HomeMy WebLinkAbout040622 PTAC Meeting Packet
ARTS COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA April 6, 2022 | 3:00 p.m. | Remote Meeting **** Pursuant to Washington State Governor’s Proclamation 20-28.15, the City is not allowing in-
person attendance at meetings. Members will be participating by teleconference.****
• Join virtually via computer or tablet at http://joinwebinar.com enter the 9-digit Webinar ID 539-393-595
• Join by phone in listen-only mode: (360) 390-5064 ext. 6 access code: 155-675-573#
• Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to: publiccomment@cityofpt.us
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Minutes from the February 2, 2022 Meeting
IV. Public Comment (3 minutes per person)
V. Commission Business
A. Chair’s Update
B. Rebecca Welti Presentation
C. Royce Hislinger Foundry Update Project
D. Poet Laureate Program Update
E. Review of Funding Guidelines
F. New Member Orientation/Handbook
G. Public Art Subcommittee Update
H. Mark Blatter – Olycap 7th Haven Community Art
VI. Correspondence
VII. Set Agenda for Next Meeting
VIII. Next Scheduled Meeting – May 4, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
IX. Adjourn
Minutes of the Port Townsend Arts Commission Meeting of March 2, 2022
LOCATION: Remote MEMBERS PRESENT: Nhatt Nichols, Nan Toby Tyrrell, Joe Gillard, Dan Groussman, Sheila Long, Alexis Arrabito and Cosmo Rapaport STAFF PRESENT: Deputy City Clerk Haylie Clement, and Legal Assistant Debbie Ritter BOARD LIAISON: Ben Thomas
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Call to Order Chair Nhatt Nichols called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Approval of Agenda The agenda was unanimously approved with the addition of an item at the end of Commission Business to appoint
Public Art Committee members.
Introduction of New Members Alexis Arrabito, Sheila Long and Cosmo Rapaport
All seven Commissioners introduced themselves. Nhatt explained some basics about the work of the Commission and invited the new members to contact her after the meeting.
Approval of Minutes for February 2, 2022 Meeting Dan suggested edits to identify Ben as Council Liaison, reword
the agenda approval section, and clarify the new
Commissioner handbook section.
The minutes of the February 2, 2022 meeting were approved as amended 6-0 with Cosmo abstaining.
Public Comment None
Chair’s Update The Commission’s workplan was not approved by the Culture & Society Committee. Nhatt rewrote a lot of it and will send updates throughout the month to make sure everyone is
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Funding Requests Steve Reed (Port Townsend Summer Band), Amanda Milholland (Jefferson County Farmers Market), and Michele Soderstrom (Port Townsend High School) each described their
projects and answered questions from Commissioners. The
presenter for the RainShadow Chorale, Bev Schaaf, was not able to connect by video, so Amber communicated with her via email and answered questions on her behalf.
The Commissioners voted unanimously to fund all four projects, noting that the total amount requested was below the amount available for the funding period, and the projects
met the Commission’s criteria.
Public Art
Nhatt explained the purpose of the subcommittee and
answered questions, including the time commitments.
Alexis Arrabito, Dan Groussman, and Cosmo Rapaport all
were all appointed to the Public Art Subcommittee. Joe was previously named as Chair. Correspondence Nhatt read an email asking if PTAC knew a collage artist that could work with kids; if anyone knows please email the
requestor directly.
Set Agenda for Next Meeting
Continuing to revise the work plan; continue looking at application process; new member orientation.
Next Meeting: April 6, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 4:57 p.m.
Amber Long
From:Rebecca Welti <rebeccawelti@gmail.com>
Sent:Friday, February 25, 2022 12:46 PM
To:Amber Long
Subject:Re: Plankton for Pope Park
Attachments:crab zoea layout_022222.pdf
Categories:Orange Category
CAUTION: External Email
Hello, Amber
Thanks for your message. I would like to loan the work to the City for at least a year, with the hope that a rotating
installation of other sculptures might be considered in the future. It is a customary municipal public art practice that I
think would provide some opportunities for other local artists and something positive for visitors to Port Townsend and
residents to anticipate.
