HomeMy WebLinkAbout041222 Agenda Packet Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting
Corrected Tuesday, April 12, 2022 3 to 5 p.m. City Hall, 250 Madison St., 3rd Floor Conference Room
****Pursuant to Washington State Governor’s Proclamation 20-28.15, the City is not allowing
in-person attendance at meetings. Members will be participating virtually.****
• Join virtually at http://joinwebinar.com enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 474-483-579
• Join by phone in listen-only mode (360) 390-5064 ext. 5 access code: 823-019-247#
• Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to:
I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes - April 13, 2021, October 12, 2021, March 22, 2022 III. Lodging Tax Revenue Reports
IV. Fee Waiver V. Budget Requests VI. Activity and General Updates VII. Adjourn LTAC regular meetings are held quarterly, on the second Tuesday at 3 p.m. of the months January, April, July, and October each year. Next regular meetings: July 12, and October 11, 2022 from 3 to 5 p.m. Mark your calendars and save the dates!
DATE: April 13, 2021 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall (Virtual)
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Pam Adams (Chair), Karen Clemens, Nathan Barnett,
Cindy Finnie, Denise Winter, Barb Trailer, Natalie Maitland, KC Upshaw (Designee for PT Film Institute)
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Sherri Hanke, Jannette Force, Cindy Finnie
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager John Mauro, Finance and Administrative Services Director Nora Mitchell,
Deputy City Clerk Haylie Clement
Topic Action
Chair Pam Adams called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: January 12 and April 9, 2021 Unanimous Approval
Lodging Tax Revenue Reports: Finance and Administrative Services Director Nora Mitchell presented the lodging tax revenue reports noting that as expected there continues to be a reduction in revenue. Members noted that there is starting to be an increase in lodging numbers.
Chamber Marketing Report: Arlene Alen updated the Committee on VIC operations, website traffic, and advertising. It was noted that travel bundles are being developed focusing on localized experimental tourism where tourists want to dive deeper into community activities including volunteering. Committee Members
expressed appreciation for the opportunity to participate in packaged advertising. City Manager John Mauro reported that the City and the Chamber would continue to work on reporting requirements.
Adams Street Parklet Update: Mari Mullen provided an update on the parklet
explaining that the project will likely be completed early summer, but lumber prices have increased which has caused the need to adjust funding on some of the other items.
Committee Announcements: Committee Members provided updates on recent
events and projects within each organization.
Next Regular Meeting: July 13, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 4:06 p.m.
DATE: October 12, 2021 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall (Virtual)
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Pam Adams (Chair), Karen Clemens, Nathan Barnett,
Cindy Finnie, Denise Winter, Natalie Maitland, Jannette Force, KC Upshaw (Designee for PT Film Institute)
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Sherri Hanke, Cindy Finnie, Barb Trailer
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager John Mauro, Finance and Administrative Services Director Nora Mitchell,
Deputy City Clerk Haylie Clement
Topic Action
Chair Pam Adams called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: April 13, 2021 No action was taken due to lack of a
Chamber Marketing Report: Arlene Alen reviewed the Chamber marketing report.
Nathan Barnett joined the meeting at 3:12 p.m. A quorum of members was
present. Denise Winter joined the meeting at 3:15 p.m.
Lodging Tax Revenue Reports: Finance and Administrative Services Director
Nora Mitchell presented the lodging tax revenue reports noting that the year-to-date revenue for 2021 is already above the projected revenues for the year. The Committee discussed lodging at Fort Worden, impacts to lodging due to the Wooden Boat Festival cancelation as well as impacts to retail businesses.
2022 Budget: Nora Mitchell introduced the proposed budget noting that the estimated revenues we will increase the ending fund balance. 2022 has a slight increase in projected revenue but an overall decrease from prior years is still anticipated. Each expense line item was reviewed. Staff noted that the Tourism Infrastructure and Infrastructure Reserve expenses are primarily the items that
are up for discussion.
City Manager John Mauro provided an overview of the City’s proposal for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds explaining that Council is only spending half of the funds in 2022 and that there could be the potential of
approving 2023 funds to be spent on public restrooms with a match of LTAC
There was unanimous agreement to approve the Chambers request for an additional $1,000 of pivot funds. Motion to recommend the 2022 LTAC
budget as presented with the following changes: Pivot marketing increased to $35,000; Tourism Infrastructure decreased to $0; Winter Marketing increased to $10,000; Facility Rental Waivers increased
to $10,000; and Infrastructure Reserve
Topic Action
infrastructure funds.
