Date: June 6, 2023 Time: 3:00 pm Location: City Hall Council Chambers (staff and most committee members), and
virtually via GoToMeeting webinar (for Craig Britton)
Members Present: Richard Berg (Chair), Craig Britton (Vice -chair - virtual), Kathleen Knoblock, George Randels, Michael D'Alessandro, City Council
member/HPC liaison Monica MickHager, Walter Galitzki; Kathleen Croston
Members Absent (excused): None
Staff Present: John McDonagh, Senior Planner; Suzanne Wassmer, Associate Planner
Guests: Monica Mader and Simon Little of Studio STL, Mari Mullen of PT Main Street, Rob Larsen, Good Templar's building owner with Good
Templar's business owners including Benji Project founder Cynthia Osterman and Bazaar Girls founder Kerri Hartman.
Call to Order
Chair Berg called the meeting to order at
3:00 p.m.
Approval of May 2, 2023 Minutes
The group recommended Item B reflect a
"4-3" vote instead of a "4-0-3" vote. Motion
to approve the minutes with this change by
Galitzki, second by Knoblock. All in favor 7-
Approval of the Agenda
As staff had requested the group discuss at
the letter from the Mayor for the 2024
workplan, Berg suggested it be added to the
end of the agenda. Galitzki had additional
comments; Berg suggested they be added at
the end of the meeting. Moved by Randels,
seconded by Galitzki. All in favor 7-0.
Appearance of Fairness:
Chair Berg recused himself from Item A
Good Templar's signage as he did during the
May 2, 2023 meeting discussion as he is
consultant for the applicant.
Public Comment (for any non-Agenda items)
No virtual hands up per McDonagh.
Old Business
A. HPC23-011 Good Templars Building 280 Quincy Street - Multiple Signs
Chair Berg recused himself. Virtual
Applicant Presentation: Building Owner Rob Larsen presented the revised packet and stated
communication with Britton's internet
sign locations and sizes remained the same except the Quincy Street sign was replaced by a
connection was difficult, so Britton agreed
sandwich board sign to meet the sign code requirement of only one projecting sign per
with Berg that another member be
storefront; the seven local women business owners recognize the historic aspect and revised
nominated to take over as Chair for this
colors and fonts, but asked for two exceptions:
topic. Randels volunteered, Britton
1. Cynthia Osterman of the Benji Project explained that their chosen font is important to
nominated Galitzki. Randels deferred.
their mission and their teenage audience, and it is integral to the Benji Project identity. She
wore a T-Shirt with Benji Project logo and font to demonstrate.
2. Kerri Hartman provided color chip samples of Benjamin Moore CW-335 "King's Red"
which she proposed for the yarn ball on the Brigid's Loft signs. She said the color it that of
local bricks, and seems to fit downtown.
Motion by Randels, second by Croston to
Additionally, Rob Larsen presented a color chip of the Benjamin Moore CSP-565 "Indi Go-
recommend approval of signs as presented.
Go" which had been pre-approved for the building sash color through HPC15-009.
Motion carries:6-0 with one recusal (Berg).
Committee: HPC thanked the applicants for their efforts to return to the group with the
majority of the requested changes, and that the two requested exceptions are small asks.
Staff: McDonagh stated that as a logo, the Benji project font is acceptable. Wassmer
mentioned HPCs prior approval of Bishop Block Bottle Shop sandwich board sign that used
their logo in a shade of red not on the palette (HPC22-009), but on May 2, 2023 HPC
disapproved the same red for the existing 21 square foot internally illuminated wall sign
(HPC23-009). Staff have written the decision for HPC23-009 as a denial, and that it is pending
the PCD's Director's review.
New Business
A. HPC23-010 Main Street: Several Items:
Applicant Presentation: Main Street Representative Simon Little of Studio STL described the
three projects Main Street would like to pursue:
1.Kiosk in Front of Quimper Mercantile in Downtown Port Townsend: The electronic sign
would be over 6 feet 8 inches tall and serve as advertising for local businesses and events.
Software can be updated remotely, and sign could be turned off at night. From prior
conversations with Public Works Director Steve King and City ManagerJohn Mauro, the
group understands the current Sign Code does not allow this type of electronic "moving"
Committee: Croston asked if it could be placed on Sims outside the Historic District. Randels
responded more people walk downtown. Galitzki asked about the interactive sign on Taylor
Street in the Coldwell Banker window. Another member asked about the public event
bulletin board behind glass on the McCurdy Building wall.
Staff: McDonagh stated that printed real estate signs in the Windermere downtown window
are not considered to be signs, and that Code Enforcement is needed for the Coldwell Banker
electronic "moving" sign. Wassmer stated that staff have had conversations with the owner
of Coldwell Banker, and that "moving signs" are prohibited in the sign code. McDonagh
cautioned that the tall sign's location may block the existing Flagship Landing wall sign.