I would certainly enjoy providing a new plankton figure next year for the same or a different location.
Attached is a concept drawing of the cast crab plankton. It would require only a graded spot on the grass, maybe with
gravel bedding. It sits on a 1/2” steel plate base and weighs between 3 and 4K lbs. This drawing’s height is more than the
final dimension of 4' at head height, and 8’ at the spine tip.
I hope the City will be open to this simple offer of educational artwork that can expand understanding of our ocean
world here in PT.
CAUTION: External Email
On Feb 24, 2022, at 4:03 PM, Amber Long <ALong@cityofpt.us> wrote:
Hi Rebecca,
I’m acknowledging receipt of your email. Could you please clarify whether you are proposing to donate
the piece to the City? And if, so whether you would be donating time and/or funds toward installation?
Thank you,
Amber Long | Legal Assistant
City of Port Townsend | www.cityofpt.us | along@cityofpt.us
250 Madison St. Suite 2, Port Townsend, WA 98368
P:(360) 385‐5991 | F:(360) 390‐5645
From: Rebecca Welti <rebeccawelti@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 1:24 PM
To: artscomm@cityofpt.us
Subject: Plankton for Pope Park
Attached is a proposal to the City of Port Townsend for installation of a concrete public sculpture.
Thank you for your consideration,
Rebecca Welti
Public documents and records are available to the public as required under the Washington State Public
Records Act (RCW 42.56).
The information contained in all correspondence with a government entity may be disclosable to third
party requesters under the Public Records Act.
Dear Arts Commissioners, February 24, 2022
I would like to share with Port Townsend one of my sculptural works to celebrate
the greatest assets of our oceans. Plankton.
These mostly invisible organisms provide food for all marine life and most of the
oxygen we breathe.
To enhance public spaces and bring focus to our changing environment, public
art can be playful as well as educational. I propose placing this concrete Crab
Plankton at Pope Park where it can show the beauty and wonder of the
microscopic world.
This summer, another of my sculptures will be installed at the new JUMP!
Playground at HJ Carroll Park. That piece will represent the larva of the Sea
Star- an important player in the Salish Sea Ecosystem. The playground’s marine
theme will be reflected throughout the park, including plankton tile mosaics
created by Jefferson county students that I am directing.
Port Townsend can be the first in the Northwest to have two heroic plankton
proudly demonstrating our city’s commitment to the environment and our oceans.
Please view the attached Power Point for mockups of the proposed sculpture
and placement. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Kind regards,
Rebecca Welti
The Plankton Project
Our artwork tells the stories of the ocean’s smallest and most important inhabitants.
Plankton are the microscopic organisms that make life on Earth possible.
Our goal is to inspire curiosity and stewardship through the delight of experiential art.
Plankton Sculpture at Pope Park
•We offer a playful public sculpture to enhance the existing Pope Park playground. Our crab plankton figure stands for the microscopic organisms on which all life depends. Dungeness crabs begin their lives drifting as plankton.
•A 12’ Sea Star plankton sculpture will be installed at the new JUMP! Playground this summer at HJ Carroll Park. By including an additional sculpture in Port Townsend, we can increase the impact of these public works and offer residents and visitors diverse ways to engage with the water around them.
•Public art is a powerful way to demonstrate Port Townsend’s commitment to the environment while also bringing attention to our crab fishery, coastal recreation and the health of the Salish Sea.
•We propose that the City of Port Townsend provides a site near the Pope playground for the installation of the 8’ tall crab plankton. Casting and fabrication of this artwork is fully funded. We encourage the City to include this piece in a location that will benefit our Salish Sea community.
