HomeMy WebLinkAbout110322 PTAC Meeting Packet ARTS COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA November 3, 2022, | 3:00 p.m. | In-person and Remote Meeting • The meeting will be held in Council Chambers on the 2nd floor of Historic City Hall. The entrance is the first door on Madison Street, which opens to the elevator. Please seat yourself at the first long table on the left. • Join virtually via computer or tablet at http://joinwebinar.com enter the 9-digit Webinar ID 539-393-595 • Join by phone in listen-only mode: (360) 390-5064 ext. 6 access code: 155-675-573# • Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to: publiccomment@cityofpt.us I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of Agenda III. Approval of Minutes from the October 6, 2022, Meeting IV. Public Comment (3 minutes per person) V. Commission Business A. City Work-planning Process Discussion B. Chair’s Update C. Public Arts committee recommendations D. Poet Laureate Program VI. Correspondence VII. Set Agenda for Next Meeting VIII. Next Scheduled Meeting – December 1, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. IX. Adjourn Minutes of the Port Townsend Arts Commission Meeting of October 6, 2022 LOCATION: In-person at City Council Chambers and Remote MEMBERS PRESENT: Nhatt Nichols, Joe Gillard, Dan Groussman, Cosmo Rapaport, Sally Kiely, Lindsey Wayland, Nan Toby Tyrell, Sheila Long STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney Heidi Greenwood via go to meeting, Legal Assistant Lonnie Mickle Board Liaison: Community Members: Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Call to Order Chair Nhatt Nichols called meeting to order 3:10pm Approval of Agenda Sheila Long motioned for approval Dan Groussman seconded (Motion passed) Approval of Minutes for September 1, 2022 Meeting Remove Nhatt Nichols from present members, add Nan Tobey Tyrell correct name. move the public comments down to Grant review as there were no public comments, strike chair update as there were no chair updates. Add amounts awarded to action, Nan Tobey Tyrell motion to approve once corrections have been made. Sheila Long seconded (Motion passed) Public Comment No public comments Chair’s Update No updates Poet Laureate Program No update Review Grant Application, Funding Guideline and FAQs Made grammatical corrections on the Funding guidelines Reviewed Follow up report from the “Concert in the Barn” Sheila Long motioned to have amended funding guidelines approved. Nan Toby Tyrell seconded. (Motion passed) Commission approved asking for the same amount for 2023. Commission agreed follow up report for the “Concert in the Barn was adequate. Port Townsend Art Commission Work Plan for 2023 Sharpen and condensed the work plan Commission approved revised Work plan unanimously Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Discuss community outreach and PR issues Set Sub-committee meeting for October 18, 2022 Chair Nhatt Nichols appointed Lindsey Wayland and Alexis Arrabito to subcommittee. Set agenda for next meeting Review updated funding guidelines Review Work plan for 2023 Grant allocation. Next Meeting: Thursday, November 6, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Op e n Pu b l i c Me e t i n g s Ac t , Re c o r d s Ac t , Et h i c s , an d Re s p o n s i b i l i t i e s of th e Al- Co m m i s s i o n Ag e n d a Op e n Pu b l i c Me e t i n g s Th e Op e n Pu b l i c Me e t i n g s Ac Wh a t is a me e t i ng ? Op e n Me e t i n g s E- M A I L an d SE R I A L ME E T I N G S ht t p s : / / ww w . at g . w a .g o v / op e n - g o v e r n m e n t - t r a i n i n g Th e Op e n Pu b l i c Me e t i n g s Ac Wh a t h Vi o l a t i o n / R pp e n s if vi o l a t e d ? me d i e s : e in v a t i d lt i e s . fe e s Co n f t i c t s of ln t e Du t i e s Pr o h i b i t e d Fi n a n c e s Pu b t i c Re c o r d s Ac t Wa s h i n g t o n ' s Op e n Pu b l i c Re c o r d (P R A ) ln i t i a t i v e 27 6 po p u l a r vo t e RC W 42 , 1 7 ) xl 6 g* c ' r r t t o Me a s u r e w 13 To u c h s t o n e : o Th e re c o r d s of go v e r n m e n t ag e n c i e s ar e pr e s u m e d op e n to th e pu b l i c . - RC W 42 . 5 6 . 0 3 0 T4 Fu n d a m e n t a l Co n c e p t s "P u b l i c re c o r d " me a n s : . an y wr i t i n g . re l a t i n g to th e co n d u c t of go v e r n m e n t . pr e p a r e d , ow n e d , us e d , or re t a i n e d . by th e Gi t y . re g a r d l e s s of ph y s i c a l fo r m . 15 Re l a t i o n s h i p wi t h th e Ci t y Co u n c i I I Ro t e s of Ad v i s o r y Bo a r d s pu r p o s e or fu n c t i o n Ar t s Co m m i s s i o n Pu b t i c Ar t Co m m i t t e e Ar t s Co m m i s s i o n an d Pu b t i c Ar t Co m m i t t e e I M or e in f o r m a t i o n : Qu e s t i o n s ? Recommendations from the Port Townsend Public Arts Commission Meeting on October 18,2022. • Reiterate PAC’s role to the City Manager and to City Council • Get in touch with Sara Mall Johani about the possibility of repairing her F street works, or if they cannot be repaired, remove them • Remove the art markers from their current locations. 