HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/12/2022 Meeting Packet Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, July12, 2022 3 to 5 p.m. City Hall, 540 Water Street City Council Chambers • Join virtually at http://joinwebinar.com enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 474-483-579 •Join by phone in listen-only mode (360) 390-5064 ext. 5 access code: 823-019-247# • Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to: publiccomment@cityofpt.us I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes - April 12, 2022 III. Lodging Tax Revenue Reports IV. Fee Waiver Approach (Finalize) V. Budget Development and Request Process VI. Fee Waiver Requests VII. Activity and General Updates VIII. Adjourn LTAC regular meetings are held quarterly, on the second Tuesday at 3 p.m. of the months January, April, July, and October each year. Next regular meeting: October 11, 2022 from 3 to 5 p.m. Mark your calendars and save the dates! Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) Fee Waiver Draft Policy Framework v4.0 22.7.8 OPTION A: SIMPLIFIED Given the likelihood that all or almost all requests for rental fee waives will be met by budget allocation and to reduce complexity and barriers to access needed funds, requestors would need to affirm that their proposed event is open to the public and expected to draw visitors to PT in alignment with RCW 67.28.1815-1816. OPTION B: DETAILED Purpose This policy framework aims to ensure that lodging tax fee expenditures, including events that receive a fee waiver, are in line with RCW 67.28.1815-1816 including being used for tourism promotion and/or operation of tourism-related facilities. LTAC recommended and City Council approved a total amount of $10,000 for fee waivers in 2022. Criteria All events approved for fee waivers must increase the number of people staying overnight, traveling 50 miles or more, or coming from another state or country to Port Townsend and making a financial impact within the City of Port Townsend. Events must also be open to the public. In addition, the following criteria will be used to determine priority for waiving facility rental fees: Key Criteria Criteria Points Meet the criteria referenced above? Y: proceed N: ineligible Provide additional visitations to Port +3 Townsend in the offseason? Provide a new (< 3 yr) offering to Port +2 Townsend? Create local jobs or utilize local vendors +2 Increase overnight stays? +1 Increase overnight stays in the offseason? +1 Reflect partnerships with organizations and +2 businesses? Leverage matching or in-kind funds? +2 Is the proposal from an Does not have a board or staff member +1 represented by the LTAC? Is a non-profit? +2 Has a track record of project success? +2 Did not receive funds the previous year? +1 Is attendance projected to Up to capacity of the building? +1 Capacity and including surrounding environs? +2 Free? +1 Process A call for applications (Attachment A, page 3) for facility rental fee waivers for any given year would be made by the final quarter of the previous year to allow more greatest visibility and awareness of the opportunity, coordination among yearly events, and fair and predictable review by LTAC early in the year. City staff will review applications and score them according to this policy framework in advance of formal discussion and decision-making by LTAC. City staff will then communicate the decision to fee waiver applicants. If the full appropriated fee waiver amount for the year is not met in the initial call, LTAC may decide to issue a second call for applications and review half-way through the calendar year. Current daily rental rate for Cotton Building and Pope Marine Building facilities is $20 per hour ($200 per day maximum) with a refundable damage/maintenance deposit. Current rental fee structure: https://cityofpt.us/sites/default/files/fileattachments/parks_recreation_amp_community_services/page/7414/rental_fee_structure_c The rate will be at the nonprofit level for any fee waiver applications. otton-pope2.pdf. The above process is meant to be a guide to awarding facility fee waivers and interested organizations do not need to earn points in all categories to have an application approved. Attachment A: ApplicationforPort TownsendLodgingTaxFacility Fee Waiver Aim is to get this form online similar to: https://cityofpt.us/police/webform/special-events-permit-application Facility: Cotton Building Pope Marine Building Chetzemoka Gazebo Other Dates: Organization/AgencyName: FederalTaxIDNumber: EventorActivityName(ifapplicable): ContactNameandTitle: MailingAddress:City:State:Zip: Phone:EmailAddress: Non-Profit For-Profit PublicAgency CERTIFICATION Iamanauthorizedagentoftheorganization/agencyapplyingforfunding.Iunderstandthat: I am proposing a tourism-related event.If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a Facility Use AgreementwiththeCityandprovideliabilityinsuranceforthedurationofthecontractnamingthe City asan additionalinsured and inanamountdeterminedbytheCity. Reportingrequirementsmeetingstateguidelinesoutlinedinthisapplicationmustbesubmittedwithfinal requestfor reimbursement. Signature:Date: PrintedorTypedName: ApplicationOverviewand Questions Provideuswithanoverviewofyourrequest: Attach: 1.Description of the event for which you are requesting a facility fee waiver. 2.Ifyouragencyisanon-profit,acopyofyourcurrentnon-profitcorporateregistrationwith the WashingtonSecretary ofState. 3.Brochuresorotherinformationaboutyoureventinparticularitemsshowingrecent tourism promotion efforts. ThisproposalandalldocumentsfiledwiththeCityarepublicrecords.TheCitymaychoosetopostonitswebsite copiesoftheproposalsand attached documents. Telluswhoyouexpecttoattract: TheStateofWashingtonrequiresanestimateforthefollowingquestionsbelow. LTAC will use these attendance about the organization and the event). What method was used to Asadirectresultofyourproposedtourism-relatedevent,providean estimate determineattendanceinprevious of: years? DirectCount a.OverallAttendance Predicted: IndirectCount Enter the total number of people predicted to RepresentativeSurvey attendthisactivity,andselect themethodusedto InformalSurvey determinetheattendance. StructuredEstimate b. Attendance,50+Miles DirectCount Enter the number of people who traveled greater Predicted: IndirectCount than50milespredictedtoattendthisactivity,and RepresentativeSurvey InformalSurvey selectthemethod usedtodeterminethe StructuredEstimate attendance. c.Attendance,OutofState,OutofCountry DirectCount Enterthenumberofpeoplefromoutsidethestate Predicted: IndirectCount and country predicted to attend this activity, and RepresentativeSurvey InformalSurvey selectthemethod usedtodeterminethe StructuredEstimate attendance. DirectCount d.Attendance,PaidforOvernightLodging Predicted: IndirectCount Enterthenumberofpredictedtoattendthisactivity RepresentativeSurvey and pay for overnight lodging, and select the InformalSurvey methodusedto determinetheattendance. StructuredEstimate DirectCount e.Attendance, Did Not Pay for Overnight Lodging Predicted: IndirectCount Enterthenumberofpredictedtoattendthisactivity RepresentativeSurvey without paying for overnight lodging, and select the InformalSurvey methodusedto determinetheattendance. StructuredEstimate Methods for Count/Estimation Direct Count: Actual count of visitors using methods such as paid admissions or registrations, clicker counts at entry points, vehicle counts or number of chairs filled. A direct count may also include information collected directly from businesses, such as hotels, restaurants or tour guides, likely to be affected by an event. Indirect Count: Estimate based on information related to the number of visitors such as raffle tickets sold, redeemed discount certificates, brochures handed out, police requirements for crowd control or visual estimates. Representative Survey: Information collected directly from individual visitors/participants. A representative survey is a highly structured data collection tool, based on a defined random sample of participants, and the results can be reliably projected to the entire population attending an event and includes margin of error and confidence level. Informal Survey: Information collected directly from individual visitors or participants in a non-random manner that is not representative of all visitors or participants. Informal survey results cannot be projected to the entire visitor population and provide a limited indicator of attendance because not all participants had an equal chance of being included in the survey. Structured Estimate: Estimate produced by computing known information related to the event or location. For example, one jurisdiction estimated attendance by dividing the square footage of the event area by the international building code allowance for persons (3 square feet). Actual data will be required with your final reimbursement. City staff and the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) wish to understand the following and will be scoring the application accordingly (40% of total score; applications need not achieve total points or points in all categories to be considered): About the Event Points Answer/Explanation available 2 f. Is the event a new offering to Port Townsend? 