first place. The market does not and will not provide affordable housing sufficient to demand. There is no housing trickle down as some economists would have you believe. There is no evidence that building more housing "attainable" to middle-income households will result in more affordable housing becoming available. In answer to the question posed by the Evans Vista consultants on whether to prioritize affordable or workforce unit production, the equitable, evidence -based answer is to maximize affordable housing production in line with the city's housing needs by income bracket. Please read the more detailed, evidence -based housing needs analysis below, also attached as a pdf. Port Townsend's Need for Affordable Housing and Evans Vista: Comments to Port Townsend City Council Concerning the Evans Vista Project Viki Sonntag, September 11, 2023 Evans Vista presents a significant opportunity to address the critical need of housing for all in our rural community. The project may well be a once -in -a -generation chance to build housing on the scale of a neighborhood here in Port Townsend. It then stands to reason that the planning and design for Evans Vista should be based on a detailed, factual understanding of Port Townsend's housing needs. The Mandate In 2021, the Washington Legislature changed the way communities are required to plan for housing. RCW 36,70A.070 mandates that the city plan for and accommodate housing affordable to all income levels. This means developing policies and regulations to support and enable housing production affordable at each income level, (specified in terms of percentage of Area Median Income or % AMI), as well as demonstrating there is adequate land capacity at appropriate levels of density. Specifically, the next periodic comprehensive plan update due June 30, 2025 must consider strategies that "[make] adequate provisions for existing and projected needs of all economic segments of the community" as provided by Washington State Department of Commerce's HAPT tool by adopting "local housing goals, policies and implementation strategies that provide solutions to existing problems and guidance to future housing development" (RCW 36.70A.070; Guidance for Updating Your Local Housing Element). Additionally, the updated Comprehensive Plan must identify 'policies and regulations to address and begin to undo racially disparate impacts, displacement, and exclusion in housing caused by local policies, plans, and actions." (Displacement refers to when housing or neighborhood conditions force moves.) While the city is not compelled to follow these requirements in planning and designing Evans Vista as the project precedes next year's comprehensive plan update, it would seem more than sensible to do so now, especially as the city is not likely to undertake such a large-scale site specific greenfield project for years to come. At the very least, the city should establish a needs basis for their stated goals for the Evans Vista project. If the project doesn't serve the longer term needs of the community, then it would be a tremendous waste of resources, including the $500,000 paid to the architectural consultant. The Need The Evans Vista project goals call for 100 to 150 workforce units and 30 to 50 affordable units or roughly 2 workforce units to every affordable housing unit (Aug 7, 2023 Briefing on Evans Vista Site Plan Alternatives, Outreach and Financial Discussion). These goals are not in alignment with the Washington Department of Commerce's projected needs for housing by income bracket in Port Townsend/Jefferson County, issued in March of this year. The HAPT data for Port Townsend show that the number of units needed by 2044 for incomes 80% AMI and below (affordable units) is 1,026, where 143 units are needed for workforce units, the 80-120% AMI brackets (see Table 1). That is, the projected need for affordable units is seven times greater than for the need for workforce units. Yet, the goals for Evans Vista maintain the existing imbalance in housing need at two workforce units to one affordable unit. workforce units. Yet, the goals for Evans Vista maintain the existing imbalance in housing need at two workforce units to one affordable unit. If we look at the data on existing homeless and housing cost -burdened households, the need for affordable housing is even greater. Of the 3,985 units needed to meet growth in Jefferson County by 2044, more than half (2,200 - 26) are needed to address current unmet affordable housing needs (see Table 2). Table 1, Permanent Housing Needs by Income Level (% of Area Median Income) 900.00% -Sum of user inputs for jurisdiction shares of county future net housing need. If MetTarget below 100% increase shares. Ifabove 100% decrease shares. Permanent Housing Needs by Income Level (% of Area Median Income) Housing Needs Unincorporated Estimated Housing Supply (2020) 11,159 433 0 1,507 1,559 993 1,385 ... Jefferson County Allocation Method A (2020-2044) 2,550 1,023 158 357 284 111 141 Port Townsend Estimated Housing Supply (2020) city Allocation Method A (2020-2044) 5,692 371 16 350 1,529 722 614 1,435 576 89 201 160 63 80 Source: Washington Department of Commerce, HAPT Spreadsheet for Jefferson County, median growth projection Table 2, Current and Projected Net Housing Needs by Income Level for Jefferson County Affordability Level (% of AMI) Housing Needed to Housing Needed for + Eliminate Existing Existing Homeless: i Renter Cost Burden Population ,� ,,,,��i�iiiiii Hahglfeefysfst, �GYc%titfilAvH'o'afrk(�ss- PU, of Households by income Level (2018) k6erLWhingHfj j�'jg Ffeetcr"" Ha u PrkSyected €uture ket„ NeW F+��jfrnemt Fi4e 'a`iO3p �y�m Total Not Now Housing Need 2020-2044selYofdGYawtFr'��`�`�° 0-30% 704 930 1,634 11.9% 212 1,846 0-30% (Not PSH) 1,599 PSH 247 247 >30%-50% 285 103 388 9.5% 170 558 >50-80% 152 - 152 16.4% 292 444 >80-100% - - - 9.7% 174 174 >100-120% 26 - 26 10.9% 195 221 >120% - - - 41.6% 742 742 Total 1 1,167 1,033 1 2,200 1 100.0%1 1,785 1 1 3,985 Projected Emerge ny Housing Net Nee d: 2020-2044 556 *** This column represents housing needed to address projected household growth, after accounting for housing needs for cost -burdened households and the existing homeless population. The combined housing need for the existing cost burdened and homeless population is subtracted from the Projected Net Housing Need for HH Growth in the table above, and the remaining housing units are distributed according to the income level percentages in the previous column. If housing need for cost burdened households and homeless exceed the Projected Net Housing for HH Growth, the values in this column are set to zero. Source: Washington Department of Commerce, HAPT Spreadsheet for Jefferson County, median growth projection Affordable Housing is Workforce Housing Bureaucratic language frequently obscures basic needs. Such is the case with the term "workforce housing" and the use of the term "attainable" to refer to middle-income affordability. My experience is that not many people realize that workforce housing designates housing for folks making 80% AMI or greater, while "affordable housing" refers to housing for those making less than 80% AMI. Nor do many know where they stand on the income scale. Anyone who works for a living may rightly feel that since they are part of the workforce, then the workforce housing goals for Evans Vista would include them, although this is not the case. Occupations with median incomes less than 80% AMI ($53,920 in 2021) include: most grocery store workers; carpenters; most marine trades workers; most artists; social service workers (including those working for homeless and affordable housing providers such as OlyCAP and Dove House); restaurant and hospitality workers; homecare workers; computer repair persons; plumbers; auto mechanics; and city council members, Page 2 of 8 among many others. All of these workers are important to a functional economy here in Port Townsend and, more importantly, merit housing — regardless of their income level. Their livelihoods are also what makes Port Townsend unique. Moreover, the term "workforce housing" is troubling because for many, myself included, as it conveys the idea that workers are somehow more deserving of housing than those who don't work (in the formal economy) for whatever reason, including seniors on fixed incomes. Instead of reinforcing social divisions (that have real consequences for people's lives) with bureaucratic terminology, what if our guiding principle was designing policy and community with the goal of housing for all? Displacement, Homelessness and Affordable Housing In the book Homelessness is a Housing Problem, Gregg Colburn and Claytin Aldern provide solid evidence of the relationship between homelessness and the lack of affordable housing. Further, at a joint city/ county/port presentation this past June, Greg Coburn spoke decisively of the need for affordable housing subsidies to address homelessness. Port Townsend's growing number of displaced families and individuals results from the lack of affordable housing. This scarcity not only puts people at greater risk for homelessness, it keeps people homeless for longer periods of time. Discounting the dire need for low-income affordable housing compounds the discriminatory effects of housing inequality over time. Currently, over 90% of Port Townsend renters in the 30-50% AMI bracket are housing cost -burdened compared to 22% in the 80-120% AMI income bracket (see Chart 1). When the difference in remaining dollars to meet other household needs is considered, the lack of an affordable housing strategy is effectively highly discriminatory in its impact, if not its intent. For example, a massage therapist with a 53% AMI income has $1740 a month left for non -housing expenses compared to $3583 for a registered nurse with an 110% AMI income, both making median income for their professions and both paying 42% of their income in rent, except that the registered nurse is much less likely to be rental cost -burdened. Simply put, extremely -low to low- income households bear the brunt of Port Townsend's housing crisis. Likewise, being severely cost -burdened is one of the most significant determinants of future homelessness. While significant numbers of households are severely rental cost -burdened (1,642 in Jefferson County or nearly 10% of all households), there are no rental severely cost -burdened households over 80% AMI (see Chart 1). (Severely cost burdened households pay more than 50% of their income in rent.) Chart 1, % Rental Cost BLArdened by % AMI (2.02.1) 1.00% 30% 40% 20% U1111 I E1111 iva�a iva�a iva�a iva�a 0% 1.0% 20% 30% 4'0% 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1.00% 1.1.0% 1.20% X41 f11f % cost burdened 2021. 11111.IC % cost burdened 2021. 11111.IC % severdy cost burdened 2021. Source: ACS B25106 TENURE BY HOUSING COSTS AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS Page 3 of 8 The lack of affordable housing also prolongs the length of time in homelessness. Currently, the average time spent homeless in Jefferson County is well over a year and at the height of the pandemic it was almost two years (see Chart 2). Longer times mean an increased need for shelter beds. Meanwhile, people are being told that the wait time to obtain Section 8 housing vouchers is over 6 years but there are more vouchers than there are Section 8 units for rent. 700 600 1500 400 00 Chart 2. .DC Homeless System Performance 2015 2022 [s •1i fffffffffffffff"487 Offfff" 73 200 1.00 aA01ZS IJ. �611o111I06�611o111IF6uulln➢nll IIF o�111N11\111o1ANn➢n9a0➢➢IPmllmlNn➢n1YAW11!��p.��u�� II ud llugpgplN@o1M111 85""'k 69 97 �....r.,n..... 86 I 207.15 207.6 207.7 207.8 207.0 2020 2027. 2022 m�mamamamamnma�e9. muuumuuuuuuuuu 9 Ila�rta Project o,iect I:::ritrues I...eri�,t i of Ifurne I -carne ess Source: Washington State Homeless System Performance County Report Card The Economic Costs of Displacement, Housing Precarity, and Homelessness Much has been said of the impacts of the housing crisis on our local economy and the related environmental costs of people commuting from outside the city and county to fill local jobs. Less has been remarked on the high cost of homelessness and housing precarity. Commerce projects that the county and city need to plan for an additional 444 emergency housing beds (projected emergency bed need of 614 beds minus existing beds) in Jefferson County by 2044, partly based on an adjustment factor to account for the length of time in homelessness. The cost of emergency housing services for 2022 was $32 per household per day (Washington State Homeless System Performance County Report Card). Figure the operational costs of supplying emergency housing at the projected scale for a total of over $7 million ($7,171,520) annually, and it is evident that the better option would be to build low-income affordable housing now. The economic impact of repeated displacement on the housing insecure should also be accounted for. I have heard stories of people being turned down for jobs in Port Townsend because they were unhoused. While this is anecdotal, if true, it represents a serious form of discrimination. In addition, the situation of renters is more economically precarious than home -owners. It is not uncommon for renters, should they find housing, to be displaced more than once per year, with each subsequent rental taking more of their income on top of the costs of moving. Moreover, few low-income renters have the resources to move into more stable home -ownership or even qualify for subsidized low-income homes such as Habitat Page 4 of 8 provides. Needless to say, the distribution of homeownership by income is highly unequal (see Chart 3). (Note that in 202180% AMI was approximately $54,000.) Chart 3 - Distribution of Homeowners with Mortgages by Income 2021 11111111111111111111111111 v o w nnil d IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ��,, i,�n���+,:,r,� i00000000000� i00000000000i ����������������� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Source: Policy Map's Housing Needs Assessment Report for Port Townsend based on American Community Survey Data The bottom line for low-income households is that housing security is economic security and economic security is housing security. Competition for Subsidies In presentations to the Evans Vista Technical Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council, the consultant advocated that the city should not compete with local non-profit housing providers for affordable housing financing dollars. There are several problems with this narrative. As discussed above, from a system's viewpoint, the lack of affordable housing is a primary cause of homelessness. This, in turn, severely affects the ability of housing providers to provide homeless system services at the scale necessary to provide safe and secure housing for all. Most housing providers, who are well aware of this barrier to their performance, are likely to welcome collaboration with the city to compete for affordable housing dollars. Such collaboration is likely to enhance the competitiveness of financing proposals. (Note that "not competing" is not the same thing as collaborating.) Moreover, our local non-profit housing providers, for the main part, do not focus on building subsidized affordable housing (as opposed to emergency and permanent supportive housing), the exceptions being Habitat and the recently established Olympic Housing Trust. However, it has been only in this past year that Habitat implemented permanently affordable deed restrictions on the sale of their units (a huge win for affordable housing) and Olympic Housing Trust is still building their first five units. This year OlyCAP's 7th Haven added 33 affordable rental housing units for extremely low-income households in addition to 10 permanent supportive units (another win) but OlyCAP does not currently have plans to build more affordable housing units. Bayside Housing is exploring the possibility of supplying affordable rental housing units because of the shortage. Further, of the 424 existing subsidized non -voucher rental units, built by both non-profit and for profit housing developers, 178 (or 42% of them) have their subsidies expiring before 2044 (data from Housing Fund Board's Emergency and Affordable Housing Inventory). While local housing providers are doing their best with what resources they have, the rationale for the city not competing with non-profit service providers seems to be based in part on the unfounded assumption that it is non-profit housing providers who are responsible for meeting the need for affordable housing. At the same Page 5 of 8 time, the city has floated plans to provide subsidies to middle-income households to buy homes, effectively setting up competition between middle- and low-income households for scarce resources. While many middle- income home buyers cannot afford to buy a home and many of them are paying rents that do not allow them to save for purchasing a home, there needs to be an evidence -based discussion of where subsidies should go for the greater good. As pertains to Evans Vista, developing a mix of homes accessible and affordable to a range of incomes is desirable. From a sustainability viewpoint, having a mix of rents sufficient to maintaining the property is important to economic viability, as is socioeconomic integration. What is not being asked, however, is: what is the appropriate balance between low and middle-income housing subsidies with regard to economic equity? Many middle-income buyers have already benefitted from income tax deductions for previously owned homes. It is estimated that nationally for every $12 dollars of homeownership tax benefits received by middle-income households, low-income households receive 8 cents ($0.08) (talkpoverty.org). In addition, many middle-income folks retiring to Port Townsend are able to pay cash for home purchases, that is, their ability to purchase is not based on income. The city should limit any housing subsidies for middle-income households to first time home buyers. Such programs are already common which means there is no need to invent a new class of subsidies to support "attainable" housing. In sum, it is not that middle-income folks don't have access to subsidies (as is too often claimed), it's just that public subsidies take a different form for middle-income home buyers than they do for low-income renters. More disconcertingly, due to funding limitations most low-income renters eligible to receive rental assistance don't receive it (see Chart 4). While a comparable analysis for Jefferson County is still in the works, preliminary evidence points in the same direction with only 28% of households eligible to receive assistance receiving it. Chart 4 — Percentage of Those Eligible Receiving Rental Assistance 7161/of Low-Incorne Renters IhYeeding Federal Rental Assistance Don't Receive It & Unassisted vs. assisted.... households, headed by someone who: Is not disabled or a.senior, no child at home 76% unassisted Is caring for a child at home I"75% IumrWIISSII'teM Is a senior, no child at horns ,ro�r;dtit Is disabled. Ino cW%d a'LN%o%`ne rp��Vn <I` r 10 l"1 4("i laft)lU u7.k„�,=wt d .Iha:y y11'1 UIrwn 3111} 11 ny a t' I .... I II =...h Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Page 6 of 8 On average, nationally, families that receive rental vouchers spend close to two and a half years on waitlists first (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities hat .�k:� � �.�ar rc�sc��r�h� h��ae.usiirn f�r�niilliic�s ait cars for g Y K...................................................................C......K......................g....................................................................................................g............................................................................................................................................. h ae„usi ng y��ae,uch er„s c�„e,u_e-9,o-lima_d.eg.!..jp c „±,un_jiirng). As noted above, the cited wait list time in Jefferson County is six years. Besides, such assistance comes with strings attached. For example, since rental subsidies are income- qualified, renters often face the dubious choice between a higher paid job and losing their housing. (The intent of the above discussion on subsidies is not to enumerate the differences between various subsidies but to examine the impacts of competition for subsidies from an equity standpoint.) Financing Affordable Housing The question of how to finance development and where to find this financing frequently determines what is built and how it is built. In other words, financing too often drives what is developed. Without a full accounting of the costs of financing, we are left to see the choice of financing as either more housing or none. To my mind, this oversimplifies both the housing crisis and its solutions. Although I am not qualified to make a financial assessment (financing is not my expertise), I am rightly concerned that "either/or thinking” caused the Cherry Street debacle and that we did not learn from that experience. This "either/or" thinking is reinforced by the false urgency of hang to make a decision. I am dismayed that the Evans Vista project keeps growing with the result that outside for-profit developers dependent on very costly financing (i.e. financing with high interest rates to offset the risk) becomes the preferred development option. It would be good to hear what the financing options are and their costs from someone other than developers. For example, I have read that the most competitive proposals for federal subsidies are those with higher percentages of affordable housing. Assessing the equity trade-offs associated with different subsidies and financing options relative to the city's housing goals should be the job of the consultants. But I have yet to see any analysis of these considerations. Finding a Strategy The question of who benefits from the Evans Vista housing development should be a paramount one. To answer this question, the city should plan for housing affordable to all income levels. The city has yet to identify a strategy to provide affordable housing to low-income households or address displacement as is required by state law. Namely, the city in its next comprehensive plan update must Identify and implement policies and regulations to address and begin to undo racially disparate impacts, displacement, and exclusion in housing caused by local policies, plans, and actions. I don't believe we can afford to wait. Infill and density strategies are essential to addressing the market shortage of housing but they are not enough! The best evidence says that middle housing strategies address the need for housing that is affordable to middle- income households, (although Housing Solutions Network has repeatedly questioned whether we can expect even this). At best, more middle-income housing slows market rate increases in home prices and rents. Over time, an imbalance in the supply of affordable units versus the need replicates the market dynamics that led to the housing crisis in the first place. The market does not and will not provide affordable housing sufficient to demand. There is no housing trickle down as some economists would have you believe. There is no evidence that building more housing "attainable" to middle-income households will result in more affordable housing becoming available. Does Port Townsend really need more market -rate housing? Page 7 of 8 That is why we should use the Evans Vista opportunity to address housing for low-income households, in particular, rental housing. Subsidized low-income affordable housing is an essential pathway to housing as a universal basic service, namely, housing for all. In answer to the question posed by the Evans Vista consultants on whether to prioritize affordable or workforce unit production, the equitable, evidence -based answer is to maximize affordable housing production in line with housing needs by income bracket. As stated in the Vision Statement for the Evans Vista Project, "Housing is paramount to an equitable, healthy and inclusive community, and getting it right helps sustain and strengthen Port Townsend's unique identity with strong historical roots and a creative and intentional approach to the future [emphasis added]." Page 8 of 8 From: Toni Blanchard To: CitvCouncil; John Mauro; David Faber; publiccomment 6citvofot.us; Carrie Hite Subject: Golf Course Workshop Date: Sunday, September 10, 2023 8:24:12 PM Hello Councilmembers— I just would like to bring up something I haven't heard discussed or mentioned all along with the options being considered for the golf course, that, you might want to take into consideration as you whittle down the options and plan going forward. That would be this proposed ampitheatre. Construction of a municipal ampitheatre - even a small one of 300 seat capacity (approx. 