Crab Plankton Sculpture
Sculpture cast in glass-reinforced concrete. 4’ at the top of the head. 8’ at top of
Crab Sculpture
Proportions geared for young kids to be able to climb and hug the
charismatic plankton.
JUMP! Playground Plankton Climber
at HJ Carroll Park-Summer 2022
Plankton Sea Star climber of glass-reinforced concrete. Installation this
summer at HJ Carroll Park. 12’ x 10’ w. Color TBD.
Contact us for more details about this project.
Rebecca Welti rebeccawelti@gmail.com
907.617.9909 rebeccawelti.com
Anna Young annagyoung@gmail.com
591 South Boulevard Street
Gunnison, Colorado 81230
Drawing Title
Sheet #
Shell Bench
JUMP! Playground
Age Group: N/A
All IDS projects are designed to meet
or exceed ASTM 1487.
Not all equipment may be
appropriate for all children.
Supervision is required.
ASTM compliant safety surfacing is
required under and around all play
The Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) may require your play area to
be accesible, please consult with an
ADA professional to ensure
GFRC sculpture outline
Min 6' use zone
(to be verified by installer)
1/2" powder coated
steel plate4 1/2"4'-5"3'-6 1/2"1/2" powder coated steel plate
Finished grade
Safety surfacing (by others)
(If installed as play structure)
GFRC sculpture outline
SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 Layout 0 2'4'8'
SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Section 0 2'4'8'
3 Perspective
The Plankton Project
Our artwork tells the stories of the ocean’s smallest and most important inhabitants.
Plankton are the microscopic organisms that make life on Earth possible.
Our goal is to inspire curiosity and stewardship through the delight of experiential art.
Plankton Sculpture at Pope Park
•We offer a playful public sculpture to enhance the existing Pope Park playground. Our crab plankton figure stands for the microscopic organisms on which all life depends. Dungeness crabs begin their lives drifting as plankton.
•A 12’ Sea Star plankton sculpture will be installed at the new JUMP! Playground this summer at HJ Carroll Park. By including an additional sculpture in Port Townsend, we can increase the impact of these public works and offer residents and visitors diverse ways to engage with the water around them.
•Public art is a powerful way to demonstrate Port Townsend’s commitment to the environment while also bringing attention to our crab fishery, coastal recreation and the health of the Salish Sea.
•We propose that the City of Port Townsend provides a site near the Pope playground for the installation of the 8’ tall crab plankton. Casting and fabrication of this artwork is fully funded. We encourage the City to include this piece in a location that will benefit our Salish Sea community.
Crab Plankton Sculpture
Sculpture cast in glass-reinforced concrete. 4’ at the top of the head. 8’ at top of
Crab Sculpture
Proportions geared for young kids to be able to climb and hug the
charismatic plankton.
JUMP! Playground Plankton Climber
at HJ Carroll Park-Summer 2022
Plankton Sea Star climber of glass-reinforced concrete. Installation this
summer at HJ Carroll Park. 12’ x 10’ w. Color TBD.
Contact us for more details about this project.
Rebecca Welti rebeccawelti@gmail.com
907.617.9909 rebeccawelti.com
Anna Young annagyoung@gmail.com
Creating a Poet Laureate position isn’t simply about bringing poetry to a few city events. It’s
about saying that we value how artists see the world, we value including them in our civic
discourse, and our lives can be made richer through poetry.
A Poet Laureate would be a way for the city to support an artist directly, and for our city to be
able to benefit directly from the work of an artist; this proposal would create a type of art
funding that is new and important for our city as we find ways to support each other and the
world we would like to live in post-pandemic.
We propose that a Poet Laureate position be created with the following expectation:
● The selected poet would serve for one year
● They would be available for 4 readings of original poems per year, at events to be
pre-determined by the city council and the arts commission
● Poems would be sent out with the city newsletter
● The Poet Laureate may determine their own program to help raise the community’s
awareness of the importance of poetry in our lives.
