HomeMy WebLinkAbout021323 Joint City Council and Planning Commission Meeting Packet- Added After MeetingPnIock. m IIbarrier" r ! rrr°i ova II s i ji p rl.' e d iiia r i rc iii : r iiir�r iirw II iiirmm r iiurw UU II aiia Mission: 2023 City Council Workplan Prioritize and deliver targeted, timed, and impactful °ire iir IIU m iii UII II iirl � � l i "' Ezoning code changes to help unlock and inspire affordable, dense, quality infill development :�..W a �, I)Ili eSE t t i ali , r posed am III ori r r' u i Iln i.iI t es .. 1 h e 1 1 a i n i ri g C o irn ifs i IIII s s i o IIS p IIIA�, e s le ri m t[ir- selec ti ori s : 1 rn i ri t] t.� 3. II[�)C"` an d CC di s u r i o rri .I:" II[i r llll IIS ri I�. � w Ilrm�r� lil Ili°Ila �Ate m (".'" o u Ilrr c IIII feedbadk ari dra ft", ( c I'll lima IIbIIri a er 5rinir�itxtes 5. i A s s i o Illi"i a m "'' t [I Ili i SII ctae j Ilr 11 o a d err°i r tj s i n g:. 0 ori i rru t : Housing Supply Wow much will it cast to build? Are there sites avallablO What are the returns/profh? ttevekokurnneuvk, Conditions I'd a"hI d,1 ty of laid YOr CGI'�;tr 1, 1t �! A(( ( 1lo fi ii, i(ino f — Housing OVllai kei Ivestritertk Marketn rl I IiilotiMoOoi -fitic, Dr, I r g I ( I Ir, I I, ol fl Nw"1ltn I Yllln, „f Qt,Gr��; 6I'tr�tivr-rt Ito Y (f'VF'I( iIIIEII hl �L. .Ods . r,c n e1v'r4 u;ls: I"r"rvltk Ili+tromid Ir lull IIII�4wd ow'irl' LI dl,ii' 1> (vltl fvl� h t, ..I ISI IIII�I�I II�IIIII�IIIII�II�I�I Housing Demand Who Is looking for barreling? How much can they pay? What do they need? Casa",. (;c�tverll wi'Itp�tfr ............... ........................................ .... How does the HAP fit in? A HAP identifies how local govern rcent policies and programs can encourage housing development that meets local needs and increases housing security for esidents Housing OVllai kei rl I Dr, I r g I ( I Ir, I I, ol fl Nw"1ltn I Yllln, „f Qt,Gr��; 6I'tr�tivr-rt Ito Y (f'VF'I( iIIIEII hl �L. .Ods Casa",. (;c�tverll wi'Itp�tfr ............... ........................................ .... How does the HAP fit in? A HAP identifies how local govern rcent policies and programs can encourage housing development that meets local needs and increases housing security for esidents �°: Ilan III Ilan g � Ilry'r Ilr,i d rne rict 'tar geIII n : I I (: )usir,ig type vIlrle-t „ I� l�w or"�a��Ilr'�IIII,tIIIes fur IIIIP'.'iIc�"',eas �'d � ��Ilr'isIIIt Mixing h(DUsing in creative ways han c: Ilr, e s i rli g IIh oul i Ilr'i g LI IIP IIS` IIkjeriti ilir°II r')OSSlilllWE? pdlcy irii,tiatives c> Zoning shortlist () Zoning text C) Policy initiatives 0 Public hearings C) Text amendments o Comp plan approach SCJ Aii ii ANCEE. m�n�l01�V�101�V�101�V�101�V�101�V�1011�11omi�� Making a commitment: Drawing on the open house, stakeholder comments, implementation headaches, and multiple engagement events over the past year on housing barriers, What can we do right now? SCJ Aii ii ANCEE. m�n�l01�V�101�V�101�V�101�V�101�V�1011�11omi�� � III SII III care U',. �� �i � i�.... I �� III �� �„..� III �;� � III �.... III � � �„,� m III III � �” � � i� �i.� III III ! ” � z''Ip III "� "'III e IIIri d ry"i e III".iI't . I.�op� se(l �elgWatkYIIri aIIIIIIows 1,111. IllwflIe°( &6 -[,,flex, v.IIII°.11ute bly rigIht hriIII III resider,A4I ol r"i el,, it UI .. 1.":;, 1t(1 I (; A -, F I.. I1( 1,., ,I I U 11p .l..:la 1 LC r>Y(i �� a a (y) Lac,lude. schedule of f 7 � � >rr r ,m.', a a . �. e, -a aan�, to �m^lement the recc:mmcndat rn.:; of t1 e hn.a 1 q act -= pl.al (3) T.ar o£ <ar .J a u rent „ dnvF ;plfml tend came n mellL'3 L o such rCl [ I : I A L asa al o Lh r, n mpru L act r .