HomeMy WebLinkAbout011023 LTAC Meeting Packet Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 10, 2023 3 to 5 p.m. City Hall, 540 Water Street City Council Chambers • Join virtually at http://joinwebinar.com enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 474-483-579 • Join by phone in listen-only mode (360) 390-5064 ext. 5 access code: 823-019-247# • Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to: publiccomment@cityofpt.us I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes - October 11, 2022 and November 4, 2022 III. Funding requests • John Hodgeman event • PT Main street request (Tyler Street Plaza tent winterization) • Port Townsend Creative District IV. LTAC Retreat V. Revenue Report/ Updates VI. Activity and General Updates VII. Adjourn LTAC regular meetings are held quarterly, on the second Tuesday at 3 p.m. of the months January, April, July, and October each year. Next regular meeting: April 11, 2023 from 3 to 5 p.m. Mark your calendars and save the dates! LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES DATE: October 11, 2022 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall (In person and virtual) VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: David Faber (Chair), Katy Goodman, Cindy Finnie, Denise Winter, Natalie Maitland, Barb Trailer, Danielle McClelland Sherri Hanke NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Mari Mullen, Arlene Alen MEMBERS EXCUSED: MEMBERS ABSENT: Nathan Barnett CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager John Mauro, Finance Manager Ron Logghe, Director of Finance and Technology Services Connie Anderson, City Clerk Alyssa Rodrigues Topic Action Chair David Faber called the meeting to order at 3:07p.m. Approval of Minutes: July 12, 2022 Motion to approve minutes of July 12, 2022 as presented by Natalie, second by Barb. Motion carried unanimously. Revenue Review and 2023 Revenue Forecast: Finance Manager Ron Logghe reviewed August revenue. He explained the updated charts are expecting to come in as good as last year and both segments (governmental and non-governmental) are coming ahead of forecast. He went on to say most of the state revenue has a two-month lag and they have not received July or August LTAC Budget and Budget Request Framework: City Manager John Mauro explained the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Process for Budget Requests. Discussion ensued around formalizing and making final changes at the beginning of year and options for partially funding. Motion to approve Budget Request Framework with scrivener’s error updates and modification to page 7 adding language about partial funding as presented by Danielle, second by Barb. Motion carried unanimously. 2023 Budget: Mr. Logghe explained the DRAFT 2023 Budget. Discussion ensued around Communications and Marketing Manager and whether this position should be partially funded by LTAC for $75,000. The Committee went on to discuss Council’s lack of interest in spending more money on marketing for tourism. In addition, they discussed LTAC funds being used to help residents as well as tourism. The Committee decided to create a subcommittee to meet in three weeks to discuss budget and Communications and Marketing Manager role and bring back a recommendation to a Special Session LTAC meeting. Motion to approve a subgroup to discuss budget and position as presented by Katy, second by Danielle. Motion carried unanimously. Topic Action Subcommittee members will consist of (Voting Members) Natalie, Sherry, Mayor Faber and (Non-Voting Members) John and Arlene. Activity and General Updates: • Danielle thanked the city staff for helping PTFF successfully have the Film Festival in person. • Barb thanked the City as well and stated they had a better turn out then 2019 at the Wooden Boat Festival. • Denise explained she was happy to open the Key City Theater doors and are seeing Pre-Covid turn out at current show. • Mari explained recent Main Street Programs have been successful and shared events coming up. • Natalie shared TAPS will be open for a one time only event on Saturday the 28th. Next Regular Meeting: January 10, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 4:55pm SPECIAL SESSION LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES DATE: November 4, 2022 START TIME: 1:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall (In person and virtual) VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: David Faber (Chair), Katy Goodman, Denise Winter, Natalie Maitland, Sherri Hanke, Nathan Barnett NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Mari Mullen, Arlene Alen MEMBERS EXCUSED: Barb Trailer, Danielle McClelland, Cindy Finnie MEMBERS ABSENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager John Mauro, Finance Manager Ron Logghe, Director of Finance and Technology Services Connie Anderson, City Clerk Alyssa Rodrigues Topic Action Chair David Faber called the meeting to order at 1:00pm 2023 Budget Recommendation to Council: City Manager John Mauro provided an update from subgroup regarding budget, proposed changes and rationale behind Communication and Marketing Manager. Discussion ensued around the recommendation from the subgroup to move forward with position. The Committee went on to discuss LTACs overall vision and strategic multiyear approach which this position will be leading and coordinating. In addition, the Committee discussed how the position will manage to meet the needs of the City and LTAC as well as Chambers involvement with position. The Committee discussed the value of tourism to the community/region and how to get the tourism outcomes the City wants. They went on to discuss if LTAC can make recommendations to the job description, the process for pulling back if the position did not work, and evaluation feedback for the position. They discussed accountability with position and Chamber as well as Arlene’s thoughts on the role. Mayor Faber explained how this position will staff LTAC and it will help connect all the pieces. Concerns were raised about how the position will be measured. The Committee went on to discuss the John Hodgeman event and the process for how it was placed in budget as well as the process for getting grant funding from LTAC. The Committee discussed the lack of information for John Hodgeman grant request and discussed reserving the $5,000 for the event once more details are received to make the decision at the January meeting. They agreed If the event does not get accepted through grant process the $5,000 will Motion to approve the budget with Topic Action be added to the LTAC grant budget. In addition, the committee discussed Tourism Sustainability Taskforce, digital ads vs. print ads, funding for ads, Winter Marketing Campaign details and map, and the 50/50 time split of position between LTAC and City. Mari questioned if a proposal could come through the January meeting for the Creative District as they are not receiving their expected funding. Mr. Mauro and Director of Finance and Technology Service Connie Anderson explained guidance on the ARPA dollars and how it cannot be used for a third-party entity. In addition, Mr. Mauro confirmed if the whole amount for position is not used the remaining funds would carry over to the next years LTAC budget. amendment of $5,000 being reserved for the John Hodgeman event for vote in January and if event does not get accepted the $5,000 will be added to the LTAC grant budget as presented by Nathan, seconded by Katy. Vote: Motion carried 4 to 3. Nathan, David, Natalie, and Katy in favor. Cindy, Denise, and Sherri opposed. Next Regular Meeting: January 10, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 2:35pm. Attachment A: Application and Proposal for Port Townsend Lodging Tax Funds Aim is to get this form online similar to: https://cityofpt.us/police/webform/special-events-permit-application Event: Location: Dates: Requested Amount: Total Project Budget: Organization/Agency Name: Federal Tax ID Number: Event, Project or Activity Name (if applicable): Contact Name and Title: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Email Address: ☐Non-Profit ☐For-Profit ☐Public Agency CERTIFICATION I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that: •I am proposing a tourism-related event. If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a Facility Use Agreement with the City and provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as an additional insured and in an amount determined by the City. •Reporting requirements meeting state guidelines outlined in this application must be submitted with final request for reimbursement. Printed or Typed Name: Date: Signature: Judge John Hodgeman Live Recording at the Wheeler Theater - January 28 Wheeler Theater - Fort Worden State Park January 28, 2023 $5,000 Centrum Foundation 23-7348302 Robert Birman, Executive Director P.O. Box 1158 Port Townsend WA 98368 (360) 385-3102 x111 rbirman@centrum.org X January 2, 2023 Robert A. Birman $12,850 001 Lodging tax funds vary from year to year. A forecast of lodging tax revenue is made by City staff as part of the City budget development process and determined by City Council with a recommendation from the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Current lodging tax funds are distributed among a variety of initiatives, including marketing, events, infrastructure, fee waivers and debt service. We anticipate that funding requests for new projects or initiatives under consideration as part of this application process to be a total of $20,000 per year, with individual projects between $1000 - $10,000 each cycle. Provide us with an overview of your request. Attach: 1.Description of the event or project being proposed for LTAC funding. 2.If your agency is a non-profit, a copy of your agency’s current non-profit corporate registration with the Washington Secretary of State. 3.Brochures or other information about your event in particular items showing recent tourism promotion efforts. 4.Detailed project budget This proposal and all documents filed with the City are public records. The City may choose to post on its website copies of the proposals and attached documents. The State of Washington requires an estimate for the following questions below. LTAC will use these attendance inputs as 60% of the application’s total score with the other 40% coming from questions further below about the organization and the event). As a direct result of your proposed tourism-related event or initiative, provide an estimate of: What method was used to determine attendance in previous years? a.Overall Attendance Enter the total number of people predicted to attend this activity, and select the method used to determine the attendance. Predicted: ☐ Direct Count ☐ Indirect Count ☐ Representative Survey ☐ Informal Survey ☐ Structured Estimate b.Attendance, 50+ Miles Enter the number of people who traveled greater than 50 miles predicted to attend this activity, and select the method used to determine the attendance. Predicted: ☐ Direct Count ☐ Indirect Count ☐ Representative Survey ☐ Informal Survey ☐ Structured Estimate c.Attendance, Out of State, Out of Country Enter the number of people from outside the state and country predicted to attend this activity, and select the method used to determine the attendance. Predicted: ☐ Direct Count ☐ Indirect Count ☐ Representative Survey ☐ Informal Survey ☐ Structured Estimate d.Attendance, Paid for Overnight Lodging Enter the number of predicted to attend this activity and pay for overnight lodging, and select the method used to determine the attendance. Predicted: ☐ Direct Count ☐ Indirect Count ☐ Representative Survey ☐ Informal Survey ☐ Structured Estimate e.Attendance, Did Not Pay for Overnight Lodging Enter the number of predicted to attend this activity without paying for overnight lodging, and select the method used to determine the attendance. Predicted: ☐ Direct Count ☐ Indirect Count ☐ Representative Survey ☐ Informal Survey ☐ Structured