● In return, they would be granted an honorarium of $1000
To be eligible, The Poet Laureate candidate:
● Must live in east Jefferson County
● Must be willing to help raise public awareness of the importance of poetry to our
The selection committee will be made up of three individuals from literary arts organizations,
from both Jefferson County and outside of it to give the maximum objectivity and breadth of
experience in poetry.
Panelists would be paid an honorarium of $300 for their time and experience. As this is the
first year of the program, they would also be expected to give feedback on the application
This panel will be nominated by the Port Townsend Arts Commission, with assistance given
in selection by the Library Board. Final selection will be by the city. Participants in the panel
will recieve an honorarium of $300; this ensures equity by compensating professional artists
for their time, and making it possible for low-income or historically marginized people to lend
their voices to the selection.
The selection committee with help create the application in addition to making the
PTAC will handle the call for applications.
Submitted by the Port Townsend Arts Commission
What it means Establishing the position of Port Townsend Poet Laureate involves far more than simply bringing poetry to a few city events. By taking this step, we affirm that our lives can be made richer
through poetry. We also demonstrate that the citizens of our arts-oriented community value and
support how artists see the world. We commit to honoring poets’ varied perspectives and vision by making them a vital element of our civic discourse. What they’d do
We propose that Port Townsend’s Poet Laureate serve for one year and give four readings of
original poems per year at events pre-determined by the City Council in consultation with the Arts Commission. After each reading, the city will send the poems out with its newsletter. The Poet Laureate would also work with City Council and the Arts Commission to develop a
program that would help raise the community’s awareness of the importance of poetry to the
health and vitality of our community. The program could be somewhat flexible and change each year to reflect the strength and gifts of individual poets and the needs of an ever-evolving community. The Port Townsend Poet Laureate would receive an honorarium of $1000/year in return for their service.
Port Townsend Poet Laureate candidates must live in Port Townsend or East Jefferson County at the time they apply. Applicants must demonstrate their dedication to their craft through proof of publication and/or other metrics that they deem appropriate. They must also affirm their willingness to actively help raise public awareness of the importance of poetry to the vitality of
our diverse community.
The selection process The Poet Laureate Selection Panel would consist of three to five informed individuals from literary arts organizations located both within and beyond Jefferson County. By widening the
geographic net of the Selection Panel, we will benefit from the objectivity and advice of artists
with a vast breadth of experience in poetry. All panel members would be given a sense of the nature of our community and provided with information that will help inform their choice. They would also be welcome to provide feedback on the application process itself and how we might refine it in subsequent years. Panelists would receive a $300 honorarium.
A Poet Laureate Subcommittee of the Port Townsend Arts Commission, together with a representative from the City Council, would devise the application itself and propose how the call would be disseminated to the public. This body would also choose members of the Selection Panel and create a way to convene remotely.
City of Port Townsend Arts Commission Funding Guidelines & Application Review Schedule
The Commission votes to approve funding requests based on the following considerations in order of importance:
1. The applicant demonstrates the public benefit and artistic value to the community and shows that the event. 2. The applicant’s proposed plan to broadly advertise the event to the community..
3. The project or event would not occur without PTAC funding or the application shows how the requested funds would improve the project. 4. The target audience is the Port Townsend/East Jefferson community.
5. The event is accessible financially so that members of the public are not excluded based on ability to pay admission (e.g., Will admission be charged? Will there be donations at the door? Will there be an opportunity to “pay what you wish?”) 6. The event is accessible physically so that members of the public are not excluded based on disability. 7. Preference may be given to proposals that feature local artists. The Commission funds for results (i.e., performances, exhibits, or workshops) not specific
expenses. However, the intent is to fund direct costs of the production.