45,000 sq feet), is NOT cheap!! It would cost the city upwards of $75,000 - $100,000 to build. It would require restrooms (H2O)/sound equipment/lighting/parking for at least 300 people and ongoing maintenance expenses. Our summer music venue downtown in the summers attracts over 400 people each week, so, any music venue on the course would need to prepare for crowds at least of that size. It seems conflicting with the idea of putting even more houses right near this music venue. It already seems conflicting with the neighborhood homes already right within ear shot of the proposed site. The one man who spoke for a need for a venue for our local orchestra to play at (Open house man) mentioned they couldn't afford paying fees for their venue. Seems with the costs associated with having an ampitheatre, someone will need to be generating $$ for it's use to justify the expense of the building of it/maintaining of it. Just food for thought as you add/delete and contemplate amenities and usage of our golf course Monday night at your workshop Thanks, Joni P.S. Please somehow keep the 9 - Hole Golf COURSE! From: Gabe Van Lelvveld To: publiccommentCcitvofot.us Subject: Golf Course Date: Sunday, September 10, 2023 3:39:46 PM Dear Port Townsend City Council, When it comes to the golf course, I'm sure by now you've heard it all. Personally, the process of volunteering on the stakeholder's committee as well as my attempts to engage the broader community on the topic, have been both enlightening and, at times, quite frustrating. I've learned just how hard it is to be critical of the status quo without being unnecessarily divisive. I've learned that a certain segment of the public brings a tremendous amount of baggage with them when they engage, and that this can seriously impede dialogue. I've also learned that there are a lot of people who care deeply about our community and are doing their best to stay informed and make thoughtful decisions. I'll be the first to admit that I went into this process with a bias against golf, and I was hoping that at this late stage in the game I would have a clear and concise position on this topic. But if there is one thing I've learned above all else, it's that this isn't a simple decision. If it was, it would have been made long ago. Consequently, I'd like to take this opportunity to lay out my current thinking about the highest and best use for the future of this valuable public property. First, I owe the golfing community an apology. In my attempts to show people why I believe this issue is worth caring about, I have criticized various aspects of not just the Port Townsend Golf Course but the sport of golf itself. I have written about water and chemical usage, other environmental factors, as well as its geographical requirements. The intention of these critiques has never been to say that golf shouldn't exist at all, just that these and other factors need to be weighed against the costs and benefits of possible alternative uses for the land. But I never stated this explicitly, and I wouldn't be surprised if some local golfers and golf supporters concluded that I do in fact hate golf, which is not true. I respect that people love the sport, and that it offers a variety of benefits, physical and otherwise. I respect their passion for golf and that local golfers are keen to make the PT Golf Course more inclusive as well as environmentally sustainable. At the final stakeholder meeting before July 17th, a majority of those present expressed support for a park option with some golfing amenities. We've since learned that very few local golf supporters see this as a fair compromise. Our reasons for supporting this option were multiple. First, I and others felt that it most closely aligned with the decision-making criteria we had identified at the outset. Second, we felt that while there remains much division in the community over this issue, the hybrid option didn't go far enough in meeting the community's desires as expressed through multiple rounds of feedback over the previous six months. Also, the hybrid option is far more costly per acre of new park created—and most golfers don't support it anyway. Third, we were told again and again that our many attempts to explore other possible compromises, such as time and space sharing, a par three course or a course with less than nine holes, were all impractical for one reason or another. In the case of time sharing, it was stated that allowing the public access to the land even one day a week would not be financially sustainable for the lessee. It was also pointed out to us that golf parks with a driving range, putting practice area, mini golf course and restaurant/lounge take up a lot less space and are quite popular and successful in other places (i.e. the Snohomish Valley Golf Center). The park with golf amenities option also has the added benefits of making space for the dog park (which needs to move to make room for the new pool, should that come to pass), possible future affordable housing that is centrally located, as well as a variety of the public's other preferred alternative uses for the property. For these reasons and more, I still support this option—with one caveat. My only reservation about moving forward with the "hybrid of the hybrid" option that council is currently exploring has to do with cost. I read the recent financial sustainability report and I understand that if the city is going to be able to continue to offer services at the current level, let alone increase services, we are looking at significant new taxes. This is a major concern at a time when affordability is already driving people away from the area. As much as I would hate to see this process delayed further, it is possible that we simply can not afford to transition this property at this time. I hope this isn't the case, and I sincerely hope Council will explore every revenue generation mechanism possible, especially those that burden low income community members the least. If you simply cannot find a financial path forward at this time then I hope you will consider the following. First, in discussing any plan that retains the majority of the property for golf, I ask you to please advocate for lease terms that are much more favorable to the city. When I share that in Port Townsend, a city known for its vibrant arts and culture, we subsidize the golf course more than we do the arts people are flabbergasted, and rightly so. I understand that the mowing that happens on a golf course keeps invasive plant species at bay, but that is a small service in exchange for the many other possible benefits to the community and environment that the land holds. Given that we have multiple other courses nearby— Discovery Bay Golf Club being 6.4 miles away, clubhouse to clubhouse—I think it's only fair that golfers pay a fair price to the city for the convenience of golfing inside city limits Second, I ask that you insist that golf in Port Townsend be held to the highest environmental standards possible. In 2023 the world experienced the hottest July ever recorded. Every year we are seeing more floods, droughts, storms, biodiversity and habitat loss, and so much more. In light of this, it is absurd to me that a municipality would sanction the use of harmful pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers for recreational purposes on public land. The current golf course lease agreement requires the operator to supply the types and quantities of these chemicals used, but apparently this is not being enforced. If a public golf course must use harmful chemicals, then the public has a right to know exactly what is being sprayed and in what quantity. Instead, maybe the course should be required to use organic fertilizers and pesticides, and implement integrated pest management. Further, a future lessee should not be given free water. They should have to pay for it at the same rate as other local businesses. This will, hopefully, incentivize the operator to implement water saving techniques, such as installing drought resistant grass, reusing greywater and implementing efficient watering systems. Third, I ask that you insist the property be as inclusive as possible, preferably including connector trails for walkers and bikers. The Pi R Squared plan that frees up the southeast and southwest corners of the property is a start. I understand that local music programs are seeking affordable performance venues. If the driving range can double as an amphitheater some of the time, that might be a great asset to local musicians. If there is a way to incorporate other sports that utilize the same basic hole structure of the golf course, such as disc golf, this would also be welcome. In short, let's truly make this property an asset that can be enjoyed by more than only those that golf. Many have said it before, but it bears repeating. Thank you for all the hard work and care you have invested in this important community decision. I know that at the end of the day most of us share many of the same values—of community health and wellbeing, of inclusion, of environmental sustainability, and of financial responsibility. Your questions and comments in previous public discussion of the matter indicate to me a Council that has the community's best interest at heart. For that I am extremely grateful. Best, Gabe Van Lelyveld From: Kris DeWeese To: publiccommentC6cityofpt.us Subject: Lawrence and Walker streets intersection still too dangerous; paint might help Date: Friday, September 8, 2023 10:53:16 AM Attachments: Lawrence Walker trees stop sign.png Lawrence Walker stop sign -1. pnq Lawrence Walker hill.png Lawrence Walker needs STOP markir&ng Dear Friends, Low -hanging branches continue to obscure the stop sign on Walker Street for traffic traveling away from the Jefferson County courthouse towards Lawrence Street, but it's the stop sign on Walker on the other side of Lawrence Street that some drivers do not notice. Since one picture is worth a thousand words, Pm attaching four photos. The first photo shows the stop sign on Walker Street at Lawrence Street for traffic heading AWAY from the courthouse. The stop sign is partially obscured by low -hanging branches. Maybe the City could trim them, or could ask the property owner to trim them. The second photo shows the stop sign on Walker Street at Lawrence Street for traffic heading TOWARDS the courthouse. Since the stop sign is set over to the side too far, drivers occasionally miss the stop, causing near -collisions as well as collisions. Traffic on Lawrence Street traveling down that hill is very fast, and with cars failing to stop at the Walker Street stop sign, tragedy may well result. The third photo shows the Walker/Lawrence intersection from the perspective of a driver on Walker about to enter Lawrence, heading towards the Jefferson County courthouse. The fourth photo shows an intersection in some other town that looks very much like the Lawrence/Walker intersection, with the stop sign set over to the side too far. In this town, STOP pavement marking was used, to help make sure that drivers realize that they must stop. STOP pavement marking would be a cheap way to improve safety at that intersection. Pd be glad to volunteer to do the painting. The City probably already has the right kind of paint. Sincerely, Kris DeWeese 1919 Lawrence Street Port Townsend, WA �, �„ ,, � � �, i ,,,,9/ll���,,,, a ,,/�J, ... ,;,.. �.■ � The stop sign at, this intersection is offlo the ,i side, !like, the stop sign a! Walker & Lawrence The, STOP pavement marking makes It mlore likely that drivers wild know, tio stop, lll��ve STOP pavemer writ ri,ar4t-igalonhis appro,a&h acids emphasis to "'the s1top ,co n d io n. From: Cindv Stagq To: nubliccommentC6citvofot.us Subject: Port Townsend Golf Course Discussion Date: Friday, September 8, 2023 11:32:14 AM I think the current golf course could be divided into three areas: 1) Multi -unit housing for those folks with lower incomes - especially those people who work in the city's service industry 2) A park with a playground for kids 3) A driving range and/or putting range for those people into golfing Whenever I walk by the golf course, it hardly seems to be used. Putting that land to other uses for the benefit of more people makes more sense. Thank you, Cynthia Stagg If we look at the data on existing homeless and housing cost -burdened households, the need for affordable housing is even greater. Of the 3,985 units needed to meet growth in Jefferson County by 2044, more than half (2,200 - 26) are needed to address current unmet affordable housing needs (see Table 2). Table 1, Permanent Housing Needs by Income Level (% of Area Median Income) 'V00.00°l Sum of user inputs farjurisdiction shares of eounfy future net housing need. If Met Target below 1 Cl©%, Increase shares- Ifab "o above 1© . decrease shares - Permanent Housing Needs by Income Level (% of Area Median Income) j 0-30"% ITH.using Total Non -PSH PSH >30-50/ >50-80% >80-100/ >100-128% 12'1 Needs Unincorporated Estimated Housing Supply (2020) 11,159 433 0 1,507 1,559 993 1,385 Jefferson County Allocation Method A (2024-2044) 2,550 1,023 158 357 284 ill 141 I Part Townsend Estimated Housing Supply (2020) 5,692 371 Iii 350 1,529 722 614 i city Allocation Method A (2024-2044) 1,435 570 89 201 160 63 80 j Source: Washington Department of Commerce, HAPT Spreadsheet for Jefferson County, median growth projection Table 2, Current and Projected Net Housing Needs by Income Level for Jefferson County Affordability Level )°400fAl411)Renter Housing Neededto Housing Needed for m Eliminate Existing Existing Homeless Cost Borden ;Population HGL+5tnAfeedf$96k ik Blf�r$$h(f Hombld 1rct.mlF Households try Income:Level (ZA1191 ,.. cmaimn Hcw�j, � Ns�ed tG'9Gdrd(ress Hhit(fdf;Cifx6v4utf(44+"' o"fe dY IfjUI � of - NPI'7�'t'�f'rdnenE SGiPpisittrwa,�lo��hnf I� Total Net New Housing g Need 2020-2044 0-30� 704 430 1,634 11.9% 212 1,846 0-3'0% /Nat PSH/ 1,544 PSH -_-. _._ __. _.. __.103 -_-. _398 __. -_-_ -_-. 247 -_ __. 247 >3M-50"% ............... ................ 235 ............... .............. .................. ............... ............... ................. 9.5% .............. ................. 17o ................. ............ ................ ................. 558 ................................. >50-90BS 152152 _.._ 16.4% _--_- -_-_ 242 444 >51 0 47r% 174____. ... 174 >100-120% 26 2fi __. 10..9% -_-_ 195 22li >12'._.._ 416h 742___ 742 Tm.I 1 1,167 1,033 2,200 100.0% 1,785 1 3,455 Projected Emergency He using Net Need: 2020-2044 555 — This collumn represents hnus Ing needed to address projected househ olld growth, after 2ccounto ng, for hnosiing, needs for cost -burdened househollds and the exiisting home Ile ss p©pullatiion. The combine d! huusii ng need for the exist Ing test burdened and homelless popullatflon its subtracted from the Projected Net. Housing (Need for HH Growfl) In the table above„ and the remaining housing units are distributed accordling to the income Revell percentages In the preumus collumn. Ilf housing need for cost burdened households and homelless exceed the (Projected Net Housling, for HH Growflh, the vallues In flhis cellumn are sette zero. Source: Washington Department of Commerce, HAPT Spreadsheet for Jefferson County, median growth projection Affordable Housing is Workforce Housing Bureaucratic language frequently obscures basic needs. Such is the case with the term "workforce housing" and the use of the term "attainable" to refer to middle-income affordability. My experience is that not many people realize that workforce housing designates housing for folks making 80% AMI or greater, while "affordable housing" refers to housing for those making less than 80% AMI. Nor do many know where they stand on the income scale. Anyone who works for a living may rightly feel that since they are part of the workforce, then the workforce housing goals for Evans Vista would include them, although this is not the case. Occupations with median incomes less than 80% AMI ($53,920 in 2021) include: most grocery store workers; carpenters; most marine trades workers; most artists; social service workers (including those working for homeless and affordable housing providers such as OlyCAP and Dove House); restaurant and hospitality workers; homecare workers; computer repair persons; plumbers; auto mechanics; and city council members, among many others. All of these workers are important to a functional economy here in Port Townsend and, more importantly, merit housing - regardless of their income level. Their livelihoods are also what makes Port Townsend unique. Moreover, the term 'workforce housing" is troubling because for many, myself included, as it conveys the idea that workers are somehow more deserving of housing than those who don't work (in the formal economy) for whatever reason, including seniors on fixed incomes. Instead of reinforcing social divisions (that have real consequences for people's lives) with bureaucratic terminology, what if our guiding principle was designing policy and community with the goal of housing for all? Displacement, Homelessness and Affordable Housing In the book Homelessness is a Housing Problem, Gregg Colburn and Claytin Aldern provide solid evidence of the relationship between homelessness and the lack of affordable housing. Further, at a joint city/ county/port presentation this past June, Greg Coburn spoke decisively of the need for affordable housing subsidies to address homelessness. Port Townsend's growing number of displaced families and individuals results from the lack of affordable housing. This scarcity not only puts people at greater risk for homelessness, it keeps people homeless for longer periods of time. Discounting the dire need for low-income affordable housing compounds the discriminatory effects of housing inequality over time. Currently, over 90% of Port Townsend renters in the 30-50% AMI bracket are housing cost -burdened compared to 22% in the 80-120% AMI income bracket (see Chart 1). When the difference in remaining dollars to meet other household needs is considered, the lack of an affordable housing strategy is effectively highly discriminatory in its impact, if not its intent. For example, a massage therapist with a 53% AMI income has $1740 a month left for non -housing expenses compared to $3583 for a registered nurse with an 110% AMI income, both making median income for their professions and both paying 42% of their income in rent, except that the registered nurse is much less likely to be rental cost -burdened. Simply put, extremely -low to low-income households bear the brunt of Port Townsend's housing crisis. Likewise, being severely cost -burdened is one of the most significant determinants of future homelessness. While significant numbers of households are severely rental cost -burdened (1,642 in Jefferson County or nearly 10% of all households), there are no rental severely cost - burdened households over 80% AMI (see Chart 1). (Severely cost burdened households pay more than 50% of their income in rent.) Cifult I,'%r !efitr �d� f1�,IG� �����'iP",""IIl,.L The lack of affordable housing also prolongs the length of time in homelessness. Currently, the average time spent homeless in Jefferson County is well over a year and at the height of the pandemic it was almost two years (see Chart 2). Longer times mean an increased need for shelter beds. Meanwhile, people are being told that the wait time to obtain Section 8 housing vouchers is over 6 years but there are more vouchers than there are Section 8 units for rent. �..Iiai, JC, 1 I, i i e erI I .......wA�m i Source: Washington State Homeless System Performance County Report Card The Economic Costs of Displacement, Housing Precarity, and Homelessness Much has been said of the impacts of the housing crisis on our local economy and the related environmental costs of people commuting from outside the city and county to fill local jobs. Less has been remarked on the high cost of homelessness and housing precarity. Commerce projects that the county and city need to plan for an additional 444 emergency housing beds (projected emergency bed need of 614 beds minus existing beds) in Jefferson County by 2044, partly based on an adjustment factor to account for the length of time in homelessness. The cost of emergency housing services for 2022 was $32 per household per day (Washington State Homeless System Performance County Report Card). Figure the operational costs of supplying emergency housing at the projected scale for a total of over $7 million ($7,171,520) annually, and it is evident that the better option would be to build low-income affordable housing now. The economic impact of repeated displacement on the housing insecure should also be accounted for. I have heard stories of people being turned down for jobs in Port Townsend because they were unhoused. While this is anecdotal, if true, it represents a serious form of discrimination. In addition, the situation of renters is more economically precarious than home -owners. It is not uncommon for renters, should they find housing, to be displaced more than once per year, with each subsequent rental taking more of their income on top of the costs of moving. Moreover, few low-income renters have the resources to move into more stable home -ownership or even qualify for subsidized low-income homes such as Habitat provides. Needless to say, the distribution of homeownership by income is highly unequal (see Chart 3). (Note that in 2021 80% AMI was approximately $54,000.) Chart 