HomeMy WebLinkAbout011223 Virtual Open House PresentationOnline Open House #1 - January 12, 2023 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE + MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning AGENDA Presentation Q+A Survey (on your own) 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00 • Introductions • Project Background • Public Engagement Process • Project Understanding / Context • Creating a Vision Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning • Submit your questions in the chat box. We will answer as many questions as we can during the thirty-minute Q+A period. • Stay on mute unless you are speaking (The mute button is in the upper right - click ‘Mic’ to mute and unmute) • Raise your hand before speaking. (Raised Hand Feature is in the upper right under ‘Reactions’ - click the hand button or Ctrl+Shift+K) HOW TO ENGAGE Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning C&N Lake2Bay Concept Design Steering Committee DAVID HEIN Golf Consultant PORT TOWNSEND COMMUNITY GROUNDSWELL STUDIO Landscape Architect PORT TOWNSEND PARKS + RECREATION STEPHERSON ASSOCIATES Public Outreach JMB CONSULTING Cost Estimating ZENOVIC ASSOC. Civil Engineer INTRODUCTIONS Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE MT. VIEW COMMONS Study Area • In early 2020, a community engagement process, following the development of the PROS plan, showed that the community desires to explore different uses for the golf course property owned by the City. • In November 2020, Council unanimously directed staff to engage the community to explore the feasibility of alternate uses, including continued use for golf. • Given the proximity of the Mountain View Campus, it is the City’s interest to explore complementary uses and plan for this site as well. PROJECT PURPOSE Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning PROJECT FACTS • To best serve the community with parks, recreation, and open space and to improve the quality of life for residents, families, and youth. PROJECT GOAL • This project is providing the Port Townsend community an opportunity to think holistically about the long-range vision and legacy for the future of the golf course property (be it a golf course, city park or a hybrid solution) and how it relates to the city fabric now and into the future. • There has been no determination the golf course is being replaced or if other uses will be accommodated. Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning PROJECT FACTS • The City and community recognize the environmental value the prairie and pond provide. These uses are intended to remain. • The City recognizes the value the existing Mt. View tenants provide. This discussion is about complementing land uses. • The future Mt. View Pool Facility is being planned as a separate/ parallel effort. The project is termed ‘Healthier Together.’ Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning PROJECT SCHEDULE Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning C&N Lake2Bay Concept Design Steering Committee DESIGN TEAM FINAL PLAN RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY FEEDBACK STAKEHOLDER RECOMMENDATIONS COST ESTIMATE CITY FEEDBACK CITY COUNCIL VOTES ON PROPOSED PLAN CITY COUNCIL DECISION MAKING PROCESS Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning • 2020 PROS Plan - PRIORITIES • Trails • Indoor Facilities • Open Space • 2020 PROS Plan - GOLF COURSE FEEDBACK • Continuing to operate the golf course for golf. • Allowing multiple recreation uses on the property. • Re-purposing to more active sports and managing as a complex with Mountain View. • Converting it to a nature park. WHAT WE HAVE HEARD SO FAR Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning • Stakeholder Group • Purpose: Guide the project team. • 24 person stakeholder group. • Four meetings since Sept. 2022. • Ongoing Outreach Efforts • 22+ Community Interest Groups • Golfers • Schools and Students • Intercept Events • Parks and Trail Comm. Briefings • Project Website • Flyers and press releases • Advertised events in the Leader, Facebook, Utility Flyer, City Newsletter, PDN, KPTZ, Saturday Market. • City Council briefings WHAT WE HAVE HEARD SO FAR Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning • Project Launch - October 25, 2022 • Purpose: Meet the design team and answer questions. • 107 Attendees - 95 Comment Cards Submitted • High Level Takeaways: • Diverse opinions on whether to preserve the golf course or explore