> _;aaken by . as c.ty 'o implement the get.nn s lf1 ri .ra .>uib.3v.tlgn (1) of t.ais ar�,l r �, I section, with. the exc',ep,;ion of action specifl.e,d in (1.) ,:E) 0f this sect .an, arc. a.o_ ream pct to admin stta--ive oz jualicial y n, apf:a• a l uriCla r r }a alr9:�a r it .2I C }trLal. (1) f1..7/ ac -Aon Lo"1 tv et'1 bv 1 1L %fi f;:LtV psC7 .p jJ Z'1 i, 2(')23,f,> �>, '(:'. 8men(1 its comprehensi.. ve "7.e.n or adop, or amend ora ,.inan.ces; or de.velopTIent j regulations, solely t;G enact p:-mvistons ',7nder subse(.,;t; 1.011 (.t) of this sect army .i.ss not SuY,3cot -:r> vuaal. c,a�all.e=.nctr=, auadF;.r t a.:, c:�1'izr�t:rr.. ( 1 fa I.biraq aaorI iia d e 51 ria (11 of (tls un cIl i<ss .iwI „,ii a r r aaa as a s 1»1»1 a s ala la a s ui»> aaa as a s ava va a r»,, a , 1 u iia aaaaaxa ass raa aaa aia aaa,aa»anllaa»a»a»a»a,Il aaaxa aaa raa arr rss aaa,aa aaa rr r+aa as ar as ��aaaaaaaaa,aalaaaal n a sal a Ira,..... SCJ w On "�Port, j ownsendI .xficaHnNH Ic)fising,Str a L eS �esjll - PC Reocw,Pm dui Wm)af)202341 . Or Ient at Ior)C'onversal. The -C ity-of. Port-Townse nd - invited -com mu nity-members. i nterested-i n - housi ng-atta i na bi I ityto-join -i ri conversatio ns•on-housirl . Hou rdong•co inversatiorl I d - in na-series-ove r Decern her. 15 -and • 16, •2022•rn - the -Cotton. Bu i Idi rig, 4ocused-ra n -topics-a nd •issues -to. inform -short -term•zo ni ng•p roposals-a ind - Ionger-term• poll icy -i ni tiatives -to-i mprove-housi rig -avai labi I ity -a nd-afforda bi I ity-i n-trawn. -The• P Ian ni ng -Com mission - hosted -an."open. mic " -event -Thu rsday-eveni ng -to -hea r -t houghts-fro m -rather -corn rnu n itymend bers, - ma ki rig-timenavai la ble-for-i nd ivid dial s•to•a dd ress-the. Cornmi ssion -with -the i lr•thoughts•a nd -ideas. l - Pairficipanits% More -t han, 30, individua Is. part ici pated•i ra-the-conversations, . representi nignamar rayof.agencies, - non- profits, -a nd -other-orga nizations-concerned-a bout -hous i rig. in -Port•Tovvnsend.¶ - � 01piCS11 Thi s -i s -ad ist-of-the-tcl ised-dUring-the-convef sa tions,Aesci i bing-the-i i riper far ice -of -each -topic and. the-ir)formatioi)-televar)t.for-this-project.,It parses out tt)e.elerTier)ts-of-ttie-conversations-foo'tracl explaining -the -contexts -of the -discussions arid.[iow-each-topic-may-be-relevant,to,ttie•tacticaI infill. I)ousing-project.-TI)ese-topics-itiform-the-list•of-issues,-preset)ted-later-in-this-docuffient,.iiitended-to. spawn -specific -zoning strategies-to-address•tliow•issues-of•priority-concerri.11 • Frripk:�yee atilraction1l I ntei viewees-nientioned-ch a I I enges -wit h attract i ng-ennp I oyees-because•of-the- [a ck-of-avai I a lo I ehousi rig, - Positions, • I ike -the -124-o pen jol at the -hospital, -rem a in -unfi I I ec[I)ecause -of the cam rnun it y's-in a bi I ity to. I) OUSeProslpective•ennp I ogee s. 4n • Ernpk�yee retelltiorlT Some-iriterviewees-reported-losirig-valued-ernployees-becatise-theywere-eitlier-tinable-to-firi(l- appropriateeI)ousirig•of-were-spetiding-too.ffiucli-fl,g,r-tf)eir-housiiig conditions.-in-soffie•case$,.effiployees• –•even�thoseearnirig-professional-salaries.–•were-telegated-todiving•in.tlieir-carsor-witfi-ftiends,, questioning -their -decision to ielocate.to-Porffownsencl.T hou5ing partner5jj Some -i niter viewees-suggested-the-a r ea's-lar ger -employer s,-1 i ke-the-hospita 1,-m ill, -and shipyard, -construct. •housing,unitS tO•SL]pport�tfieir-effiployees'.housing�needs.