Date: 05/02/23 Time: 3:00 pm Location: Council Chambers, City Hall and virtually via GoToMeeting webinar
Members Present: Richard Berg (Chair), Craig Britton (Vice -chair), Kathleen (Kathy) Knoblock, George Randels, City Council member/HPC liaison
Monica MickHager, Walter Galitzki; Kathleen Croston, Michael D'Alessandro
Members Absent (excused): None.
Staff Present: Judy Surber, Planning Manager; Suzanne Wassmer, Land Use Specialist
Call to Order
Chair Berg called the meeting to order at
3:04 pm
Approval of March 7, 2023, Minutes
Motion to approve by Randels, second by
Britton. Approved.
Approval of the Agenda
There were no changes.
Appearance of Fairness:
Chair Berg recused himself from Item A as
the applicant is a client. Randels disclosed
that he had a brief discussion with the
owner/applicant of Item A and offered to
recuse himself if there were objections to
his participation. There were no objections.
Public Comment (for any non -Agenda items)
New Business
A. HPC23-011 Good Templars Building — 280 Quincy Street — Multiple signs
Chair Berg recused himself; Britton took over as Chair.
Judy to work with Richard to update website
update of color palette.
Staff Presentation: Suzanne Wassmer introduced the proposal for signage. This item
is before the HPC due to use of colors and fonts that are not pre -approved. Wassmer
noted code limits one projecting sign per entrance, thus on west side one of the two
proposed would need to be a wall sign. Proposal conforms with total allowable square
Applicant Rob Larsen presented background and proposal. He noted that the color of
the building was previously approved through HPC as it is not on the pre -approved
palette. He proposes a simpler bracket for projecting signs. Proposed colors reflect
the brand of the individual tenants. Signs will be painted aluminum signs but not
Committee discussed past waivers of color palette. Michael commented that font is
often part of a logo and hard to parse it out from business identity. He suggested
modifications for color. Rob reiterated that color is part of brand. Richard spoke as a
member of applicant's design team. He compared colors to approved palette. Teal ,
orange, pink, lighter teal, similar to approved color palette. Navy blue not on palette
but was approved as part of the building color scheme. The building was repainted in
2014 when school wanted to brighten it up. Two colors are from the palette, just the
navy blue on window sash that was not on the palette, and it was approved because it
was school color. SW says only one is on palette.
Wassmer noted Sign guidelines #4 primary sign colors shall be adopted from
approved sign palette... Surber suggested going through each of the colors requiring a
departure and make a recommendation for each.
Kathleen does not object to proposed colors. George, Walter and Kathy noted the
palette needs to be respected. Craig asked if applicant is willing to revise and return
to committee with a demonstrated effort to comply with the palette. Rob replied
that he is willing.
Michael does not think brands should have to modify colors. If parent signage is not
"branded" a compromise would be to change those colors. Rob replied he could revisit it. He
asked if objection was colors and fonts? Several members said only color. Walter noted
both. Members want to see Bizarre Girls existing brand fonts.
Richard Berg resumed as Chair
B. HPC23-009 Bishop Hotel -714 Washington Street — Update 3 signs on front and
Motion by Walter Galitzki; second by Craig
sides of building.
Britton to recommend approval of signs
Staff Presentation: Suzanne Wassmer provided background. One 21 square foot
with colors modified to conform with HPCs
sign for Bottle Shop departs from color palette.
approved color palette.
Motion carries: 4-3.
Applicant Eric Weinberg — Proposed white and red panel in existing Light box is
not ideal but it is what they can afford at this time, and they want to increase
Committee: Craig and Walter prefer color to conform to approved palette. Kathy
appreciates good faith effort but noted there is a white and red on the approved
palette. George concurs.
Michael again feels colors within a logo should not have to comply.
C. HPC 23-008, 828 Harrison Replace Windows in Primary Residence —
Staff Judy Surber noted window replacement can be processed administratively
Staff to provide applicant with information
without committee review but given this is a Primary structure, staff is asking for
on Special Valuation.
committee input.
Applicant Kristen Bennett gave background. Sash color is on the palette. Frames
will be kept but glass and sash replaced. Sashes may be original, but all other
glass is new. Groves will measure and order custom sizes. Windows will be in
same arrangement (e.g., single-hung/double-hung).
Committee: Craig noted Rain shadow windows may be able to rebuild for less.
Storm windows are actually better than double panel.
Kathleen noted front facing third floor window is not original. Kristen does not
intend to change at this time.
Richard noted this would be the first time HPC recommend approval of vinyl for a
primary house. Have previously considered composite and fiberglass as
compatible substitute material. He noted the draft Window Design Guidelines
have yet to be finaled. Members noted vinyl windows have improved
substantially over time and would like to see an actual sample of the proposed
window. Michael supports the applicant's economical solution.
Committee suggested and Ms. Bennett agreed to look at options suggested today
(fix existing, fiberglass) and return with a sample of the replacement window.
Other Business/Announcements:
Staff to check on status with Council.
Reappointments: GR, KK, MA terms expiring
All 3 reapplied.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
June 6, 2023
The meeting was adjourned at 5:29