alternative uses. • Comments about accommodating housing on site. Some for, some against. • Comments about the importance of the pool. • Concern over golf course business operations and contract duration. • Interest expressed in providing public access/trails/etc. on the golf course. • Many comments about the importance of Pickleball. Interest in more courts and covered courts. • Comments about environmental sustainability and stewardship • Comments about creating a hybrid solution - a win/win for all. WHAT WE HAVE HEARD SO FAR Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning PROJECT UNDERSTANDING CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE & MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING January 2023 Loren B. Hasting’s, one of the three original settling families, arrived in Port Townsend and staked claim to land in “Happy Valley”. The current site resides on the original Hastings Tract, which was cleared and cultivated for agriculture and homesteads. The original Hastings pond was a beloved spring fed swimming hole and was expanded in 1955. During the conflict, caused by the signing of the 1855 Point No Point Treaty, čičməhán, chief of the S’Klallam sought to preserve relations between the Tribe and the white settlement. Each morning, he sat perched atop sentinel rock, located on the current golf course, and alerted the white settlers whether they were safe or if they should prepare for battle. A bronze plaque marks the location. New Municipal Golf Course Opened in July 1927. It was intended that this course would fill a growing demand for weekend recreation who wanted to avoid the congestion of city courses, both visitors and residents alike. Prior to development, qatáy Valley (also known as Happy Valley) was a series of ponds, wetlands and prairie that connected North Beach to Port Townsend Bay. Seasonal storm water was rerouted to enable development of roads, farmland and homesteads. Jefferson County Branch YMCA moves to former Mountain View School in Port Townsend. The Police Station, Food Bank, Working Image, Red Cross, Port Townsend radio station, YMCA and the Pool currently reside at the school district owned campus. 1700’S 1855 1876 1903 1904 1852 1963 1927 1987 2009 2019 1856 HISTORY OF OUR SITE A PORTAGE TRAIL FROM BAY TO BEACH HASTINGS CLAIMS LAND HAPPY VALLEY GROWS RECREATION CONTINUES AT HASTINGS FIELD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE OPENING DAY A POOL IS BUILT KAH TAI PRAIRIE RECOGNIZED MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMONS Port Townsend Golf Club is Formed Dog Park Opens Hastings Pond Expanded SENTINEL ROCK The original open air pool opened at the Junior High Campus in 1963. Three years later it was covered and an opening ceremony took place memorial day 1967 The remnant 1.4 acre prairie has been the focus of preservation and restoration since it was recognized as unique botanical site in 1986 The Kah Tai Preserve was created in 1987 and over 90 different species were identified, 27 represent prairie indicator species. The Northeast portion of the Hastings tract was donated to the City, and declared Lucinda Hastings Park. The remaining portion of the tract, known as Hastings Field was used by the town for many recreational purposes, including a baseball field and a cycledrome Prior to white settlement, and the development of the project site. The land that the golf course currently resides on was known as the qatáy Valley (roughly following present-day San Juan Avenue). Through the use of Kah tai lagoon and a series of ponds the S’klallam tribe were able to haul canoes from the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Port Townsend Bay in order to avoid the dangerous rip tides around Point Wilson. These wetlands were a valuable resource for the S’Klallam, who frequently hunted waterfowl, gathered weaving materials, and harvested camas roots. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE & MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING January 2023 PTGOLF COURSE MT. VIEW COMMONS PORT TOWNSEND HIGH SCHOOL PORT TOWNSEND HIGH SCHOOL BLUE HERON MIDDLE SCHOOL BLUE HERON MIDDLE SCHOOL Port Townsend Parks SystemEcological Context Understanding how the project site connects to the greater ecosystems and open spaces of Port Townsend.The relationship between our site and the Port Townsend parks system. PORT TOWNSEND BAY PORT TOWNSEND BAY PORT OF PORT TOWNSEND BOAT HAVEN PORT OF PORT TOWNSEND BOAT HAVEN WASHINGTON STATE FERRY DOCK WASHINGTON STATE FERRY DOCK CONTEXT Legend Study Area Wetland Drainage Corridor Vegetated Corridor Park Quimper Creek Corridor City Limits ADMIRALTY INLET ADMIRALTY INLET STRAIGHT OF JUAN DE FUCA STRAIGHT OF JUAN DE FUCALegendRed = City Park Green = County Park Yellow = State Park Elmira Street Viewpoint ParkGreenspace, Benches, View North Beach ParkGreenspace, Beach Access, Shelter, Portable Toilets, Parking Fort WordenCampground, Restroom, Hiking Trails, Meeting Spaces, Vacation Rentals, Beach Access,Watercraft Launch, Moorage, Visitor Center, Fire Circles, Museum, Mountain Biking, Tennis FairgroundsVenue/Facilities Rentals, Large Events, Greenspace, Parking Lot, Camping, Rv/Boat Storage, Open Lawn Bobby McGarraughLawn, Greenspace,Parking Lot, Picnic Tables, Play Equipment,Shelter 35th St ParkGreenspace Sather Park FieldGreenspace, Benches, View Chetzemoka ParkAda-Restroom, Bbq, Beach Access, Benches, Lawn, Greenspace, Picnic Tables, Play Equipment,Shelter Baker View ParkBenches, Greenspace, Open Lawn, Picnic Tables Port Townsend Golf courseGolf, Prairie, Greenspace, Parking, Clubhouse Mountain View CommonsGreenspace, Dog Run City Entrance ParkGreenspace Bishop ParkBenches, Drinking Fountain, Open Lawn, Greenspace, Picnic Tables, Play Equipment 13th & Hancock ParkGreenspace Dahlia ParkGreenspace, Street Parking Larry Scott Memorial TrailGreenspace, Benches, View Kai Tai Lagoon Nature ParkBenches, Open Lawn, Greenspace, Parking Lot, Picnic Tables, Restroom, Trails Rothschild HouseGreenspace Triangle Parks Ii & IiiGreenspace, County Courthouse ParkPickle ball Courts, Greenspace, Picnics, Views Rotary ParkGreenspace, Picnic Tables, View Bell Tower ParkBenches, Historic, Greenspace Taylor Street StairsBenches, Street Parking, Greenspace Haller Fountain/Terrace StepsBenches, Street Parking, Greenspace Memorial Athletic FieldsFootball Field, Full Size Soccer, Baseball, Stadium, Restrooms, Concessions Adams Street ParkGreenspace Skate ParkGreenspace, Skate Bowl, Restroom Pope Marine ParkAda-Restroom, Beach Access, Lawn, Greenspace, Picnic Tables, Play Equipment, Restroom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 3 1 4 6 7 8 9 10 18 13 12 16 17 11 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 25 27 28 1514 5 CONSIDER THIS: Urbanization is a major barrier to wildlife. Without proper planning, they can lead to fragmented habitats that constrain wildlife movement. Similarly, wildlife corridors and crossings link two or more habitat areas, enabling migration, (re)colonization and breeding opportunities for flora and fauna. Would providing more habitat on the Golf Course site enhance wildlife connections and biodiversity in Port Townsend? CONSIDER THIS: Are there additional amenities that you would like to see in the Port Townsend park system? CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE & MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING January 2023 PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE MT. VIEW COMMONS MT. VIEW COMMONS CONTEXT Transit and Trail ConnectionsDowntown Connections PORT TOWNSEND BAY PORT TOWNSEND BAY ADMIRALTY INLET ADMIRALTY INLET PORT OF PORT TOWNSEND BOAT HAVEN PORT OF PORT TOWNSEND BOAT HAVEN WASHINGTON STATE FERRY DOCK DOWNT O W N UPTOW N WASHINGTON STATE FERRY DOCK WASHINGTON STATE FERRY - KEYSTONE UNION WHARF UNION WHARF POPE MARINE PARK POPE MARINE PARK NW MARITIME CENTER POINT HUDSON MARINA NW MARITIME CENTER JEFFERSON COUNTY MEMORIAL ATHLETIC FIELD JEFFERSON COUNTY MEMORIAL ATHLETIC FIELDROTHSCHILD HOUSE COMMUNITY CENTER PORT TOWNSEND HIGH SCHOOL BLUE HERON MIDDLE SCHOOL JEFFERSON COUNTY COURTHOUSE POST OFFICE LIBRARY 1/4 MILE (5-7 min. walk)1/2 MILE (10-15 min. walk)3/4 MILE (20-25 min. walk) SATHER PARK SATHER PARK FORT WORDEN HISTORICAL STATE PARK FORT WORDEN HISTORICAL STATE PARKJEFFERSON COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS JEFFERSON COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS CHETZMOKA PARK CHETZMOKA PARK KAH TAI LAGOON PARK KAH TAI LAGOON PARK Legend Study Area Parks Downtown Historical Sites Destinations Schools Walking Radius 1”=200’ Legend Study Area Parks Bike Route Bus Route Ferry Route Park Trails Cicmehan Trail Cicmehan Trail Sign Looking at the adjacency and walkability of our site to downtown, historical sites, schools, and parks. CONSIDER THIS: Research suggests a park should be within a ten minute walk from every person in a community. Do the adjacent neighborhoods have adequate access to public open space? CONSIDER THIS: Increased connectivity improves walkability, accessibilty, and the health and wellbeing of our communities. Could our site support greater community connectivity? Relationship of our project site and adjacent transit and trail connections. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE & MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING January 2023 1”=200’ N CONTEXT Slope Analysis Legend Study Area 0-5% Slopes of 0-5% can accommodate a diversity of uses and easily accommodate accessibility at a relatively low construction cost. 5-10%Slopes of 5-10% may make some uses unfeasible and construction more costly. 10-20% Developing slopes of 10-20% would require extensive and costly earthwork. 20%Improving areas with slopes over 20% is extremely costly and would require extensive earthwork 1ft Contours Legend Study Area Wetland Seismic Hazard Zone Transit Parking Bus Stop P P P Site Analysis KAH TAI LAGOON PARK KAH TAI I LAGOON PARK DOG PARK POOL FOOD BANK HASTINGS POND HASTINGS POND F St.F St. E St.E St. D St.D St. B St.B St. A St.A St. Cass St.Cass St. Van Ness St. Van Nes s St. Blaine St. Blaine St.Blaine St. Blaine St. K e a r n e y S t .Kea r n e y S t .Wal k e r S t .Wal k e r S t . 19th St.19th St. 20th St.20th St. 22nd St.22nd St. 24th St.24th St.San Juan Ave.San Juan Ave.25th St.25th St.Cherry St.Cherry St.Single Family Residential Single Family Residential Single Family Residential Single Family Residential Shy Acre Farm Shy Acre Farm Retail/Commercial Retail/CommercialDiscovery Rd.Discovery Rd. DRIVING RANGE KAH TAI PRAIRIE PRESERVE CLUBHOUSE AND MAINTENANCE SHED YMCA POLICE PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE MT. VIEW COMMONS MT. VIEW COMMONS Current conditions and site elements of the Port Townsend Golf Club and Mountain View Commons Campus. Understanding the topography of our site will directly impact how we consider the viability of other uses. CONSIDER THIS: Are there elements of the existing site that could be emphasized, enhanced, or restored? CONSIDER THIS: Given that approximataely 65% of the golf course site exceeds 5% slopes, and if the PT Community chooses to explore alternative uses, what are most compatible with the existing topography? This project is providing the Port Townsend community an opportunity to think holistically about the long-range vision and legacy for the future of the golf course property (be it a golf course, city park or a hybrid solution) and how it relates to the city fabric now and into the future. CREATING A VISION CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE & MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING January 2023 RENOVATED GOLF COURSES Primary Uses:• 9 Hole Golf Course • Putting Green • Clubhouse Primary Uses:• 9 Hole Golf Course INCLUSIVE COURSE RENOVATED SHORT COURSE Minnesota Golf Course to become Accessible for All Name: The LoopLocation: Chaska, MN Size: 24 acres Status: In Process Name: Winter Park Golf CourseLocation: Winter Park, FL Size: 40 acres Status: In Progress 9 Hole Non profit Barrier Free Golf work in partnership with the City of Chaska to design a golf course with accessibility and environmental sustainability in mind. The Loop at Chaska aims to become a national demonstration project that highlights how contemporary golf design can enable access to the sport by appealing to new demographics, especially those with physical and sensory impairments, while carefully managing the negative environmental effects of course maintenance. The historic 9 hole course, built in 1914, underwent extensive repairs in 2016. New fairways were added, along with improved irrigation and course redesign. Improvements revived the struggling Orlando course making it one of the finest 9 hole courses in the nation. in progress 7th hole historic plan CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE & MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING January 2023 HYBRID GOLF COURSES Primary Uses:• 9 Hole Golf • Habitat • Walking Trails • Putting Course • Winter Sports • Park Programming Primary Uses: • 9 Hole Golf • Golf Simulator• Open Space MIXED-USE OUTDOOR RECREATION VIRTUAL 18-HOLEMadison golf course reimagined as shared public asset Hybrid golf experience at fomer Woodbridge Country ClubName: The Glen Golf ParkLocation: Madison, WI Size: 42 acres Status: In Process Name: Country Club of Woodbridge (former) Location: Woodbridge, CT Size: 50 acres (155 acres total) Status: Proposal The nine-hole, 42-acre course underwent a privately funded upgrade in 2021 that added native plantings, redesigned accessible holes, created a free putting course and added walking paths. The city of Madison is also programming parks activities during off peak house including history, science, art and athletic programs, cross-country races, disc golf, hiking, movie nights, community events, picnics, fitness classes and more. In the winter, the course could host cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, fat tire biking and even skijoring, in which skiers are pulled by dogs. The 155 acres, 18 hole golf course closed in 2009 and was bought by the city to prevent development. The property includes an extensive course, pool, tennis courts, and club building, all closed after disrepair and financial losses. The city of Woodbridge CT, has been exploring potential uses for the site including a mixed in person and virtual golf experience that would lease 50 acres to create a 9 hole course and relinquish the remaining 105 acres for alternate uses. Developer, Nexus Golf, proposed including golf simulators to allow golfers to finish the full 18 holes. However, this plan has not been adopted and the city is still exploring alternative uses. Primary Uses:• 9 Hole Executive Golf Course • Driving Range • Recreation and Aquatics Center • New Maintenance Facility DOWNSIZED COURSE Name: Lake Oswego Municipal CourseLocation: Lake Oswego, OR Size: 40 acres Status: In Progress Lake Oswego Golf Course Shrinks to 9 Holes Lake Oswego recently made the decision to downsize their 18 hole course in favor of a higher quality 9 hole, to resolve overcrowding and onsite wetland degredation. The leftover space from the original course will include an expanded practice facility and a new public aquatics center. Construction is scheduled to begin summer 2022. in progress Recreation and Aquatics Center 4th hole proposed movies in the course previous course aerial virtual golf CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE & MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING January 2023 ADAPTED GOLF COURSES Through a partnership with the City of North Bend, the former Cascade Golf Course was acquired in two phases. A 28-acre parcel was purchased in late 2018. Subsequently, in late 2019 the district purchased three adjacent lots totaling 8 acres to complete the full 36-acre acquisition. Future trail connections and habitat restoration were the primary project goals while creating passive recreation for under-served areas of King County. Primary Uses:• Disc Golf • Event Meadow • Rain Gardens • Archery • Playground • Trails Primary Uses:• Trails • Habitat • Wetland • Permanent Art • Playground • Overlook Primary Uses:• Trails • Habitat • Wetland • Sports Fields • Playground • Events Lawn The City of Hillsboro and Metro joined forces to redevelop a defunct golf course into a new 44-acre public open space, blending neighborhood park elements into a new nature park. The design was intended to facilitate use of the site’s natural characteristics while minimizing harmful impacts to the ongoing restoration of site habitat. Permanent and whimsical public sculpture that doubles as play was located at key locations in the park, called the “Seeds of Orenco”. Part of a larger park redevelopment, the existing golf course at the FDR park is part of a series of efforts that led to a long-term, multi-decade plan to restore and revive FDR Park. The proposed master plan, made up of two distinct zones, ecological core and the urban edge, will provide neighboring communities with much needed amenities and open space. The former golf course fell into disrepair due to years of profit losses, deferred maintenance and frequent flooding. After its closure in 2019, and before construction efforts began on the revitalized park, the now “wild” golf course became a place of natural refuge during the lock down. It continues to support passive recreation for the community in the interim phases of the project. COMMUNITY AMENITY SPACE FOR NATURE DESTINATION PARK Former Cascade Golf Course Turned North Bend Park Name: South Fork LandingLocation: North Bend, WA Size: 36 acres Status: In Process Name: FDR ParkLocation: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Size: 348 acres (150 acre golf course) Status: In Process Name: Orenco WoodsLocation: Hillsboro, OR Size: 44 acres Status: Complete existing conditions proposed master plan proposed