Estimate Application Overview and Questions 280 direct attendance plus possible remote on-site seating for 100 more x 30% of current ticket holders are from more than 50 miles away: est. 114 total x x x We have sold tickets in 3 countries, 9 states, and 56 cities already; est 75 x x 110 x 270 x 002 Methods for Count/Estimation Direct Count: Actual count of visitors using methods such as paid admissions or registrations, clicker counts at entry points, vehicle counts or number of chairs filled. A direct count may also include information collected directly from businesses, such as hotels, restaurants or tour guides, likely to be affected by an event. Indirect Count: Estimate based on information related to the number of visitors such as raffle tickets sold, redeemed discount certificates, brochures handed out, police requirements for crowd control or visual estimates. Representative Survey: Information collected directly from individual visitors/participants. A representative survey is a highly structured data collection tool, based on a defined random sample of participants, and the results can be reliably projected to the entire population attending an event and includes margin of error and confidence level. Informal Survey: Information collected directly from individual visitors or participants in a non-random manner that is not representative of all visitors or participants. Informal survey results cannot be projected to the entire visitor population and provide a limited indicator of attendance because not all participants had an equal chance of being included in the survey. Structured Estimate: Estimate produced by computing known information related to the event or location. For example, one jurisdiction estimated attendance by dividing the square footage of the event area by the international building code allowance for persons (3 square feet). Actual data will be required with your final reimbursement. City staff and the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) wish to understand the following and will be scoring the application accordingly (40% of total score; applications need not achieve total points or points in all categories to be considered): About the Event or Initiative Points available Answer/Explanation f. Is the event or initiative a new offering to Port Townsend? 2 g. Will the event or project create local jobs or utilize local vendors? How is this determined/measured? 2 h. Will the event or project increase overnight stays or overnight stays in the offseason (October – May)? 2 i. Describe any partnerships with organizations or businesses related to this event or project. 2 j. Does the event or project leverage any funds or in-kind? 2 Yes. This event is the first event of a new tour--the first since 2019. It sold-out in 48 hours. Centrum is coordinating opportunities to beam the show to a second site at Fort Worden for overflow audiences. Centrum is a producer for this event, and as such, its hourly production crew and some salaried staff are contracted to support this event. Yes. This is a January event and is at maximum capacity at present. We have sold tickets in 3 countries, 9 states, and 56 cities to date. This is a partnership with the Judge John Hodgeman podcast, Mayor David Faber, and Centrum. We are renting facilities and services from Fort Worden Hospitality. Private donations are involved to support this event and we may enjoy in-kind support from KPTZ radio. 003 j. Does the event/project include a capital project component? If so, what is the approach to maintenance or renewal? 2 k. The event or project must be open to the public to qualify for LTAC funding. In addition, is the event or initiative free or ticketed? 1 About the Organization Points available Answer/Explanation l. Is your organization represented on LTAC by a board or staff member? 1 m. Are you a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization? 2 n. Briefly describe a relevant past organizational success related to this project/event 2 o. Did you receive funds for this event/project last year? Have you received LTAC funding of any kind before? 1 Application Deadline: Calls for proposals will be made in June, with the deadline on June 30 and with consideration from July through September. Applications may be received online (link forthcoming) or at Port Townsend City Hall. Submit a PDF and one original signed copy to: City of Port Townsend Lodging Tax Budget Request Connie Anderson, Finance and Technology Services Director 250 Madison Street Port Townsend, WA Email: canderson@cityofpt.us You must complete and sign the cover sheet with this packet You may use a Supplemental Form or type the questions and answers on separate sheets of paper. Please number each page in your packet, except for the brochures/information. Application Timeline No. This is a ticketed event and is open to the public. On-site tickets are $35 each. Overflow seating may be set at $20 each and will include a meet & greet with the artists after the show. Yes. Yes. Centrum has 50 years of producing live events at The Wheeler Theater and served 14,000 guests in 2019, it's most recent pre-pandemic season. We enjoyed capacity audiences throughout 2022 as well. Funds were not available to individual organizations in recent years. 004 Centrum is pleased to support the production of a live recording with studio audience of the popular satirical podcast, Judge John Hodgman, on January 28, 2023 at the Joseph F. Wheeler Theater at Fort Worden State Park in Port Townsend. American author, actor, and humorist, John Hodgeman, has published works such as The Areas of My Expertise, More Information Than You Require, and That Is All. He is known for his personification of a PC in contrast to Justin Long's personification of a Mac in Apple's "Get a Mac" advertising campaign, and for his work as a contributor on Comedy Central's The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. John also writes a mini-column regularly for The New York Times magazine. His most recent book, Medallion Status, was released in October 2019. This event marks the first tour stop for the podcast team since Covid, here in Port Townsend, before heading off to Vancouver, BC, Seattle, Portland, Denver, and more. The show gets 100,000-120,000 downloads a week, which makes this a great tourist promotion opportunity. The talent gets no guarantee but will take home 85% of direct ticket sales. Our Wheeler Theater seating sold-out in 48 hours and the Centrum box office team confirms that 85% of buyers are first-time buyers at Centrum. 30% of tickets sold to date are from more than 50 miles outside of Port Townsend. 005 ABOUT THE SHOW In each episode, "Judge" John Hodgman hears and renders a judgment on a dispute (often over petty or trivial matters) between two people (calling in via Skype or similar program from their home location) in a virtual "courtroom" setting. Hodgman's co-host most episodes is "bailiff" Jesse Thorn, who introduces each episode, interjects humorous questions and observations during cases, and interviews the disputants before and after Hodgman's verdict is announced. Several episodes have also included notable "expert witnesses" who call in and offer their insight into the case. Though Hodgman has no formal legal training or experience (often describing himself as dispensing "fake internet justice"), and much of the content is played for laughs and entertainment, the disputants in each episode do verbally agree to abide by Hodgman's ruling before their case is heard. The podcast launched in November 2010 and released its 500th episode in January 2021. NPR’s All Things Considered reported, "The show is a vehicle for comedy, but Hodgman and Thorn both say the podcast has an earnest side, too. Jokes aside, they say, Hodgman really does take the job of fake internet judge seriously. 'The best Judge John Hodgman cases,' Thorn says, 'are always about the relationship between the litigants.'" Tickets: General Admission seating - $35 per ticket Co-produced and sponsored by David Faber 006 Page 1 of 3 2 January 2023 City of Port Townsend Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 250 Madison Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 RE: Centrum LTAC Grant for Judge John Hodgman Live Event at Fort Worden on 1/28/2023 Members of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, During our final meeting of 2022, I presented a request for $5,000.00 from LTAC funds to help produce & support a live show of the Judge John Hodgman Podcast here in Port Townsend. At the time, I unfortunately did not yet have sufficient details about the show or the particular budgetary needs, but LTAC reserved $5,000 from the 2023 budget for potential funding of the live show pending additional details and set the review for our LTAC meeting on 1/10/2023. Happily, I now have considerably greater detail regarding the show & the budgetary request. Centrum has agreed to be the local production partner for the show, which is scheduled to occur at the 250-seat Wheeler Theater on the Fort Worden campus on 1/28/2023 starting at 8pm. This document is intended as a supplement to Centrum’s grant application to provide additional information & justification for awarding the $5,000.00 LTAC grant. Firstly, the Port Townsend show is scheduled to be the very first show of Judge John Hodgman’s first tour since 2019 (pre-covid) and the response to the tour announcement has been spectacular. Tickets went on sale for $35 each in mid-December & sold out in less than 48 hours. I personally am aware of a people who have purchased tickets & will be traveling here from Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Victoria B.C., and, in one particularly interesting turn of events, Hawaii, with the person from Hawaii having booked 5 nights at the Belmont Hotel on either end of the show. I believe Centrum has provided additional data regarding the location of origin for various other ticket purchasers. In other words, the show is directly driving tourism to Port Townsend & increasing the number of heads-in-beds during the off-season. In addition to the direct tourism impact of the live show, the Judge John Hodgman podcast receives between 100,000 and 120,000 downloads each week from listeners all around the world. I spoke with Jesse Thorn, the co-host (he calls himself the “bailiff” on the show), who informed me that for a regular advertising spot on their podcast they charge $2,000.00. Since announcing the show, they have spoken about Port Townsend repeatedly, including calling Port 007 Page 2 of 3 Townsend the “Judge John Hodgman Capital of the World”. There are six episodes running from when the show was originally announced through the week leading up to the show on 1/28/2023, meaning that were Port Townsend marketers wanting to purchase equivalent advertising, it would likely cost about $12,000.00. This advertising also markets the city to a different—and likely younger—demographic than is typically targeted by Port Townsend’s marketing efforts. And all of this is to say absolutely nothing of the value of having a full-length Port Townsend- centric episode of Judge John Hodgman, which will remain available in perpetuity and be listened to by an unknowable number of people years into the future, the value of which, from a marketing perspective, seems significantly greater than the value of the fleeting direct marketing. John Hodgman & Jesse Thorn normally request a $5,000 guarantee to perform a live show, but have waived that $5,000.00 guarantee, effectively providing that as an in-kind donation to support the event. They will instead only receive a portion of the ticket sales for the show. That said, putting on an event like this is still expensive, hence Centrum’s grant application. Lastly, I preliminarily ran the show/grant application (actually, I prepared this prior to the completion of the grant application, but I made an educated guess about the components) through LTAC’s weighting criteria to see how it would score: Key Criteria Criteria Points Does this proposal… Increase number of visits as per above? Yes: proceed Provide additional visitations to Port Townsend in the offseason? Yes: +3 Provide a new (<3) offering to Port Townsend Yes: +2 Create local jobs or utilize local vendors Yes: +2 Increase overnight stays? Yes: +1 Increase overnight stays in the offseason? Yes: +1 Reflect partnerships with organizations & businesses? Yes: +2 Include a capital project component? No Leverage matching or in-kind funds? Yes: +2 Is the proposal from an organization that… Does not have a board or staff member represented by the LTAC? No Is a non-profit? Yes: +1 Has a track record of project success? Yes: +2 Did not receive funds the previous year? No(?) Is the project/event projected to attract visitors/attendance… Over 100? Yes: +1 Over 250? Yes(?): +2 …and include free attendance? No TOTAL: 17 or 19 008 Page 3 of 3 This show scores a 17 (or perhaps a 19) out of a possible 25 points, appears to fit & exceed the criteria established for LTAC funding, and would be beneficial for our community. This request meets the requirements of RCW 67.28, no impacts need to be mitigated, and no permits should be required. Best, David J. Faber Mayor, City of Port Townsend 009 CENTRUM EVENT BUDGET JOHN HODGEMAN EVENT JANUARY 28 2023 Revenue Ticket Sales $7,700 LTAC (projected) $5,000 Individual Donation $750 Total Revenue….............. $13,450 * excluding possible overflow seating Expenses Artist Fees ($6,545) Advertising ($1,000) Ticket Fees ($670) Stage Crew ($600) Artist Housing ($300) Cleaning Fees ($190) Theater Rent ($750) Catering ($400) Equipment ($750) Production Staff ($645) Admin Fee ($1,000) Total Expenses…................ ($12,850) Result….............................. $600 010 011 TICKETS AND WORKSHOPS 2022 centrum Music | Youth | Visual Arts | Creative Writing | Artist Residencies 012 iiiii Robert A. Birman, Executive Director AS WE RETURN to programs in-person again at Fort Worden State Park, I invite you to join the global Centrum community of artists in the pursuit of lifelong learning, the arts, and the honoring of diverse cultures and traditions. DISCOVER creative workshops, mainstage performances, nightclub events, free literary readings, lectures, dances, artist residencies, youth programs, and so much more. OUR PROGRAMS this year will welcome participants in-person (up to date vaccine required for all campus visitors in 2022) as well as online. As always, we welcome youth age 18 and younger to all performances for free, with an advance reservation, following our COVID protocols. AGAIN THIS SUMMER our Blues and Jazz in the Clubs concerts will occur in venues throughout Fort Worden. We encourage club-goers to enjoy a meal and shopping in downtown Port Townsend before heading to the Fort. And for afternoon McCurdy Pavilion concerts in the summer, gates open at Noon with BBQ available on site. THE CENTRUM COMMUNITY is grateful for support from the National Endowment for the Arts, Washington State Arts Commission, Washington State Parks Commission, City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, and the Fort Worden PDA. On behalf of the Centrum staff and board, I extend our thanks to all of our donors and sponsors who support our mission and Centrum’s unique role in the Puget Sound community. See you at Centrum! BACK TO CENTRUM! WELCOME BACK TO CENTRUM! CENTRUM.ORG FOR TICKETS CALL (800) 746-1982 LEFT: Rene Marie and John Clayton, Centrum’s Jazz Port Townsend. Photo by Jim Levitt COVER: Douglas Lora & João Luiz of The Brasil Guitar Duo, featured artists in Centrum’s 2022 Chamber Music Series. Photo by Dario Acosta 013 APRIL PORT TOWNSEND CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES Pages 4-5 All concerts at Wheeler Theater Sunday, April 3, 2 p.m. Brasil Guitar Duo CHORO Pages 2-3 Saturday, April 23, 7:30 p.m. Wheeler Theater Faculty Concert Sunday, April 24, 9-10:30 a.m. Wheeler Theater Participant Concert MAY RED HOT STRINGS Page 16 Saturday, May 28, 7:30 p.m. Concert, Wheeler Theater AUGUST PORT TOWNSEND ACOUSTIC BLUES Pages 14-15 Saturday August 6, 1:30 p.m. McCurdy Pavilion Acoustic Blues Showcase BLUES IN THE CLUBS Friday & Saturday, August 5-6 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. JULY FIDDLE TUNES Pages 8-9 McCurdy Pavilion: Monday, July 4, 1:30 p.m. Fiddles on the Fourth Friday, July 8, 7:30 p.m Fiddle Tunes Friday Saturday, July 9, 1:30 p.m. Fiddle Tunes Finale PORT TOWNSEND WRITERS’ CONFERENCE Pages 10-11 Public Readings, 7 p.m. Sunday, July 17 Matthew Olzmann CMarie Fuhrman Tess Gallagher Monday, July 18 Shin Yu Pai Sam Ligon Kristen Millares Young Tuesday, July 19 Sayantani Dasgupta Anna Quinn Terrance Hayes Wednesday, July 20 Dawn Pinchon Barron David Haynes Melissa Febos Thursday, July 21 Wendy Call Adrian Blevins Sebastian Matthews Friday, July 22 Gary Copeland Lilley Kate Lebo Arna Bontemps Hemenway JULY JAZZ PORT TOWNSEND Pages 12-13 McCurdy Pavilion: Saturday, July 30, 1:30 p.m. Joel Frahm, Jay Thomas, George Cables, Chuck Deardorf, Matt Wilson Sara Gazarek, Grace Kelly, Marion Hayden, Dawn Clement, Allison Miller Tamir Hendelman, Jon Hamar, Jeff Hamilton Saturday, July 30, 7:30 p.m. Wycliffe Gordon, Adrian Cunningham, John Hansen, Chris Symer, Allison Miller Terell Stafford, Wycliffe Gordon, Grace Kelly, Joel Frahm, Bruce Forman, Jeremy Siskind, John Clayton, Matt Wilson JAZZ IN THE CLUBS Friday, July 29 7:30p.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday, July 30 10 p.m. – 12:30 a.m. SEPTEMBER UKULELE FESTIVAL PORT TOWNSEND Page 17 All concerts at Wheeler Theater Thursday, September 8 7:30 p.m. Ukulele Bonanza #1 Friday, September 9 7:30 p.m. Ukulele Bonanza #2 JUNE PORT TOWNSEND CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES Pages 4-5 Friday, June 10 and Saturday, June 11, 7:30 p.m. Student Showcase Concerts Sunday, June 12, 2 p.m. Dover Quartet VOICE WORKS Pages 6-7 Tuesday, June 28, 7:30 p.m.Wheeler Theater Vocal Showcase #1 Thursday, June 30, 7:30 p.m. Wheeler Theater Vocal Showcase #2 Friday, July 1, 8 p.m.USO Bldg. Polka Dot Dance PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE AT CENTRUM.ORG OR CALL (800) 746-1982 2022 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 014 2 TICKETS ONLINE AT CENTRUM.ORG OR CALL (800) 746-1982 APRIL 20–24 FORT WORDEN STATE PARK 3 FACULTY CONCERT Saturday, April 23, 7:30 p.m. Wheeler Theater, Tickets $32 General Admission (18 and under free) Featured Performers: Dudu Maia, bandolim Anat Cohen, clarinet Douglas Lora, 7-string guitar Daniela Spielmann, fl ute, sax Alexandre Lora, pandeiro Jovino Santos Neto, keyboard Workshop Participant Performance Sunday, April 24, 9–10:30 a.m. Wheeler Theater Free and open to the public Choro (pronounced “shoro”) is a musical genre from Brazil that blends European melodic and harmonic traditions with African rhythms. Classical and jazz musicians who are profi cient on their instrument will build skills and fi nd inspiration in this extended weekend workshop. Enjoy instruction and demonstrations from six of the world’s top Choro musicians. Those musicians are masters of bandolim (mandolin), clarinet, saxophone, accordion, guitar, keyboard, and percussion. They perform in a Saturday concert that sells out every year, so reserve your seats early! Anat Cohen ABOUT THE ARTISTS Centrum’s world-class faculty will bring you the most authentic Choro experience you can fi nd without a passport. Faculty member Daniela Spielmann of Rio de Janeiro says, “I try to express the love I feel for life and for people through my playing. The vibrant rhythms, harmonies and melodic structures of this music can be heard in pubs, street festivals and our jam sessions called ‘Roda de Choro.’ It’s the expression of our popular culture. I want the whole world to hear it.” Five of the six faculty/performers are natives of Brazil, bringing with them all the atmosphere and nuances of a neighborhood Roda in Rio. Jovino Santos Neto | Douglas Lora | Alexandre Lora | Dudu Maia | Daniela Spielmann 13TH ANNIVERSARY SEASONCHOROBRAZILIAN Dudu Maia, Artistic Director FORT WORDEN STATE PARK 015 5 UPCOMING CONCERT Brasil Guitar DuoSunday, April 3, 2 p.m. João Luiz and Douglas Lora, guitars Sponsored by Gay and Gary Eisenberger Wheeler Theater, Tickets $45 Lauded by Classical Guitar Magazine for their “maturity of musicianship and technical virtuosity,” the Brasil Guitar Duo has captured audiences for over twenty years with their innovative programming. The Duo joined cellists Yo-Yo Ma and Carlos Prieto for the October 2014 world premiere of a work by the esteemed Cuban composer Leo Brouwer. The Duo actively strives to expand the repertoire for two guitars, creating a seamless blend of classical guitar music with such traditional Brazilian dance forms as choro, samba, maxixe, and baião. Program Astor Piazzolla, Zita Frederic Hand, Still Egberto Gismonti, Frevo, A Fala da Paixão, Alegrinho no.2 Leo Brouwer, Sonata de Los Viajeros Egberto Gismonti, Karatê MASTER CLASS AND SHOWCASES Sponsored by Don and Sylvia White Master Class Thursday, June 9, 7:30 p.m., FREE Ensembles from the workshop coached by the Dover Quartet Workshop Participant Student Showcase Concerts Friday, June 10, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, June 11, 7:30 p.m. Tickets $10 All master classes and concerts are at the Wheeler Theater TICKETS ONLINE AT CENTRUM.ORG OR CALL (800) 746-1982 Dover Quartet Hailed as “the young American string quartet of the moment,” by The New Yorker, the Dover Quartet catapulted to international stardom in 2013, following a stunning sweep of all prizes at the Banff Competition, and has since become one of the most in-demand ensembles in the world. They are Ensemble in Residence at the Curtis Institute of Music as well as at several other institutions. Equally comfortable with repertoire from a range of eras, the quartet has worked with some of the world’s foremost living composers, including Caroline Shaw and Mason Bates. The quartet’s fi rst volume of the complete Beethoven string quartet cycle was released by Cedille Records in September 2020, and their 2017 release, Voices of Defi ance, was lauded as “undoubtedly one of the most compelling discs released this year” by the Wall Street Journal. The Dover Quartet joins Artistic Director Lucinda Carver for a week of teaching and performing at Centum’s annual Chamber Music Workshop. 