HomeMy WebLinkAbout071422 PTAC Meeting Packet ARTS COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA July 14, 2022 | 3:00 p.m. | In-person and Remote Meeting nd The meeting will be held in Council Chambers on the 2 floor of Historic City Hall. The entrance is the first door on Madison Street, which opens to the elevator. Please seat yourself at the first long table on the left. Join virtually via computer or tablet at http://joinwebinar.com enter the 9-digit Webinar ID 539-393-595 Join by phone in listen-only mode: (360) 390-5064 ext. 6 access code: 155-675-573# Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to: publiccomment@cityofpt.us I.Call to Order and Roll Call II.Approval of Agenda III.Approval of Minutes from the June 1, 2022 Meeting IV.Public Comment (3 minutes per person) V.Commission Business A.Chair’s Update B.Review grant application: Indigo Sky Productions C.Review grant application: Japanese Butch D.Review grant application: Jefferson County Historical Society E.Review grant application – Mythsinger Community StoryCircles F.Continue review of grant application form, funding guidelines and FAQs G.Continue to discuss diversity statement H.Continue to discuss high-level workplan I.Discuss community outreach and pr issues VI.Correspondence VII.Set Agenda for Next Meeting VIII.Next Scheduled Meeting – August 4, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. IX.Adjourn From:City of Port Townsend To:Debbie Ritter Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Monday, June 20, 2022 8:57:26 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Monday, June 20, 2022 - 8:57pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Mon, 06/20/2022 Organization Name Indigo Sky Productions (formerly SkyHouse Productions) Primary Contact Jade Evans Phone Number 360 912 2710 Email indigoskyproductions2022@gmail.com Project or Event Name Theater- Burlesque (Part of Soundcheck Festival) Event Location key City Theater Date(s) of Event August 21 2022 Amount Requested $3,000 Admission Charge $20 Donations Accepted? No Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? No Total Budget? $3,000 Please attach the proposed budget for this event proposal_ptac.pdf Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? Yes If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: My productions help to provide multi-disciplinary artists from all walks of life with an outlet to perform, without being subjected to typecasting, body shaming and other harmful industry practices. Producing shows as "The Sky Dancers" a Burlesque and Variety troupe; has attracted makeup artists, sound engineers, and performers of all kinds, therefore stimulating paying work for locals. Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: Performers rely heavily on tickets sales. After the cost of costumes, materials etc, often performers barely break even. City funding will support the direct costs of producing the show during the Soundcheck Festival. This means performers are guaranteed a reasonable wage for their time, dedication and talent. It also means the show can remain affordable to the community in which it aims to serve. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: As part of Soundcheck Festival visitors are welcomed of course however, this show is intended to serve the local community. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. No past funding. The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/41947 Joejhp!Tlz!Qspevdujpot!Qsftfout;! ÆUif!Ebsl!XbmlÇ!B!Csjehfsupo!uifnfe!Uifbusf.Cvsmftrvf!fyqfsjfodf!gfbuvsjoh!Uif!Tlz!Ebodfst Up!uif!Qpsu!Upxotfoe!Bsut!Dpnnjttjpo-! 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Uibol!zpv!gps!zpvs!ujnf!boe!dpotjefsbujpo-!qmfbtf!gffm!gsff!up!dpoubdu!nf!xjui!boz!rvftujpot!ps! dmbsjÑdbujpot!zpv!nbz!offe/ Uibol!zpv Kbef!Fwbot/ From:City of Port Townsend To:Debbie Ritter Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Thursday, May 19, 2022 10:09:21 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Thursday, May 19, 2022 - 10:08pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Fri, 05/20/2022 Organization Name Primary Contact Iván-Daniel Espinosa Phone Number 713-739-8840 Email ide207@nyu.edu Project or Event Name THE ART OF JAPANESE BUTOH: Katsura Kan Performance & Multimedia Artist Talk Event Location Fort Worden State Park and Key City Public Theater Date(s) of Event August 10 and August 11 Amount Requested $1,500 Admission Charge NONE -- the events will be FREE of charge to the community Donations Accepted? Yes Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? $2,000 Please attach the proposed budget for this event the_art_of_japanese_butoh_-_budget.pdf Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? Yes If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: I am incredibly honored and thrilled to be bringing world-renowned Japanese artist Katsura Kan from Kyoto to Port Townsend, Washington in August of 2022. Kan is a dance teacher, choreographer, and performer of great esteem in the world of performance art who specializes in Butoh, a post-war Japanese avant-garde dance form. Kan began his career over four decades ago as a dancer with the seminal Butoh troupe Byakkosha, known for their theatrically explosive performance style. In 1985, Kan trained and worked with the legendary Butoh founder Tatsumi Hijikata during Hijikata's final year as a