HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 September_NewsletterNewsletterNewsletter SEPTEMBER CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: September 2022 A Note From Mayor David Faber "Housing, Homes, and Community. Port Townsend is an incredible place to live. I was lucky to be raised here, and am lucky to be able to stay to make my career and family here. But many are finding that they aren’t so lucky, largely due to the high cost of housing. Port Townsend, like most other highly-desirable ci�es & towns, is suffering from a housing crisis that leaves many people—everyone from food servers to nurses to police officers to teachers to the elderly—unable to find homes. This crisis threatens to destroy the very thing that makes Port Townsend truly special: the people & the community they build. On Thursday, Aug. 18, the City, County, Port, and PUD all joined together at “Under The Tent”, an event hosted by the Housing Solu�ons Network at the big tent next to the Evangelical Methodist Church on San Juan Avenue, to discuss housing policy & to strategize for the future we want to build. The event was heartening and it resulted in many ambi�ous proposals. My key takeaway was that housing is complex and there is no silver bullet, but that we need to take available ac�on quickly if we are going to have any chance to improve the situa�on. With that in mind, I announced at Under The Tent an “unofficial” book club for two books that I invite the community to join me in reading on the topic of housing policy: (1) “Fixer Upper: How To Repair America’s Broken Housing System” by Jenny Schuetz. Fixer Upper is a policy-rich explora�on of many ac�ons the different levels of government should consider regarding housing, with chapters on federal, state, and local governments. (2) “Golden Gates: The Housing Crisis and a Reckoning for the American Dream” by Conor Dougherty. Golden Gates takes San Francisco as a microcosm of the housing challenges facing all popular American ci�es and uses narra�ves to explore the complex tradeoffs, social & economic dynamics, and other factors that have led us to this moment, as well as the people & groups working to make posi�ve change. I want to end by telling a story I told at Under The Tent: in 1970, the City of San Francisco had a plan to allow increased housing density in the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood. At the �me, Haight-Ashbury was a mixed-demographic largely-working-class neighborhood, and a group of ac�vists showed up at City planning mee�ngs to denounce the proposed change, expressing concerns that the zoning change would disrupt established communi�es and gentrify the neighborhood. And the ac�vists won. The City backed down. The zoning remained unchanged. Today, the homes & businesses of the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood look largely the same as they did in 1970. Today, the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood is one of the most expensive neighborhoods on the face of the planet & is far less ethnically diverse than it was in 1970. My point is that frequently you can keep the buildings the same, or you can keep the people, but if a place is popular, you probably can’t keep both. We have to decide which we care about more. City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street (360)385-3000 www.cityofpt.us 09/05/22: City Offices Closed 09/06/22: Business Mee�ng 09/12/22: Workshop Mee�ng 09/19/22: Business Mee�ng Mee�ngs are subject to change. Please view our website calendar for an up-to-date mee�ng schedule: www.cityofpt.us/calendar Consider applying to be on a City Advisory Board or Commission. Visit our website for descrip�ons, applica�ons, and mee�ng schedules: www.cityofpt.us For more informa�on, contact the City Clerk’s Office at (360) 379-5083. The following Boards and Commissions have current and upcoming vacancies: • Civil Service Commission• Climate Ac�on Commi�ee• Library Advisory Board• Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee• Parks, Recrea�on, Trees and Trails Advisory Board Golden Gates by Conor Dougherty and Fixer Upper by Jenny Schuetz are both available at the Port Townsend Public Library City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us We’re in the thick of events season as you probably know. Our community comes even more alive with music, art, and fes�vi�es that we and our visitors can enjoy. It also feels like events season for City business too. This month, I’d like to get a few things on your calendar – fun and meaningful ways to engage on City issues that affect your lives. Housing • The monthly Under the Tent series kicked off in June and con�nues to go strong. Under the tent last month, we had the very first in-person mee�ng of the Intergovern mental Collabora�ve Group (ICG). Along with well over 100 par�cipants, the Housing Solu�ons Network, and a number of housing providers and community leaders, we rolled our sleeves up and worked