4 Lucinda Carver, Artistic Director FORT WORDEN STATE PARK CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES Milena Pajaro- Van de Stadt FACULTY CONCERT Dover Quartet with Lucinda Carver Joel Link and Bryan Lee, violin Milena Pajaro-Van de Stadt, viola Camden Shaw, cello Lucinda Carver, piano Sunday, June 12, 2 p.m. Sponsored by Nelly and Jim Tretter Tickets $45 Program William Grant Still, Lyric Quartette Franz Joseph Haydn, Quartet in D major, Op. 64, No. 5 (“The Lark”) Dvorák, Piano Quintet in A Major, Op. 81 016 CONCERTS Vocal Showcase #1 Tuesday, June 28, 7:30 p.m. Wheeler Theater Tickets $25 Featuring: Pharis and Jason Romero: British Columbia Linda McRae: Tennessee Albanie Falletta: Louisiana Cruz and Epi Martinez: Texas Tim Eriksen: Massachusetts Vocal Showcase #2 Thursday, June 30, 7:30 p.m. Wheeler Theater Tickets $25 Featuring: Ellie Hakanson: Tennessee Jefferson Hamer: New York Mara Kaye with Ernie Vega: California, New York Eva Salina: New York Greg Blake: Kansas Kathy Bullock: Kentucky TICKETS ONLINE AT CENTRUM.ORG OR CALL (800) 746-1982 LEARN MORE AT CENTRUM.ORG/VOICEWORKS DANCE Honky Tonk Polka Dot Dance Wear your polka dots! Friday, July 1, 8 p.m. USO Hall Building Tickets $15 (sold at the door only) …with a beer garden and a nice wooden dance fl oor! Featuring: The Caleb Klauder and Reeb Willms Country Band and faculty cameos 7 VOICE WORKS JUNE 27–JULY 2 The songs of a culture are an entryway into the values, language, and history of a people. Voice Works concerts showcase a range of traditional cultures and contemporary styles featuring internationally acclaimed artists. The shows are splendid and always sell out, but for a deeper experience, bring a friend to the workshop and join us for a week you’ll never forget. We’ve seriously missed the annual Honky Tonk Polka Dot Dance—and it’s back in the saddle on a Friday this year! Get your dots on and come out to Fort Worden for some two-steppin’! A WORKSHOP FOR SINGERS 6 Kathy Bullock Cruz and Epi Martinez Caleb Klauder Pharis Romero, Artistic Director FORT WORDEN STATE PARK 017 8 An American original, Fiddle Tunes features classes, band labs, dances, concerts, open jams and spontaneous gatherings in this nonstop celebration of fi ddle music. You will broaden skills and forge lifelong relationships with other passionate musicians in this weeklong program. More than 50 artists travel from all over North America to teach and perform a panoply of regional fi ddle styles. CONCERTS Fiddles on the Fourth Monday, July 4, 1:30 p.m. McCurdy Pavilion Tickets: $32, $26, $16 National Heritage Fellow Eddie Bond and the New Ballards Branch Bogtrotters Charlie Walden and Patt Plunkett Missouri dance music Mystery fi ddler #1 Beòlach Cape Breton fi ddle and dance Fiddle Tunes Friday Friday, July 8, 7:30 p.m. McCurdy Pavilion Tickets: $32, $26, $16 Kevin Carr and friends from Spain to Quebec George Gibson solo banjo from Kentucky Danny Levin and Dick Gimble swing from Texas Bruce Daigrepont, Gina Forsyth, and David Doucet Cajun dance music from Louisiana Fiddle Tunes Finale Saturday, July 9, 1:30 p.m. McCurdy PavilionTickets: $32, $26, $16 John Haywood banjo from Kentucky Liette Remon and Paul Marchand masters from Quebec Hank Bradley eclectic transplanted Californian The Harmony Sisters special reunion performance FIDDLE TUNES PERFORMANCE PACKAGE Includes three events held at the McCurdy Pavilion: Monday, July 4, 1:30 p.m. Friday, July 8, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 9, 1:30 p.m. McCurdy Pavilion Seating Section A: $82 Section B: $66 Section C: $41 Seating is reserved at the McCurdy Pavilion performances. TICKETS ONLINE AT CENTRUM.ORG OR CALL (800) 746-1982 9 JULY 3–10 Joel Savoy, Artistic Director FORT WORDEN STATE PARK FIDDLE TUNES Workshop space is still available! LEARN MORE AT CENTRUM.ORG/FIDDLE Liette Remon Beòlach Centrum thanks Sage Foundation for its lead support of Fiddle Tunes. Charlie Walden 018 Sayantani Dasgupta Terrance Hayes 10 Featured Faculty In 2022, Centrum’s writing programs will offer participants vital support for the creation and revision of new and existing work from Artistic Curator Gary Copeland Lilley and award-winning faculty (listed alphabetically) Adrian Blevins Arna Bontemps Hemenway Wendy Call Sayantani Dasgupta Melissa Febos Marie Fuhrman Tess Gallagher Terrance Hayes David Haynes Kate Lebo Sam Ligon Kristen Millares Young Sebastian Matthews Matthew Olzmann Shin Yu Pai Dawn Pichón Barron Anna Quinn Since 1974, Centrum’s writing programs have brought together aspiring and master artists to ignite creativity, fi nd and provide mentorship, and build community. The Port Townsend Writers Conference offers a week of generative, craft-centered workshops, lectures and intensives in a supportive and inclusive environment, designed to deprivilege the literary art form and serve a wealth of diverse voices from across our nation. JULY 17–23 Public Readings All readings are free and open to the public! Readings at 7 p.m., PT: Sunday, July 17 Matthew Olzmann CMarie Fuhrman Tess Gallagher Monday, July 18 Shin Yu Pai Sam Ligon Kristen Millares Young Tuesday, July 19 Sayantani Dasgupta Anna Quinn Terrance Hayes Wednesday, July 20 Wendy Call David Haynes Melissa Febos Thursday, July 21 Dawn Pinchón Barron Adrian Blevins Sebastian Matthews Friday, July 22 Gary Copeland Lilley Kate Lebo Arna Bontemps HemenwayCentrum thanks Amazon for its lead support of the 2022 Writers Conference. Gary Copeland Lilley, Artistic Curator FORT WORDEN STATE PARK 11 Melissa FebosMatthew Olzmann Online and in-person at Fort Worden State Park. Workshop space is available, but limited! FOR EVENT DETAILS VISIT CENTRUM.ORG/WRITERS CONFERENCECONFERENCE WRITERSWRITERS All readings are held in-person at the Wheeler Theater and broadcast live from Centrum’s website. Programs and artists subject to change. 019 PORT TOWNSENDJAZZ This weeklong immersion into the world of jazz is open to instrumentalists and singers of high school age and older. More than 200 participants focus on improvisational skills in coached combos and vocal classes, with a performance at the end of the week. Participants attend master classes and faculty performances each day, given by 35 internation- ally known musicians, hand-picked by Artistic Director John Clayton. Participants must audition to attend this workshop. Details are at centrum.org/jazz. TICKETS ONLINE AT CENTRUM.ORG OR CALL (800) 746-1982 12 Saturday, July 30 1:30 p.m. Tickets $48, $38, $28 Joel Frahm, tenor Jay Thomas, trumpet George Cables, piano Chuck Deardorf, bass Matt Wilson, drums Sara Gazarek, vocal Grace Kelly, alto Marion Hayden, bass Dawn Clement, piano Allison Miller, drums Tamir Hendelman, piano Jon Hamar, bass Jeff Hamilton, drums JAZZ IN THE CLUBS Friday, July 297:30-10 p.m. Saturday, July 30 10 p.m.– 12:30 a.m. Admission with wristband: $25 per night FORT WORDEN STATE PARK VENUES Building 204 (Up North & Up South), Wheeler Theater, USO Bldg., Chapel, Commons (venues subject to change) Featured Performers John Clayton, bass George Cables, piano Dawn Clement, piano Chuck Deardorf, bass Chuck Easton, theory Bruce Forman, guitar Joel Frahm, tenor Sara Gazarek, vocal Wycliffe Gordon, trombone Randy Halberstadt, piano Jon Hamar, bass Jeff Hamilton, drums John Hansen, piano Marion Hayden, bass Grace Kelly, alto Kelby MacNayr, drums Allison Miller, drums Jeremy Siskind, piano Gary Smulyan, baritone Terell Stafford, trumpet Chris Symer, bass Jay Thomas, trumpet Matt Wilson, drums JAZZ PERFORMANCE PACKAGES All-Fest Package Section A: $132 Section B: $115 Section C: $98 All-Fest includes both McCurdy Pavilion concerts AND Jazz in the Clubs on Friday and Saturday. Mainstage Package Section A: $82 Section B: $65 Section C: $48 Mainstage includes both McCurdy Pavilion concerts. Does not include Jazz in the Clubs. Seating is reserved at McCurdy Pavilion performances. HARRIS AND WAKAYAMA JULY 25–31 13 John Clayton, Artistic Director FORT WORDEN STATE PARK Workshop space is still available! LEARN MORE AT CENTRUM.ORG/JAZZ Grace Kelly MAINSTAGE CONCERTS All concerts in McCurdy Pavilion Saturday, July 30 7:30 p.m. Tickets $48, $38, $28 Wycliffe Gordon, trombone Adrian Cunningham, clarinet/sax John Hansen, piano Chris Symer, bass Allison Miller, drums Terell Stafford, trumpet Wycliffe Gordon, trombone Grace Kelly, alto Joel Frahm, tenor Bruce Forman, guitar Jeremy Siskind, piano John Clayton, bass Matt Wilson, drums 020 15 During the fi rst week in August, Centrum’s Fort Worden campus transforms into an acoustic blues village. We’re featuring Early Blues and New Blues in 2022! Immerse yourself in a creative community of artists from across the globe who share a passion for early blues traditions and moving the genre forward. Port Townsend Acoustic Blues week goes deep into the music and traditions of African American folk blues, its roots, forerunners, and their stories. Participants learn, “knee-to-knee,” in intimate sessions with diverse instruments and artist faculty. Each evening, participants enjoy faculty concerts, ‘fi reside’ chats, jam sessions and house parties. ACOUSTIC Jontavious Willis Jontavious Willis, Artistic Director FORT WORDEN STATE PARK AUGUST 1-7 Workshop space is still available! LEARN MORE AT CENTRUM.ORG/BLUES BLUES 14 CONCERTS Acoustic Blues Showcase Saturday August 6, 1:30 p.m. McCurdy Pavilion Reserved Seating $48, $40, $27 Featured Performers: Albanie Falletta, Andrew Alli, Ben Hunter, Ben Turner, Briar, Bruce Sunpie Barnes, Carl Sonny Leyland, Ethan Leinwand, Jayy Hopp, Jerron Paxton, Jimmy Duck Holmes, Jimmy Vivino, Jontavious Willis, Judy LaPrade, Lightnin’ Malcolm, Lightnin’ Wells, Maime Minch, Phil Wiggins, Rich DelGrosso, Rodrigo Montevanni, Roy Book Binder, Valerie Turner, and more. ACOUSTIC BLUESPERFORMANCE PACKAGE Includes Showcase, and Blues in the Clubs McCurdy Pavilion Seating Section A: $91 Section B: $84 Section C: $73 Seating is reserved at the McCurdy Pavilion performances. All venues are all-ages— 18 and under free at all Centrum concerts. TICKETS ONLINE AT CENTRUM.ORG OR CALL (800) 746-1982 Blues in the Clubs is a movable feast of great music in various Fort Worden venues, with each venue operating on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served basis. Your wristband is an all-access pass, and we encourage you to move around throughout the evening to gain the full benefi t of the clubs experience. Blues in the Clubs Friday and/or Saturday, August 5 - 6 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Admission with wristband: $25 per night FORT WORDEN STATE PARK VENUES Building 204 (Up North & Up South), Wheeler Theater, USO Bldg., Chapel, Commons (venues subject to change) THIS YEAR Jimmy ‘Duck’ Holmes returns, bringing with him Mississippi Hill Country guitar player, Lightnin’ Malcolm. Former Artistic Director Jerron Paxton returns to teach and perform; Roy Book Binder and Rich DelGrosso are back after a long time away. Singer songwriter Maime Minch, bassist Rodrigo Montevanni and Jimmy Vivino join the faculty for the fi rst time.Jimmy “Duck” Holmes 021 16 17 Daniel Ho Artistic Director Marianne Brogan has assembled a world-class group of performers purveying a wide variety of styles and showcased in two intimate Wheeler Theater shows. These performances always sell out, so get your tickets early. Marianne Brogan, Artistic Director FORT WORDEN STATE PARK Claudia Castro Luna, Artistic Curator FORT WORDEN STATE PARK Featuring: Diane Nalini, Ontario Dani Joy, Oregon Daniel Ho, California Del Rey, Washington Ginger Johnson, Hawaii Robyn Kneubuhl, Hawaii The Canote Brothers, Washington Brook Adams, Oregon and more… MORE INFO AND TICKETS ONLINE AT CENTRUM.ORG OR CALL (800) 746-1982 CONCERTS Ukulele Bonanza #1 Thursday, September 8, 7:30 p.m. Ukulele Bonanza #2 Friday, September 9, 7:30 p.m. Both shows in the Wheeler Theater, Tickets $25 SEPTEMBER 7–11 UKULELE FESTIVAL NOVEMBER 16–20 Geography is inescapable, like air. Our lives are rooted to place—we exist in relationship to other humans and to the natural world. In these workshops we will engage with these themes and together we will write and consider the poem’s geography as well as our own. Tuition $500. Housing optional. Scholarships available. Featuring: Poets Claudia Castro Luna, CMarie Fuhrman and Holly Hughes INESCAPABLE GEOGRAPHIES: EXPLORATION OF THE POETRY OF PLACE Claudia Castro Luna MAY 25–29 TICKETS ONLINE AT CENTRUM.ORG OR CALL (800) 746-1982 Dennis Lichtman Matt Munisteri, Artistic Curator FORT WORDEN STATE PARK Red Hot Strings is a celebration of the “Jazz Age” string players—a long line of musicians steeped in ragtime, blues and the popular music of the 1920s and ’30s. This primarily means Hot Jazz and 1930’s Swing, and the string-reliant sub-genres of Western Swing, Hawaiian Swing and even the jazzier jugbands of the American South. From Ragtime to Blues, to Classical and Creole, many musical traditions had a hand in the development of the harmonically and rhythmically compelling improvisatory vocabulary of Jazz, and stringed instrument players were in the mix from its inception. RED HOT STRINGS Workshop space is available. Limited to 60 people. CONCERT Red Hot Strings Saturday, May 28, 7:30 p.m. Wheeler Theater Tickets $25 Featuring: Matt Munisteri, Aaron Weinstein, Dennis Lichtman, Eva Scow, Joel Paterson, Jonathan Stout, Matt Weiner, Mikiya Matsuda and Tyler Jackson. MORE INFO ONLINE AT CENTRUM.ORG OR CALL (800) 746-1982 022 VOICES FROM THE FIELD ARTS ACADEMY GRADES 7–8 JUNE 19–24 Voices From the Field Arts Academy provides outstanding arts experiences for middle school students in Washington State’s Migrant Education program. Offerings include theater, spoken word, dance, visual art and music during a weeklong residential program. Centrum’s distinguished artist faculty are role models for young people. They help open the world of ideas while providing skills necessary to apply them. Guidance from these diverse and highly-qualified artists encourages creativity and helps kids to persevere, receive and give feedback, solve problems, work collaboratively, and have fun. Classes inspire youth to find their own strengths and creativity. 