2 g. Will the event create local jobs or utilize local vendors? How is this determined/measured? 1 h. Will the event increase overnight stays in the offseason (October May)? 2 i. Describe any partnerships with organizations or businesses related to this event. 2 j. Does the event leverage any funds or in-kind? 1 k. The event must be open to the public to qualify for LTAC funding. In addition, is the event free or ticketed? Points About the Organization Answer/Explanation available 1 k. Is your organization represented on LTAC by a board or staff member? 2 l. Are you a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization? 2 m. Briefly describe a relevant past organizational success related to this project/event 1 n. Did you receive funds for this event/project last year? Have you received LTAC funding of any kind before? ApplicationTimeline ApplicationDeadline:First Friday of Februaryby4p.m.receivedatPort TownsendCityHall or by email at: xxxxxx \[Not sure best timing here call for applications by final quarter of the year to get a more comprehensive sense of the calendar, but also allow applications at any time of the year if the full $10k amount is not committed to?\] SubmitaPDFandoneoriginalsignedcopyto: CityofPort Townsend LodgingTaxFee Waiver Emily Coler 250 Madison Street Port Townsend, WA Email:Ecoler@cityofpt.us —ƚǒƒǒƭƷĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻğƓķƭźŭƓƷŷĻĭƚǝĻƩƭŷĻĻƷǞźƷŷƷŷźƭƦğĭƉĻƷ —ƚǒƒğǤǒƭĻğ{ǒƦƦƌĻƒĻƓƷğƌCƚƩƒƚƩƷǤƦĻƷŷĻƨǒĻƭƷźƚƓƭğƓķğƓƭǞĻƩƭƚƓƭĻƦğƩğƷĻƭŷĻĻƷƭƚŅƦğƦĻƩ͵ . tƌĻğƭĻƓǒƒĬĻƩĻğĭŷƦğŭĻźƓǤƚǒƩƦğĭƉĻƷͲĻǣĭĻƦƷŅƚƩƷŷĻĬƩƚĭŷǒƩĻƭΉźƓŅƚƩƒğƷźƚƓ Attachment B: General LTAC Information GeneralInformation CityofPort TownsendLodgingTaxFundOverview operations, and expendituresdesignedtoincreasetourism.The fund has been used to market Port Townsend; construct and maintain tourism-related infrastructure like public restrooms, winter lighting and garbage facilities; offer sponsorships for events and organizations; pay fee waivers for use of City facilities; and pay debt service, among other things allowable by state law HIGHPRIORITY willbegiventotourismactivitiesthat: Have a demonstrated potential or high potential to result in overnightstays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City of Port Townsend. Preference may be given to stays duringshoulder season. Promote Port Townsend and/or events, activities, and places in the City of Port Townsend to potential touristsfromoutsideJeffersonCounty. Havedemonstratedorhighpotentialtoresultindocumentedeconomic benefitto Port Townsend. Have a demonstrated history or success in Port Townsend or are proposed by a group with a demonstratedhistoryor highpotential ofsuccesswith similar activities. Minimizeduplicationofserviceswhereappropriateandencouragecooperativemarketing and/orincludesan element ofcooperation or partnership. City Facilities are available on a first-come; first-serve basis. Please ensure that your selected dates are availableby checking the City website. A facility-use scholarship will not give you priority to use your selected facility or bump another event from the reservation calendar. StateLaw Excerpts RCW67.28.1816UseofLodgingTaxFund. Lodgingtaxrevenueunderthischaptermaybeused,directlybyanymunicipalityorindirectly throughaconventionandvisitorsbureauor destination marketingorganization for: Tourismmarketing; a. Themarketingandoperationsofspecialeventsandfestivalsdesignedtoattracttourists; b. Supporting the operations and capital expenditures of tourism-related facilities owned or c. operated by amunicipalityora publicfacilitiesdistrict createdunderchapters35.57and 36.100RCW;or Supporting the operations of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by nonprofit d. organizationsdescribed under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3) and 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(6) or the internal revenue code of 1986,asamended. RCW67.28.080Definitions. "Municipality"meansanycounty,city ortownofthestateofWashington. "Operation"includes,butisnotlimitedto,operation,management,andmarketing. "Person" means the federal government or any agency thereof, the state or any agency, subdivision,taxingdistrictormunicipalcorporationthereofotherthancounty,cityor town,anyprivatecorporation,partnership,association, or