together to brainstorm ideas and ac�ons for ac�on on the housing crisis. The next Under the Tent event is September 29 – s�ll under the tent on San Juan and 22nd. More here: www.community-build.org. • The next ICG mee�ng is September 15, hosted by the City this round with elected members from the County, Port and PUD. Informa�on on the mee�ng loca�on and agenda will be available on the City website www.cityofpt.us/citycouncil/page/agendasminutesvideos. • Congressman Kilmer visited the Evans Vista property just last week, touring the site with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and department directors. The Congressman led and supported a direct award of $2.5 million for the project to help with sewer infrastructure, passed by the US House and awai�ng imminent movement ahead. Along with a recent pledge of appreciated support from Jefferson County for $500,000, the efforts to make the property development-ready and galvanize a community vision will commence in full. I look forward to your par�cipa�on as we consider what 150 units of mixed housing could and should look like. Parks, Recrea�on and Open Space • The Sims Gateway and Boatyard Expansion project con�nues through the decision-making process. The Stakeholder Group worked diligently through complex issues for 5 months, culmina�ng in an open house last month with nearly 100 par�cipants. The Parks, Recrea�on, Tree, Trails Advisory Board has been now discussing a range of op�ons. The Parks Board recommenda�on from their August 23 mee�ng and the Stakeholder Group work is now headed to the City, Port and PUD elected officials. A joint special mee�ng is scheduled for 9/12 with a decision expected. More informa�on can be found on our website: www.cityofpt.us/engagept/page/sims-gateway-and-boatyard-expansion-project. • The future of the golf course and Mountain View campus is on a path forward. In June, City Council work shopped an engagement approach with work done by a landscape architect to support a stakeholder group and concept planning with the community. This month we an�cipate awarding the bid to the architect to get the engagement rolling. We want your ideas and energy, so look to Engage PT for more: www.cityofpt.us/engage. You can find materials from that June 13 mee�ng on the City website: www.cityofpt.us/citycouncil/page/agendasminutesvideos. • The future of community health and wellness and aqua�cs is coming to the September 19 City Council mee�ng. Much like the golf course, we will lay out a proposal to City Council for their considera�on and ideas and then move forward with the community and partners. Stay tuned and get involved! We will also be at the PT Farmer’s Market on September 24 for our last appearance of the year. Stop by to say hi, meet City Council and staff, and learn about any of the ini�a�ves and work above. Finally, September is a big month for us to look to the dra� 2023 workplan we recently developed with City Council and prepare a budget that helps us deliver on that workplan. Like I said last year, while I think people care less about numbers and more about outcomes, those numbers do ma�er. Please follow the work and join us. I predict unusually ambi�ous and honest discussions about priori�es, about what’s holding us back, and about how we navigate those constraints to move us forward as a community. A Note From City Manager John Mauro Engage today for a better tomorrow City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us Life Saving Award Parks Memorial Donations PT Public Library Preschool Story�me at the Pink House Tuesdays, September 13, 20, and 27 from 10:30am-11:30amToddler Story�me at the Pink House Wednesdays, September 14, 21 from 10:30am-11amBaby Story�me at the Pink House Wednesdays, September 14, 21 at 11:30am LEGO Club at the Pink House- Monday, September 12 from 4pm-5pm Join other LEGO enthusiasts to build from your imagina�on and work with friends to construct simple or elabo- rate LEGO crea�ons. Every session will feature a new LEGO design challenge. Grades K-5. Sing-a-Ling with Keeth Apgar- Thursday, September 15th at 10:30am Join us on the Pink House Lawn for the return of Sing-a-Ling! Sing-a-Ling gets toddlers, preschoolers, families, and the greater community into our bodies and singing together. Read to Rover- Thursdays, September 15th, 22nd, and 29th from 3:30pm-4:30pm Children ages 5-11 are invited to bring their favorite book or choose one from our library, then build reading skills and confidence by reading aloud to a cer�fied therapy dog for a 15-minutes session. Visit the PT Library’s website calendar for more informa�on and events. www.ptpubliclibrary.org/calendar/library Did you know that the City of Port Townsend has a Parks Memorial Dona�on Program? Our program is a wonderful way to donate a park bench or table to commemorate a close family member or loved one. Staff recently installed three new benches at Pope Marine Park and Sather Park. For more informa�on check out the applica�on