•Some.n)ay�be•better-positioned-tliari•otheis•to- Issues1l I)elp,•but•sorrie•interviewees,noted-tfie-hospital•has•a,handfulofanits-available,foi •staff,•buvthe- These-issues-derive froun the-orientati intention is for -those-units-to-serve temporary -shelter -needs -until -their -employees find a -permanent. recent work no-address-housirg-challe residence.$ ensuring whatever changes-ar e -pi opa respond'tO'COMfflLir)ity'hOUSillg Pri0rit • llisljfficww�invonrw y$ V,-�Wwkfolco housIngli onedriterviewee•noted•that•tfiere-are•now•fewer4han,100,houses�for-sale•im Port• Townsend,•withd i l Economic development-and-commun 500-poteritial-horne-btiying-households-iri-the.rTiarket.-The-rerital-ir)veritor-y is sirTiilarly�corist;air)eci,.with- employees.- at-acy-incorne level,$ exceptionally low-vacaricy-rates.$ 2, IEcok,grcal rIatp;lntjj 1�sSheltci pcjvcrty� 4....,aC.and availabilityll local ecoriornic,activity and ced-ingdocal quality oHife.$ infrastructure ivailability,.or-retention-from the-marker� 5, Lack of Cnlnparabl,Sal,,�j require-comparable,sales ideally within,one-mile and sold -within the'last-six,mci SCJ All 11 IIAIINIICE Quick, effective zoninge rra ra � �i vr,u, �, , ::. ,., r t�m�c�n�+f,a�r� tr'-+1 r ,� H r fi�,r h "pMA !dr f �r. r a x 0 1wA F 2" Hoeg SCJ Aii ii ANCEE. Long nnn n ner T"erarwa e / rIQyIIII^I,�~ v rty t ! ni r + a7rinr r„N+�ru✓a,a5fl�: i d�^e oloPianr� �; ;uz QST,. a.. Compiehensive Plan Annual Comprehensive Plebe Pesiod1k Update Update 0', ........ . . AM MOW' !� 1 �' >W✓ ! I L U Y' „' l+✓ L 'II'ratu ',"gyp h 1f V J 1 J 12 �igf,i�.1«'T5 r fu2fii Yi Il!llPNrti4 £'J3!�G'irS%Sk; �( '�A-2iIG I f f.Aede Y J IOQ 2va;v, 1 f %Auar� I rv' dr/let Jd "✓�.,j Ti r� 4 � ql fa7�e a'Ari��,L`�P>LtirzL SCJ Aii ii ANCEE. Empower lindinw idluaI Streamline permitting Facilitate variety Increase suppilly Zornng,, onlypart of the u a l ! „ o t s ili Ire g rn a Ilrke IIS::: Iii Iri rw Ire c Iii Iriirci, local carrqparables v/ Real estate practices P e r llrn ii alt-' i Ilr°IIS B u fiII (I Iii Ilru codes ,vlIII n frast:Iru cttj re 1 III r Ilr �I:: r IIS IIS. i u Iln :m, III �:� a Ilr° �� �� Ilia willingness to build types! "The appeal provides unpredictability and risk for a builder. And when you're talking about small builders, they can't take that risk," says Eli Spevak, who owns a company called Orange Splot in Portland. "If you check all the boxes — and it's a long list — then you're guaranteed to go to a building permit." — NPR, The U.S. needs more affordable housing — where to put it is a bigger battle 2/11/2023 SIG�)I ownserid Nl iiiii lii SII Code needs t:o check,all ilkbe boxes. I ypes allowed urw; Illim I, t size cirriiiiiiiicrutjr' III l Govern rn e n Zorkng is the City's IIS IIr m the eqtj 1",1 o I B tA we also propells rellationship building between �v �I Ilia � � o Ilir°� dill Ilia Ilia .��� mw '-"sfing players°� l I I ltor° Ill l Ian ilIIS Ihousing ' B tj III III d e Ilia s Accessai�y dwdJi�ing Ilelated actic)Ins: Perrnitted hioLl!"iFrIg types h, Acx'lessory dwelHinf:, Setbw .]ks DtjII IIIcx/t: i p � ex/fo t Arplex Soura,b: I �&Nl Ilelated actions: Per rim III , t e h o i.j s i ng � t, e s I...o t.,sizeIlrin IIS i rti i t ri s Cottage S I... and t:Ir Ll S fc H III'tal', I (: nl "In e s nIo r Ilelated actions: jl)errmtted hoi.jsilng t, es ... c.