3 - Distribution of Homeowners with Mortgages by Income 2021 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII '����������I '." � � ` IIIIIIIIIIIIIII uuuuuuuwo Source: Policy Map's Housing Needs Assessment Report for Port Townsend based on American Community Survey Data The bottom line for low-income households is that housing security is economic security and economic security is housing security. Competition for Subsidies In presentations to the Evans Vista Technical Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council, the consultant advocated that the city should not compete with local non-profit housing providers for affordable housing financing dollars. There are several problems with this narrative. As discussed above, from a system's viewpoint, the lack of affordable housing is a primary cause of homelessness. This, in turn, severely affects the ability of housing providers to provide homeless system services at the scale necessary to provide safe and secure housing for all. Most housing providers, who are well aware of this barrier to their performance, are likely to welcome collaboration with the city to compete for affordable housing dollars. Such collaboration is likely to enhance the competitiveness of financing proposals. (Note that "not competing" is not the same thing as collaborating.) Moreover, our local non-profit housing providers, for the main part, do not focus on buildina subsidized affordable housing (as opposed to emergency and permanent supportive housing), the exceptions being Habitat and the recently established Olympic Housing Trust. However, it has been only in this past year that Habitat implemented permanently affordable deed restrictions on the sale of their units (a huge win for affordable housing) and Olympic Housing Trust is still building their first five units. This year OlyCAP's 7th Haven added 33 affordable rental housing units for extremely low-income households in addition to 10 permanent supportive units (another win) but OlyCAP does not currently have plans to build more affordable housing units. Bayside Housing is exploring the possibility of supplying affordable rental housing units because of the shortage. Further, of the 424 existing subsidized non -voucher rental units, built by both non-profit and for profit housing developers, 178 (or 42% of them) have their subsidies expiring before 2044 (data from Housing Fund Board's Emergency and Affordable Housing Inventory). While local housing providers are doing their best with what resources they have, the rationale for the city not competing with non-profit service providers seems to be based in part on the unfounded assumption that it is non-profit housing providers who are responsible for meeting the need for affordable housing. At the same time, the city has floated plans to provide subsidies to middle-income households to buy homes, effectively setting up competition between middle- and low-income households for scarce resources. While many middle-income home buyers cannot afford to buy a home and many of them are paying rents that do not allow them to save for purchasing a home, there needs to be an evidence -based discussion of where subsidies should go for the greater good. As pertains to Evans Vista, developing a mix of homes accessible and affordable to a range of incomes is desirable. From a sustainability viewpoint, having a mix of rents sufficient to maintaining the property is important to economic viability, as is socioeconomic integration. What is not being asked, however, is: what is the appropriate balance between low and middle-income housing subsidies with regard to economic equity? Many middle-income buyers have already benefitted from income tax deductions for previously owned homes. It is estimated that nationally for every $12 dollars of homeownership tax benefits received by middle-income households, low-income households receive 8 cents ($0.08) (talk op verty oral In addition, many middle-income folks retiring to Port Townsend are able to pay cash for home purchases, that is, their ability to purchase is not based on income. The city should limit any housing subsidies for middle-income households to first time home buyers. Such programs are already common which means there is no need to invent a new class of subsidies to support "attainable" housing. In sum, it is not that middle-income folks don't have access to subsidies (as is too often claimed), it's just that public subsidies take a different form for middle- income home buyers than they do for low-income renters. More disconcertingly, due to funding limitations most low-income renters eligible to receive rental assistance don't receive it (see Chart 4). While a comparable analysis for Jefferson County is still in the works, preliminary evidence points in the same direction with only 28% of households eligible to receive assistance receiving it. Chart 4 - Percentage of Those Eligible Receiving Rental Assistance 76% of Low-lincome Renters Needing Federal Rental Assistance Don't Receive It a Unassisted vs. assisted households, headed by someone who: a Is not disabled or a senior, no child art hoarse �gPs unaI a ,rated Is caring for a child at home lysv uunass swdr ssist A Is a senior, no child a4 home (Grb navma , ssAI Is disabled, no child acro^1e lu��la t'caa"" 2�t1. r,sVskrrN N,� ;roI WIN <, zea , iry > Orel„yi l r I4co. MIY III IIII I 11 1 k"11,i cntM t s, I t l el x,11 n irdr,,,lY Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities On average, nationally, families that receive rental vouchers spend close to two and a half years on waitlists first (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, https://www.cbDD.ora/research/ housing/families-wait-years-for-housing-vouchers-due-to-inadequate-funding). As noted above, the cited wait list time in Jefferson County is six years. Besides, such assistance comes with strings attached. For example, since rental subsidies are income -qualified, renters often face the dubious choice between a higher paid job and losing their housing. (The intent of the above discussion on subsidies is not to enumerate the differences between various subsidies but to examine the impacts of competition for subsidies from an equity standpoint.) Financing Affordable Housing The question of how to finance development and where to find this financing frequently determines what is built and how it is built. In other words, financing too often drives what is developed. Without a full accounting of the costs of financing, we are left to see the choice of financing as either more housing or none. To my mind, this oversimplifies both the housing crisis and its solutions. Although I am not qualified to make a financial assessment (financing is not my expertise), I am rightly concerned that "either/or thinking” caused the Cherry Street debacle and that we did not learn from that experience. This "either/or" thinking is reinforced by the false urgency of hang to make a decision. I am dismayed that the Evans Vista project keeps growing with the result that outside for-profit developers dependent on very costly financing (i.e. financing with high interest rates to offset the risk) becomes the preferred development option. It would be good to hear what the financing options are and their costs from someone other than developers. For example, I have read that the most competitive proposals for federal subsidies are those with higher percentages of affordable housing. Assessing the equity trade-offs associated with different subsidies and financing options relative to the city's housing goals should be the job of the consultants. But I have yet to see any analysis of these considerations. Finding a Strategy The question of who benefits from the Evans Vista housing development should be a paramount one. To answer this question, the city should plan for housing affordable to all income levels. The city has yet to identify a strategy to provide affordable housing to low-income households or address displacement as is required by state law. Namely, the city in its next comprehensive plan update must Identify and implement policies and regulations to address and begin to undo racially disparate impacts, displacement, and exclusion in housing caused by local policies, plans, and actions. I don't believe we can afford to wait. Infill and density strategies are essential to addressing the market shortage of housing but they are not enough! The best evidence says that middle housing strategies address the need for housing that is affordable to middle-income households, (although Housing Solutions Network has repeatedly questioned whether we can expect even this). At best, more middle-income housing slows market rate increases in home prices and rents. Over time, an imbalance in the supply of affordable units versus the need replicates the market dynamics that led to the housing crisis in the first place. The market does not and will not provide affordable housing sufficient to demand. There is no housing trickle down as some economists would have you believe. There is no evidence that building more housing "attainable" to middle-income households will result in more affordable housing becoming available. Does Port Townsend really need more market -rate housing? That is why we should use the Evans Vista opportunity to address housing for low-income households, in particular, rental housing. Subsidized low income affordable housing is an essential pathway to housing as a universal basic service, namely, housing for all. In answer to the question posed by the Evans Vista consultants on whether to prioritize affordable or workforce unit production, the equitable, evidence -based answer is to maximize affordable housing production in line with housing needs by income bracket. As stated in the Vision Statement for the Evans Vista Project, 'Housing is paramount to an equitable, healthy and inclusive community, and getting it right helps sustain and strengthen Port Townsend's unique identity with strong historical roots and a creative and intentional approach to the future [emphasis added]." From: Jim Scarantino To: nu b1iccommentC6citvofot.us Subject: Re: Many problems with the feasibility study for the aquatic center Date: Monday, September 11, 2023 4:27:57 AM Not to add to "deficit thinking," but deficits represent a real loss to taxpayers. Here is another problem with the feasibility study for the aquatic center. Its cost estimates appear to be way off when measure against the reality of costs seen at the nearby William Shore Aquatic Center in Port Angeles. And they seem to have mixed us up a bit with work they were doing for Upper Macungie, Pennsylvania. How much were these consultants paid, by the way? From: Annette Huenke To: citvclerkC6citvofot.us Cc: CitvCouncil; Steve King; Heidi Greenwood Subject: public comment 9/11/23 Date: Monday, September 11, 2023 11:37:41 AM As of today, Sept. 11, my requests for specific information are being ignored. Standard process for city officials, elected or otherwise. If you don't like the concerns or questions, you disregard or reject them. This is the PT bureaucracy's current method of "Appreciative vs Deficit thinking that we use in our regular City and community discourse." Annette Huenke North Beach On Aug 28, 2023, at 1:17 PM, Annette Huenke <amh�o)oIin us.ne> wrote: Hi Steve. Thank you for your reply. The canard that folks are resistant to change in general is wearying. There is change for the better and change for the worse. How do you justify using the singular metric of speed to make your decision with these ELRs? I've lived on Jackman for 18 years. My partner drives 49th every single day to get to his business. I drive it most days, often multiple times. I am not aware of a single speed -related accident involving automobiles, pedestrians or bicyclists in that near -two decades. Kindly provide concrete evidence that the ELRs result in slower driving. What I like about edge lane roads is that it represents a one lane street which means folks need to slow down. No, it doesn't mean that at all. Like 49th, I drive Kuhn St (mostly avoiding Jackman because it's in such bad condition) almost every day, often multiple times. I frequently walk it, too. Your claim that you've "been watching the roads closely" and are convinced that they are "working" puzzles me, as it doesn't match my observations at all. I see that there seem to be equal measure of people driving in the old lanes, ignoring the new single lane. Why? Because it is flat out unsafe. You didn't answer any of my concerns or questions. You had no comment about my near -head-on collision on Kuhn, nor the increased likelihood of the same on the blind curves on 49th. Why are you ignoring this huge safety issue? I had to chuckle about this It wasn't that long ago when most of the road were single laned roads. I'll be 70 next year. Of course some exist but "most?" That's laughable. Single lane roads have not been a feature in my lifetime. The organizers of the petition to turn 49th into an ELR told me the same as you have here, that you were a joy to work with. I said "of course, because you both wanted the same thing. Let's see how you feel about working with the city when you want different things." They had to acknowledge their lopsided view. You ignored all the people who opposed the streateries. Simply outright ignored them. When you have a moment, please answer the questions I put to you. • Why is there no mention of this project on the city website? • When do you intend to do it, how long will it take? • Will the city be exposed to litigation if there is a head-on collision on these blind hills and curves? Thank you for your time. regards, Annette On Aug 24, 2023, at 7:44 PM, Steve King <skin�o)ci_Jyof t.us> wrote: Hi Annette, Thanks for your email. I hope you are doing well. I'm sorry for you disapproval for the edge lane roads. I can appreciate that changing configurations are difficult for folks to adjust to. It wasn't that long ago when most of the road were single laned roads. Over the years, high way engineers have continued to widen and make streets bigger which as resulted in faster speeds and ironically more dangerous streets. Luckily, many of PT streets are narrow and some are even single lane. What I like about edge lane roads is that it represents a one lane street which means folks need to slow down. I've been watching the roads closely and they are largely working just that way especially with pedestrians. I'm not asking you to agree with me, just sharing a perspective so you know that we are trying to make neighborhoods safer for our residents. The 49th Street neighborhood was an absolute joy to work with as they really desire slower streets. I appreciate their engagement just as I appreciate your email. We spent quite a bit of time working through the process of adding 3 edge lane roads this year. The Council approved the installations and the lowering of the speed limits earlier this year. Anyhow, as always, I much rather visit in person that email, but figured you would appreciate a response. Take care, Steve -----Original Message ----- From: Annette Huenke <amh�o)oItn us.ne > Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 10:56 PM To: Steve King <skin�aci fnt.0 os> Subject: 49th/Cook Ave CAUTION: External Email Hello there, Steve. I'm wondering why there's no advisory on the Public Works page or the main city page, for that matterof what's going on with the edge -lane business on 49th and Cook Ave. Not a mention under Latest News, Department News or All News Items. Kindly advise how long you expect this rejiggering to take. I have to reroute to get to work. A few weeks ago, I narrowly missed a head-on collision as I headed north on Kuhn and someone was coming up the hill from North Beach park. She was in the middle of the road on that blind slope and I would have been smashed had I not been in the right lane (where I belonged) and able to get out of the way. Now your department is adding similar treacherous conditions to a busy arterial rich with blind curves. For the life of me, I can't figure out what on earth you people are thinking. The one sign that exists on Kuhn is indecipherable. Will you be offering the same neglect on 49th? Surely the city will be held liable when the inevitable collision occurs. In speaking to some of the proponents of this 49th Street project, I've been assured that it will encourage people who speed to slow down. I don't know about you, but I've about had all I can take of evidence - free claims in the 21st century. sincerely, Annette Huenke North Beach From: Barbara Morey. To: nubliccommentC6city.ofot.us Subject: Public Comment: Affordable Housing at Evans Vista Site Date: Monday, September 11, 2023 3:05:47 PM Creating Affordable Housing at Evans Vista (and elsewhere) As we explore the possibilities and plans for creating Affordable Housing for our community, I urge you to carefully consider the information provided by Viki Sonntag in her comments of September 10, 2023. 1 support her findings and would expand on the information slightly with the following. ***RCW 43.185A.005 AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Findings. [2023 c 275] "The legislature finds that current economic conditions, federal housing policies and declining resources at the federal, state, and local level adversely affect the ability of low and very low-income persons to obtain safe, decent, and affordable housing. The legislature further finds that members of over 150,000 households pay more than 50 percent of their income for rent and housing costs. The legislature further finds that minorities, rural households, and migrant farmworkers require housing assistance at a rate which significantly exceeds their proportion of the general population. The legislature further finds that one of the most dramatic housing needs is that of persons needing special housing -related services, [Permanent Supportive Housing] such as individuals with mental illness, recovering alcoholics, frail elderly persons, families with members who have disabilities, and single parents. These proffered services may include medical assistance, counseling, chore services, and child care. (1) The legislature further finds that state investments in affordable housing, as enabled by the legislature in 1986, have exceeded $1,800,000,000 to provide over 55,000 units of safe and affordable housing to low-income individuals. [2023 c 275 § 1; 1991 c 356 § 1; 1986 c 298 § 1. Formerly RC 43.185.010]" ............................................................................ (1) PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING CORE ELEMENTS The housing needy of people with disabilities are no different from anyone's need for housing... Housing First A) What is Permanent Supportive Housing? a. Decent, safe, and affordable community-based housing that provides residents with the rights of tenancy under state/local landlord tenant laws and is linked to voluntary, flexible support and services designed to meet residents' preferences. b. Housing is located in regular residential areas. c. Housing is scattered site (avoiding the tendency of large, homogeneous, congregate sites to become min i[l]institutions); d. Mixed populations in the building or neighborhood: avoid the creation of mental health ghettos. e. Tenants participate in community activities and are encouraged to receive voluntary, community-based services. In Permanent Supportive Housing, residents have full legal rights of a tenant - landlord relationship. Tenants are responsible to abide by the normal standards of behavior/conduct outlined in a lease distinct from "social service program" rules. Tenancy is not dependent upon participation in social services or treatment programs. Housing - length of stay is determined by the agreement between the landlord and tenant. In summary: Core Elements of Permanent Supportive Housing 1. Choice in Housing and Living Arrangements 2. Functional Separation of Housing and Services 3. Decent, Safe and Affordable Housing 4. Housing Integration 5. Rights of Tenancy 6. Access to Housing 7. Flexible, Voluntary Services Ann V. Denton adentonahpnet.com As cited by Viki Sontag in her public comments, 9/10/2023: "The Evans Vista project goals call for 100 to 150 workforce units and 30 to 50 affordable units or roughly 2 workforce units to every affordable housing unit (Aug 7, 2023 Briefing on Evans Vista Site Plan Alternatives, Outreach and Financial Discussion). These goals are not in alignment with the Washington Department of Commerce's projected needs for housing by income bracket in Port Townsend/Jefferson County, issued in March of this year. The HAPT data for Port Townsend show that the number of units needed by 2044 for incomes 80% AMI and below (affordable units) is 1,026, where 143 units are needed for workforce units, the 80-120% AM I brackets (see Table 1). That is, the projected need for affordable units is seven times greater than for the need for workforce units. Yet, the goals for Evans Vista maintain the existing imbalance in housing need at two workforce units to one affordable unit. If we look at the data on existing homeless and housing cost -burdened households, the need for affordable housing is even greater. Of the 3,985 units needed to meet growth in Jefferson County by 2044, more than half (2,200 - 26) are needed to address current unmet affordable housing needs." I respectfully request that you continue with community-based input (especially those who are in need of affordable housing) and discussion regarding how we can best use this opportunity for developing the full spectrum of affordable housing at Evans Vista and other locations. It takes the whole village... Barbara Morey, Housing Advocate bemorey@yahoo.com Nevertheless, she persisted... From: Reverend Crystal Cox To: Heidi Greenwood; Leadership Team; publiccommentL6ci fpt.us; John Mauro; CitvCouncil; Ben Thomas Cc: news 6ptleader.com; lettersL612eninsuladailynews. com; newsL62eninsuMai lynews, com; Joe Nole; Thomas Olson; kdean 6co.iefferson.wa.us; abrotherton 6co.iefferson.wa.us; BohC6co.iefferson.wa.us; PTPD Officers; ClaimsOueue; KT LaBadie; DseaalIC6soundpublishino.com Subject: Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom Complaint, See attached PDF for Complaint Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 10:08:25 PM Attachments: imaoe.pna PT Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom Public Records.pdf Libby Wennstrom Complaint - Article.pdf Port Townsend City Official Complicit in Attack on Peaceful Event. Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom is a Divisive Danger to Our Community. f.ibby f nn tram Ino aattedy New this raft for -10 days and are now scran ibling to make pns, Wta�'H the Il caa�s who do secudty for large, LIM pirotest5 Faire ady had a a omnis teaarn, r aa" i as, stations, plans for vahous, scenarias and overwatch, medics in, the bannlrInng and OWSide, ntc. Pout Cartwright Vaughan What Mas°irh the doing/not afraiin ig? r1l.,. I, ,. 