HomeMy WebLinkAbout032323 Stakeholder Meeting MinutesI APdDSTA�u E A I a:1flTE(Mff F' II i.uu BANu)amr! MND II u:1..A,NMNG llio"I E ETUII , VIII I I E uuu!II^ I V° °°°°'lull VIII VIII' ' Pio"IT #7 To: Carrie Hite Location: Remote / Via Teams Attendees: Cn�mrkI & ilte Chris .V am es Nfia;;e "„ahort u.iiim c akl A/0 1111"'Iat'i: If Y I e r 1.-ynn pierle l:;sTnci Odell %ii'Vend,11i Bart I a'.''iresl Sholnetl llsc7 Li/els:: Rebecca Kuu� bull 11 .,lM"Wa"Ci c° Brooks Vohn lioiva3V' 11/''1a: ni a l h:ucgaala Sonja Xlathevts fin) l"ww°lauara in ^a a raa ltaaa::ktaa: n Eric: /Ona -°a' llia:'lleard lua,ier p rone Additional Distribution: 600 FIRST AVENUE Topic: Stakeholder Mtg. #7 Project: PT Golf Course/Mt. View Discussion Introductions and Opening Comments Date: 03/23/2023 Time: 3:30 — 5:00 p.m. • Carrie asked Stakeholders to introduce themselves • Carrie provided opening comments and spoke about the role of the design team more generally. o Charged with coming up with concepts based on community feedback and interests o Role of stakeholders is not to decide which options should be drawn but to provide quality assurance. Zoning Information & Site Restrictions o Chris presented updated Zoning diagram ■ P-O/S: Public Open space Zone, P -I: Public Infrastructure Zone and R:II: Medium Density Residential Zone ■ Chris shared city website that enumerates allowable uses in the zones on our project sites ■ Chris shared link in chat for stakeholders to do further independent research o Chris talked through the Zoning areas on the site map o Chis explained that determining the precise wetland zone would require a updated wetland report which is not a part of this project scope o There may be impacts to proposing housing on residential zoned parcels if proposed buildings fall within the 300' wetland buffer o Tim asked if wetland buffers are measured from outer edge of wetland, Chris answered yes. Housing Protects o Chris presented updated housing map. ■ Updated plan shows 3 additional developments. SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 W W W.G ROU N DS W ELL.STU DI O 040 i I MTV Golf Course Finances I APMSCAFE MlflflTEM 11 HIE II 11.uu BAN uwE:SMN II u:1..APORPs 3 o Carrie presented Golf Course finance spreadsheet ■ Spreadsheet compared city costs and contractor costs o Matt asked about corrected # or revenue an rounds ■ Carrie answered that the updated information is on the city website. Explained how the numbers were calculated. o Question to Michael about how much $ City spends on other City Parks o Conversation about classification of park types (special use, community, neighborhood, etc) and comparable use spaces o Question about if proposed new program/uses on concepts are considering potential users per program/use Golf Course Analysis- Draft Recommendations o Chris presented that David Hein has been a working on a specific analysis of the course and assessing the NGF Report from a local lens o David's report is close to complete and Chris presented a summary of takeaways from the forthcoming analysis. ■ Aging infrastructure ■ Demand may never be sufficient to sustain itself ■ There is a lack of management and financial reporting from current lessee o Chris enumerated David's proposed recommendations to improve the Golf course and help it become financially successful o Tim concurred that the improvements recommended are exactly what the gold course needs o Question about what an appropriate increased green fee would be o Matt commented that the 350$k # for improvements seems very low considering increased construction costs Open House #2 Concepts o Chris recommended that we move forward with 3 proposed options ■ Concept A — Renovated Golf Course ■ Concept B — Hybrid Golf Course ■ Concept C — Adapted Golf Course o Location of renovated pool facility has not yet been determined, could happen on Golf course site or on Mt. View site. o Carrie commented that a majority of the public (70-80%) who attended the Pool open House would like to site the pool at Mt. View o Stakeholder conversation that they cannot make recommendation on concepts with confirmation on proposed pool location o Questions on Hybrid golf course concept... o Rebecca asked if increased green fees could actually support updates to the golf course o Monica suggested that there is too much specificity in Concept B ■ Carrie countered that the team needs to look at realistic solutions to be able to move forward and make a decision 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 W W W.G ROU N DS W ELL.STU DI O I APMSCAPE MlflflTEM 11 HIE II 11.uu BAN uwE:SMN II u:1..APORPs 3 o Stakeholder comment that these options do represent what community has asked for but the list is still too broad o Matt commented that concept B is a well thought out option. o John commented that the three options are appreciated, team has done a nice job, added that adding active edge along Blaine St. should be added to the list along with maintaining 9 hole course. o Question about feasibility of keeping dog park on Mt. View site. ■ Carrie commented that in all cases the dog park likely has to move o Lynn asked if golf course could be reduced by creating par -3 course ■ Chris answered that gf consultant does not think par -3 is a financially sustainable model for the site o Carrie read a letter submitted by Gabe, suggesting 4 district options o Tim commented that lease negotiation needs to be resolved before the end of year in order to allow new uses to phase into being. o Suggestion to modify concept B to allow more future flexibility of use. o Question on combined parking need/usage ■ Chris responded that parking need for future pool facility is significant. Team is looking at improving golf course parking lot, adding additional street parking along Blaine, looking at additional off-street parking locations etc. Next Steps o April 26th: Open House #2 o Early May: City Council Briefing #2 o Early June: Open House #3 o Mid -June: City Council Briefing #3 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 W W W.G ROU N DS W ELL.STU DI O