The group discussed possible projects for the Mainstreet tourism infrastructure
allocation including additional downtown furniture or increased accessibility in the new parklet. Staff noted that these funds could also be allocated for facility rentals fee waivers. Committee members discussed the option of using the funds for advertising since the infrastructure reserve is already so high. An
additional option mentioned was to add these funds to the pivot marketing fund.
Cindi Finnie left the meeting at 4:15 p.m.
decreased to $105,000. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Adams Street Parklet Update: Mari Mullen provided an update on the project.
Committee Announcements: Committee Members provided updates on recent events and projects within each organization.
Next Regular Meeting: January 11, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m.
DATE: March 22, 2022 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall (Virtual)
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: David Faber (Chair), Sherri Hanke, Barb Trailer, Danielle McClelland, Denise Winter, Cindy Finnie,
Natalie Maitland, and Nathan Barnett
NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Mari Mullen and Arlene Alen
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager John Mauro, Director of Finance and Technology Services Connie Anderson, Finance
Manager Ron Logghe, Deputy City Clerk Haylie Clement
Topic Action
Chair David Faber called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
Introduction to New City Staff: Staff introductions were provided
Lodging Tax Revenue Reports: Finance Manager Ron Logghe presented the current revenue reports noting that the revenue is doing well considering covid/economic challenges. Staff will look at doing more historical reporting.
Fee Waiver: City Manager John Mauro presented on the facility use fee waiver
process. The Committee discussed options for fair review of the waiver requests. The Committee also discussed past processes for funding requests. There was agreement to support events in the off season and new events to bring heads in beds in the community.
The Committee discussed a waiver request submitted by Nathan Barnett that was not included in the materials.
Motion to accept all three fee waiver
requests (requests made by Port Townsend Heritage Association, Northwest Maritime Center, and Nathan Barnett). Motion passed unanimously with Barb Trailer and Nathan
Barnett recused. Staff agreed to come back with proposed framework for fee waiver approvals.
Funding Requests: The request made by the Port Townsend Kiwanis was reviewed. John Mauro provided detail on the process for approving a supplemental allocation in the LTAC budget. The Committee discussed statutory limitations on the use of LTAC funds.
The committee was in agreement that the framework for excepting these types of requests has not been established and should be developed before requests are excepted.
Staff agreed to begin developing a policy to establish an avenue for excepting these types of requests.
Topic Action
Chamber Visitors Center and Marketing Contracts: John Mauro provided detail on the budget process for the Chamber contract. Council has given the
authority to execute a contract but input from LTAC on the scope of work was
desired before final action was taken. Chamber Director Arlene Alan presented on the proposed scope of work and level of service provided historically with marketing and tourism. A presentation on sustainable tourism was provided.
2022 Activity and General Updates: Committee members provided introductions, updates on past activities, and upcoming events.
Next Regular Meeting: April 12, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) Fee Waiver Draft Policy Framework
v2.0 22.3.30
This policy framework aims to ensure that lodging tax fee expenditures, including events that receive a
fee waiver, are in line with RCW 67.28.1815-1816 including being used for tourism promotion and/or
operation of tourism-related facilities. LTAC recommended and City Council approved a total amount of
$10,000 for fee waivers in 2022.
All events approved for fee waivers must increase the number of people staying overnight, traveling 50
miles or more, or coming from another state or country to Port Townsend and making a financial impact
within the City of Port Townsend. Events must also be open to the public. In addition, the following
criteria will be used to determine priority for waiving facility rental fees:
Key Criteria Criteria Points
Does the event…
Increase number of visits as per above? Y: proceed
N: ineligible
Provide additional visitations to Port
Townsend in the offseason?
Provide a new (< 3 yr) offering to Port
Create local jobs or utilize local vendors +2
Increase overnight stays? +1
Increase overnight stays in the offseason? +1
Reflect partnerships with organizations and
Leverage matching or in-kind funds? +2
Is the proposal from an
organization that…
Does not have a board or staff member
represented by the LTAC?
Is a non-profit? +2
Has a track record of project success? +2
Did not receive funds the previous year? +1
Is attendance projected to
Over 100? +1
Over 250? +2
Free? +1
A call for applications for facility rental fee waivers for any given year would be made by the final
quarter of the previous year to allow more greatest visibility and awareness of the opportunity,
coordination among yearly events, and fair and predictable review by LTAC early in the year.
