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May 2022
A Note From Council Member Aislinn Diamanti
One of the ques�ons I’m asked most about the City is: “How do I get
Depending on who is asking (and their tolerance for boring anecdotes),
I o�en start with the story of how I got involved, admi�ng I’m an
edge case. For me, it started with checking the City website regularly
and looking at the upcoming mee�ng agendas. It was a game-changer
when I figured out the “good stuff” (the list of agenda topics for the
next few months) is found inside the agendas. You can sign up for
weekly emails that include agendas for all City mee�ngs here:
www.cityofpt.us/newsle�er/subscrip�ons. You can also see it posted weekly on Facebook at
www.facebook.com/cityofpt. Once I had the agendas, I found it rela�vely easy to stay on top
of what was going on and when to a�end a mee�ng. Since I was vocal on housing issues, a
friend encouraged me to apply for the Planning Commission. A�er a few years on the
Planning Commission, I ran for City Council… which is not the level of involvement most
people are interested in! Other, more prac�cal ways to get involved are:
1. Public comment. To make the strongest impression, submit your comment via
email before the packet goes out (or at least a full business day before the meet-
ing), so that it gets sent to Council before the mee�ng. Then, if you can, give public
comment at the mee�ng – you can read what you submi�ed if you like, but I
recommend summarizing it and referencing the submi�ed comment. Effec�ve
public comment is specific. Name the ac�on you want to be taken. Submit your
comments to publiccomment@cityofpt.us.
2. Volunteer. This isn’t possible for everyone, but if it’s possible for you the volunteer
opportuni�es are listed on the website, along with the inquiry form: www.cityofpt.us/community/page/volunteer-opportunities
3. Volunteer another way: Join a board or commission. There are openings on mul�ple
boards and commissions right now. Some of the City’s most important work
happens at this level and par�cipa�ng in this way imparts a deeper under
standing of the City process. It’s easy to apply on the website:
4. Learn! As Ben men�oned in this newsle�er last month, we’re all pre�y excited
about the “How Your City Works” series hosted by the Library. “What Happens
After You Flush” about City Wastewater, is on Tuesday, May 3rd, and “Return to
the Land” about City Compost is on Tuesday, June 7th. Check out the Library’s
website for more informa�on: www.ptpubliclibrary.org. Also, you can learn more
about City ini�a�ves at any �me by going to Engage PT: www.cityofpt.us/engage.
Visit the City Council page on our website to learn how to a�end virtual
Council mee�ngs, see photos & bios, and get agendas for upcoming and
previous Council mee�ngs: www.cityofpt.us/citycouncilCity of Port Townsend
250 Madison Street
05/02/22: Business Mee�ng
05/09/22: Workshop Mee�ng
05/16/22: Business Mee�ng
05/30/22: City Offices Closed
Mee�ngs are subject to
change. Please view our
website calendar for an
up-to-date mee�ng schedule:
Consider applying to be on a City Advisory Board or Commission. Visit our
website for descrip�ons,
applica�ons, and mee�ng
For more informa�on,
contact the City Clerk’s
Office at (360) 379-5083.
The following Boards and
Commissions have current
and upcoming vacancies:
• Arts Commission• Civil Service Commission• Climate Ac�on Commi�ee• Library Advisory Board• Lodging Tax Advisory Commi�ee• Parks, Recrea�on, Trees and Trails Advisory Board• Planning Commission
“What happens a�er you flush” about City Wastewater ONLINE Tuesday, May 3 at 7:00 pm
Presented by Bliss Morris, City of Port Townsend Wastewater Opera�ons Manager. This
is the first talk in the new program series, “How Your City Works” presented by City of
Port Townsend staff.
