HomeMy WebLinkAbout010923 Special Session Council Business Meeting PacketPORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 540 WATER STREET Special Session Business Meeting 6:30 p.m. January 9, 2023 • Attend in person or virtually via computer or tablet at 1gtp // enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 242-937-955 • Phone only (muted - listen -only mode) United States: Local Dial In — (360) 390-5064 access code: 706-376-5054 • Live stream (listen only): https:Hcityofpt.us/citycouncil/page/agendasminutesvideos. • Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to: ubiiccommefitL�I)ck of t:.us L Call to Order/ Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call III. Changes to the Agenda IV. Special Presentations a. Swearing in of Police Officer V. Comments from the Public (re consent agenda items and items not on the agenda) (Each person has 3 min. to comment- City Clerk will signal at 2 min. 30 sec.) a. Public comment b. City Staff Response VI. Public Hearing a. Resolution 23-006 Approving the Updated 2023-2028 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program and Authorizing the City Manager to Submit this to the State Action: Move to approve Resolution 23-006 Approving the Updated 2023- 2028 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program and Authorizing the City Manager to Submit this to the State i. Staff Presentation ii. Public Comment iii. Council Deliberation and Action VII. Discussion Items A. Comprehensive Streets a. Staff Presentation b. Public Comment c. Council Discussion B. Suggestion Box and Workplan Review a. Staff Presentation b. Public Comment c. Council Discussion C. Council Committee Reports a. Finance and Budget Committee (Chair: Monica MickHager) b. Infrastructure and Development Committee (Chair: Aislinn Diamanti) c. Culture and Society Committee (Chair: Owen Rowe) From: Judith Lahore To: nubliccommentCcityofot.us Subject: Golf course and swimming pool Date: Thursday, January 5, 2023 7:43:10 AM Dear City Council, PLEASE save the golf course and rebuild the pool on the old site!!! We don't need more dubious and expensive projects that don't get completed. Fix the potholes instead! Thanks for listening. Judy Lahore 2289 Highland Loop Port Townsend From: Carla Baptista To: nubliccommentCcitvofpt.us Subject: PT Golf course Date: Thursday, January 5, 2023 8:09:57 AM Hello - I second Nancy Erreca's sentiments in the PT Leader regarding the PT Golf Course. It already exists as an outdoor/exercise opportunity for anyone who wishes. Any small improvements/maintenance expenses have to be a mere fraction of what even commissioning a development plan would be - those funds can surely be put to use in so many ways to improve and better the community. Let sleeping dogs lie. Carla Baptista From: Nerreca To: nu bliccommentCcitvofot.us Subject: Comment Date: Sunday, January 8, 2023 3:09:26 PM Stakeholder process It seems the stakeholder process is incredibly flawed. The city led everyone to believe people could have whatever they wanted so all the stakeholders hear are dreams of incredible sporting venues that would eliminate the golf course. Stakeholders do not get any education. Why are they not asking questions about the golf course? Why are they not being educated and told the history, the value, the community benefits, been educated on everything on savegtaolf.com? So now they are supposed to be deciding things and they have no idea about anything that goes on at the golf course. Why have they not had meetings at the club house with golfers and learned what happens during tournaments that give thousands of dollars to the community or listened to golfers tell how much they love the course and how much their families love to play golf. I think it is because the city does not want them to realize what could be lost. A presentation should have been made to them early on so they do not spend months in the