individual. "Tourism" means economic activity resulting from tourists, which may include sales of overnightlodging,meals,tours, gifts, or souvenirs. "Tourism promotion" means activities and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but notlimited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting andwelcomingtourists;developingstrategiestoexpand tourism;operatingtourismpromotionagencies;andfundingmarketingofspecialevents and festivalsdesigned toattract tourists. "Tourism-relatedfacility" meansrealortangiblepersonalpropertywithausablelife ofthreeormoreyears, or constructed with volunteer labor, and used to support tourism, performing arts, or toaccommodatetourist activities. "Tourist" means a person who travels from a place of residence to a different town, city, county, state, orcountry,forpurposesofbusiness,pleasure,recreation,education, arts, heritage,or culture. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) Process for Budget Request V4.0 22.7.8 Purpose This document aims to ensure that a) there is a clear, consistent and well-communicated approach to the creation of the LTAC budget, and b) lodging tax expenditures are in line with RCW 67.28.1815-1816 including being used for tourism promotion, acquisition of tourism-related facilities, and/or operation of tourism-related facilities. Criteria All proposals must meet the minimum statutory requirements of RCW 67.28. Event organizers must demonstrate that they have appropriately mitigated any potential impacts and acquired any required permits. Further information and guidance can also be found at: https://mrsc.org/Home/Explore- Topics/Finance/Revenues/Lodging-Tax.aspx. In addition, proposals will be evaluated against these following weighted criteria, although proposals need not earn points in all categories: Key Criteria Criteria Points Does the proposal Increase number of visits as per above? Y: proceed N: ineligible Provide additional visitations to Port +3 Townsend in the offseason? Provide a new (< 3 yr) offering to Port +2 Townsend? Create local jobs or utilize local vendors? +2 Increase overnight stays? +1 Increase overnight stays in the offseason? +1 Reflect partnerships with organizations and +2 businesses? Include a capital project component? +3 Leverage matching or in-kind funds? +2 Is the proposal from an Does not have a board or staff member +1 represented by the LTAC? Is a non-profit? +1 Has a track record of project success? +2 Did not receive funds the previous year? +1 Is the project/event protected Over 100? +1 Over 250? +2 ..and include free attendance? +1 Budget Development and Budget Request Process The development of the LTAC budget is part of the development of the City of Port Townsend budget. This begins nearly 6 months before the start of the subsequent year and includes state-mandated statutory milestones and deadlines. The following approach is suggested for development of the LTAC budget: 1.Contracting & Review January (Q1 Meeting). The City initiates agreements with LTAC funding ! recipients in accordance with recently-decided current-year budget, including terms, deliverables, insurance requirements, and scope of work. LTAC reviews previous year and reporting and assesses current year projections. 2.Priorities April (Q2 Meeting). Initial discussion of priorities for following year. Advertise for new ! LTAC members (appointments through May on rolling cycle). 3.Call for priorities and RFPs June (no meeting). Call from Mayor/City Manager to LTAC (and all City ! advisory boards) for workplan items and budget request (if applicable). Note that the overall LTAC budget is forecasted by the City Finance team; LTAC makes a formal recommendation to City Council for use of those funds. On behalf of LTAC, the City communicates a call for eligible LTAC funding requests to be considered alongside workplanning and budgeting in advance of their final quarterly meeting of the year. 4.Priorities and proposals July (Q3 Meeting). LTAC considers priorities and RFP applications. ! 5.Meeting with applicants & additional awards (if necessary) September (special meeting). LTAC ! meets with applicants to ask questions and discuss with applicants. LTAC may also consider advancing any allocations dependent upon lodging tax revenue trends for the year as well as issuing a subsequent call for fee waivers. 