living artist. For the last ten years, Kan has organized numerous academic conferences in Kyoto and all over the world for the next generation of dancers and artists interested in learning more about Butoh. This project will benefit the Port Townsend community by bringing diverse, multicultural artistic programming to audiences in the Olympic Peninsula. It will consist of a Live Butoh performance at Fort Worden State Park featuring an intergenerational ensemble of dancers with Live musical accompaniment by a troupe of multi-instrumentalists. This event is in service of creating meaningful performance art that celebrates Port Townsend's unique natural Landscapes, beaches, and beautiful moss-covered forests. In addition, Kan will present a multimedia Lecture to the community titled, "Origins of Butoh: The Japanese Avant-Garde Artistic Movement of the 1960's & 1970's," which has been presented at universities and conferences all over the world. BOTH OF THESE EVENTS WILL BE FREE OF CHARGE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. This multicultural artistic programming helps to adequately represent and celebrate our global cultural heritage. Diversity cultivates perspective: it's vitally important as a community to understand and appreciate the diverse, vibrant perspectives of our social, cultural, ecological, and artistic worlds. This project facilitates richly immersive, multidisciplinary COLLABORATION and artistic EXCHANGE between Port Townsend artists and a Japanese master artist who has presented work in every single continent. Projects like these contribute to better community- building and decision-making, while also introducing new ideas into the social imagination and increasing creativity and innovation within Port Townsend and the surrounding communities. ABOUT BUTOH -- A GLOBAL ART FORM: Butoh, which incorporates elements of Surrealism, Dada, French Existentialism, German Expressionism, Japanese theater and eastern spiritual thought, was first developed in the late 1950's through experimental collaborations between its founders Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno. Their work established Butoh as disciplined and rigorous, yet spontaneous and idiosyncratic, intellectual and experimental, yet grounded in the human body. Despite the recent origination of this dance form, it has quickly spread throughout Europe, the United States, Latin America, Asia and Australia, resonating with artists of many genres and appealing to worldwide audiences while demonstrating that it speaks to something primordial within us. Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: This event is dependent on acquiring the city's funding to actualize the proposed PUBLIC PERFORMANCE and multimedia artist lecture. As you will see in the attached budget, I am requesting financial assistance to pay Katsura Kan and the Live musicians a modest stipend for their artwork, pay for costume/makeup costs for the public performance, and pay for the rental of Key City Public Theater for the multimedia artist lecture. Katsura Kan has been so kind to accept my invitation to perform and present his artistry in Port Townsend. This will be the first time that Kan returns to the United States since 2016 and the first ever Live presentation of his artwork in Port Townsend. With ingenuity and hard work, I have been able to formulate a site-specific performance and artist presentation at Key City Public Theater, both of which will be free of charge to the Port Townsend community. But without the funding of the Port Townsend Arts Commission, I would have to rely on ticket sales to cover the costs of producing these events, and they would no longer be free to the Port Townsend community. This would mean excluding broadly low-income populations from these enriching experiences— including People of Color, young people, and fixed income recipients who are Disabled or of retirement age. I also know, from producing and curating Live performances in the context of our ever-changing pandemic landscape, that hosting events that take place outdoors is a great way to expand access to the performing arts for those who are immunocompromised or may have concerns about the risks of public indoor gatherings. This is why I am excited to offer both an indoor and outdoor option for Port Townsend audiences to engage with the artistry of Katsura Kan. Lastly, it is important to emphasize that the venues and resources that we would be acquiring with the commission's funding would be directed to local spaces and businesses that will greatly benefit from our proposed usages and put funds back into the local Port Townsend economy. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: This project will target Jefferson County residents AND also bring in visitors from the surrounding areas. As a Port Townsend-based artist and event organizer, I have a successful history of producing artistic projects that are highly attended and well-received by the community. Last year, I brought world-renowned Japanese musician Tatsuya Nakatani from Osaka to Port Townsend with the support of the commission. Both the outdoor and indoor performances were highly successful and attended by over one hundred people from Port Townsend and all over the Olympic Peninsula. The Port Townsend Leader featured a glowing announcement of this event in the weekly paper. In addition, I collaborated last summer with several Port Townsend-based artists to produce the first- ever Olympic Peninsula Butoh Symposium, which brought three internationally renowned Butoh teachers to the city, and we hosted dancers from Port Townsend, Seattle, Portland, and across the country. I am very proud of my strong reputation for producing inclusive and accessible artistic events in the Port Townsend and Jefferson County communities. My projects have garnered much publicity in the local press and social media which has allowed me to create long lasting artistic connections, and has been a way for our local community to find out about the art of Butoh and participate in the performances (either as audience or collaborators). For this project in August, I intend to hit the ground running, promoting the Katsura Kan events through the Port Townsend Leader, the Peninsula Daily News, radio advertisements through KPTZ’s monthly calendar and PSA service, and spreading the word through daily and weekly Facebook and Instagram updates. I also work closely with Port Townsend resident and mixed media artist Sandee Johnson and graphic designer Patrick Ward, who are both locally-based, talented visual artists that have volunteered to design promotional material (e.g., posters, flyers, and social media ads) for this project. Additionally, Katsura Kan has a strong artistic following throughout the Pacific Northwest and nationally, so his performances often draw a lot of people from out of town. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. N/A The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/41724 From:City of Port Townsend To:Debbie Ritter Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Friday, June 17, 2022 3:12:07 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Friday, June 17, 2022 - 3:11pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Fri, 06/17/2022 Organization Name Jefferson County Historical Society Primary Contact Tara McCauley Phone Number (360) 385-1003 Email tara@jchsmuseum.com Project or Event Name Jefferson Museum Free Summer Programming Event Location Various Date(s) of Event Multiple dates between July and September Amount Requested 1200 Admission Charge Free on first Saturdays at Jefferson Museum and by donation at other venues Donations Accepted? Yes Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? 1200 Please attach the proposed budget for this event summer_museum_programming_budget_- _june_2022.pdf Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? Yes If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: Some of our highest priorities for our museum’s public programming right now are offering accessible programs that are free or low-cost and reestablishing regular open hours at the Jefferson Museum of Art & History. These two priorities have less of an impact with our non-local audiences. That group’s interaction with our exhibitions and programs happens primarily in our physical museum space and limited hours of operation are less of a barrier to tourists traveling for leisure who can plan their visit around our hours. These priorities are, however, very significant in ensuring our local audiences—particularly those with more schedule constraints and responsibilities—have access to engaging arts experiences in our community and multiple opportunities to participate. Along with the two timely priorities described, a perennial priority in our arts programming is involving and supporting local artists. Our request is intended to support these priorities and fund our summer activities that will most directly benefit local artists and visitors. A $1,200 grant from the arts commission would fund six $200 honoraria for artists who will be presenting or performing as part of our museum’s free, all-ages arts programming between July and September. Half of our request will fund honoraria for three musicians who will be performing in the Ferguson Gallery at the Jefferson Museum from 5:00 to 7:00 PM for the first Saturdays of July, August, and September as part of Art Walk, when we offer extended hours and all-day free admission. Our museum sees anywhere from two to five times our typical visitation for a weekend day on the first Saturday of every month when admission is free. It’s the ideal time to bring music to our space because it’s when the most visitors will be able to enjoy it. Booked for our first Saturdays between July and September are Joe Fulton & Friends (July 2), Ahmad Baabahar (August 6), and Kristin Myers (September 3). Because the talent has already been booked, honoraria for these performers is our most urgent funding priority. The remaining half of our request will fund honoraria for programming happening at different sites outside our museum, including the 1868 Rothschild House, Port Townsend Public Library, and the Pope Marine Building. One honorarium will be for Alexis Younglove Erickson, a Jamestown S’Klallam Tribal Citizen and author of the illustrated children’s book Willow Whoops. Erickson will be giving an outdoor reading of her book on the lawn at Port Townsend Public Library on Saturday, July 23. Another honorarium will be for Port Townsend-based artist Karen Lené Rudd. Anthropocene, our exhibition on view at the Jefferson Museum through September, consists of three distinct bodies of work by Rudd, and she will be presenting a public program about the installation at