HomeMy WebLinkAbout070623 Stakeholder Meeting MinutesGROUNDSWELL IAIAI)SCAIPE ARCI III `CiCTUIRE I UIR16AlA ILI'SIGN I PIAlNINING EE I IING NO I ES S I Il EVI111111OLDEIIIR M I G.' To: Carrie Hite Location: Remote / Via Teams Attendees: Carrie lie II lite Chris �ones [�ebeccv II elv n Iiia Short I im Caldwell yr ata: IL lv I,. L. nn If ie lv Dena Odell Wendy Il3art: Forest SInoice€,. Gabe ILIIia Welch l�vbvcca Kimball Cindy II3I nun:'ul V:uh n Nowak Indy SWcl(t::uin Monica IlVacguire ILI i"c.Vn:'unv Uennifer Uvi ins Wilson Dana Ward Additional Distribution: Discussion Topic: Stakeholder Mtg. #10 Project: PT Golf Course/Mt. View Discussion Introductions and Opening Comments Date: 07/06/2023 Time: 1:00 — 2:30 p.m. • Carrie asked Stakeholders to introduce themselves • Carrie presented that this will be the final Stakeholder group meeting, the group can determine one two or three recommendations to city council • Carrie spoke about the stakeholder comments at the Open House and stated that we do not have an agreement right now and the meeting today will be used to arrive at one. • 600 people answered the open house questionnaire. • The team also sent out a straw poll to the stakeholders ahead of this meeting to spearhead todays discussion Online Survev Results o Chris presented Open House questionnaire results, roughly even between support between Hybrid and Central park options. Slightly more support for the Hybrid option ■ About 600 people responded to the survey, o Chris presented the 12 (now 13) answers from the stakeholder's straw poll, and showed the comments ■ (5) Central Park, (7) Hybrid, (1) None of the above o Question about the consistent comment at the open house about not being able to have a golf course without a driving range. o Response that it isn't essential, but it is optimal to have a driving range for golf course, part of warming up, learning etc. o Tim added that in the beginning of this process losing the driving didn't seem as big of an issue when the pool was potentially going to be sited on the golf course. False equivalency with the dog park moving over. 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 W W W.G ROU N DSW ELL.STU DIO GROUNDSWELL IAIAI)SCAIPEARCIIII T`CiCTUIRE I UIR16AlAITI'SIA,IAIPIAlNINING o Chris added David Hein's thoughts on the loss of a driving range. His opinion is that it is not necessary for the continuing function of the course o Tim added that Discovery Bay does have a driving range, could use a virtual driving range. Greatest loss would be for people and kids learning the game of golf. o Chris responded that this is a master planning effort and which ever concept is chosen will evolve in the design and documentation phases o Discovery Bay is up for sale but there is no intent to repurpose the course for anything other than a golf course. Although that cannot be controlled explicitly. o Lynn shared some comments from golf pro that PTGC would be unlikely to ever make a profit consistently because PT is not a golfing community o Golf team at the high school also uses Pot Ludlow and Discovery Bay, not just PTGC 0 2023 National Golf Foundation, Golf course use nationwide is trending down again and approaching typical usage rates pre covid o Tim added that usage of the golf course is a marketing issue o Cameron disagreed, rather desirability of usage o Carrie added that additional housing has been added to both plan options, has received a lot of feedback. People are concerned about keeping the property open space. o Gabe added that the higher density housing added on east side is appreciated. o Rebecca echoed that housing really is our emergency right now. Density and open space are not mutually exclusive. Need to move up the financial lens and address financial constraints. o Jane commented that the largest contribution the City can make to address housing is land/infrastructure and leaving area open to let that happen. Will not happen on the 2 year cycle, but leave the possibility open for the housing need to be recognized- both these plans are doing that o Jane asked could a driving range also be an amphitheater/ multi -use o Tim comments about hybrid o Carrie added that Dog park does need to move somewhere with the new pool on Mt View o Forest added, 70k car trips for central dog park. That seems counter to the environmental goals of the space. Can we instead disperse that energy? Smaller neighborhood dog parks? Takes pressure off the land, reduce parking requirement etc. o John asked about cost comparisons of the two options ■ Thinks hybrid options makes the most sense, favors removing driving range and provide other community uses o Gabe commented came to this process after not realizing the golf course is public land. The low use of that large amount of land is absurd. The community is moving on from golf and we should support that. The hybrid option has never done enough for other community uses. Feels the threshold should have moved closer towards greater community accessibility. o Dena commented that dog park use is typically dispersed, wouldn't need more parking than available now at Mt View. Dog parks need to be a larger size for dog behavior issues/socialization and allowing adequate space for dogs to run. Many dog owners in 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 W W W.G ROU N DSW ELL.STU DIO GROUNDSWELL IAIAI)SCAIPEARCIIII T`CiCTUIRE I UIR16AlAITI'SIA,IAIPIAlNINING the community are older or disabled and need to drive to a dog park to exercise their dogs. o Andy commented the feedback he has heard most consistently is don't build it up and the keep open space, people feel like there may as well be barb wire around it and it isn't public space. Suggested alternate arrangement of uses for a hybrid plan. o John commented that he thinks our recommendation to City council should be both of these plans, both points of view are valid, and they deserve to hear the whole conversation. o Forest responded to dog park comments, the community I growing outwards and we should support dog parks in diverse areas o Wendy agrees with John, we are unlikely to reach consensus. There is opportunity for either plan to adapt and serve more community uses. o Tim commented that we are kicking the can down the street by asking council to choose between the options. Believed hybrid has tremendous potential. Says nine holes is critical. o Monica commented climate change is unbelievable, believes that hybrid plan is the best option but we need to keep the space flexible for the future o Cameron agreed unlikely to come to consensus, does not think that bringing multiple options to city council is a failure of the committee o John commented we are reflection of this community and we are divided, we should present that to council o Forest commented that the social divide we are either healing or cementing. We need to find the best solution for the most people- hybrid o Cameron commented that he prefers Central Park. o Tim commented Hybrid o Andy commented modified hybrid- full golf course does not support for the majority of uses, golf could be amenity rather than course o Gabe would select Central park o Lynn would select Central park o Jennifer would select Hybrid o Rebecca would select Hybrid, strongly thinks open space should be preserved as much as possible o Dena and Sonja would select modified hybrid as Andy suggested o Jane thinks that territorial struggle can't continue forever, Central park with golf element o Monica commented in favor of Hybrid solution o Carrie thanked the stakeholders for their time, involvement, energy. Invited them to attend parks board upcoming meetings and city council meeting. o Discussion about support for Andy's idea- Central park with golf amenities Next Steps o June 20th — City Council Briefing #2 o June 22 Ind - Open House #3 o June 26th - Online Open House #3 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 W W W.G ROU N DSW ELL.STU DIO GROUNDSWELL o JUly loth - City Council Briefing #3 IAIAI)SCAIPEARCIIII T`CiCTUIRE I UIR16AlAITI'SIGNIPIAlNINING 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 W W W.G ROU N DSW ELL.STU DIO