dark. Stakeholders please take as much time to look at what could be destroyed as you take looking at all the dreams of what people want. From: Bob and Dianna Dennv To: nubliccommentCcitvofot.us Subject: do not agree with decisions being made Date: Friday, January 6, 2023 12:21:22 PM I have been a resident of Port Townsend since the 70's. Things for the most part always "used" to run along smoothly and with the support of those that lived here. Since the large influx of people who have moved here along with that expansion has come decision making by City (our employees and without us they would not have jobs) that seems focussed on more expansion and to things unnecessary instead of maintenance to what already exists. Stop making decisions for us and spending our money and instead listen to what the masses are saying. Repair the streets/roads come on they are at this point dangerous. I would like all of you to drive to the entrance to Port Townsend sign at the stop light/Mill Rd and turn right then attempt to turn left to head south on Discovery Bay Rd. The intersection which is now very busy looks like a minefield and desperately needs to be repaired. Those of us who have to use this intersection regularly are tearing up our tires and suspension. That $175,000 just spent for a company to figure out the health and wellness center building design is a reckless way to spend "our" money when the concept is just another luxury item instead of the money being spent to support the viability of our town and fix what is already here. Do whatever it takes to fix the pool, it's location is just fine ... and leave the Golf Course alone the more you seem to endeavor changing the less charm you came here because of will disappear and then it will just look like any other generic town. I loved the Opinion in the Leader this week by Nancy Erreca, it was very well written and my exact sentiments. Dianna Denny From: Tim Whvte To: nubliccommentC6citvofot.us Subject: Fixing the streets instead of messing with the golf course.... Date: Friday, January 6, 2023 5:08:32 PM I agree with Nancy Erreca in the opinion section of the leader from January 4th. Let's highlight the value of the golf course to the community for health and wellness and spend some money fixing the streets. We might also think about reducing the herd of the deer that has grown to be huge. It has become dangerous to drive your vehicle around Port Townsend. Thanks, Tim Whyte From: Carol ODell To: Pu bliccommentC6citvofot.us Subject: Golf Course Date: Saturday, January 7, 2023 3:27:52 PM Although I am not a golfer I am opposed to using the property for a glorified health center. We moved to PT 26 years ago in search of an open community with hiking trails, beaches and open space. Using this open space is counter productive. As a tax payer my request is this city stop spending our money on consultants from out of state and fix our roads. I live on Morgan Hill and our roads are full of spine jarring holes. Homelessness, high taxes forcing Senior Citizens to leave their homes and the conditions of our roads should be the cities priorities not fancy health clubs the majority of us cannot afford. Carol O'Dell Carol From: Stu Wriaht To: nubliccommentC6citvofot.us Subject: Our golf course Date: Friday, January 6, 2023 4:39:43 PM Hello, As a resident in uptown that pays significant taxes, I am alarmed to hear the city wishes to re purpose the golf course. I hope this does not happen. I also know as a civil engineer how much work the streets need here. That would be a much better use of finds. -Stu Wright 425 213 3042 From: Dan Owen To: nub1iccommentC6citvofot.us Cc: Barb Matter Subject: Repave or Repurpose? Date: Saturday, January 7, 2023 2:23:18 PM Why continue to spend limited resources on plans/ideas to repurpose the Golf Course while our streets are in dire need of repaving. I agree with Nancy Erreca's 1/4/2023 letter in the