the Pope Marine Building on Saturday, July 30. The last honorarium for summer activities outside our museum will be for a musician to play on the grounds of Rothschild House on a Saturday to be determined in September. The house is open for free public tours every Saturday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM this summer, and we plan on celebrating the final date it is open in September with extended hours and activities, including live music. The Rothschild House program and Erickson’s reading are both free public programs and the exhibit program is registration-based with a suggested donation. As our county’s only non-commercial, publicly accessible art museum where artists can present their work for public engagement and educational purposes rather than sale of artwork, showcasing local artists for our local audience will always be at the core of our exhibitions and programs. With that distinction comes a great responsibility to eliminate barriers to engagement while also supporting our local creative workforce and staying fiscally healthy as an organization. Our regular museum admissions and fee-based programs are both critical sources of earned revenue that we can’t afford to forego, which is why it’s especially important for us to expand activities whenever we offer free programming geared toward our local community. Offering programs that are free or pay-what-you-wish both inside and outside our museum on a regular basis throughout the summer is a critical way for us to expand access to local arts programming. We must also pay artists involved in the programming equitably for their time to ensure we have a thriving creative workforce. Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: The first $600 portion of our request is the most important because it will fund three $200 honoraria for our first Saturday performers between July and September. Offering these members of our local creative workforce compensation for the two hours each of them are booked to play at our museum this summer is not optional—they’re working artists and they should not be expected to work for free. Without City funding for their honoraria, JCHS will have to assume that expense. The remaining $600 of our request will fund $200 honoraria for three other artists—all representing different disciplines in programs happening outside of our museum space between July and September. JCHS will also have to assume the expense of these honoraria without City funding. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: As part of our free museum programming this summer, first Saturdays are important moments for us to connect Port Townsend and East Jefferson County residents to local arts. The extended first Saturday hours for every month this summer affords those who live nearby multiple chances to visit the Jefferson Museum for free. It also gives them multiple opportunities to see a fantastic local artist’s work while Anthropocene is on view. Both Anthropocene and our free first Saturday musician lineup is being publicized through our website and digital communications as well as a postcard mailing sent in early June. The exhibition has also been advertised in Strait Up and will receive additional publicity in the Port Townsend Leader’s forthcoming Summer Activities Guide. We will continue promoting our current exhibition and all first Saturday activities through the summer months. The other three summer programs we’re requesting honoraria for will target Port Townsend and East Jefferson County residents in a few different ways. In the case of our exhibit program, we know that even when we’ve offered a livestream of our programs that can be accessed anywhere, East Jefferson County residents still make up the majority (52%) of the audience that we have geographic data for, and over 47% are residents of Port Townsend specifically. That indicates that regardless of format, our programs audience is overwhelmingly local and that local share of our audience will likely be higher for a program offered only in-person in Port Townsend. The July program at Port Townsend Public Library and the September program at the Rothschild House may have even greater appeal to Port Townsend residents than programs and activities offered at our museum in that they will be taking place in more residential parts of town. Because they are on weekends and not registration-based, they may also attract some curious out-of-town visitors. As with any of our programs, we will advertise all three summer programs happening outside of our museum through our website and digital communications. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. N/A The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/41934 Port Townsend Arts Commission July September 2022 Grant Application Jefferson County Historical Society Budget for Free Summer Programming at the Jefferson Museum COMPONENT DESCRIPTION/BUDGET Free admission all day first Saturdays at the Jefferson Museum with performances from 5:00 to 7:00 PM Free First Saturday Honoraria for three booked musicians Music at the Joe Fulton and Friends // July 2: $200 Ahmad Baabahar // August 6: $200 Jefferson Museum Kristin Myers // September 3: $200 Subtotal $600 Free or pay-what-you-wish programs featuring multidisciplinary artists at different sites between July and September Honorarium for Willow Whoops reading at Port Townsend Public Library Summer Programs Alexis Younglove Erickson // July 23: $200 Outside the Honorarium for Anthropocene program at Pope Marine Building Jefferson Museum Karen Lené Rudd // July 30: $200 Honorarium for musician at Rothschild House program TBD // September date TBD: $200 Subtotal $600 TOTAL BUDGET $1,200 Qspkfdu!Ujumf;Nzuitjohfs!Dpnnvojuz!TupszDjsdmft!