HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 November_NewsletterNewsletterNewsletter NOVEMBER CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: November 2022 A Note From Mayor David Faber With Gra�tude This month’s newsle�er I’m going to get off my policy soapbox and be a li�le flowery because, well, I procras�nated, didn’t have a topic top of mind, and then wrote this at the last minute! Kudos to Kelly Graves, the Public Experience Liaison for the City, for being pa�ent with me even when I blow right past her (thankfully so�) deadline. I’m going to dedicate this month’s newsle�er to expressing my gra�tude to my community and the people I work with, which seems appropriate given that November is the month of Thanksgiving. I walk around town a lot, as I think many of you know. I can usually be found a few �mes per day charging down Clay or Franklin Streets, wandering along Willow Street, or crossing Polk at Lawrence. Whenever I head out my front door, I know that I can count on having at least one conversa�on & a few friendly waves with neighbors, shoppers, or other people out for a stroll. It’s magical (have I already described Port Townsend as a magical place in my column?). We have a strong community here and I thank the universe every day that I had the dumb luck to have grown up here & to be able to make my life here in Port Townsend, and to have such great friends & family. I also have incredible gra�tude for how much support we at the City of Port Townsend get from our local governmental partners (the Port, PUD, County, School District, Fire District, and others). The last few years have seen an absolute sea-change in the rela�on- ship between the City and these various other bodies, largely inten�onally built by phenomenal public servants in each of these bodies who have inten�onally put aside the bad blood of the past to try to deliver wins for all of us (and it shows!). In all of my life here in Port Townsend, I’ve never seen our local governments be so construc�ve. We as a group of local governments even won an award for the unprecedented collabora�on built over the last couple of years! Lastly, I am so thankful for my council colleagues and the staff that works for the City. We can respec�ully disagree, debate, and intelligently work through complicated topics, and I don’t doubt for a second that every single Council Member I work with is though�ul, ra�onal, and well-reasoned even when we might come down on opposite sides of an issue. I’ve also been impressed to watch members of the City’s staff talking with the public & seeing how much care, a�en�on, and legi�mate interest they have in what members of the public have to say. It’s a joy to be mayor with these folks around! So, thank you all, and hopefully next month I’ll have something a bit mea�er. That said, I do think expressing my gra�tude & love for Port Townsend is just as worthy of ink. PT Public Library City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street (360)385-3000 www.cityofpt.us 11/07/22: Business Mee�ng 11/14/22: Workshop Mee�ng 11/21/22: Business Mee�ng City Closures: 11/11/22: City Offices Closed 11/24/22: City Offices Closed 11/25/22: City Offices Closed Mee�ngs are subject to change. Please view our website calendar for an up-to-date mee�ng schedule: www.cityofpt.us/calendar Consider applying to be on a City Advisory Board or Commission. Visit our website for descrip�ons, applica�ons, and mee�ng schedules: www.cityofpt.us For more informa�on, contact the City Clerk’s Office at (360) 379-5083. The following Boards and Commissions have current and upcoming vacancies: • Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee• Climate Ac�on Commi�ee• Fort Worden Public Development Authority• Planning Commission Dungeons and Dragons Camp at the Pink HouseThursdays, November 3, 10, & 17, 4 pm -6 pm. Welcome to everyone of all DnD experience levels. Our skillful Dungeon Master, Charles, will help newcomers build their own characters and introduce them to DnD gameplay. Ages 13-19. Masks recommended. City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us This month marks three years in my role as your City Manager. I know it hasn’t been a usual three years – for you or for me – but I con�nue to be grateful every day for the opportunity to serve this special community. