HomeMy WebLinkAbout012623 Planning Commission Meeting MinutesCITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 26, 2023 CALL TO ORDER The Planning Commission met in regular session on January 26, 2023, in the City Council chamber at 540 Water Street. Chair Lois Stanford called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. ROLL CALL Commissioners present at roll call were Andreas Andreadis, Samantha Bair -Jones, Bob Doyle, Rick Jahnke, Neil Nelson, Viki Sonntag, and Lois Stanford. Staff members present were Planning and Community Development Director Emma Bolin, Planning Manager Judy Surber, and Deputy City Clerk Lonnie Mickle. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Chair Lois Stanford asked for the agenda by consensus. Agenda accepted unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — JANUARY 12 2023 REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING There were typographical errors. Commissioner Rick Jahnke moved to approve amended January 12, 2023, meeting minutes; Bob Doyle seconded. Motion carried unanimously. None GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OLD BUSINESS City's Tactical Infill Zoning Project to Build Residential Capacity (Goal: Policy Discussion, Further prioritization of tactical infill action items, Prepare for February 13 Joint Meeting with Council) Planning and Community Development Director Emma Bolin and Planning Manger Judy Surber presented on the continuance of prioritizing the Port Townsend Infill Housing actions. Topics for the presentation included the variety of housing types, the need to increase opportunities for housing, increase the supply of housing and identify possible policy initiatives to help the infill tactical process. The director listed a few barriers to the city's housing such as the ineffectiveness of cottage housing zoning design requirements, inconsistency in codes, design constraints of ADU bulk and dimension standards. Ms. Bolin addressed questions on the homework assignment for the Commissioners and spoke about the Growth Management Act Residential Building Capacity provisions. Later in the presentation, the director stated that if the city wanted to change to allow increase densities of housing, the comprehensive plan and development code of regulations would need to be amended to be mutually consistent. The presentation ended with the totals from the homework sheet given to the Commissioners. Public Comment: Jane Armstrong, with the Housing Solution Network, commented on housing displacement. Ms. Armstrong stated that we need to really understand the actions taken at this time. Kellen Lynch spoke about housing is a western world problem. Mr. Lynch stated he is working with Olympic Housing Trust and then proceeded to speak about the Dundee Hill Project in town. Richard Berg agreed that it would not be good to take setbacks off the workplan. Mr. Berg stated more flexibility in setback would be helpful to increase housing. Commissioner discussion ensued about adding mixed use of land trust facilitation, bonding requirements, and duplex, triplex and fourplex, housing density; financing was discussed and inclusionary housing. The Commissioners also discussed tiny homes and land use. Public Comment after discussion: Siobhan Canty spoke about density. Liz Revord spoke about result of former work to help housing and what lessons were learned from those developments. Debbie Jahnke asked about funding. Another point brought up by the Commissioners, was about people in other areas of the United States buying land here at the current cost with regulations and expense of labor going up. Planning Manager Judy Surber stated that we are the urban growth area, and that the problem, at the time of the Howard/Rainer Street subarea plan, the problem was not just building housing, it was jobs and housing together. Ms. Surber also mentioned speaking to a former multi -family builder, Gustayson, to question how it was done in this town previously. She stated that the community can find documentation on the City's website highlighting past accomplishment for housing. Public Comments continues: Richard Berg made another statement about regulations and the flexibility needed to get a project through to completion. Mr. Berg also mentioned that the economics of building an apartment complex does not work in this area. Jane Armstrong commented on employers, stating there are no people for the jobs that are here in town. Debbie Jahnke asked about previous grant finance requirements for housing. Planning Director Emma Bolin responded to the question by stating grants requirements are decided at the time of the build. None NEW BUSINESS UPCOMING MEETINGS 2/1 Special Joint City/County Planning Commission Meeting — temporary housing facilities 2/9 Regular Planning Commission meeting 2/13 Special Joint City Council/Planning Commission Workshop (Infill project) None COMMUNICATIONS ADJOURNMENT With no further comments, meeting adjourned at 8:41 pm Attest: Planning Commission Chair City Clerk's Office