18 The seven youth programs on the following pages are all part of the Young Artists Project at Centrum. Centrum youth programs have touched hearts and changed lives of young people in grades 5-12 for nearly 50 years. Students work with professional art- ists who open up new ways to see the world. Centrum provides more than $70,000 in scholarships annually for 200 youth from all parts of the state, thanks to our thoughtful and generous community of supporters. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THESE PROGRAMS CONTACT: Creative Youth Development Program Manager Becky Berryhill bberryhill@centrum.org (360) 385-3102 Ext. 120 YOUNG ARTISTS PROJECT AT CENTRUM BLUE HERON TALES, TEXTS & THEATER GRADE 6 MAY 29–JUNE 3 Centrum joins the entire sixth grade of Port Townsend’s Blue Heron Middle School to work with vital, contemporary artists in a variety of disciplines for one week. Beginning each day with a core subject, students get an in-depth concentration on a genre of their choice. Then they explore by learning about other art forms in their other three classes, seeing how the different arts interconnect. Each afternoon, the core artist faculty show and talk about the work they do. At the end of the week, students share their creative experiments with the community in a student showcase performance. MAKING SENSE OF INVESTINGStephen Sklar - (360) 385-2243 Horizons Foundation WATER WORLD GRADES 5-6 MAY 1–6 Young minds dive into marine science and art as Centrum teams up with the Port Townsend Marine Science Center for a week of creative investigations. Scientists introduce students to the marine biology of the Salish Sea, while professional artists help students to express their findings through creative writing, dance, and visual art. Storytelling activities finish off the evenings before bed, and a final presentation at week’s end exhibits student discoveries and creations. For this program, students must sign up in groups of 4 to 6 with an adult chaperone. 19 023 20 YOUTH PROGRAMS continued Students take creative risks in a weeklong overnight program designed to foster creativity and critical thinking. Passionate artists teach visual art, music, acting, printmaking and dance every day in an intensive week of learning through the arts. Those same artists showcase their skills each evening, and share their creative journey with students. The week concludes with a student showcase for friends and family to witness all that students discovered in their creative explorations. For this program, students must sign up in groups of 4 to 6 with an adult chaperone. EXPLORATIONS GRADES 7-9 FEB 26–MARCH 3, 2023 In collaboration with Seattle Theatre Group, DANCE This! features ballet, contemporary, jazz, hip-hop, modern and cultural dance classes. The different styles are all a part of this nurturing yet challenging week of practice, collaboration and performance with some of the region’s best instructors. Students will engage in technique classes and repertory sessions, enjoy meals together and explore the beautiful seaside Fort Worden campus. At the end of the week, students dazzle friends and family with a performance in the McCurdy Pavilion. DANCE This! GRADES 9-12 AUGUST 14–21 The Foster Care Program at OSPI supports students in foster care by encouraging innovative practices that reduce educational disruptions, strengthen school stability, and improve academic performance. Schools, child welfare agencies, communities, and families work together to provide equitable opportunities, specialized services, and useful activities that are essential for students in foster care to be successful in school and in life. OSPI and Centrum are partnering in 2022 to bring an immersive week of arts education to these vital young people. ARTS ACADEMY FOR YOUTH IN FOSTER CARE GRADES 5–7 NOVEMBER 6–12 21 HIGH SCHOOL WRITERS: POETICS OF SOUND GRADE 9-12 JULY 11–16 Emerging young writers and artists are invited to join award-winning faculty for our High School Writers Conference: Poetics of Sound. In 2022, Centrum’s High School Writers Conference will support the creation of new projects and adapt those projects to encompass components of spoken word, musical and non-traditional forms of poetry. Faculty include: WA State Poet Laureate Rena Priest, poet Quenton Baker and Hip/Hop artist MOsley WOtta, and others. 20 WILLIAM KILWORTH CHARITABLE FOUNDATION 024 2322 ARTIST RESIDENCIES ARTIST The Emerging Artist Residency, now in its ninth year, offers stipends and a community of peers and visiting experts for the month of October, and this year we are launching a companion residency, The Emerging Writers Residency. A total of ten fi nalists will receive compensation, time, space, and support for their burgeoning careers. Candidates are nominated by a group of cultural producers from across the Northwest and fi nalists are selected by a panel of jurors. At the closing of the residency, artists invite the public into their studios to share their ideas and processes. Finalists for the 2022 Emerging Artist and Writer Residencies will be announced in May. Applications for the 2023 Self- Directed Residencies will be open between May-August 2022. RESIDENCY THE EMERGING My time thus far at Centrum has been undeniably positive. It has been a welcome reprieve from my usually stressful, fast- paced life, and has provided me an invaluable space for quiet contemplation and work. ~THOMAS J. GAMBLE FOR RESIDENCY PROGRAMS CONTACT: Program Manager Michelle Hagewood mhagewood@centrum.org (360) 385-3102 Ext. 129 DETAILS AT CENTRUM.ORG/EAR If you are craving space to refl ect upon or boost your artistic practice, look no further than Centrum residencies. Since 1980, the Centrum Artists-In- Residence program has welcomed hundreds of artists and creative thinkers to immerse themselves in the historic charm and natural beauty of Fort Worden. The campus has sweeping views of the Olympic and Cascade Mountain ranges, miles of wandering beach and forest trails, and a peppering of World War I–era batteries and bunkers. Ranging from a week to a month, these self-directed retreats provide artists, writers, performers, and cre- ative professionals from all disciplines an immersive experience within Fort Worden State Park. Self-directed residencies allow both in- dividuals and collectives to customize experiences that range from solitary private pursuits to public collaborative productions. Subsidized fees and a generous scholarship program provide all levels of creatives the opportunity to grow their practice. DETAILS AT CENTRUM.ORG/RESIDENCIES SPONSORED BY Sally Warren and Jeff JacksonLucy and Charlie Hanson OCTOBER 1–31 Pace Taylor Chase KeetleyAlice Gosti Vo Vo Daniel Coka 025 25 FREE FRIDAYSAT THE FORT 24 Bring a picnic and some sunscreen to enjoy Centrum’s annual Free Fridays at the Fort concert series showcasing jazz, blues and fi ddle tunes performers, among others. This free lunchtime concert series is on the lawn of the Nora Porter Commons. Weather in June and July is usually nice, but in the rare event of inclement weather, an alternative venue will be posted at Centrum.org. Friday, July 1: Steel Drum Band Friday, July 8: Fiddle Tunes Festival Showcase Friday, July 15: Artists TBA Friday, July 22: Artists TBA Friday, July 29: Jazz Port Townsend Showcase Friday, August 5: Acoustic Blues Showcase CONCERTS AT NOON 25 THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2022 FORT WORDEN STATE PARK PREMIERE PARTY GALA AND The Centrum Gala has been a signature fundraising event in Port Townsend for years and draws 200+ patrons of the arts and education to The Commons for an elegant evening of conviviality and spirited support, guided by auctioneer Laura Michalek. Centrum is partnering with KING5 TV’s Evening—the Pacific Northwest’s source for lifestyle and entertainment—for a unique event this year. Through their special brand of experiential storytelling, viewers throughout the Puget Sound region will learn all about Centrum and opportunities to support Centrum’s singular brand of creativity in community. Centrum will host a PREMIERE PARTY in The Commons at Fort Worden from 6:00 pm to 9:00 p.m. Guests will enjoy hors d’oeuvres and libations, bid on local travel adventures, enjoy a livestreamed screening of Centrum’s half-hour feature presentation on Evening, and raise their paddles to support Fund-a-Dream scholarships. To learn how you can be a part of the 2022 Gala and Premiere Party—as a donor, guest, sponsor or volunteer—contact : Katy Goodman, kgoodman@centrum.org, (360) 385-3102 Ext.104 026 GIVE I would like to describe to you the day, many years ago, when I fi rst understood the magic of Centrum. I found myself at Fort Worden State Park on a sun-kissed July afternoon. What drew me was not the broad beach or Mount Baker over- looking the sea. Instead, it was the music. This was in the early 1990s. A friend had said I should get to Fort Worden to hear the fi ddlers and other musicians. I asked, “When? How will I fi nd them? Smiling, he replied, “Any day, any place, any time—day or night. You’ll see.” So I went. He was right! Everywhere I looked, groups of happily engaged people sat on porches or on the grass under trees. One or two master musicians led eight or 10 students. Laughing. Learning. Pushing each other as they reached new levels of artistry and expression. That unforgettable afternoon was the beginning of my journey with Centrum. Over the hours and into the evening I moved on from group to group. I realized they were discovering not just their personal capacity to enlarge their talents, but the essence of an artistic community. Together, they were making something even bigger than music. I came home elated. Although not a musician myself, I realized I was experiencing something unique that fed the soul. It was a living expression of the arts—musical, visual, written, movement-based—the winds that move humanity to a better place. That day made me a lifelong Centrum supporter. And I will add this: In the wake of Covid and other challenges, the need to support artists, individually and collectively, is perhaps more intense today than before. We need what they offer. For nearly fi ve decades, Centrum has been devoted to bringing together artists and learners from all over the world in a setting and a spirit of creative discovery. Please join me by making a contribution to this transformational community in 2022. With your support, Centrum can continue bringing unparalleled beauty and extraordinary afternoons to the world for the next 50 years. Whether today’s gift is your fi rst-ever or your latest, please give generously. I look forward to thanking you in person this summer! See you at the Fort! Sincerely, Scott Wilson Centrum Board President ✍ Mail your check to Centrum, PO Box 1158, Port Townsend, WA 98368 ✈ Give online at www.centrum.org/donate ✆ Text PTCENTRUM TO 41444. ☎ Call Centrum at (360) 385-3102, ext. 104 Centrum Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofi t organization, tax identifi cation # 23-7348302. It is easy to make a donation to Centrum: 27 SUPPORT EXPERIENCES that change lives.A message from Centrum’s Board President 027 FOUNDER ($25,000+) Robert and Ali Alexander Edmund Littlefield, Jr. M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust National Endowment for the Arts Office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction Payroll Protection Program - SBA Anne and Dick Schneider Sam and Berry Shoen Shuttered Venues