HomeMy WebLinkAbout032222 Packet Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Special Meeting
Tuesday, March 22, 2022 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Virtual
**** Pursuant to Washington State Governor’s Proclamation 20-28.15, the City is not
allowing in-person attendance at meetings. Council will be participating by
• Join virtually at http://joinwebinar.com enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 474-483-579
• Join by phone in listen-only mode (360) 390-5064 access code: 823-019-247#
• Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to:
I. Call to Order II. Introduction to New City Staff III. Lodging Tax Revenue Reports IV. Fee Waiver V. Funding Requests
VI. Chamber Visitors Center and Marketing Contracts
VII. 2022 Activity and General Updates VIII. Adjourn
LTAC regular meetings are held quarterly, on the second Tuesday at 3 p.m. of the months January, April, July, and October each year.
Next regular meetings: April 12, July 12, and October 11, 2022 from 3 to 5 p.m.
Mark your calendars and save the dates!
Resolution 21-087
WHEREAS, Chapter 67.28 of the Revised Code of Washington and Chapter 3.20 of the
Port Townsend Municipal Code ("PTMC") authorize the City to collect an excise tax on lodging,
which tax is to be used for tourist promotion; and,
WHEREAS, Council established a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee in Chapter 2.74
PTMC to make recommendations to the Council for expenditure of the funds; and,
WHEREAS, on October 12, 2021, the Committee adopted its recommendations for
2022; and,
WHEREAS, having reviewed the recommendations of the Committee;
NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Townsend as follows:
Section 1. Council adopts the 2022 recommendations for recipients and expenditures of
lodging tax revenues in substantially the same form as at Exhibit A.
Section„2. The City Manager is authorized to enter into agreements with the recipients of
these revenues up to the amounts authorized by this Resolution.
Section 3. This Resolution takes effect on its adoption.
ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend at a regular meeting thereof,
held this 20th day of December 2021.
Michelle 'Satido
Attest: Approved as toforma:
Joanna Sanders,MMC 1 lei i Greenw roc .
City Clerk City Attorney
Resolution 21-087 Exhibii A
Lodging Tax Fund 2022 Proposed Budget Allocations
2022 Proposed
Lodging Tax 441,000
Investment Income 150
Total Revenues 441,150
Recipient Expenses
Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center Operations&Marketing 109,180
Pivot Marketing Plan(dependent on ability to
Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce reopen/remarket) 35,000
Main Street Tourism Infrastructure
TBD General Grants or Funding for Tourism Events
CP Communications&Advertising Marketing
Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce Winter Marketing 10,000
City of Port Townsend Miscellaneous-Facility Waivers 10,000
City of Port Townsend Performing Arts Study
NW Maritime Center Sponsorships-Wooden Boat
Arts Commission Sponsorships-Arts Events
Creative District Sponsorships-Grant
City of Port Townsend Sponsorships-Facilty Rental Waivers
Fort Worden Infrastructure
City of Port Townsend Big Belly Contract 10,500
City of Port Townsend Printing&Publishing
Main Street Winter Lighting(tourism infrastructure) 15,000
Downtown Lighting-Additional Funding Tree well lighting
City of Port Townsend Infrastructure Reserve
City of Port Townsend Debt service transfer 125,000
City of Port Townsend General Fund O/H Allocation 19,507
Total Expenditures 334,187
Revenues Less Expenses 106,963
Beginning Fund Balance 277,924
Ending Fund Balance 384,887
An update to the forecast of Lodging Tax looks pretty good. After the dramatic decrease due to
statewide shutdowns for Covid 19 which began in March of 2020 we saw a good recovery in 2021 to
nearly 2018 levels.
2022 is off to a good start but with only 2 months of data and economic uncertainty a conservative
estimate seems prudent. Barring an economic downturn or a return to Covid restrictions we seem to be
on track to collect $525,000 or more in 2022.
From:Barb Trailer
Subject:fee waiver
Date:Tuesday, October 26, 2021 2:34:40 PM
Attachments:Facility Use Fee Waiver-races 2022.docx
CAUTION: External Email
Hello,Attached is the fee waiver application for the Race to Alaska and Seventy 48 Races in June of
We do not plan to file for waivers for Wooden Boat Festival in 2022, as in 2021 and 2020, aswe want to only ask for the most important events for us. and NOT HOG all the waiver
money.The Races could use this help to put on these very fun races that bring in so many people to
PT from around the world.
Thanks Barb
BARB TRAILER | she/her/hersWooden Boat Festival Director
Northwest Maritime Center, 431 Water Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368
Office: 360.385.3628 x 106
Get to know us:
Chetzemoka Park Cotton Bldg. Pope Marine Bldg.