1 of 3 (continue on back) City of Port Townsend Arts Commission Application for Financial Support Use additional space as needed. We encourage applicants to submit the application as an attachment to an email. Please submit according to the application review schedule. If you are applying for a grant of $500 or less, please submit at least one month ahead of the event and by the 20th of the month prior to the next PTAC meeting. Return completed applications to artscomm@cityofpt.us Date of Application Organization Name (if any) Primary Contact If under age 18, please provide the name of an adult willing to sign an agreement with the City on the applicant’s behalf Phone Number Email Project or Event Name Event Location Date(s) of Event(s) Amount Requested Admission Charge Donations accepted? ☐Yes ☐No Is there at least one free or “pay what you wish” performance? ☐Yes ☐No Total Budget $ Please attach the proposed budget for this event. Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? (If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the attached Venue Accessibility Statement.) ☐Yes ☐No Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: Key City Players, Inc. dba Key City Public Theatre Denise Winter 360-379-0195 denise@keycitypublictheatre.org ☐ November 1, 2022 NEW MOON: A DOG'S TALE - KCPT Holiday Show Key City Playhouse - 419 Washington St, Port Townsend, WA December 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23 $3,000.00 52,000.00 $ 15 - $49 Key City Public Theatre (KCPT) will offer Free Student Tickets and dedicated Family Performances of their 2022 holiday production, NEW MOON: A DOG’S TALE. This world premiere play is an international collaboration with Canadian and American artists commissioned by KCPT, and currently in development, with 20 performances scheduled from Dec 1 – 23, 2022. Best described as “a holiday romp through the best intentions of a family facing change,” the play promises an immersive and visually stunning theatrical experience for audiences. This is an opportunity for students and families across Jefferson County to build a holiday theater-going tradition in an atmosphere appropriate for children of all ages and their families. Offering free student tickets as well as discounted prices for family-attendees, including an option for children sitting on an adult’s lap, KCPT's goal is to reduce barriers to participation for families who may hesitate attending the theater with young children due to ticket prices or the often-quiet environment required of a live audience. Family Performances, are designed to allow for young people to respond to live theater in their own unique and often highly verbal ways and include additional activities such as post-show photo opportunities with characters from the play, and complimentary treats for children. Attracting students and families, locally, county-wide, and from throughout the region is imperative to the growth and dynamic of its audience, as KCPT continues to foster art that educates, entertains, and engages our diverse community. While a wide cross-section from our diverse community can benefit from KCPT and its body of work, this proposal focuses specifically on families with children . People who may otherwise not have been able to attend can come together with family as an audience to enhance the performing arts experience of th e community. The accessibility made possible through Free Student Tickets and Family Performances allows KCPT and Port Townsend Arts Commission to fulfil l their mission to educate and engage our community through involvement in the arts. 2 of 3        Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. Please attach the proposed budget for this event.  Revenues from ticket sales of all KCPT productions are used to settle the cost of production and program expenses. At present, ticket sales and other earned income contribute 55% of our operational income. Donations from individuals, businesses, sponsors, and foundation/government grants off-set the short fall between total operational expenses and production/program revenue. Free Student Tickets and Family Performances significantly reduce potential earned revenue in our theater that regularly plays to sold-out houses. City funding will be applied to both the promotional expenses for marketing these free and discounted tickets, as well as to offset the revenue loss to provide increased accessibility to the performing arts for families and children who otherwise have limited access to these experiences. Funding from PTAC will directly increase the number of free student tickets KCPT will be able to make available to area students as well as the number of dedicated family-priced performances offered. The goal is to make a minimum of 300 tickets available to Jefferson County students at no cost and to offer two Family Performances, serving 154 residents and visitors, that will encourage families to attend with their students as well as increase accessibility for families visiting Port Townsend. If this proposal is partially funded, the projected number of students and families served may be reduced, but access to the arts will still be increased over