1,112 1 1 Libby Wnn5tra n Me too, I`naa alwa:wt «gra prepped as I rrw�e Which its more dean I (an say flP'TPD Port Townsend City Council Woman Libby Wennstrom took the law into her own hands, bringing in what she called a local "crew", security "team" to stand next to us at Amy Sousa's Press Conference and Bully Us. Salish Rescue, and "crew", at Libby's orders, stood right next to us in radio communication with overwatch, and members of the crowd who wrecked our event, harassed us, bullied us, assaulted us. Libby was directly involved in our coordinated attack. See proof in public records attached. Libby Wennstrom's "crew" as she called it, was armed. Libby herself had body armor and a concealed carry weapon at the city council meeting. Libby's "crew" had formal meetings with the Port Townsend Police prior to our Press Conference, at her request. Port Townsend City Council Woman Libby Wennstrom took matters into her own hands regarding Julie Jaman being banned from the Port Townsend YMCA. Libby Wennstrom slammed Julie online and in private messages. Libby hated tree hugger Julie Jaman, and clearly had a long held grudge against Julie which ended up inciting massive hate that led to an attack on many of us members of the Port Townsend Community. Libby sent Facebook messages slamming Julie during her initial appearance at PT City Council Meeting on August 1, 2022, to put on the public record her side of what happened at the local YMCA on city property. Libby put out a call to action and encouraged community members to protest Julie Jaman at the YMCA, where Julie was simply holding a sign and exercising her First Amendment rights. Not only did councilwoman Wennstrom call others to protest against 40 year resident, 80 year old Julie, councilwoman Libby went to the YMCA herself and protested against Julie's rights, on city property at the YMCA, of which was under contract with the City of Port Townsend. Libby Wennstrom slams the Port Townsend Police for not being prepared. All this panic, guns, batons, body armor, and local fear over a very small group of Elders, Lesbians, Women. Libby claims throughout, as seen attached, that she was not threatened, yet as a city council member she misled the public that there were threats and danger. The community whipped up so much hate that a mob of around 400 people attacked 11 of us speakers, blocked us from a city council meeting, shut down our speech, intimidated us, stole from us, damaged our property, and threatened to do worse "next time". This division of our community and hate, has continued now, more than a year later. Libby Wennstrom is using her position on City Council to divide our community, incite violence and hate on those she perceives as her enemy. Libby violated her oath of office to uphold our constitutional rights and directly engaged in violating our rights, harassing us, intimidating us, attacking us. Then after our assault she gaslighted us online, claiming that we made up our assaults, which incited more hate and violence upon those of us who live here in Jefferson County Washington. All the while knowing she was the person in charge of part of a coordinated attack on a permitted Port Townsend Event, as seen on video with people telling other people what to do and where to stand to shut us down, intimidate us, hurt us, violate our rights, of which she and her oath to uphold our rights. Port Townsend City Council has a Policy of ONLY emails for official business. Libby Wennstrom used Facebook constantly regarding city business, and posted city opinions, policy, prejudice, bullying and hate regarding an official city issue on city property via her personal Facebook Page. Click Below for Libby Wennstrom Ethics Complaint with Public Records emails, messages and posts, Also Attached as PDF hit s://drive. goog le. co /file/d/1 D Edfp76mgLHI rZ 1 K482my e 07Bd S3/view? /s/ Reverend Crystal Cox, Pro Se Port Townsend, Washington Date- September 6, 2023 Written Upon the Knowledge, Research and Belief OfReverend Crystal Cox, Pro Se Bringing Back Goddess Church ^2Public Benefit nonprofit corporation" Est. in Jefferson County, WA 2014 Regarding: Ethics Complaint Libby Wennstrom, Port Townsend City Council Port Townsend Citv Council Member Taraets Elder Woman. Bullies. Incites Violence. An Expose', Ethics Complaint by Reverend Crystal Cox into how it came about that an entire community attacked elders, lesbians, minorities in the streets of Port Townsend, and covered up the events that took place. This public records information is in regard to councilwoman Libby Wennstrom. Councilwoman Wennstrom had her own "crew" at Amy Sousa's Press Conference. The "he" she is referring to below is Port Townsend City Manager John Mauro. Libby Wennstrom He got it into his, head that I "had hired private seckirity" beCaUSC` the 1001 crew were organizing, A 16, 0 1 /1 Councilwoman Wennstrom admits that the Port Townsend Police deliberately "blew this off for 10 days" and was not prepared. Libby admits her "crew" was ready. Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom had a concealed carry, gunshot trauma packs and body armor that night. Though she told members of the public in private messages that she had received no threats. UbbyWennstrom Who uttedy b1pw this, off for 10 days and are now scrarnbling to, make plans,, while the locak who do security for large BUM protests already had a comms team, rad:ios, s,taitions, plans for variotis, scenarios, and overwatch, medics in the building and outside, et,(-,, 21 1 '1 ""'3 2' 7 11, R R R C � )�o ns 1"tag,, C 2 '1 What are they doing/riot doing? A u, q I ",, 0,' 'I : 17, /, r) LibbyWe,nnstrom Me too. I'm about as, prepped as I can me, which is rnore thain I cain say for PTPD, A ut,lj I '), "' (/1 1 17,10 7 rr) Background and Public Records On July 27th, 2022, Julie Jaman, an 80 year old, 40 year Port Townsend resident, and Elder in our community, had been swimming at the local YMCA. The YMCA is on city property and is under contract to manage the property independently of the city of Port Townsend. For me there is nothing an 80 year old woman could EVER say that would make me incite violence upon her, protest her, hurt her, try and deny her right to be heard. Throughout time, generations have clashed. Elder women have yelled at me for the clothes I wear, using too much salt, the music I listen to, who I hang out with, giving them the wrong pastry when waitressing, being a lesbian and so much more over decades. So what. I may have made a comment, or expressed my view, but I would never have incited a hateful campaign against the elder. To me the YMCA issue was easy, with compassion, strong leadership, love, and true equality with no agenda, politics, prior opinions or prejudices, the matter would have been solved quickly and quietly. All management had to do was apply common sense and the golden rule, instead personal prejudices literally created an international incident. The city of Port Townsend should not have been involved in YMCA policy in any way, as per their operating agreement contract. Keep in mind, city manager John Mauro knew that Libby was a bully, as just the day before he had emailed mayor David Faber about Libby bullying city staff. Click below to read the email I am referring to. From: T0'. Subject., staff/GC3h,rcill Interaction Date* Tuesday, Juruy 26, 2022 4:14;27 PM Akttachrnents: ernaaeioo'LDn a H! David In an effort to ensure we're all synced up, I often get a heads up and a Ibrief update frorn nny Learn when Courcilrmmern'ders reach out to the'rn, especially if I'm not c;c'd. I Unke this system so that Councilmembers can ask questions and have easy access to information to help them do their jobs but color within the legal lines of riot directing staff. It's also great to have staff enjoy direct relationships with elected members, since we .spend a good amount of tirne and effort together and I'm not wanting to cearnm and and control those retat'ionshos. This balance is new for the City I'm told .and care that I thunk we and our community can beinefit frorn.. That said, there are ways this; caro go poorly, hence this email heads up. Our People Performance/1-IR Director indicated that t ouncilmerriber e ennstrorn contacted her last week to discuss a media matter related to my performance review. CoIrunrilmern'der'wennstrom is within her right to ask questions arid reach out (I've often urged her to contact directors for more information can other matters), II get the sense from my HR director, though, that while it eroded okay,the conversation started pcacar0y and with scarraea' degree of accusation. This is troubling to me f'or at least Source Email /„"p_w..2S.. wr�ru 1�p:::: 5"BfMI� NJxu A2d5GGrJ i�u:::����uewr�r us :::::::shade August 2, 2022, Julie Jaman was exercising her First Amendment rights, and held a small sign with a couple of other community Elders, in front of the YMCA, for a couple of hours. Councilwoman Wennstrom, who took an oath to uphold our constitutional rights, put out a call to action for those in the community to come to the YMCA to protest and bully Julie Jaman, get in the way of Free Speech rights, and incite hate against this long time Elder in our community. Libby called Julie a trans -hater, of which she was not. The YMCA was thus not a safe place for everyone, and certainly not standing for all. Julie Jaman had a right to Equality, no matter her views, opinions, beliefs or personal choices. Not only did councilwoman Wennstrom put out this call to the community, she, as a public servant, went to city property, a nonprofit that the city was under contract with and protested Julie Jaman's rights in person. Libby incited hate in our community, and divided community members and seriously divided the LGBTQ community. YMCA of Jefferson County's post all I,illaat t'> Slime p, 1'I✓i �' 1f !r ff( 5�rri �.p+,�n1ai i Yra.1'�rdhr, nr )1111) ut rnr tills g)O to W tla4ry WQJWfldasl x x TNhanhaeteus ane Iarrning to show ufro at the Mountain View fo a I Acketr rx.1 again today {Tune d y EI/2) from I 1 7, if you Tod that hate hna� VIC) place at our p:mbk proud, and want 10 ^uuprp 2 rt tire Yin ereming a safe welcon,iing place for EVERYONE slhtrw ug tochyl w➢aaCA of JaPParsnn CcI1,li11A',y Libby iUrnw We;nnstiom "Malik you again far umh-otp and showingi yeaeir s uplp ont! And thank yaer fn paint aro advo c ate friar' all peop Ir,'t rlejht tce N, who 0iery au'e. Julie Jaman went to city council August 1, 2022 and expressed her concerns, as a citizen of our community. Libby Wennstrom called it a "shit show". Libby incited hate and violence in the community and flat out lied to the public, misleading them about what Julie actually said. This hatred began to grow in Port Townsend and beyond and would later lead to real world violence, civil and constitutional rights violations, human rights violations and hate crimes against those of us who went to speak at the August 15, 2022 council meeting as was our due process right. Libby Wennstrom's "crew" and community members she helped incite, blocked us out of the 3 council meeting, physically. Denying our right to due process, and our voice. Libby called those who came to participate in a city council meeting, bigots. Pat Cartwright Vaughan But theme were two simalli articles, prLro iably takein #rm Press MleaSeS kVOUr money awarded. Pat Cartwright Vaiughan k kefs Ubby Wenns�rom d4h i't svv myfNrriawt, N 0 N'm fjiwssiniij they OeorO 1cwvr H it 'IN unk-o' Ws IIAO u#Vk c them j Libby Wennstroin Was N w1vaq qH ah R; 1ru I'd[w P„ulsrwul QIlrr V tjo is kw id cxm ly tawsirhjy so Owy r,” Hy (mer anyfl dnij fiumly Prom (oum it Pat Cartwright Vaughan 11 t lew tNurrr to r,uhm d ch I' t P,ily � I k 'I u 6 I I[ u lu;0m, pu N ,rt nir0 &( tion u 4 hang ur O,rt ',, r r",OU I rt Libby Wennstrorn Shit show. Atx-iup an hour and a h�O M hao qA'och weigh 0,r , dapping fcg e& Ilr n1him, A fev� tfmv, A1111w, pnkv, qnnN� ly avor 2onrr, and a vvy hu i"o :') yr m old nFawgirl Qoml rape h a MCIM WUH oadLAt', raOhO IrJarn,,Id 01",--m.is a pedc,,pNtfbccm.p&e she was ILsorru oaffi, 'I pEN-k, and them whatisctknnaborn rntmnt of chddyen. Pat CartWrright Vaughan Hov� ifid ut go' August 9, 2022, Libby Wennstrom claims that the Port Townsend Leader did not write an article on the YMCA issue so they would not give Julie Jaman a platform. Libby Wennstrom Leader has supposedly decided not ter cover lit, ostensibly because they don't want to give R,die a platforrin. Giver, that they've been publishing -h-die's press releases abOUt the poplars verbatin-L /,J)q )I'Irll,rra Libby Wennstrom �It's such ajuxtaposilion dealing with messages UP that Mide doing Shakespeare in the sunset ,';alp) r I I � ,, ( J, r ") ;I �,!,) /i l ) I (I Pat Ca irtwrig ht Va ugiha ni I assume the. Leader its finally covering tKs. Do you, know if tl-iey've tAed to, more than Rlhe.? ,',j)() I)I. �"Ior; �pj [ [ Libby Wennstrom incited hate against community member Jim Scarantino who broke the YMCA story to the world. Her hate for him translated directly into violence to all of us at Amy Sousa's El. Press Conference no matter our political, personal or religious affiliations. I had not met Amy nor Jim until that night. 1 3SIM �� m= Scarantinio is a pustule, N DfN?�NWfO?f9P?MiP6➢PNtiWfO?f9P?MipOF�9 NO Townsend IFroo Pres!s (:3 The IFIT Oty Councd`s Culture oind Sow ty on"11I'wattee Wullt odlw res' thie CA"°u o qui �e 9arwt of o '' 'w or n ani for o je4,wtaiog to a I'Vinlo 411 flee venn'wnw"k, rit ff"Ilwe om,n l no eu ek,,,kre Viand and w Ki e he u otching noked, gids, We, (am eformee the, Culture and Socijety Coiuw m� 4,iee ionoy ^ of s,die',, o resolution su p ortungi tie Y 't ae ogeftda us snot yet two to - tt ww iH cu' t6in instruction's 1"0'r ur �ma ea �u t aetniotel . 1"yhe r eetwafat w jd� be > "uawouoed airtd IfIIB"rrwrir on, "e ne clay, Attgust 10, 3 P,rn, Libby misled the public claiming that the City proclamation had nothing to do with the YMCA banning Julie Jaman. If that is true then why not wait or why was it not done earlier? It was obviously a direct result of Julie being banned, and served to fire up the entire community. Libby Wennstrom was part of this violence inciting. 5 YMCA manager Rowen DeLuna is upset that the police are not helping enough. The YMCA manager in the conversations yet nothing to do with the "Y"? Liy Wen nstrorn Ben, is committee meeting in person or Just orfline? A W), LibbyWennstrorn I'll call Mauro in a second Jl Rowen DeLuinia Might be worth someone from coUncil reaching out to the PID aboiut it, My coinveirsadons with therm so far have Just been a whole lot of listening to why they can't provOe any help. They rnght if they are hearing frorn y"all Libby Wennstrorn The resolution, the committee is, working on is that trans rights are human rights, and affirr-ning that nothing to do wfthi the Y's ban on Julie )arnan J, 8 Ben Thomas As far as I've read it"s, rriosfly cIaffying out support of trans, rights, more directly about the Y. Aurl 01), -JA Public servant, councilwoman VVennstrom lets the public know she is sick of this shit. Even though without her incitement, prejudice and hate, it would have all blown over within days. Ben Thorns In person is the plan at the mornent. Of course that couId change if there's a concern. I . . . . . �, H LlbbyWennstrorn 11 arn so sick ofthis shit g 09, 2 12, �Bein, Thomas Thank YOU for the heads up, Rowan, �Rowen ire Luna Y'all do what you want with the popo I just knew givi nig them, the info wouldn't heilp Libby Wennstrorn Yup, Know anyone who wants a 60 lb, aerdMe Cross, giood w other dogs and klids? A62I f Rowen DeLuna Definitely a Ipen sonal chat,just sharing into. Libby'Weninstrorn M, if it's a specific ask directly related to council business it's best to ernail OUr cound eimails. Libby Wennstrom admits she is not getting threats, yet misleads the public as to all those threats that are coming in. This in turn worked up a rageful public leading to our assault days later. LibbyWennstrom No 'Al uJ 0`-, iia..b 0'0; Libbyamen nstrom So far now MR Response 11age 24 Pat Cartwright Vaughan I hope no threats, 01,12 �/ 28 LibbyWennstrom Getting dozens of emads like this to city emaid. Only a couple personal so far. FA In a Facebook Message on August 12, 2022 between Alden Rohrer and Mayor David Faber, we learn that Libby Wennstrom wore body armor with a concealed carry to the August 15th 2022 city council meeting. Faber declined to wear one, claiming he had talked it over with a friend and decided it was not a good idea. E August 14, 2022 The night before Amy Sousa's Press Conference, Libby was organizing her protest shirt, hate campaign and discussing a "proxy war" with local resident Julia Cochrane in public record messages. They discussed it is not local but national. Libby is a representative of us, here locally. Libby is under oath to NOT violate our rights and treat us equally. Yet Libby engaged in a national "proxy war' against us, that resulted in us women, elders, lesbians who live here, having our rights violated. We were threatened that worse would happen next time, by people such as Libby's friend Donn Christianson. I have a local non-profit church, that night I had a business license in the city of Port Townsend for my church. I have lived here for 11 years. Yet Libby Wennstrom made this a "national" issue, a "proxy" war. Yes, a few speakers came into town. However the event was put on by local women, and many of us locals spoke and attended this permitted press conference. W Judie Cochrane Ure fine. I'm pgaw oing ffie -mr u.ap at 3:30. 11f L ulfb wennstroir V'n reaching orut to Hank, to see fif rain Ipick Ullra my sNrt oarHer..l wHIl already b�e insu e by 4 L ulfb wennstroir Jutia Cochrane h-Nli, 1 wW be at the IFark noaat to Nifty Fi ies on Monday from 4 - 530, to peas olrat tee shiifts. They ar,o Hess colortrall than expected duo to SIrupplllyr/proa:hu.aCfl'our I'ssjrae:r, and a very short tlme kine. Birut they riot the Ipoint acrossh Vf you are tatliisrgy part in the C: Gty CoInandill n-wefino;g- I'4-rs e Or okAsWe - pgease be in tOLICII Wth a r_groUp of fnfiends who are there by text, SO YOU aH know a heire each other are and can keep each other safe. V filllll stay out sgrte Oty Hollh Illu e str eorali -ig Lookng to borrow back Ulgru Ib attorr'ie5 ton my phone. Stay sato, remember thus is a Iproxy war. No change wwH Ihappen at theY, in PT or '"+ °°asWngton state. This is ,o nafiuon al agenda. i,il r r,71 -t August 15, 2022 Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom has "multiple gunshot trauma wound packs". Prepped for a "proxy war" against women, lesbians, elders of Port Townsend. Libby Wennstrom arrived at the City Council meeting early to Get the City Manager off her back. Libby admits that the Port Townsend Police, though they had prior knowledge of an Antifa Call to Action, and threats against us, were NOT "PREPPED". However, Libby's "team", Libby's "crew" were ready. They had radios, communication set up, medics, and overwatch. Libby herself had on "Body Armor" and had a concealed weapon. On this one I agree with Libby. The Port Townsend Police did NOT prepare properly and could not even be bothered to put even a couple of links of fencing to separate the groups. Chief Olson had prior knowledge and getting fencing and police standing between groups should have been easy. However Olson hated us, prejudiced us prior and lied about our assault, gaslighted us after. The police that obeyed Chief Olson and NOT their constitutional oath were also not "prepped". A local councilwoman, under oath of office was prepped for a bloody war against us, local women, lesbians, elders. A "war" she was a big part of inciting. 10 Pat Cartwright' Vaughan CblMG Libby wennstroim I'd yr uch rather have it and not ne«ad fit. (Libby wennstroim I now have a mwultihrllp gunshot wound trauonma pack stashed in, n'ny co urmriil e fesk. ai ; n (Libby wennstroim 'whew u_uttedy UPW thug Off for 1101 days. and are now scrannholhng to onake gnhns, Mile the locals who do se+ auriity for Varga BLM protests iflready had a rrrnnnwis team, radios, stations, faros for variOU5 5cendrics and owr^wvata.h, medics fru the b uill(fi ng arral ou.ut.ikle, etc Pat Cartwright'Vaughan PRR Response Pate 22 What are tlhey d6ng/rlot cloiongi? Ribby wennstroim Me to+). IP'ur-u about as fairekaikred as I can me, +suhchi is more than II can n say'foar h°TPD,. Mayor David Faber communicates with "team" "crew" that Libby Wennstrom refers to. Message from Alden Rohrer to Mayor Faber. The City Council, I Allege, was acting directly with those who assaulted us, violated our rights to Free Speech, peaceful assembly, due process and violated our civil and human rights. Mayor Faber knew that Libby's "crew" was there in the crowd that was violating our rights, coordinating a sabotage on our event, and directly involved in bullying, intimidation, harassment, and assault on us. Below is from public record message FABER -Rohrer 11 Councilwoman Wennstrom says she knows her "team" is busy outside, and so she chose to not go out, as then it would be all about her, and her team would have to divert from assaulting us to protect her, from what I have no idea. The "bad guys" were obvious. Libby Weininstrom I (-Iho e p°v to go mintIbi-I I knew my tt arri was btjy eniOLIghi already b..it would absohsitOy feel they had to divert to Iprotect me And U had a dlmfferent an(.°f k- nportant joh, to do 4iso de, Libby has a discussion about the City Attorney and Concealed Carry laws, this message sent during the August 15, 2022 Monday night city council meeting. While our councilwoman is discussing these matters, we are just outside being pummeled by her "crew". Our rights are being violated at her inciting and direction. Pat Cartwright Vaughan Has n7reotk-tg started? 9 can't get in "The vrerll)iinar vAll begin sh�ourtly (Please ren -wain on the II'ino. Libby Wenirustrorn And they're correct, that's the (law PR:]R R_espo L e P ae - r Libby W e nirustrorn Carry Libby Wennstrorn Yup. And they were jwust explaining to the city attorney in fra'idy heated tprnns that people with concea,Iedll carry perrn'its would be a1lowled to care weapons iiins'icle Pat Cartwright Vaughan Is PTRID respoinsiNe for inside? Libby Wennstrom messaged community member Sherry NeSmith during the council meeting. Sherry NeSmith, a local Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a Registered Nurse in Washington State, saw the attack on our rights, intimidation, harassment and threat; the shut down of women's voices at a permitted event, as "peaceful" and a "great" crowd". Beau Ohlgren brought 8 under age (teens) to the meeting, yet they knew there would be violence. 