Date: August 1, 2023 Time: 3:00 pm Location: City Hall Council Chambers, and
virtually via GoToMeeting webinar (for several presenters)
Members Present: Richard Berg (Chair), Craig Britton (Vice -Chair), Kathleen Knoblock; Kathleen Croston. Walter Galitzki arrived at 3:10 pm.
Members Absent (excused): George Randels Members Absent: Michael D'Alessandro, City Council member/HPC liaison Monica MickHager
Staff Present: John McDonagh, Senior Planner; Suzanne Wassmer, Associate Planner
Guests: Sean Hegstead and Douglas Green representing Haven Design Workshop; Monica Mader representing Studio STL; Dave Nakagawara
representing the Port of Port Townsend.
Call to Order
Chair Berg called the meeting to order at
3:05 p.m.
Approval of June 6, 2023 Minutes
Knoblock requested her last name be used
on Pg. 2, throughout these and all future
minutes and for all members to ensure
Britton asked about the Main Street Tables
and Chairs item under Other Business and
why it was not carried over to this Agenda.
McDonagh confirmed that it is still tabled
due to Agendas being full.
Motion to approve the minutes as amended
by Britton, 2" by Galitzki. All in favor 5-0.
Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Britton, 2" by Galitzki. All in
favor, 5-0.
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Appearance of Fairness:
Public Comment (for any non-Agenda items)
No virtual hands up per McDonagh.
Old Business
A. HPC23-014, 1136 Water Street Hotel — Demo Sanderling Building and construct new
Moved for conditional approval by Britton,
4-story hotel with on-site surface parking.
2" by Galitzki. Motion is for Applicant to
return to HPC with more options regarding
Applicant Presentation: Agents Sean Hegstead, Architect and Douglas Green with Haven
vertical siding and horizontal sliding
Design Workshop presented a revised design based on HPC's 7-11-23 Special Mtg.
windows, and provide other exterior design
comments regarding building articulation and scale. The revised building elevations showed
details including, but not limited to,
modulation with the top three floors 2 feet brought forward;.
materials and design for the rear retaining
Awning height from sidewalk was adjusted to 9'; faux windows on eastern fagade were
wall and recycling/refuse enclosure;
removed. Siding was chosen to provide a variety of colors and textures with portions shown
exterior lighting.
in a blue-grey color board and batten, and horizontal lap siding (7'-10" reveal) using a lighter
color for visual interest.
All in favor, 5-0.
Committee: Members discussed whether cementitious siding is compatible with adjacent
concrete and cinder block buildings. Solid brick buildings are nearby. HPC guidelines (Ferry
Retail Subdistrict 17.30.150.B.1.d) states "brick and sheathing materials use in all new
construction shall be compatible in color, texture and size with materials used in existing
structures within the adjacent areas of the historic overlay district." Concerns and discussion
included limited parking but centered around the proposed siding and window design.
Single-hung and/or double-hung element instead of sliders was suggested by some
members. Berg agrees board & batten is a rustic design used on limited number of
downtown buildings (e.g., Nifty Fifties east fagade; the Lighthouse Cafe has both horizontal
siding and a small area of board & batten in the gable end).
Applicant Response: There is no code requirement for on-site parking in this location and
they provided some parking within reason. Brick veneer is proposed on the 1s' floor exterior
at a height of 12.5 feet, but the use of brick veneer throughout would be unaffordable. They
feel a combination of horizontal siding and board & batten is appropriate. Virtual photos of
other Water St. buildings were shared. The Applicant agreed to return as soon as possible
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with more information with a preference for the next scheduled meeting (Sept. 5, 2023).
Staff: McDonagh stated that in the last 25 years, new downtown buildings such as the
Wolcott Building and Phoenix Rising have used hardiplank. The new addition to City Hall is a
brick veneer. The NWMC uses horizontal wood siding. The Uptown Fire Hall exterior is done
using stucco. Stucco was also used and expanded at the PT Winery building.