6.Deliberation and recommendation to City Council & call for fee waivers October (Q4 Meeting). ! LTAC weighs a range of objectives within the scope of the criteria. For instance, what portion of lodging tax funding should be made available to tourism marketing, to eligible infrastructure, to debt service, to event sponsorships? LTAC votes on a budget and submits a recommendation to City Council in advance of a decision on the final City budget. City Council may choose to approve/incorporate or may send the recommendation back to LTAC for further discussion. Also at this time, on behalf of LTAC and if included in the budget recommendation, City staff put out a call for fee waivers for the subsequent year. 7.City Council approval December (no meeting). City Council approves the annual budget, including ! the LTAC budget, for the subsequent year by the end of December as required by state law. Attachment A: Applicationand Proposal forPort TownsendLodgingTaxFunds Aim is to get this form online similar to: https://cityofpt.us/police/webform/special-events-permit-application Event: Location: Dates: Requested Amount:Total Project Budget: Organization/AgencyName: FederalTaxIDNumber: Event, Project or ActivityName(ifapplicable): ContactNameandTitle: MailingAddress:City:State:Zip: Phone:EmailAddress: Non-Profit For-Profit PublicAgency CERTIFICATION Iamanauthorizedagentoftheorganization/agencyapplyingforfunding.Iunderstandthat: I am proposing a tourism-related event.If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a Facility Use AgreementwiththeCityandprovideliabilityinsuranceforthedurationofthecontractnamingthe City asan additionalinsured and inanamountdeterminedbytheCity. Reportingrequirementsmeetingstateguidelinesoutlinedinthisapplicationmustbesubmittedwithfinal requestfor reimbursement. Signature:Date: PrintedorTypedName: ApplicationOverview and Questions Lodging tax funds vary from year to year. An forecast of lodging tax revenue is made by City staff as part of the City budget development processand determined by City Council with a recommendation fromthe Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Current lodging tax funds are distributed among a variety of initiatives, including marketing, events, infrastructure, fee waiversand debt service. We anticipate that funding requests for new projects or initiatives under consideration as part of this application process to be between $1000 -$10,000. Provideuswithanoverviewofyourrequest. Attach: 1.Description of the event or project being proposed for LTAC funding. 2.Ifyouragencyisanon-profit,acopyofyourcurrentnon-profitcorporateregistrationwith the WashingtonSecretary ofState. 3.Brochuresorotherinformationaboutyoureventinparticularitemsshowingrecent tourism promotion efforts. 4.Detailed project budget ThisproposalandalldocumentsfiledwiththeCityarepublicrecords.TheCitymaychoosetopostonitswebsite copiesoftheproposalsand attached documents. TheStateofWashingtonrequiresanestimateforthefollowingquestionsbelow. LTAC will use these attendance about the organization and the event). What method was used to Asadirectresultofyourproposedtourism-relatedeventor initiative,provide determineattendanceinprevious an estimateof: years? DirectCount a.OverallAttendance Predicted: IndirectCount Enter the total number of people predicted to RepresentativeSurvey attendthisactivity,andselect themethodusedto InformalSurvey determinetheattendance. StructuredEstimate b. Attendance,50+Miles DirectCount Enter the number of people who traveled greater Predicted: IndirectCount than50milespredictedtoattendthisactivity,and RepresentativeSurvey InformalSurvey selectthemethod usedtodeterminethe StructuredEstimate attendance. c.Attendance,OutofState,OutofCountry DirectCount Enterthenumberofpeoplefromoutsidethestate Predicted: IndirectCount and country predicted to attend this activity, and RepresentativeSurvey InformalSurvey selectthemethod usedtodeterminethe StructuredEstimate attendance. DirectCount d.Attendance,PaidforOvernightLodging Predicted: IndirectCount Enterthenumberofpredictedtoattendthisactivity RepresentativeSurvey and pay for overnight lodging, and select the InformalSurvey methodusedto determinetheattendance. StructuredEstimate DirectCount e.Attendance, Did Not Pay for Overnight Lodging Predicted: IndirectCount Enterthenumberofpredictedtoattendthisactivity RepresentativeSurvey without paying for overnight lodging, and select the InformalSurvey methodusedto determinetheattendance. StructuredEstimate Methods for Count/Estimation Direct Count: Actual count of visitors using methods such as paid admissions or registrations, clicker counts at entry points, vehicle counts or number of chairs filled. A direct