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday of the year and I savor the opportunity to reflect with gra�tude on what really ma�ers. What ma�ers to me is pre�y simple: my family, my friends, my community, my team, my health, and our collec�ve well-being. Having a chance to wrap all of that into making a difference and how I serve you and this community – and having the chance to work shoulder-to-shoulder with so many of you – is something I am truly grateful for. I hope you are able to take some �me to reflect on what mat- ters to you and what you’re grateful for, perhaps with an aim to express that gra�tude – as doing so always seems to feel good. On to a few City-related happenings you might want to mark on your calendar this month: • November 7 City Council. Agenda items include a special presenta�on on long range planning and our housing policy roadmap. We will also present our balanced budget to City Council, select a consultant for the master planning of the Evans Vista neighborhood project, and present a proclama�on for Na�ve American Heritage Month. • November 10 Planning Commission. The Sims Gateway project con�nues into implementa�on with a presenta�on to the Commission on a Comprehensive Plan amendment. • November 14 City Council. Agenda items focus on the budget, with a public hearing on property tax and revenues. We will con�nue to take public input and Council direc�on-se�ng into a final budget expected to be presented to Council for adop�on on December 5. • November 15 Envision Golf Course Stakeholder Group. This is the 3rd stakeholder mee�ng, fresh off an 10/25 open house launch at the golf course and Mountain View. A 4th stakeholder mee�ng will be held in December. • November 17 Intergovernmental Collabora�ve Group (ICG). The likely focus will be on major regional capital projects and housing. • November 18 Financial Sustainability Task Force. The first kick off mee�ng of this task force as it begins its quick work that will culminate in a report to City Council next year. Walnut Street Upgrades A Note From City Manager John Mauro A big hat �p to our Streets Crew who took on a pavement repair project for the first �me in many years. The City has heard loud and clear that the we need to work on our streets as the condi�ons con�nue to deteriorate across town. The Walnut Street project was brought on by erosion caused by the June 5 storm event. This 25-year storm, created significant washouts along the west edge of the street. The City Council authorized emergency funding to fix the problem. Our Streets Crew did a marvelous job restoring the roadway which included a li�le bit of widening to make a shoulder for bicycles and pedestrians. This project is a great example of what is to come this next year with banked capacity property tax funding dedicated to streets for one year. The Streets Crew look forward to more of these types of projects and appreciate the public support. (The below photos show before, during and a�er being paved) City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Ordinance Protects PT Residents from Sudden Rent Increases Water System Flushing Port Townsend City Council recently adopted residen�al rent increase no�ce requirements through Ordinance No. 3297. This amendment to Port Townsend’s Municipal Code (Chapter 9.60) requires landlords to provide tenants with 120 days’ no�ce for rent increases greater than 3% and 180 days’ no�ce for rent increases over 10%. The new requirements help to balance the needs of both landlords and tenants while increasing housing security for Port Townsend residents. The rent increase no�ce requirements went into effect on October 18, 2022, and are a supplement to the exis�ng Washington State Residen�al-Landlord Tenant Act (Chapter 59.18 RCW) that already requires 60 days' no�ce for any rent increase. By requiring addi�onal no�ce for rent increases beyond Washington State’s 60-day requirement, residents in Port Townsend will have more �me to plan for a rent increase or secure alterna�ve housing. The new no�ce requirements are an important tool to reduce nega- �ve outcomes and displacement caused by rent increases. If a tenant receives less than the required no�ce for a rent increase, they can take the following ac�ons based on the amount of the rent increase: Rent Increase Required No�ce Code Cita�on Tenant Ac�ons 3%increase or less At least 60 days' no�ce required RCW 59.18.140 •Contact landlord in wri�ng to request adequate no�ce per State code. •If landlord does not correct and provide adequate no�ce,consult a lawyer and/or pursue legal ac�on. •The City of Port Townsend is not involved with rent increases of 3%or less. More than 3% increase At least 120 days’ no�ce required Port Townsend Ordinance No. 3297 •Contact landlord in wri�ng to request adequate no�ce per City code. •If landlord does not correct and provide adequate no�ce,contact City code enforcement. •Tenants may also choose to consult a lawyer and/or pursue legal ac�on. More than 10% increase At least 180-days' no�ce required For more informa�on on RCW 59.18.140 and