Date & Time Pope- June 9-13/ Cotton building June 12-13
Organization Northwest Maritime Center
Name &
Barb Trailer
Event Race to Alaska- Seventy 48- Ruckus
Description Race to Alaska is a high profile international event, that starts in PT
and ends in Alaska. It brings in people from around the world to
participate and follow. Several racers and families are here for
weeks ahead of the race. The Ruckus and race start draw national
interest. Seventy 48 is a more local race between Tacoma and PT
but has over 200 participants that end up staying in PT .
Even though these are widely popular events, It is more of a street
party for the town. Admission is free- and the only way for us to
make money is on beer and merch sales.
Getting the use of the buildings for fee waived is big impact on our
bottom line, and ability to keep having them in the public park and
Please note: if approved, waiver is for the use fee only.
Damage deposit, proof of insurance, and application are required for all events.
Please see “Facility Rental Policies” for more information and requirements.
In-Kind Service
In-Kind Completion Date
City Staff Only:
Approved: Denied:
Total Fees Waived:
Reason for Waiver:
Community Event
(Open/ Free to
Benefits the City (City is
receiving something):
Other: Please provide explanation.
From:Port Townsend Heritage Association
To:Haylie Clement
Cc:LTAC@cityofpt.us; John Mauro; Nora Mitchell
Subject:Re: Request for information from the Port Townsend Heritage Association
Date:Friday, March 4, 2022 12:38:50 PM
Hello Haylie
I was referred to you by Mari Mullins as I have been trying to connect with the LTACcommittee regarding a request I emailed in October 2021. I understand there have been some
staffing challenges and a LTAC committee meeting is now scheduled for March 22nd. Iattached the email chain that shows my initial request and subsequent emails I received from
Nora regarding meeting delays.
I represent the new Port Townsend Heritage Association. Our request is for funds to cover thecost of renting the Cotton and Pope Marine buildings for the 27th annual Port Townsend
Victorian Heritage Festival April 29, 30 and May 1. Since my initial request the PortTownsend Heritage Association(PTHA) has incorporated and received our 501(c)(3)
designation. We have obtained the needed insurance coverage and city licenses for PTHA andthe festival. Historically, the festival has been granted LTAC funds to cover the rental of city
venues. We are hopeful that funds will be granted this year as we are restarting the festivalafter the COVID shutdown and as a new festival sponsoring organization are finding our
financial footing.
We have been hearing from the community and past festival visitors that they are eager for thefestival's return with focus on the Port Townsend's Historic Districts, both Downtown and
Uptown and education related to Port Townsend's rich heritage. If you would like moreinformation on PTHA or the festival following are the links to our websites. We are in full
festival planning mode and the festival website is being updated daily with new events andactivities. www.PTHeritage.org www.PortTownsendVictorianFestival.org
After talking with the Swan, Bishop, Palace and Water Front hotels we know hotel rooms
have already been booked by festival attendees from out of town. This is exciting as ticketshave not gone on sale yet. It is expected the number of out of town visitor reservations to
increase when tickets become available. We have received inquiries about the festival from asfar away as South Carolina, Texas and Pennsylvania. Our goal is to grow the festival and to
add more events and activities to the Port Townsend calendar throughout the year that willengage with not only our local community, but also with visitors from outside the area.
Please let me know if there is anything needed from us regarding our request, PTHA or the
All my best,Tracy
Tracy Wirta
Port Townsend Heritage Association925-698-6891
email: PortTownsendHeritage@gmail.com
website: PTHeritage.org
or PortTownsendVictorianFestival.org
On Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 4:54 PM Nora Mitchell <NMitchell@cityofpt.us> wrote:
I just wanted to let you know that the LTAC meeting for the 11th has been cancelled as thecommittees for the year have not been slated as yet. Please watch our website for the next
LTAC meeting. We did receive your email and intended to discuss the process for grantingthese types of waivers with LTAC soon.
Thanks for your inquiry.
From: Port Townsend Heritage Association <porttownsendheritage@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, January 3, 2022 4:49 PMTo: LTAC@cityofpt.usSubject: Fwd: Request for information from the Port Townsend Heritage Association
CAUTION: External Email
Hello and Happy New Year,
I am following up on a request I emailed on behalf of the Port Townsend HeritageAssociation on October 4, 2021 regarding the process for obtaining LTAC funds for venuerentals for the Port Townsend Victorian Heritage Festival April 29, 30 and May 1, 2022. Asof yet I have not received a reply to my email. I heard through a friend that our request wason the November agenda for LTAC, so I assume my email was received. I see the nextLTAC meeting is coming up on January 11th. Please let me know if there is anythingneeded from me prior to your meeting or if there are any questions regarding our request.
