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April 25, 2023 1 4:30 p.m. I Virtual or In Person Meeting
Join via computer or tablet at http://loinwebinar.com enter 9 digit Webinar ID 641-687-115
• Join by phone in listen -only mode: (360)390-5064 Ext. 3 access code: 791-359-026#
• Submit public comment emails to be read aloud (up to three minutes per person) to:
1. Welcome, Introduction & Call to Order - Chair Debbie Jahnke
Good afternoon and welcome to this meeting of the Port Townsend Parks, Recreation,
Trees & Trails Advisory Board. The role of this Board is to assist City staff and to advise
the City Council on legislative matters concerning parks, recreation, trees and trails.
This meeting is open to the public at the City Council Chambers, virtually via this web
format, and is also being video recorded for those who could not attend the meeting
today and for future reference. Given that this meeting is in virtual format, we ask that the
board members raise their hands to be called on by the Chair. The public can do the
same to comment during the public comment periods. We take public comment at the
beginning and end of the meeting.
II. Roll Call:
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Approval of March 28, 2023 Minutes.
V. Public Comment (3 minutes per person/agenda items only) Public comments received via
VI. Old Business (10 min)
A. Update on Arbor Day plans -date, tree walk, Adopt A Native Tree (D Jahnke) - 5 min
B. Formalize name for Speakers Corner - (recommend to Council - D Jahnke) - 5 min
VII. New Business (65 min)
A. Volunteer recognition — 5 min
B. Skate Park Naming Request — (Presentation by Deborah Berreth) - 15 min
C. 2023 Work Plan (Steve King, Public Works Director) — 30 min
D. Haller Fountain —Tree Maintenance (Michael Todd, Facilities & Parks Manager) —10
E. Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2023 - 5 min
VIII. Staff update — (20 min)
A. Golf Course (Carrie Hite)
B. Healthier Together (Carrie Hite)
C. New Parks Staff— Welcome Lisa Titterness (Michael Todd)
D. Tree Canopy Grant (Michael Todd)
E. Maintenance Update (Michael Todd)
F. Project Update (Michael Todd)
IX. Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: May 23, 2023
X. Public Comment
XI. Adjourn
Parking Lot/Future Meetings
Trail signing
PUD tree presentation?
Street Tree List (add Park Tree List and species that should not be planted here)
Walking and Biking Map
Park equity
Park Foundation discussion
2023 workplan list from February agenda
Objective of the work planning is to identify items where PRTTAB subcommittees can work on
work plan items. (See areas in yellow)
1. Adams St. Park irrigation repairs (staff)
2. Volunteer program (PRTTAB, Council, and Staff) — In progress
3. Park rules (PRTTAB, Council, and Staff) - In progress and already reviewed
4. Park street ends and memorial benches (PRTTAB and Staff) - In progress
5. Trail signage and kiosks installation (Staff with PRTTAB feedback on content) — In progress
6. Park Management plan for Kah Tai (PRTTAB and Staff) -
7. Street trees and parks tree list (PRTTAB and staff, including engineering design standards)
8. Golf Course (PRTTAB, Council, and Staff) — In progress
9. Health and Wellness Center (PRTTAB, Council and Staff) — In progress
10. Sustainable funding for parks, ie foundation, MPD, levy lid lift, etc (PRTTAB, Council and Staff— Fiscal
Sustainability taskforce) -
11. Development of a Capital Plan for Parks (taking the CFP to the next step) (PRTTAB and Staff)
12. Kah Tai restrooms and RV pad (Staff... PRTTAB review of final)
13. Play ground at Bishop (Staff, already reviewed by PRTTAB) - In progress and already reviewed
14. kitchen shelter at Chetz (staff, PRTTAB review)
15. Open Space and Buildable Lands Inventory - crossover with planning commission and housing (PRTTAB,
PC, CC, and staff)
16. Sims Way — Comp Plan update and final design (PRTTAB, PC, and staff) — In progress and already
city port, ;..%,.
March 28, 2023 1 4:30 p.m. I Virtual or In Person Meeting
Join via computer or tablet at http://loinwebinar.com enter 9 digit Webinar ID 388-377-875
• Join by phone in listen -only mode: (360)390-5064 Ext. 3 access code: 791-359-026#
• Submit public comment emails to be read aloud (up to three minutes per person) to:
1. Welcome, Introduction & Call to Order - Chair Debbie Jahnke
Good afternoon and welcome to this meeting of the Port Townsend Parks, Recreation,
Trees & Trails Advisory Board. The role of this Board is to assist City staff and to advise
the City Council on legislative matters concerning parks, recreation, trees and trails.
This meeting is open to the public at the City Council Chambers, virtually via this web
format, and is also being video recorded for those who could not attend the meeting
today and for future reference. Given that this meeting is in virtual format, we ask that the
board members raise their hands to be called on by the Chair. The public can do the
same to comment during the public comment periods. We take public comment at the
beginning and end of the meeting.