”Direct costs” include but are not limited to the following:
• Purchases of supplies and materials
• Rentals of supplies, materials, equipment, and space
• Artist presentations and workshops
• Creation and/or documentation of the work, event, or performance
• Production costs, such as events, installations, exhibits, programs
The following are generally not considered “direct costs”:
• Brick and mortar projects
• Operating support (administrative and overhead)
• Permanent or capital equipment
• Events with the sole purpose of fundraising, even those including a public benefit
• Personal travel
• Regranting of funds
• Scholarships
• Hospitality expenses, such as food, beverages, flowers, and receptions
• Events for which the sole purpose is political or religious
• Events not open to the public
Funding process and procedures:
1. Applicant submits a complete proposal (available on City’s website and at City Hall) according to the application review schedule 2. Proposal reviewed by PTAC 3. Notification of award or non-award of funds
4. City issues contract 5. Applicant submits invoice and follow-up report to the City after event 6. Payment issued by City
Funding application review schedule:
Event occurring in Application reviewed at PTAC meeting in January, February, March January *
April, May, June April
July, August, September July
October, November, December October
* In 2022, PTAC will review 1st quarter applications at the January, February, and March
Applications are due by the 20th of the month prior to the meeting when they will be reviewed. They can be submitted to artscomm@cityofpt.us or delivered to 250 Madison Street.
Applications for microgrants of $500 or less will be considered monthly. Applications must be submitted at least one month prior to the event and by the 20th of the month prior to the next meeting.
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Who do we fund?
City of Port Townsend Arts Commission
Funding Frequently Asked Questions
The Port Townsend Arts Commission (PTAC) can fund either organizations or individuals
that are bringing public art to the Port Townsend area.
What is funding available for?
We fund projects that bring the arts to the public, meaning projects with artistic merit that
culminate in an event that is open to the public. This often means a performance, but it can
include exhibitions, talks, screenings, or arts education-related public projects. First-time
applicants are strongly encouraged. Each PTAC-funded event must have either free entry
or at least one pay-what-you-wish performance.
Please note that every project must have an event taking place in the calendar year in
which it was approved. This can get a little tricky if your event is in early January, so please
keep that in mind when you are applying.
When should I submit my application?
We consider applications every other month on odd-numbered months. We review
applications in the order in which they are received and currently are able to review nearly
all of our applications each month.
Our meetings are on the first Wednesday of every month, so in order to be considered, you
should submit by the 20th of the month prior to the meeting when you would like your
application to be considered.
Can my event be funded after it’s happened?
In short, no. But we are more likely to fund your next project if you can prove that you have
successfully created other events.
I’ve submitted my application, now what?
PTAC will review your application at our next grant review meeting, which is the first
Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November. You’ll get an
Page 1 of 2
invitation to join us for the review processes if your application is going to be reviewed. We
highly recommend that you do this, as you’ll have a chance to clarify any points we may
have questions about, and your passion for your project can help us to see the benefit it will
have for our community.
We will make a decision on funding at that meeting, and if you are unable to attend you will
be notified of our decision via email.
My application was approved! What happens next?
Congratulations! We know you’ll create something fantastic for our community. Now the
City will issue you a contract requiring your event to happen as indicated. After your event
takes place, you’ll need to submit an invoice and follow-up report. The City will then issue a
I’d like to change elements of a project that you have already approved. What do I
need to do to make sure you’ll still fund me?
PTAC needs to be kept in the loop. We understand that sometimes things need to be
modified, but in order to be transparent to the community, we need to make sure that those
changes are in the public interest. Please email PTAC your changes at
artscomm@cityofpt.us, so that we can discuss them at the next PTAC meeting.
If you do not let us know about any changes, then the City may not be able to release the
funds to you for your project.