the amount of currently funded reduced price/free tickets. KCPT perpetually endeavors to find additional funding sources to reach or exceed our access goals for this program. Promotions for this production began on the KCPT website in mid-summer. Print ads and television promotions are scheduled for December. Print ads to specifically promote Family Nights are planned throughout late November and early December. Flyers announcing Free Student Tickets, Family Nights, and Pay What You Wish Performances will be distributed to all Jefferson County school districts and Home School Connections students/families via hard copy and/or school’s electronic distribution systems. Three local teenagers are cast in the show from two different County school districts as well as two professional performing artists/teachers in our local schools who together will be reaching out to students and their families. A number of school groups are also being scheduled to attend performances. KCPT launched its Family Performances program in 2009 and received a grant of less than $500 from PTAC for the pilot program. Since that time KCPT has consistently renewed, broadened, and honed its policies and programs to promote accessibility for students and families. The holiday show offerings have become a traditional avenue for increased awareness and accessibility for students to both participate onstage and as audience thanks to these efforts. Various funders including individuals, businesses, and foundations have contributed to the programs’ success for more than a decade. We would welcome the return of PTAC to the funding pool that helps bring our area students into the world of live theater. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. • Our request fits directly into the Grant Guidelines of the Port Townsend Arts Commission. • Key City Public Theatre is located within the city of Port Townsend in Jefferson County, WA. • Our program area is in the arts -- theater arts. • Key City Public Theatre is a 501(c)(3) organization. • The area for which we request funding is for Youth and Family Financial Accessibility to Performing Arts 3 of 3        Venue Accessibility Statement According to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, individuals with disabilities are protected from discrimination "in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity enjoyed by others in the services, programs, or activities provided or made available [funded] by local governments, their instrumentalities or agencies.” To operate legally and to ensure that ALL members of our community may benefit from arts events funded (wholly or in part) through the Port Townsend Arts Commission, any event receiving funding must be held in an accessible venue, and accessibility and any inaccessible aspects of a venue be noted in the publicity for each event. "Accessible" means that anyone in a wheelchair, scooter, walker, or on crutches or cane(s) can gain access and entry to and participate in the event being held, as can anyone who is temporarily able-bodied. This includes access to restroom facilities. The accessibility of several Port Townsend area venues is on record. If you are not sure, DASH (Disability Awareness Starts Here) has agreed to do assessments free of charge. Call 360-385-1790. Please check each question below. For further information, consult the booklet “People First: Planning Events Everyone Can Attend," which is available in City Hall, 2nd floor. Can a person with mobility issues or using walker, crutches, wheelchair, or scooter: ☐ Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? ☐ Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) ☐ Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) ☐ Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) NOTE: The event is virtual, so the above questions do not apply as there is no physical venue. NOTE: The event is virtual, so the above questions do not apply as there is no physical venue. City of Port Townsend Arts Commission Funding Guidelines & Application Review Schedule The Commission recommends to the City whether to fund a project based on the following guidelines: 1. The target audience is the Port Townsend/East Jefferson community. 2. The applicant demonstrates the public benefit or value to the community and shows that the event will be broadly advertised to the community. 3. The application shows how the requested funds would improve the project. 4. The ADA accessibility of the event. 