12 Later they would "worry" the teens would be identified. The multiple Felony assault arrest(S) were not for "shoving". Libby Wennstrom flat out lied and continued to gaslight us and belittle our physical and emotional trauma, our flat out assault incited by our own local government at every branch, along with major nonprofits, churches, hospital commissioners and school counselors. Sherry Oleok NeSmith It lookedRe as great crowd and <ali was peaacefaai. Sherry oleok NeSmith Goltaa love Beamu, I Libby Wennstrom Beau bror.ght a �11orapa Of 8 trams trsaam Skarerry 011eck NeSmidii Keep Iarn osn`eead. Libby Wennstrom h'rcib 3a i 40 arrto trans with rnriareaphone and spe akeis, zu�d as coeapka hunefre 1 tiaans fr9ts w4h"k Vear.ae� snw�aa ts. Libby wennstrorn One arrest oulsilde for shoving G- Libby Wennistrorn Cups a cit people in arra eraar�e�aled n:�rar ry laulklroa ti k geoveirraar� ent t��w�:aas ana�ae� ;a Parc n:7eraai QaK�aorat� �all¢aw�^iva_ rrneetings Ilea . A _ i, / "ai LibbyWennistrorn Mostly fhendly crowd in c:ha 66 Libby knew we were blocked out of the city council. Libby said we would leave whenever we were done talking about whatever we came to talk about. Complete disregard for our rights. Council member's word in this video. hilt s:��ru�mbUe.com�v3 sau...uonuca...uuckha er... ou...i�owr�rnsend...cgt...counciU...knew...we...were...beun ... dertued..acces.hi�mU ........................................................................................................................... August 16, 2022 Libby Wennstrom began bullying event participant Rachelle Burt. Rachelle is a long time Jefferson County resident and part of the Port Townsend Community. Rachelle used to be friends with Libby Wennstrom. Libby began publicly and privately gaslighting Rachelle and misleading the public as to the events the night before at Amy Sousa's press conference. 13 I witnessed Rachelle Burt's assault by local resident Bjorn Maclochlainn. Bjorn violently knocked Rachelle to the ground, then charged her while on the ground. Men at the speaking event stood over Rachelle so that Bjorn could not further hurt her. This was after Bjorn hit many with a flag pole, screamed at us, threatened us, violently slammed into many elder women and was horribly cruel to older women throughout our speaking event. Bjorn is the beefy tattooed guy you see in the video footage. There is footage of Rachelle Burt going to the ground, yet Libby Wennstrom flat out lied to the public that Rachelle was not assaulted, made it all up, was nowhere near the assault and staged the entire event. Re"Ply 6W ttb m Donn, F Christianson the is the sarne woman the arrested, athe crop for n(A sure the whole shoving gra° .,yew, Reply 6w was planned and Laude McClavp. Libby Wn r Wennstrom all of this was planni amorned and cored by her terf roommate Libby clearly had prior prejudices against community members Scarantino and Rachelle Burt and this prejudice and targeted hate campaign led to direct assault and violation of rights of all of us at the event, and long after. Libby Wennstrom has divided our community in irreparable ways. All because of personal history, bias, prejudice and discrimination. Libby misled the public, flat out lying that there was clear footage showing Rachelle was not assaulted. 14 Libby Wennistrorn, Pk r�r ied event to get sympathy Si, Libby Wennistrorn, One arrest, cops arrested the pe sori who was pushed, riot tlw �r cftja� and ajpjpairv,�,ntl" t1her b s good chr r vur°te Ci,)6fyung Whast cictuallI y h ijpjpen(,,?d. tea lwl e ffijr't IMede „ yes, she of ad:vRW1tN""s staged C(,) p Mask Protest last ear t:u be s riou�y 4,ijI WNeCaV'0 VINVs-9rrtert olr"A' b6rig transported in �An arnibu kir"we; v�deo of her r,Uowitllr""r ' near the jptv;,1l',VIri'g VlncJrteIrit. l�s,, I City Manager John Mauro gets it into his head that Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom has "hired private security". Mauro is said to be Passive Aggressive and Libby set up a "formal" meeting between her security team "crew" and the Port Townsend Police on 8/8/2022. Now we know who the people directing those coordinated assaults and violations of rights on us were. They were incited by, directed by City Council member Libby Wennstrom. I have a video clip of the man with the radio telling our attackers where to stand and what to do. In my footage I call him security guard guy. He also works with Salish Sea Rescue. Also I witnessed the coordinated attack in person. htt s:��rumble.com�vewr�rce ...salush...rescue... u...coorduroated...attack...oru...am ...sousas... ress...confer ence.html I allege that Salish Rescue instructor Erik Wennstrom, Libby's husband or now ex, assisted Libby to get her local "crew" "team" directly involved in a violation of our constitutional rights, of which she took an oath to uphold. There are several videos showing the "crew" coordinating those disrupting our event, those assaulting us and violating our civil and human rights. No wonder Libby Wennstrom publicly Gaslighted us claiming that those bad things did not really happen to us. Because how horrific if they really did happen and were instigated by the city of Port Townsend itself. In the message below, Libby claims that City Manager John Mauro gaslighted her because she was upset she must have "imagined it". Yet that is exactly what she did to us, the victims of her "crew". Libby is so full of her own self importance, that if she went outside, she would be a target and her "crew" "team" attacking and intimidating us, would have to "divert" and protect her. Protect her from who? US? Our group was 99% over 50, most over 70 and 80. We were attacked, and she is so arrogant that it is all about her safety. Had she went out, no one would have recognized her from our event. I had no idea who she was until after our assault. I knew Ben 15 Thomas as he had introduced himself to me a couple hours prior. But to Libby it's all about her imagined victimhood, her being harmed by 80 year olds in the street. Libby Wen nstrorn h chose not to go out bic l knew rny tearn was busy enoulgh aleeady bUt woulid absokitely feel they had to divert to, Proted men Aii(I b had as differerl and iuqxxtant job to dr) inside. LibbyWennstroirni Lrjv(,, the nu,kon of pre 41usraled Den Thomas Yeaho h sh(juld m,,�vo, (,dein thc,, "vay (A us 11)(."ing al'A,e to do What we wew ek,eUqxj for, 7 Ben Thomas I (ouldjljs� W11 1:1Y the WrIe or his Voice Orxl'n he said he was we dor'tvisil Che protost that lie knew h was qotlm!) to do 0, anyvvayancJ vvS�Is Pre" Inisv'ated, 2, Libby Wennstrorn It's frustratirig bc of makes iit hard to do rnyjobw stuff like o)ver6ghl of t1v PDA Libby Wen nstrom He we (,,)if ori Erik once severall years ago and has no idea i was thcq'ie or saw that it was dark and it was f,)efore vve'd ever, inet, UbbyWennstrorn l - e only yelled wait me Che once, but ii, was surx-,u rveinq,)�able, Mdde rTWu,,,, %ID by the gaslighiing afiervvards, (iakiiung O,wt because i was upso l (rniagined it, Ben Thomas It's very passive aggressive, We have as very 6vfll rpiatjorL)Stjip, d)Ut I (ari le��l lie tenses up and gets a itfle Madhiiavelfian with how to communicate. lBut that's Ai SUbde Stuff, No yelling, Libby Wen nst�rom So what forni does beingi on your, back take? He rnostlyJustwon't meet w me/answer hard que5tions, or keep me in the loop on stuff l absoiutety shiotfld know about IT.- � wa s �ar.�unna.two nuutnn:uur an �.�u.um,u��olw.tw� p�o,snaru to �tal� e b uok,, in.�nw " ' " � �dw uuna' Because Iie'd set a nreefiing hr sari Urn �* was droppiiing nw off.,,. L . Gblby W nein t:ro le got V1 finto his 111lood VIM! t uJna.ul hill" d p16wlte because the Cnw; T 77, 7 -7 Ben'Thomas ft's very passive aclqrossuve We have a very crvrI r-Mafionship, but I can teH he tenses up and gets a little Machlaveflian with how to ccirnmunicate, But that's aU subtle StUff. No yelling, P "" . . . . . . . . " ...pi, LibbyWennstrom So what foam does being an your back taike? He mostly lwst won't meet w nie/answer hard quesboins or kee�p me qn the gor)f) on stluff I absolutely SN)Uld know Axxit LibbyWennstrom And going through chanmfls, setting Lqs fix -mal meetings w Cops and facility manager, intim. ducing in, Mauro at 8/8 n-reeting, etc. PRR Response 5 I was sorylehcm Irltrodubng ar) Outside person tcn lhr b(6kAing" Because he'd set a meefing w �acfl&es fo�r the saaw tim lie was drapping me off A LibbyWeninstrom He gim, it irrto his head that I "had hired p6wte securlty' because the local crew vVere orgin-flAing, Aj,q P, -/'1 ... . . . . . Ben Thomas Not out loud i'm used Io having him on my back though City Official gaslighting victims, claims it was somehow misleading that "angry white men attempted to silence black feminist". That is exactly what happened and worse, yet Libby, as a publicly trusted official, under her oath of office misled the public as to what we experienced and what actually happened that night. 18 UbbyWennstromi Yes. Cr Pat Cartwright Vaughan That person froni King county (whin wais often incfistunct) seerned to be, rnakng that Iki'nd of wgument. A 4 rn Pat Cartwright Vaughan So the TERF folks had a, "rafly of sorts, in, frnnt of thie Cotton BUIldling? They were senolusly oiutrunibered, weren'tthey? UbbyWennstromi They're now My enting all kads of crackpot psychollogucal theories to explain thek, stuff Pat Cartwright Vaughan Yes, 11"ve mad about th IlaacklIash, to hem OCJIOUS views., tubby Wennstromi JK Rowl1ing wio wrotthe Harry Potter Ibooks is, a not oriolus andveoutspoken TERF 16 UbbyWennstrorni The rnain speake�, was a BIPOC woman from Texas ,w goes, by Gabbs, (clon't know last narne). HUn'reds of people were yefling over her speech,, tNngs, kke "respect hUnian, rights! Trains Ili ves rnaittea` And this was `aingmy white men aittempting to sdence, black fen)inist" A I C 2 1 0 — � UbbyWennstromi Also, objecting to thek, terdble pseUdosdence and Ngotry is rekgOUS pers,eCLAu011. 19 LibbyWennstrom Ch, they stili are. Made the Daily bail hi the UK this morning - that crowd of angary white men were preventing a black woman f'rorn speaking NvIj If", Pat Cartwright Vaughan II have never herd the TFt F acroryrrr before, What do the letters stand for? G°\1i (,,I I'>, 'fi'/ ,, Ir, "at Cartwright Vaughan Let's hope tl-fls incident dies the deaths it deserves and that: the right, -wing irriediai doesn't; keep flogging that dead horse. Lib( yWennstr+orm A little spa ey and overtired. It was a biig dlay yesterday, and a huge succus. Al_d�i rr Cartwright Vaughan 0090" Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom should have remained neutral and represented us all, the entire community equally, instead she constantly targeted Julie, Amy and all of us who attended Amy Sousa's press conference August 15, 2022. Libby Wennstrom let the public know that she loved this comment so much, she closed her eyes and listened to it read at the city council meeting. This basically says it does not matter if you were raped or molested, your trauma does not give you the right to consent, privacy, valid intuition, or boundaries 20 Libby Urner Wennstrom A , Justt6,vrzai'1iw 44 This is the public comment my friend George Mai r read at last night's City Council meeting. I am so proud of my community for showing up and standing strong in the face of bigotry and prejudice, helping keep everyone safe and respected. My name is George Marie. This is my statement of support of the Port Townsend City Council and for our entire LGBTClIA community. The following is a response to sexual assault survivors using trauma tojustify their anti-transgender rhetoric: Having lived through my own traumas of rape, childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence, I can sympathize with anyone who lives with the daily fears that unresolved trauma can cause -be those real fears or invented ones. But my sympathy ends when those fears are used to target other vulnerable people, such as those in our transgender community. Using our trauma tojustify transphobia, to incite violence against transgender people, to seek to nullify their equal treatment under the law, is nothing more than a thinly veiled act of discrimination. Left untreated, trauma shadows our minds. It provokes us to engage in unstable and uncontrollable reactions. It twists and debases our truths, corrupts our narratives, and leads us to target and oppress the very people we should have by our side. The narrative that we have seen espoused by Julie Jaman and her supporters is one that has been twisted and debased so as to be used tojustify acts of oppression. It is a story that depends on half-truths or outright lies in order to gain the support of others. I am here not only to support our brave, transgender community who are all valued and Irnr 1 nannlo in -r —m—inity omitl-I to tha di—it,, and mcnart that all mamharc of n. it htrp /(xw Jaceb-k.com/libbyumer 1508 The narrative that we have seen espoused by Julie Jaman and her supporters is one that has been twisted and debased so as to be used tojustify acts of oppression. It is a story that depends on half-truths or outright lies in order to gain the support of others. I am here not only to support our brave, transgender community who are all valued and Invori nannlo in na it rnmRmi inity ontltlorl to tho rifnniof ind rocnort that all monnhorc of -'r https./(www.faceboo'k.cam/libbyumer 15/18 8!20/22, 11 37 PGOA acebook L.:� (1) Libby Urner W'enmslrom I Facebook can cause acts of Irreparable harm, and can further the discrimination and oppression that ' tis all. k f�:nrnrneints �J�l Like Share View f inure a,:ai�rwnrr.wint A011 cr"np leias Donn IF Christianson 0II11I4l 40 Wonderful words. I.dl're I'd fi Libby butter Wennstrom Donn F Christianson I closed my eyes to listen better when she spoke this in our city council meeting last night, and asked her for a copy. August 17, 2022 City Official Condones Criminal Act, finds it "Mildly Hilarious" Libby Wennstrom finds the sabotaging of our equipment, our event and the violation of our constitutional rights "mildly hilarious". I am sure she would not feel the same about this happening at one of her theater or campaign events, or any other permitted event in Port Townsend. 21 Libby admits to knowing that Jennifer Thomas's shoe was ripped off, stolen. Yet later would publicly gaslight us, as to these events simply not happening. Councilman Ben Thomas is a fan of "letting" us speak so we can "show our ass". These council members took an oath to uphold our constitutional rights, which include our First Amendment rights, our right to peaceful assembly and to not be assaulted, our right to equal protection under the law and equal access to our city council meetings. We have a right to give our public statement, whether it agrees with the politics, prejudice and opinion of the City Council or not. Our truth is our "ass" it seems like. For me, I believe all of us have a right to speak, and not be bullied, threatened, shut down, screamed at, hit, and threatened to do worse next time, as Donn Christianson, one mob member publicly threatened. Ben Thomas is unhappy about how a "handful" of trans supporters behaved. That is how people get killed. Yes, Ben seems to be saying that it is people like that that give trans identifying individuals a "bad name" and gets "them" hurt. Thing is for me, being targeted, bullied, hit, shoved, screamed at, intimidated and threatened by at least 50 of them, as the other hundreds pushed in to assist, well that was not a "handful" of bad behavior. Instead it was a massive mob that represented all sectors of our community. It was the direct result of City council member Libby Wennstrom launching a hate campaign from day one of the YMCA incident, it was city manager John Mauro creating unnecessary fear and hate against Julie Jaman within 24 hours of the incident, with no investigation in to the matter as to what was true and what was not. It was also the prejudice and hate inciting against Julie Jaman and any of us who spoke up for an elder in our community, by Mayor David Faber. The "trans" community per se, was NOT who assaulted us, violated our rights. It was the City itself, the hospital commissioners, counselors, Quimper Fellowship, local nonprofits such as the Dove House and Centrum, the county commissioners, they all prejudiced us and incited hate throughout the community. They decided who and what we are and they justified their bullying, hate, and violence incited against us, other community members. Those who physically assaulted us were straight men, gay men, the PRIDE community, Libby's "crew" and Antifa. All incited, enabled, protected by the City of Port Townsend. Those who assaulted us and a police officer, Felony Assaults, hate crimes were represented by the Mayors law firm, favors pulled by Prosecutor Kennedy and NO FELONY Charges. No Victims Rights. Even though Mayor Faber assured the public before being Mayor that there would not even be the slight impropriety of a conflict of interest. (All this will be in my full chronology of events to be published at a later date, once I receive all public records) 22 Ben Thomas Uni of the schc)cl of letting people speak and let there show their ass. Libby Weninstrom 11 da find of n6kfly hllaricw,, that soffte kid yanked thOr Powe Ir dp ZJJJ(J the bkj rwne speake� time y d flown 41 lrcqnTexas spent ".1rer enfire test of Ou," rafly bent over and holrfin(f the crid info the WA sockm. Ben Thornas So many peaceful protests have been ruined (in ternis, of the gredler OeM by that kind of budshit [ LibbyWennstrom Yes, But lCs hard to got that atross. B Thomas f am MY Wlhappyr ab(DW hOW hind[ul of pro frans people behaved. It"s assholes Oike that Who get other people killed. Libby Weninstrom Re,i(h oa and ask Libby We n nstrom He's gof hours cf it. I think he's sharing bits, and 1,,)ulfing together a mcAre colwrent Cut. But it's also Ks frst week at a new job so aright be this weekend. ILibbyWe,ninstrom And there wass def some poor behavior from trans folks Lce reaching between a blockers legs to steal someone's shoe and! throw lt.. ? There's sornething r) that vvhich I don't understand, a trope about throwing shioes Libby knew that items were ripped off of women's bodies, later she and other city officials and police would gaslight us claiming none of that happened. Libby Wenirtstrom Arid there wars def sorne poor behavior frorii trains rights folks, too - reaching 1,)etweerl ai bloickers legs to steal someone's shoe and throw it.,.'? There's sornethingi ilni that which l doini't understand, a trope about throwlng shoes. 7 L i Libby Wennstrom knew that our property had been sabotaged and some stolen. Yet with malicious intent and knowing it was not true, posted this on her Facebook. Libby Ulrner Wennstrorn If you're reading online thiait protestors "stole their equipment", someone pulledl n extension cord out of an outlet. 23 Even if it was simply a plug pulled. Libby is a city official condoning and laughing at the sabotaging of a permitted event in the city of Port Townsend, at other people's pain and property damage. August 21, 2022 Libby Wennstrom admits to knowing that the YMCA issue is "not city business". Yet she, city manager John Mauro and Mayor David Faber made it "city business" and incited hate against us in the community we live in. Libby seems to be implying that the proclamation had nothing to do with the "Y" incident. However, that is clearly not true, the timing is clear evidence to that. Isaac Urner, I presume Libby's son, claims that the Port Townsend Police do not answer to the mayor or city government. So then who does the Port Townsend Police answer to? Who were the PTPD working for that night? Public records show PTPD gave police escort into the city council meeting for Beau Ohlgren's group, and clearly protected a mob to keep us out of city council. The police were on a "security detail" as if we were the threat. We were not the threat. Amy nor Julie was never a threat. The PTPD stood and watched our constitutional rights violations, our assaults, bullying and intimidation. Libby's son claims that the Police don't answer to the city government. Well then who does PTPD answer to? Libby says the Y's policies are not city business. Exactly yet the city of Port Townsend made it their business and incited a hate filled violent rights violating mob against fellow citizens, lesbians, elders, vulnerable women. 24 Isaac drni r 8.8.2022 Libby weoronstr r Qn'nrudo)t iIy the Y's Iodk ertnrrrrn pokies are not city tKks ijr(L5, l"dol d pr,it Hm''r l.i bby'We nrnstirum Didn't even rnknen it. If I Car) tui,du.ur(m LO a way to see It wo giving d�a�irnn t[te s trntactio n of an ieart rtiir.awnpt mayl rn. Gtn.ut at ut'r n°tncJinrrdinwtt cagy bu6nara.r I cant tesp:roo nd or) FB and'am:")u nt rnrY «ny. is annm ShO dlrnrn Unrnec. O: haven't r.vrrrn opened ite Is annwSyOdon~n Ur er What's it Say t..iilbby We nnnnstiram Sca fan6atir,tlu seri rn'nra a FR rrd.e<.aage nel.p4ws't', H tn4°" wans to ls4,sn"nta""#r't n"Y1e alar'",4,it (..Ity t;Yrsa nhess can l'rrad my City darn') 0nA +/1 i V'saanc Sheldon il.dirn t Lt�rtr .��I�..�MnrVo rv..���Gati4 rl�tiliU�npri I�*_tiirul�n.Iz.Up.i'A�,rridp.tpnwrianPJa'?G�.vW�pl�'.J%?�.� Vt°n tndlanrioaas they'tiadnk„ rnUps Hste n tnm anyMn re trrr yp rruna�n.a.o� tarwapnrrrtnawdya,rnn; Hwt vaur°nrdan fanmOIar, Who else iv;ed that as a ndrrfrnsr " It's n i(.titt t:,m the tctt of my tongue—" 791"rtr� �`�.yit��° r�.anrrpr'4alf�LYt,i Win r.tt�rrx�arind:I laiFi.r.iwnnk'.�'tb. Ilnnaic ShO dlo n Ulmer- ft's ,lm r-Vtas nuatar@tptc ityr.1�:Mrna.nd idov turn public clirtnlir'nnraunt right., Libby Wennstrom and "crew" got dozens of my Free Speech Facebook Groups and Pages shut down. They have no regard for my First Amendment rights. They reported me over and over, and FB, loving censorship, simply shut down my sites. The Libby Wennstrom "Crew" tried to do it on Twitter as well and failed there. Libby did not want proof online of her actual words. They reported me for reporting on their Actual Words. 25 x ,rltruwnrY u.c-Uri i er irstni:x: tinfn 1 ed ll' ikir 1"�k''�°eN976? 218,kt. CJ)10. OIuwlidLLf,... °Thus liis, one of the IF"rmmt Townsend Co undl Members that Voted (Faber unto Office TlhIs is reaallly what theyIbe leve 4It tvs» '/t.0 u7dt rSii L9_f,°Ti��rf w @g1en-u eu�_;a�:uostaite @Siovereig Women ff rrmrmen_Exist @GrowinTornt oy" V d�Yn �" ~,q'�'^h tYl ��, 1'�>dr 1 '.,�„i25r ,8719 1�' 7 V}..4." Libby 'fiennstrei i Uriik to the Tw tter post? Tnyiiing to get tKis shut down. ILiiblby W'ennstrai LAe me for saying that .Uu.ulie lis crrrin ky and difficult'? ethe] Prescott Which makes the Odeun 11 posted in the group e riier make perfect sense. Soo ny this is happening tO YOU. IIt SUILumuruiruu_uruclks. Bethell Prescott II reported a few of her recent tweets. Looks duke she's plann,Jing to srme. Bethell Prescott II" rrm reporting it now. Libby Wennstrom TERFS Out Facebook Thread After Amy Sousa's Press Conference, Libby Wennstrom posted a hateful TERFS out photo on her Facebook page. It showed a large wave coming after a woman pinned to a cliff. We were all still traumatized, injured and suffering and the city official that was part of the violence incited upon us, posted a photo glad to run us out of town, and making fun of our pinning to a brick wall. Many community members followed her and posted it on their FB as well, further dividing the community and intimidating and bullying those of us who live here. iz Libby Urner Wenoistrom , pdated, hii� �:c""Ve� c" ... %(Ktpas I s so far. The one. vmman that smart), wasal d by the. teirf tW *w omit, F, ChAs"ballfall'i" The crowd got pretty, aqcvessive with thealn tnit j ts""'x) ancl, any claims of" %ktirmh(.itcW cm, th eir part 27 VDonn F Christianson Laurie McClave we can block them. Block the trucks. Surround them. Don't let them move. 4 - Like 6 w Libby Wennstrom violated her constitutional oath, and incited hatred against Julie Jaman before, during and after our assault at Amy Sousa's Press Conference. 