Thank you for your kind attention,
Tracy Wirta
PTHA - President
cell: 925-698-6891
email: PortTownsendHeritage@gmail.com
website: PortTownsendVictorianFestival.org
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Port Townsend Heritage Association <porttownsendheritage@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 12:47 PMSubject: Request for information from the Port Townsend Heritage AssociationTo: <LTAC@cityofpt.us>
I am the president of a new organization in town, The Port Townsend Heritage Association(PTHA). We are in the process of obtaining our 501 (c) 3 status as a non-profit corporation.PTHA is a collaboration of individuals who wish to promote and share the heritage andhistory of Port Townsend and its environs. We will be the new host organization for the PortTownsend Victorian Heritage Festival, which we are planning for late April 2022.
The festival was under the auspices of Olympic Peninsula Steam (OPS) for several yearsand another organization, which is now defunct, for years prior to OPS holding the festival.
My question is related to applying for funds from LTAC to assist with the venue rentals forthe festival. Funds had been obtained by OPS for this purpose in the past. The 2020 festivalwas cancelled due, the health crisis, so I am not sure if an application for funds was made byOPS for that festival. I was a co-chair for the 2020 festival, however I was not involved inthe venue rental process. It was handled by the staff of OPS. I know Nathan Barnett is on theLTA committee, but I didn't want to bother him with my questions, as we know ,he hasmany plates to juggle in the community.
Please advise me on how best to proceed to request financial assistance for renting theCotton Building, the Pope Marine building and if applicable, county managed MemorialField, for the 2022 Port Townsend Victorian Heritage Festival. I looked for an applicationonline, but was not able to locate one.
Thank you for your time,
Tracy Wirta
PTHA - President
cell: 925-698-6891
email: PortTownsendHeritage@gmail.com
website: PortTownsendVictorianFestival.org
City of Port Townsend
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Port Townsend City Hall
250 Madison St.
Port Townsend, WA 98358
Re: LTAC Funding - Kiwanis Choo Choo
Dear LTAC,
The Port Townsend Kiwanis are requesting funding for necessary repair, improvement, and safety upgrades
to the beloved Port Townsend "George Earle" Choo Choo. The following request, history justification, and
budget is in support of this request.
The Kiwanis Choo Choo has been bringing smiles to both adults and children for over 55 years. lts
many appearances during the holidays and unique events like Main Street Events, Rhody, Toys for
Tots and others creates a sense of youthful joy and happiness wherever it appears. Through years
the little train has become a cherished part of Port Townsend's special nature.
Designed and handcrafted by a local group of mechanical wizards, the Choo Choo continues today
as a labor of love, and an ongoing feat of engineering. However, the last significant upgrade to the
train was in L979 when the Tender (passenger car) was added, and the Engine was reconstructed.
While the train still appears youthful, its infrastructure is aged and in need of repairs and upgrades
to safely continue its mission of creating smiles as it travels through the streets of Port Townsend.
The Choo Choo provides a wonderful community experience. lt has become a local icon,
representing community spirit and pride. lt delights tourist and locals alike.
Annual Choo Choo operations are solely supported by the Port Townsend Kiwanis Club
membership. However, the current needs of the little train are beyond the capacity of the Club to
The Choo Choo has carried local royalty, dignitaries, children, and their parents through five
decades. Throughout the years annual maintenance has been completed on a as necessary basis.
However, major repairs and needed upgrades have been, most often, deferred. A recent inspection
by the Choo Choo Committee found the train in need immediate repairs and safety upgrades.
Without the necessary repairs and safety improvements as described, the Choo Choo will remain
on a side rail, unable to fulfill its mission.
Engine lnspectlon, New Seals, and Tune-up, 51000.00
Note: Requires the entire boiler tank and frontend of the Choo Choo be removed.
Transmission Service and Repairs 51300.00
Note: The transmission is slipping and must be repaired. The engine and transmission repairs must
be completed before the Choo Choo can make another run through the Cit!/s streets.
Generator or Solar Electric Storage Power Supply $2,000.00
Note: The existing gasoline powered generator is older and does not produce enough wattage to
operate the lighting, smoke maker, sound system and other electricity consuming devices
simultaneously. Not to mention it is loud and the exhaust stinky.
Engine Tires (41 51200.00
Note: The Engine, because of its size and weight, requires 8 ply heavy duty trailer tires. The existing
tires are, we believe, 43 years old and must be replaced prior to the Choo Choo returning to the
Electric Air Compressor and Regulator 5500.00
The Choo Choo's whistle and horn currently utilize CO2 compressed gas. This practice is not only
bad for the environmenL but tanks are cumbersome and expensive. Each hour of operations
consumes approximately 20 lbs. of CO2 gas. This upgrade will utilize compressed air, eliminating
the need for CO2.
