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050223 HPC Agenda Packet
Agenda Historic Preservation Committee Regular Meeting 3:00 PM, May 2, 2023 City Council Hall Council Chambers, 540 Water Street • Join in person; via computer or tablet at http://ioinwebinar.com enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 643-823-651; or by phone (listen only) United States: +1 (562)- 247-8422 access code: 787-163-337# • Local Dial In — (360) 390-5064 access code: 787-163-337# • Submit public comment emails to be included in the record to: publiccomment@cityofpt.us. 1. Roll Call: Richard Berg, (Chair) Craig Britton (Vice Chair), Kathleen Croston, George Randels, Kathleen Knoblock, Walter Galitzki and Michael D'Alessandro; Monica MickHager (Council Liaison) 2. Approval of Minutes: A. Review of draft Minutes for 3/7/23 Regular Meeting 3. Approval of Agenda: 4. Correspondence/Attachments: None 5. Appearance of Fairness: 6. Public Comment (for items not on the Agenda, there is 3 -minute limit per person) 8. Old Business: None 9. New Business: A. HPC23-011 Good Templars Building - 280 Quincy Street Multiple Signs which Use Colors Outside of the HPC Color Palette and Custom Fonts Owner: Rob Larsen, Trinity Real Estate Agent: Chris Richardson, Graffix Applicable Guidelines: • Secretary of the Interior Guidelines • Locally -adopted Guidelines for Signage PTMC 17.30.160A(4) • Locally -adopted Color Palette PTMC 17.30.160.A(5) Applicant and Staff Presentation Materials for Item A 1) Application and Exhibit A, List of Signs 2) Exterior Sign Package (10 Pages) Public Comment (3 -minute limit per person) HPC Questions, Deliberation and Recommendation B. HPC23-009 Bishop Hotel - 714 Washington Street Update 3 Signs on the front and sides of the building Owner: Eric Wennberg Applicable Guidelines: Secretary of the Interior Guidelines Locally -adopted Guidelines for Signage PTMC 17.30.160A(4) Locally -adopted Color Palette PTMC 17.30.160.A(5) Applicant and Staff Presentation Materials for Item B 3) Application and Submitted Materials 4) Pages from HPC13-006 Existing Lightbox Sign Public Comment (3 -minute limit per person) HPC Questions, Deliberation and Recommendation Staff comments: The proposed awning and projecting sign use pre - approved colors and similar fonts. HPC design review is required to replace the existing internally illuminated 21 sq. Ft. Box sign on the west side with a white background and bright red lettering and logo. The replacement illuminated sign is larger than 6 square feet and does not use pre -approved colors. HPC previously recommended approval for the Bishop's sandwich board sign (4-0-2) through HPC22-009. C. HPC23-008, 828 Harrison Replace windows in Primary Residence Owner: Kristen Bennett & William Berninger; Agent: Groves Applicable Guidelines: Secretary of Interior for Rehabilitation Locally -adopted historic residential design guidelines as set forth in PTMC 17.30.158 Applicant and Staff Presentation Materials for Item C 1) Application 2) Scoring Sheet 3) Window schedule 4) Photos Public Comment (3 -minute limit per person) HPC Questions, Deliberation and Recommendation 10. Announcements: None 11. Adjournment: Next Regular scheduled meeting: June 6, 2023. E Q 0 O M E H M N O N m s U N 0 ._ C ++ v \ ++ N O v � O O v d N N > O N O >O Q CQ O o C > Q >• QJ p U N> E N O E c E C O QJ N C , •L > C , m LJ co Q m i N 4J N', >O N Q O0 O O -a O ca C> N c N >2 N> Y N O E Q E C O C� O s U C L U �--' 3 CO vOi L j N N N O s c� C p u s O L N N L QJ ~ � Q a) ( L-� Q (6 Q u ai O Z N O `� N N =3�J s U U LJ Q — d M bLA 0 I co N L U to a_ v aC co U N N N i N M s 00-a N � p O N N (0 U C a_ p L M co a O Z a O Z a v U bA f6 G � s C OD C6 CL E O Y Q E m 0 O CL O E QJ dA = E N 0 s 0 i U �O N U O QJ N c a, v 3 - U � u 0 O 3 O00 O N p u _ O N aul t N 4.1 C Q L O s fC6 4� C O f0 i2 YQj N ++ O E N O G7 70 z O N .