New buildings are supposed to be products of their own time and modern materials, when
compatible, can be used. Downtown buildings are exempt from providing parking. Applicant
has not yet designed other exterior items subject to HPC review including, but not limited to,
the north retaining wall, mechanical equipment screening, exterior light fixtures,
recycling/refuse enclosure materials/design, signage, etc.
B. HPC Recommendations for 2024 Workplan
Moved to the end of the meeting due to the
Britton presented the recommendations included in a revised 2024 Workplan.
need to discuss New Business. Berg
suggested it be deferred to the next
meeting so members could all read it.
New Business
A. HPC23-016 — 922 Jefferson Street: Rehabilitation of Secondary Historic Residence
Moved to approved as proposed by Croston,
2nd by Galitzki. All in favor, 5-0.
Applicant Presentation: Studio STL Representative Monica Mader distributed additional
paperwork (rough drawings of replaced retaining wall) and described the plans to:
• Replace the existing failing stone wall with concrete wall behind rebuilt stone wall.
Per the project mason, it is possible to reuse most of the existing stones like -for -like;
• Modify the front staircase from Jefferson Street to provide an additional landing (2
total) to improve accessibility for the owners;
• Modify the rear (northern), 1s' floor end of the home with 2 small additions that
expand the kitchen and add a bathroom;
• Replace all windows with fiberglass windows, except those on the primary fagade
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which would be repaired and reglazed;
• Repaint the building (colors for residential buildings exempt from HPC review).
Committee: Britton feels using the existing stones in the new wall is important and is in favor
of the proposal.
Staff: McDonagh stated the new home additions meet the guidelines in their location and
design. As a Secondary home, these changes do not require HPC review but staff felt their
recommendations should be sought on proposed changes to the failing stone wall, which will
be engineered and replaced.
B. HPC23-017 — Point Hudson Programmatic Design Review
Knoblock moved to approve the list of pre -
approved materials as presented with the
Applicant Presentation: Dave Nakagawara, Capital Projects Engineer with the Port of Port
exception of the roofing selection (standing
Townsend, summarized their request for a programmatic historic design review approval at
metal seam) which requires further review,
Pt. Hudson. The application seeks city -adoption of a pre -approved set of materials and/or
with the addition of lighting as approved for
designs to facilitate building permit and other review(s) done by PCD. Building upgrades at
the Pavilion building.
Pt. Hudson would occur over a 4 -to -5 -year period in a variety of areas as outlined below. The
application includes an assessment report by preservation consultant Artifacts Consulting.
Motion was 2nd by Croston. All in favor, 5-
Using prior approvals as a basis, the Port's proposed set of pre -approved materials and/or
features includes:
• Roofing — replace asbestos cement shingles with Cocoa Brown -color, standing metal
seam (11/8" ribs, span between 12" and 18") similar to the Sail Loft building (315
Jackson) and the Puget Sound Express operation (227 Jackson);
• Windows — Anderson Woodright Series 400 (6 /6 lite) windows with Simulated
Divided Lites (SDL). This window type was intended for use in rehabilitation of the
355 Hudson building (now the Pavilion Building); however a similar design was
installed in lieu of the Woodright windows. .
• Doors —Pella half -lite doors with 3/3/3 pane arrangement. Doors are either all wood
or fiberglass with lower % showing 2 vertical panels;
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• Guardrails —wood pickets (balusters) designed to match the prior approval at the
Pavilion Bldg.
• Siding —horizontal hardiplank siding using same profile as existing wood as a
• Colors — the same white and "National Park" green as historically used would
continue as predominant colors. Photos in the report depict what was previously
approved by HPC for the Pavilion Building.
• Mechanical - system upgrades are needed, in part, to address indoor air quality issues
related to creosote and improved energy efficency. Lattice screening would be used
for all new ground based mechanical equipment and crawl spaces.
