Date: March 7, 2023 Time: 3:00 pm Location: Council Chambers, City Hall and virtually via GoToMeeting webinar
Members Present: Richard Berg (Chair), Craig Britton (Vice -chair), Kathy Knoblock, Michael D'Alessandro, City Council member/HPC liaison
Monica MickHager
Members Absent (excused): George Randels, Kathleen Croston, Walter Galitzki
Staff Present: John McDonagh, Senior Planner; Judy Surber Planning Manager
Chair Berg called the meeting to order at 3:07pm
Approval of Minutes
A. Britton moved to approve as
A. April 5, 2022 Revise to note Walter and Kathleen were absent.
revised, second by Knoblock. Passed
B. August 2, 2022 Remove "check"
C. November 1, 2022 Revise vote on Item HPC22-028 to indicate Craig opposed.
B. Britton moved to approve as revised,
Passed 4-1-0
second by Knoblock. Passed
Kathy asked for update on the November 1 request to meet with Councilmember Mick-
C. Britton moved to approve as revised,
Hager to discuss HPC review of art installations. Ms. Mick -Hager welcomed a meeting to
second by Knoblock. Passed 3-0-1
discuss with subcommitte Craig Britton, Kathleen Croston, and staff John McDonagh and
with D'Alesssandro abstaining.
report back to the full committee. Input may be useful for Council's 2024 Workplan.
John McDonagh to schedule meeting.
Approval of the Agenda
Approved unanimously. There were no
Appearance of Fairness:
Richard Berg will recuse himself from Item
B. HPC 23-003 PT Athletic Club and
D. HPC23-005, 823 Water Street. Craig
Britton assumed Chair during these items.
Public Comment (for any non -Agenda items)
New Business
Other Business
HPC22-036, 331 Van Buren Construct detached garage with ADU above, setback
Item was withdrawn from the agenda.
HPC23-003 229 Monroe Street; Add Windows to PT Athletic Club
None required.
Richard Berg as Representative asked for initial input on addition of new windows.
Building for sale. New windows may support conversion to residential uses. Applicant
is seeking initial input on new windows.
John McDonagh noted it used to be a brewery.
Discussion: Kathy and Michael looks compatible and practical for reuse. Craig
doesn't object to S. Wall or E. wall. But prefers retaining all brick, no new windows on
W. Wall.
HPC23-004, 334 Lawrence Street Special Valuation for Remodel 1909 Historic
None required.
Structure. Staff John McDonagh gave overview of Special Valuation. HPC has
previously opined on the modifications. Owner recently submitted request for special
valuation. Owner Norm Tonina added background and status of repairs. Staff noted,
this is for initial input; item will return to the committee with more detail on what
is/is not eligible once the construction is complete.
HPC23-005, 823 Water Street Construct Upper Deck Cover for the Southside of
D'Alessandro Moved to recommend
Sirens. Owner: Kris Nelson, Agent Richard Berg
approval subject to ensuring improvements
Richard Berg and owner Kris Nelson gave overview. Proposing half deck covered, half
are within property lines. Second by Kathy.
will continue to use umbrellas. Intent to extend season for outdoor seating. Design
Passed 3-0-1 with Richard abstaining.
has been engineered. Ms. Nelson noted prior HPC input was supportive.
Craig asked for input from City Attorney about encroachment. John indicated he did
not believe it was but will double check. Ms. Nelson noted the survey shows it all on
her private property.
Other Business/Announcements:
Post Office —John noted ilt is ordinary repair and maintenance on federal property and not subject to
HPC review.
Trolley bus — Committee recalled, Transit requested input despite it not being in the purview of HPC.
Committee was not supportive but Transit purchased anyway.
Recruitment — suggested advertise in city newsletter. Monica from Studio STL was in the audience
and expressed interest. Michael expressed his intent to apply for another term.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
April 4, 2023
The meeting was adjourned at 4:42 p.m.