Operators Grant - SBA Laura Welland BENEFACTOR ($10,000 - $24,999) Anonymous (1) Thomas Armitage and Marguerite Parisi ArtsFund Gigi Callaizakis and Steve Moore Kristine Easterday and Mike Heckinger Jim and Carole Franklin Jubilation Foundation Leah Mitchell and Nancy McLachlan Bill Roggensack School’s Out Washington Susan Smith Daniel Steinberg and Marielle Warren Tides Foundation Nelly and James Tretter Marilynne Urquhart Sally Warren and Jeffrey Jackson Carl Westphal and the Estate of M. Jean Fisher Wilder Auto PRESENTER ($5,000 - $9,999) Anonymous (1) 1st Security Bank Amazon Literary Partnership ArtsWA The Baker Foundation City of Port Townsend Gary and Gail Eisenberger Michael and Marcia Fredericksen Stanton and Colleen Freidberg Ron Gentry and Caryl Bryer-Fallert-Gentry Mark and Deborah Hamby Homer Smith Insurance, Inc. Horizons Foundation Jefferson County Lodging Tax Kitsap Bank Jim and Noreen McCarron Stephen Nordine and Susan Reid Jock and Sonchen Patton Seattle Foundation Tulalip Tribes LEADER ($2,500 - $4,999) Anonymous (2) Terry Bergeson Robert and Siri Birman Jeanie Cardon and Richard Clayton Mike Cornforth and Linda Martin Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Foundation Harris & Wakayama Matt and Gretchen Loschen Carla Main and Brad West Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe Puyallup Tribe of Indians David and Laura Rinn Arthur and Janice Ronci Robert and Karen Wamstad Don and Sylvia White Williamson Foundation for Music SUSTAINER ($1,000 - $2,499) Anonymous (1) Steven Alboucq Autoworks John and Pam Begley Gail Boulter-Burgler and Kevin Burgler Wendy and Jim Bradbury Ed Carpenter and Lauren Sheehan Carol Chandler and Jane Ludwig Michael and Gretchen Chesley Lynne Cooper and Gery Kroon James and Jeanne Costello Elisabeth Crosby Dave and Robin Ditzler Entelco Foundation Steve Fetter and Bonnie Kellogg Charles and Shanna Gauger Susan Gelletly and Christian Petrich Bernard Goldberg Philip Hallin David Hamlin Patricia Hartman Cindy Hill Finnie Jo Anne Hughes Jon and Joyce Kaplan Kilworth Foundation Susan Landgraf Cindy and Ken McBride Catherine McCurdy Chatalas Gerald Merritt and Elaine Donato Kristine Morris and Brigida Knauer Rena and Earll Murman Nisqually Tribe Walter Parsons Bruce and Alene Patterson Doug Plummer Port Madison Enterprises Port Townsend School District No. 50 Steve Ramsey and Ann Jones Bill Ransom Lindee Reed and Jerry Gibbs Libby and Nick Reid Michael and Jon Richardson David Romtvedt and Margo Brown Ralph and Susie Sabin Linda Schwartz and Julie Gertler Michael Schway and Nina Richardson Paul Seamons Howard Slavin and Rhea Englander Suquamish Foundation Cathy Jo Thompson Linn and Joseph Linn Sandra Walker and Wesley Moore WESTAF Jack and Lorna Zalaha PATRON ($500 - $999) Anonymous (1) 501 Commons Joseph and Ann Baier Benevity Community Impact Fund Luther Black and Christina Wright Charles and Luan Borgeson Darden and Michael Burns Dianne E. Butler Forrest and Amy Carroll Kathryn L Davis Bernard and Mercedita Del Valle Lynne and Jimmy DeWitt Steven Duniho East Bay Community Foundation Paul Eisenhardt and Elizabeth Chaney Jim and Karen Erickson Andrew Fallat and Marti Tarnowski Erik and Marnie Frederickson Tracy and David Grisman Thomas Hamilton John Hamstra and Laurie Rivin George Hecht Matilda Henry Gwen Howard Pat Japenga Sharon Jordan Fred Kalish Margaret King Jim Levitt and Lindsay Michimoto Charles MacNab and Ann Pougiales William McIlroy and Betsy McCurdy Lee Microsoft Giving Campaign Dale Nienow and Rebecca Brown-Nienow Bobbi Nikles Jan North Princess Grace Foundation Geralynn and Richard Rackowski Steven and Cheryl Rafoth Suzanne Raley and Dale Crytzer Barbara Rhoe Catharine Robinson Peter and Kay Robinson Sally Rodgers Kate Roosevelt and Caroline Maillard Ann Schnick Susan M. Songer Debbi Steele and Dennis Daneau Laura Stusser-McNeil Kate Turpin Meredith and Peter Wagner DD Wigley Crispin Wilhelm and Sundee Morris Suze Woolf 2928 CHAMPION ($250 - $499) Anonymous (1) Catherine Ahl Jane Armstrong Marty Beidler Blackbaud Giving Fund Ann Brittain Marianne Brogan Betsy Brown and Jamie Hascall David R Brown Deborah Bunn Phyllis Cairns Noal Cohen Arthur Cowan Stephen and Suzanne Cunliffe Elizabeth and Paul Dencker Shannon Dowling Patrick Doyle Earshot Jazz Keven Elliff George Esveldt and Ruth Hunt Rodney E. Frykholm Frank and Patricia Garred Jim and Kendra Golden Teresa and David Goldsmith Gary and Pamela Gormley Peter Harris Phyllis Hatfield Rosemarie Havranek and Nathan Myhrvold Jackie and Jim Henry William and Kay Hobbs Jonathan Hodgdon Russ Johnson and Andree Siu Larry Jones and Marlene Bennett-Jones Lucien and Sally Klein Benjamin and Donna Lipsky Katherine Liu Michael McCormick Kathleen McCoy and Philip Vogelzang Elisabeth Mention Ann Merryfield and Cyrus Cryst Cricket Morgan and Robert Holtz Robin Paster Thomas and Jeannie Ramsey George Randels Michael and Shelly Reiss Alexander and Elena Spear Larry and Teri Sumpter Mark Thompson Vickie and Michael Townsend Vancity Community Barbara Yocom and Bruce Mowrer Mark Youdall SUPPORTER ($100 - $249) Anonymous (14) Donna and FC Adams Steven Allison Rev. Dave Andrews Marc Avni Jeffrey Baldwin Ann P. Bambrick Victor and Penny Bernstein Stefan and Mary Biskup Susan Blake and Christopher Breen Linda Boxleitner Larry Brandt Leah Brown Peter Bruck Lisa Bury Becky Busi Lana and Charles Cain Kevin and Heidi Camfield Lawrence and Kathy Campbell Ronald Carter Julian Catford Daniel Clark Arthur and Norma Clarke Rick Clendaniel and Laura Joshel Betsy Coddington and Richard Root Mr. John H. Conley Eileen Cooney and Chris Jones Sharron Coontz Gretchen Copeland Lorrie Corliss Richard Costello and Patty Stolzoff Leslie and Janet Cox Nancy Curtis Gary Davis Charles Deardorf John and Evelyn Delaney Hali Denton Margaret Wallace and Dale Desannoy Brendan Doyle and Maxine Gerber Glenn Dudley and Sherry Nevins Ralph Edfeldt and Bonnie Steussy Eric and Barbara Effmann Victoria and Ferric Fang Marjorie and Richard Fiddler Josiah Fisher George and Janis Fisler Monica Fletcher and Stephen Cope Evans Geoffrey and Jeanne Fong Colby A Fox Robert Francis Sue Frause Kathy Fridstein and Mark Manley Lloyd and Roberta Frissell Mark Gaponoff Michele Garside Edwin Glass Debra Goldenberg Charlene Goldman John and Andrea S. Goldman Randall Goldsmith Dora A. Green Rachel Greenley Deborah Wiese and Ruth G Haasl Edward and Janet Haber James Hadlock and Sharon Brown Barbara Hammerman Lucie Hamner and Kenith Hamner Laurie Hampton and W. Spear Jayn Hanson George and Nannerl Happ Carolyn Kay Harper Sarah Harpole Amy Haugerud Carolyn and Wayne Hawks Colleen Hayward Daniel Henderson Ms. Joyce Hester Linda Heuertz and Kenneth Clatterbaugh Walter Nick Hill Michael Hinojos and Jan Tobin David and Janice Hoak Robert and Janet Hobart Susan and Bill Hopkins Wayne Horvitz Lucie Huang William Humble Henry and Deborah Izumizaki Stephen and JoAnn Jackson Janet Jacobs Gordon and Lois James Alexis Kane Michael Karpelman and Elizabeth Igoe Allan Katz Maryellen and James Kelly Rita Kepner and John Matthiesen Kathel Kerr April and John Kilbourn David and Alice King Dan Klepinger Joseph and Takako Koplin Paul Korsmo Doug and Jane Kurata Dimitri and Sharon Kuznetsov Gloria Lamson Nathaniel and Jenny Lara Kris and Paul Leathers Kay Lennartson Bertram Levy and Roberta Butler Paula and Joel Lewis Deborah and Timothy Littlejohn Stephen Long Donald and Claudia Marseille Mike Marston Linda and Larry Martinez Kay and Michael McCarthy Charles McCarty and DT Dolejs Julie McCulloch Calmar McCune John and Anona McGibbon Paul McGill Alex and Barbara McTavish Mr. Eric Mendelsohn Janette Mestre Dick Meyer Judith Milner Carol Anne Modena Dean and Amy Mook Claudia Morgan Karyn Mori John Morris and Karen Kaser Dale and Susan Moses Donna and Lonnie Muir Joan L Murphy Steve Murphy William Neighbor Steve Nelson Cass Nevada James Newberry and Jenny Armstrong-Newberry Hugh O’Brien James and Adriane Oliver Gary Parker Susan Parker Linnea Patrick Lucie Peckham Bob Podrat Karen Posner and Frank Ruggiero Dan and Fran Post Robert Priest Harvey and Karen Putterman Quimper Mercantile Steve and Velma Reed Thomas Reinerth Joel Relethford Linda and Peter Rhines Mary Jane Rivers Don Rogers Laura and Bernard Rosenberg Kathryn and Richard Rucker Sharon Sahm and Gary Cook Jack and Carolyn Salmon Toni Sammons Beverly Schaaf and Richard Kirkwood Shirley Scheier and Michael Thorwick Chris Scherer Rodger E. Schmitt Jon Schorr Melanie Shelton Scott Shimel and Judith Bloch Sally Shintaffer Diane and Matthew Shuster Jonathan Siman Marissa Singleton Teresa Sisk Centrum Thanks its Generous Supporters January 1, 2021-December 31, 2021028 centrum creativity in community Photography contributions by David Conklin, Jim Levitt, and others. Catalog design by Marsha Slomowitz, Centrum Artist-in- Residence, 2001 and co-founder, Corvidae Press; printing and mailing by Printery Communications, Port Townsend, WA. ARTISTIC DIRECTORS & CURATORS Marianne Brogan, Ukulele Lucinda Carver, Chamber Music John Clayton, Jazz Gary Copeland Lilley, Writing Dudu Maia, Choro Matt Munisteri, Red Hot Strings Pharis Romero, Voice Works Joel Savoy, Fiddle Tunes Jontavious Willis, Acoustic Blues ADMINISTRATION Robert A. Birman, Executive Director Gigi Callaizakis & Whitney Henry, Human Resources PROGRAM MANAGERS Becky Berryhill, Creative Youth Development Michelle Hagewood, Artist Residencies Mary Hilts, Acoustic Blues, Red Hot Strings George Marie, Writers Conference Peter McCracken, Voice Works, Fiddle Tunes, Ukulele Gregg Miller, Chamber Music, Choro, Jazz PROGRAM ASSISTANTS Alanna Dailey Gwen Franz Joan Wenske FUNDRAISING AND MARKETING Katy Goodman, Sr. Director of Development Christina Ballew, Data & Donor Relations Manager Mary Hilts Development Manager Katya Kirsch Development Officer OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION Michael Hayes, Technical Director Lisa Waipio Werner, Director of Operations Claire Africa, Volunteer Coordinator Holly Barousse, Office Manager Tavin Dotson, Broadcast Manager Hali Miller, Registrar Owen Rowe, Box Office Manager Bud Walters, Paul Larned, and the production crew FINANCE Raymond Kennedy, Director of Finance Sue Randolph, Finance Assistant BOARD OF DIRECTORS Scott Wilson, President Mark Hamby, Vice President Kris Easterday, Secretary Walter Parsons, Treasurer Robert Alexander Tom Armitage Terry Bergeson Jeanie Cardon James Costello Loni Greninger* Malcolm Harris John Kennedy Renee Klein Edmund W. Littlefield, Jr. Leah Mitchell David Rinn Catharine Robinson Ralph Sabin Sam Shoen Sally Warren *Community Liaison CENTRUM OFFICES 223 Battery Way Fort Worden State Park Port Townsend, WA 98368 Mailing Address P.O. Box 1158 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Centrum.org TICKETS (800) 746-1982 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. PST OFFICE (360) 385-3102 FOLLOW US! Subscribe to our newsletter at centrum.org and find Centrum Foundation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! David and Margaret Smith Dennis A. Smith Diona and W.P. Smith Jonathan and Mandy Smith Patricia Smith and Jacob Romijn Kurt Smithpeters David and Lynne Stanko Greg and Amy Stanton Bonnie Stephens Stephen M. Stewart David Strickland Linda Sullivan Saeger Jim and Mary Sundeen Jeffrey Tepper Anne B. Thatcher Diane and George Titterness Karen Tsao Richard Lanning and Lisa Turay Joanne and G Leonard Tyler Cecilia Vore Sarah Walker Eric Wall Teresa Wallace Dan and Karen Warrick Leslie Watkins Timothy and Janet Whyte Rebecca Wild Michael Wills Matthew Wilson Gary Winans Monica K Wong-Goebel Patricia Yearian Allan Zee and Judith Chambliss Richard and Diana Zinn FRIEND ($50 - $99) Anonymous (9) John Allen Dennis Barrett Patti and Will Barrett Penny Barrett Nancy Beaudet and Daniel Jacoby Thomas and Patricia Biazzo Michael Bittman Barbara and Steve Blair Richard Bowman Loueen Boyle and George Edwards Susan Burleigh Eugenia Chang Scott Charlton and Nancy Zamberlin Joanna and Dale Chesnut Rebecca Christie Don