` clesso dvveflirig ti it R urs IIw urm ur. IIS°m. 6i ursu I.. iii r.m [i arri eM l....III P c''o o r°n rn qui ri i t: i es I... and t: ur° Ll rpt f c H iii' a l: iii ( urs umu ouuufa rn, d, ily U�ri���t ��bt G mm 1 ----------------------- r t 0�� r � \ r Ilelated actions: 1, er rim III , t., e h o i.j s i ng � t, e s I...o t., sizeIlrin IIS i rti i t ri s Cottage t;" I... and °t r Ll S fc H III'tal', I (, nl uuuuuuuuuu uuuumuuui �uo�� uumm uuu m � m ,uuu m m qpairicy r�ryiporary am tj s Iii n Application rWeq u i ire M i en is nwuM KA r.�y..r< 1ta%.0 Y^,srm, Cwa"+"'Kx' ? �x�h'rtsAa. t'• a.AW^ �'�` � yyrk\ i ,A -p mww4w &'aawwkwv�^ � ae."aaW.MW.et"4vak raa w c Ilelateactions: Fl r° Ir it�tr: ( Ih (.m.j s 'i Irli g t,pes ... II IIS IIl li ca -t i o rr Ilre q t, i llr rri elr.,i t Iii llr III fzl r fl ��ariw e rs� r it Ilri rI,[.)r r I...r t. coverage ,. SCJ fall II...IIAAPlOCEE. wnsend u 1 m lur.n. � I� t tv n:. i �uv I n" Y �tYrn the 1 >� ,.:1 1 on tet ibo t 12o Ir r �r tfi PI 9 lP p 129 Ch tlr C h 9nIY W 6 o t t tA'1" 9 102 f _ yh4 t k. .. 6 t I Yfi t I.' 1 U IVII 4 tF I,(b J CII .lot tbt G3b147d pf tt iCll tl lYC. IK IYuh ,r11 tr>, 14 t, JFdeU UNIONS t Ian tl 4'F" 1Y I " d rn0 vat,¢: II tt b C I' 1 hA dlf Y : 1 1 k h t J�:gl,tfY dtlf4 knf'tl) k 9P r,n6n '4. Julnl or)to (a t Fn Co kt: 1' IPL PI 9� epd {n wa t. pr ,ntlr u# rF rorcrpl, tk f7 [ w v^q u4iRY lU W l iIP, t vrfe+ rlnn I [ at is I�„nnY 7u Effort 111111 ��II,,, U d^'� �N Work t0 be dome J PV t GGI I I Ky J C V tf (IIIIIII" "�tlll IIIIIII gltlit's IIIIIIIIIIII V�m (IIIII (IIIm AGtfb C)93G Iptf s"IIIIIIIIIWIINIINIIII uu ��I �dl..tyr JeI VIII 1 S n,11n f nrlY dttathe<f A e d 51 f fi C' Y 1 fN J 9 tYA 1 pt JX ft t l I f f. tt d) C Uf f�tP, wf E� G! G t Ii bl"tY d I f 1, d 6 FA iIYXI dro Ci i at tl. t rok VI 0 h-,1110 YY( J Y (1F I6021I A f t JO t l f '!rElurl, va rl, El i Pnl, rpntrr are -f f t t 't ( C EYr C r JrP f f P t l f I Ll ) {" t k 2 P tutted t tlus'l V Rwx tY4 !f Y (a p 'e I e dPl C V 11/160#0 I d I PY i lJ R C f(X tY fly CY I r P K 3 N d f1 17 PUD ItYf I t 1 t f f t1D f { I I0 t t a IN l7 — _.. p I t Po ditle 11911'8) Y 3 l tit a an rr r lr x 1 1 tY 9 Y { i g.. C d G ad floor 1 6. 9 U I Y CAdrUpn t Ydry A"V I l P G C d t l JCA f tt NA td lip tP UL Y A Y! a(h ay t 4 5tYth (11 CIV t Y't It PI I n m ., "fC V7 d r5t/df I� W ",� ,1181 �" ��" �" " 4 A ces,nrY dwell np unrt+ t y fl' Ct p f 'vk ptran UpA� K g 5tA i d r tt 9 h l a d[ k G t pl lY A r J 1, 13 9 6 R. e III � � ^ III III III t1he �w IIlist W � III zIII � III III µ� � I rrnP! PNrr S! de...r9[ �tdrtdd l.. aG 9YM CV k 1 d fll J C tlCL Sl Gt{C Y ylk tP 9h C C !GC .1, 1, I JS & J ...._ _ _ "' d ! f I lil by ��.'uII,I Ilmt� ImII $ II�Im I� ti C tt J J � i ( kt d 1, ], G, 9 .. N AP M m III C{�,� III W ....... .... ....... F G CV r ...- VVI t 1K It, "I'll" ....... y pl�dcC' � J dt LCP �I Y y` { d t tfly f Cf d f I t t Y d I G d N I f..n I 14 I'r rlAnrrvrYl,u°'�n9 ridtw /n lltV ly J ql f fJt.! IY a A ro i{ IIY 4( 4 dX p, !I 9 t d f 19P t4 Pf k ff f roffll t t G AYf yf P'pf 4 t0 Q 4 f . h i P✓G f F S W K tt 'P t f i Id T 1 tY 1 H, ry 17 th k. U r f I i f f (I IY JG, I 't"Idyltly I, "tJ J t 1 ",","LA, JG{f t ty df IIVL' I 1 I fA I t f w $„. 19 Pn{rrtx, f it lex fl uP lex !I f I i -. ° Fl d I rd9 6 �” y� y^ ng ^ �ry �,p j� p^ ry�� °� q�� y� d 15 . III II� III III III III III N W. ., III N ( ,,,'� �,m 'N::, W III ,:�, .... _. _... i I .. d ke Y ua f t r t ! t,. Ga r nv mY' r h !L till (41 t ly t t Y u �ggy„ n L dm ry r l n, r ry w a t A t o to ra oeK ro,{Pnt of I A. n FI Y J e I W' za FlpGr t r r r t r r lrf m I 0 f.. nc 4r d l f. t tvr GC ., tryp d r2 tart r 1 ,rt I t ... rVf rr i n tl nrr i nll ,r r Jrds Ax mst� wlnuee Po t+stkterd bN crrEAAlan Pros do rmixbd usa I �: Ch�nnplM7 F'¢¢dderndad dntaa?it?