II. Roll Call:
Pam Adams, Debbie Jahnke, Matt Miner, Russell Hill, Becci Kimball present.
Jennifer Rotermund, Jim Todd excused.
Staff present: Michael Todd, Carrie Hite, Steve King
III. Approval of Agenda Approved by consensus
IV. Approval of February 28, 2023 Minutes. Approved by consensus
V. Public Comment (3 minutes per person/agenda items only)
A. Public comments received via prtab@citvofpt.us
One public comment was received concerning the deposition of cut holly on the trails
in Cappy's Trail Area. The concern was that holly was being hauled into Cappy's.
Staff reported that it was volunteers cutting holly and hauling it to the trail for
VI. Old Business none
VII. New Business (70 min)
A. Parks Foundation (Carrie Hite, Director of Parks Strategy, noted that this section
should be entitled 'parks revenue', and introduced Siobhan Canty, Director of the
Jefferson Community Foundation.)
• Carrie noted that 501c3 foundations work well in larger jurisdictions but
community foundations are better suited to smaller communties. Siobhan Canty
provided the overall landscape in fundraising locally for the Jefferson Community
Foundation. JCF provides fund management services to 75 entities, from
individuals and families to organizations. Jefferson County Parks is also interested
informing a foundation.
• Foundation supports fundraising with the structure for efficiently managing funds
on behalf of organizations and lower fees (-1.5%) than would accrue from self-
management (-8%)
• Parks foundation would allow for targeted or general fund raising and could raise
funds for grant matching.
• How does this relate to the City? The City keeps an arm's length away from
managing the foundation funds, but there is alignment so the City and foundation
work is complementary, i.e., foundation structure might support the City's capital
needs for parks enhancements because foundations often fund things that might
not score well through grant programs.
• There is a need to check with legal to make sure that the association with the City
is clearly separated.
• A very good discussion of questions and answers resulted. Thank you to Siobhan
for coming to help us understand foundations.
B. Kearney Roundabout Review -(Steve King)
• Steve provided an overview of the WSDOT plans and plant selections for the
triangle area that is known as Speaker's Corner and Gateway Park. The board was
generally supportive of the plant selection and modifications to the triangle park
area by adding shrubs. Cornus sericea was not recommended as it is highly
attractive to deer. There is a bit of concern about maintenance; however,
volunteers are likely to pick up the additional maintenance, similar to Gateway
C. Arbor Day -April and October? (Chair Jahnke) - 5 min
• Chair Jahnke shared the possible opportunity for tree walks by Fred Weinmann
and Rob Wamstead and suggested that we celebrate Arbor Day twice this year;
once in April and once in October. This would allow the community to recognize
the tree walk in late April as well as the plant sale in October. (note in proof. April
treewalk will not occur; proposers will try for a 'dress rehearsal' tree walk in June
and we will hold our usual Adopt A Native Tree (or shrub) in October].
D. Kah Tai Management Plan and Master Plan (Stormwater) (Chair Jahnke) —10 min
• Chair Jahnke shared historical information from the early 80's. This information
illustrated the creation of additional wetlands within the nature park. Several
good graphics provide illustrations of this area. The City would like to secure
stormwater water quality funding to develop these wetlands and it is consistent
with the roundabout project and creation of a rain garden along Kearney.
E. 2023 Work Plan (Steve King, Public Works Director) — 30 min Delayed until next
meeting — ran out of time.
F. Haller Fountain —Tree Maintenance (Michael Todd, Facilities and Parks Manager) — 10
min — Delayed until next meeting.
VIII. Staff update — (15 min)
A. Golf Course (Carrie Hite) postponed to next meeting
B. Healthier Together (Carrie Hite) Carrie provide stats of involvement and survey results.
Carrie shared results concerning the desire for a two tank pool (warm water and lap
pool) as well as other amenities. The balancing act is to find the right level of
amenities that the community could afford. Carrie shared that the preferred location
is Mountain View.
C. Fiscal Sustainability — Parks Videos (Carrie and Debbie) Carrie provided overview of
the effort. Carrie and Matt described the video effort. Video and/or photos
appropriate to the content are needed.
IX. Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: April 25, 2023
X. Public Comment no public comment was received.
XI. Adjourn at 6:00 p
Parking Lot/Future Meetings
Trail signing
PUD tree presentation?
