HomeMy WebLinkAbout030623 Stakeholder Meeting MinutesI APdDSeA�u a I a:1flTE(Mff E II i.uu BANa )r^ GNe II u:1..A,NMN G
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To: Carrie Hite
Location: Remote / Via Teams
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Additional Distribution:
Topic: Stakeholder Mtg. #6
Project: PT Golf Course/Mt. View
Introductions and Opening Comments
Date: 03/06/2023
Time: 3:30 — 5:00 p.m.
• Carrie asked Stakeholders to introduce themselves
• Carrie provided opening comments and spoke about ongoing
0 576 comment cards online to date
o Introduced the `Healthier Together' as separate project with
Opsis Architects
■ Open house at Fort Worden on 3/16
■ 4 sites being considered for siting of new pool
o 4th graders did a mock city council meeting and had chosen the
Golf course as the topic, unsure of the results of that meeting.
High School Engai;ement
o Carrie went to High school and gave the same presentation that
was given during Open House 1 to the HS Senior class
o Chris presented feedback that students gave to the interactive
■ @ Golf Course site the students prioritized Affordable
Housing, Mini golf, Sports Fields, Walking/Biking Trails,
■ @ Mt. View site the students prioritized, Affordable
housing, Pool, Splash pad and Plaza
o Chris presented the comparison of feedback from the students
and from the Open Houses
o Stakeholder question as to if we have an understanding of the
student thinking behind prioritizing Affordable Housing
Deed Restrictions and Zonine Diaerams
o Chris showed graphics of Parcel Deed restrictions and Zoning
Map of the properties.
040 i I MTV
I APMSCAFE Mf:lflTEM 11 HIE II 11.uu BAN uwE:SMNw II u:1..APORPs 3
o Majority of golf course of held for 'municipal purposes'
o Carrie said the City attorney is looking into what exactly that
o Might be helpful to have a third graphic to clarify which property
can't be developed on, ie. Prairie, Hasting's pond restrictions etc.
o Discussion of Zoning,
o Discussion of Cherry St. property
o John asked what kind of restrictions are on 'Open Space Zoning'
■ Chris said most passive and active recreation uses will
fall within that category, if we choose to pursue Housing
we would need to looking into a Zoning change.
o What is public infrastructure zone?
o Golf course is 59 acres.
o Mt.View is 4.7 acres.
o Dena has question "Where is the parcel that was designated as
playground in memory of Lucinda Hastings?
■ Municipal purposes
o Forest asked about area in NE with yellow color
■ Zoned residential, part of the golf course
■ Potentially fall within critical areas related to extents of
Hastings Pond
■ Suggestion to recommend to City Council to figure out
what can happen in that area.
Golf Course Finances
• Chris presented that all the information shown on the slide is also
online on city website
• Golf course finances as reported by the Lessee 2018-2022 and
reported # of Rounds 2018-2022
• Chris highlighted the discrepancy between reported # of rounds of
reported income
• Lessee had been asked to explain reporting discrepancies
• Carrie said she went to speak with Gabe last week and the team is
working on getting a better estimate on true number of rounds
• Forest asked and Tim confirmed that High school golf team plays on
the course for free.
Housing Demand
• Jane presented a summary of permitting efforts of upcoming
construction efforts
• 'Market rate' does not mean affordable
• 'Low income' targeted to be long-term affordable
• Forest asked "Does it seem correct to say, "We can't build our way
out of housing scarcity?"
600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 W W W.G ROU N DS W ELL.STU DI O
040 i I MTV
I APMSCAFE Mf:lflTEM 11 HIE II 11.uu BAN uwE:SMNw II u:1..APORPs 3
• Jane said yes, there a number of factors, interest rates, land values,
constructions costs, inflation, remote work...
• Port Townsend is seeing in 1-2 years what may have been
considered to be 10 years of growth.
Dream Big Feedback
• Chris presented the comprehensive list of comments provided on the
Dream Big boards from the open house
• Gabe brought up that the question of `giving land back to the local
tribes' has come up a number of times and the community should at
least discuss it. Cameron concurred.
• Seems paternalistic to give back without asking the tribes if they
would want it
• Has the City had any conversations with local tribes on this issue?
• Would like elected officials to start a conversation with the tribes and
begin a policy
• Dena commented that the tribe has spoken with a Chairman Allen
(sp?) on interest from the tribes perspective. There is interest, but it
require more dialogue and involvement from the planner (Luke)
• Suggestion to add recommendation in summery report of this project
for City Council to have this conversation and discussion of policy
• Some stakeholders feel making no clear action on this issue feels
• Gabe stated that the community as whole would benefit from actions
and gestures to heal wounds and wrongs from the past between
white bodied folk and indigenous populations.
• This group should have from the beginning some sort of land
acknowledgement statement
• Dena suggested the tribe could give a statement, the tribe greatly
appreciate the conversational and suggestions
Next Steps
• Thursday, March 23nd - Stakeholder Meeting #7
• Mid -April: Open House #2
• Early May: City Council Briefing #2
• Early June: Open House #3
600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 W W W.G ROU N DS W ELL.STU DI O