count may also include information collected directly from businesses, such as hotels, restaurants or tour guides, likely to be affected by an event. Indirect Count: Estimate based on information related to the number of visitors such as raffle tickets sold, redeemed discount certificates, brochures handed out, police requirements for crowd control or visual estimates. Representative Survey: Information collected directly from individual visitors/participants. A representative survey is a highly structured data collection tool, based on a defined random sample of participants, and the results can be reliably projected to the entire population attending an event and includes margin of error and confidence level. Informal Survey: Information collected directly from individual visitors or participants in a non-random manner that is not representative of all visitors or participants. Informal survey results cannot be projected to the entire visitor population and provide a limited indicator of attendance because not all participants had an equal chance of being included in the survey. Structured Estimate: Estimate produced by computing known information related to the event or location. For example, one jurisdiction estimated attendance by dividing the square footage of the event area by the international building code allowance for persons (3 square feet). Actual data will be required with your final reimbursement. City staff and the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) wish to understand the following and will be scoring the application accordingly (40% of total score; applications need not achieve total points or points in all categories to be considered): About the Event or Initiative Points Answer/Explanation available 2 f. Is the event or initiative a new offering to Port Townsend? 2 g. Will the event or project create local jobs or utilize local vendors? How is this determined/measured? 2 h. Will the event or project increase overnight stays or overnight stays in the offseason (October May)? 2 i. Describe any partnerships with organizations or businesses related to this event or project. 2 j. Does the event or project leverage any funds or in-kind? 2 j. Does the event/project include a capital project component? If so, what is the approach to maintenance or renewal? 1 k. The event or project must be open to thepublic to qualify for LTAC funding. In addition, is the event or initiative free or ticketed? Points About the Organization Answer/Explanation available 1 l. Is your organization represented on LTAC by a board or staff member? 2 m. Are you a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization? 2 n. Briefly describe a relevant past organizational success related to this project/event 1 o. Did you receive funds for this event/project last year? Have you received LTAC funding of any kind before? ApplicationTimeline ApplicationDeadline:Calls for proposals will be made in June, with the deadline on June 30 and with consideration from July through September. Applications may be received online (link forthcoming) or at Port Townsend City Hall. SubmitaPDFandoneoriginalsignedcopyto: CityofPort Townsend LodgingTaxBudget Request Connie Anderson 250 Madison Street Port Townsend, WA Email:canderson@cityofpt.us —ƚǒƒǒƭƷĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻğƓķƭźŭƓƷŷĻĭƚǝĻƩƭŷĻĻƷǞźƷŷƷŷźƭƦğĭƉĻƷ —ƚǒƒğǤǒƭĻğ{ǒƦƦƌĻƒĻƓƷğƌCƚƩƒƚƩƷǤƦĻƷŷĻƨǒĻƭƷźƚƓƭğƓķğƓƭǞĻƩƭƚƓƭĻƦğƩğƷĻƭŷĻĻƷƭƚŅƦğƦĻƩ͵ . tƌĻğƭĻƓǒƒĬĻƩĻğĭŷƦğŭĻźƓǤƚǒƩƦğĭƉĻƷͲĻǣĭĻƦƷŅƚƩƷŷĻĬƩƚĭŷǒƩĻƭΉźƓŅƚƩƒğƷźƚƓ Attachment B: General LTAC Information GeneralInformation CityofPort TownsendLodgingTaxFundOverview and expendituresdesignedtoincreasetourism.The fund has been used to market Port Townsend; construct and maintain tourism-related infrastructure like public restrooms, winter lightingand garbage facilities; offer sponsorships for events and organizations; pay fee waivers for use of City facilities; and pay debt service, among other things allowable by state law. HIGHPRIORITY willbegiventotourismactivitiesthat: Have a demonstrated potential or high potential to result in overnightstays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City of Port Townsend. Preference may be given to stays duringshoulder season. Promote Port Townsend and/or events, activities, and places in the City of Port Townsend to potential touristsfromoutsideJeffersonCounty. Havedemonstratedorhighpotentialtoresultindocumentedeconomic benefitto Port Townsend. Have a demonstrated history or success in Port Townsend or are