HomeMy WebLinkAbout062723 PRTTAB Meeting Packetlilyof
June 27, 2023 1 4:30 p.m. I Virtual or In Person Meeting
Join via computer or tablet at http://joinwebinar.com enter 9 digit Webinar ID 371-011-147
• Join by phone in listen -only mode: (360)390-5064 Ext. 3 access code: 791-359-026#
• Submit public comment emails to be read aloud (up to three minutes per person) to:
1. Welcome, Introduction & Call to Order - Chair Debbie Jahnke
Good afternoon and welcome to this meeting of the Port Townsend Parks, Recreation,
Trees & Trails Advisory Board. The role of this Board is to assist City staff and to advise
the City Council on legislative matters concerning parks, recreation, trees and trails.
This meeting is open to the public at the City Council Chambers, virtually via this web
format, and is also being video recorded for those who could not attend the meeting
today and for future reference. Given that this meeting is in virtual format, we ask that the
board members raise their hands to be called on by the Chair. The public can do the
same to comment during the public comment periods. We take public comment at the
beginning and end of the meeting.
II. Roll Call:
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Approval of May 23, 2023 Minutes.
V. Public Comment (3 minutes per person/agenda items only) Public comments received via
VI. Old Business
A. Scheduling a special meeting on July 11, 2023 at 5:00 at City Hall —to provide a
recommendation for City Council concerning the future of the Golf Course .
B. Trees+ Subcommittee Report (Debbie and Russell)
VII. New Business (65 min)
A. 2024 Work Plan — Consider for inclusion in our priority recommendations for work
plan to be sent to the City Council retreat (all Board)
1. Trees+: Engineering and Design Standards update of relevant sections; update
street tree list; develop park/large tree list and list of species not to plant
2. Inventory open space and buildable lands for tactical infill efforts
3. Parks foundation development/consideration of long-term methods for sustainable
funding of parks and recreation
4. Update the Safe Routes to Schools map
5. Develop volunteer recruitment, management and retention structure for extensive
trails efforts
B. Financial Sustainability and Parks Video - Discussion (Becci and Steve)
VIII. Staff update — (20 min)
A. Maintenance Update (Steve)
B. Projects Update (Steve)
IX. Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: July 25, 2023
X. Public Comment
XI. Adjourn
Parking Lot/Future Meetings
Trail signing
PUD tree presentation?
Street Tree List (add Park Tree List and species that should not be planted here)
Walking and Biking Map
Park equity
Park Foundation discussion
Habitat Birding Map — Kah Tai
2023 workplan list from February agenda
Objective of the work planning is to identify items where PRTTAB subcommittees can work on
work plan items. (See areas in yellow)
1. Adams St. Park irrigation repairs (staff)
2. Volunteer program (PRTTAB, Council, and Staff) — In progress
3. Park rules (PRTTAB, Council, and Staff) - In progress and already reviewed
4. Park street ends and memorial benches (PRTTAB and Staff) - In progress
5. Trail signage and kiosks installation (Staff with PRTTAB feedback on content) — In progress
6. Park Management plan for Kah Tai (PRTTAB and Staff) -
7. Street trees and parks tree list (PRTTAB and staff, including engineering design standards)
S. Golf Course (PRTTAB, Council, and Staff) — In progress
9. Health and Wellness Center (PRTTAB, Council and Staff) — In progress
10. Sustainable funding for parks, ie foundation, MPD, levy lid lift, etc (PRTTAB, Council and Staff— Fiscal
Sustainability taskforce) -
11. Development of a Capital Plan for Parks (taking the CFP to the next step) (PRTTAB and Staff)
12. Kah Tai restrooms and RV pad (Staff... PRTTAB review of final)
13. Play ground at Bishop (Staff, already reviewed by PRTTAB) - In progress and already reviewed
14. kitchen shelter at Chetz (staff, PRTTAB review)
15. Open Space and Buildable Lands Inventory - crossover with planning commission and housing (PRTTAB,
PC, CC, and staff)
16. Sims Way — Comp Plan update and final design (PRTTAB, PC, and staff) — In progress and already
May 23, 2023 1 4:30 p.m. I Virtual or In Person Meeting
Join via computer or tablet at http://`ioinwebinar.com enter 9 digit Webinar ID 388-377-875
• Join by phone in listen -only mode: (360)390-5064 Ext. 3 access code: 791-359-026#
• Submit public comment emails to be read aloud (up to three minutes per person) to:
1. Welcome, Introduction & Call to Order - Chair Debbie Jahnke
Good afternoon and welcome to this meeting of the Port Townsend Parks, Recreation,
Trees & Trails Advisory Board. The role of this Board is to assist City staff and to advise
the City Council on legislative matters concerning parks, recreation, trees and trails.