Page 2 of 2
City of Port Townsend Arts Commission Application for Financial Support
Use additional space as needed. We encourage applicants to submit the application as an attachment to an email. Please submit by the 20th of the month prior to the next grant review meeting. Return completed applications to artscomm@cityofpt.us Date of Application
Organization Name (if any)
Primary Contact
If under age 18, please provide the name of an adult willing to sign an agreement with the City on the applicant’s behalf
Phone Number Email
Project or Event Name
Event Location
Date(s) of Event(s)
Amount Requested
Admission Charge $ Donations accepted? ☐ Yes ☐No
Is there at least one free or “pay what you wish” performance? ☐ Yes ☐No
Total Budget $ Please attach the proposed budget for this event.
Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? (If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the attached Venue Accessibility Statement.) ☐ Yes
☐ No
Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend
1 of 3 (continue on back)
Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project:
Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is
designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors:
If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the
event and any change in the requested funding amount.
Please attach the proposed budget for this event.
2 of 3
Venue Accessibility Statement According to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, individuals with disabilities are protected from discrimination "in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or
opportunity enjoyed by others in the services, programs, or activities provided or made available [funded] by local governments, their instrumentalities or agencies.” To operate legally and to ensure that ALL members of our community may benefit from arts events funded (wholly or in part) through the Port Townsend Arts Commission, any
event receiving funding must be held in an accessible venue, and accessibility and any inaccessible aspects of a venue be noted in the publicity for each event.
"Accessible" means that anyone in a wheelchair, scooter, walker, or on crutches or cane(s) can gain access and entry to and participate in the event being held, as can
anyone who is temporarily able-bodied. This includes access to restroom facilities. The accessibility of several Port Townsend area venues is on record. If you are not sure, DASH (Disability Awareness Starts Here) has agreed to do assessments free of charge. Call 360-385-1790.
Please check each question below. For further information, consult the booklet “People First: Planning Events Everyone Can Attend," which is available in City Hall, 2nd floor. Can a person with mobility issues or using walker, crutches, wheelchair, or scooter:
☐ Park near venue in a handicapped parking space?
☐ Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted)
☐ Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) ☐ Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars)
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Amber Long
Subject: Arts Commission grant question
From: Mark Hardy <mark@salish‐sound.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 8, 2022 4:08 PM
To: Amber Long <ALong@cityofpt.us>
Subject: Re: Arts Commission grant question
I also wanted to thank the board for funding our event, we truly appreciate it.
Would it be possible to communicate this and a couple of points of clarification to the board?
During Dan’s comments he equated my request as Cosmo’s organization and referred to the total amount Cosmo has
received in Grants as coupled with my request, as if we are the same individual, organization, or entity.
I wish to clarify that I was not making a request as an agent of Cosmo or his organization. The Barn Jam is the first
collaboration we’ve had with Cosmo. The event is about 5 hours long not including setup and teardown. Cosmo has
been working in coordinating a 20 minute or so variety performance in the middle of the event featuring various
community acts, the majority of whom were also unaffiliated with Cosmo’s previous grant requests. In reviewing the
grant summaries 87% of those to receiving funds had not received funding via Cosmo’s previous IAM requests.
The audiences for Cosmo’s workshop and IAM performances and our event are distinctly different. Additionally, the type
of community dance event we throw is a very different category of event than the dance workshops IAM received Grant
money for.
I hope the board can recognize me, Mark Hardy, and my organization, Salish Sound, (which also provides sound for
events like Concerts on the Dock, TPA events, & KPTZ’s concert series) as their own entity separate from Cosmo’s IAM.
With regards to concerns about the location:
I agree with Nan the location is not in the immediate vicinity of Port Townsend. We considered this when choosing a
location, however there is no suitable covered outdoor venue in Port Townsend where it would be safe to host such an
event during the current pandemic. The pandemic has been a difficult time in that such events have largely not been
possible for over a calendar year and this unique location makes it possible. During the summer, and/or when such
events are safe within city limits again, we will do our best to throw things closer to home again.
Our decision to apply was based on the wording of the PTAC website which states it funds events which benefit the Port
Townsend/East Jefferson County community.
Once again, I appreciate the board’s vote to fund our event and the work you do for our community.