Corbett Susan Crawford Gretha and Douglas Davis Leslie Dickinson Jim Donaldson and Margaret Snow Michael and Sondra Dorman Ann Drake Ellen Dustman and Oliver Henry Frank and Karen Elliott Bert Ed Emswiler Leonard Feldman Joseph Fleischauer Maura Freeman Andrew and Marilyn Friedrich Daniel Goforth Ki Gottberg Susan Grant Mike Graziano and Michele Marsh Glen Greisz James Gurney and Nancee Braddock William and Joan Hartnett Kate Hawley Amy Hepburn Charles Houston Jonathan Howe Mary Hunt and Michael Farrell Kate Ingram Jon Jacobson Susan Jenkins Mike Kaill and Sandra Harold Kristine Kaufman Julia Kelen Kathy Kimball Pam Kolacy John and Pat Kresge Rich Lague Ann Leedy Dr. Maurine MacHugh Daniel Marcotte Bill Mc Cabe Linda McClain Michael McClean Gary C. McMannon John Milkereit August Miller Gail Miller Jeff and Jan Mitchell Jesse Mohrbacher Ann Molyneaux David Mount Sarah Muirhead Hugh Musser and Nina Pascoe Tracy Nieto Nivert-Glenn Charitable Fund Fred Nussbaum and Nan Evans James and Helen Oakland Andrew Olney Lisa Olsen Peter Pendras and Marilyn Bennett Leo Pillifant Thomas and Henrietta Potter George Rezendes and Lindsay Hamilton Susan Rice and Lawrence Wenner Stuart and Susan Roach Morton and Susan Robinson Scott Rovanpera and Tracy Wirta Alan and Florida Rue Michael Ryan and Mary Fran Len Sandler Nancesca and Ray Schroff Fayla Schwartz Nancy Shipley Ms. Barbara Shuman Laura Smith Lynn and Sharon Sorenson Jamie Straw Rosemary Streatfield and Gundars Rudzitis George and Karen Strohofer Susan Sumeri Fabian Summers Deborah Trent Emily Trujillo Don Vollmer Steve Wang and Katheryn Hamilton-Wang Matt Watson Rosalie Watters Lynn Wegenka and Chuck Iffland Terri and Susan Weiner Diana Whitney Mark Wicks Kim Wilding James Wilke and Judy Cites NeNe Wolfe and Phil Reeves David and Jeanette Woodruff Joseph Young and Nancy O’Lally DONOR (Up to $49) Anonymous (4) Amazon Smile Michael Bajuk Vernon Bessey Catherine Black Kai Breshem Philip Brodt Valerie Cohen Diane Coulter Robert Goldberg Janet Goulston Pamela Gray Frank Handler Virginia Jennings Anne Jimenez Margie Joy Elizabeth and Roger Kennedy Elizabeth Klein Robert Komishane Gary and Donna Larson Hisashi Matsumoto Margaret McGaughey Steve Mullensky Victor Plucy Robin Purcell Fran Rivkin Lucia Robinson Hector R. Roche Lois Rosen Gloria Sayler Emily Stehle Dr. Beverly Stoll Nelia Swayze Karen Uffelman Carol and Bruce Von Borstel Centrum also thanks its many in-kind donors— we are grateful for your support! 30 Special Pre-Sale Dates for Centrum Donors Donors of $50 or more in the past 12 months may buy tickets as early as April 15. (Ticket sales open to the general public May 1). Becoming a donor is easy! Call 360-385-3102 x 104, visit centrum.org/donate or text PTCENTRUM TO 41444 31 029 P.O. Box 1158Port Townsend, WA98368-0958(360) 385-3102NW Leader for Cost-effective Sustainable Solutions..comPRINTED BYcentrumcreativity in communityNo n - P r o f i t O r g . U. S . P o s t a g e PA I D Pr i n t e r y. co m 030 1 ` December 14, 2022 Proposal for City of Port Townsend funds/Lodging Tax dollars for the Port Townsend Creative District Port Townsend is one of 12 designated ArtsWA creative districts in Washington state. It was created to help solidify an arts economy in Port Townsend. Our goal is to build on the foundation of art and creative endeavors that we have here and create a “Year Round” arts economy in our five highlighted Creative District fields: Literary Arts, Culinary Arts, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, and Makers. The Creative District includes the Downtown and Uptown Historic Districts and the historic campus of Fort Worden. We are rich in talent in all of these categories but more work needs to be done to help create an economic base for these artists and makers to succeed in their chosen fields. We want to change that. Our goal is to bring audiences to artists to strengthen the opportunity for their financial success. This will bring increased economic success to Port Townsend, encourage vacations and overnight stays, and support our tourism economy by attracting more business to hotels, art galleries, restaurants, retail shops, theatres and performing arts venues. It will spotlight our community’s colorful festival culture which attracts visitors from across the country and around the world. We are focused on developing a clear plan to help make this happen. At the beginning of the Creative District process, we reached out to the arts community at a public meeting to get their ideas and input. We are now preparing to send out a short questionnaire drilling down further into what our area artists feel they need to achieve their artistic and financial goals. Based on our meetings thus far, the single largest request was for more business traffic. We spent some time focused on to how to get more people to the places where our artists are actively pursuing their art. From that and conversations with other Creative Districts, we plan to develop an interactive artist registry that lists the artists in our five fields and where you can see, experience or purchase their art. In the day and age of google, this would be a smart application with a Searchable Artist Registry/profiles in the fields of visual, literary, culinary, performing, and makers’ arts. This is intended to become a public community resource connecting artists with one another, as well as linking residents and visitors directly with them year-round. It would have real-time dynamic map functions to connect with our Art Markers within the District, and to accentuate the tourist experience and interaction with activities, events, and studios throughout the District. We believe this will drive recurring revenue for the Creative District and propel local and visitor connections with artists. This project is funding-dependent. We also are currently putting together an RFP to hire a facilitator to create a comprehensive arts and culture plan with community input. Other Washington creative districts have created these plans to focus their energy and map out plans for success. It will help us not only to narrow our focus, but assist with sustainable funding models for the creative district, with step-by-step building blocks to achieve our goals. It will be a road map for the Creative District’s efforts over the next three to five years. There are a few specialists in the field who have written the plans for other communities in-state and outside of Washington. We feel strongly that this will streamline our efforts and help us fully understand our community’s needs for success in these fields. In addition, we are requesting a small sum to implement the first three years of steps forward in the plan. It is important to have the plan but it is equally important that the plan be implemented and to do that we need some financial support to become sustainable. 2 As one of the Washington Creative Districts, we are required to put ArtsWA Creative District signage up; the suggested locations are along the highway out on Hwy 104 and 19. WSDOT underwrites 75% of the costs of this signage in support of Creative Districts in WA state. This advertising will create visibility and awareness for those traveling on the Olympic Peninsula, encouraging them to visit while here or offer them a reason to come back on their next trip. This is funding is listed below as part of the three year financial request. We developed a week-long signature arts festival called Soundcheck in August 2022 which we would like to build on in the coming years. Soundcheck celebrates the creative talent we have in our community. It encompasses and connects Uptown, Downtown, and Fort Worden. We expect it to strengthen our town’s reputation as a home for artists and a destination for amazing arts and entertainment experiences. We will continue to showcase creative artists’ projects across the five disciplines, spotlight local creative businesses, hire local performing artists and feature Port Townsend’s culinary scene. Three year financial request: Interactive Artist Registry creation $6000 Interactive Artist Registry operation (3 yrs) $7200 Arts and Culture Plan $15,000 Arts and Culture Plan implementation (3 yrs) $9000 Highway Signage (3 signs) $1000 Soundcheck (3 yrs operation) $9000 Total three year plan $47,200 Some upfront working funds are needed to accomplish the prioritized elements of the strategic plan. We anticipate that the LTAC funds needed would be: 2023: $30,400 (Arts & Culture plan development and year 1 implementation, Artist Registry creation and year 1 implementation, WSDOT signage, Soundcheck support year 1) 2024: $8400 (Arts & Culture plan year 2 implementation, Artist Registry year 2 implementation, Soundcheck support year 2) 2025: $8400 (Arts & Culture plan year 3 implementation, Artist Registry year 3 implementation, Soundcheck support year 3). Thank you for this opportunity to apply for LTAC funding which will be key to the Port Townsend Creative District’s success. The Creative District’s efforts will be expanded by working with local partners to cement our reputation as a destination for unforgettable arts experiences and opportunities to interact with and support artists. It has unlimited potential to benefit tourism, local artists, creative entrepreneurs and business owners across sectors by attracting customers year-round to the creative hub of Port Townsend, Washington’s Victorian Seaport and Arts Community. The Port Townsend Creative District is a collaboration with the Port Townsend Main Street Program and our founding partner organizations – Centrum, Port Townsend Public Library, Northwind Art, KPTZ Radio Port Townsend, Key City Public Theatre, Fort Worden Public Development Authority and the City of Port Townsend. The Port Townsend Creative District Subcommittee: Chair, Kris Nelson, PT Main Street Economics Chair and Restaurant Owner Rob Birman, Executive Director, Centrum Melody Sky Eisler, Library Director, City of Port Townsend Public Library Owen Rowe, City Councilor Tess McShane, Communications Manager, Northwind Art Denise Winter, Artistic Director, Key City Public Theatre Dan Groussman, Maker Artist Michele Soderstrom, PT Artscape Co-Coordinator and Port Townsend High School Art Teacher Mari Mullen, Executive Director, Port Townsend Main Street Program Eryn Smith, Program Coordinator, Port Townsend Main Street Program Ptcreativedistrict.org City of Port TownsendLTAC Revenue Summarized between Gov't & Non Gov't Entities ‐ YTD through the period ending: Entity Type 2022 Proj 2022 YTD 2021 2020 2019 20182017 2016 20152014 2013Non Gov't $310,680 $390,801 $404,635 $271,253 $397,344 $385,369 $368,825 $360,091 $318,065 $279,527 $275,710Gov't $130,320 $143,165 $120,444 $68,293 $166,673 $148,703 $139,678 $114,846 $125,794 $82,634 $90,972Total$441,000 $533,966 $525,079 $339,547 $564,017 $534,072 $508,503 $474,938 $443,859 $362,161 $366,682*Gov't includes: Boat Haven Fuel Dock / Port2022 YTD % Collected: 121.1% 2022 YTD 2021County Fair Assn of Jefferson County2021 YTD % Collected: 92.1% Other Gov't $39,295 $43,878WA State Parks & Recreation CommissionFW Hospitality $103,870$76,566Washington State Council of AYHTotal Gov't $143,165 $120,444Fort Worden HospitalityNovember 30, 2022$0$100,000$200,000$300,000$400,000$500,000$600,0002022 Proj 2022 YTD 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013LTAC Ten Year Revenue TrendTotalNon Gov'tGov't City of Port Townsend LTAC Revenue Summarized between Gov't & Non Gov't Entities - YTD Entity Type 2022 YTD 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Non Gov't $390,801 $373,114.83 242,063.40$ 365,361.38$ 354,295.29 $340,510.34 $336,405.72 $292,120.94 $258,336.02 $257,821.14 Gov't*$143,165 $110,738.38 63,045.84$ 155,619.94$ 137,225.78 $128,305.26 $107,621.02 $117,189.96 $74,333.50 $85,239.78 Total $533,965.82 $483,853.21 305,109.24$ 520,981.32$ $491,521.07 $468,815.60 $444,026.74 $409,310.90 $332,669.52 $343,060.92 Boat Haven Fuel Dock / Port 2022 YTD % Collected:121.1%2022 YTD 2021 YTD