proposed by a group with a demonstratedhistoryor highpotential ofsuccesswith similar activities. Minimizeduplicationofserviceswhereappropriateandencouragecooperativemarketing and/orincludesan element ofcooperation or partnership. City Facilities are available on a first-come; first-serve basis. Please ensure that your selected dates are availableby checking the City website. A facility-use scholarship will not give you priority to use your selected facility or bump another event from the reservation calendar. StateLaw Excerpts RCW67.28.1816UseofLodgingTaxFund. Lodgingtaxrevenueunderthischaptermaybeused,directlybyanymunicipalityorindirectly throughaconventionandvisitorsbureauor destination marketingorganization for: Tourismmarketing; a. Themarketingandoperationsofspecialeventsandfestivalsdesignedtoattracttourists; b. Supporting the operations and capital expenditures of tourism-related facilities owned or c. operated by amunicipalityora publicfacilitiesdistrict createdunderchapters35.57and 36.100RCW;or Supporting the operations of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by nonprofit d. organizationsdescribed under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3) and 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(6) or the internal revenue code of 1986,asamended. RCW67.28.080Definitions. "Municipality"meansanycounty,city ortownofthestateofWashington. "Operation"includes,butisnotlimitedto,operation,management,andmarketing. "Person" means the federal government or any agency thereof, the state or any agency, subdivision,taxingdistrictormunicipalcorporationthereofotherthancounty,cityor town,anyprivatecorporation,partnership,association, or individual. "Tourism" means economic activity resulting from tourists, which may include sales of overnight lodging,meals,tours, gifts, or souvenirs. "Tourism promotion" means activities and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but notlimited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting andwelcomingtourists;developingstrategiestoexpand tourism;operatingtourismpromotionagencies;andfundingmarketingofspecialevents and festivalsdesigned toattract tourists. "Tourism-relatedfacility" meansrealortangiblepersonalpropertywithausablelife ofthreeormoreyears, or constructed with volunteer labor, and used to support tourism, performing arts, or toaccommodatetourist activities. "Tourist" means a person who travels from a place of residence to a different town, city, county, state, orcountry,forpurposesofbusiness,pleasure,recreation,education, arts, heritage,or culture. FACILITY RENTAL FEE WAIVER Rental information (to be completed by rental party) Rental Party The Port Townsend Main Street Program dba Port Townsend Creative District (organization/person) Rental Date(s)From: August 21 st 8:00AMTo: August 22 nd 10:00AM and And hour(s) From: August 25 th 8:00PM To: August 26 th 11:00AM Event Name/Rental Soundcheck – we seek to use the Cotton Building for a Maker’s Market to Purpose showcase local artists and indigenous crafters on August 21 st, and August 25 th to th 26is a previously-scheduled event (Concerts on the Dock) that has a late night component added to it, and the additional hours needed for this were not originally budgeted when planning the standard Concerts on the Dock use hours. Rental Facility The Cotton Building Event Description Soundcheck is a multi-disciplinary, multi-venue arts festival with all events free to the public, held by the Port Townsend Creative Districts in partnership with the Port Townsend Main Street Program. Reason why rental fee Free event for the public/community should be waived (please check box) Benefit to the City of Port Townsend Benefit Description: This event serves to highlight the rich history of craftspeople and artists in our region, and to promote our working artists and makers, as a preamble to the Thing festival being held in late August. Soundcheck is our local art festival – events include free outdoor movies, live performances throughout town, social justice spoken word and poetry, literary events with local publishers and booksellers, lindy hop dance instruction with world-class musicians and instructor, and a songwriter’s showcase featuring burgeoning artists in the local music and arts scenes. Other Please Describe: Waiver Review (to be completed by City of Port Townsend staff) Reviewed by City Manager Date Value of rental Decision Meets waiver qualifications Does not meet waiver qualifications Justification Authorizing Date Signature