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July 2022
A Note From Mayor David Faber
We want you! Yes, you! (to par�cipate in City Council mee�ngs).
I think I speak for the rest of my City Council colleagues when I say
that we welcome your involvement & say in the decisions that we, as
a governing body, have to make.
An open & responsive government does a be�er job of represen�ng
the people it purports to serve, and I try to always make myself avail-
able to hear feedback from those who want to give it. So let me start
with schedules: the City Council typically meets on the first three Mondays (other than
holidays, when we tend to meet on the following Tuesday) of every month; and you can
always check the City’s online calendar (cityofpt.us/calendar) to confirm when we are mee�ng,
including special or commi�ee mee�ngs. Secondly, I try to make myself available to the
community as much as possible, and you can reach me at dfaber@cityofpt.us or the whole
of Council at citycouncil@cityofpt.us. Thirdly, if you want to make your voice “heard” at a
public mee�ng but can’t or don’t want to be in a�endance, you can always email your public
comment to publiccomment@cityofpt.us.
I’m reserving my newsle�er column to say all of this, because I’ve had a few fairly disappoin�ng
interac�ons over the past six months with some locals who said they believe the City Council
“will just do what it wants” and “doesn’t care what people have to say.” These conversa�ons
have come up with regard to, among other topics, the golf course (we just ini�ated a public
involvement process to hope to generate as broad a community outlook as possible before
making any decision about the future of the city golf course), the “streateries” program (the
Council’s final decision on that topic looked far different from when it started and was
certainly not what I would have decided to do if I ruled with no regard for the voices in our
community), and the poplar trees along Sims Way (the ques�on of whether and what
precisely will be done remains open & is being worked on through a technical advisory group
before coming back to Council in future open mee�ngs).
My hope and belief is that we on Council try to make the best decisions we can with as much
input as possible, and we legi�mately want to hear from the community.
Lastly—and to borrow from my esteemed colleague Deputy Mayor Amy Howard—please
remember that we (City Council, City staff/employees, and mee�ng a�endees) are all
human, and kindness is appreciated. I’m not saying that you can’t disagree, or even disagree
vehemently. We on Council disagree with one another all the �me. Disagreement is good and
healthy. Disagreement & ra�onal debate tends to breed be�er outcomes! Instead, I ask that
you bring disagreement to mee�ngs in a collegiate & mutually -respec�ul fashion. I can
promise you that you will be welcomed to say your piece, and we will try to incorporate your
comments into the decision-making process.
Visit the City Council page on our website to learn how to a�end virtual
Council mee�ngs, see photos & bios, and get agendas for upcoming and
previous Council mee�ngs: www.cityofpt.us/citycouncilCity of Port Townsend
250 Madison Street
07/04/22: City Offices Closed
07/05/22: Business Mee�ng
07/11/22: Workshop Mee�ng
07/18/22: Business Mee�ng
Mee�ngs are subject to
change. Please view our
website calendar for an
up-to-date mee�ng schedule:
Consider applying to be on a City Advisory Board or Commission. Visit our
website for descrip�ons,
applica�ons, and mee�ng
For more informa�on,
contact the City Clerk’s
Office at (360) 379-5083.
The following Boards and
Commissions have current
and upcoming vacancies:
• Civil Service Commission• Climate Ac�on Commi�ee• Library Advisory Board• Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
As I write this, we’re about at our longest day. Yes, it’s been a long year (or two) in many ways,
but it feels good to turn to and return to the light. Watching some of our hallowed events and
fes�vals come back or scale back up a�er a few quiet years is reinvigora�ng and breathes vitality
into our community. My deep apprecia�on for the individuals, organiza�ons and members of
the City team who help make the magic possible. My family and I have been grateful to be part
of it.
With the summer humming, it’s �me to enjoy it – while we also look ahead to 2023. This
month, City Council members and department directors will hold our annual all-day workplan
retreat. The main objec�ve of our day is to come to general agreement on priori�es for next
year so we can con�nue to move forward on things that ma�er to our community, and then
build a budget to appropriately support the work. The mee�ng on July 18 from 10 am-4 pm is an open mee�ng like
all City Council mee�ngs. You are warmly welcomed to a�end. The loca�on hasn’t been finalized as we go to press on
this newsle�er, but will be available with the agenda on the website on our City website:
One of the things that will almost certainly be in the 2023 workplan is the work we just kicked off last month on the
future of the golf course. In November 2020, City Council unanimously directed staff to enter into a golf course oper-
a�ons agreement with a vendor for three years, during which we would engage as a community to explore alternate
uses. While we hoped to be out of the pandemic in order to engage more directly in-person, it’s clear that we can’t
wait any longer. We have proposed ways to accommodate in-person and virtual gatherings and a phased approach
over the coming year to get to a decision point. Our new Director of Parks and Recrea�on Strategy, Carrie Hite, is
leading that effort. That engagement approach and Carrie’s presenta�on to City Council can be found here:
We look forward to your par�cipa�on, ideas and energy on this community effort. It’s a unique opportunity to shape
our path forward and to serve our community aspira�ons now and into the future. You can come to the PT Farmer’s
Market (we’re there the last Saturdays of each month) and engage with staff and City Council on this – or just about
anything. Also look for a launch event later this summer and for more informa�on on Engage PT
(www.cityofpt.us/engage) and on my KPTZ radio show from 12:30-1 each Thursday.