fairway habitat restorationwetland bridge draft master plan preferred master plan Former Hillsboro Golf Course Turned Nature Park Defunct Philadelphia Golf Course To Become Community Hub ORENCO WOODS NATURE PARK CITY OF HILLSBORO Parks & Recreation | METRO | WALKER MACY DRAFT MASTER PLANAPRIL 2013NW CORNELIUS PASS RDNW QUATAMA RD NW ELM NW DOGWOOD ST NW 225THNE BIRCH ST MAX LIN E MAX LIN E MCDONALDHOUSE 0 40 80 160ft N RESIDENTIAL PARCEL The location of future public access for pedestrian, bicycle and non-motorized uses across the Residential Parcel to the Rock Creek Regional Trail will be determined prior to the development of this property. Potential access opportunities may include sidewalks, streets or paths which may be constructed as part of that development. OAK SAVANNAH POTENTIAL ADVENTURE PLAY OAK SAVANNAH WETLAND WETLAND ROCK CREEK TRAILROCK CR EEK TRA IL NATUREPLAY PARKING LOT(30 CARS) ROCK CREEK ROCK CREEK ON-STREET PARKINGTRIBU T ARY RIPARIAN FOREST MIXED CONIFER HARDWOOD FOREST PARK STORAGE / MAINTENANCE POND IRRIGATED LAWN PICNIC SHELTER #1 PICNIC TABLE RESTROOM ACCESS GATE PICNIC SHELTER #2 ENVIRONMENTAL STATION #3 ENVIRONMENTAL STATION #1 ENVIRONMENTAL STATION #2 ON-STREET PARKING(11 CARS) ENTRY GATE FOREST CANOPY BRIDGE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE & MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING January 2023 E GOLF COURSE SITE POTENTIAL USES WALKING/BIKING TRAILS SHADE PAVILION NATURE PLAY MINIATURE GOLF EDUCATIONAL SIGNAGE PAR 3 GOLF BASKETBALL PICKLEBALL CLIMBING WALL COMMUNITY GARDEN KAH TAI PRAIRIE DISC GOLF CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE & MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING January 2023 E GOLF COURSE SITE POTENTIAL USES EVENT SPACE SPORTS FIELDS EDUCATIONAL CENTER PICNIC EXERCISE STATIONS ART BOARDWALK GOLF COURSE AS-IS *Includes renovations HABITAT AFFORDABLE HOUSING MULTI USE LAWN CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE & MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING January 2023 E MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMONS POTENTIAL USES FESTIVAL STREET EDUCATIONAL CENTER SPLASH PAD PICKLEBALL ART PLAZA POOL FARMERS MARKET PLAYGROUND DOG PARK AFFORDABLE HOUSING CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE & MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING January 2023 E DREAM BIG KAH TAI LAGOON PARK DOG PARK POOL FOOD BANK HASTINGS POND F St. E St. D St. B St. A St. Cass St. Van Ne ss St. Blaine St. Blaine St.K e a r n e y S t .Wal k e r S t . 19th St. 20th St. 22nd St. 24th St.San Juan Ave.25th St.Cherry St.Single Family Residential Single Family Residential Shy Acre Farm Retail/CommercialDiscovery Rd. DRIVING RANGE KAH TAI PRAIRIE PRESERVE CLUBHOUSE AND MAINTENANCE SHED YMCA POLICE PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE MT. VIEW COMMONS SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS This planning effort includes both the Port Townsend Golf Course and the Mountain View Commons property. Special considerations for these sites include: -Deed restrictions require the site be preserved for municipal purposes. -The future pool is being planned as part of a separate City planning effort which includes assessing 2-3 potential sites to accommodate this facility. IS THERE ANYTHING WE MISSED THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE? Pin a comment on the site or in the margins QUESTIONS + ANSWERS CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND GOLF COURSE & MT. VIEW COMMONS CONCEPT PLANNING January 2023 E ENVISIONING THE FUTURE E WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please give us your input by filling out a short survey found at the following URL or QR code. We want to hear from everyone! Feel free to share this link with your friends and neighbors who were unable to attend tonight. FRAME THE QR CODE CLICK THE POP UP TURN ON CAMERA APP HOW IT WORKS https://forms.office.com/r/BeG1atjTKD Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Project Website https://cityofpt.us/engagept/page/envision-port-townsend-golf- course-and-mountain-view-commons or Google Search: ‘Envision Port Townsend Golf Course’ Online Survey: https://forms.office.com/r/BeG1atjTKD Port Townsend Golf Course and Mt. View Commons Concept Planning NEXT STEPS TUESDAY, JANUARY 17 - City Council Briefing TUESDAY, JANUARY 24 - Parks + Trail Commission Briefing MID APRIL - Open House #2 EARLY JUNE - Open House #3 THANK YOU!