Street Tree List (add Park Tree List and species that should not be planted here)
Walking and Biking Map
Park equity
Park Foundation discussion
2023 workplan discussion list from February agenda
1. Adams St. Park irrigation repairs (staff)
2. Volunteer program (PRTTAB, Council, and Staff)
3. Park rules (PRTTAB, Council, and Staff)
4. Park street ends and memorial benches (PRTTAB and Staff)
5. Trail signage and kiosk installation (Staff with PRTTAB feedback on content)
6. Park Management plan for Kah Tai (PRTTAB and Staff)
7. Street trees and park tree list (PRTTAB and staff, including engineering design
8. Golf Course (PRTTAB, Council, and Staff)
9. Health and Wellness Center (PRTTAB, Council and Staff)
10. Sustainable funding for parks, ie foundation, MPD, levy lid lift, etc (PRTTAB, Council
and Staff — Fiscal Sustainability taskforce)
11. Development of a Capital Plan for Parks (taking the CFP to the next step) (PRTTAB and
12. Kah Tai restrooms and RV pad (Staff... PRTTAB review of final)
13. Play ground at Bishop (Staff, already reviewed by PRTTAB)
14. kitchen shelter at Chetz (staff, PRTTAB review)
15. Open Space and Buildable Lands Inventory - crossover with planning commission and
housing (PRTTAB, PC, CC, and staff)
16. Sims Way — Comp Plan update and final design (PRTTAB, PC, and staff)
Nomination to designate TWIntersection urban pocket park as Speakers' Corner
Triangle 3 urban pocket park sits at the
signaled intersection of Kearney Street and
Highway 20/Sims Way and serves as a
pedestrian island in the busy intersection. It
also serves as an occasional gathering space
for local demonstrations and protests, political
campaign sign -waving, celebrations and other
spontaneous outdoor events.
One can find this urban pocket park listed
as a gathering location for local expressions
of more widespread demonstrations, where
it is referred to as the Kearney Triangle or
Triangle 3. It has most recently been the
site of protests against the Dakota Access
Pipeline, against interference in the Mueller
investigation, to protest recent national political
issues (Supreme Court nominees, Department
of Justice hires), and to protest for immigration
reform and against the separation of children
from families, among many other issues. Nearly
every local election sees a group of sign -
wavers in the park.
The park's function in our local life suggests
that the name Speakers' Corner would be
appropriate, and on 19 November 2019 the
PRTAB moved unanimously that the name
be recommended to Council for consideration
as per PTMC 2.85.020(B). The first official
Speakers' Corner was established in 19th
Century London, where among many free
speech concerns, issues of suffrage were
debated. Official Speakers' Corners can now be
found in at least eleven countries.
T3 first appeared in the parks inventory in the
1991 Parks Functional Plan. It is the only one of
three so-called Triangle Parks in our inventory
that has not gained a name in either formal or
casual usage. T1 is referred to in City records
as Dahlia Demonstration Garden and as Master
Gardeners Park on its signage while T2 was
formally named Gateway Park by City Council
in 1992.
T3 is still zoned CII and consideration should
be given to rezoning it to P/OS whenever
Comprehensive Plan amendments are taken
under consideration again by the Planning
Commission and City Council.
Rallies nationwide aim to protect Mueller investigation, 9
November 2018, Peninsula Daily News.
Port Townsend group protests for immigrant rights, 6 June
2018, Peninsula Daily News
Protesters picket to protect Mueller investigation, 13 November
2018, Port Townsend and Jefferson County Leader
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April 6, 2023
Request to Rename Port Townsend Skate Park
Parks Advisory Board,
I kindly request that you consider what will be presented before you. On behalf of friends, family,
and residents, we would like to present a proposal to change the name of the existing Port
Townsend Skate Park, to Seamus Sims Memorial Skate Park.
In 2002 1 applied for a grant from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, or IAC. Port
Townsend was awarded a $200,000 grant that was equally matched by the City of Port Townsend.
The success of the application, and it's ensuing award was due to the efforts and skateboarding
history provided by Seamus Sims. As a teenager, Seamus accompanied me to the IAC
Committee presentation in Olympia. His speech overwhelmingly convinced the Committee to
support the request for funding. The grant was ranked 7th out of 44 applications.
Seamus was not only devoted to making the skateboarding experience amazing for himself, but
for other community youths as well. His yearning for a safe, functional skate park was shared by
past Parks Director Steve Corra who worked with Seamus and other skaters to fix and resurface
ramps and create a halfpipe. From age twelve, Seamus learned tricks and skating etiquette from
older peers, which he passed down to younger skaters. As Seamus's lifelong friend Ben Early
puts it, "He was an incredible mentor to younger kids. It was the only place we felt that we
Although Seamus moved on with life, he returned to Port Townsend several times over the years
to meet with fellow skaters. He attended the opening ceremony of the now current Port Townsend
Skate Park. That site remains to this day, a meeting spot for many of the youth that pushed for a
better, safer park decades ago.
On February 18th, 2023, Seamus passed away unexpectedly at the age of 41. It is our humble
request that as a memorial to this incredible young man, the skate park reflect his name. We all
know that Port Townsend is a community with a strong sense of place. Although the City owns the
skate park, it truly belongs to the local skaters. The presence of the park today is a testament of
the past, and those that made it happen.
Deborah Berreth
Attachments: 2 skate park articles from the Leader Newspaper
Photo of the a Rhody Day Parade with Seamus and other local
Seamus Sims and other local skaters