¦!Nzuitjohfs!Mfhbdz!Qspkfdu!Kvmz!ÄEfdfncfs!3133 Boujdjqbufe!EpobufeUpubm Upubm!Puifs! 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Tqfdjgjdbmmz-!QUBD!gvoet!xjmmtvqqpsu;%711!upxbse!bsujtutÉipopsbsjb)pg!uif!upubm!dptu!pg!%2-611*-!%511!gps! qspevdujpo!dsfx0ufdi!ufbnipopsbsjb)pg!uif!upubm!dptu!pg!%3-711!gps!fwfou!qspevdujpo!dsfxboe!pwfsbmm! benjojtusbujpopg!uxp!fwfout*-boe!%311!upxbse!boujdjqbufeqvcmjdjuz!dptut!cfzpoe!uiptf!qspwjefe!cz! epobujpot0fwfou!sfwfovftboe!jo.ljoe!pvusfbdiboe!ufdiojdbmtvqqpsu!gspn!qbsuofst!jodmvejohLQU\[.GN )qspnpujpo*!boe!Tpohxsjujoh!Xpslt!){ppn!iptujoh*/Uibol!zpv!gps!zpvs!dpotjefsbujpo/ Draft City of Port Townsend Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement The City of Port Townsend is committed to and accountable for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in all its forms. We embrace individual uniqueness and foster a culture of inclusion that supports both broad and specific diversity initiatives. We value inclusion as a core strength and an essential element of our public service mission. In the City of Port Townsend: We welcome and seek residents and visitors from diverse backgrounds. We commit to seeking out and eliminating institutional and unconscious bias in our municipal code, especially in our zoning code, and City plans while supporting state and federal non-discrimination laws regarding daily life in our community. We foster and maintain a safe environment of respect and inclusion for all our residents, employees, and visitors to our community. We creatively provide programs and environments that reflect the diversity of our community and elevate cultural awareness. We ensure fair and inclusive access to our facilities, programs, resources, and services. We ensure that all our plans, policies, and practices are inclusive and equitable for all our residents and visitors in our delivery of services. We advance and build our workforce by continuously assessing our recruiting and hiring practices and our performance review process to attract, retain, and develop talented employees and staff from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented communities. As an employer, we encourage an environment in which our employees are engaged and empowered fostering a culture that allows employees to bring their best, unique selves to the City. Through our City staff hiring practices and training, we ensure equal access to justice and fair treatment for all residents and visitors. May 13, 2022 To: City of Port Townsend Advisory Board Chairs From: Mayor David Faber CC: City Manager John Mauro RE: Invitation for Advisory Board Input on High-Level 2023 Workplan Priorities Dear City of Port Townsend Advisory Board Chairs: As we keep moving forward on delivering our 2022 workplan and the services that our community counts on, Directors will be holding a workplan retreat on July 18, 2022, to begin our conversation about those priorities, and, later in the year, to craft and decide on an accompanying 2023 budget. As a valued community leader and volunteer, I invite you and your advisory board to help us understand your thoughts on what you believe our most important priorities should be for 2023. Ultimately, we will all be working together to deliver on that workplan so we are eager to include your perspectives. For instance, brief input (e.g., a page) on the following questions would be useful: !What 2-3 priorities do you and your board believe are most important to consider as part of the overall City workplan and related to your purpose and role as an advisory body? How do such priories align with our 3-year Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Plan and/or functional plans? !What Advisory Board work from this or previous years is incomplete and should be considered in 2023? !Are there things we should stop doing or do differently, both at strategic and operational levels? !What else should we be considering? th The City is committed to reading and considering your thoughts in advance of our July 18 workplan retreat. It is not a promise that we will advance each suggestion, but given the important and valued role you play, we will weigh your ideas very seriously and with sincere appreciation. For a current overview and status update on the 2022 workplan, please see the April 11 City Council workshop meeting, including the presentation here: https://cityofpt.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=4&clip_id=2395&meta_id=200351. Finally, like to thank you for your continued service to our City Council, the City and our broader community in your role as an Advisory Board chair. Especially during the past few years, we have all faced tremendous challenges to keep moving forward and serving our community. Thank you for your dedicated, thoughtful, and agile work and for the critical role you play in helping to steward productive and civil public dialogue. I and my Council colleagues appreciate you and look forward to our continued work together. Sincerely, David Faber, Mayor