Leader. I challenge the City Leaders to ask the taxpayers where our limited monies should be spent. It will be interesting to see who shows up for the Jan 11th repurposing meeting at Fort Warden. I suspect the majority of attendees will be supporters for keeping the Golf Course. Life is full of choices. I respectfully request you reconsider this expensive and, in my opinion, ill advised choice/idea to repurpose our Golf Course and spend those limited dollars on repaving. Dan Owen 1042 19th Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-774-6936 From: Kelsev Caudebec To: publiccommentC6citvofot.us Date: Monday, January 9, 2023 4:01:00 PM I understand there is tremendous fervor and tension around the golf course, as indicated from public comments here and elsewhere. Having grown up in Port Townsend, I get that it's been part of the local landscape for generations, and I of course appreciate the view of the lovely green space lined with poplars. I understand that this space is very dear to a percentage of our community. However, as we envision how else the space could be used, I urge our community to have open minds, ears and hearts. As for myself, I cannot support dumping the million dollars of city money that it would take to bring the golf course up to speed (for those concerned about potholes - I wonder how many could be filled with a million dollars?). And regarding the plea to "save our green space," I would offer that it could potentially continue to be another green space open to the public (perhaps one where you don't have to worry about getting concussed by a golf ball while attempting a leisurely walk). Looking for more information to inform my opinion, a couple months ago I reached out to the golf course to ask how many people from PT utilize it. The person I corresponded with was not able to give me a number, but they emphasized that many people who don't live in PT use the golf course too. Personally, if it turns out that there are uses for that space that better meet the needs of more of our community members, then I don't want tourist recreation to be a part of the equation. Whatever decision is made, it will disappoint some portion of people. I understand that to a passionate percentage of our community, the golf course is very important. I also understand that when so many things are changing around us, we want the comfort of feeling that we can count on some things staying the same. But what if utilizing that large space in a different way, benefits even more community members? Because change is happening, whether we like it or not. The golf course has been there for a century, while the world outside it has changed. We now have an increasing need for medical services in Port Townsend, as well as a severe lack of housing that affects all sectors of the economy (including our hospital, EMS, service industry, construction, and maritime). So, what if we can directly or indirectly mitigate those recent changes through using the golf course differently? I myself have not yet formed an opinion yet - I am curious to see what the planning team has been formulating. I want to hear all the options. I ask that we allow everyone's voices to be heard and give space for all kinds of proposals. If after weighing all the options, an informed majority truly thinks the golf course should stay, so be it. I will continue to be open to that idea, as well. But I urge fellow community members to open our minds and do the work to assess other possibilities than the status quo. Let's give other ideas a chance and take the time and effort to stay informed about the process. Five years from now you might be thanking yourself for doing so. 111y (f port Townsen Agenda Bill 23-010 Business Meeting Meeting Date: January 9, 2023 Agenda Item: ❑ Regular Business Meeting ❑ Workshop/Study Session ® Special Business Meeting Submitted By: Steve King, PW Director Date Submitted: December 21, 2022 Department: Public Works Contact Phone: 360-379-5090 SUBJECT: Resolution 23- 006 Approving the Updated 2023-2028 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program and Authorizing the City Manager to Submit this to the State CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑x Resolution Staff Report ❑ Ordinance BUDGET IMPACT: N/A Expenditure Amount: $ Included in Budget? Yes ❑ No ❑ Contract Approval ❑ Other: Workshop — No Action Public Hearing (Legislative, unless otherwise noted) 3 -Year Strategic Plan: 4 - Ensure sustainable future for public services and facilities Cost Allocation Fund: Choose an item, . SUMMARY STATEMENT: Annually the City is required to adopt a Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and submit it to the State of Washington. The purpose of the STIP is to ensure that cities are planning for needed transportation improvements with an outlook on the relatively near future. Typically, agency STIPs included way more need than funding is reasonably available. The 2023 — 2028 STIP was adopted on July 5, 2022 after a public hearing was held. This action item is a minor amendment to that adopted STIP reflecting new grant funding and updating costs for already approved projects. This update includes updates for the following projects - 1 . rojects: 1. Adds the Tyler Street Overlay Street project recently funded by the Transportation Improvement Board (State funding). This project will provide an asphalt overlay and ADA ramp improvements between Lawrence Street and Jefferson Street on Tyler Street. The City partnered with DASH and the Farmers Market in this grant application. 2. Adds the Discovery Road and Bicycle Safety Project. This project was funded through a Highway Safety Improvement Grant allowing the City to improve the Sheridan/19th/Discovery Road intersection and connect bicycle facilities between Grant Street and Sheridan on Discovery Road. 3. Update the funding totals for the Discovery Road project between Rainier and McClellan to show funding in 2023 given construction will occur in 2023. 4. Update the funding totals for the Kearney Street project in preparation for Construction. Below is a table excerpt from the STIP illustrating the project funding for the afore mentioned projects. Project Tyler Street Overby ffironr: Jeffers nn St ire to:, Lawrence Street Pavement preservation, . curb, AIIXA upgrade Discovery Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety ffiroi nr:: Sherman Street to:: S'heiriidai r S'tree't 0.16 PE 2023 S HISIP 32,000 CNII 2024 HISIP 201,000 Discovery Road Bikeway; Roadway and Sidewalk Pr, 0.82CNNI 2023 S ffironr:: Rainier Street to:: Sheiriidai r Street CNII 2023 Rebuild roadway, sidewalks, drainage, shoulder improvements, bike lanes Kearney Street fnterserrion 0.10 CIN 2023 S STP ffironrc SR 20 to:: Frail Street Roadway improvementsmatching the Kh IDOT compact Ped,/Blilke TIB 432,535 WMSI040T State Funds LocalFumds 31,605 42,577 348,004 61,413 ....................................................................................................... 15,000 1,442,082 2,262,589 250,000 67,505 This update to the STIP does not include any other changes. The next update for the 2024-2029 period will be performed by July of 2023 in which the entire STIP will be reviewed. A public hearing is required for updating the STIP. Staff recommends holding a public hearing and amending the STIP with the updates described above. ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution 23- 006 Approving the Updated 2023-2028 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program and Authorizing the City Manager to Submit this to the State • Current adopted STIP • updated projects CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: Fund Source Information ¢a } c J � va v U Feder a `Q er ru c Fund Federal) State Fund Code Funds Code 0.16 PE 202'3 5 TIB CIN 2024 TIB 0.16 PE 2023 S HISIP 32,000 CNII 2024 HISIP 201,000 Discovery Road Bikeway; Roadway and Sidewalk Pr, 0.82CNNI 2023 S ffironr:: Rainier Street to:: Sheiriidai r Street CNII 2023 Rebuild roadway, sidewalks, drainage, shoulder improvements, bike lanes Kearney Street fnterserrion 0.10 CIN 2023 S STP ffironrc SR 20 to:: Frail Street Roadway improvementsmatching the Kh IDOT compact Ped,/Blilke TIB 432,535 WMSI040T State Funds LocalFumds 31,605 42,577 348,004 61,413 ....................................................................................................... 15,000 1,442,082 2,262,589 250,000 67,505 This update to the STIP does not include any other changes. The next update for the 2024-2029 period will be performed by July of 2023 in which the entire STIP will be reviewed. A public hearing is required for updating the STIP. Staff recommends holding a public hearing and amending the STIP with the updates described above. ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution 23- 006 Approving the Updated 2023-2028 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program and Authorizing the City Manager to Submit this to the State • Current adopted STIP • updated projects CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to approve Resolution 23- 006 Approving the Updated 2023-2028 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program and Authorizing the City Manager to Submit this to the State ALTERNATIVES: ❑ Take No Action ❑x Refer to Committee ❑x Refer to Staff ❑x Postpone Action ❑ Remove from Consent Agenda ❑ Waive Council Rules and approve Ordinance ❑ Other: Resolution 23-006 RESOLUTION NO. 23-006 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE UPDATED 2023-2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT THIS TO THE STATE WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the updated 2023-2028 Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and held a public hearing on January 9, 2023 for public comment; and, WHEREAS, the City is required by the State of Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to adopt its annual six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) by June 30 of each year; and, WHEREAS, the City previously adopted the 2023-2028 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program, but the plan requires updating; WHEREAS, the TIP is primarily intended to designate federally funded and regionally significant projects; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has identified priority projects for transportation improvements and these are reflected in the TIP; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend that the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign this resolution approving the updated Six - Year Transportation Improvement Program for 2023-2028 (Exhibit A) for submission to the State Department of Transportation for their State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). And that the City Manager may make minor modifications to the TIP for the next 12 months to reflect changes in project funding or implementation schedules that may more closely align with actual project progress and to meet the needs of WSDOT and the STIP. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend at a special meeting thereof, held this 91h day of January 2023. Attest: Alyssa Rodrigues City Clerk David J. Faber Mayor Approved as to form: Heidi Greenwood City Attorney Project Tyler Street OveHoy ffuounn: J'effferson Street to: Lewrelnce Street Pavement preservation, . curb, AIIXA upgrade Exhibit A 2023-2028 STIP Update January 3, 2023 Fund Source Information t!a c State Fund ; Funds J State Funds �s va M Federal) 31,605 42,577 TIB Fund 61,413 32,000 a_ i Code 0.16 PE 2023 S Ped/Blilke CNI 2024 TIB Discovery Road Bleycle and Pedestrian Safety 0.116 PF 2023 S HISI P ffuoinn: Slinerannaun Street to: Sheridan Street CNI 2024 HISIP Discovery Road Bikeway, Roadway and