5. The event is accessible financially so that members of the public are included regardless of their ability to pay admission (e.g., Will there be an opportunity to “pay what you wish?”). The Commission funds for results (i.e., performances, exhibits, or workshops) not specific expenses. However, the intent is to fund direct costs of the production. ” Direct costs” include but are not limited to the following: • Supplies and materials for this event • Rentals of supplies, materials, equipment, and space • Artist presentations and workshops • Creation and/or documentation of the work, event, or performance • Production costs, such as events, installations, exhibits, programs The following are generally not considered “direct costs”: • Permanent or capital equipment • Operating support and utilities (administrative and overhead) • Scholarships for things other than the event • Personal travel • Regranting funds • Hospitality expenses, such as food, beverages, flowers, and receptions The Commission cannot consider funding for: • Events with the sole purpose of fundraising, even those including a public benefit • Events advocating for a ballot position of political candidate • Religious events Funding process and procedures: 1. Applicant submits a complete proposal (available on City’s website and at City Hall) according to the application review schedule 2. Proposal reviewed by PTAC at a public meeting 3. Notification of award or non-award of funds 4. City issues contract. Significant modifications must be approved by the Arts Commission. 5. Applicant submits invoice and follow-up report to the city after event 6. Payment issued by City Funding application review schedule: Event occurring in Application reviewed at PTAC meeting in January, February, March January April, May March June, July May August, September July October, November September December November Applications are due by the 20th of the month prior to the meeting when they will be reviewed. They can be submitted to artscomm@cityofpt.us or delivered to 250 Madison Street. Applications must be submitted at least one month prior to the event and by the 20th of the month prior to the next meeting. Page 2 of 2 PORT TOWNSEND ARTS COMMISSION FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOLLOW-UP REPORT If you or your organization has been granted financial support, we are asking you to complete this form within 30 days of the event or completion of the project you applied for. Your timely submission of this follow-up report will help us document future requests for budget allocations by the City. Organization/Individual(s) Soundcheck Date: Aug 19-25, 2022 Address 211 Taylor St. Set 3, Port Townsend, WA Phone 503 250 1674 Contact Person Gage Pacifera E-Mail Address gage@harmonicnw.com BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (If pertinent, compare the outcome with your own expectations): Soundcheck put on about 15 events focused on showcasing local artists and supported and promoted many more during the week of the festival. Events included musical performances, a visual arts fair, a community dance, a poetry reading, a DJ showcase, burlesque, a craft beverage tour, a free shuttle bus and an extended Concerts on the Dock lineup. Soundcheck partners included PT Main Street, KPTZ, Key City Public Theatre, Salish Sound and The Production Alliance. ATTENDANCE DATA (Include comparison with previous events/projects) : Attendance at individual events ranged from a couple dozen attendees to crowds of 250+. Over the course of the week, Soundcheck drew out well over 1000 people. If we were to count more inclusively to include pre-existing events we took part in (i.e. Concerts on the Dock, Uptown Street Fair) and other events we helped promote (misc. shows at participating venues), that number is much larger. SUMMARY OF EXPENSES (such categories as materials, royalties, technical production, location rental, professional services, publicity) : $10,353.03 (~$6250 artists and event costs, ~$2500 marketing and print materials) SUMMARY OF REVENUES (sales, door receipts, awards etc.) : $13,887.15 (~$11K in business sponsorships) COMMENTS We’re planning on putting together a longer and more detailed report—we’ll send along when that is complete. Thank you so much for the support! CAUTION: External Email Hello Port Townsend Arts Commission, This is a quick update about the Working Washington Grants: Round 5 and Convention Center Grant programs. Due to the number of applications submitted for these programs, additional time is needed to complete reviews. Commerce will notify applicants and start disbursing funds at the end of October. General timeline (updated October 4, 2022): • August 17 – September 9: Application portal will remain open for 24 days • September – October: Review of applications • End of October: Commerce will notify grantees If you or someone you know is an applicant in need of assistance, support is available in English, Spanish, Russian and Mandarin by calling (888) 242-0169 or emailing commercegrants@submittable.com. Thank you, Adrienne Kerrigan Community Relations Program Assistant adrienne.kerrigan@arts.wa.gov T: 360-485-1269 Pronouns: She/Her (What/Why?) ArtsWA | Washington State Arts Commission PO Box 42675 Olympia, WA 98504-2675 arts.wa.gov | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube Lonnie Mickle From: Sent: To: Subiect: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Washington State Arts Commission <michael.wallenfels@arts.wa.gov> Wednesday, September 28,2022 2:55 PM artscomm@cityofpt.us Arts in Education: Back to School Follow up Flagged Multicultural Child and Family Hope Center (FY22 AIE Creative Start Grantee). Preschool students learn fine and gross motor development through the medium of dance and