��tcro�structlan �Yro sil5rbavrru� dv4'YneAros YakhCrnkhAn (�rok � ldroVaderosek}' rusMuckka (dr rnrrreerCEaro9 to M^Iflhl ronU fauBN II� Il64 �1 MLroIkNdd frA54s, t.d' a¢ beF,vkrA..r-.o. . ...•.�I •Wnaun rAmOrorMa7oavd3mPaCvPk1rSe4a arwront+eoreVt?ro)4P1/lrodrl r V<1x14bI:xMroC -fbP UiaCd,Ote roMt 7Rarctu. •t.. efi . , FXdtYrobv/PlPeWw"YRnA9urosraa +TDadhPVaAslAn/ C .. r rotl'eaY'dCiivai}neXSmYbOsfuA'crt4yC t„an.d. S, 1 :. "6 lnd x i 70 p CAPYsnAazu t YPoa It"Ntk9. RI bA W{AA 98 .9 Vabdirty ACdtCYRW_rod n"acFan� ro0uv129RyaI tm roP e iex` lm k . .. of)' �FbarlruhvnB roAeAa'rofa dnXraSbuicYYsra impnnaarrront -s8 �� kYnaadnlA etluorrrorrdeeihs .. - 1 it )Oly ����IiW1%i��J�1�J�)���I%��)��oJ�JiiifJJJIJ�Y!➢! ,w I city,,f Port 4 ',������,,,; %�%�%/D///D///////� //�O�/////////�/////D///O/%/�% ��������������� Townsei� Here are the 10 items the Planning Commission prioritized at its January This exercise attempts to arrange a set of code amendments which amount IIa 26 meeting. The list also includes the three items the PC believes are to approximately 100 to 120 units of effort. The PC's list comes in at sti 11 important but suitable to drop from the list if the Council wishes 129, with the most highly prioritized items totaling 102. Tonight's work to advance other initiatives. The actions range from the relatively will produce a final list, potentially including items the Council suggests in straightforward task of adjusting permitted use tables to allow housing addition to items included in this table. 12 variety to something more complex, like creating new regulations to permit 11� tiny homes. For context, the Planning Commision's original worksheets on the reverse. While it would be great to do them all now, some may need to wait. Action Descriptions Work to be done Issues Effort ! I Single-family attached Amending definitions to clarify housing types Review the definitions for various housing types to ensure applicability and consistency with "missing 1 9 8 4 talhe� objectives to facilitate middle" types. (17.08 Definitions) , Modifying permitted use tables to make more housing Study the various permitted use tables and ensure there's more flexibility in providing varied 6 Lillie 2 Permitted housing uses types available in residential, commercial, and mixed-use housing types in most residential zones and, where appropriate, in commercial or mixed zones, 118, 9 6 consistent with comp plan density policy. (1 Z 16.020 Residential Zoning Districts - Permitted, zones ............... Conditional and Prohibited Uses) ............... Review lot size and plat requirements to make sure they permit intensities consistent with 3 Lot size minimums Re-evaluating minimum lot size requirements for PUDS; comprehensive plan density ranges, potentially through condominium provisions, (17.16.030 11 8 9 8 6 talli( consider maximum density requirements Residential Zoning Districts - Bulk, Dimensional, and Density Requirements, 1 Z 32,030 PUD lot , area, and Title 18.Plat) ............... Permitting more than one ADU on a single-family lot Revisit ADU provisions to modify ADU area limits, encourage "carriage house' (above garage) 5 MIN 4 Accessory dwelling units and on the ground floor in the C-1 zone, while achieving style, explicitly permit multiple units on a single lot, or permit residential uses on the ground floor 1,8,9 10 consistency with the comprehensive plan in the C-1 zone behind commercial uses. Updating standards for cottage