This meeting is open to the public at the City Council Chambers, virtually via this web
format, and is also being video recorded for those who could not attend the meeting
today and for future reference. Given that this meeting is in virtual format, we ask that the
board members raise their hands to be called on by the Chair. The public can do the
same to comment during the public comment periods. We take public comment at the
beginning and end of the meeting.
II. Roll Call:
Matt Miner, Russell Hill, Becci Kimball, Debbie Jahnke, Jim Todd present. Jennifer
Rotermund, absent excused. Pam Adams absent due to connectivity issues, excused.
III. Approval of Agenda
Approved by consensus
IV. Approval of April 25, 2023 Minutes.
Approved by consensus
V. Public Comment (3 minutes per person/agenda items only) Public comments received via
No public comments
VI. Old Business (10 min)
A. Subcommittee Assignments and Scheduling (All)
• Trees+ Subcommittee - Debbie, Jennifer, Russell with alternate Matt
• Open Space+ Subcommittee — Becci, Pam, and Jim with Russell alternate
Subcommittees could consider the timing of our usual PRTTAB meetings, other
Tuesdays at 4:30 pm. Staff members will need to be assigned to the subcommittees.
We can start the process with the trees+ effort as the 'open space and buildable lands'
effort will require completion of some of the zoning analysis that the Planning
Commission is engaged in to inform Council deliberations about tactical infill and
densification. Committees can meet in second floor conference room and/or zoom.
First subcommittee meetings will define scope of work, goals, and outcomes.
VII. New Business (65 min)
A. Splash Pad/Fountain at Pope Marine Park (Melissa Moller and Simon Little)
Simon and Melissa presented concepts of surface splash pads at Pope Marine. The
goal is to start the discussion on the location for a splash pad. Carrie noted that new
park features need to be called out for in a functional plan. The splash pad is
mentioned three times in the PROS plan and ranked as a high priority among survey
participants, but it is called out for Bobby McGarraugh Park. Board members noted
concerns about equitable distribution of park assets as well as costs for a high -
maintenance feature when the parks department has no capital budget at this time.
SJC consultant indicates a ballpark of $25K for design; Gig Harbor did theirs as a part
of a sewer repair, maintenance cost query by Russ, impact of proximity to marine
water source query by Matt, concern about loss of green/open space by Jim. Carrie
noted that the complication of sinking a tank at sea level would be a challenge as well
as cost of utilities and 3hrs staff time per day during use. Steve noted that the
Community Center is in the Main Street District, belongs to the County.
B. DNR Tree Grant and Rain Gardens — Street Department 2023 Banked Capacity
Projects Update (Debbie and Steve)
Debbie described the two elements of the grant opportunity from Inflation Reduction
Act funds via USDA/DNR to include planting trees in Castle Hill tied to the pavement
repair project and development of an Urban Forestry Management Plan and update
of the Tree Conservation Ordinance. The map showing no -match CEJST-eligible areas
(Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool) was presented along with the maps of
the streets slated for repair. City has invested in an auger (16ft x 1ft) to provide
percolation through the hardpan and would look for biggest caliper of appropriate
trees with tap roots, Matt notes 'we didn't come to paradise for the pavement'. Board
noted the multidimensional approach; municipal multisolving/multitasking.
Comprehensive solutions are part of the success of this program with drainage being
solved to save pavement and including trees builds tree canopy and the benefits of an
urban forest.
C. Financial Sustainability Project Update (Steve, Carrie and Matt)
Steve provided an overview of the financial sustainability process and purpose being
to set forth strategies over the long term to create community that is desired while
addressing three major community issues, including street repair and improvement,
housing affordability, and sustainable funding for parks. Tax growth never keeps up
with inflation.
