DATE: March 22, 2022 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall (Virtual)
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: David Faber (Chair), Sherri Hanke, Barb Trailer, Danielle McClelland, Denise Winter, Cindy Finnie,
Natalie Maitland, and Nathan Barnett
NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Mari Mullen and Arlene Alen
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager John Mauro, Director of Finance and Technology Services Connie Anderson, Finance
Manager Ron Logghe, Deputy City Clerk Haylie Clement
Chair David Faber called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
Introduction to New City Staff: Staff introductions were provided
Lodging Tax Revenue Reports: Finance Manager Ron Logghe presented the
current revenue reports noting that the revenue is doing well considering
covid/economic challenges. Staff will look at doing more historical reporting.
Fee Waiver: City Manager John Mauro presented on the facility use fee waiver
Motion to accept all three fee waiver
process. The Committee discussed options for fair review of the waiver
requests (requests made by Port Townsend
requests. The Committee also discussed past processes for funding requests.
Heritage Association, Northwest Maritime
There was agreement to support events in the off season and new events to
Center, and Nathan Barnett). Motion passed
bring heads in beds in the community.
unanimously with Barb Trailer and Nathan
Barnett recused.
The Committee discussed a waiver request submitted by Nathan Barnett that
was not included in the materials.
Staff agreed to come back with proposed
framework for fee waiver approvals.
Funding Requests: The request made by the Port Townsend Kiwanis was
The committee was in agreement that the
reviewed. John Mauro provided detail on the process for approving a
framework for accepting these types of
supplemental allocation in the LTAC budget. The Committee discussed
requests has not been established and
statutory limitations on the use of LTAC funds.
should be developed before requests are
Staff agreed to begin developing a policy to
establish an avenue for accepting these
types of requests.
Chamber Visitors Center and Marketing Contracts: John Mauro provided
detail on the budget process for the Chamber contract. Council has given the
authority to execute a contract but input from LTAC on the scope of work was
desired before final action was taken.
Chamber Director Arlene Alan presented on the proposed scope of work and
level of service provided historically with marketing and tourism. A presentation
on sustainable tourism was provided.
2022 Activity and General Updates: Committee members provided
introductions, updates on past activities, and upcoming events.
Next Regular Meeting: April 12, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.