Did you know the City’s wastewater division is responsible for the treatment of 286
million (800,000 daily) gallons of wastewater from our homes and businesses? This
all travels through a vast series of underground pipes, to our wastewater treatment
facility where the wastewater is treated by removing contaminants, solids, and
harmful bacteria to meet all regula�ons from the Department of Ecology before
being released into the Straits of Juan De Fuca. Rou�ne ac�vi�es include bio-solids
dewatering, laboratory sample collec�on: tes�ng and analysis: process control:
and regulatory repor�ng. The City maintains more than 77 miles of sanitary sewer
lines and has 120 manholes, 6 li� sta�ons, and 3 emergency generators.
James Webb Space Telescope ONLINE presented by Jay Bakst Thursday, May 12, 2022 - 7:00 pm
On Christmas Day, NASA successfully launched the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a successor to the Hubble.
The telescope is planned to be commissioned in late June or early July. Learn how the JWST differs from Hubble,
where it is and why it is deployed there, and how its mission fits into the overall NASA mission. The presenta�on will
also cover its cryo-vacuum tes�ng and what was done to make this telescope ready to func�on in the coldness of
Sing-a-ling IN PERSON with Keeth Apgar on the Pink House LawnTuesday, May 19 at 10:30 am
Sing-A-Ling gets toddlers, preschoolers, families, and the greater community into our bodies and singing together.
Part story �me, part sing-along and fully loaded with laughs, the select songs and rhyming stories in this show combine
finger play, movement, picture books, upli�ing acous�c music, and an engaging, highly-interac�ve banter between
the audience and presenter.
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
While the weather here generally exercises its right to sway wildly, the longer daylight in May
is a welcome hint of spring – and even summer. I enjoyed last month’s reopening of the PT
Farmers Market with its music, art, food, and tremendous community energy. It’s once again
a weekly opportunity to support local farms and businesses, to catch up with friends new and
old, and to celebrate connec�on. To those ends, the City will be back at the Farmer's Market.
The Library team has brought Story�me back to each weekly Farmer's Market, but we'll also
have another City booth each month with informa�on on current project, and ways to get
involved and stay informed. To those ends, the City will be back at the Farmers Market each
month with our City booth, informa�on on current projects, and ways to get involved and stay
informed. At the booth will be a staff member and a member of the City Council, both eager
to engage, listen and dialogue about what’s on your mind. In May, we’ll also be relaunching
our Engage PT campaign and website with new informa�on and ways to get engaged. Have a
look at www.cityofpt.us/engage and I look forward to seeing you at the booth!
May is also Bike Month. I’ve organized a City staff team of riders to log miles and trips – and to enter into some friendly
compe��on with ci�es and organiza�ons around the state. The health of my team and our community is of fundamental
importance to me, so I’m promo�ng ways to get ac�ve, reduce stress, and feel a stronger sense of belonging. Why
not start a team yourself and we can go head-to-head in good fun? No experience is required and anyone who enters
is eligible for prizes (like a new bike) – including maintaining and building your health.
Learn more at www.lovetoride.net. And see you on the road, no ma�er how you're using it!
A Note From City Manager John Mauro
PT Public Library
How Your City
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
The Importance of Internal Committies - Wellness and Safety.
EDGE LANE ROADS (ELRs) – Public comment opportunity.
Updated Utility Rates
New u�lity rates established in Ordinance 3281 are effec�ve in April and will be on
the next billing statements. The billing statements themselves have been updated
per Ordinance 3283 to calculate the 18% u�lity tax on gross revenues excluding the
capital surcharge. The tax is embedded in our monthly charges on the new billing
statement and the statement’s look will change a bit to help improve clarity and
The City of Port Townsend has two internal commi�ees, without these commi�ees, the City wouldn’t func�on the
way it does.
The mission of the wellness commi�ee is, “to encourage healthy behaviors and promote mental and physical wellness
for all employees of the City.” The Wellness commi�ee, promotes inclusion in the workplace. This means that office
staff interact with crew members and learn about what they do (and vice versa) so we can translate that back into
the community and build understanding for all.
Connec�ng across teams helps us more than just coordinate, but builds team spirit, camaraderie and leadership,
things we can depend on later when we encounter unexpected challenges. It also reminds us to li� our heads from
our immediate work and see the bigger picture. The wellness commi�ee isn’t just about physical wellness and clean
ea�ng. This year is centrally focused on mental health and well-being.