music. lmage courtesy of Sabian Pleasant. Thank you Washington State arts educators! Arts educators amplify the stories, cultures, and innovative ideas of students. Youth expression, creativity, and critical thinking are gifts to us all. Thank you to all the artists teaching in classrooms across the state! We also celebrate arts education leaders. lt takes many hands to sustain and expand arts learning opportunities for children and youth inside and outside the school day. Because of your collective work, youth across the state dance, make movies, weave, play the cello, write poetry, build with clay, and so much more. We celebrate arts learning as a fundamental part of basic education for every student in Washington State. lntiman Theatre (FY22 AIE Grantee): Mentor Adam Hayyu working with core-lighting member StephenSoranio to hang and focus the light plot. Credit: Shalonia Wonch senate Bill 5878 was proposed, adopted, and signed into law this year. Thebill requires that all public-school students get "regular instruction'iin a visual orperforming art, at least one class throughout their K-8 education, and that the classes must be offered throughout the school year. This is a great step forward in providing support for arts instruction. The arts can offer the critical connection many students need as they engage with academic learning. ArtswA's Arts in Education (AlE) program supports arts learning as a part ofbasic education for all students PreK-12. This program expands arts education access through grants, professional development, youth leadership opportunities, and ongoing research. Explore some of the many opportunities below. Arts in Education (AlE) Grants 2 Click here to read Senate Bill 5g7g Click here to learn more about AIE Arts in Education grants invest in partnerships between schools, communities, and arts and cultural organizations across the state. Partnerships ensure that arts learning is meaningful and accessible for all pre-school and K-12 students. Sawhorse Revolution (FY22 AIE Partnership Grantee). Two students standing over a table covered in photos of striking architectural designs. lmage courtesy of Sawhorse Revolution. Arts in Education Partnership Grant This grant supports arts learning projects and community partnerships that increase youth access to arts learning. Timeline:. New guidelines available in January 2023. Application window February - March 2023. Projects implemented between July 2023 - June 2024 Funding Amount:. $9,000 - $15,000 Eligibility: Any WA State. Public school or school district. Tribal, state, or municipal government agency. Non-profit organizations with 501(cX3) status About the Partnership Grant 3 Museum of Northwest Art(FY22 AIE Grantee). Students spend time drawing in the glass galleries atMoNA during the "Dan Friday: Future Artifacts" exhibition. lmage credit: Tim Mickleburgh. Creative Start Grant This grant supports projects that increase and expand arts integration teaching methods in preschool to 3rd grade classrooms. Timeline . New guidelines available in January 2023. Application window March - April 2OZ3. Projects implemented between July 2023 - June 2024 Funding Amount. $5,ooo - $2o,ooo Eligibility Any Washington State:. Public school, school district, or Educational Service District (ESD). Tribal school or tribal government. Non-profit organizations with 501(cX3) status About the Creative Start Grant 4 Learn more about Arts lntegration! Check out this animated video for a fun introduction to Arts lntegration. Opportunities for Youth OUT LOUD'$ Poetry Out Loud is a national poetry recitation competition for high school students. Partici pating students develop public speaking skills. They build self-confidence and learn to connect with literature in new ways, often discovering a new outlet for creative expression. ArtsWA offers opportunities for both schools and individual students to participate. Registration is currently open for both of these paths. Watch an audio described version POETRY Learn more about Poetry Out Loud 5 Washington Youth Arts Leadership (WAYAL) is a new initiative of Arts in Education. WAYAL is a yearly cohort of youth and young adults (ages 16-19) from across Washington State. Young artists in the program explore arts and arts administration careers with mentors in the field. WAYAL youth leaders attend monthly seminars, mentor meetings, and engage with arts leadership events throughout the year. They explore how arts leadership can impact their schools, towns, regions, and their state. Appfy as a leader in spring 2023 or encourage a young person you know! Professional Learning for Teachers WASI{INGTONSTATE TEACHI NG ARTIST TRAIN ING LABlt washington state Teaching Artist Training Lab (TAT Lab) is a statewide community of teaching artists, arts specialists, youth arts providers, and certified classroom teachers committed to transformative teaching and learning in and through the arts. We deepen our teaching craft by exploring instructional strategies, arts learning standards, social emotional learning (SEL) and socialjustice frameworks. 