A Note From City Manager John Mauro
Recreational Burning Conditions
Recrea�onal Fires— According to Washington Administra�ve Code 173-425-050, recrea�onal fires are outdoor burn-
ing of charcoal or firewood (not debris or rubbish). Recrea�onal fires are limited to 3’x3’ in size. Recrea�onal fires are
for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking, warmth or similar purposes. Fires used for debris or rubbish disposal are
not considered recrea�onal fires and are illegal. Charcoal and wood-fired grills are allowed whenever recrea�onal fires
are allowed. Recrea�onal fires are allowed throughout Jefferson County unless there is a total
burn ban.
Residen�al Burning— Burning small branches and brush is considered to be a yard debris fire. Yard debris fires are
limited to 3’x3’ in size and you must have a water source with a hose adjacent to the fire. You may only burn natural
materials, no garbage or manmade items. You are required to be on site of a yard debris fire at all �mes. Yard debris
fires are never allowed within the city limits of Port Townsend or the Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) of Irondale and Port
Hadlock. They are allowed elsewhere in Jefferson County unless the summer burn ban is on.
Land Clearing Fires—Permits may be acquired to conduct a land-clearing burn, at a cost of $100. These include large
piles of trees, branches, brush, etc. Land clearing fires are limited in size based on surroundings and available water
supply. Contact East Jefferson Fire Rescue to learn more and obtain a burn permit. Land Clearing Fires are never
allowed within the city limits of Port Townsend or the UGAs of Irondale and Port Hadlock. They are allowed elsewhere
in Jefferson County unless the summer burn ban is on.
Burning complaints: All burning complaints in City limits should also be reported to dispatch (360) 344-9779.
If there is a fire emergency or when in doubt call 9-1-1.EFJR Burning Guidelines: www.ejfr.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2019EJFRBURNGUIDELINES.pdfBurn Ban Informa�on: www.ejfr.org/informa�on/burn-ban-guide
Residen�al Burning is Never Allowed Within the City Limits of Port Townsend
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
We Are Hiring
PT Main Street Community Events
PT Public Library
Get ready to rock!
Port Townsend Main Street's Concerts on the Dock is just around the corner and we
have a great line up in store this year!
The first concert kicks off on Thursday, July 7 with a favorite local
funk band, Uncle Funk & the Dope 6. These free shows take place
on Thursdays in July and August at Pope Marine Park downtown;
venue opens at 4:30, music from 5-7 pm.
The event features local vendors and a 21+ beer, wine and cider garden. For safety, dogs
are not allowed in the beer garden. Bring your own chair or blanket for these all-ages
shows. Rain cancels. Sponsored in part by Homer Smith Insurance and generous local
businesses. Visit our website for more informa�on and to see the full line up at
We need the community’s help to spread the word! If you know people who would be interested
serving our wonderful community, please share this informa�on. In this labor market, word of
mouth is an important way to a�ract talent. The City has three current job openings right now.
Visit our Human Resources webpage for more informa�on and to see the full job descrip�ons:
Kindness Kits Available in July
To encourage kindness and spread smiles throughout the community the library will offer Kindness
Kits. The kits will be available at the library July 1 un�l they are gone. The kits include a Kindness
Bingo Card to be filled out and returned to the library by July 31, to be entered in a drawing for a
wellness basket. The kits and wellness basket are made possible through the generous support of
the Friends of the Port Townsend Library.
Cartooning with Dana Sullivan- Thursday, July 7 -1 pm to 2 pm
Learn cartooning with local author and illustrator Dana Sullivan. Learn new ar�s�c techniques and bring your imagina�on to
life in this engaging and interac�ve workshop. This program will be held outside on the Pink House Lawn and is generously
supported by the Friends of the Port Townsend Library.
"Wri�ng with Empathy" with Patrick Jennings- Thursday, July 14 - 1 pm to 2 pm
Chat with local children’s author Patrick Jennings about wri�ng animal characters and promo�ng empathy for all living
creatures in wri�ng. This program will be held outside on the Pink House Lawn and is generously supported by the Friends
of the Port Townsend Library.
"Rhymes and Beats" with Global Heat- Thursday, July 21 - 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Join Global Heat for a demonstra�on and workshop on lyric wri�ng, spoken word, and rap. This program will be held
outside on the Pink House Lawn and is generously supported by the Friends of the Port Townsend Library.