Equally important is the safety commi�ee. While the wellness commi�ee is voluntary among staff, it is required for
one member of each department to be on the safety commi�ee. This commi�ee is important because it highlights
injury preven�on, which keeps our staff and crew members safe from work-related injuries. Lost �me due to a work-
place injury is detrimental not just to the employee, but also to the community and workflow.
You can’t have wellness without safety, and you can’t have safety without wellness. The two are vital to City staff and
the community to keep us opera�onal, healthy, and happy to serve.
What is an ELR? ELRs provide two-way motor vehicle traffic in a single center lane. There is no centerline and bike/
peds use the edge lanes on either side of the street. The City is interested in installing ELRs at select loca�ons because
they provide a space for bikes/peds on narrower streets. Also, ELRs keep cars from driving on the edge of street which
slows the breakdown of the pavement. At the end of May, the City will install temporary ELR striping on
Blaine Street in Uptown between Tyler and Adams Street. The temporary striping will remain in place for
two weeks. The City invites the Port Townsend community to check it out, and provide feedback.
To learn more about ELRs and this project visit our Engage PT webpage: www.engagept.us
The image above is what your
statement will look like and to the
right is an enlarged view of the
sec�on where these changes can
be seen.
City of Port Townsend • 250 Madison Street • (360) 385-3000 • www.cityofpt.us
We are con�nuing to profile City staff members so you can learn more about the team and their work from their
perspec�ve. Check back here each month to see a new staff profile. This month is Jud Haynes, Navigator with our Police
How long have you worked at the City of Port Townsend?
I have been the Port Townsend Police Department Navigator for over three years.
What do you currently do in terms of job du�es?
My job du�es vary depending on the needs of the department and community; however, I am most o�en engaged
in suppor�ng law enforcement during behavioral health-related calls for service requiring de-escala�on and
resource/service provision. I also collaborate with local social service agencies and community members to address
issues related to individuals experiencing complex mental-health and substance use related issues.
What do you like or enjoy most about working at the City?
I appreciate the challenges associated with the Navigator role, such as working with and responding to calls with other
city agencies, having minimal prepara�on �me before responding to a call, and providing support during the early
phase of a crisis. Regarding this last point, my previous mental health experience was
limited to responding to individuals days, months, or even years a�er a crisis. The opportunity
to respond immediately to individuals in crisis with other competent professionals has been
invaluable to my personal and professional development.
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself, your job, or your team with the public?
This is an excellent opportunity to reassure those I work closely with, other City employees,
and the public that I am not secretly analyzing or diagnosing them. With that being said, the
experiences I have had in this role have provided ample material for my ongoing educa�onal
goals. Lastly, I enjoy speaking with others about mental health, so if anyone has ques�ons or
is curious about the world of mental health in general, please feel free to contact me.
Introducing City Staff
PT Main Street Community Events
“Buskers on the Block” Returns to Tyler Street Plaza on Thursdays in April & May at 2:00 pm
The Port Townsend Main Street Program is working with local musicians to bring music and fun
to the downtown historic district in May. These free, casual small-scale performances are sponsored
by the Port Townsend Main Street Program and The Lighthouse Café. The majority of the
performances will take place at Tyler Street Plaza. View the full lineup on our website:
May is Art Wave!
For May, Historic Districts’ merchants are showcasing student artwork, created in the Port Townsend Schools, for
“Art Wave!” Children’s pieces of art were installed as part of this promo�on. The “Art Wave” exhibit celebrates
children’s crea�ve expression through art and is a
collabora�on with par�cipa�ng Port Townsend busi-
nesses. The funds raised will help support diverse offerings
by PT Artscape including the Teaching Ar�sts Programs
at Salish Coast Elementary, Blue Heron School, and Port
Townsend High School, and professional development
for teaching ar�sts and classroom teachers.