1 11 Kathie Meyer One (somewhat) good thing to come out of this is that now it should be clear to, the public that A is a mean bully regardless of the situation, something a lot of us have already known for years. It sucks she chose this issue, but I'm hoping her credibility with other issues such as the poplar trees is pretty much destroyed now, as It should be. 7h David William Alvarez Kathie Meyer I agree, that A is a mean bully and I also hope that heir https:Ffwww.facebook.com/iiibbyurner 8J20/22, 11:37 PM facebook G1) Libby U rner wen scram I Facebook Libby Urner Weri David William Alvarez Karen of the year. Pat Teal Kathie Meyer she loves the attention "I The City of Port Townsend Q and A about the YMCA banning Julie Jaman was cited by City Manager John Mauro as a "look to" for the city's position on our assault. Odd yes, but true. Mauro said this at a city council meeting after the assault. See video here bt.p I ............................................................................................................. ................. ................ �.-Hrumb�e.com/v2.hva..q.O:::�.p..g.ELig� ...... .... ........ : 14/18 Libby Wennstrom claims that city's use a Q and A as propaganda however PT did not and theirs is accurate. 28 Julilette Sterner Libby Urner Wenn tr orn The document the city created is pretty clear, but the foals I have forwarded it to have declared it"s"ust trans propaganda. But then— Trump. (3N' f` Libby Urner Wennstronn Juliette Sterner because Cities make such a habit of creating official FAQ documents that are propaganda for a particular group IW 0 41,91Jain Mockers Boutillier Libby Urner 'll ennstrorn Thanks for this info, Libby. I copied some of this to send to a person, who contacted me saying they were outraged that I was not outraged about the misinformation they were believing. Libby Urner Wennstrom Juliette Sterner because Cities make such a habit of creating ofific'iall FAQ documents that are propaganda for a particular group Jam Murk— Idoutilirr Libby Urner Wennstrom Thanks for this info, Libby. I copied some of this to send to a person who contacted me saying they were outraged that I was not outraged about the misinformation they were believing. 'I Mrs 'fl—fbt W)kWM,*bbyu(— 11,18 -0122, 11'.37 FM (1) Isle lYrniBr.,—t— I F—iu.,M aceboo d Libby Urner Wennstrom Jain Klockers Boutliler both the City 0 and A and the PDN article are accurate descriptions of wheat actually happened. Ask. your friend to check the fact, and understand that creating outrage from a false or misleading story is part of a larger political playbook L191rs'.://>r vvra llwninsul lcl, 11yliwstr lltJ /11 ua-fr,r, Inru't_,/ ��yy������ Iltlts://afylfl lii5rdcnrpu}�"111ji119€/n +lulllain-rn1 rllrul WI N4IPJ IVIg„,{1PJILYNfVM'a r'G:upa f� 6 lity a flDl sparks debate .a aI I None of us said nor believe that all trans people are predators. Libby Wennstrom lied about us all and incited hate in our community. She made up things said in order to incite more hate. Julie and Amy were both lifelong democrats. The Press Conference was made up of a very diverse group political and religious diversity. I did not go there to speak on anything political. Libby flat 29 out lied about us and our intention, and our words. This further incited violence and divided community members. (1) Libby Urner Wennstrom I Facebook Ook W, Ted Swift Maddening to see the psychological projection succeeding: the cis- het- males accusing others of "grooming", when almost all cases, of sexual abuse are committed by cis- het- males. Oh 06 Libby Urner Werinstrom Ted Swift the "all trans women are predators" narrative goes a long way to further dividing groups that are natural allies. Because the far right isn't going to stop with eroding trans rights... 8h Here is a Link to the Full Facebook Post Thread DeNQW".'. 4, .................................................................................. . . ..... izMzd!1-2yiQEZUAbE� 3�viewr�r" us :::::::sharira Libby claimed that the YMCA issue had nothing to do with the city or the proclamation. Yet Libby spread misinformation that incited hate against Julie, Amy and others in our community. Libby lied about events that took place, lied about who said what and spread hate throughout our community. 30 Libby Wennstrom, as a city official, spread misinformation that we, or Amy or Julie somehow staged the events. Libby knew this was not true, as she had inside information and was part of our attack. Libby knowingly, with malicious intent lied to the public. Laurie McClave Libby Urner Wennstrom all,of this was planned. I believe Julie Ihas been groomed and coerced by her terf roommate Like Reply 6 w Libby Weninstrom Laurie McClave I bel'ieve you are correct Like, Reply 6 vi 31 Other than being a hate monger, was Julie Jamon ever someone who doesn't suck? People seem shocked to see her go full hate, and I'm just not familiar with anything pre- her being a mouthpiece for hate... Me Id Libby Urner Wennstrom Mycroft Evans this is a small town - we've only just hit 1 OK people this year, we were 8K when I moved here 24+ years ago. Everybody knows everyone else, and Julie has lived here for 35+ years, She and my soon to be ex husband were friends for years, though he eventually fired her as a handyman client because she was Such a PITA to work for. Julie has always been a cranky, difficult person, but prior to this incident I'd have pegged her as a "hippie tree hugger" type and not someone who'd be getting into bed with Breitbart types. But she's an entitled, attention seeking person, very opinionated and oftenjUSt plain wrong about stuff. Julie had Amy Sousa - a noted TEIRF blogger with a broad following - living as a tenant on her property for 10+ years, and they're friends. There's a fair bit of specWafion locally that Amy engineered this entire incident, looking for a sympathetic test case. Amy supports herself from her b,log and wants clicks and attention amore than anything, and appears to bejust fine working with the Proud Boys and their illk. ff'M ti " 32 Libby claims that we somehow staged 400 people to "shove". This is knowingly, maliciously misleading the public and incited further division and violence. Libby knew we did not stage the "shoving" as she was part of staging those who attacked us. 6 w Donn F Christianson the, fact that the wurnanvoho oairns to 1'18'vheen inju-.d ir r1le gam.,n NQrr),,.m (Raclic.11t Burt Merle) who r;@ged k Iii-o&jule arrestors a ftle, coop fOT MA wearnq a mask" thAig Q,I!J year makrs,rrie pretty 51UN" �1110 WhOfe SJ1OVk"I(j FTIAtcrl , See nixe Like Me"Ifly , (D I aud e Mtcl'a We Libby Urner Wenmlram all of th:S'v.-,i.js plannf.nI, I believe Juhe has bt-e7, qrarmwd and b, y her wrt: M 0 M1) ", NJ t e L*r Reply ::, v, Libby Wennsirani, .Laurie lot bave I Ej,elieve YOU OIT? bko Rwply Lxjrfe Mcclavlp Libby Urner We,nn.9trorn but who do vor, rq)orl that kind of abuse to? It"SOV& abUbe and brainwaqNng Llkv Reply 6 w 33 Bethell Prescott Ypp. Crystall Cox. ""Reverend"` And I didn't listen to more than the first few minutes. Because ew. LlibbyWennstrom PreRvrnably this is Crystal Cox? LlibbyWennstram Not sure I've got a lbasis for a cease and desist; public figure. Rales are pretty stiff I didn't (listen to the whole thiling, is she callfing for actual (Darin? b I u i � 1, ;,, () 1) ; I r,Oa(,.5irrI Bethell Prescott VOL] milight waint to get a cease and desist asap. Bethell Prescott Bethel sent an attachment. Part Oine Rev&eind Crystal Cox Cor-nmentariy This is one, of the Port Townsend Council Members that Voted Falber into Office. This is really what they believe. Read PDF Bellow I n � r ( r I ......................................................................................... I.M2.�scrjd coun�jl Ir ( 1, flIl) � 111 [-� unger wenirrstirorn ........................................................ ..... ...................................... ........... am.y ........ .....c.:::- - 3" , .1, I'l d - T1 I ...................................................... Alpi d, ;'(l d I o/oiri Bethell Prescott Amy !is disavowing working with the Proud Boys? BLA Gabby (who flew !in from elsewhere) !is welcoming thorn in, previous Twitter (posts. As are others Al 'i I ;'n"d I I �1,1111 Libby Wennstrom "kicked" off hate in our community. The Sept. 3 2022 event was for us to protest what the city did to us, what Libby did to us. We were the ones made to feel afraid in our community. Libby was a big part in setting off that hate filled mob, yet blames Amy Sousa. 34 Piper Corbett II think it's a conversation to have with the cranrnty commissioners I sent the note to Date as well. Presently Air -nee ns claiMing that, she has, no involvement in the upcorninmg epmtenrmber 3 prOLId boy event. However there are substantial posts and scrcmensl°mots of herrn asking for proud boy involverrient. t thunk it's important to nnpa this in the pat.rtt right of way even before they get here. t ecllaring them as dangerous to our, regiorm tmecause of Erect threats and intimidation tacticws. II think it Has to start somewhere arm�r:l it's not CIS for the proamd boys to keep rrsung Port Townsend as a stragrng ground For creating fear, if) our rornrrnunmity. Libby Wnnstrrom If hope Amy fully appreciates wheat she's kicked off rptyl� 11j73,'I(I01 ,y,),,n'� Liblb'y W+nnstrr'orn Trnrty-'.-n nrt;,Y .],,r $nrr'nnt' ir'S rn m'x^e m.^4 r'amr r7 '�Mx'v to 1F 1h r^�mr rnr^aiir'�iN- Libby Wennstrom incited hate and was directly involved in sabotaging, attacking our event, and she did so knowingly, willfully. Libby knew it was a violation of our rights to shut down our peaceful assembly, to harass us, intimidate us and attack us. As she posted this in regard to our Rally for Decency September 3, 2022 protesting against violence and against what the City did to us. This clearly shows that Libby knows the laws, and willfully violated our constitutional rights. Libby Wnnstrom 1), th61r rally its tor7norrow (saturdlay /'3) 2) there's not an "allowed" aspect. If yoU`re holding an event over a certauin size the cpity requests a Sp,eciall (Event form for planning but it's not something that's app:uroved or dleiniied. 0ty just sent LIS some ciarification aboUt that, p can find it. 3asncaply it's a first amendment issue - right of PEACEABLE assernbly,. They get to gatheir to say shit What theydon't get to do is harass, intimidate,, attack, etc. 3), all city correspondence is public record.. ''fou can ger on the city website and file a pubic records request fo,r alllu the: correspoindence around than speciiall event applicat'ion. Gty clerk's, office page, 35 Libby Wennstrom wants the Internet scrubbed of her Facebook thread with the "TERFS OUT" photo to intimidate and threaten us women who live here. I saved a PDF of the conversation and made a video with commentary. Libby and "crew" reported me in mass, however, rumble don't play the censorship game so the video stayed up. Bethel Prescott Yep. Costal Cox. "Reverend" And i didn't listen to more than the first few nmmnurtes. BecaauaSe evv. Libby Wennstrom Pre;stiumablytfris is Crystaall Cox?' Libby wen nstrorrn Not sure I've ghat a Ibasis for a cease and desist; public figure runes are pretty stiff, i didn't listen to the whole thing, is she calling for actual harnn? Bethel Prescott Your rniight want to get a reuse aincd desist asap. Bethel Prescott Bethel seuntan attachment.. Dart One Reverend Crystal Cox Commentary This is one of the Port Townsend Council Members that Voted Faberinto Office. this is sally what they believe. Read PIa�IF Below Fr /tutllil;,iili n^xf At'd1� ,� d Batt 1('yyn r Ylid,d,"UVw61 iYlo nnb Y 4 ne; V4o nn t{cMm,;;:. Wiwn Here is a link to the PDF of the Facebook thread Libby, a public official, did not want online, even though she put it online, as a "Public Figure". Click Below to Read t�p..::.H .�p.ve..,. cc Ue.ccm�fuUe�d�"B u:::)e��C u:::) ...u.. r� dtu a u:::: uu�Uxhl:::15 78/vlewr ?us :::::::sharia Libby knew the truth of what happened, and knowing she was part of our attack, and her "crew" was directly involved in a coordinated attack to sabotage our event, shut us down, and violate our constitutional rights. Yet Libby Wennstrom, a city official, called us "domestic terrorists". We did not hurt, intimidate, silence or bully anyone, Libby and her "crew" did. Libby misled the public that we were engaging in extreme behavior, when we were peaceful and simply giving a statement connected to a city council meeting. Libby admits she incited extreme behavior. W2 From WMVY,�� �om TaUgrz;z Subject P,& yout use ofsoc��al wiedia (thickens and,,IERPS) Datr -Ffiday, 9qAerr�m.j 2, 202'2 AM I "ve ncver s,ald anything rtzrnoic1y 11kc "au 'r1-,JRFS lvavc the cAIY" JAW share Nvidel,y ctrculalcd zi sticker Unzige thrZit someloilz elsic had created Shro%'illg the Tsunan-u, logo in pinik, and the w "TERFS Out" While elle stickier design was, intended to, bc a PUn on "Surf& TUIT'and bringing solne humor to, the ide�La that the "tide was tuniinW' on hurtful stei,cotypes about Transgender people, I Ulldei,stand that mnie! have tried, to cast this as iny "'beliefis, that ITRFs shoutd be "'dr'iVCllr Otit"' of "nly" town- In hindsight, it mi,as,n't hellpfid to, share it and ci-eated tnore upset atid inore extrcn.ie bthavior- Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom affected our safety, put fear into us, intimidated us then misled the public that instead we were the bullies, bigots 37 pin. nn,m stats. this c, anfly�; people zire enn,tati d to their opmnnm n s, however higoted or ]uunrt]'mull p pn,uunrsonnna lily mrm y find tln,umse uapin onw °p"ln,ur Bine wvh rc that stops for mine is awrinuur,uu that °"opnuiin icu n", dwunni,eS Suumn[u uunn,uu else"s, else"right to munuiisd and Eve l.ln,e r hfc sxficly. Having u an op,mnniuunn, that black p~weop Ie arc iiirul irlor zi nd are a]]I crimilnAls is protected firee speech, 1.41.1clbuiing, tfu mn, h armu,ssi n, dln,uunnr rlaiildmvu, or sending, tfu mn dpnm,uwats IS mn crmm lu . Having a opt tfumut ww+ummnuun aren't suniiduud dua e1ecd d Il uudwur:mlluup is protected free sp ecch., Ke p Bing ffi rran ftoi 7 voting or holdIn,g offive or indmmnud piing tlhwetn frommn running out of f mmr l5mm. fficimnisn't ztnn amp nnmmunn, mt'"s har ssmrr,cnnL trailnarly, having zin umpuniwwn that transg ndwur wvo rnunru mart- of lly p rete ridliing, to b w"u o nen nn iron o rd,e to prey 011, WISUsp�aeumn9 wvw�wnn1�mw %nw locker rooms its an opi I ni on, ` cre,amming ,ad transg nder, wvornurnn and ask.mnng upmmuwundi,wwnns about tlnm°i;r genitals iii, haruumusmnnrent, Fh ruw"s, a, hln,uu Ther , ] uunrn, d knnnpp n hard ]mnn,uu um;houut dluiS lISSUm^ precisely iselye buucammse 1 sce tlrn°°mdpu nd the harm At iii, cauusnig,. A, 19 year old Is having to quit lkmrr,dmm , drop out wmp" m„„ ,l'ic,o], and ]eave her coi nt nunniidy and family lin order tune not have to Ilive in fear umf actu ll„ rr dul"wlue duwuudlu 'dpuvealis, Dozens of p iu," emwtw, were w,nithumuu'd a h-fld msvre d mr mnor ^ th n a w vck bccitusv d.pnmm "m w a ck)s d b,uurna,tmsc oftlna,uwnatm- uugain t tlnuu fist,, linty and stuul`t„ uauud of concermru for ,lluu]dren s snade-dy Nobody wvann't;s an Oklaln,ummnnan ("iidy fwuumr ming sgdumnsa,taua;nu, I he ),," mm,mpuma'dmcs diirector is receiving photos of Iier ch,fldren wmth ° thep ,`re next" and h,zis lwmmd to buy hody zurtuotn and alww•ny°w ft avel with, aprotective de -fl, I he City office's were Ibasiicallly uriabile d;wm f`mmnaaiiawaw nwnrmm,al Ily for days because x111 p 1lone li,n s %VIF ,ammwimmnn d. °�pmmtallly ranmdoin dilly r^rrnp�lury :w- wwrem,m: being liitermmllly screaamned at, flm,m pe:m smwmu. wvho aiis wvcrs, tln,uu pall onn,uu for ffic wwater dw,p'um-tmniu nt does nnmwt dl,rs,u*rv,le wwl'usc ene verba ab use 111ohice mmwrertmmn,e bumd d is In overdrilve - dpnis, serliiesof events, will, cost ffie clity t1w,w: usands of dol, ]ars tlnnnt ww on 1: ua to other proWrairus. Gouun ct] Eirna,ils are w"uu jarnnnuud, ),ve'rc mn:iswiing iimrnp ort nt na,uWtuuall mrnurmusag un w1ule rcccivitlg We were lynched, harassed, hit, kicked, bullied and our rights shut down in part by Libby's action and Libby's "crew" was directly involved in our coordinated attack. Libby plays victim when she incited the violence in the first few days with her own hatred, prejudice of Julie Jaman and joining a protest against her, as a representative of the City of Port Townsend. Libby cost the city thousands upon thousands, not us. Libby told friends in private that she had no threats, then lied in a public comment response, as a city representative, that there were hundreds of threats. The city itself publicly standing with the YMCA with NO investigation, prejudicing and discriminating against Julie Jaman within the first 24 hours is what brought the calls to City Hall. The City brought them to itself and had no business in YMCA policy, by law, per a contract, an Operating Agreement. 38 oiuce 0k °o auroy�uy �uw u�� mu.�� � ��r SII cost $ e cilty Oux r Nvids o do'llt "bolt °xowum k'go ko Coun6l F"rl ikkds my sc� vv 're rni4 irtg tirnrxM rtarllt a'tcrkzlJ irVIIC*msgkW,-u vktt le 1`ok;"ic�vutj,,, This rea.fly Isn't anything to, dcs with w rau°rwn'sfie yr„ oi, bat rowns, or dlff�,r nm,ei,, (4 olminiou"u.. Th�5 is domestic te.tronsin, and it's, happening nght here Libby, Source Email Click Below „U,.."fl...eeV .U...g.p.U„ eu:::)3LVu��Uu.....Uwr�reLVai OLVIINf���uewr�ru�s :::::::sharquu Libby Wennstrom criticizes member of the Public for participating in Public Process In Port Townsend your comments are completely irrelevant. The city government has to act as if they are listening, as public comments are part of their legal process and government structure. However, they don't listen, they gaslight, laugh and make fun of you later. They do not look into the facts of what you said or even consider your views. They simply listen, you may as well be talking to the wall. One such example is diligent, intelligent community member Steven Schumacher, he has brought a whole lot of information to city council through public comments. NONE of which was considered important. Here is Libby Wennstrom making fun of Steven Schumacher for standing up for us women who were victims that night. Steven called out what the city did to bully, intimidate and gaslight us. He called out the police in down playing our assault as a mosh pit. Steven stood up for our rights and Libby Wennstrom cruelly made fun of him, and proved the city council does not care what any member of the public says at public comments, they just listen as it is part of the public process, allegedly to factor in what the public wants. 39 Here are Steven's public comments. Click below to watch. https:Hrumble.com/v2tvbgi-stephen-schumacher-port-townsend-calls-out-city-council-for-attack- at-letju.html Yes City Officials were "actively complicit" and "negligent". Keep in mind Steven was sticking up for our rights, as he spoke at the city council meeting. Steven spoke of the Port Townsend police's handling of our attack, spoke of Chief Olson's comments in the Port Townsend Leader and our mass gaslighting, and total disregard of our rights. Libby laughed it off. Clearly, because she was the main source of inciting a community wide hate campaign toward Julie Jaman and anyone that dared have an opinion on the issue that did not exactly match Libby's. (complicit) (negligent) Liblhy± ennstrorm Most of theme are just misguided fools. He's actually intentionaland evil. He knows exactly what he's doing and he's gored at it Piper Corbett Merry... Goad I hate auto correct t f0 flJr; ll01:'i'�_r Piper Corbett Scarantino's IMary hand of psychopaths... 0I, 1 1 0 i.'1 / alTl Li b'by W'em mstrorm Stephiein Schurna�cher- who goes to every council rneeting and rants for thiree irandom minutes, about <insert wing nut topic, historicallly just utterly off the gall suit, now largely far right script> CORNERED me for 25 rains as I (left council meeting last might. Genuinely wanted to know why I - as a Microsoft millionaire- had bought off the PTPD because I wanted to haii women Just wound not Ilea rrae go, and I figured the just Cutting and running was going to cement his narrative so I talked to him, But he's writing for Scarantino now. The "narrative" is most definitely cemented. March of 2023 Libby Wennstrom Gives Legal Advice Local community member Donn Christianson was one of the people in the 400 that attacked us that night. Donn went to my Facebook pages and groups and bullied me, stalked me, threatened me. Months had passed then in March of 2023, Donn came to my Facebook Pages again and threatened me again and told me I had no voice in the public square here. Donn claimed that he would do worse than what happened to us last time. I was and am afraid of Donn's threats. So I emailed the Port Townsend Police and John Mauro (LGBTQ safety Laisons per city website). And I emailed city officials of my concerns for my safety, with proof. City councilwoman Libby Wennstrom forwarded this email to Donn, the very person I was seeking help regarding and gave legal advice to get an anti -harassment order against me. Further endangering me, a local vulnerable woman, a lesbian, with total disregard for victims rights, my safety, my endangerment. March 29, 2023 Public Record eMail From: Wenin^t"Qrn@rtyoFQt.,ua To: donn,dnrc"wtiiia� aan�7rnaliil.c�7�n Subject: Fwd! Rdegaidliing PT Mann Donn Chirzutiansen„ Hate Qime, Threats, Dan geiu tO Pcbhiic Q Belheve Date:' Wednesday, IKwchr 29, 20238:35!17 AM Attachments: 2. Bann 1.Pnrl (20 Part Townsend News GI OLIa by Reverend Oystal Cox Facebook„udf Fonvardin2 this to you Libby Urnear Wentnstroyn � City Councilor City of Port Tn%v.n,,e1id I ivawa'.City¢`at�7�.lb� � ” � 1 Iadiison 5t.. Poil To%vnsen d. NVA 9,8368 R(360') 379-2990 I F(360) 395-.4290 Begin forwarded nits sagee: From: RtTy'erend C rystal Cox (t,41nail.rwcmi:: Date: March 2,8. 