• Exterior lighting —outdoor light fixtures were added at the meeting at staffs
suggestion which was agreed to by Port's agent and the HPC. Pre -approved fixtures
would match 1 of the 3 designs previously approved for the Pavilion building.
The Port agrees to return to HPC with more information regarding signage, and solar panels
after they review National Guidelines on Register properties, and potential grant funding is
Committee: Berg stated the Sail Loft has a different roof shape than other Pt. Hudson
buildings with most having being a gable design. The existing asbestos shingles have a certain
iconic look that should be considered with any roofing change. Knoblock and Galitzki are
uncertain about the appropriateness of standing seam metal roofing at Pt. Hudson. Croston
agreed with Knoblock & Galitzki. Britton feels the window selection is appropriate but not
the roofing proposal. He suggested HPC tour of Pt. Hudson to look at siding, roofs, porches,
and other details. Galitzki asked what the goal is for today, and McDonagh advised it was to
seek HPC approval on a set of pre -approved guidelines for the elements identified in the
Port's application regarding Pt. Hudson.
Staff: McDonagh's understanding is solar panels should have darker frames to capture,
rather than reflect, sunlight. They should be installed parallel with the roof plane on historic
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Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
McDonagh said Pt. Hudson's first replacement windows were on "Doc's" restaurant (141
Hudson). The Anderson "Woodright" 400 series windows with a wood interior, a proprietary
"Fibrex" exterior and SDL were used. Similar windows (i.e., 6/6 lite hung assemblies) without
SDL and doors (i.e., half -lite with divided upper glass panes) have been installed on other Pt.
Hudson buildings.
Staff has included mechanical equipment screening on prior projects, and recently simplified
the review process (i.e., no separate shoreline exemption or HPC review is required).
Standard conditions for these permits are now integrated into the underlying mechanical
and/or building permit.
The colors proposed (white horizontal siding with dark green on window sash, jambs and
muntin bars) are already in use. Staff noted that the Artifact's report concludes most siding
is in decent shape; a few boards may need to be repaired here and there.
There is one section of original copper roof. HPC approved standing metal seam on the Sail
Loft building, which is a different roof configuration, and it was re -roofed prior to the Port
obtaining a permit to do so. The staircase on the back of the Sail Loft building was supposed
to replace a light so it is downward facing and not use a flood light.
A tour of Point Hudson would require a special, publicly advertised building. Members on
their own can look at the Pt. Hudson buildings.
Applicant Response: Nakagawara would be happy to facilitate a tour and will amend the
packet to include exterior lighting.
Other Business/Announcements:
2024 HPC Workplan — Britton provided a supplemental list of proposed Workplan items.
Materials from NAPC webinar —Best Practices for Local Preservation Boards: Britton
announced he viewed the NAPC webinar with McDonagh and Planning Manager Surber.
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Members can view the slides on their own from the NAPC web page.
Committee: Berg would like 2 people as an Ad Hoc Committee to work on HPC guidelines so
their findings could be brought back to the whole committee. Berg said those are the
highest priority to work on, so they can go through City Council and be adopted as soon as
possible. Britton did not find all of the HPC guidelines online, like solar panels.
Galitzki commended the committee for working together with consensus. He supports the
idea of a 2 person Ad Hoc Committee and is willing to serve on one.
Staff: McDonagh to check with the City Attorney and Clerk on the rules for a 2 -person Ad
Hoc Committee (i.e. if 2 committee members attend a meeting does it need to be noticed?).
McDonagh advised the 4 sets of draft Guidelines are not on-line as they are not formally
adopted yet. Along with solar guidelines, the other 3 drafts are for: a) windows; b) exterior
lighting, and c) hardscapes.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, September 5, but the day before is a
National Holiday. Staff noted it may need to be rescheduled due to Council need for
Chambers on Sept. 5. There may not be enough time between an HPC meeting and the
beginning of Council's 6:00 PM meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
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