Aluminum Portable Ramp/Decking 150 feet 5800.00
The Choo Choo is stored at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. Unfortunately, the Falrground ls
notoriously swampy and muddy during the winter and spring months, Just when the train is most
active. The Choo Choo's weight and lack of suspension make it particularly vulnerable to becoming
stuck in the fairground's mud. The aged all-volunteer crew risk injury each time the train becomes
mired in the mud requires being dug, pulled and/or pushed out. The crew currently uses 4' x8' xt/n"
plywood sheets to create a base for the Choo Choo to escape the fairgrounds, This method usually,
but not always, works. This method will no longer be utilized as the plywood is exceedingly heavy
and difficult to manage. Simply, it is a safety hazard. Portable fold up aluminum decking will provide
a much lighter, safer, and clean method of exiting and entering the storage site.
Publlc Address System $400.00
The additlon of a Publlc Address system (PA) ls an important safety upgrade. The Choo Choo's
Engine has extremely poor forward and lateralvisibillty, even with the recently added front facing
camera and monitor system. A PA system will allow the engineer or conductor to direct the public
to remain away from the Choo Choo until it is safe to approach. The PA will also allow Santa and
others to speak directly from the Choo Choo while in motion or stationery.
As you have read, the Choo Choo needs your help. The listed items are beyond the normal annual
costs of operations, which the Port Townsend Kiwanis have been covering for the past fifty plus
years. Therefore, we respectfully request the LTAC provide $7,200.00 to help ensure the Choo Choo
can continue its mlssion of bringing smiles to the streets of Port Townsend.
le Wilson
Choo Choo Chairperson
On Behalf of The Port Townsend Kiwanis
City of Port Townsend
2022 Sustainable Tourism
City of Port Townsend DMO
Tourism can be transformative
for cultural heritage sites. As
good stewards of our global
cultural heritage, we want to do
the most good, the least harm,
and have a memorable
EnjoyPTCity of Port Townsend
Can be transformative
As sustainable tourists, we
aim to travel with a light
environmental footprint, to
support local communities,
and to protect culture and
Sustainable Tourism
2022 PT Campaigns
City of Port Townsend
Enjoy PT
City of Port Townsend
Pandemic weary seeking a mini-
break from their current life and a
new way to experience their own or nearby communities
Visitors want to contribute to an eco-friendly world not just plastic straws, work from farm to table not just eat it and are very carbon footprint conscious.
iPad driven rooms and destinations are preferable as well as solo-travel and the youngest generations hitting the road
Tech-Centric Travel
Tourists want to learn, expand their minds, obtain clarity and grow from their travel experiences
Transformational Travel
EnjoyPTCity of Port Townsend
Desire to CONNECT with a
destination -not just “sightsee”
Ecotourism is no longer a trend, it is
becoming the standard
Experiential Group Travel.
Bicycle Tour groups from 10-400 and up to several thousand are becoming increasingly popular and coming to PT
Adventure Travel
EnjoyPTCity of Port Townsend
More Trends
Individual and group travel with clear interest in outdoor activities
EnjoyPTCity of Port Townsend
Host Communities
Have responsibilities . . . .
•Involves local people and businesses in decisions that affect
their lives and community changes
•Provides more meaningful experiences for tourists through
more meaningful connections with local people, and promoting
a greater understanding of local cultural, historic, social and
environmental issues
•Provides easy access for people without full ability and
exceeding ADA standards when possible
•Is culturally sensitive and engenders respect between visitorsand hosts while building local pride and confidence.
•Provides a great experience to visitors and makes them feel
Sustainable Tourism is an aspiration for all forms
of tourism, not a specific type. It applies mainly to
businesses and organizations that provide services
to travelers
Responsible Tourism is simply a term referring to
the behavior and style of individual travelers.
What’s the Difference
Business -Visitor Sustainable
City of Port Townsend
Arlene Alen, CPM, IOM director@jeffcountychamber.org 3.22.22
“Green Tourism”* the 2022 Commonly Utilized Definitions
•Sustainable tourism takes full account of its current and future economic, social and
environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and
host communities.
•Cultural tourism is concerned with a country or region's culture – specifically, the
lifestyle, history, art, architecture, religion, language and other elements which help to shape or
define people geographically and/or historically.
•Ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment,
sustains the well-being of the local people, and creates knowledge and understanding through
interpretation and education of all involved (visitors and the local community).
•Adventure / Nature tourism involves a physical outdoor activity or activities with the
focus on wildlife and environmental conservation.
•Responsible travel aims to minimize tourism's negative impacts on the environment and
maximize the positive contributions tourism can make to local communities.
•Impact tourism makes strategic contributions of time, talent, and treasure to social and
environmental projects in destinations. This includes tourism businesses, travelers, and
organizations in partnerships with host communities.
*"Green tourism" is not commonly utilized within the industry.