2023 at 1:216:501 PNI PDT To: ptibliccoi1u11 w1nt t4 cityofl)t.u> s uL"3u:nn P Chirisfians..., Pfe 1 o krww, rc$ 0� kO nay ON't'mId addrom duvr .d1, R, i a�ami�y ti 7 i�.m 1n 41 1:17 will, " " E 9 IC±o11n IF Chirtstiani „w 1316 If you want to meet in person I'm perfectly wilding to wait until the 22nd or after.. Whatever is convenient for you. You may not get the same protections as a public figure but she's gone after many people not alll of them in public office. Soo let me know what you'd like to do cuz I'd like to see a positive outcome to all this.. My general idea was to write a letter and get the affected parties to sign it and then a range of meeting with the prosecutor. Click Below to Read email I sent to the city and the county asking for help, as a local woman, a lesbian for help from someone threatening me. Note this email thread included Libby, and Prosecutor James Kennedy. Because Libby Wennstrom and Ben Thomas were included in the email and Libby had advised Donn to get an anti -harassment order, though Donn was clearly the aggressor, Kennedy took this seriously and met with Donn to try and get charges against me. htt s:��drive.0000le.com�file�d�"B Sl owr�r "d S '�wr�rSOSCtwhy, 1 cl:: V ael.....a�"QM./v� ewr�r" ups ::::::sharin p _.................................................. .g Below is the Public Record source for Messages Above. htt s:��drive.coocle.com�file�d�°ldruy�Uf�u�Nl�Ju°1�.eAsAl:::)dl�Ou�OyUsflll..... Zw�iewr�ru�s shariruc .................p _ .........................g Closing A Port Townsend City Official endangered our lives, was complicit in our attack, acted with intentional malicious negligence, brought in guns and "crew" to harass and intimidate us, and seriously maliciously misled the public which led to real world violence and violation of our constitution, civil and human rights. Libby endangered us women before Amy Sousa's Press Conference, at the permitted event, and long after. I have lived in Port Townsend for 11 years. I have never met Libby Wennstrom. Libby Wennstrom does not govern with equality, civil and human rights for all. Libby violated her oath Fly to treat members of the community equality and her oath to uphold the constitution. I allege that Libby Wennstrom violated this oath, her duties as a city official and acted with criminal negligence that incited a riot, brought in guns and people to violate our rights and should be held accountable. Libby Wennstrom creates and upholds public policy through a lens of politics, personal opinions and prejudices. Libby Wennstrom has also clearly violated the city policy of not using any means of communication with the public other than email. My wish is that public officials hold Libby Wennstrom accountable for her actions within accordance to city council policies, the laws of Washington State and our Federal Constitutional Rights. /s/ Reverend Crystal Cox, Pro Se Port Townsend, Washington Date: September 6, 2023 Written Upon the Knowledge, Research and Belief of Reverend Crystal Cox, Pro Se Bringing Back Goddess Church "a Public Benefit nonprofit corporation" Est. in Jefferson County, WA 2014 u. evere p .c.r. y a maH.com 43 Ben Thomas & Rowen DeLuna 8/9/2022 l IlUirsdayr, h1iie 1!3, 2023 3 4 J If 111\4 Ben and Rowen Participants: Ben Thomas, Libby Wennstrom and Rowen DeLuna Group Invite Link: Off Ben Thomas Thank you for the heads up, Rowan. Aug 019', P -OP -P- 8`48,Mii,n Rowen DeLuna Y'all do what you want with the popo I just knew giving them the info wouldn't help Aug 019, 2022 8A 7`1 0�1i,n Libby Wennstrom Yup. Know anyone who wants a 60 Ib aerdale Cross, good w other dogs and kids? Aug 019, 2022 8A 7,0&1i,n Rowen DeLuna Definitely a personal chatjust sharing info. Aug 019, 2022 8,46,2&ii,n Libby Wennstrom FYI, if it's a specific ask directly related to council business it's best to email our council emails. If it's personal chit chat messenger or text is fine. This one was a little blurry asking agenda specifics of the meeting etc so I screen shot that section and emailed to my council mail and CC'd Ben. Has to do w records retention, we can pull our entire FB into public record if we aren't strict about it. Example: "aren't these TERFs awful" = personal discussion w a friend "Can we request additional police oversight for this council committee in person meeting because of threats" = council business Aug 019, 2022 8,45,21�1i,n Rowen DeLuna And none of the flying monkeys actually care what the resolution is about Aug 019, 2022 8,42,25�1i,n Rowen DeLuna You're phones angry lol. Haven't been able to find anything specific date wise from the terf contingent but the big boss terfs twitter feed shows they are working on something big she's PRR Response Page 1 calling in reinforcements from Seattle A 4 j g 0 19 , 4204242 �,34 1 n I 6i n Libby Wennstrom Apologies for capitalization my phone is losing its mind Libby Wennstrom On the plus side as of last night mICROSOFT got all their vendor contracts on hiatus So I abruptly have a great deal more free time this week than I expected to Ben Thomas In person is the plan at the moment. Of course that could change if there's a concern. Aug 019, 2022 8 1� 1 „rOai,`7 Libby Wennstrom I am so sick of this shit Aug 019, 2022 8,1�31,01�3�1i,n Libby Wennstrom Ben, is committee meeting in person orjust online? Aug 019, 2022 8,1�30,51�3�1i,n Libby Wennstrom I'll call Mauro in a second Aug 019, 2022 8,10,26ai,n Rowen DeLuna Might be worth someone from council reaching out to the PD about it. My conversations with them so far have just been a whole lot of listening to why they can't provide any help. They might if they are hearing from y'all Libby Wennstrom The resolution the committee is working on is that trans rights are human rights and affirming that nothing to do with the Y's ban on Julie Jaman Aug 019, 2022 8,21,�,58ai,n Ben Thomas As far as I've read it's mostly clarifying out support of trans rights, more directly about the Y. Aug 019, 2022 8 219,4,3�ii,r7 Ben Thomas I think it is posted. Aug 019, 2022 8,28A&1i,n PRR Response Page 2 Libby Wennstrom Scarantino is a pustule Aug 019, 2022 8,28,22�lrn Rowen DeLuna <_ ("), rjvw,enc,� P rr Pre", -'s 04 Port Townsend Free Press ... 10 low" t 0 The PT City Council's Culture and Society Committee will address the YMCA's banishment of a woman for objecting to a mole in the women's showers as she stood naked before him, and while he was watching naked girls. We are informed the'] Culture and Societg Committee mov consid MIT , !TuVMTn supporting the T. The agenda not yet posted. It will contain instructions to commenting remotely. The meeting will be Zoomed and in-person, Wednesday, Augus Q), 2 3,,ornrncMI diw! Aug 019, 2022 8,27,1313:Irri PRR Response Page 3 B Thomas 8/1617/2022 Ben Thomas Ben Thomas I'm ofthe school ofletting people speak and let them show their ass. Aug 17,20227,1�� 5,40aOO LibbyWeMnstMJMn | do find it mildly hilarious that some kid yanked their power cord, and the big name speaker they'd flown in fromTexas spent the entire rest of the rally bent over and holding the cord into the wall socket. Aug 17,20227,1�� 4,05aOO Ben Thomas So many peaceful protests have been ruined (in terms of the greater effect) by that kind of bullshit. Aug 17,20227,1�� ��,46aOO LibbaWmMnstroMn Yes. But it's hard to get that across. Aug 17,20227,1�� �� �1QaOO Ben Thomas I am very unhappy about how handful of pro trans people behaved. It's assholes like that who get other people killed. Aug 17,20227,1�� 2' 2aOO LibbyWmMnstroMn Reach out and ask... Aug 17,20227,1�� 1,26aOO Lib6mWennstnonn He's got hours of it. I think he's sharing bits, and pulling together a more coherent cut. But it's also his first week at a newjob so might be this weekend. Aug 17,20227,1�� 1,20aOO LibbyWenD8tnorM And there was clef some poor behavior from trans rights folks too - reaching between a blockers legs to steal someone's shoe and throw it ... ? There's something in that which I don't understand, atrope about throwing shoes. Aug 17,20227,1�� Q�4aOO Ben Thomas I'd love tosee the drone footage. |shesharing that? Aug 17,20227,1�� Q�2aOO LibbyWeMnstroMn Isaac was taking drone footage and has a good capture of tota|||yunprovoked shoving incident - not the one that resulted in the arrest though. Aug 17,2Q227,219�119�:iOO LibbyWeMnstroMn Yup A U g 17,2Q2 27,2 8A7�1OO LibbyWennstnonn PKKResponse Page 4 We are way outside our local pond and normal behavior here. Ben Thomas That's why I didn't have it public at first, but having looked at what the anti -trans people have posted, my video would be pretty unnecessary. They were videoing for evidence. Aug 17, 2022 7,28,1�31�1i,n Libby Wennstrom A heads up that there's a broad request to take down video of the protest, out of concerns that screen grabs from it are being used to identify and doxx local youth. Your call, but I can see the point. Libby Wennstrom I chose not to go out be I knew my team was busy enough already but would absolutely feel they had to divert to protect me. And I had a different and importantjob to do inside. Aug "16, 2022 Libby Wennstrom Love the notion of pre frustrated. Aug 16, 2022 2,46l')i, 7 Ben Thomas Yeah. It should never get in the way of us being able to do what we were elected for. Aug '16, 2022 Ben Thomas I could just tell by the tone of his voice when he said he was recommending we don't visit the protest that he knew I was going to do it anyway and was pre -frustrated. Libby Wennstrom It's frustrating be it makes it hard to do myjob w stuff like oversight of the PDA. Aug '16, 2022 Libby Wennstrom He went off on Erik once several years ago and has no idea I was there or saw that - it was dark and it was before we'd ever met. Aug '16, 2022 Libby Wennstrom He's only yelled at me the once, but it was super memorable, made more so by the gaslighting afterwards, claiming that because I was upset I imagined it. Aug 16, 2022 Ben Thomas It's very passive aggressive. We have a very civil relationship, but I can tell he tenses up and gets a little Machiavellian with how to communicate. But that's all subtle stuff. No yelling. Aug "Ifz, 2022 Libby Wennstrom So what form does being on your back take? He mostly just won't meet w me/answer hard questions or keep me in the loop on stuff I absolutely should know about Libby Wennstrom And going through channels, setting up formal meetings w Cops and facility manager, introducing themselves to Mauro at 8/8 meeting, etc. PRR Response Page 5 was somehow "introducing an outside person to the building" Because he'd set a meeting w facilities for the same time he was dropping me off... ,jg 16, 2022 n"14""1 "I n Libby Wennstrom He got it into his head that I "had hired private security" because the local crew were organizing. A 4 j g 16, 2022 n"12A5 n Ben Thomas Not out loud. I'm used to having him on my back though. Aug 16, 2022 n"VPS 8l)i,n Libby Wennstrom Part of why I made a big deal of coming early was to get him off my back A4jg 16, 2022 n"12 "I4n Libby Wennstrom Did John give you shit about going outside? Aug "Ifz, 2022 Ben Thomas Yeah, normally I do everything public, but thought better of that one. I think I'm going tojust switch it to public having slept on it. Libby Wennstrom Could you either send me video or make it public so I can share it? Understood why your FB may be clamped down right now, I had to too PRR Response Page 6 Bethel Prescott 8/21/2022 l IlUirsdayr, h1iie 1!3, 202; !37 Ir 11\4 Bethel Prescott Yep. Crystal Cox. "Reverend" And I didn't listen to more than the first few minutes. Because ew. Libby Wennstrom Presumably this is Crystal Cox? Aug 22, 2022 6,04,27�1i,n Libby Wennstrom Not sure I've got a basis for a cease and desist; public figure rules are pretty stiff. I didn't listen to the whole thing, is she calling for actual harm? Aug 22, 2022 6 04,f &1i,n Bethel Prescott You might want to get a cease and desist asap. Aug 22, 2022 12 01 O&Ii,r7 Bethel Prescott Bethel sent an attachment. Part One Reverend Crystal Cox Commentary This is one of the Port Townsend Council Members that Voted Faber into Office. This is really what they believe. Read PDF Below ii..lI. /f. . baso rulrr�lialleoclrr� v"Id alr twr�er�d cur�c611 lrnelrnllaelr 11611a11a ulrlr�elr wer�r�tlrlrn ..................................................................................8.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I IAug 22, 2022 1 2,01,07�1i,n Bethel Prescott Amy is disavowing working with the Proud Boys? But Gabby (who flew in from elsewhere) is welcoming them in previous Twitter posts. As are others. Aug 21, 2022 1 1 54 01,3r �)i,n Libby Wennstrom Love that they got the name of the park wrong. Libby Wennstrom Already aware, will be talking to city staff in the morning. PRR Response Page 7 Heard Amy is now disavowing it...be careful who you get into bed with, honey... Aug 21, 2022 1 1 'ark 41�3��. i,n Bethel Prescott Make note just to city council insiders that at least one of these is coming from a known Proud Boy - Zerfing. Aug 21, 2022 "I Bethel Prescott Aug 21, 2022 "I Bethel Prescott Heads up. This is me officially notifying city council people. But at will also post in the group. Bethel Prescott It's still up. It would probably be helpful if you reported it yourself. There's more than one so scroll her timeline a bit. PRR Response Page 8 Etta o tw6tteirocoir�� ireveirer�dcox taW "p�� "i252548771 I ?:::::::2.l&t:::::::IC::�.Dlf.(:()c(::) II.....IIdIICIkIC:� . .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I y QY ,,LYQ "This is one of the Port Townsend Council Members that Voted Faber into Office. This is really what they believe. I��„aIla „o !,off �,�,��;�,II;,;II�;Ja� I��,I�;;;, @gender_ apostate @Sovereign_ Women @Women_Exist @GrownTomboy" .b. 1.11 tw6tteirocoir�� lieveireir�dt;ox statue "I"I$I"II t......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8........................................................................................................................................................................................................ Aug g 2 "1, 2022 "I 2 21,� "I yr.� rr7 Libby Wennstrom Link to the Twitter post? Trying to get this shut down. Aug 21, 2022 8 1� 2,5 "1 arty Libby Wennstrom Sue me for saying that Julie is cranky and difficult? Bethel Prescott Which makes the video I posted in the group earlier make perfect sense. Sorry this is happening to you. It suuuuuuucks. Aug 21, 2022 "I n1 I "15r1rr7 Bethel Prescott I reported a few of her recent tweets. Looks like she's planning to sue. Aug 21, 2022 1 "10,2&1rr7 Bethel Prescott I'm reporting it now. Aug 21, 2022 101,3,2192:ii,n Bethel Prescott PRR Response Page 9 R.W— —d .b.ft A)I,,,,,, I P1 C—,,, I Aug 21, 2022 1,01�� I I aim Bethel Prescott So hey. Crystal Cox just doxxed you on Twitter. Aug 21, 2022 1,01�� '01aim PRR Response Page 10 David Faber 8/21/2022 11 IlUirsday, h1iie 1!3, 2023 4 If 11\4 David Faber Perfect. Yes, I am going to try to stop by for a bit Aug 21, 2022 121 ''21 Libby Wennstrom 2-5 Aug 21, 2022 1 David Faber What time is it? Aug 21, 2022 1 1,56"Ali,r7 Libby Wennstrom You going to the pool party this afternoon? Aug 21, 2022 1 0'41,� I 6ai,n PRR Response Page 11 Isaac Urner 8.8.2022 l IlUirsdayr, h1iie 1!3, 2023 4 1!3 If 111\4 Libby Wennstrom Incidentally, the Y's locker room policies are not city business Aug 21, 2022 "I Libby Wennstrom Didn't even open it. If I can figure out a way to see it wo giving him the satisfaction of a read receipt maybe. But if it's regarding city business I can't respond on FB account anyway. Aug 21, 2022 11,511 6�r)i,7 Isaac Sheldon Urner Or haven't even opened it? Aug 21, 2022 1 1 08'n�3 "1 yr)i, 7 Isaac Sheldon Urner What's it say? Libby Wennstrom Scarantino sent me a FB message request. If he wants to contact me about City business he can email my city account Isaac Sheldon Urner taso w6t elrocolr�� �:: Ild..l..olr�� IIVlolrlr6s s a us °p 561060008728592384 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. It's hilarious they think cops listen to the mayor or city government, here or anywhere "@Loll9559014 @zeldazonk130 @joerogan @ymca Just following orders, you say? Hmmm. That sounds familiar. Who else used that as a defense? It's right on the tip of my tongue..." taso w6t elrocolr�� �:: Ild..l..olr�� IIVlolrlr6s s a us "1561060008728592384 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Isaac Sheldon Urner It's info@ ptcitycouncil.gov for public comment right? Aug 08, 2022 191'a„r����r 7 PRR Response Page 12 Julia Cochrane 8/7-17/22 Mmiday, h1iie 13, 3033 1!3 If 111\4 Libby Wennstrom I did, and I wore it to the council meeting Aug 17, 2022 8,401 2�1i,n Julia Cochrane You did get your shirt? Aug 17, 2022 8 138,5199:ii,n Julia Cochrane Sure fine. I'm picking them up at 3:30. Libby Wennstrom I'm reaching out to Frank to see if I can pick up my shirt earlier ... I will already be inside by 4 Aug '14, 2022 10,22,40�1i,n Libby Wennstrom Aug "14, 2022 "10 22`1 &1i,n Julia Cochrane Hi, I will be at the park next to Nifty Fifties on Monday from 4 — 5:30 to pass out tee shirts. They are less colorful than expected due to supply/production issues and a very short time line. But they get the point across! If you are taking part in the City Council meeting — inside or outside — please be in touch with a group of friends who are there by text. So you all know where each other are and can keep each other safe. I will stay out side City Hall live streaming. Looking to borrow back up batteries for my phone. Stay safe, remember this is a proxy war. No change will happen at the Y, in PT or Washington state. This is a national agenda. Aug "14, 2022 Julia Cochrane $ whenever or cash app. Julia Cochrane If all works. Julia Cochrane PRR Response Page 13 You can approach PT shirts directly - whenever on Monday. Aug 11, 2022 7,46,21�3��)i,n Libby Wennstrom I will already be inside city hall by then. Could I get it from you earlier in day or this weekend? Still need to get you $ - I've been at rehearsal every night till late. But we open tomorrow Aug 11, 2022 7,44,56��)i,n Julia Cochrane Hi, if all goes as planned I will be giving out shirts from 5-6 at the park next to Nifty Fifties, you can pay me then. if this is possible in your world. Aug 11, 2022 7,1�� 1' 1 Libby Wennstrom Off to Council meeting right now I will get you money Aug 08, 2022 5,40,1�319��)i,n Libby Wennstrom I'll put the word out to councilors. Aug 0 7, 2022 7,1� 0,21 Julia Cochrane 15th. Aug 0 7, 2022 7,28, 31 Libby Wennstrom By tomorrow's meeting, or the 15th? Aug 0 7, 2022 7,28,01 �)i,n Julia Cochrane PT shirts is going to try and make us 25 shirts by the City Council meeting. I'm taking orders. $15. And how I want to do that is people who sell to their friend will send me a list of friends first name or whatever and size. And they will distribute to their friends and collect the money. The 19 year old Y person gets a free shirt and anyone else who really needs free. Especially if they are young and or trans. Aug 07, 2022 7,20,54��)i,n Julia Cochrane PRR Response Page 14 PRR Response Page 15 Pat Vaughan 8/1-23/22 Mmiday, h1iie 19, 2623 ;1g If 111\4 Libby Wennstrom Right wingers from all over the region planning a "Rally for Decency" in PT on Labor Day Saturday Aug 213, 2022 '10,46,5&1i,n Libby Wennstrom may go out of town Labor Day weekend just to miss the planned "action" on 9/3 Libby Wennstrom Right now I'm feeling safe enough at home and have solid backup plans. If anyone shows up at house my security profile at home will change sharply. Aug 21�3, 2022 10,45,54�1i,n Libby Wennstrom This is only getting started. John Mauro keeps thinking it's about to blow over. Aug 21�3, 2022 10,45`10�1i,n Pat Cartwright Vaughan Oh, my. Aug 21�3, 2022 10,44,44�1i,n Libby Wennstrom This is the very public stuff. It's far worse on the darker blogs etc but I'm not clicking over there. PRR Response Page 16 < Robert Zerfing -The Co... Posts About Photos, - The Consmois Sense Ctmiservative uw, 0 Port lownsend 0ty Dxgacl Mernt Libby WitimsIrM made a Pubfic Faretx,)ok post sayhg that' vktrrivs tapw., and sexuah+buse shoWdn't u ftir lraunw to pxjsfify not wanfing in ffi6r rcOrooms anil bcker morn You can't make t1his shiff up. Mrow on the IvastWqy and pm pi, Herman tweets ftom the mayor? P N'rjwnseitd is a trWy disgusfing pW needs good people to stand agaun such beNMorand ihelobc! . .... . ... . al Al &I '—:' E'r"R 9W PM 0i 28%l.. Notifications Q 0 New Rochelle Rochelle doesn't recommend Libby Urner ... Wennstrom for PCO"80 yea James R. Scarantino corninented un your ljrjkr "'�'� , w,,, II,10 h,kv, 10 [.1.11,Get Notifications On Your Phone Notify Me Not Now ft1;/lo,ty, You cacaro follow Kate Deanfor Commissioner, Jefferson CounWA, Amanda Funaro,.. .../ Earlier 01) oil 111-111 iW11,1 N,,,re 1ruY Working w someone to further "scrub" My online footprint. Aug 213, 1 (DA I 7�:ii,n LibbyWennstrom PRR Response Page 17 V09 .r *;a N Review and submit u4t.a:'r. RevcarendCey er �iLC Reverero ,, 4dov(a _ - th U aa.6Veg{e that PT Council MernherVWernn*strcm is 45 ufltry of Defamation and a Hate 4w mes agpinst Julie Jaanraiwr and Amy Souza. This frr„am Oiar Council Mernber, one that voted Mayor David Fabfar into Office, (,& ck Befowr to RenaaJ #Knowan H,rorefic CCk'feduxxlfdlu-ag Cunnarandystaadt drivergoo@f0exornaffile/d/11) a NCgD... Reverend Cry tram . Ih, Is I Alfeg e tlnm f' E Counc l Mernber WW'enrnstrorn is G ui ty of Defamation and an Hate Grimes aag aiiinst Jube D;:ainroan arnd Aug 2131 1OAO,5&1i,n Libby Wennstrom There's a whole bunch of this coded "legal" language which apparently flags me as a legitimate target. So far they don't seem to have either my phone number or home address, though I'm far from sure Erik wouldn't give them either if asked. Aug 21,3, 2022 10,40,12 1i'ri Libby Wennstrom Oh, it's barely gotten started. Whole FB "profile" on numerous "Proud Boy" and 3% sites. Aug 21,3, 2022 10,.119,119�:ii`ri Pat Cartwright Vaughan Are you still being trolled? Aug 21,1, 2022 10„1 7,44ai n Libby Wennstrom I've been purposefully not seeing you in person be of very high potential Covid exposure - close quarters w 19 people nearly every night for weeks. Alivia popped w Covid on Thursday PRR Response Page 18 but I wasn't at show Thursday night and hadn't seen her since previous Saturday. Rest of cast was in close quarters w her hours before she tested positive. They've all been masking indoors ever since but it's still a lot of time around each other. I was the only one who wasn't directly exposed (I had the Intergovernmental Cooperative Group meeting Thursday so I missed the show). The issue is if anyone else pops positive, and how much I was around them... Libby Wennstrom I was on a tour of the city water system, and will be at the play tonight. But can usually listen to segments later online Pat Cartwright Vaughan On again tonight -- I think at 7. Aug 119, 2022 1,01A Pat Cartwright Vaughan sorry. started at 12. Ajg 119, 2022 12,519,52��.)I` 7 Pat Cartwright Vaughan Jodi tells me that PT trans issuesis coming up on KUOW Week in review starting at 1. Libby Wennstrom Local Teen. Theo is 27 Libby Wennstrom He lives up in Vancouver BC Aug "16, 2022 Libby Wennstrom No Aug '16, 2022 Pat Cartwright Vaughan Was the Theo who spoke Carmen's brother? Aug 16, 2022 Pat Cartwright Vaughan Not all creation myths imagine "man" and "woman" like the one in Genesis. Aug '16, 2022 Libby Wennstrom Poor sound quality and strong accent Aug 16, 2022 PRR Response Page 19 Libby Wennstrom Yes. Aug 16, 2022 Pat Cartwright Vaughan That person from King county (who was often indistinct) seemed to be making that kind of argument. Aug 16, 2022 Pat Cartwright Vaughan So the TERF folks had a "rally of sorts in front of the Cotton Building? They were seriously outnumbered, weren'tthey? ,jg 16, 2022 22A n Libby Wennstrom They're now inventing all kinds of crackpot psychological theories to explain their stuff Aug "16, 2022 Pat Cartwright Vaughan Yes, I've read about the backlash to her odious views. Aug "16, 2022 Libby Wennstrom JK Rowling who wrote the Harry Potter books is a notorious and very outspoken TERF. Aug 16, 2022 0l)i,n Libby Wennstrom The main speaker was a BIPOC woman from Texas who goes by Gabbs (don't know last name). Hundreds of people were yelling over her speech, things like "respect human rights! Trans lives matter" And this was "angry white men attempting to silence black feminist" Aug "16, 2022 ')i,n Libby Wennstrom Also, objecting to their terrible pseudoscience and bigotry is religious persecution. A 4 j g 16, 2022 ,13119A2 n Pat Cartwright Vaughan That mouthful definitely needs an acronym. Libby Wennstrom It's a term they used for themselves initially but now they claim it's a slur and hate speech Libby Wennstrom Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist PRR Response Page 20 ,jg 16, 2022 18A5I'.