tenants' course of ac�on for rent increases, visit www.washingtonlawhelp.org/resource/can-my-landlord-raise-my-rent and www.tenantsunion.org/rights/rule-changes-rent-increases Ques�ons? Contact Code Compliance Officer KT LaBadie at klabadie@cityofpt.us or (360) 379-5094. The City of Port Townsend Water Department will be conduc�ng water system flushing from November 1, 2022 through January 31, 2023. Water distribu�on lines need to be flushed periodically to prevent water quality prob- lems. As part of the flushing program, fire hydrants are tested and operated to support fire protec�on in the community. Flushing traces of minerals and sediment from the pipelines may cause short term but harmless changes to the appearance of the water. If the water has a brownish color, it can usually be eliminated by running taps for a few minutes. If discolored water persists for more than a few hours, please call (360) 385-3000. City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Volunteer Spotlight & Recognition Engage: DO, GIVE, LEARN My volunteer activities include 23 years as a Police Department volunteer until we moved away for a little more than a year in 2016. I returned as a volunteer last March because graffiti was growing and making our wonderful town rather ugly like many cities worldwide. I felt we, the city, were being insulted and not responding. So being “able” regardless of age (now 93), I had to return and at least try to discourage those who chose to disgrace public and private property. That gives me great pleasure in serving for the greater good. In the past, since arriving here in October 1989, I served on the Public Facilities Advisory Committee, the Noise Ordi- nance Committee and the Police Department. Other past volunteer activities include The Centrum Board of Directors (5 years), the Skookum Board of Directors (16 years), the Jefferson County Law and Justice Council (8 years) and the Jefferson County Historical Society (6 years as a plain old volunteer for various needs). At my current age only the Police Department gets some of my remaining volunteer energy. - Don We would like to recognize all of our amazing volunteers. Today we have over 240 volunteers that volunteer at the Library, Police Department, in our Parks and Trails and picking up trash all over the community. The City appreciates every volunteer and all of the �me they put in to make the community a be�er place. This month we are spotligh�ng Don Marseille a volunteer with our Police Department. THANK YOU DON!! Have you always wanted to have a larger purpose in life? Now is the �me! Check out our new ini�a�ve. [www.cityofpt.us/engage] We have many different engagement opportuni�es. If you like to “DO” whether you want to be part of an ongoing group, par�cipate in a work party, complete a one-�me project, work on your own, par�cipate with our police department, library, or parks department, adopt a sewer drain, you have come to the right place. We also have a need for residents to serve on Boards and Commissions, advisory bodies to City Council. This is a fantas�c opportunity to engage with your community as a volunteer. If “doing” is not your passion, then giving might be. There are many ways you can contribute to the sustainability and longevity of your community. The City of Port Townsend invites those residents that want to have influence in your community to consider dona�ng in several ways; adop�ng a Parks memorial bench, dona�ng to enhance public art around town, or contribu�ng to Parks and City Legacy Giving. Port Townsend benefits from a stunning loca�on, and natural beauty, infused with cultural and recrea�onal experiences. Residents are invited to help preserve and grow the parks, recrea�on, and city services by par�cipa�ng in the Parks and City Legacy Giving program. The Parks Legacy Giving program gives those with a passion for parks, trails, green spaces, mari�me, clean water, and history an opportunity to contribute towards preserving and growing the Port Townsend services for today and genera�ons to come. This program provides meaningful ways to recognize milestones, celebrate events, or honor loved ones while enhancing Port Townsend’s infrastructure, parks, trails, and services. The program makes it easy to make a difference in your community. Dona�ons of any size are accepted, and donors can specify where they would like their dona�on used. There is also an op�on of planned giving which is designed to fit all needs and desires. The third way to stay engaged is to log onto the Engage PT webpage www.cityofpt.us/engage)so you can learn about all the projects and hot topics. We look forward to engaging with you! Engage today for a better tomorrow