on our website: www.cityofpt.us/parksrec/page/parks-memorial-dona�ons On July 31, 2022, around 0340 hours Officer Patrick Fudally responded to a call of a subject yelling in pain behind a residence at an unknown loca�on. Officer Fudally arrived in the area and located a subject on the ground covered in blood. Officer Fudally found the subject had severely cut his right arm and had massive arterial hemorrhaging, a�er an a�empt to break into a nearby residence. A�er securing the scene, without hesita�on Officer Fudally applied a tourniquet to the injured subject’s arm to stop the hemorrhaging. The subject was later airli�ed to Harbor- view Medical Center where he underwent surgery. The subject was reported to have received 500ML of whole blood in flight to Harborview and addi�onal 10.6L (Liters) of blood product during the surgery to repair the brachial artery. A quote from EJFR Doctor David Carlbom, “It’s clear that your team’s joint decision was one of many things that went well to set up this person to s�ll be alive today.” Because of Officer Fudally’s swi� ac�ons this night and efforts by other first responders, Officer Fudally was directly responsible for the saving of a human life. Therefore, Officer Fudally was presented with the Port Townsend Police Department Life Saving Award. (L-R, Ac�ng Sergeant Jon Stuart, Officer Patrick Fudally, Chief Thomas Olson) *The library will be closed all day on Wednesday, September 28th for a day of library staff training and team building. City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us We are con�nuing to profile City staff members so you can learn more about the team and their work from their perspec�ve. Check back here each month to see a new staff profile. This month is Ma� Logue, Building Inspector from our Planning and Community Development Department. How long have you worked at the City of Port Townsend? I was hired as the Building Inspector for the City of Port Townsend on July 27, 2021. What do you currently do in terms of job du�es? As the City Building Inspector, I perform several different job du�es. One key duty is on-site inspec�ons for all types of residen�al, commercial, and fire protec�on permits. I also perform technical plan review, seismic structural analysis of exis�ng structures, code enforcement, and work with City staff, the public, and other jurisdic�ons to answer any code related ques�ons, issues, and problems. What do you like or enjoy most about working at the City? I love the comradery between employees. We come together as a team to solve a host of problems and issues. We are a small town, and we can give small town service. We get to know people so we can help them through their issues and problems by providing insight and exper�se in a friendly manner. My goal is to let people know that the “Building Department” is not just about handing out “Red Tags” and “Correc�on No�ces” but about working together to keep the current and future ci�zens of Port Townsend safe. Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself, your job, or your team with the public? My wife Ka�e and I have 5 grown children and one 5-year-old granddaughter. I have spent 33 years in the building trades and enjoy that I get to use that diverse knowledge to help be�er the community of Port Townsend. I love my newest family addi�on, Odin, who is a 7-year-old pound rescue dog. Introducing City Staff Sims Gateway Project Update PT Main Street Community Events Exci�ng News for Tyler Plaza Tyler Street Plaza in downtown Port Townsend has received a matching grant from ArtsWA to illuminate the space with overhead lights. Tyler Plaza is in the center of the Port Townsend Crea�ve District and is developing into a lively space where arts-related ac�vi�es happen. Other Upcoming Events: Let’s GO GO crazy for Girls’ Night Out! Girls’ Night Out is Thursday, October 6, 2022 and the theme is “You Go Go Girl!” Be Open to the World of the Unknown… Haunted Histories & Mysteries of Port Townsend returns this year October 28 & 29, 2022. Downtown Trick or Treat & Costume Parade – October 31st, 2022 All events are subject to change, visit our website for more informa�on. www.ptmainstreet.org The City, Port, and PUD are wrapping up the evalua�on of alterna�ves and will be making a recommenda�on to the elected bodies of each agency on September 12, 2022 in a joint agency mee�ng. We would like to express our gra�tude for nine stakeholder members who volunteered their �me to tackle this important community challenge. The diverse perspec�ves of the stake- holder group helped with the development of a preferred alterna�ve for a design concept which addresses the key projects goals of boatyard expansion, powerline safety, and an aesthe�cally welcoming Gateway. If you didn't get a chance to a�end the public open house on August 6, 2022, all of the display materials are available on the City's EngagePT website: www.cityofpt.us/engagept/page/sims-gateway-and-boatyard-expansion-project