Becci, Matt, and Carrie are working on the parks video to illustrate parks sustainability
issues. Becci asked if there is a plan to tie all the videos together; Shelly will tie them
all together; we can tie it in to developing a parks foundation.
D. Skate Park Lighting Project (Carrie)
Carrie provided an update to the issue of lights for the skate park including the need
to get approval from the Historic Preservation Committee, Shoreline Master Program
compliance, and permits for lighting. The goal is to get permits and secure funding for
the lights. Two companies are providing estimates for lighting - one solar and one
conventional lighting.
VIII. Staff update — (20 min)
A. Golf Course (Carrie Hite)
Carrie indicated that there are two more stakeholder meetings (live on 6122 and
virtual on 6126) along with two City Council presentations.
Four concepts have been evaluated to date ranging from keeping and restoring the
golf course as is to developing the space as a central park. Two options are a
permanent hybrid where there is a mix of golf and other park uses and a temporary
hybrid that would evolve into other park uses after ten years.
Becci described how compromise allowed two polarized task force subgroups with
opposing views to identify common goals. Ultimately, there will be three alternatives
for decision making. Carrie shared the costing of the alternatives and strategy for
grant funds. Costing in comparison to current subsidies was important to the task
force, upgrading conventional golf courses will not be viable for parks grants.
B. Healthier Together (Carrie Hite)
Carrie noted that the consultants and leadership are evaluating cutting down the
scope to bare bones aquatics center similar to PA to right -size for our community. The
bare bones version provides little capacity for revenue generation.
C. Maintenance Update (Steve) — Vegetation control is the focus this time of year, with
the effort to have property owners take care of their rights of way mowing as is
conventional so that city crews can concentrate on road repairs instead of mowing.
D. Projects Update (Steve) - Steve reported that Bishop Play Park swings are being
IX. Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: June 27, 2023
X. Public Comment
Margaret Lee commented that bicyclists should dismount in the proximity of pedestrians in
Koh Tai for the safety of pedestrians, in agreement with Jim Todd, who noted that state law
requires slowing to pedestrian speeds on trails. Margaret also asked about the heights of the
poles for the skate park lighting.
Steve Hartmann asked about vegetation in downtown flower beds and rain gardens and
noted that many rain gardens are overgrown and weedy. Debbie noted that Main Street
contracts with the city to maintain downtown rain gardens and could engage volunteers.
Steve King said that he would reach out to Main Street.
XI. Adjourn -approx. 6:07pm
Parking Lot/Future Meetings
Trail signing
PUD tree presentation?
Street Tree List (add Park Tree List and species that should not be planted here)
Walking and Biking Map
Park equity
Park Foundation discussion
Habitat Birding Map — Kah Tai
2023 workplan list from February agenda
Objective of the work planning is to identify items where PRTTAB subcommittees can work on
work plan items. (See areas in yellow)
1. Adams St. Park irrigation repairs (staff)
2. Volunteer program (PRTTAB, Council, and Staff) — In progress
3. Park rules (PRTTAB, Council, and Staff) - In progress and already reviewed
4. Park street ends and memorial benches (PRTTAB and Staff) - In progress
5. Trail signage and kiosks installation (Staff with PRTTAB feedback on content) — In progress
6. Park Management plan for Kah Tai (PRTTAB and Staff) -
7. Street trees and parks tree list (PRTTAB and staff, including engineering design standards)
8. Golf Course (PRTTAB, Council, and Staff) — In progress
9. Health and Wellness Center (PRTTAB, Council and Staff) — In progress
10. Sustainable funding for parks, ie foundation, MPD, levy lid lift, etc (PRTTAB, Council and Staff— Financial
Sustainability taskforce) -
11. Development of a Capital Plan for Parks (taking the CFP to the next step) (PRTTAB and Staff)
12. Kah Tai restrooms and RV pad (Staff... PRTTAB review of final)
13. Play ground at Bishop (Staff, already reviewed by PRTTAB) - In progress and already reviewed
14. kitchen shelter at Chetz (staff, PRTTAB review)
15. Open Space and Buildable Lands Inventory - crossover with planning commission and housing (PRTTAB,
PC, CC, and staff)
16. Sims Way — Comp Plan update and final design (PRTTAB, PC, and staff) — In progress and already