� a' — i N V N > +� i f0 W C O 00 N O cu *' t Z w+' N o U s 0uA O CU y U' Q dA +O+ � r QJ N E +N' O O au c ai cu +� GJ H E N :to � O a--� E U � iii T O A N N Q p Q a N t 07 rq O r -I O 2 N N C47 a7 i O N N ri O Q _O 'a GJ O N 41 u N N s �O 07 u , ++ O Lm *' 4J t Y U t O O O in l0 — O G7 Y � 3 to 47 47 £ Zn U p Q to 3 9 0 +- O C V E O i v is a Q z a i N aJ 3 0 to O C m O in m U Q U O (6 (6 NO Ln fC c► 00 Q •� Q Q u a Q u a a z co 0 +� O O f0 i O) E O C c to u +' E C 3 N C C v a-- cr c z ° z c s cu +, cu > Q) S-. � Q - - o N OU UA cn M QJ c L L O -0 cu — U O O >. 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E ° R \ \ Qj 5 / \ \ / ru k ( to / \ / ai ®/ J =/\ =) \ � § / § / CL Ln r 2 \ / k / \0 / E / k / \ 2 / ro � \ § { ƒ QCLaCL \ \ $ 4 E = 2 3 2 ± / \ 2 \ ¥ 2 e \(U u / » U 4@ 2 \ om ai 7 } E 0 \\aj / E _ § § o / § / 4 e e e / ƒ 2 / E & [ u / E � \ \ ) o CL ® u 7 E u= X ƒ $ 0 J e ƒ § 7 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 1 Port Townsend, WA 98368 360 379 5095 1 www.cityofpt.us ori ,��r.� of us , ,. Townsend PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HISTORIC DESIGN REVIEW Of Proposal(s) Within the National Historic Landmark District All applicants and property owners must sign the application below to signify agreement with the proposed application, The Applicant(s) hereby certifies that all of the above statements and information contained in any exhibits, plot plans, or other transmittals made herewith are true and provide an accurate presentation of the proposed project. The applicant(s) acknowledges that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend based in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if it develops that any such statement or other information contained herein is false. The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any noncompliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend. Date C Date RECEIVED P..r r.m` C'7y01= PORT) WNSEND DD 12.22 Page 1 of 2 p sm (IN3SNAAGM10d N =lc AiLa. I � I = 0 161, 0 a A z z z z z z >1 z z z z U u 41 78 cf) cn u � ul u 1900 0 5 006 00 00 00 C7 00 00 oo o0 . 00 CN 15oo 00 rA In M rA W) C, W) rq �n W) en CA W) en . W) m . 9 W) m 9 (n 9 W) en 9 m M Cir a r4 4. �v O C7 t7 O 551 lil :;5 C', I In i In C', ram Cl) un 0� rA 0� C/I 0� I V) 04 Cl) P� (4 0� cn 0. V) 04, V, 0. 'n � r4 w, sw It �o N CA Cq 5 r- r - cc V) (40 �5 96 09 u www a AG lu rq 14 rn A W ua1 at U Cl) cn (n Cl) ca cn �n cd :3 o" tm Vp 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -0 00 Z, ts En ts ta L) ES sp e" p rA z z (D z G G (S z u u U U U U U bo Q -A L. C) 0 0 0 0 P4 04 F- 9 �l 04 04 94 F -I33 Ln A� V) a, U� PLI CIO 0. U� P� rn a, V� P. t I 00 I 0, I I LJ..! Cy - C) G1C W X LtJ i J Q Ln CC vti G1. �•'1 lJ"1 W F— CD t6 �(5 � � z ,}r E -. v ci i- v..r 6 vn d .� 2 v 4 •t .-. ce w E " cr CS 1/1 � V � � LSC w E LA C Y cC : a C_... ...... %t 0 ••Ur s PI, ,}r E _ - F C F s J m U 2 v Ac C_... ...... %t 0 ••Ur s PI, ry- 1-u Cr C, in O LU z c -, 0 UA 9 a z cm U) f0 uo LU 9c cc M J a Q z cc us ca C6 00 an UA O j P4 UA At U) W C. 111 111111011111111100010 14� C> w 00 r4 Ln M LLJ ry, LL_ kA v 0 I LU LU 5 2 E E2 E -EL La 2�1 2 E 1;5 Cf .2' LON LLJ E ... .. .... .... .... .... 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The Applicants) hereby certifies that all of the above statements and information contained in any exhibits, plotplans, or other transmittals made herewith are true andprovide an accurate presentation of the proposed prgject. The applicant(s) acknowledges that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend based in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if'it develops that any such statement or other information contained herein is false. The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of'Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims,r cl>tncls„ or front any liability of any nature arising from any roc°onrllia�zcre with any r tric°t've covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions t lislaccl by parties other than the City of Part Townsend. which may 1r been eas Applicant Property Owner (if different from applicant) Date Date RECEIVED OWNSEND wi�'OF �I``�. .gip 9..g"ll"'«"' 12.22 Page 1 of 2 cityt�f pol,tW 250 Wladison Street, Situu e 3 ¢ Pal t "Irommsend, .3 229 360,379,5095 1 w%vw.dtyofI1t,us Townsend DEVELOPMENT Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) Design Review Basic Submittal Requirements 1. Three 3 copies of the following: • Completed and signed Design Review application form. • Site plan showing proposed project location. • Design plan on paper no larger than I l x 17: ➢ dimensioned floor plans showing addition or proposed change ➢ colors, with actual color chips )0- exterior elevation(s) showing addition or proposed change • $105.75 (cash or check made out to the City of Port Townsend) (Please provide PDF copies to John McDonagh if available, 2. At the meeting: • You or someone acting in your place must attend or your application will be continued to the next meeting. You will be asked to give a brief, informal presentation. • You will know at the meeting if your project is approved or not. • If approved, you will receive written confirmation in a few days following the meeting. • If not approved, the Committee will let you know what further information would be needed to obtain approval for the project. • Please do not begin your project until other City permits that may be applicable to your project, such as building permits and sign permits, are issued. Meetings are held monthly on Tuesdays, as needed (unless it falls on a holiday). They begin at 3:00 p.m. in the 3rd floor conference room of City Hall, 250 Madison Street, Port Townsend. Applications shall be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the next meeting to be considered. This will allow staff the time to distribute the materials to the HPC committee members for review prior to the meeting. * If your project is a major remodel or restoration, significant addition, new building, or partial or full demolition, additional submittal information and/or fees may be required. Please speak with a PCD planner with questions before submittal. 12.22 Page 2 of 2 PROPOSED SIGN(S): Type of Sign Width Sign Location Lettering Ilae '�d�n(i Border". Lettering !Wall (pat against building); & Area (which side Color. ,olor. Color: Font Projecting (perpendicular to Height (square of building (If from 4(If from `„ (;If from Name: building); Monument (base on feet of or Pre- " Pre- Pre. (If from ground); Sandwich Board Width x street ) approved PP approved '" pp a roved pp of Pre - (portable); Canopy (awning)/. Height) Color � ��� Color Color ,,,"� approved Includes relocated and/or 1"alette, fill; yP'alette, filler PaI tt � Font List redesigned signs for a new in101it] fill- fill-in.- business. Pe .. ii,t��r► 1,... ► _,., ��.e PT Vii" Vii" Pi 2 4 TOTAL SQUARE FEET: EXISTING SIG cab .. „Mr - Type of Sign Sign Location lWall (pat against building); Width (which side Projecting (perpendicular to & Area of building building); Monument (base on Height (square or ground); Sandwich Board , feet) street) TOTAL SQUARE FEET: TOTAL OF ALL PROPOSED & EXISTING SIGNS IN SQUARE FEET Will any of the proposed signs include: C11VA - PT PTPT PT PT ...�.....� � PT ,..�... PT PT.. PT PT Sign Permit Number and Date Issued, if known Permit # Permit # Permit # Permit # Permit # Year issued Year issued Year issued Year "issued Year issued — V1 to, Colors other than those on the pre -approved color palette? Yes ❑ No If yes, show on an attached color drawing. a Lettering other than those on the pre -approved font list? Yes ❑ No If yes, show on an attached drawing. S- h �U n Illumination? Q�l Yes 11 No 5 If yes, total lighting, External ❑ or Internal b� = 2 t sq. ft. Neon lighting or neon -type lighting (including "OPEN" signs)? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, total neon = sq. ft. Note: flashing signs are not allowed per PTMC 17.76.075"'EIVED A Sandwich Board sign? ❑ Yes ❑ No Sandwich board signs must be properly constructed and maintained; ; ask staff for more information. Note. flrtsing signs are not allo+ed ,Per PTMC 17.76.070.D. CITY(, 1z 1. RT"T"DWNSEND Sign regulations may be fi)und in the Plat Townsend Municipal Code Section 17.76. 1t is a Ale on the web — go to the City website 1,y '; lry zt. ° and under the Links menu, select Municipal Code, and go to Title 17, then Section 17.76.080 for signs within the Historic District. Page 2 of 3 Em ffm I 9 VIA m ,Va WANDS Join win for wins, basirl, and Cal f'my-,m at the b1shiop Block tI* Shop. Din* :f.ns our gPpas,a^apwyo Find suns In a'IPmie I911IPuopa ppn te'l. w. 14 VASHN G'1BO 51' / THE / (300) 302-6*84 ADMINISTRATIVE CERTIFICATE OF REVIEW For NEW SIGNAGE in THE HISTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICT _PQ I OR Aepr O u A - Design Review Application IIPC13-006Rainshadow Properties° Ftp, co bA CV_L. i Staff of the Port Townsend Historic Preservation Committee has completed its design review of: The replacement of an existing backlit sign for the Bishop Hotel. The sign will remain the same size (101.5" long by 36" in height). The background will be changed to a pre -approved color (PT 38A). Font colors are also from the pre - approved palette (PT 45 and gold). Font style is the same as on the existing sign. p1„tgtrttyr , Joseph and Cindy Finnie For the building located at: 714 Washington Street The building classification: (highlight one): Pivotal Primary Secondary Altered Historic/Recent Compatible Intrusion Review of the project is: Administrative Compliance with review is: Mandatory The review was conducted pursuant to Chapter 17.30 and of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, and was based on the application submitted on January 16 2013 ,le Guidelines: Local PT Sign, Color and Font Guidelines After review of relevant design guidelines, the DSD Director finds that the proposed development meets the criteria for review administratively and is (circle one) CONTRIBUTES IS ACCEPTABLE DOES NOT CONTRIBUTE to the Port Townsend Historic District AS PRESENTED subject to the following condition: 1. The applicant shall apply for and obtain approval of a City sign permit from the Development Services Department prior to installation. Issued this _�f_ day of _February, 2013 Approved Disapproved _ w _ ww DSD Director (or designee) Bcd Permils:FormLelfers2 fame t til"1— Revised 12198 RT « L: CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 20'V3 Historic Preservation Committee Administrative Review of CITY O i�' )F,,,I ��� SIGNAGE This form is to be used for signage inside the National Historic Landmark district that will use only those pre -approved fonts and colors on the Font List and Color Palette. Otherwise, instead of this form complete the HPC Design Review application for signage to be reviewed during one of the bi-monthly Historic Preservation Committee meetings. Name of Business/A Pro e�j Owner Mailing Address: Da�time.Phone: Builclina Address: Parcel Number: Type of Sign(s): Q"'Wall 1325 AO Prnn s_�_—�' 6 R I&L _.? ❑ Projecting ❑ Sandwich Board ❑ Monument If sib per mit has been submitted, Sign Permit Number: SNP - Please include one set of sign plans, including drawings and elevations. Font Name(s): PT Color(s) used from the Approved Color Palette: Background: PT, Frame: PT SCUD �A -i? Lettering: PT (? L Cay (_ L T P kne— ��'-�� ' t �- I certify that all of the above information is true, and acknowledge that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend based in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if it develops that any such statement ora4h,er information contained herein is false. WIMMINUUMM Fee due at time of4tnittal: $33.00 HPC Administrative Review Sign Application Revised 8/5/08 Page I of I k •- -3-D - :;.Q 1 '� Date l (0 ON cit M„ 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 1 Port Townsend, WA 98368 1360.379.5095 i www.cityofpt.us ✓ /i/// Townsend PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Historic Preservation Committee _......... _wwwwOf Pr APPLICATION #: �iiraolicant Name: Mailing Address: D ,.Phone: ' Email Address:, Architect l)e ncc°�l ei ia- _.......... _� Email Address: 'l roiect Street Address: Parcel Number: Administrative Design Review s Within the National Historic Landmark District BLD: 21-1 ive:: et t': Owner Name (if different from Phone � . !ct Descrintion hnore space on back 016��Cj — , HPC: } — Wa All applicants and property owners must sign the application below to signify agreement with the proposed application. The Applicant(s) hereby certifies that all of the above statements and information contained in any exhibits, plotplans, or other transmittals made herewith are true andprovide an accurate presentation of the proposed project. The applicant(s) acknowledges that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend based in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if it develops that any such statement or other information contained herein is false. The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any noncompliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by partiesW ine City of Port Townsend. Ix �&A ZF�Z IL Applicant Date Property Owner (if different from applicant) Date OVER Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) Administrative Design Review Basic Submittal Requirements * 1. One 1 covy of the follow* • Completed and signed Design Review application form. • Site plan showing proposed project location. • Design plan on paper no larger than 11 x 17: ➢ dimensioned floor plans showing addition or proposed change ➢ colors, with actual color chips ➢ exterior elevation(s) showing addition or proposed change • $56.00 (cash or check made out to the City of Port Townsend) 2. After submittal: • If needed, PCD staff will let you know what further information is needed to obtain approval for the project. • Please do not begin your project until other City permits that may be applicable to your project, such as building permits and sign permits, are issued. * To see if your project can be administratively approved, please consult PCD staff. Rev. 12/22 -Fb Y" `5 , I' �t t� N City of Port Townsend Landmark District Residential Property Survey Checklist and Form Property Address: 828 Harrison St. Parcel Tax ID: 965700006 Survey Checklist 1. Building Exterior a. Originality i. Excellent ii. Good El iii. Fair '` iv. Poor b. Overall Visual Quality 0 i. Excellent l ii. Good iii. Fair=� iv. Poor c. Craftsmanship i. Excellent ii. Good n iii. Fair n iv. Poor n Summer 2009 Historic Block ID: FH 1 ll. Style a. Significance as an example of a particular architectural style, type, or convention i. Excellent 0 ii. Good F iii. Fair El iv. Poor El III. Age a. Of particular age in relationship to the period of significant for the district (1870-1920) i. Excellent (Pre -1920) R ii. Good (1920-1959) El iii. Poor 11 IV. Continuity Context a. Contributes to the visual, historic or other environmental continuity of the street area i. Excellent [ 2 ii. Good iii. Fair F1 iv. Poor ❑j V. Alterations a. Degree of alteration and extent to which important exterior materials and structural integrity have been degraded i. Significant Alteration ❑ _,_.. ii. Minor Alteration ❑ iii. No Significant Alteration ❑ VI. Reversibility a. Extent to which integrity losses can be reversed and ease of difficulty in making such corrections i. Easily reversed Q ii. Reversible ❑ iii. Not Reversible ❑ VII, Non -Historic Structures a. Compatible with historic structures i. Excellent ❑ ii. Good ❑ iii. Fair ❑ iv. Poor ❑ Notes: -Was constructed with the congregational church, which used to be on adjacent lot. -Property currently being renovated/restored. Important role in Port Townsend history. I.. ° 144C,_ V''[. Judy Surber From: Kristen Bennett <bennett.khsten3@gnsai|zom~ Sent: Thursday, April 27,2O2311l)1AM To: Judy Surber Subject: Re: HPC 23-008 Window replacement | really appreciate all ofyour help with this. Yes, those are the windows from Grooves. They will be black too. Here are some outside pictures. 