HomeMy WebLinkAbout073123 Stakeholder Meeting MinutesIIII'° III � IA1q[) CAP1; AIRCHIPi,MMU: U1113AN[)1S1IG1q I P1ArrurrING MEETING NOTES STAKEIIOLDER NATG. #12 To: Carrie Hite Location: Remote / Via Teams Attendees: Carrie II Vice Chris Joines Rebecca II c° vin a Short J O hill Ilff <: L O Iyinin IPierle Dena OdO Rebecca IIKiimba:I Jennifer James Wfson Andy Stockton oini A II <:rgUir Corela II «ethers Jane Arrr strc ing Ariningstar Additional Distribution: Topic: Stakeholder Mtg. #12 Project: PT Golf Course/Mt. View Discussion Welcome Date: 7/31/2023 Time: 3:30 — 5:00 p.m. • Carrie introduced City Manager, John Mauro • John thanked the stakeholders for being a part of this group and giving their time City Council Feedback on Public Input • Chris presented that city council has tasked this group to create a modified plan based on city council priorities. • Mayor determined that a 9 -hole golf course should not continue on the site • Hybrid does not work for the community • Perhaps keep the driving range and putting green • Concerned that the central park plan will not be financially feasible for the community • Greater priority to housing • Priority to expanding the priority • Stakeholder questions on council/government role in creating housing. Policy and infrastructure as opposed to actually building housing • Jennifer and Rebecca expressed concern about proposal for housing along Blaine St. • Carrie confirmed responding to stakeholder question that Council has tasked this group with creating an adjusted Central Park plan, (no golf) with a nod to golf. • Jane commented about the value of using city land to provide affordable housing, while maintaining as much open space as possible • Stakeholder comment about fitting the dog into the park without interrupting open space • Question about how many housing units could fit along Blaine St. 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 WWW.G ROU N DSW ELL.STU DIO IIII'° III � IA1q[) CAP1 AIRCHIPI;:: AMU U1113AN[)1S1IG1q I P1ANNING • Chris presented a diagram of the Golf Couse property that shows a potential layout of the site priorities indicated by City Council • Carrie clarified that Mt View property is owned by the School District • Gabe asked what is the minimum and maximum density allowed • The land is currently not zoned for housing- requires zoning change, therefore no density determined right now • Andy commented that the housing along San Juan would impede the view of open space more significantly than along Blaine • Jane asked how many acres of housing the graphic is estimated • Chris approximated 6 acres of housing shown along Blaine • Jane commented that that is roughly the amount of developable land at Evans Vista, would provide quite a bit of opportunity. o Some of that land at GC is quite steep- would be more expensive to develop • Andy commented that it would be nice to have a future vision for the areas called `Return to Prairie' and `Open space', something better than lawn • Dena commented about housing block at Blaine & Walker, detrimental to views into the property. Could the prairie expand into that area instead? Also commented that the housing shown at the northern section of San Juan could also go away to allow better visual connection • Morningstar echoed the concern about the housing block next to the prairie • Morningstar commented that preserving green space is more important that stacking housing on the park • Gabe echoed Morningstar's comment about being sensitive to which trees may need to be lost to fulfill this housing vision. Should prioritize saving mature trees as well • Rebecca asked about virtual driving range instead of physical one • Who would operate the driving range? Is that viable • Carrie responded that whoever operated the putt putt would be charged with operating the driving range • Gabe would love the park to include a play area similar to what is at HJ Carol • Support the idea of play located next to Clubhouse • Question about to vision for the garden o Would require additional research to determine model and needs o Morningstar advocated for the garden to support the community need to support youth and learn about food and medicine, connect to elders • Discussion on importance of trails/ bike trails • Gabe asked `how does the City guarantee affordability in the housing proposed? o Carrie and Jane responded, several models, City can donate land to Land trust, or deed land etc. would be further researched 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 WWW.G ROU N DSW ELL.STU DIO IIII'° III � IA1q[) CAP1 AIRCHIPI;:: AMU U1113AN[)1S1IG1q I P1ANNING • Is permanent affordability part of the motion that was passed • Chris asked Jane what product(s) of affordable housing of the scale would be most appealing to a develop. Set this master plan up for success. Townhomes, higher density etc. o There are developers who focus on affordable housing, consider parking requirements, walkable zone, low maintenance shelter, not extra frills. Leave is broad, permanent affordability • Discussion on determination of losing housing on corner of Blaine & Walker, less housing along San Juan, only one row along Blaine • Chris reiterated that this is purely a planning diagram, the design will respect as many existing trees as possible • Carrie read a letter submitted by Tim Caldwell, explaining his decision to not be a part of the process moving forward Next Steps • Carrie and design team will decipher the information discussed today and will put together a revised proposal for City Council • Presentation to City Council will likely be in September 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 WWW.G ROU N DSW ELL.STU DIO