2. Splash Pad at Pope Marine Park: Little stated the group met with the City Parks and Rec
Board, who stated their long range plan specifies a location for a splash pad at Bobby
McGarraugh Park (Cherry Street between P and S Streets), a park with play equipment for
toddlers, and that the Board has no funding. Per Little, the downtown location was chosen
to energize downtown and Pope Marine Park, but they are also looking for alternative
Committee: Galitzki asked what HPC's role is in this. McDonagh responded it would be a
municipal improvement, so only the Secretary Guidelines would be used and they do not
include splash parks. Berg added the Streetscape Plan would be the closest plan. Britton
stated they want to review the project before Main Street goes for a grant, and thinks it is
inappropriate for downtown and would only be used a few days out of the year. Knoblock
does not want to pave any more of downtown, and does not approve of the lighting. Croston
echoed Britton that the group needs to come to HPC before they apply for the grant and not
rush HPC into a decision when they have the money and a grant deadline. Randels noted the
submitted photos show splash parks in larger, more modern Cities, and is concerned with
busy Water Street next to Pope Marine it may not be safe for kids, and suggested Fort
Worden. D'Alessandro likes the water feature but not the site. Galitzki feels Port Townsend is
windy, disapproves of the increased pavement, increased water use and pointed out that
kids can go down to the adjacent beach and splash around. Berg suggested a downtown
location that is already paved like by the Cotton Building.
Applicant response: there is a good chance the Splash Pad would not be located within the
Historic District. Little would like HPC members to refer to the HPC guidelines and not base
their comments on their personal opinions. The group has come to HPC prior to applying for
Staff: McDonagh stated the cost of repair and maintenance should be considered, and
shoreline permitting may be required at Pope Marine Park (within 200 feet to the shoreline).
3. Bike Storage near the Cotton Building and Pope Marine Park: The group discussed the
location by the public restrooms with Steve King, and it was agreed it was a good location -
across from the bike shop and near Elevated Ice Cream — that would not take away
pedestrian walkways or vehicle parking spaces. The packet included a variety of shelter
designs and sizes in the packet.
Committee: Galitzki agrees with the location, suggests wrought iron be incorporated in the
design. Knoblock: asked if the public has requested more bike parking. Little responded no,
but it has been on the City workplan. MickHager stated the request comes up several times a
year at City Council meetings. Croston is in favor but would like a fancier shelter.
D'Alessandro in favor of site but wants more location options. Britton in favor of location and
would like a design that fits downtown. Randels in favor as PT is a bike -friendly community,
but asked if it meets an existing or created need; he is in favor of a design that compromises
between cost and simplicity. Berg: in agreement with others.
Staff: McDonagh asked if the bike rack should be simple like the downtown Transit Shelters
which were designed to fit into the historic district. The Urban Waterfront Plan should be
reviewed for guidance.
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Public Comment: Guest Monica Mader said the more bike parking, the better.
Other Business/Announcements:
HPC16-024 Main Street—Tables and Chairs—McDonagh briefly described HPC's approval of
Berg proposed the discussion be tabled until
Main Street's durable green metal chairs and tables downtown, and requests HPC expand
the July meeting so that this meeting could
staffs ability to approve additional chairs and tables.
end at 5:00 PM.
The group agreed unanimously.
Discussion was tabled until next time.
Welcome Back John — Galitzki welcomed John McDonagh back.
The group agreed unanimously.
Letter from the Mayor to Advisory Body Chairs — 2024 Workplan Invite
Berg stated he could update last year's
On June 5, 2023, staff had forwarded to Berg the Mayor's letter asking Committees to
letter and submit it again regarding HPC
provide action items for the 2024 workplan.
guidelines and inventory work.
The group agreed unanimously.
Additional Comment from Galitzki: feels HPC did well today with the HPC colors and fonts,
and that there was a small percentage of exceptions. He asked if approving exceptions
creates a slippery slope for HPC members in the future and whether they should enforce pre -
approved colors and fonts. Britton responded that sometimes the exception to a building
color becomes an exception to a future sign color. Berg responded that in his 20 years on the
committee, the slope has slipped and HPC has approved exceptions to HPC colors and fonts
to provide flexibility. Galitzki noted the green color for the Main Street tables and chairs is
not on the HPC pre -approved color palette.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
Next meeting July 11, 2023 at 3:00 PM.
As the next regularly scheduled meeting is on July 4, a National Holiday, the group discussed
The group agreed unanimously.
an alternative date and agreed to meet one week later on July 11 at 3:00 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m.