6 Learn more about WAYAL TAT Lab provides workshops, resources, and mentorship to arts educators across Washington State. Registration is now open. Click here to register for TAT Lab Core Program: Develop your teaching craft with a statewide community of teaching artists and arts educators through the TAT Lab Core Program! The 2022-2023 Core program will meet monthly from December 2O2t-MaV 2023. This year's program is primarily virtual, with the potential for either hybrid or in person options-or both-as health and safety guidelines allow. Want to apply for TAT Lab core? Teaching artists and certified educators: Apply online or over the phone between September 20 and October 25 to meet the priority deadline! Arts & Education organizations: Sponsor a teaching artist! Teaching Artist R.l.S.E Award: Nominate a candidate or self-nominate for a tuition-free spot in TAT Lab (for up to four nominees who represent identity groups historically underrepresented in TAT Lab programs). lf you have questions about the TAT Lab program, please contact please contact: Ann Marie Caldwell, TAT Lab Coordinator, TATLab@PNB.org. What is a Teaching Artist? Check out this animated video to learn more about what a Teaching Artist does in the classroom. g,u+{+:i._" Click here to register yourself, sponsor an educator, or nominate someone for R.l.S.E. Watch an audio described version 7 Arts Uplift! Arts, Access, and Inclusion in PreK-Grade l The Arts Uplift Conference is a partnership between ArtsWA, the office of superintendent of Public lnstruction (ospl), and the Washington state Teaching Artist Training Lab (TAT Lab). The conference provides early learning educators, teaching artists, and leadership with more tools to integrate arts instruction, culturally responsive teaching methods, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), and Universal Design for Learning frameworks into their daily work. Participants gain tools for their own creative growth and wellness practices. Stay tuned for the 2023 Arts Uplift plan! Check out our past offerinss and join us summer of 20231 -l r-"^ ?ArtsWA's Creative Start Studio page provides arts integration resources for early learning educators, teaching artists, families, and caregivers. You can find short video tutorials, mini- lesson plans in English and Spanish, and fun ways to support learning in math and the arts! Visit the creative start studio and refresh your imagination. lmage credit: FY22 AIE Partnership Grantee: Jack Straw vocal coaches Sunam Ellis and Brenda Arellanohelp a student work on his performance while Jack Straw Writer Sierra Nelson looks on. lmages courtesyof Jack Straw Cultural Center. 8 Arts Education Leadership: Arts for All Coalition (A4A) The A4A Coalition works for the full inclusion of arts learning across the Washington State, PreK-l2 public education system. The Coalition includes the Office of Superintendent of Public lnstruction (OSPI), The Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA), lnspire Washington, ArtsEd Washington, The Creative Advantage, as well as Arts in Education (AlE) regional and youth leadership from every region of Washington State. Using a collective impact model, key partners from different sectors share a long-term commitment to addressing inequities in arts education through systems change. Coalition members bring their knowledge and skills to explore and share best approaches to ensure a quality arts education for every student in Washington State. Keep in touch with the work of this coalition and opportunities as they emerge by subscribing to A4A's mailing list and OSPI's Arts Newsletter. A4A Arts for ALL Students Subscribe to A4A Subscribe to OSPI o0@o Washington State Arts Commission I PO Box 42675, Olympia, WA 98504-2675 U nsu bscribe artscom m @cityofpt. us Update Profile I Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by michael.wallenfels@arts.wa.gov powered by Zl\ Constqnt\9 Contqct Try email marketing for free today! 9 CAUTION: External Email There's still time to register for Poetry Out Loud Poetry Out Loud is a national poetry recitation competition for high school students. Participating students build self-confidence and learn to connect with literature in new ways, often discovering a new outlet for creative expression. Register by November 18, 2022 Register for Poetry Out Loud POL Fact Sheet Teacher to Teacher Fall Session: Ask, Share, Learn Tuesday, October 18 beginning at 3:30 p.m. Learn more about the potential for Poetry Out Loud at your school. Share your experiences if you are a veteran. Up to 6 Clock Hours available! Registration required. Register Now "In every single poem, I see a different part of myself, and I think a lot of people might be able to see that too.” Kendall Grimes, 2022 POL Tennessee State Champion and National Finalist, gave a TEDx talk in which she discusses the power of words and her experiences with Poetry Out Loud.   Listen to Kendall       Washington State Arts Commission | PO Box 42675, Olympia, WA 98504-2675 Unsubscribe artscomm@cityofpt.us Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by michael.wallenfels@arts.wa.gov powered by Try email marketing for free today!