HomeMy WebLinkAbout111522 Stakeholder Meeting MinutesGROUNDSWELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | URBAN DESIGN | PLANNING 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 WWW.GROUNDSWELL.STUDIO MEETING NOTES - STAKEHOLDER MTG. #3 To: Carrie Hite Topic: Stakeholder Meeting Date: 11/15/2022 Location: City Hall Project: PT Golf Course/Mt. View Time: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Discussion • Introductions ▪ Stakeholder Group introduced themselves. ▪ Chris Jones introduced himself as landscape architect and Principal in Charge. ▪ Rebecca Melvin introduced herself as landscape architect and Project Manager. • Agenda ▪ Chris described the agenda being • roll call • hear feedback on the paired down decision- making criteria that was presented at the prior meeting • fifteen minutes to describe ongoing outreach efforts • present the feedback the design team heard at the project launch • present the strategy and agenda for the upcoming first Open House and hear feedback from stakeholders • wrap up with schedule and next steps ▪ Carrie mentioned both students on the stakeholder ground were not in attendance. ▪ Chris reiterated the groundrules: ▪ If you are on the phone, we ask that you stay on mute, unless you’re speaking. If you are a stakeholder place comments in chat box. ▪ Comment in chat box. ▪ If you’re a member of the public, this is an advisory group meeting, please place comments through website. • Decision Making Criteria – feedback from you ▪ Rebecca reiterated the 5 decision making criteria ‘buckets’ that were presented during the last meeting and asked for feedback Attendees: Carrie Hite Chris Jones Rebecca Melvin Nia Short Tim Caldwell Matt Tyler Lynn Pierle Dena Odell Wendy Bart Forest Shomer Elisa Welch Rebecca Kimball Cindy Brooks Jennifer James Wilson John Nowak Andy Stockton Monica Macguire Sonja Mathews Gabe Van Lelyveld Jim Maupin Devon Buckham Eric Jones Richard Tucker Celeste Dybeck Dana Ward Jane Armstrong Additional Distribution: GROUNDSWELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | URBAN DESIGN | PLANNING 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 WWW.GROUNDSWELL.STUDIO • Inclusive and welcoming • Prioritize environmental stewardship • Benefit community health and wellbeing • Celebrate PT community and culture • Forward thinking ▪ Tim suggested the fourth criteria be changed to ‘Celebrate PT community, history and culture’ ▪ Question about which bullet included the criteria of ‘economic viability’ • Rebecca said this was encompassed in ‘Forward Thinking’ ▪ Question about who the criteria are meant to inform? ▪ Stakeholders suggested the criteria, specifically the last 2, are too broad. Suggestion to include sub-bullets. ▪ Rebecca responded that the design team will revisit the initial list of criteria and provide a modified list of ‘buckets’ that includes sub-criteria in order to provide more specifics • Ongoing outreach efforts ▪ Carrie mentioned she, Chris and Rebecca had spent the day meeting with interest groups (PTA, Fort Worden PDA, Olympic Pride, PT Preservation Alliance and neighboring farms, Golf Club, and the Food Bank.) ▪ Carrie mentioned that during these meetings the team received suggestions of additional groups to contact and asked for additional suggestions ▪ Suggestion to contact the churches that border the golf club, Local 2020, Climate Action committee, local sports teams including Jefferson Soccer Club, Rotary Club, Kiwanis, • Feedback from Project Launch ▪ Chris reiterated the comment card questions that were provided at the project launch ▪ Chris noted that most people did not follow the prompts on the cards ▪ There were 95 comment cards turned in ▪ The project team was very pleased with the turnout - 107 people signed in ▪ Chris listed the high level take aways and themes from the event • Comments relative to preserving the golf course vs. exploring alternative uses seems divided. • Many comments about housing. Some for, some against. Some unsure whether it’s already been decided. GROUNDSWELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | URBAN DESIGN | PLANNING 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 WWW.GROUNDSWELL.STUDIO • Many comments about the importance of the pool as a community amenity/resource and the need to improve it. • Some comments regarding concern over the current management of the golf course. • Lots of comments about misinformation, whether it be about a plan being ‘already cooked’ to whether housing is being considered. • A fair number of comments relative to wanting public access/trails/etc. even if the golf course is to remain. • Many comments about wanting additional means for public engagement, q + a forums, dispelling of misinformation, online opportunities, etc. • Lots of comments about the importance of Pickleball – more courts, covered courts. ▪ Stakeholder comment that community members were not divided but rather had many different interests ▪ Stakeholder comment that many community members were upset that there was not a presentation • Open House #1 Preparation ▪ Chris shared that Open House 1 is scheduled January 11th, 2023 from 5-7pm in the Cotton Building ▪ Stakeholders expressed concern that the Cotton Building is not a large enough venue ▪ Carrie will look into finding a larger venue ▪ Chris shared the tentative event agenda • 5:00-5:30 OPEN HOUSE • 5:30-6:00 PRESENTATION • 6:00-6:30 Q+A • 6:30-7:00 INTERACTIVE OPEN HOUSE ▪ Comment that the Open House should consider providing snacks and childcare to make it accessible to more people. ▪ Chris shared drafts of (6) boards showing PT history and site context that will be shared during the open house portion ▪ Stakeholder comment that the boards should include a best practices lens. Community/stakeholder want to learn from design teams’ expertise and recommendations • Consider including descriptive/diagnostic overlay on existing conditions boards • Consider providing idea board to get community members thinking outside of the box GROUNDSWELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | URBAN DESIGN | PLANNING 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 WWW.GROUNDSWELL.STUDIO ▪ Consider including article in The Leader to explain specifically what this effort is about/ encourage more people to attend. ▪ Chris presented the topics that will be addressed during the presentation portion of the event ▪ Chris presented that Q&A strategy- people will be given questions cards and questions will be selected by a moderator. ▪ Chris presented the ideas for the interactive portion of the event and described how the dot exercise will work. ▪ Some stakeholders expressed concern that the dot exercise will not provide a realistic sampling of community feedback. ▪ Stakeholders suggested that people will need more than one dot ▪ Stakeholders suggested that people could receive multiple dots labeled 1,2,3 and community members could rank uses • Comment that some people would want to rank multiple uses equally ▪ Stakeholder concern that people will only put a dot on what they use now and not be able to think “outside of the box”. ▪ Rebecca commented that the presentation will include sharing a vision for the future of Port Townsend to help people ‘dream’ about what could happen and encourage people to think broadly about the long-term future of the town and this property. ▪ Stakeholder question about whether project team considered using an online survey ▪ Chris described how the polling function of the online meeting platform (Teams/Zoom) could support the virtual open house. ▪ Rebecca commented that the project team had discussed using an additional survey tools and would continue to discuss internally the best way to gather feedback. ▪ Stakeholder suggested to conduct street surveys. ▪ Carrie commented that the city does not have the resources to conduct additional street surveys. Potentially the stakeholder could take this on if we could determine how to conduct them impartially. ▪ Chris commented that the meeting was running short on time and that the project team would continue to refine the strategy for gathering feedback as they prepare for the first open house. GROUNDSWELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | URBAN DESIGN | PLANNING 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 WWW.GROUNDSWELL.STUDIO • Next Steps ▪ Chris shared the following tentative dates for upcoming Meetings. • Tuesday, Nov. 22nd - Parks and Trails Commission Meeting. • Thursday, Dec. 20th – Stakeholder Meeting #4. • Wednesday, Jan 11th- Open House #1 (in person) • Thursday, Jan 12th- Open House #1 (online)