1. Front ofhouse facing Harrison 2. Left of house facing back/side yard towards Garfield 3.Back ofhouse 4. Right side towards Library Should | also create a packet? | have additional information. | have reached out tothe heating company twsee ifthey could send anemail because many times | was told having the heat pump installed was good but with the windows intheir condition | would bebleeding out heat. | also have copies ofour electric bills. The average bill over the winter was 575 a month. Any heat was leaking out of the I am planning to create some sort of a presentation also. I'm very nervous about this. Thank you again and I really appreciate your help. Everyone there has been great. Kristen On Apr 27, 2023, at 9:01 AM, Judy Surber <jsurber@cityofpt.us> wrote: Hello Kristen, I will be assembling packets and distributing them to HPC members today. Please provide: Photos of each exterior fagade of the house Spec sheet for the Milgard windows you have selected. (Is this it?) ijttp: , r r.r*ni ar c n'i n)Ms pgle hu g Judy Surber I Planning Manager MILGARD IN HDOW', , CAI 0 r, 00 P P P 1) C I P LAN Ai NUw 5,Jr �- CA1 FCIP PPOS e,y V'r F P w1„0.). 1. ".., a I le -Hung lows PPICE POINT 0EMGN OPTIGPIS FEATUPES & SENEFIT5 TECHPOCAL SPECiFIC&TOKE PELVE11 PPODUCTS Design Options FRAME OPTION`, GLA.S'S OPTI'Ot,, ATEPIOPFPAME M.10P EX-Ep OP "AME cel -op, sees 'dl Kristen Bennett From: Kristen Bennett <bennett.kristen3@gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:16 AM To: Kristen Bennett Subject: Fwd: Milgard replacement vinyl windows 11 AL11 ERT BE CAUTI0U,S This emaill originated outside the organization. Do not open attachments or click on links if you are not expecting them, Kristen Begin forwarded message: From: Kristen Bennett <bennett.kristen3@gmail.com> Date: April 24, 2023 at 12:11:45 PM PDT To: Bill Berninger <bberninger@hotmail.com> Subject: Fwd: Milgard replacement vinyl windows Kristen Begin forwarded message: From: Jim Groves <jimgroves@cablespeed.com> Date: April 24, 2023 at 8:46:49 AM PDT To: bennett.kristen3@gmail.com Subject: Milgard replacement vinyl windows Good morning Kristen. Here is some information. Milgard Tuscany model white it tan vinyl single hung windo , lowE/argon gas-filled glazing with screens. Prices include windows, labor an aterials to install (paint by others), A building permit is required ... $300.00. C S DO NOT INCLUDE SALES TAX, Sizes are what we term "block sizes", nctual dimensions of the windows to be ordered. LR/DR/kitchen 36 X 78" 5 qty $1,049.64 each Bath, obscure/tem a d 32 X 78" 2 qty $1,440.26 each Pantry 111*11"l 30 X 78" 1 qty $1016.41 MBR /office 4R/office 36 X 72" 5 qty $1,032.30 each 24 X 72" 2 qty $981.52 each ' sir black interior/exterior we will need to use Milgard's Trinsic model vinyl window. 6 X 78" $1,441.85 each 1 32 2 78" �]V- `,25 each 30 X 78" $1,3,,/.73 3'6 X 72" $1,381.37 each 24 X 72" $1,289.59 each Lead time is about 5-6 weeks for tan or white; 8-10 weeks for black. I hope this information is useful, and I wish you good success with your project. Beat regards qw-IM C/7-yo APS � 6 po23 7 SO 4 � 0 1 � G I -�3 3 r .., , 0 ��,,�, ��� ��„. ,, d� y✓°� �r��. F ��>, �., ��, ��y / » ° \: ( 2� � \ ^ ©/, �� Z \. ? � ~�`� y?y d/ a. �\/ � �� � � «� , � m t� , Robin Hill From: Kristen Bennett <krsl0b@icloud.com> Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 4:21 PM To: Robin Hill Subject: 828 Harrison windows Thanks for your help this morning. Please let me know if there's anything else you need Kristen Bennett Kristen