City staff will review applications and score them according to this policy framework in advance of
formal discussion and decision-making by LTAC. City staff will then communicate the decision to fee
waiver applicants.
If the full appropriated fee waiver amount for the year is not met in the initial call, LTAC may decide to
issue a second call for applications and review half-way through the calendar year.
Current daily rental rate for Cotton Building and Pope Marine Building facilities is $20 per hour ($200 per
day maximum) with a refundable damage/maintenance deposit. Current rental fee structure:
cture_cotton-pope2.pdf. The rate will be at the nonprofit level for any fee waiver applications.
The above process is meant to be a guide to awarding facility fee waivers and interested organizations
do not need to earn points in all categories to have an application approved.
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) Process for Budget Request
v2.0 22.3.30
This document aims to ensure that a) there is a clear, consistent and well-communicated approach to
the creation of the LTAC budget, and b) lodging tax expenditures are in line with RCW 67.28.1815-1816
including being used for tourism promotion, acquisition of tourism-related facilities, and/or operation of
tourism-related facilities.
All proposals must meet the minimum statutory requirements of RCW 67.28. Event organizers must
demonstrate that they have appropriately mitigated any potential impacts and acquired any required
permits. Further information and guidance can also be found at: https://mrsc.org/Home/Explore-
Topics/Finance/Revenues/Lodging-Tax.aspx. In addition, proposals will be evaluated against these
following weighted criteria, although proposals need not earn points in all categories:
Key Criteria Criteria Points
Does the proposal…
Increase number of visits as per above? Y: proceed
N: ineligible
Provide additional visitations to Port
Townsend in the offseason?
Provide a new (< 3 yr) offering to Port
Create local jobs or utilize local vendors? +2
Increase overnight stays? +1
Increase overnight stays in the offseason? +1
Reflect partnerships with organizations and
Include a capital project component? +3
Leverage matching or in-kind funds? +2
Is the proposal from an
organization that…
Does not have a board or staff member
represented by the LTAC?
Is a non-profit? +1
Has a track record of project success? +2
Did not receive funds the previous year? +1
Is the project/event protected
to attract visitors/attendance…
Over 100? +1
Over 250? +2
..and include free attendance? +1
Budget Development and Budget Request Process
The development of the LTAC budget is part of the development of the City of Port Townsend budget.
This begins nearly 6 months before the start of the subsequent year and includes state-mandated
statutory milestones and deadlines.
The following approach is suggested for development of the LTAC budget:
1. Contracting & Review – January (Q1 Meeting). The City initiates agreements with LTAC funding
recipients in accordance with recently-decided current-year budget, including terms,
deliverables, insurance requirements, and scope of work. LTAC reviews previous year and
reporting and assesses current year projections.
2. Priorities – April (Q2 Meeting). Initial discussion of priorities for following year. Advertise for
new LTAC members (appointments through May on rolling cycle).
3. Call for priorities and RFPs – June (no meeting). Call from Mayor/City Manager to LTAC (and all
City advisory boards) for workplan items and budget request (if applicable). Note that the
overall LTAC budget is forecasted by the City Finance team; LTAC makes a formal
recommendation to City Council for use of those funds. On behalf of LTAC, the City
communicates a call for eligible LTAC funding requests to be considered alongside workplanning
and budgeting in advance of their final quarterly meeting of the year.
4. Priorities and proposals – July (Q3 Meeting). LTAC considers priorities and RFP applications.
5. Meeting with applicants & additional awards (if necessary) – September (special meeting).
LTAC meets with applicants to ask questions and discuss with applicants. LTAC may also
consider advancing any allocations dependent upon lodging tax revenue trends for the year as
well as issuing a subsequent call for fee waivers.
6. Deliberation and recommendation to City Council & call for fee waivers – October (Q4
Meeting). LTAC weighs a range of objectives within the scope of the criteria. For instance, what
portion of lodging tax funding should be made available to tourism marketing, to eligible
infrastructure, to debt service, to event sponsorships? LTAC votes on a budget and submits a
recommendation to City Council in advance of a decision on the final City budget. City Council
may choose to approve/incorporate or may send the recommendation back to LTAC for further
discussion. Also at this time, on behalf of LTAC and if included in the budget recommendation,
City staff put out a call for fee waivers for the subsequent year.
7. City Council approval – December (no meeting). City Council approves the annual budget,
including the LTAC budget, for the subsequent year by the end of December as required by state