HomeMy WebLinkAbout092922 Stakeholder Meeting MinutesGROUNDSWELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | URBAN DESIGN | PLANNING 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 WWW.GROUNDSWELL.STUDIO MEETING NOTES -STAKEHOLDER MTG. #1 To: Carrie Hite Topic: Stakeholder Kick off Date: 9/29/2022 Location: City Hall Project: PT Golf Course/Mt. View Time: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Discussion • Introductions  Carrie Hite welcomed everyone and asked John Mauro to say a couple words before he has to join another meeting.  John Mauro gave an introduction and shared his excitement of the work and the stakeholder makeup. Project vision will be set by the stakeholder group.  Carrie reiterated her thanks to the stakeholder group and excited about a fruitful discussion.  Stakeholder Group introduced themselves.  Chris Jones introduced himself as a landscape architect one of the founders of Groundswell and as the Principal In Charge. He then introduced the design team: • Rebecca Melvin, Project Manager. • Nia Short is a landscape architect • Groundswell is the prime consultant and have additional team members that are not here today. • David Hein – Golf Course Consultant - David brings over 40 years of knowledge in the operational and financial requirements for an economically viable golf course. • Kristin Andersen , S+A Communications – MC and Public Outreach • Zenovic and Associates – Civil Engineer • JMB Consulting – Cost Estimating • Agenda Outline  Chris shared the agenda outline which begins by talking briefly about Ground Rules and etiquette for those joining us by phone and for the general public.  Will talk through goals, objectives, roles and responsibilities.  Draft schedule with anticipated milestones. Attendees: Carrie Hite Chris Jones Rebecca Melvin Nia Short Tim Caldwell Matt Tyler Lynn Pierle Dena Odell Wendy Bart Forest Shomer Elisa Welch Rebecca Kimball Cindy Brooks Jennifer James Wilson John Nowak (Teen TBD) Andy Stockton Monica Macguire Sonja Mathews Gabe Van Lelyveld Jim Maupin Devon Buckham Eric Jones Richard Tucker Celeste Dybeck Dana Ward Additional Distribution: GROUNDSWELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | URBAN DESIGN | PLANNING 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 WWW.GROUNDSWELL.STUDIO  Dedicated twenty-five minutes to some high-level preliminary Decision Making Criteria.  Last five minutes we’ll discuss next steps and our next meeting time. • Overview of Ground Rules  If you are on the phone, we ask that you stay on mute, unless you’re speaking. If you are a stakeholder place comments in chat box.  Carrie shared the project URL and website. Great way to submit input.  We want to be respectful of one another, their comments and time. • Project Objective + Goal  Chris described the impetus of this effort:  Early 2020 community sentiment expressed desire to explore different uses for the Golf Course.  Later that year, Council unanimously directed staff to engage in a process to explore alternate uses for the golf course. The solution could include the continued use of golf.  Given the proximity the Mountain View Campus it’s the City’s interest to explore complementary uses during this exercise.  Project Goal, as is the goal for Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department. Most valuable open space for the community. • Roles and Responsibilities  Chris described the RACI decision making process will help to clearly define roles and responsibilities.  First, is the group Responsible – parks and design team.  Approval body – City Council.  Stakeholders and community to consult and inform.  Stakeholder Roles: • Consistent involvement • Assist with public open house/facilitate. • You are the voice of your community. • Hope you can bring unbiased perspectives. We are asking you to represent the desire of the wider community, not just your interest group, in advising the stakeholder group. Bringing community voices to the table. • Any questions? • Schedule  Outline developed by the City  Four phases to the project GROUNDSWELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | URBAN DESIGN | PLANNING 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 WWW.GROUNDSWELL.STUDIO  It’s an iterative process with Three Public Open Houses and with report outs to yourselves, City Council, Parks and Trail Commission prior to, and after each of our public events.  Open House #1 is in January. An idea generating process.  Open House #2, in April of Next year, we will report out what we heard from Open #1 and will illustrate some alternatives based on community feedback.  Open House #3, in June 2023, we will take the input from Open House #2 and refine the alternatives to one, likely hybrid, solution.  Numerous stakeholder meetings then reporting out to city council.  October project launch, on site. Two hours on golf course/ two hours on Mt. View. Meet and Greet. Site constraints and challenges. What can we improve.  Tim asked if we scheduled it with Gabe. It’s a public meeting.  Programming is exploration of what park elements are included.  Carrie mentioned that there will be touch points with Parks and Trails as an advisory body.  Stakeholder asked if the plan will be coordinated with other city plans. Carrie said it would all be taken into consideration.  Stakeholder asked if the pool is out of scope of the discussion. Carrie mentioned the community health and wellness center will parallel to this process.  Stakeholder asked about the two concepts. Chris said the first concepts will be developed for the April 2023 Open House. Carrie said the design team golf consultant will provide input. All concepts will have a cost/benefit analysis. The NGF report will be reviewed as part of this.  Stakeholder asked regarding meeting in October and whether will they be looking at environmental impact like water, grass and wetland. • Decision Making Criteria  We want to hear from you. We want to hear some high- level planning related ideas of what should drive this process. Ideas could include criteria like sustainability, supporting our youth, accessibility, year-round interest. Decision making criteria is provided at the end of these notes. • Next Steps GROUNDSWELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | URBAN DESIGN | PLANNING 600 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 P: 206.388.2066 WWW.GROUNDSWELL.STUDIO  Chris shared the following tentative dates for upcoming Meetings. Carrie will be reaching out to each of you to confirm your attendance and availability. • Tuesday, October 18 Stakeholder Meeting #2 • Tuesday, October 25th Project Launch • Tuesday, November 15 Stakeholder Meeting #2 • Tuesday, November 22 – Parks and Trails Commission Meeting #1. • Thursday, November 29 – Stakeholder Meeting #4. DECISION MAKING CRITERIA•Preservation of the green spaces is essential•Remainapublic space,golf courseorotherwise•Nature as a stakeholder‐habitat as a priority•Providing a significantly heathier environment•Accessibility•Recreationforasmanyaspossible•Financialsustainbility•Useability/Accessibility/Safety•Evaluating currentuse fromcity directive•Functional Versitility•Resliliancy Planning•Connectivity/ExpandedAccess•EnhancingCommunityRecreation•Appealsto abroader demographic•Diversity/Equity/Inclusion•Thinking aheadto future needs•Educational opportunities•Servingthe greatest good forthe most amount ofpeople•PrairieHabitatProtection/Enhancement•RestorativeLandscape/BenefitAdded•Compatibility with adjacent property uses/owners•Largercommunitybenefit•Meet infrastructure needs•Not limited by current budget‐Big Ideas•Historical Significance•Alignment with community needs that have been identified•Reflective of culture•Adding useable public spaces•Aligns with the community health and wellness plan•Reflects those who are not able to show up or voice opinions•Socialdeterminants ofhealthascontext fordecisionmaking