Sldewolk Pr, 0.'82CN 2023 S ffiroi nn:: Rainier Street to:: Sheridan Street CNI 2023 Rebuild roadway, sidewalks, drainage, shoulder improvemenrs�, bike lanes. Kearney StreetlattersecVon 0.10 CNI 2023 S STP fflrolnn:: SII 20 to:: Fralnik'llulrne Street Roadway improvementsmarching the'dWSDOT compact. Feder -all State Fund Funds Code State Funds LocalFunds TIB 31,605 42,577 TIB 348,804 61,413 32,000 15,000 201,000 Ped/Blilke 1,442,082 TIB 2,262,589 250,000 432,535 WSDOT 67,505 D moo,, ■ i 01 1-4 RJ qw� ... r ""°i No 4-J E 4-J a) ul 4-J ul a) > _0 0 4-J ro u .E 4-J C: =3 ul •u =3 E E 0L.4 ul 0 4-J 0 u -J u 0- CL -L. r m ul ul L-> 0 u 4-J E ul > ro ul 0- 4-J L- ro 0- u 4- Ln bn• 0 L- 4-1 0 CL m 0 4-J ro u =3 _0 4-J 0- Y ro u• > u 0 L- 0- a)•a) 4-1 0 m r Li- > m 0 0 076 ul u ul 0 ul Ul 4-1 bn 0 E L- o E 0 0- E ul 0 u 1 u u x E 4-J -0 0 0 (A 4-a o • 0 ul 4-J u 0 0- u a) 4— 0 >- L- > ul ul u ul 4-1 bn 10 10 10 10 10 m QL a U 0 QL a®+ �E Lo > 4-J m 0 4-J m m m_0 0 _0 0 co -0L on u -Fo on u 0 on m �E E u 4-J c c 0 0 > 0 C) I W1 c 0 m L - 4—J m 4—J 0 0 QL .7-1 Ln 0 E m m < 0 u QL LLJ GJ u Ca 0 aj 4—J GJ 4—J m GJ :3 mr of mr mr ol W1 6 u ro OL ro V ro co (n 4-J L. 4-J Ul) M r-4 ro 0 4-J ro CL ro 4-J m L. ro 0 u C: ro 4-J > 6 A." @0 I 00310- mr mr mr mr ol 4-J 0 4-J E 0 L - 0L E E 0 m u 0 -E D 0 (2) u 0 cra u 0 on a) 4-J Lo 4-J m 4 -J 0 L- 4-J Ln w 4-J cu 4-J -0 (2) c 4-J c (2) E E4 L.—• o cu m -0 o o u (1) > C: .—u -j E 0 u m 4-J c 0 u 4-J u bi 4-j 0) -a 0 u c A." @0 I 00310- mr mr mr mr ol ol ol ol ol u -.T QL .cn 4-J m 4-J E E m 4-J u Ln u Ln 4-J 4-J 4-J u 0 Ln Ln Ln 0 > _0 Uji 4-J m m .0 0 m _0 4-J m m L- u 4-J _0 Ln 0 Ln m tt: c ol ol ol ol u O u Vf CL u c .2 -q� 2 u m 0 =3 0 CL 0 co u cB cL =03 u —uw - t C -Em vvs -0 >, 0 co co CL -u- -u U coo0 m c>, vw, w�� 2CL Ln 0 u -am CL c u m 0 Ln U= ow 0 u Q, > Z T C: 0 m U < u CL . 5; u ow C2 tM Ev(1) 0 u u = 0 u �= o -T CL u u m U- o• V) 0.1 u -a aj uj < Ln Ea. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a.. 0 u u u u c .2 -q� 2 =3 m =3 0 0 co u cB cL =03 u —uw - t C -Em vvs -0 >, co co -u- -u U coo0 m c>, vw, w�� 2CL Ln 0 u -am CL c u m 0 Ln m 0 Q) 0 Q, > Z T C: 0 m U < u CL L/) C 0 a) 0 L, o u ow C2 2 'u in No � Sh.. \70 rn ('44NI 0 ('44NI E- 70 MWOME j CLu 0 � k rn ('44NI 0 ('44NI m E RR 70 MWOME e \70 \70 6 100.3-1 I 6 V) 0 _0 C: 4-j E Ln ro C: w C: 0 u Ln Ln u V) c 0 (3) r14 0 V) -LIJ) u 4--J IV) 0 cl u > 0 Lf) (3) Lf) 2 - 0 :3 c 0 0 0 V) Cn cl 0 4--J -�e u 0 cl 0) 4-j Ln o 0 C: 0 u 4-j Ln o 0 E Ln C: 3: Ln u 0 0 u E Cl u C: 2- C: 0 0) 0) u Ln u Ln u 0) o o u ,-- u > V) r4 0) ro 0) :3 u 0) o Z-� cmi bmn Ln u 6 100.3-1 I 6 4-1 CL 4-1 4-1 4-1 • • 0 I ON w IEEE[ MENEM MEMO MENU IEEE[ IEEE[ MEMO MENEM LLI MEME mmummm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..0 �j 0 LL L'OL" M, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm �j 0 LL mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm co -9 ou < or mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 0 E MI MI I -Z Qj 4�j z -Z 4, QJ Qj E Qj QJ Qj V) tn 4-j Qj > V) 4—J V) Ln Ln Ln Ln Qj 0 u E Qj E 4—J u E dd E QJ 0 Ln bn U Ln 0 4-j Qj 0 Qj Ln > u E Ln E o Qj 0 u 4�j Ln o Qj 4-J 0 u _0 4-J 43 4-J4� ro C: E a) E 0 CL 0 bD CL 0 a) C3 Q) V) vy -C3 a) Li bD > 0 C3 13 +. 0 a- _0 UD bD _0 V) C3 0 4-J o 0 V7 u 4-J 4-J V u M 0 u C3 _0 bD 75 E C3 cL (1) 4-J CL (1) bD oii Qj C3V` ro bD Z _0>- ai u (v V) V)13 Q X 4- 0 C: Qj u u E W CLE 4-J (1) 0 E C Qj3 bD _0 4-J C: 0 Qj CL u Qj ro V) 4-J 13 Z >- C3 V) GJ 0 CL V) V) bD GJ E E 0 E 0CL M (3j CL E U GJ Qj QJ 13 >, u u , U (1) V) Qj 13 12 R 6 6 6 6 6 mmmmmmmmu Qj °a Qj Ln Qj Qj °d °d mmmmmmmmu ° 14�- I s Qj Qj d °d mmmmmmmmu mmmmmmmmu cy mmmmmmmmu Qj QJ Qj I R 6 6 6 6 6 I V) Li c) CL 4-J u o 0 _0 bn bn 'u E V) E V) :3 V) u 75 4--J C: :3 _V7 0 0 CL CL CL :3 0 CZ CZ bn Gi 0 E u -0 V) bn 0 0 0 u V) L- CL cz ai 4= V) Gi Gi bn bD GJ -0 m bn C: bn bn 0 bn u Qj a Gi CL V) 0. 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