��r7 Libby Wennstrom Oh, they still are. Made the Daily Mail in the UK this morning - that crowd of angry white men were preventing a black woman from speaking A4jg 16, 2022 18 15 n Pat Cartwright Vaughan I have never herd the TERF acronym before. What do the letters stand for? Aug '16, 2022 Pat Cartwright Vaughan Let's hope this incident dies the death it deserves and that the right-wing media doesn't keep flogging that dead horse. Libby Wennstrom A little spacey and overtired. It was a big day yesterday, and a huge success. A 4 j g 16, 2022 n"V'aAfzn Pat Cartwright Vaughan How are you feeling today? Pat Cartwright Vaughan I"m in now. Libby Wennstrom Try now Pat Cartwright Vaughan OK. Thanks. Libby Wennstrom Hasn't started it yet. Four minutes. Pat Cartwright Vaughan Has meeting started? I can't get in. "The webinar wll begin shortly. Please remain on the line. Libby Wennstrom And they're correct, that's the law PRR Response Page 21 Libby Wennstrom Carry Libby Wennstrom Yup. And they were just explaining to the city attorney in fairly heated terms that people with concealed carry permits would be allowed to care weapons inside Pat Cartwright Vaughan Is PTPD responsible for inside? Libby Wennstrom Yes Pat Cartwright Vaughan Is it true about the Proud Boys? A 4 j g 15, 2022 1 2I,1r319 .tin Pat Cartwright Vaughan Girl Scouts, too, but I can't say it without thinking of the Tom Lehrer song. . Libby Wennstrom Boy Scouts motto Aug 15, 2022 120,02)i,n Pat Cartwright Vaughan OMG A 4 j g 15, 2022 "In"VIDA5I'.��r7 Libby Wennstrom I'd much rather have it and not need it. ,jg 15, 2 0 22 1119 r'bl,?I,`n Libby Wennstrom I now have a multiple gunshot wound trauma pack stashed in my council desk. A g 15, 2022 1,"V19 119 n Libby Wennstrom Who utterly blew this off for 10 days and are now scrambling to make plans, while the locals who do security for large BLM protests already had a comms team, radios, stations, plans for various scenarios and overwatch, medics in the building and outside, etc. Aug 15, 2022 118,2 Pat Cartwright Vaughan PRR Response Page 22 What are they doing/not doing? ,jg 15, 2022 117 , 36 n Libby Wennstrom Me too. I'm about as prepped as I can me, which is more than I can say for PTPD. Aug 15, 2022 11 7 0 Pat Cartwright Vaughan I've been thinking of you all day and hope the meeting goes OK. Pat Cartwright Vaughan Lee Hoffman was most solicitous of your welfare at the Rotary bbq last night. He knows you're getting a lot of really gnarly stuff. Aug 15, 2022 1,01 '1�38l')i,n Libby Wennstrom It's pretty bad right now. David is getting endless phone calls on his business line Aug 019, 2022 10.�,�n�P���.�rr7 Pat Cartwright Vaughan OMG Aug 019, 2022 101 2,52)i,n Libby Wennstrom Debate is still better than "City Council wants to rape little girls" Aug 019, 2022 Pat Cartwright Vaughan "Debate" -- I'd say "hate fest". Pat Cartwright Vaughan I read the PDN article. Decent. Libby Wennstrom O t1.11 aso wwwo aeir�6ir�sulladaill ir�ew ocoirn ir�ew Ilaar� iroirn sola town end aooll aairlk dellaate .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I! I it II Acess to locker rooms divides community O t1.11 aso wwwo aeir�6ir�sulladaill ir�ew ocoirn ir�ew Ilaar� iroirn aojt town end aooll aairlk dellaate .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I! I it I Aug 019, 2022 8 .� Pat Cartwright Vaughan You an mentally call these turds various insults from Shakespeare. Libby Wennstrom PDN finally ran a basically factual article today PRR Response Page 23 Libby Wennstrom Leader has supposedly decided not to cover it, ostensibly because they don't want to give Julie a platform. Given that they've been publishing Julie's press releases about the poplars verbatim... Libby Wennstrom It's such a juxtaposition dealing with messages like that while doing Shakespeare in the sunset. Pat Cartwright Vaughan I assume the Leader is finally covering this. Do you know if they've talked to more than Julie? Aug 019, 2022 8 1� 0,0.�l'.)�r) Libby Wennstrom Libby Wennstrom No Libby Wennstrom So far now PRR Response Page 24 Aug 019, 2022 8,219,02)i,n Pat Cartwright Vaughan I hope no threats. Aug 019, 2022 8,28,20)i,n Libby Wennstrom Getting dozens of emails like this to city email. Only a couple personal so far Aug 019', 2-()'2-2- 82 7, Libby Wennstrom .01 AW LI'I 's ':' '. 91 v Butt I..,. W1, Bob Venn racebook %6ew Profile So you are OK with men pretending to be woincn entenng a wornan's dressing roorn and watcNng young q irrs ,prdrews? You are some piNece of work. BTW> lose some weight fat ass, Block Delete 0 a Q 1 49 lit Libby Wennstrom That ship has sailed. The haters have now found my personal Facebook Aug 019, 2022 8,2 ,0441 i,n Libby Wennstrom Not on committee David is and Ben, not sure who else. David and I talked and he's on it. Ben is now waffling not wanting to upset anyone. Aug 019, 2022 8,26,5 "1 ')i,n Pat Cartwright Vaughan Are you on that committee? Aug 019, 2022 811�3,21,�')i,n Pat Cartwright Vaughan Who's chair? Aug 019, 2022 81 1 0I�)i,n Libby Wennstrom PRR Response Page 25 Totally nerf. But it sounds like the pitchfork mob is showing up at the council culture and society committee meeting on Wednesday Pat Cartwright Vaughan How did things go last night? Pat Cartwright Vaughan But there were two small articles, probably taken frm press releases about money awarded. Pat Cartwright Vaughan Crickets. Libby Wennstrom didn't see anything. And I'm guessing they won't cover this at all, unless it's Julie giving them a press release Aug 01�3, 2022 7`1211 Libby Wennstrom Was there anything in the paper? They go to bed early Tuesday so they rarely cover anything timely from Council Aug 01,3, 2022 Pat Cartwright Vaughan It's clear the Leader didn't pay attention to the public comment section of Monday's meeting. Aug 01,3, 2022 Libby Wennstrom Shit show. About an hour and a half of hate speech with the bigots clapping for each other. A few trans Allies spoke, mostly over zoom, and a very brave 9 year old trans girl stood up In a room full of adults who claimed she was automatically a pedophile because she was born with a penis, and reminded them what discrimination meant to children. Aug 01, 2022 11 4,5 "1 Pat Cartwright Vaughan How did it go? Aug 01, 2022 10,24,01 PRR Response Page 26 Piper Corbett 8/16/22-9/1/22 Mmiday, h1iie 12, 202; 1!3 If 111\4 Libby Wennstrom Laughing about how rich they think I am. I mean, by global standards, sure. But scrambling to cover bills this week ` erxl:r 07, 2022 111 8,42�1i,n Piper Corbett Well at least I am the feared overlord queen antifa... and Hey you're rich! I guess there are worse things to be. ` erxl:r 0 7, 2022 111 2n2&!Ii,n Libby Wennstrom Most of them are just misguided fools. He's actually intentional and evil. He knows exactly what he's doing and he's good at it Piper Corbett Merry... God I hate auto correct ` erxl) 07, 2022 1 1 01,0fzai,n Piper Corbett Scarantino's Mary band of psychopaths... Libby Wennstrom Stephen Schumacher- who goes to every council meeting and rants for three random minutes about <insert wing nut topic, historicallyjust utterly off the wall shit, now largely far right script> CORNERED me for 25 mins as I left council meeting last night. Genuinely wanted to know why I - as a Microsoft millionaire- had bought off the PTPD because I wanted to harm women. CD Just would not let me go, and I figured the just cutting and running was going to cement his narrative so I talked to him. But he's writing for Scarantino now. Piper Corbett "And trying" not "Im trying" Se :) 0 7, 2022 10,5 5130e1i,n Piper Corbett Just so you know I filed an incident police report and I definitely suggest anyone who's been harassed by her do the same. Targeting people in a community I'm trying to drum up hatred PRR Response Page 27 towards any of our community members is simply not acceptable. I'm also filing a restraining order against her with the courthouse so that her behavior is documented. `ar x :'a 0 7, 20 2 210,5 5 01 e!1 rn ibby Wennstrom When I click on link I just get the group, no actual content. What did she say? Se :) 05, 2022 1 2 1r'5' Libby Wennstrom But that's dying down now. I don't think I've gotten a call or an email in two days Libby Wennstrom It's less fun when they call you 100 times a day Se :) 05, 2022 1 2,1,22:)i,n Piper Corbett I feel chosen I feel honored Se :) 05, 2022 1 2 ,r,r 04 ��)rn Libby Wennstrom Welcome to a very exclusive and stupid club `arx :'a 05, 2022 12 2A4 n Piper Corbett This is how nuts this is these people are literally grasping at straws this person saw me at both events and decided I must be behind all this. Piper Corbett bttIaso ...rnofacelbook.co.irn.ro.0.Ias H.fi1641 16691 .1 6be fd::::::: .........................................................................................................................................................................................................!I r ............................................................................. l ........tl Ik.................................. Piper Corbett Yay look who I get to deal with! Libby Wennstrom There's a form, but it's not really a case of being approved. Piper Corbett Good to know. Reading the Port Townsend Free Press it sounds like they applied for a permit. Se :) 02, 2022 111 ,3,5192 ::ii,n Libby Wennstrom Ott so cit o atou�s adir��6ir�6stiratioir� as e cit clleirlks office i.......... JJ ................ ......................................... J................................................................................................... f...................... J..............,1f......................................................................................... PRR Response Page 28 The City Clerk's office is responsible for managing City records; keeping the City in compliance with the State records retention schedule; responding to record requests in compliance with the Public Records Act; codifying all Ordinances into the Municipal Code; publishing required legal notices and... btta.soZ".cty o.......at..u.s 9.drn6r........6..s......t......i.r....a........t.........o..........i.r......Laa.it cleirks office ........,y......................................................................................... Se :) 02, 2022 10,1r2,00� i,n Libby Wennstrom 1) their rally is tomorrow (Saturday 9/3) 2) there's not an "allowed" aspect. If you're holding an event over a certain size the city requests a Special Event form for planning but it's not something that's approved or denied. City just sent us some clarification about that, I can find it. Basically it's a first amendment issue - right of PEACEABLE assembly. They get to gather to say shit. What they don't get to do is harass, intimidate, attack, etc. 3) all city correspondence is public record. You can go on the city website and file a public records request for all the correspondence around that special event application. City clerk's office page. Piper Corbett Hi Libby do we know who exactly signed and allowed the proud boys to come to town today? Is there a place that I can find that public record of the permit? `arx':;t 02, 2022 10 1 5 7 a n Piper Corbett Thank you I sincerely appreciate the support. Libby Wennstrom Did hear back from John Mauro about 10pm, he's working on it and had some ideas he was discussing w cops/state patrol ... so maybe change for tomorrow Aug 27, 2022 711,46girt Libby Wennstrom Sorry I didn't have a better answer. My only other suggestion is a big WE'RE OPEN sandwich board Aug 26, 2022 Piper Corbett Thank you for you help Aug 26, 2022 612`14�')i, 7 Libby Wennstrom Sorry I don't have a better answer, and there's a strong future ask that surrounding businesses PRR Response Page 29 be notified on stuff like this Libby Wennstrom I just messaged john; will try to find a number for Cindy too Piper Corbett Well that leaves me with a nice lawyer that just moved in next-door. he witnessed the whole thing and he's pretty impressed as well. Libby Wennstrom I'll poke John Mauro, but I'm doubtful he can change it, and I'm out of other ideas Piper Corbett The Nimitz once Again never once talked to us just parked giant vehicles in front of our building. Aug 26, 2022 Libby Wennstrom Navy Ties? Aug 26, 2022 5 54,51I'.��r7 Piper Corbett Yes absolutely confirmed the chamber is hosting this event they're opening their doors making use of their restroom facilities. All of the above. They also unloaded all of the Navy ties in front of our brewery not so long ago and gave them exactly 2 Porta potty's so that I had 3600 soldiers pissing shitting and vomiting all around my building. Libby Wennstrom That's about the best I've got ... not a city thing so I don't have much leverage. Libby Wennstrom Also, reach out to Cindy Brooks at EDC and see if she can lean or Arlene Libby Wennstrom Reach out to PTPD chief Olsen and see if he can coordinate w state patrol? Libby Wennstrom Is the chamber actually HOSTING it? It's a pullout in a state Highway. It's entirely possible that Chamber/visitors center isn't actually PRR Response Page 30 involved at all, Mayjust be state patrol. It wasn't on my radar as a city thing at all. Reach out to Chamber, to PTPD, and to EDC. It seems like they could just as easily set it up in the Wells Fargo lot or similar and not impact your business so badly Piper Corbett Libby this is seriously outrageous this is the chamber of Commerce that organize this there are literally 12 cops and a giant impaired driving unit directly next to my brewery now. I just had customers pull in to come visit and they were seriously terrified that they were going to get in trouble forjust pulling into the brewery. Aug 26, 2022 5 1� OA I �rr7 Piper Corbett There is a ton of evidence against Amy Sousa she is very dangerous to our community. Aug 22, 2022 10`12`12�1i,n Piper Corbett additionally I think it could be a call to the governor. Regions should have the power to declare certain organizations as dangerous to their community and get support from the state. Aug 22, 2022 101 1,271i,n Piper Corbett So doxxing not taxing. Aug 22, 2022 10 10 219ai,n Piper Corbett This has a lot of good key terms. But the aspect of psychological intimidation is real the reality that they were local business owners that took down their pride flags for fear of being targeted Is real. Taxing people on social media and riling up people to threat and do harm to people in our community is real. Aug 22, 2022 10,019,519�:ii,n Piper Corbett b t .w.....t.....o......teiriroir6 t deb ..i.r........a.......t.........o...........r...............r....n........e........a..........r .la. r ..o .n.h.aes ................................................................................ . A label is different from enforcement—it's about sending a signal. bt o wwwollawaireliallo ocoirn wlbat does teiriroirit deem ration irnean i..........%8..............................................................................................................„.................................. f.......................................................................................................................................................................,„.......................................................................................... Aug 22, 2022 10,08,55�1i,n Libby Wennstrom And yes, better county than city. Further reach and way better security. Aug 22, 2022 10,08,52�1i,n Libby Wennstrom I can talk to commissioners too PRR Response Page 31 Piper Corbett think it's a conversation to have with the county commissioners I sent the note to Kate as well. Presently Aimee is claiming that she has no involvement in the upcoming September 3 proud boy event. However there are substantial posts and screenshots of her asking for proud boy involvement. I think it's important to nip this in the butt right of way even before they get here. Declaring them as dangerous to our region because of direct threats and intimidation tactics. I think it Has to start somewhere and it's not OK for the proud boys to keep using Port Townsend as a staging ground for creating fear in our community. Aug 22, 2022 "10,08 01l 1i,n Libby Wennstrom hope Amy fully appreciates what she's kicked off Aug 22, 2022 10,05,22 1i,n Libby Wennstrom They're actively targeting me by name at this point. Aug 22, 2022 '10,05 O&Ii,r7 Libby Wennstrom Not sure how to go about kicking that off Aug 22, 2022 10,04,50�1i,n Piper Corbett As the proud boys are scheduled to come back to our community I think that the best approach to deter that destructive behavior is to publicly regionally recognize them as a terrorist group which is what the rest of the world has done: btIagih.5 P.iw rew...ho.u...r a.rlita.....I.a.....o.lit6c..irew zealard.decl.aire ..Iao!.a teiriroirit ...................................................................................................................................................................a............d......................................................................................... [UpEliz atioir] New Zealand's government has declared American far -right groups the Proud Boys and The Base are terrorist organizations, making it illegal in New Zealand to fund, recruit or participate in them. .b..t.I�...o w.wo..a..00!2.11J. J. l.a.rd ....Ia..............e o................................................................................e........i.r.....ir....o..........i.r..............t........... [UpEliz atioir] Aug 22, 2022 19,4192�3�ii,n Libby Wennstrom Looks like she got exactly one postable clip. Piper Corbett Really Need to call Amy out for bringing Scarantino, crystal cox and proud boys representatives to our community today., Ih.IIV „ f f jyyJ t it c it „f Ik!r !r l !i„ ii ? ;� PRR Response Page 32 Embodied Awareness Expert: Teaching Practical Skills for Somatic Development, Intuition, Instincts, Sense Perceptions, Boundaries, Integrity, Inner Authority. /\Ug16,2Q2211 5aOO Piper Corbett Amy Sousa isorganizing the hate Julie isapawn. See Amy's twitter account. A U g 16,2Q2 2 110, 2 19 a PKKResponse Page 33 Sherry NeSmith 8/15-16/22 Libby Wennstrom Planned event to get sympathy Aug 16, 2022 10,011 &ii,n Libby Wennstrom One arrest, cops arrested the person who was pushed, not the actual push-er, and apparently there's good clear video clarifying what actually happened. Rachelle Burt Merle - yes, she of Scarantino's staged Coop Mask Protest last year - claimed to be seriously injured and insisted on being transported in an ambulance; video of her nowhere near the pushing incident. Aug 16, 2022 1 0,01,04�1i,n Sherry Oleck NeSmith It looked like a great crowd and all was peaceful. Sherry Oleck NeSmith Gotta love Beau. - Aug 15, 2022 6 28,.3 Libby Wennstrom Beau brought a group of 8 trans teens VSh wm v UIeci< II'°,ie SHn,.ulth Sherry Oleck NeSmith Keep focused. A 4 j g 15, 2022 6,2 8 In Libby Wennstrom Prob 30-40 anti trans with microphone and speakers, and a couple hundred trans rights with loud voices. Libby Wennstrom One arrest outside for shoving Libby Wennstrom Cops made a big deal about allowing people in w concealed carry - loophole in government meetings law. Libby Wennstrom Mostly friendly crowd in chambers PRR Response Page 34 Aug 15, 2022 6,26,41,�4)i,n Sherry Oleck NeSmith Sending good thoughts for strength thru equanimity. Aug 15, 2022 6,20,01�3��)i,n PRR Response Page 35 From: Michele Koomen To: publiccommentCcityofot.us; Jan Koomen; Michele Koomen Subject: Golf course Date: Thursday, September 7, 2023 12:08:35 PM Hello, Thank -you for all the efforts to explore possible options for the PT Public Golf Course and to listen to comments in person and in writing like this one. We drive by that golf course almost everyday. We have rarely seen more than a handful of people playing golf. We feel that the town of PT (residents and visitors) would benefit by making the golf course into a multi -use facility that could be used by many, instead of just a few, rather than keeping it intact solely as a golf course. This town is sorely lacking updated and accessible play grounds. Putting in a new playground would entice families who attend many of the visitor activities such as festivals, concerts, etc. and provide a safe and accessible playground for their children. Disc golf is something that would provide area teenagers with something to do outside. Nature trails and native gardens would entice many to the site. We are not able to attend the meeting on September 25, however, we hope that our voice will be heard as residents of PT who are solidly for development of a multi use site in the former golf course site. Michele and Johannes Koomen c,tyof Port `„l�nwry Townsend Maggie humbl 1_ead Croups Better In this short workshop on September 11, 2023, we willbe introduced to Appreciative Inquiry* and practice applying it and other models of thinking to our aims in the City of Port Townsend. *A collaborative and constructiveinquiryprocess that searches for everything thatgives life to organizations, communities, and largerhuman systems when they are most alive, effective, creative and healthy in their Mterconnected ecology ofrelationships. (Case Western Reserve School ofManagemen0 Workshop Design: Em 10 mins Introduce facilitator Maggie Chumbley, Presentation and greetings topic, purpose of the session. 45 mins Reflecting: Flip malaise and negative 1. Think of a story of a time we helped steward a win for our thinking habits to, "When is it that we community. Make some notes about how you would tell this have succeeded, even in a modest way?" success story, paying attention to what made the success possible. 10 mins. Practice the appreciative approach through reflecting on past examples and 2. Who is willing to share a story? (2 storytellers identified). looking for what made it work We will listen for patterns in conditions/ assets supporting success and to make note of them. 15 mins Edge Lane roads as an example 3. What did we hear about the helpful conditions for success? What are the assets and conditions that gave way to successful outcomes or wins in public life? Collect insights and patterns for the whole group to see on a flip chart. Summarize if needed. 10-15 min. 10 mins Overview of Appreciative Inquiry and its Presentation - rapid Ipnr c Talk.) style main points from "organizational science" What is so great about an appreciative and positive thinking approach? Why is "deficit discourse" letting us down? 20 mins Discussions to synthesize and apply how Reflect- How often do we take the time to evaluate our own the appreciative lens might support our strengths? How often do we ask for input on our strengths9 work. Rate our current approaches- What is the proportion of Appreciative vs. Deficit thinking that we use in our regular City and community discourse? Where would you like that number to be? What do we need to do to make the shift? How does it feel? Do you notice a difference in your overall sense of well-being and possibility when that proportion changes? What does an appreciative approach make possible? How could it benefit the City and our community? How do we include a wider set of voices while the deficit perspective tends to be louder and more persistent? City0f Port A& Maggie Chumbley S/P 1_Pad Croups Better .. ........ ' Townsend