DATE: July 12, 2022 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall (In person and virtual)
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: David Faber (Chair), Katy Goodman, Nathan Barnett, Cindy Finnie, Denise Winter, Natalie Maitland,
Barb Trailer
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Sherri Hanke MEMBERS ABSENT: Danielle McClelland
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager John Mauro, Finance Manager Ron Logghe, Acting Deputy City Clerk Pam Kolacy
Chair David Faber called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: April 12, 2022
Motion to approve minutes of April 12 as
presented by Finnie, second by Goodman,
carried unanimously.
Lodging Tax Revenue Reports: Finance Manager Ron Logghe reviewed the
LTAC Revenue Trend documents, noting that projected finances are on target
for a year end total similar to last year. .
Fee Waiver Approach (Finalize): Two options were presented: a simplified
Motion by Goodman to adopt the simplified
process wherein requestors would need to affirm their proposed event is open
fee waiver policy as outlined in the staff
to the public and expected to draw visitors to PT in alignment with state
report, seconded by Trailer, carried
regulations; and a detailed process that is similar to the budget request process.
After discussion, there was agreement that the simpler approach makes the
most sense considering the amount of funding available and the more user-
friendly approach to customers.
Budget Development and Request Process: goals for this process include
Staff was tasked to bring forward a process
wise use of resources, encouragement of innovation, and providing new ways
for final adoption at the October meeting to
to provide LTAC funding for community benefit. Consensus that this application
include a budget request to Council of
process should be more robust than the fee waiver process. Process should be
$20,000, a timeline for two different grant
fair and transparent and all projects, whether currently funded annually or new,
funding meetings and/or deadlines and
should go through the same process. Funding would be limited to a certain
provisions for reporting requirements after
portion of the budget. Considerable discussion occurred about relationship
an event. Staff will also work on designing
between established programs and new initiatives and where infrastructure
an application package which can be
funding will fit into the mix. Acknowledged that funding for new events will be
available after Council makes a decision on
limited but the funding process may provide a welcome incentive for new
the 2023 budget.
Fee Waiver Request: Committee members reviewed a Facility Fee Waiver
Motion by Goodman, seconded by Finnie
Request from PT Main Street for an extra day's use of the Cotton Building for
to approve fee waiver request from
Soundcheck. The extra day will allow time for cleanup after the late -night event.
Soundcheck, carried unanimously
Activity and General Updates: Arlene Alen reviewed recent Chamber
Motion by Finnie, seconded by Maitland, to
activities. She then requested $5,750 in funding from the pivot fund as follows:
allocate funding requests totaling $5,570
hotel room and early bird registration for Washington State Tourism Conference
from pivot funds to Chamber Director as
in Seattle ($750); $2000 for upgrade to software ($1,000 for installation and
presented, carried unanimously. [Note: the
$1,000 higher annual fee) to make the digital answering system ("bot") more
City Attorney subsequently determined that
functional; $3,000 for new marketing program. It was agreed the City Attorney
the hotel room expense does not qualify as
will make a determination about whether the hotel room expenditure is an
an appropriate use of LTAC funds]
appropriate use of LTAC funds.
LTAC Infrastructure Funding: Status on LTAC infrastructure piece was
Staff was tasked to coordinate with
discussed. It was noted that the City's ability to get projects off the ground has
Finance and Public works to test
been hampered by factors such as supply issues. A recommendation from
assumptions, then report at the next
LTAC to Council would be useful and there may be other matching resources to
blend with LTAC funds for desired projects. Fund balances could be broken out
through the CIP process.
Next Regular Meeting: October 11, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.