housing and parking to simplify permitting and increase 11 Cottage housing Simplifying design standards opportunity to develop this type, potentially through "unit lot" subdivisions, condominiums, 11 81 9 16 3 talhe or other avenues. (17.34 Cottage Housing Development Design Standards, administrative procedures, residential zones, use tables by zone) Facilitating employer-provided housing for temporary Reviewing use tables by zone, special use standards, and administrative procedures, putting in 4 tapir 14 Temporary housing employee occupancy, potentially on commercial or place new guidance for housing in traditionally non-residential areas 1,7,8,9 14 industrially -zoned property Redesignating frontage setbacks in the R-111 and Permitting additional flexibility in setbacks to make properties more easily developed, while also 17 Setbacks evaluating front, side, and rear setback requirements in retaining "daylight plane' requirements and not necessarily encouraging larger single-family 1, 8, 9 10 6 taIII(I other residential zones homes ............... Clarifying permitability by zoning district, conversion of Reviewing definitions for various housing types, updating permitted use tables to allow 19 Duplex, triplex, fourplex single homes into multiple units, and ensuring achievable opportunity for varied housing types, and exempting house conversions from maximum density 11 81 51 7 3 talldi design standards limits 24 Application requirements Confirming materials required for applications are Reviewing application requirements in administrative procedures and subdivision codes to ensure 1 8 9 8 6 taflie; consistent with the degree of review and breadth of permit the City requires only what is necessary to consider permit scope ,, 25 Tiny home/ manufactured Permitting these development types under certain Reviewing development type options, best practices to target potential changes to permitted use 1,3, 6,9 15 5 Millie home park communities circumstances and with design standards tables, design guidelines, and special regulations ................................................ Changing residential intensity standard from units per acre Consider options to expand residential unit construction by converting to height and bulk 5 Mixed use FAR to a floor -area ratio, permitting construction of a higher formulas rather than just residential density where permitted by comp plan (as in mixed use 1, 8, 9 12 4 taIhea ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------- number of smaller units in mixed-use structures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- subarea plan Table I Z 31, 080) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------- ---------------- 10 ..... Land trust facilitation ............................................................................................................................. Auditing zoning to ensure no explicit or implicit limitations on land trust ownership in residential zones ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . Reviewing subdivision/zoning codes and removing potential roadblocks to land trust instruments ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . 1,2,7,8,9 ........................................................ 6 .................................... 4 lalle - ............................... 18 Bonding requirements Requiring adequate infrastructure improvement Reviewing subdivision bond requirements to ensure effectiveness, surety, and flexibility 1,8,9 9 2 lallle< Total 129