Thank you again and until next time,
Mark Hardy
Salish Sound
From:Heidi Greenwood
To:Nhattaleah Nichols
Cc:Debbie Ritter
Subject:FW: Help?
Date:Thursday, March 10, 2022 10:31:57 AM
We will include this in the next packet as correspondence to the commission!
From: Jennifer Hardesty <info@porttownsendballet.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 5:24 PM
To: artscomm@cityofpt.us
Subject: Help?
CAUTION: External Email
Hello Port Townsend Arts Commision,
I hope you are doing well and feel Spring in the air as I do- such a wonderful feeling of warmer,
brighter days to come!
When I founded Port Townsend Ballet in 2019, I was blessed to find a great studio space with a
warm-hearted landlord. The space has a great feel to it. It has plenty of windows that provide
natural lighting, an effective HVAC system, storage space for costumes and props, and good public
visibility (its right across from a cluster of food truck type restaurants called Lila’s Kitchen) without
being on a noisy/busy road.
The second half of the building is a mirror image of the half that we rent. This half of the building
was an office space for some kind of tech company but it’s no longer used as the company now
works from home permanently. For the last year or so, I’ve dreamed of converting that half into a
studio as well so that we can double the classes on our schedule. We currently offer ballet, pointe,
variations, dance conditioning, modern/contemporary, jazz, and acro. I would use the second half of
the building to further strengthen our pre-professional dance program.
Our landlord has put the building on the market. If it is sold, we will most likely get kicked out as the
new owner will probably have other plans for the beautiful building. I like to think that they would
still rent out to us but I know that the reality is not aligned with this fantasy.
Does the Port Townsend Arts Commission know of anyone or of a private foundation that may
consider purchasing the building and renting it out to Port Townsend Ballet? Here is the listing...
It’s worth mentioning that Port Townsend Ballet has a board of directors, 8 teachers, 67 students,
and a housekeeper. While I manage all of the administrative tasks such as bookkeeping, payroll,
public relations, etc. Port Townsend Ballet is far from a One Woman Show and it could continue to
go on to exist without me in the off chance that I had to move or resign to pursue other endeavors.
In other words, it is a stable entity in itself. It’s a community and we all work together to accomplish
our mission:
Inspiring discipline, respect, and health through the art of ballet.
Please let me know if you have any ideas.
Jennifer Hardesty
Artistic Director
From:Royce Hilsinger
Subject:Foundry Update Project
Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 12:24:43 PM
To whom it may concern,
My name is Royce Hilsinger, I am based out of Port Townsend. A few years ago the local
artist by the name of Tom Jay passed and left behind a beautiful foundry. As it stands there areseveral artists operating out of the space whom Tom had mentored over the years. It currently
is in need of updated insulation to make the space functional year round. I am wondering if thePort Townsend Arts Commission offers grants for projects like this or may know whom to
reach out to about preserving this space with a vibrant cultural history.
I look forward to hearing from you,
From:Nhattaleah Nichols
To:Debbie Ritter
Subject:Fwd: OlyCAP 7th Haven community art
Date:Monday, April 4, 2022 10:21:52 AM
CAUTION: External Email
Hi Debbie!
Can you add this to our agenda? Thank you!
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Nhattaleah Nichols <nhattattack@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 10:19 AMSubject: Re: OlyCAP 7th Haven community art
To: Mark Blatter <markblatter@msn.com>
Dear Mark,
We have a meeting on Wednesday, I’ll include this on our agenda and have any interestedparties contact you directly.
Best wishes,
On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 10:17 AM Mark Blatter <markblatter@msn.com> wrote:Hello Nhattaleah,
We are looking for jurors for artist selection for the OlyCAP project. The call will go outthis week. Michelle Hagewood suggested I contact you to see if a PTAC member would be
willing to be on the panel. Statements of interest are due May 9. Pls call if you need moreinformation.
Thanks, Mark
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