HomeMy WebLinkAbout060823 Stakeholder Meeting MinutesGROUNDSWELL IAIAI)SCAIPE ARCI III `CiCTUIRE I UIR16AlA ILI'SIGN I PIAlNINING E E I IING NO I ES S I I' VIII IOLDEIIIR M I To: Carrie Hite Location: Remote / Via Teams Attendees: Carrie 11 ite Chris �ones Rebecca II elv n Iiia Short I im Caldwell yr ata: IL lv I,. L. nn If ie lv Dena Odell Wendy l3art Forest SInoice€,. Gabe ILIIia Welch Rebecca Kimball Cindy II3I nun:'ul V:uh n Nowak Indy Stockton Monica IlVacguire ILI i"c.Vn:'unv Uennifer Uvi ins Wilson Dana Ward Additional Distribution: Topic: Stakeholder Mtg. #10 Project: PT Golf Course/Mt. View Discussion Introductions and Opening Comments Date: 06/08/2023 Time: 3:30 — 5:00 p.m. • Carrie asked Stakeholders to introduce themselves Revisit Open House Results o Chris presented Open House results again: ■ Central park, 42% ■ Restored golf course, 33 % ■ Hybrid golf course, 18% of votes ■ Space for nature, 7% of votes Potential Operational Costs o Chris presented projections of operational costs for all schemes o Gabe asked a question about operational costs, about water costs o Carrie responded that a new lessee would have new lease terms and would ask that person to take on operational costs that are currently paid for by the City. o Tim asked a question about future lease terms o Dena asked a question about what the 60-70k would cover o Michael responded that Parks Dept would need to hire another FTE to cover maintenance of the additional park space. o Gabe asked a question about the amount of lawn that would remain in Central park scheme, as opposed to the other plan options o Forest recommended the design team speak to the Audubon society, who were responsible for establishing the native planting areas in the Kah Tai Lagoon Park. o Rebecca asked if the potential grants would require matching ■ Carries responded that they would o Forest began a conversation about City staffing issues and ROW mowing 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 W W W.G ROU N DSW ELL.STU DIO GROUNDSWELL IAIAI)SCAIPEARCIIII T`CiCTUIRE I UIR16AlAITI'SIA,IAIPIAlNINING Decision Making Criteria o Chris presented that this is an important point in the process to refamiliarize ourselves with the criteria o Wendy asked Chris to speak on which options meets the criteria the best o Chris suggested that the Central Park scheme and the Hybrid Scheme achieve the goals the best o Wendy added that the options that meet the most criteria don't necessary meet #7 'Financially stable' o Rebecca echoed the concern about any of these choices being financially possible, balancing that with the desire to be forward thinking is a challenge o Carrie said that all of these options will be funded over a series of years to make it affordable o Gabe urged the group to be more forward thinking o Wendy asked Gabe and the group how we measure success o Gabe said inclusiveness and accessibility is high on the list, including in that the community of golfers who currently use the course. o Chris suggested we look again at the project goal Preferred Plan(s), Open House 2 o Chris presented 3 potential scenarios for how to approach Open House #3 o Lynn said she likes Scenario 2 o Dena said Scenario 1 seems too polarizing, when we include the youth vote, it seems like the Renovated golf course has less support and additionally does not meet the decision making criteria. She suggested the choice should be between Central Park and Hybrid. o Andy commented that from a perspective of democracy, some form of hybrid plan will get all parties some sort of success and reflect the desires of the greatest number of people. o Gabe said there could be a path forward to the hybrid option if we can convince the community that is the best option. Or if the golf course were to go away, what measures could the city provide to make the loss of golf less painful for the golfing community o Tim added that Option 2 could just be Hybrid Plan and Central Park o Dena added that a Hybrid plan is flexible o Rebecca echoed that it could be between Hybrid Plan and Central Park o Monica agreed as well o Tim added the options could be Hybrid Gold Course and Central Park, phased in after a # of years o Carrie said that operationally phasing in Central Park a later date is challenging o Gabe asked about appetite for a new lessee to take on a lease for the hybrid course o Stakeholder conversation about the comparison between Kah Tai Lagoon Park and the potential Central Park o Chris asked if we risk being severely criticized if we go to Open House 3 without Renovated Golf Course 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 W W W.G ROU N DSW ELL.STU DIO GROUNDSWELL IAIAI)SCAIPEARCIIII T`CiCTUIRE I UIR16AlAITI'SIGNIPIAlNINING o Tim suggested that the Hybrid gold course includes the majority of renovated golf course needs o Wendy commented that the goal of this process is not to avoid being polarizing o Conversation ensued about the comparison of value added and potential costs o Forest asked about the Mt View Plan o Chris asked about the best way to reach consensus instead of using dots o Dena suggested we call it a poll rather than a vote o Chris asked what the stakeholders feel about asking for a show of hands rather than a sticker. ■ Stakeholders responded that seems better than using dots again o Tim presented an alternate Hybrid plan that the Players club put together o Tim asked if the choice is between these 2 exact plans or the concept of a Central Park and the concept of a Hybrid Golf course o Chris responded that this is a master planning effort and which ever concept is chosen will evolve in the design and documentation phases Next Steps o June 20th — City Council Briefing #2 o June 22 Ind - Open House #3 o June 26th - Online Open House #3 o July 10th - City Council Briefing #3 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 W W W.G ROU N DSW ELL.STU DIO