County Fair Assn of Jefferson County 2021 YTD % Collected:92.1%Other Gov't $39,295 $40,399 WA State Parks & Recreation Commission FW Hospitality $103,870 $70,339 Washington State Council of AYH Total Gov't $143,165 $110,738 Fort Worden Hospitality November 2013 - 2022 $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 2022 YTD 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 LTAC TEN YEAR REVENUE TREND -YTD Total Non Gov't Gov't* 2022 2023 Adopted Proposed Revenues Taxes 441,000 525,000 Licenses & Permits - - Intergovernmental Services - - Charges for Goods & Services - - Fines & Penalties - - Miscellaneous Revenue 150 750 Other Increases - - Other Financing Sources (inc. Transfers In)- - Total Revenue 441,150 525,750 Expenditures Salaries & Wages & Benefits - 75,000 Supplies - - Services 194,187 264,343 Visitor Center Operations 109,180 136,475 Pivot Marketing 35,000 43,750 Winter Marketing 10,000 12,500 General Fund Overhead 19,507 17,618 Regional Sustainable Tourism Plan - 1,000 Facility rental waivers 10,000 10,000 New 2023 Grant Proposal - 25,000 Big Belly Contract 10,500 15,500 Tyler Plaza Tent rental (PTMS)- 2,500 Capital Outlays 15,000 15,000 Debt Service - Principal - - Debt Service - Interest - - Other Financing Uses (inc. Transfers Out)125,000 125,000 Total Expenditure 334,187 479,343 City of Port TownsendLODGING TAX FUND BUDGET SUMMARY 2023 Proposed Budget Lodging Tax Approved by LTAC 11/4/2022 Q4 2022 Washington Filmworks - "I Look to You" Film $16000 start up funds in place sponsorships/fees will drive additional revenue AA AA DMO MarketingDMO MarketingChanges to FB/Instagram and Microsoft are causing ongoing updates and reworking of this Bot technology continuous program annual renewal Included in approved 2023 budget Washington State Tourism Grant awarded for new PT-centric event late Spring 2023, "Tour D' Farm" Working with cycling consultant on plan and farms on participation Bike Across the Bay Relaunch of this campaign post Jefferson Transit Trolley implementation (Chamber marketing with them and producing local shopping event following launch-no LTAC funding impact) Late Winter expansion and relaunch National Parks Program-designed to drive target leads to Chamber from their website. These leads are people who specifically requested both Olympic Peninsula and PT information. We have aggregated over 3500 leads since implementation. These receive an initial eblast and then migrate into a drip campaign to follow-up by adding this data into our monthly Tourism eblast also hosted on EnjoyPT. AA $4500 annual Continues to be effective in lead aggregation with few opt- outs (less than 1% opt out) of campaigns POS Q4 Campaign, Airport Triptych Project Completed 2022 This backlit billboard in the Alaska / Delta Airlines Terminal has the potential to be seen by over 250,000 people per month and was up for 2.5 months. This is a structured estimate given the number of Alaska/Delta flights in/out of this terminal daily and the average number of passengers in each. Completed AA POS Q2 Campaign, Airport Triptych Project Awarded for 2023 at same location Working on creative for Q2 award $4200 Q2We will apply for Q4 when open PT VIC/DMO Dashboard Date: 12.27.22 Period:Chamber of Jefferson County Objective Progress Status Notes Expense/ Owner Measuring Plan Progress AA Production defunded by investor despite $300,000 from state incentive program Not 2023 They are seeking new funding and hope to be in PT 2024 6 week PT location shoot AA VIC Occupancyincrease functionality and efficiency of system along with increased customer satisfaction VIC BOT, Lena, is functioning well in her upgraded role and successfully responding accurately to more queries as well as passing off to "a human" as requested. Ongoing training to be able to respond to seasonal queries and changes with consistent drive to EnjoyPT site. There has been no change in investment at this time Financials, Grants, ReportsOutside 50 miles + international Group ToursAA Focused on supporting Bike Across the Bay plus sustainability, carbon reduction, parking availability and improvement and Chamber EV charging and ride-share availability Q2 2023. $10,000 total LTAC investment Next year there will be $2500+ additional costs for tent and heater rentals and set upDMO MarketingWinter Campaign in partnership with Main Street Combined resources with Chamber adding one new event, Pet Pawtraits (no LTAC funding impact) photos with Santa and benefitting Community Development Fund and Toys for Tots. successful collaborative project with Main Street spending on infrastructure and Chamber doing the marketing for all PT Passport Program Task Force participants in process of defining "50 Best Things to do in PT/JeffCo", Putting together "Winter Bundles" of products services etc. for campaign to keep top of mind for Winter and future travel to PT In Process will run through mid-February Financials + DMO Marketing Report DMO LTAC Quarterly Marketing Report will be attached to this report Quarterly financials will be attached to all reports utilizing this format if approved Report in packet Social DataI-5 corridor - inside 50 miles Continuing weekly updates on FB and Instagram. complete data report in packet.Report in packet Continuing weekly updates on FB and Instagram along with working with Seattle Times and earned media on articles for weekends in PT. Data report in packet-less emphasis due to national travel data Report in packet Bike Tour for 200+ cyclists booking for late June date detail TBD Repeat of this Seattle based club from successful 2022 event PT-based working with bike tour producers currently on specifics and housing This tour brought over 130 "heads in beds" for the 2022 Fall event with PT Vineyard and Manressa along with other hoteliers and B&B's AA Chamber Port Townsend DMO/CVB Q4 2022 Marketing Report 2022 Marketing Plan Review Goal: To market Port Townsend as a year-round outdoor recreation community to a broad-based demographic with an emphasis on family visitors, ecotourism, sustainable and experiential tourism, and an increased number of overnight stays in the city with an emphasis on extending mid-week visitation. Strategy: Promote sustainable, eco, experiential, and family tourism in Port Townsend through strategic multi-channel marketing including social media posts, monthly newsletters, partnership with Olympic Peninsula Tourism Council, paid print and digital advertising and radio ads. We will continue to keep Port Townsend top of mind through social media and SEO including paid social. Tactics: An expansion of the National Park Trips program to reach a wider, outdoor seeking audience with increased frequency or more strategic and larger digital adverts will produce a higher return on investment for a minimally increased investment; For inside 50 mile audience, market Port Townsend via social media marketing and document progress with search engine ; market via radio ads through I-5 corridor to correspond with quarterly digital ad campaigns for ROI; for outside 50 mile audience target international tourist demographics with targeted digital posts and search engine optimization. Tourism trends for 2022 point towards an increase in sustainable and experiential tourism, ecotourism, and family visitors. EnjoyPT marketing efforts will reflect those trends with targeted themed campaigns. Sustainable tourism is defined as “Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.” “Sustainability principles refer to the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development, and a suitable balance must be established between these three dimensions to guarantee its long-term sustainability” Our Port Townsend Tourism mission for 2022 and beyond: Tourism can be transformative for cultural heritage sites. As good stewards of our global cultural heritage, we want to do the most good, the least harm, and have a memorable experience. Our goal will be to provide our visitors with these three pillars of sustainable tourism (per the World Tourism Organization) 1.Employing environmentally friendly practices (helping to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity) 2.Respecting the culture of the host communities (conserving their built and living cultural heritage and traditional values) 3. Providing tangible social and economic benefits for local communities (supporting fair wages for employees and contributing to poverty alleviation in host communities) Q4 2022 recent Kudo’s https://www.seattletimes.com/sponsored/six-washington-winter-road-trip-destinations/ https://www.tripstodiscover.com/best-places-to-travel-next-year/ 11 Charming Small Towns in Washington — From the Mountains to the Coast (travelandleisure.com) https://www.travelandleisure.com/trip-ideas/beach-vacations/best-washington-beaches 10Best USA Today 2022 Small Town Best Food Scenes in America https://enjoypt.com/port-townsend-named-a-winner-for-best-small-town-food-scene-by-usa-today- 2022-10best-readers-choice-travel-awards/ Best Small Towns to Visit in America https://www.bollyinside.com/articles/best-towns-to-visit-in-america/ Best Small Town in Washington State https://kzok.iheart.com/content/2022-06-17-heres-the-best-small-town-in-washington-state/ Tiny Beans Travel Blog 8 Weekend Trips from Seattle for Families (tinybeans.com) Travel Awaits Blog: 10 Amazing Experiences In Quaint Port Townsend - TravelAwaits Lifestyle Magazine https://www.253lifestylemagazine.com/post/port-townsend Trips to Discover--a popular digital travel magazine with a monthly readership of over 1.6 million people. 15 Best Summer Vacations in the U.S. for Couples https://www.tripstodiscover.com/summer-vacations-u-s-couples/ National Park Trips National Park Trips: Utilizing four-quarter National Park Trips program which uses custom Content Website Listing written on Staff Writer Interview, Integration into One Online Road Trip, Olympic Trip Planner Full Page Advertisement, Targeted Email Leads, Banner Ad Campaign – 60,000 Impressions (5,000 per month), National Park Newsletter 3x Features, National Park Newsletter 1x Banner Ad , National Park Facebook 8x Boosted/ Targeted Post. National Park Trips targets an outdoor/activity demographic. By marketing Port Townsend as the starting point to a 2022 Olympic National Park experience, we are reaching a higher number of outdoor demographic visitors, and are tracking return on investment with below information and attached data addendum A. Websites: Nationalparktripsmedia.com Hub.myolympicpark.com Featured Port Townsend Content: MyOlympicPark.com- Port Townsend Visitor Information Center & Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce online content Increased social media and drip campaign has more than doubled since 2021 and continues ramping upward in databases growth, this has also increased traffic to EnjoyPT and we anticipated this trend to continue. National Park Leads Generated by Quarter 2021 2022 Q1: 516 Q1: 632 Q2: 293 Q2: 714 Q3:269 Q3: 859 Q4: 173 Q4: 746 2022 Total Leads added to marketing DB from this program: 2951 EnjoyPT Representative Instagram Posts Page: instagram.com/enjoyporttownsend Q4 EnjoyPT Web Stats Inside/Outside 50 Mile Marketing: Promoted sustainable and experiential tourism to both audiences with 90% emphasis on I-5 corridor and Western US and the balance International. Audiences are data driven from regional and national tourism projection data We have continued to remind visitors to check EnjoyPT and government links provided for updates before they visit. Overall, 2022 is higher than 2021 in page views vs sight visits, which means visitors are spending more time looking at material and clicking through more content. EnjoyPT Stats Top 10 Regional Sources of Website Users Top 10 WA Sources of Website Users Age of site visitors We have migrated to a campaign themed ”Leave the ordinary behind, Experience the Extraordinary, Enjoy PT” Web Traffic Sources for Q4 2022 Web Page View Stats for Q4 2022 Q4 Port of Seattle SeaTac Terminal Spotlight Billboard