“Read-N-Rock” with Keeth Apgar - Thursday, July 28 at 1 pm to 2 pm
Join us for an a�ernoon of music and fun with an interac�ve and engaging session led by Keeth Apgar and The Harmonica
Pocket. This program will be held outside on the Pink House Lawn and is generously supported by the Friends of the Port
Townsend Library.
Visit the PT Library’s website calendar for more informa�on and events. www.ptpubliclibrary.org/calendar/library
City Clerk | Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer | Police Officers
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
We are con�nuing to profile City staff members so you can learn more about the team and their work from their
perspec�ve. Check back here each month to see a new staff profile. This month is Brenda Burke, Facili�es Lead from our
Parks & Facili�es Department.
How long have you worked at the City of Port Townsend?
14 years in July, my previous job was working for the County at the Jefferson County
Court House.
What do you currently do in terms of job du�es?
Lead Operator for Facili�es, oversee day-to-day opera�ons in City facili�es working
directly with boiler units, HVAC, plumbing and custodial.
What do you like or enjoy most about working at the City?
I enjoy working at the City because there’s never a dull moment and we do a large
variety of work. I work with a lot of wonderful people, and I have a great team.
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself, your job, or your team with the public?
In my free �me I enjoy fishing, camping, beaches, dancing, and travel.
Introducing City Staff
Outdoor Projects and Yard Maintenance
Working on your yard and garden this summer? Here are some reminders to help you get those projects done
smoothly so you can relax and enjoy your outdoor space.
• Decks, greenhouses, sheds, and carports: Assume you need a building permit, do your research, and ask
ques�ons. It’s be�er to find out in advance that you don’t need a permit than it is to receive a stop work
no�ce, pay double permit fees, and risk having to redo some of your work.
• Fences: A permit is not required for fences 7 feet or less in height - but ALL fences are subject to height/design
• Placement: Avoid having to move a new fence or shed - know your property boundaries, research setback
requirements, and don’t build in the right-of-way.
• Clearing/grading: A permit may be required for clearing and grading ac�vity depending on the amount of
material removed (soil, trees, vegeta�on) and/or the specifics of your site.
• Rights-of-way: Permits are required to prune, remove, or plant trees in the public right-of-way. Landscaping in
the right-of-way is permi�ed but specific design guidelines must be followed.
• Yard safety: Keep grass and weeds mowed to reduce fire risk during the dry season, especially near structures,
fire pits, and parking areas. Remove noxious weeds from your property, such as poison hemlock, which can be
harmful to humans and pets. And be sure to check your yard for any dead or leaning trees.
Ques�ons? We are here to help! Visit the Development Services Department website at
www.cityofpt.us/development-services. If you can’t find your answer online, call (360) 379-5095.
Helpful Resources:
• Informa�on on permits, sheds, fences, landscaping in
the right-of-way, and more:
• View your property boundary online:
• East Jefferson Fire and Rescue - Firewise Landscaping
• Jefferson County Noxious Weed Board
Recrea�onal Fires— According to Washington Administra�ve Code 173-425-050, recrea�onal fires are outdoor burn-ing of charcoal or firewood (not debris or rubbish). Recrea�onal fires are limited to 3’x3’ in size. Recrea�onal fires are for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking, warmth or similar purposes. Fires used for debris or rubbish disposal are not considered recrea�onal fires and are illegal. Charcoal and wood-fired grills are allowed whenever recrea�onal fires are allowed. Recrea�onal fires are allowed throughout Jefferson County unless there is a totalburn ban.Residen�al Burning— Burning small branches and brush is considered to be a yard debris fire. Yard debris fires are limited to 3’x3’ in size and you must have a water source with a hose adjacent to the fire. You may only burn natural materials, no garbage or manmade items. You are required to be on site of a yard debris fire at all �mes. Yard debris fires are never allowed within the city limits of Port Townsend or the Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) of Irondale and Port Hadlock. They are allowed elsewhere in Jefferson County unless the summer burn ban is on.Land Clearing Fires—Permits may be acquired to conduct a land-clearing burn, at a cost of $100. These include large piles of trees, branches, brush, etc. Land clearing fires are limited in size based on surroundings and available watersupply. Contact East Jefferson Fire Rescue to learn more and obtain a burn permit. Land Clearing Fires are never allowed within the city limits of Port Townsend or the UGAs of Irondale and Port Hadlock. They are allowed elsewhere in Jefferson County unless the summer burn ban is on.Burning complaints: All burning complaints in City limits should also be reported to dispatch (360) 344-9779. If there is a fire emergency or when in doubt call 9-1-1.EFJR Burning Guidelines: www.ejfr.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2019EJFRBURNGUIDELINES.pdfBurn Ban Informa�on: www.ejfr.org/informa�on/burn-ban-guide