HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUP22-019 Pods at the Vineyard NOA
File No.
LUP22-019 (Long Plat/Plat Alteration)
Proposal: Pods at the Vineyard, a 17 lot Long Plat/Plat Alteration.
Applicant(s): Greenpod Development Davos Capital LLC
c/o Anne & Steve Raab c/o Dave Holland
606 Roosevelt St. PO Box 9150
Pt. Townsend, WA 98368 Santa Fe, NW 87504
Agent(s): Richard Berg, Terrapin Architecture Everett Sorenson, P.E.
360-379-8090 360-821-9960
richard@terrapin-arch.com everett@streamlineenv.com
Dates: Application: March 4, 2022
Determined Complete: April 25, 2022
Notice of Application: May 4, 2022
Location: Lots 1 through 8, inclusive, within Blocks 6, 7 & 8, Tibbals 2 Addition. Jefferson County tax
parcels for the 3 Block project site are 997-400-601, 997-400-701, 997-400-801 and 997-400-
803. The site lies west of the Rosewind Planned Unit Development {PUD), between 35 and
32 Streets.
Description: Pods at the Vineyard is a Plat/Plat Alteration of a three (3) Block project site together with
several intervening rights-of-way. Overall, it will create 17 new residential lots, one of which
already contains an existing single-family residence. Most of the new lots will be served by a
newly dedicated internal 50—ft. wide right-of-way (ROW); however, some lots would
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continue to be served via existing platted ROW’s in 33,35 and Kuhn Streets. Utilities
would be extended from the north and east via these existing and proposed dedicated
ROW’s. Portions of the sewer service will require use of a shared force main.
Special studies or plans supplied with the application include: a preliminary Plat/Plat Alteration site plan with
a project narrative, proposed utility alignments, a preliminary storm drainage map and report from a
licensed civil engineer, and a Tree Conservation Plan. Other permits (including other agencies) required but
not included in the application, to the extent known by the City may include a Street and Utility
Development permit, building permit(s), and clearing and grading permit(s).
As the project includes a partial street vacation, an open-record public hearing before the City’s Hearing
Examiner is required. The Hearing Examiner is the final decision maker on the proposal. A date for the
public hearing has not been set yet. Once a hearing date is set, separate public Notice of the date, time and
location will be provided. If preliminary Short Plat and Minor Variance approvals are granted to the project,
administrative (i.e., staff) approval of the final short plat will be necessary to demonstrate all conditions of
the preliminary approvals have been satisfied.
Location of Documents Available for Review: City of Port Townsend
Development Services Department
250 Madison Street, Ste. 3
Contact: John McDonagh, Senior Planner
(360) 344-3070
Any person has the right to submit comments, receive notice of and participate in the public hearing,
request a copy of the application, and appeal the decision. The initial comment period expires May 24,
2022; however, comments may be made up to the close of the open record public hearing. Written
comments received by the Development Services Department no later than 4:00 p.m. of the above date
will be included with staff’s recommendation to the Hearing Examiner.
A consistency statement will be made following review of the application with the density and use
provisions of the underlying R-II zoning district (PTMC 17.16), the approval criteria for a short subdivision
(PTMC 18.12) and Minor Variance (PTMC 17.86), the Tree Conservation Ordinance (PTMC 19.06), the
Engineering Design Standards and the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
A final decision on the applications will be made within 120 days of the date they were determined